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The direct photooxidation of coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) to dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) may provide a significant sink for organic carbon in the ocean. To calculate the rate of this reaction on a global scale, it is essential to know its quantum yield, or photochemical efficiency. We have determined quantum yield spectra, φ(λ), (moles DIC/mole photons absorbed) for 14 samples of seawater from environments ranging from a turbid, eutrophic bay to the Gulf Stream. The spectra vary among locations, but can be represented quite well by three pooled spectra for zones defined by location and salinity: inshore φ(λ)=e−(6.66+0.0285(λ−290)); coastal φ(λ)=e−(6.36+0.0140(λ−290)); and open ocean φ(λ)=e−(5.53+0.00914(λ−290)). Production efficiency increases offshore, which suggests that the most highly absorbing and quickly faded terrestrial chromophores are not those directly responsible for DIC photoproduction.  相似文献   

The photoreactivity of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) transported to Arctic shelf environments by rivers has only recently been studied and its quantitative role in Arctic shelf biogeochemistry has received little attention. Sunlight exposure experiments were performed on CDOM collected over a three year period (2002 to 2004) from river, estuary, shelf, and gulf regions of the Western Canadian Arctic. Decreases in CDOM absorption, synchronous fluorescence (SF), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration were followed after 3 days of exposure, and in two experiments, six optical cutoff filters were used to incrementally remove ultraviolet radiation incident on the samples. Apparent quantum yields for CDOM photobleaching (AQYble) and for DOC photomineralization (AQYmin) were computed, as were two AQY spectra (ble and min) for the Mackenzie River and a sample from the Mackenzie Shelf. The photoreactivity of Mackenzie River CDOM was highest after break-up and peak discharge and lowest in late summer. The half-lives of CDOM and DOC were estimated at 3.7 days and 4.8 days, respectively, when Mackenzie River water was exposed to full sunlight. Photobleaching of Mackenzie River CDOM fluorescence after most UV-B wavelengths were removed increased the correlation between the river and offshore waters in the Beaufort Sea. When light attenuation from particle- and CDOM-rich river water was considered for the Mackenzie Shelf, our photodegradation models estimated around 10% loss of absorption and < 1% DOC loss, suggesting that sunlight exposure does not substantially degrade CDOM on Arctic shelves.  相似文献   

Vertical attenuation of light through the water column (Kd) is attributable to the optically active components of phytoplankton, suspended particulate material (SPM) and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Of these, CDOM is not routinely monitored and was the main focus of this study. Concentrations and spatio-temporal patterns of CDOM fluorescence were investigated between August 2004 and March 2006, to quantify the correlation coefficient between CDOM and salinity and to better characterise the contribution of CDOM to Kd. Sampling was conducted at a broad range of UK and Republic of Ireland locations; these included more than 15 estuaries, 30 coastal and 70 offshore sites in the southern North Sea, Irish Sea, Liverpool Bay, Western Approaches and the English Channel.An instrument package was used; a logger with multi-sensor array was deployed vertically through the water column and concurrent water samples were taken to determine salinity, CDOM fluorescence and SPM. Surface CDOM fluorescence values ranged between 0.05 and 16.80 S.Fl.U. (standardised fluorescence units). A strong, negative correlation coefficient of CDOM to salinity (r2 = 0.81) was found. CDOM absorption (aCDOMλ) was derived from fluorescence measurements and was in the range 0.02–2.2 m1 with mean 0.15 m1. These results were comparable with direct measurements of aCDOMλ in the same geographic regions, as published by other workers.Spatial differences in CDOM fluorescence were generally explicable by variation in salinity, in local conditions or catchment areas; e.g. CDOM at the freshwater end was 3.54–11.30 S.Fl.U., reflecting the variety of rivers sampled and their different catchments. Temporal changes in CDOM fluorescence were related to salinity. A significant and positive correlation was found between CDOM and Kd, and although CDOM was found to be less influential than SPM on Kd, it was still of significance particularly in coastal and offshore waters of lower turbidity.  相似文献   

