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粤西博贺沙坝-澙湖海岸及其近岸海床稳定状态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合华南弧形海岸的平衡与稳定特征,利用Gis和Envi软件对不同年份的海图进行数字化、等深线变化和海床冲淤计算对比.结果表明博贺沙坝-澙湖海岸近岸线处为相对淤积的动态平衡状态,近岸带海床相对稳定、海床冲淤幅度不大.但由于当前海面趋于上升、陆架泥沙来源减少以及近岸波浪等动力作用可能加强,近岸海床将出现由淤转冲的趋势.  相似文献   

结合华南弧形海岸的平衡与稳定特征,利用Gis和Envi软件对不同年份的海图进行数字化、等深线变化和海床冲淤计算对比.结果表明博贺沙坝-潟湖海岸近岸线处为相对淤积的动态平衡状态,近岸带海床相对稳定、海床冲淤幅度不大.但由于当前海面趋于上升、陆架泥沙来源减少以及近岸波浪等动力作用可能加强,近岸海床将出现由淤转冲的趋势.  相似文献   

华南弧形海岸的分形和稳定性研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
弧形海岸是上、下岬角控制下的砂质海岸在泥沙供给不足的情况下优势波浪斜向冲击海岸形成的一种与波浪动力及其一定的沿岸输沙率相适应的海岸形态.它的弧形(或螺线形)湾顶偏于上岬角一侧,其海滩剖面平缓,呈上凹形,属“消散型”海滩性质;偏于下波侧方向的岸段(称切线段)十分平直,其海滩剖面较陡,呈上凸状,趋于“反射型”海滩性质.这是一种较为稳定或平衡的、在华南分布很广的海岸类型.  相似文献   

陈子燊 《海洋与湖沼》1993,24(5):467-476
根据1990年现场调查及前期观察资料,论述了海南岛新海弧形海湾不同岸段由主要动力驱动过程和海滩地貌结构组成的4种海滩地貌状态,为Ⅰ.隐蔽段消散类型,Ⅱ.脊-沟体系与低潮台地类型,Ⅲ.韵律海滩与砂坝类型,Ⅳ.开敞段消散类型。应用泥沙粒级参数概率模型分析近岸泥沙纵向运动趋势,结果表明,常波况下,沿岸泥沙存在双向运动,湾顶海滩为汇集地带,泥沙纵向运动主趋势为西南向;高能条件下,海岸北段可出现北向泥沙运动  相似文献   

华南砂质海滩的动力地貌分析   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
为探讨华南砂质海滩的动力地貌学特征,对不同地理岸段不同地貌形态的8 个沙滩剖面于冬、夏季进行现场重复调查和室内分析工作.据此,通过对华南海岸带地质构造、地貌和现代海岸动力环境地域变化的分析,将华南沿海砂质海岸划分为岬湾岸、沙坝-潟湖岸和夷直岸三种基本海岸地貌类型,并且从滩面倾向、海岸动力环境影响、季节冲淤变化趋势和滩面沉积物粒径、坡度的动力响应等方面探讨砂质海滩的动力地貌,得出其受制于多种环境因素的影响,其中地质构造背景和海平面变化为大尺度的砂质海岸地貌的发育奠定了基础,而全新世海侵海平面相对稳定后,海岸动力条件的塑造起着决定性的影响,浪潮作用指数是其中重要的影响指标.  相似文献   

弧形海岸形态规律的研究是岬湾沙质海岸稳定与演变研究的重要内容。在简要回顾螺线海岸理论及其应用研究状况的基础上.根据Silvester 1970、1974年及Hsu等1989年提出的螺线海岸平衡判定准则,计算了华南34个典型弧形海岸的平面形态要素,并对判定准则在华南弧形海岸中的适应性进行了评价。结果表明,由于华南弧形海岸遮蔽岸段发育有潮汐通道,湾内存在少量沿岸输沙等因素,致使判定准则并不能用于预测华南弧形海岸的稳定与侵蚀状况。  相似文献   

