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根据线性滤波器模型的基本原理,提出了一种改进的基于高阶滤波器的随机起伏海面仿真方法.利用Pierson的半经验海浪谱模型,得到了各种不同风速条件下海面随机起伏的仿真结果,并且对仿真结果进行了比较和讨论,结果表明,利用高阶滤波器方法能更加准确地仿真不同风速下的实际海面、更好地再现随机起伏海面的海浪谱特征.这一方法的提出为海浪的物理模拟实验提供了更为准确的数值计算方法,也为研究目标与海面共存条件下高频地波雷达信号的回波特性提供了更好的数值仿真平台.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的利用X波段海洋雷达联合反演海面风速与海浪谱的方法,该方法不需要额外的信息输入来反演海浪谱。通过利用风速与雷达后向散射强度的经验关系获得海表风速,然后将反演的风速输入风浪谱,通过求解该模拟风浪谱与雷达观测图像谱的约束函数的最小值来确定海浪谱。利用实验数据对反演方法进行了验证,风速、有效波高、主波周期以及主波波向反演的均方根误差分别为1.9 m/s,0.4 m,1.2 s和9.6°,证明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

波流调制效应是指海面非均匀流场产生的挤压和拉伸,进而导致海面局部小尺度波浪谱发生增强或削弱的效应,它是内波、海底地形、海洋锋面等多种海洋现象能被SAR等微波遥感手段观测到的重要物理机制。波流调制效应非常复杂,与海面风速、波浪谱、流场等因素都有关系,直接在海面上开展精确的实验测量非常困难,且重复性差,而在水槽内可以实现较为精确的测量和重复性。本文给出了在水槽实验室内基于线阵CCD同步获取水面波浪谱和流场的测量方法,克服了传统的传感器无法同步获取波浪谱和水面流场的缺点,并在分层流水槽内对孤立内波产生的非均匀流场的波流调制效应进行了观测。研究结果表明基于线阵CCD的测量方法是研究波流调制效应的有效手段,尤其适合对厘米/毫米波段小尺度波浪谱的波流调制效应的研究。此外,在波长小于3cm时波流调制模型的松弛率与经典模型的预测结果有较大出入,需要进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

为了解各向异性随机粗糙海面的微波双站散射机制及其特性,本文利用解析近似的积分方程模型以及一种改进的半经验海浪谱模型实现了对各向异性随机粗糙海面的全极化微波散射仿真模拟,并与卫星观测数据、经验的地球物理模式函数及已有的解析近似散射模型仿真结果进行了对比,验证了仿真结果的可行性和准确性。利用该模型分析了入射波频率、入射角、极化方式、海面风速及风向等参数对各向异性海面双站散射的影响。模拟结果表明,在不同的入射角、散射角及方位角等观测几何条件下,海面不同波段的双站散射表现出不同的空间散射特性,且对风速、风向等海面动力学参数表现出不同的敏感性,以L波段为例,海面向后半球双站散射在各个极化方式下都对风速较为敏感,而在同极化方式下,其对风向的响应在中低风速和高风速条件下相反,整体而言,低风速下海面双站散射对风向更为敏感。这表明对于海面动力参数的反演,双站散射可以提供比传统单站雷达后向散射更丰富的物理信息。本文探讨了各向异性海面微波双站散射特性,为基于主动式及分布式微波传感器的海洋动力参数遥感反演提供了理论分析基础。  相似文献   

深水Stokes波列的不稳定调制演化与实际海面的瞬变性、波浪破碎、畸形波等海洋现象密切相关,且波列在长期演化的过程中,演化特性会随着时间尺度的增加而改变,前人的研究多是针对其空间分布特性,对于波列内部能量的分布和变化趋势尚不清楚,因此引入熵的概念用于描述调制Stokes波列长期演化过程中任意时刻波浪场中不同频率波浪能量分布的均匀性。通过高阶谱方法数值模型,模拟了不同初始波陡条件下调制Stokes波列波数谱熵值的长期演化,给出不同阶段初始波陡和熵的关系,并将稳定状态熵值及谱形与典型海浪谱进行对比分析,发现调制Stokes波列长期演化的波数谱熵值和谱形均趋向实测JONSWAP谱,表明其经过长期演化发展,谱变宽变连续,波场内的能量分布趋向均匀并保持动态的平衡,同时也更加趋近于真实海浪。  相似文献   