Water samples from the Lena River and stratified Laptev Sea (northeastern Siberia) have been analyzed to determine their stable oxygen isotope composition (18O/16O). Measurements at the Lena River reference station give a δ18O value of −18.9‰ in both surface and bottom waters. In the brackish water surface plume, a nearly perfect correlation is found between δ18O and chlorinity
δO=−18.9+0.7C1(n=15; r=0.999)
A few values lie distinctly below this correlation; they all correspond to surface samples collected in the semi-enclosed Buorkhaya Gulf, and they most likely reveal the occurrence of ‘old’ water masses. Some of the δ18O values in the deep waters collected in the same zone also fall below the surface-plume correlation line.Dissolved silicate concentrations exhibit a large variability. However, when they are related to the different water masses identified using oxygen isotope data, a more coherent picture is obtained. Concentrations in the surface plume decrease more or less regularly from 50 to 72 μmol in the Lena River, to 7 μmol at the ‘marine’ end-member (Cl = 14 g l−1). Dissolved silicate results in the Buorkhaya Gulf are quite distinct, with a clear deficiency in the surface waters, and an excess in the deep waters.These δ18O and dissolved silicate variations are discussed in relation to the hydrology and the biological productivity of the investigated area.  相似文献   

Samples of lake water and coastal seawater from Nova Scotia, Canada, were irradiated with natural or artificial sunlight to investigate the potential for photochemical hydrogen production. Hydrogen photo-production was observed in all natural water samples. Rates of hydrogen formation were highest in coloured lake water (range: 98–163 pmol L− 1h− 1) and lower in seawater (range: 19–45 pmol L− 1 h − 1). Dilutions of the most highly coloured lake sample (Kejimkujik Lake) showed a positive linear relationship between H2 production rates and CDOM concentration. Photo-production rates normalised to UV absorption coefficients at 350 nm indicated that the photochemical efficiency of hydrogen formation varied between samples, perhaps due to differences in the CDOM composition. Photochemical hydrogen formation was also seen in solutions of syringic acid and acetaldehyde: two low-molecular-weight carbonyl compounds found in natural waters. Photochemistry may therefore offer least a partial explanation for the persistently high levels of hydrogen observed in the low-latitude surface ocean.  相似文献   

Biweekly composite averages of the standing stock of sea-surface chlorophyll (SSC) were derived from SeaWiFS satellite ocean-color data at 44 benthic sampling stations occupied along the continental slope and rise by the Deep Gulf of Mexico Benthos (DGoMB) program. At the 22 DGoMB sites north of 26°N and west of 91°W in the NW Gulf of Mexico, annual average SSC was 0.19 mg m−3, ranging at most locations from annual highs of about 0.3 mg m−3 in November–February to lows of about 0.1 mg m−3 in May–August. Comparison of three years of SeaWiFS data (January 1998–December 2000) showed little inter-annual variation at these NW Gulf stations. In contrast, at the 22 NE Gulf sites north of 26°N and east of 91°W, SSC averaged 2.8 times higher than in the NW Gulf, showing also strong inter-annual variation. Maxima in the NE region occurred in November–February and also during summers. The summer maxima were associated with Mississippi River water transported offshore to the east and southward by anticyclonic eddies in the NE Gulf. The apparent increases in SSC in June–August at NE Gulf stations reached average monthly concentrations >50% greater than in November–February. Based on a primary productivity model and a vertical flux model, the calculated export of particulate organic carbon (POC flux reaching the seafloor) was estimated as 18 mg C m−2 day−1 at the 22 NE Gulf stations, and 9 mg C m−2 day−1 at the 22 NW Gulf stations. These estimates are comparable to fluxes measured by benthic lander by others in the DGoMB program, which may drive the differences in west versus east bathymetric zonation and community structure of macrobenthos that were sampled with large box corers by others in the DGoMB program.  相似文献   