沙坝和沙脊是广泛发育于河流、河口海岸与浅海陆架的大尺度泥沙堆积体,由于发育环境和动力过程的不同,它们的形成机制和演变规律存在明显的差异。从动力过程、形成机制和预制理论模型等方面分别评述了河流沙坝、河口海岸沙坝与沙脊的研究现状;总结出沙坝与沙脊形成发育的4种预测理论,并指出现有理论存在的问题和可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

近岸带沉积物的重矿物研究对于揭示泥沙来源,分析动力条件和阐明海岸动态及演变趋势均具有重要意义,在国内外已经得到广泛应用。山东半岛西北部沿岸,泥沙的纵、横向运动形成了一系列典型的沙咀、沙坝、泻湖和水下沙坝等地貌形态。1981年,作者等曾参加三山岛港的泥沙来源及动态调查,并对刁龙咀至界河口长约50公里的岸段进行了基岩、河流和海底沉积物的重矿物研究。  相似文献   

为了研究蓬莱西庄海岸侵蚀原因、揭示泥沙运移规律,利用萤光示踪砂和染色砾石进行侵蚀岸段的泥沙示踪研究.其主要结果如下:1.海滩泥沙运动完全由波浪控制,泥沙运移的速度和方向取决于破波的大小和方向.2.海滩泥沙以群体形式沿岸输移.3.在平直海岸上,泥沙可超越粘土质海蚀平台进入另一砂质海滩。  相似文献   

琼州海峡南岸海岸动力地貌研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈沈良 《热带海洋》1998,17(3):34-42
岬湾相间的琼州海峡南岸在海岸动力条件作用下,岸滩发生侵蚀或堆积,特别是南岸中部的南渡江三角洲沿岸岸滩演变剧烈。该文从海岸动力地貌的角度,对琼州海峡南岸的海岸动力特征、泥沙运动以及岸滩演变进行分析。根据海峡南部三维潮流场数值模拟结果,结合经验公式初步分析潮流引起的泥沙运移速率和方向,得到岸外水域总的泥沙运移趋势为从西向东。根据波浪动力计算分析沿岸泥沙运移,探讨沙质岸滩的地貌演变之间的关系,得出海峡南  相似文献   

Sediment supply and pre-existing shoreline morphology are crucial factors in controlling coastal changes due to sea-level rise. Using examples from both southeast and northeast Ireland, it can be shown that sea-level change may trigger a sequence of events which leads to both static and dynamic shoreline equilibrium. Cliff erosion and longshore sediment movement in east Co. Wexford has led to injection of sediment onto the shelf, and the growth, under both wave and tide regimes, of linear offshore shoals. These shoals now control the pattern of shoreline erosion and provide a template for possible stepwise evolution of the coast under any future sea-level rise. In contrast, the nearby coast of south Co. Wexford comprises a series of coarse clastic barriers moving monotonously onshore, via overwash processes. Here the behavior of the barrier is conditioned by the antecedent morphology of both the beach face and stream outlet bedforms. Finally, the rock platform coast of Co. Antrim presents a far more resistant shoreline to incident marine processes, yet even here there is strong evidence of present process control over so-called ‘raised’ platforms and embayments. It is concluded that coastal sediment supply and dynamics, together with coastal morphology and its interaction with waves, present a far more complex variety of sea-level indicators than is normally acknowledged.  相似文献   

G.F. Birch 《Marine Geology》1977,23(4):305-337
A combination of climatic and oceanic factors has resulted in slow sedimentation rates on the continental shelf off the west coast of South Africa since Tertiary times. This has enabled a study to be made of the residual Late Tertiary, relict Pleistocene and Holocene sediments.Sediments on the continental shelf form rough belts parallel to the coast. Most of the coarse sediment is confined to the littoral zone and Holocene mud is concentrated at the base of a rocky nearshore platform. A veneer of Quaternary quartzitic sand seawards of the Recent mud belt wedges out onto a Tertiary erosion surface on the mid shelf. Residual glauconite and phosphorite sands derived by erosion during Tertiary sea-level fluctuations cover large parts of the mid shelf in the south. Most of the slope and parts of the outer shelf in the north are draped by Recent foraminiferal and coccolithophorid debris.  相似文献   