海浪预报知识讲座   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第三讲 海浪谱成长理论1 海浪谱的概念 海浪谱是用来描述海浪内部结构的,它说明海浪由哪些组成部分构成的。海浪谱已成为目前海浪研究的中心问题。海浪谱主要应用于以下5个方面:第一,海浪观测与分析方面,由于海浪复杂性和随机性,从观测方案、测头形式、记录方式到统计取样和分析方法的选取和设计都必须密切结合谱的概念进行。第二,海浪预报方面,利用谱进行海浪数值计算已成为当今最有前途的预报方法。第三,海洋环境研究,海浪影响海洋与大气的能量交换,海浪的反射性能影响雷达探测,海浪还影响海面磁场变化与声波的传播及影响…  相似文献   

基于MCT耦合器,利用中尺度大气模型WRF、海洋模型FVCOM和第三代海浪模型SWAN,实现大气、海洋和海浪的三者实时耦合计算,同时采用卫星微波辐射资料AMSU-A,通过WRF大气模式的资料同化模块WRFDA,实现对风场模拟的连续同化,从而建立起大气-海洋-海浪耦合与卫星数据同化的W-F-S-A耦合同化模式。将该模型应用于2014年台风“威马逊”的数值模拟,并与其他模型进行比较。结果表明,W-F-S-A耦合同化模式对于台风路径和风速的模拟结果优于单独耦合和单独同化结果,并且可以较好地模拟上层海洋对台风的响应特征。  相似文献   

球坐标系下MASNUM海浪数值模式的建立及其应用   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24  
为开展海浪对海洋上混合层的搅拌混合作用及其对海气界面通量的影响等研究,在LAGFD WAM区域海浪数值模式基础上建立了球坐标系下的全球海浪数值模式.重点导出了球坐标系下的海浪能量谱平衡方程及其复杂特征线方程,该组方程包含了背景流场对波动传播的调整、波动沿大圆传播的折射等.数值积分则采用复杂特征线嵌入计算格式.初步数值模拟结果表明,该海浪全球数值模式能够较为精确地刻画海浪的动力过程.  相似文献   

为研究溢油对海面电磁散射的影响,作者根据海面复合微波散射模型理论和蒙特卡洛统计模型理论,通过引入单分子油膜的黏性阻尼,对粗糙的溢油海面进行建模,定量分析溢油对海浪谱和海面后向散射系数值两个方面的影响。为实现基于X波段雷达海面溢油检测提供理论支撑,有助于解决溢油检测中的虚警率高的问题。  相似文献   

X-波段船用雷达观测海洋动力环境要素仿真研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
崔利民  何宜军 《海洋科学》2009,33(11):73-77
为了评估X-波段船载雷达观测海浪和海流参数的能力.基于随机海浪理论和雷达几何成像原理模拟了不同调制影响的X-波段船用雷达图像序列,介绍了估算海浪参数和海流参数的算法,对影响雷达观测海流和海浪有关因素进行了分析.同时在雷达图像中加入了随机高斯白噪声,并通过数值方法验证了雷达图像的信噪比开方和有效波高之间的线性关系.数值模拟结果说明X-波段船用雷达能够有效地估算海浪和海流参数,且带有不同噪声水平的雷达系统应具有不同的定标系数.  相似文献   