An autonomous above-water radiometer was operated during the summer of 2005 on the Gustaf Dalén Lighthouse Tower (GDLT) off the Swedish coast in the Baltic Proper. Normalized water leaving radiances, LWN(λ), produced from measurements performed with the autonomous system at various center-wavelengths λ in the 412–675 nm spectral range, were applied within the context of water quality monitoring and satellite ocean color validation activities. Specifically these in situ radiometric data were used to determine the chlorophyll a concentration through a regional band-ratio algorithm and to assess LWN(λ) derived from top-of-atmosphere Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) observations. The in situ measurements collected during a bloom occurring in July 2005 were also used to investigate the spectral and small scale temporal-spatial variability of LWN(λ) in the presence of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The mean seasonal cycle and distribution of various life history stages of C. finmarchicus throughout the Georges Bank (GB)-Gulf of Maine (GOM) region were characterized based on 5966 MARMAP zooplankton samples collected during 106 surveys over a 10-year period (autumn 1977–autumn 1987). A high degree of seasonal and spatial variability in C. finmarchicus abundance throughout the region was evident in contoured portrayals of data, grouped into standard stations and 2-month “seasons”.Eight subareas of the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank region were identified through cluster analysis of standard stations having similar seasonal patterns in mean abundance of C. finmarchicus stages C3, C4, C5 and adults. These were the northern Gulf of Maine (Northern GOM); southern Gulf of Maine (Southern GOM); Scotian Shelf-coastal Gulf of Maine (Scotian-Coastal GOM); Mass Bay; tidally mixed Georges Bank (Mixed GB); tidal front on the Bank separating mixed from seasonally stratified water (Tidal Front GB); seasonally stratified water on the Bank (Stratified GB) and the Continental Slope adjacent to Georges Bank (SLOPE).A distinct seasonal abundance cycle was present in all subareas, but, the magnitude and timing of annual maxima varied greatly among subareas. Peak abundance was reached early (March–April) in Mixed GB, Tidal Front GB and Mass Bay, and late (July–August) in Northern GOM and Scotian-Coastal GOM. Remaining subareas had maxima in May–June. Abundance increased 10-fold from January–February to March–April and decreased sharply from July–August to September–October in all areas except southern GOM and northern GOM. The amplitude of the annual cycle was weakest in northern GOM and southern GOM, where high concentrations of C. finmarchicus persisted year-round, and strongest in the tidally mixed shallow water on GB, where the sparsest densities of C. finmarchicus occurred most of the year. Abundance curves for the various areas converged in March–April, when C. finmarchicus was ubiquitously very abundant (> 104/10 m2), and diverged from September to December.C. finmarchicus stage distribution in the GB-GOM area was highly negatively correlated with mean water column temperature during the stratified season. This seemed more related to the hydrography of the region, which isolates warmer well mixed Georges Bank from the Gulf of Maine and the stratified areas on the Bank, than to temperature, because Calanus abundances decline on the Bank before water temperatures exceed their preferences.A large part of the spatial and seasonal variation in C. finmarchicus abundance and age structure appears to be tightly coupled to major hydrographic regimes and to major circulation patterns in the region. There was a sharp ecotone between well-mixed Georges Bank and the Gulf of Maine as defined by C. finmarchicus abundance patterns and life history distributions. The ecotone is present year-round but is most apparent during the stratified season (May–October), when thermohaline density gradients and the near-surface current jet along the northern flank are generally strongest. The Gulf of Maine had the highest abundances of C. finmarchicus, and lowest spatial and seasonal variation in the region, while tidally mixed Georges Banks displayed the opposite pattern. This indication of stable population centers in the Gulf of Maine would make it a major source of Calanus in the region, particularly during March–April. Distributional patterns also suggest a strong Calanus influence from Scotian Shelf water in northern Gulf of Maine and on the southern flank of Georges Bank.  相似文献   