为研究南海北部外陆架沉积物来源及沉积特征, 对南海北部外陆架18 个站位进行了表层沉积物取样和分析, 通过对沉积物的分类和粒度参数的计算, 探讨了沉积物类型和粒度参数的分布特征及其指示意义。研究结果表明, 研究区表层沉积物类型包括砾、砂质砾、砾质砂、砾质泥质砂、含砾砂、含砾泥质砂和含砾泥7 种类型。沉积物输运方式在外陆...  相似文献   

Spectral analyses have been carried out on the time-series data from 16 tide stations and nearby weather stations along the coasts of China during the winter of 1980-1981 and the summer of 1981. After removing the wind and barometric effects, the authors found the signals of the southward moving sea-level variations at about 0.21 and 0.32 cpd along the coasts of the Huanghai Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea in winter, and only the 0.26 cpd southward moving sea-level variations along the coast of the South China Sea in summer. Using simple analytical models based on idealized bottom profiles of the China Seas, the observed phenomena can be explained as the lowest-mooe continental shelf waves travelling along the coasts of China.  相似文献   

The late Pleistocene–Holocene stratigraphic architecture on the steep and narrow shelf off Nha Trang, central Vietnam has been explored by high resolution seismic profiles integrated with sediment core data. Sequence stratigraphic results reveal five major seismic units and three bounding surfaces which are composed of two distinctive sequences. Those sequences are bounded by two regional unconformities (SB1, SB2) which have been formed in respond to different sea-level regimes. The revealed relict beach–ridge deposits at water depth of about ∼130 m below the present water depth indicate that the Last Glacial Lowstand (LGM) sea-level in this area was lower than in neighboring areas and it probably resulted from subsidence due to high sedimentation rate and/or neotectonic movements of the East Vietnam Fault System. The late Pleistocene high amplitude of sea-level change during a long fourth-order and superimposed by shorter fifth-order cycle is the principal factor in reorganizing the formation of the Nha Trang continental shelf sequence. Other local controlling factors as fluctuations in sediment supply, morphological variations of the LGM surface, subsidence rate and hydrodynamic conditions provided the distinctive features of the Nha Trang shelf sequence stratigraphic model in comparison with neighboring other areas.  相似文献   

A sedimentary record spanning 5792–5511 cal yr BP and 3188–2854 cal yr BP was recovered at 36° 45′ 43″ S–56 ° 37′ 13″ W, south-west South Atlantic. The sedimentological features and micropaleontological (benthic foraminifera and ostracoda) content were analyzed in order to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions. Considerable environmental fluctuations are indicated by all these proxies. Five different stages were distinguished: Stage 1 (ca. 5800–5000 cal yr BP) consists of muddy sand with abundant microfossils. In this interval, species typical for inner marine shelf environments maintained a high abundance. Stage 2 consists of plastic light greenish grey clays barren of microfossils, and probably represents fluvial input from the de la Plata River to the shelf contemporaneous of a lowering of sea level. Stage 3 is composed of brownish yellow sandy silts, and represents increasing marine conditions in the area as reflected by higher faunal diversity and typical foraminifera of inner shelf environments. Stage 4 is made of homogeneous mud, barren of microfossil, which represents a new pulse of fluvial input to the shelf in consequence of a new fall in sea level. The final part of the core (Stage 5) is a coarsening upward sequence, grading from greeny brown clayey sandy silts to coarse shelly sands and represents the modern sedimentation in the area. This interpretation strengthens the stepped model of late-Holocene sea-level fall between 5511–5792 cal yr BP and 2854–3188 cal yr BP in Buenos Aires coast, and agrees with the relative sea-level history previously proposed by some authors from western South Atlantic coasts.  相似文献   

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