An algorithm is developed for the inversion of bistatic high-frequency (HF) radar sea echo to give the nondirectional wave spectrum. The bistatic HF radar second-order cross section of patch scattering, consisting of a combination of four Fredholm-type integral equations, contains a nonlinear product of ocean wave directional spectrum factors. The energy inside the first-order cross section is used to normalize this integrand. The unknown ocean wave spectrum is represented by a truncated Fourier series. The integral equation is then converted to a matrix equation and a singular value decomposition (SVD) method is invoked to pseudoinvert the kernel matrix. The new algorithm is verified with simulated radar Doppler spectrum for varying water depths, wind velocities, and radar operating frequencies. To make the simulation more realistic, zero-mean Gaussian noise from external sources is also taken into account  相似文献   

In this paper, the radar cross section of flat plates on ocean surfaces is statistically investigated. A combining method of physical optics and geometric optics is applied to establish an effective backscattering analysis procedure. This method is a high-frequency analysis method originally derived from a simplified Stratton-Chu integral equation, assuming that the radar is far away from the target so that Kirchhoff approximation is valid. A Monte-Carlo simulation method is adopted to statistically analyze the effects of undulated ocean surfaces. The ocean surfaces are randomly generated by Pierson-Moskowitz ocean wave spectrum and a directional distribution function. Numerical investigations are carried out for flat plates, with the same height and width but with different inclined angles, on ocean surfaces of various significant wave heights.  相似文献   

The relationships among an ocean wave spectrum,a fully polarimetric coherence matrix,and radar parameters are deduced with an electromagnetic wave theory.Furthermore,the relationship between the polarimetric entropy and ocean wave spectrum is established based on the definition of entropy and a twoscale scattering model of the ocean surface.It is the first time that the polarimetric entropy of the ocean surface is presented in theory.Meanwhile,the relationships among the fully polarimetric entropy and the parameters related to radar and ocean are discussed.The study is the basis of further monitoring targets on the ocean surface and deriving oceanic information with the entropy from the ocean surface.The contrast enhancement between human-made targets and the ocean surface with the entropy is presented with quad-pol airborne synthetic aperture radar(AIRSAR) data.  相似文献   

为了验证波谱仪反演二维海浪谱的功能,根据海浪波谱仪的信号形成机制,总结了机载波谱仪反演海浪的流程。利用机载波谱仪回波数据,通过自相关和互相关两种功率谱估计方法,反演了二维海浪谱。最后通过与浮标测量的二维海浪谱进行对比,验证了该机载波谱仪探测二维海浪谱的有效性。结果表明,无论采用自相关函数还是互相关函数进行功率谱估计,得到的主波波长和有效波高与实际二维海浪谱基本一致。互相关函数法得到的交叉谱能去除180°模糊现象,其在计算有效波高时相对于自相关函数会稍微偏小。在计算斜率方差时可以采用5°~12°入射角范围的后向散射系数进行公式拟合,因此定标与否并不影响最后的二维海浪谱结果,未来星载波谱仪只有靠多波束联合才能实现。  相似文献   

Microwave remote sensing is one of the most useful methods for observing the ocean parameters. The Doppler frequency or interferometric phase of the radar echoes can be used for an ocean surface current speed retrieval,which is widely used in spaceborne and airborne radars. While the effect of the ocean currents and waves is interactional. It is impossible to retrieve the ocean surface current speed from Doppler frequency shift directly. In order to study the relationship between the ocean surface current speed and the Doppler frequency shift, a numerical ocean surface Doppler spectrum model is established and validated with a reference. The input parameters of ocean Doppler spectrum include an ocean wave elevation model, a directional distribution function, and wind speed and direction. The suitable ocean wave elevation spectrum and the directional distribution function are selected by comparing the ocean Doppler spectrum in C band with an empirical geophysical model function(CDOP). What is more, the error sensitivities of ocean surface current speed to the wind speed and direction are analyzed. All these simulations are in Ku band. The simulation results show that the ocean surface current speed error is sensitive to the wind speed and direction errors. With VV polarization, the ocean surface current speed error is about 0.15 m/s when the wind speed error is 2 m/s, and the ocean surface current speed error is smaller than 0.3 m/s when the wind direction error is within 20° in the cross wind direction.  相似文献   