Light attenuation (Kd) of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) by chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM), total suspended solids (TSS) and chlorophyll a (Chl a) were measured at nine stations along an estuarine gradient in the Swan River, Western Australia, over 15 months. There were strong spatial gradients associated with the marine-freshwater transition along the 32 km of estuary sampled, as well as seasonal gradients mainly associated with rainfall, 80% of which occurs between May and September. CDOM absorbances at 440 nm reached a maximum of 10.9 m−1 with the freshwater inflow but concentrations of suspended matter remained low throughout the sampling period (1.0–21.0 mg l−1) under the diurnal tides of the estuary. CDOM was the dominant constituent of Kd and a stepwise multiple regression showed that 66% (p < 0.0001) of the variation in Kd can be explained by CDOM and an additional 8% (p < 0.0001) by TSS. As a consequence of this result, analysis into the influence of river discharge rates on CDOM absorbance levels was examined for 2002 using data collected during this study, and for 2000 and 2001 using historical dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and river discharge data. The outcome of this analysis infers that greater river discharge rates result in increased CDOM absorbances in the Swan River estuary.  相似文献   

Four geosim families, with fully available resistance test results, have been re-analyzed to check the possible scale effect on the form factor. The form factor determined by Prohaska's method, with exponent n=4 and ITTC'57 correlation line, increases with the model size in all four cases analyzed. Because of its high correlation coefficient, a linear variation of the form factor with the scale is assumed. It is possible to have a first estimation of the ship's form factor extrapolating for λ=1 in the regression line. Form factor Reynolds number dependency will always be associated with a friction line. Using the ITTC'57 correlation line, the following equation KSKM=1.91·(λ−1)·10−3 can be used to estimate the scale effect on the form factor. Calculations carried out, for axisymetric bodies, with some CFD codes are in good agreement with the experimental findings.  相似文献   

The changes in the phytoplankton absorption properties during a diurnal cycle were investigated at one station located in the north-western area of the Alborán Sea. The experiment was performed in spring when the water column was strongly stratified. This hydrological situation permitted the establishment of a deep chlorophyll a (chl a) fluorescence maximum (DFM) which was located on average close to the lower limit of the mixed layer and the nutricline. The relative abundance of pico-phytoplankton (estimated as its contribution to the total chl a) was higher in the surface, however, micro-phytoplankton dominated the community at the DFM level. Chl a specific absorption coefficient (a*(λ)) also varied with optical depth, with a* (the spectrally average specific absorption coefficient) decreasing by 30% at the DFM depth with respect to the surface. A significant negative correlation between the contribution of the micro-phytoplankton to the total chl a and a* was obtained indicating that a* reduction was due to changes in the packaging effect. Below the euphotic layer, a* increased three-fold with respect to the DFM, which agrees with the expected accumulation of accessory pigments relative to chl a as an acclimation response to the low available irradiance. The most conspicuous change during the diurnal cycle was produced in the euphotic layer where the chl a concentration decreased significantly in the afternoon (from a mean concentration of 1.1 μg L−1 to 0.7 μg L−1) and increased at dusk when it averaged 1.4 μg L−1. In addition, a* and the blue-to-red absorption band ratio increased in the afternoon. These results suggest that a*(λ) diurnal variability was due to increase in photo-protective and accessory pigments relative to chl a. The variation ranges of a*(λ) at 675 and 440 nm (the absorption peaks in the red and blue spectral bands, respectively) in the euphotic layer were 0.01–0.04 and 0.02–0.10 m2 mg−1 chl a, respectively. Approximately 30% out of this variability can be attributed to the diurnal cycle. This factor should therefore be taken into account in refining primary production models based on phytoplankton light absorption.  相似文献   

The overall effects of trawling on benthic habitats and their assemblages are dependent on the distribution and intensity of trawl effort. The benthic habitats of the Spencer Gulf prawn trawling grounds are subjected to known variable levels of trawling disturbance recorded from fisher's logbooks. These habitats have not been quantitatively investigated. The aim of the study was firstly to characterise the macro-faunal and -floral assemblages and secondly, to comparatively assess trawl impact by testing the null hypothesis of no differences between five sites exposed to different intensity of trawl effort. The distribution and abundance of benthic macro-fauna and -flora were studied at two sampling resolutions by using beam trawl sampling (10,000 m2) and underwater stereophotography (4.5 m2) at five sites with different levels of trawl disturbance (effort). The results showed that the Spencer Gulf prawn trawling grounds are characterised by sandy sediments with a low content of silt and clay, with the exception of one site with very fine gravel. Biomass, abundance and cover of macro-fauna and -flora were generally low throughout, but with large differences among sites. Biomass, abundance and cover were found to be negatively correlated to both trawl hours from 1994–1998 and during the period of study. ANOSIM and SIMPER analyses using biomass, abundance and percentage cover as variables showed significant differences between sites with eight species or taxonomic groups contributing more than 10% to the observed similarity within sites. The two northern sites were dominated by sponges and the bearded mussel, Trichomya hirsutus, and the southern hammer oyster, Malleus meridianus. Other species that contributed to the similarity within sites were the ascidian, Polycarpa viridis, mobile epifauna (the blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus, and the western king prawn, Penaeus (Melicertus) latisulcatus) and demersal fish species (Degens leatherjacket, Thamnaconus degeni, and the Melbourne silver belly, Parequula melbournensis). Simpson's Index of Diversity (1 − λ) and species richness in the beam trawl samples were fairly even across all sites, but a significant effect of site was found in the stereophotographic transect samples. It was concluded that prawn trawling has a strong influence on the structure of the benthic habitats of the Spencer Gulf prawn fishing grounds highlighted by the magnitude of change and the strength of the gradient of effects. Confounding factors linked to the biophysical attributes of the sites are believed to be minor.  相似文献   

The pK1* and pK2* for the dissociation of carbonic acid in seawater have been determined from 0 to 45°C and S = 5 to 45. The values of pK1* have been determined from emf measurements for the cell:
Pt](1 − X)H2 + XCO2|NaHCO3, CO2 in synthetic seawater|AgC1; Ag
where X is the mole fraction of CO2 in the gas. The values of pK2* have been determined from emf measurements on the cell:
Pt, H2(g, 1 atm)|Na2CO3, NaHCO3 in synthethic seawater|AgC1; Ag
The results have been fitted to the equations:
lnK*1 = 2.83655 − 2307.1266/T − 1.5529413 lnT + (−0.20760841 − 4.0484/T)S0.5 + 0.08468345S − 0.00654208S1
InK*2 = −9.226508 − 3351.6106/T− 0.2005743 lnT + (−0.106901773 − 23.9722/T)S0.5 + 0.1130822S − 0.00846934S1.5
where T is the temperature in K, S is the salinity, and the standard deviations of the fits are σ = 0.0048 in lnK1* and σ = 0.0070 in lnK2*.Our new results are in good agreement at S = 35 (±0.002 in pK1*and ±0.005 in pK2*) from 0 to 45°C with the earlier results of Goyet and Poisson (1989). Since our measurements are more precise than the earlier measurements due to the use of the Pt, H2|AgCl, Ag electrode system, we feel that our equations should be used to calculate the components of the carbonate system in seawater.  相似文献   