A Spectral Approach for Determining Altimeter Wind Speed Model Functions   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We propose a new analytical algorithm for the estimation of wind speeds from altimeter data using the mean square slope of the ocean surface, which is obtained by integration of a widely accepted wind-wave spectrum including the gravity-capillary wave range. It indicates that the normalized radar cross section depends not only on the wind speed but also on the wave age. The wave state effect on the altimeter radar return becomes remarkable with increasing wind speed and cannot be neglected at high wind speeds. A relationship between wave age and nondimensional wave height based on buoy observational data is applied to compute the wave age using the significant wave height of ocean waves, which could be simultaneously obtained from altimeter data. Comparison with actual data shows that this new algorithm produces more reliable wind speeds than do empirical algorithms. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

童思友  廖仪  陈亮  吴志强 《海洋科学》2016,40(2):145-150
为研究海洋环境信号在OBS(Ocean Bottom Seismograph)原始数据中的规律及应用,根据OBS原始数据的波形及频谱特征,将研究区划分为5个时间段,依次为旧涌浪阶段、风浪渐强阶段、风浪全盛阶段、风浪消退阶段和新涌浪阶段。结合海洋天气预报,认为上述现象是由偏南风风浪对海流的影响造成的。参考野外地震数据采集记录班报,得到各阶段的时长和距离,计算风浪渐强、全盛和消退阶段OBS附近海流的平均速度。结果表明:OBS原始资料中浅海海洋环境噪音增强的主要因素是风浪,且风浪引起的噪音信号的波形变化特征是渐进式的;OBS可用于接收某种特殊阶段(如台风、海啸等)的噪音信号,并根据噪音信号的波形特征、频谱变化规律和持续时间估算该阶段的海流速度变化。  相似文献   

A physical radar cross-section model for a wind-driven sea with swell   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A new spectrum model for the ocean surface is proposed. We determine the two unknown parameters in this spectrum by fitting it to radar observations. We find that this spectrum combined with two-scale scattering theory can predict much of the observed dependence of the radar cross section on radar frequency, polarization, angle of incidence, and wind velocity at incidence angles in the0deg-70degrange. The spectrum model is combined with a model for swell to examine the effect of swell on the radar cross section. We find that the effect of swell is significant for low radar frequencies (Lband) and near normal incidence but can be nearly eliminated by using higher frequencies (K_{u}band) and large angles of incidence (approx 50deg).  相似文献   

A number of models which would explain ocean wave imagery taken with a synthetic aperture imaging radar are analyzed analytically and numerically. Actual radar imagery is used to support some conclusions. The models considered correspond to three sources of radar backscatter cross section modulation: tilt modulation, roughness variation, and the wave orbital velocity. The effect of the temporal changes of the surface structure, parametric interactions, and the resulting distortions are discussed.  相似文献   

Measurement of ocean wave spectra using narrow-beam HE radar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A data interpretation algorithm is developed to extract ocean wave information from HF radar backscatter observed by a narrow-beam antenna system. The basis of this measurement is the inversion of the integral equation representing the second-order radar cross section of the ocean surface. This equation is numerically inverted by approximating it as a matrix equation and pseudoinverting the kernel matrix using a singular value decomposition. As a test of this algorithm, comparisons are made between wave spectrum estimates obtained from a WAVEC buoy and a pair of 25.4-MHz ground wave radars, using data collected during the 1986 Canadian Atlantic Storms Program (CASP). Overall, the results of this experiment have been positive and have demonstrated both the basic feasibility of the inversion algorithm and the wave sensing capability of HF radar. For example, significant wave height estimates deduced by two radars differed from the buoy, in an absolute value sense, by only 0.12 m on average. When using only one radar, the mean difference of this important parameter from the buoy was a reasonable 0.33 m  相似文献   

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