The release of ammonium from the photochemical degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been proposed by earlier studies as a potentially important remineralisation pathway for refractory organic nitrogen. In this study the photochemical production of ammonium from Baltic Sea DOM was assessed in the laboratory. Filtered samples from the Bothnian Bay, the Gulf of Finland and the Arkona Sea were exposed to UVA light at environmentally relevant levels, and the developments in ammonium concentrations, light absorption, fluorescence and molecular size distribution were followed. The exposures resulted in a decrease in DOM absorption and loss of the larger sized fraction of DOM. Analysis of the fluorescence properties of DOM using parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) identified 6 independent components. Five components decreased in intensity as a result of the UVA exposures. One component was produced as a result of the exposures and represents labile photoproducts derived from terrestrial DOM. The characteristics of DOM in samples from the Bothnian Bay and Gulf of Finland were similar and dominated by terrestrially derived material. The DOM from the Arkona Sea was more autochthonous in character. Photoammonification differed depending on the composition of DOM. Calculated photoammonification rates in surface waters varied between 121 and 382 μmol NH4+ L− 1 d− 1. Estimated areal daily production rates ranged between 37 and 237 μmol NH4+ m− 2 d− 1, which are comparable to atmospheric deposition rates and suggest that photochemical remineralisation of organic nitrogen may be a significant source of bioavailable nitrogen to surface waters during summer months with high irradiance and low inorganic nitrogen concentrations.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), stable carbon isotopic (δ13C) compositions of DOC and particulate organic carbon (POC), and elemental C/N ratios of POC were measured for samples collected from the lower Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers and adjacent coastal waters in the northern Gulf of Mexico during the low flow season in June 2000 and high flow season in April 2001. These isotopic and C/N results combined with DOC measurements were used to assess the sources and transport of terrestrial organic matter from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers to the coastal region in the northern Gulf of Mexico. δ13C values of both POC (−23.8‰ to −26.8‰) and DOC (−25.0‰ to −29.0‰) carried by the two rivers were more depleted than the values measured for the samples collected in the offshore waters. Strong seasonal variations in δ13C distributions were observed for both POC and DOC in the surface waters of the region. Fresh water discharge and horizontal mixing played important roles in the distribution and transport of terrestrial POC and DOC offshore. Our results indicate that both POC and DOC exhibited non-conservative behavior during the mixing especially in the mid-salinity range. Based on a simple two end-member mixing model, the comparison of the measured DOC-δ13C with the calculated conservative isotopic mixing curve indicated that there was a significant in situ production of marine-derived DOC in the mid- to high-salinity waters consistent with our in situ chlorophyll-a measurements. Our DOC-δ13C data suggest that a removal of terrestrial DOC mainly occurred in the high-salinity (>25) waters during the mixing. Our study indicates that the mid- to high- (10–30) salinity range was the most dynamic zone for organic carbon transport and cycling in the Mississippi River estuary. Variability in isotopic and elemental compositions along with variability in DOC and POC concentrations suggest that autochthonous production, bacterial utilization, and photo-oxidation could all play important roles in regulating and removing terrestrial DOC in the northern Gulf of Mexico and further study of these individual processes is warranted.  相似文献   

Brood sizes of 1259 adult female Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa spinifera were measured during 48 h incubations (10 °C, ±0.5 °C) on 27 oceanographic cruises between July 1999 and September 2004. The data set includes measurements from several stations off Newport, Oregon (Newport Hydrographic line, 44°39′N) made over a 5-year period and measurements from 14 more extensive cruises at stations representative of continental shelf, slope, and oceanic waters off Oregon and California, USA. E. pacifica had similar brood sizes at inshore (<200 m) and offshore (>200 m) stations with an average of 151 and 139 eggs brood−1 fem−1, respectively. T. spinifera brood sizes were considerably higher at inshore stations—particularly at Heceta Bank (44°N) and south of Cape Blanco (42°50′N)—than at offshore stations, 155 and 107 eggs brood−1 fem−1, respectively. Average brood sizes of E. pacifica increased during the study period, from 125 (in 2000) to 171 eggs brood−1 fem−1 (in 2003). Average percentage of carbon weight invested in spawning (reproductive effort) was higher in E. pacifica (14%) than in T. spinifera (6%), because both species have similar brood size but T. spinifera females are larger than E. pacifica females and produce smaller eggs. Reproductive effort for both species was higher during summer 2002, probably associated with anomalous cool subarctic waters and high chl-a concentration observed during that summer. Brood sizes and chl-a values remained relatively high in 2003–2004 compared to the 1999–2001 period. Geographical and temporal variability in brood sizes for both species were significantly correlated with in situ measurements of chl-a concentration but not with sea surface temperature. No gravid females were collected during late autumn and winter cruises, thus the spawning season along the Oregon coast appears to extend from March through September for both species. However, T. spinifera usually starts reproductive activity earlier in the spring (March) than E. pacifica. Both species had their highest brood sizes in summer during the period of most intense upwelling, which is associated with an increase in regional phytoplankton standing stock.  相似文献   

In the spring of 1988, time series of microstructure and ADCP current profiles were collected at four locations in the North Main Basin of Puget Sound, Washington. Depth and time averages of diapycnal diffusivity at the four stations (1.8−67.0×10−4 m2 s−1) were one to three decades above typical open-ocean thermocline levels. The buoyancy frequency-squared N2 was near open-ocean levels, but unlike the open-ocean where N2S2, finescale shear-squared S2 was three to six times N2 over significant portions of the water column at two of the stations. The time and space mean of all measurements ( ) is close to inferred vertical eddy diffusivity from a primitive equation model for Puget Sound (Kz=3×10−3 m2 s−1) (J. Geophys. Res. 96 (1991) 16779). Large time and space variability of Kρ was found, with differences of inter-station, depth–time means over one decade. A simple scaling argument using the observed Kρ suggests significant exchange of mass between the layers of the subtidal flow over the basin's residence time. Additionally, measurements show that local mixing may be comparable to volume-weighted sill mixing in modifying the Main Basin's stratification. Both are contrary to the “advective reach” simplification of fjord dynamics. The mixing levels were dominated by the passage of a mid-depth, southward-flowing density intrusion and what we interpret as a strongly advected, non-linear internal tide. These mechanisms elevated profile-averaged Kρ by more than 10 times background levels, with sustained patches of Kρ≥1×10−2 m2 s−1. Critical 8-m gradient Richardson numbers (Ri8<0.25) matching regions of overturns (>20 m) and strong turbulence suggest that shear instabilities dominated the turbulence production, though there was support for double-diffusive convection in the warm core of the density intrusion.  相似文献   

Size-fractionated seawater samples were collected from the Gulf of Maine to determine the fraction (fc/d) of total dissolved (< 1 μm) Cd, Cu, Ni and 234Th in the colloidal size range (1,000 nominal molecular weight, NMW, to 1 μm) using cross-flow filtration. Colloidal Cd, Cu and Ni represents < 1–7% of the total dissolved concentration in these shelf waters and increases with an increase in particle concentration. By comparison, results obtained for particle-reactive 234Th indicate that < 1–47% of total dissolved is associated with the colloidal size fraction. A revised relationship between the concentration of colloids (Cc) and suspended particles (Cp) is reported (log Cc = 0.66 log Cp −2.01 kg L−1) and used to examine the dependence of fc/d for these metals on the concentration of suspended particles for Cp = 0.01–100 mg L−1. Results indicate that a significant fraction (˜ 10–30%) of Cd, Cu, Ni and 234Th in the traditionally defined ‘dissolved’ fraction may exist in the colloidal size range in regions characterized by high particle concentrations (Cp > 1–10 mg L−1), such as in near-shore and estuarine waters.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical processes in sediments under the influence of the Rhône River plume were studied using both in situ microelectrodes and ex situ sediment core incubations. Organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (TN) content as well as stable carbon isotopic composition of OC (δ13COC) were analysed in 19 surface sediments to determine the distribution and sources of organic matter in the Rhône delta system. Large spatial variations were observed in both the total O2 uptake (5.2 to 29.3 mmol m−2 d−1) and NH4+ release (−0.1 to −3.5 mmol m−2 d−1) rates at the sediment–water interface. The highest fluxes were measured near the Rhône River mouth where sedimentary OC and TN contents reached 1.81% and 0.23% respectively. Values of δ13COC ranged from −26.83‰ to −23.88‰ with a significant seawards enrichment tracing the dispersal of terrestrial organic matter on the continental shelf. The amount of terrestrial-derived OC reaches 85% in sediments close to the Rhône mouth decreasing down to 25% in continental shelf sediments. On the prodelta, high terrestrial OC accumulation rates support high oxygen uptake rates and thus indicating that a significant fraction of terrestrial OC is remineralized. A particulate organic carbon (POC) mass balance indicates that only 3% of the deposited POC is remineralized in prodelta sediments while 96% is recycled on the continental shelf. It was calculated that a large proportion of the Rhône POC input is either buried (52%) or remineralized (8%), mostly on the prodelta area. The remaining fraction (40%) is either mineralized in the water or exported outside the Rhône delta system in dissolved or particulate forms.  相似文献   

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