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张斌  韩震 《海洋测绘》2022,42(1):55-59
以上海市南汇潮滩为研究区域,利用2017年高分一号(GF-1)卫星的遥感影像数据为数据源,提出了基于超像素的快速聚类算法(SFFCM)与水边线法相结合的SFF-W模型,用于对潮滩边界进行提取分析.通过目视解译提取的潮滩区域与水边线法、SFFCM模型和SFF-W模型所提取的结果进行对比分析.结果表明,SFF-W模型在提取...  相似文献   

针对遥感影像数据大面积覆盖的特性,利用数学形态学提出了一种多目标海岛水边线的同步提取模型,模型包括:利用K-means算法的海岛区域粗分割;基于灰度膨胀算法的海岛初始轮廓曲线确立;利用水平集算法的海岛水边线优化。以福州海域的多目标海岛水边线提取为例,将本文模型与K-means模型、二值化高斯滤波水平集模型(SBGFRLS)和基于改进水平集的海岛边界快速分割模型(ILSM-IBRS)进行了比较。结果表明,本文模型弥补了K-means模型的过分割现象,其计算耗时较SBGFRLS和ILSM-IBRS模型分别节省了96.16%和86.96%;其迭代次数分别减少了97.07%和90.59%。由此可见,本文模型解决了现有提取模型效率低、过分割等现象,实现了多目标海岛水边线的同步提取,为海岛普查等提供了一种快速提取方法。  相似文献   

水边线的精确提取对于沿海地区的经济开发和海域的使用管理具有重要意义。以雷州半岛东北部为研究区域,利用2017年资源三号(ZY-3)卫星数据为数据源,基于不同海岸地貌特征为划分依据,运用阈值分割法、神经元网络分类法和面向对象法对多光谱数据的人工海岸、砂质海岸、淤泥质海岸和红树林海岸进行水边线提取。通过目视解译提取融合图像的海岸线为基线,将提取的水边线与基线进行定性、定量分析。研究结果表明,对于人工岸线,神经元网络分类法最优,均方根误差为6.4m;对于砂质岸线,阈值分割法最优,均方根误差为5.4m;对于淤泥质及红树林岸线,面向对象法最优,均方根误差分别为23.3m和15.2m。该研究对于不同岸线的提取具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种结合实地考察海岸类型的岸线遥感提取方法来对象山港区域岸线进行提取,根据研究区内实地考察获取的不同海岸类型特征,对Landsat卫星数据采用不同的处理方法进行岸线提取:基岩海岸和人工海岸采取OTSU变换;砂质海岸和淤泥质海岸采取MNDWI,处理后采取改进的Canny边缘检测算子进行水边线提取。研究结果表明:...  相似文献   

盛辉  张驰  万剑华 《海洋科学》2021,45(5):16-22
海岸线是海洋的重要组成部分,对于海域管理具有重要意义。本文根据岸线位置确定原理,即将多时相瞬时水边线上边界近似作为海岸线,提出了一种基于多时相水边线的海岸线自动提取方法,该方法应用区域生长与边缘检测相结合的方法提取瞬时水边线,然后采用海岸线自动判别算法进行海岸线的提取。首先计算归一化水体指数(normalized difference water index,NDWI)图像,利用区域生长算法进行海陆分割,得到海陆分割二值图;然后利用Canny边缘检测对海陆分割结果进行边缘检测,得到瞬时水边线;最后利用海岸线自动判别算法得到多时相瞬时水边线上界作为海岸线。本文以马六甲海峡部分海岸作为研究区域,应用多期Landsat 8遥感影像进行了海岸线提取和分析。为验证海岸线提取精度,对获取时间接近高潮时的一景哨兵二号影像进行目视解译得到人工解译的海岸线,与本文提取海岸线进行对比。结果显示,本文算法得到的海岸线平均偏移量和均方根误差分别为21.01 m和21.96 m,能够满足30 m分辨率遥感图像的精度要求,相比采用单景影像提取海岸线,精度有明显提高。  相似文献   

崔红星  杨红 《海洋科学》2018,42(12):94-99
使用基于面向对象的方法提取水边线, B分量作为阈值分割条件, Sentinel-2A数据作为提取水边线的影像,通过多尺度分割与光谱差异分割组合的方式。对如东沿海的淤泥质海岸、交通围堤海岸和养殖围堤海岸3种不同类型的海岸水边线进行提取。通过提取的水边线与影像叠加,并对受潮汐影响较小的水边线做精度验证。总体来说,提取的水边线较为准确。水边线的快速准确提取,对监测海岸带动态变化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

遥感影像海陆分割对于海岸线提取及其动态监测具有重要意义。传统的基于光谱特征和图像处理的海岸线识别和提取方法, 在面对高分辨率遥感图像复杂的纹理和空间分布时, 只能生成具有局限性的图像特征结果, 且分割结果准确率不高。本文将深度卷积神经网络应用于高分遥感图像的海陆分割问题, 并在经典编码器-解码器结构的基础上进行了创新。首先, 为了降低调参难度引入批归一化层, 降低了网络对参数的尺度和初始值的敏感度; 其次, 采用转置卷积代替传统卷积, 在模型训练过程中通过梯度递减算法, 不断更新参数权值, 显著提高语义分割的精度。利用研究区域高分一号遥感图像数据对于人工岸线及自然岸线的分割实验结果显示: 相较于经典U-Net与SegNet, 改进U-Net网络, 对于各种自然岸线和人工岸线具有更低的边界模糊度和更准确的分割结果, 对于自然岸线的提取结果, 漏检、错检现象较少; 对于人工岸线的提取具有更大的感受野, 能够提取岸线的空间结构信息, 避免误分类。面对日益丰富的高分辨率的遥感影像数据源, 基于改进U-Net的海岸线提取, 能更好地保留边界信息且具备更优的语义分割效果, 可以更为准确地挖掘高分遥感影像的空间分布特征、纹理特征以及光谱特征, 从而提升分类的准确性。  相似文献   

为了研究上海大陆岸线的最新变化,以5年为间隔,选取1988~2019年间的近30年多期Landsat遥感影像,采用多尺度分割和光谱分割相结合的分割方法,提取影像中研究区域的水边线,并利用同年不同时相的水边线和平均大潮高潮位数据进行潮位校正,获取相对准确的海岸线位置。使用线性回归速率方法(LRR)对大陆岸线的外扩距离和速度变化进行了统计,同时对上海大陆岸线长度和面积的时空变化进行了分析。结果表明,从1988~2019年,上海大陆岸线总长度增加了10.4km,增幅达5.19%,长度变化呈“减增减”的趋势。海岸线的平均外扩距离为1.35km,平均LRR值为50m/年,外扩距离最大处位于南汇嘴。上海大陆沿岸总的新增土地总面积达到220.39km2。  相似文献   

针对从机载激光点云中提取海岸线方法的不足,提出了一种基于无人机影像DSM点云数据,结合潮汐模型提取海岛自然岸线的方法。采用计算机视觉理论与方法处理高分辨率无人机影像,获取高分辨、高精度的DSM点云,并由DSM点云生成DEM;通过等值线追踪法自动提取基于平均大潮高潮面的海岛岸线。实验结果表明:该方法提取的海岛自然岸线精度满足海道测量规范相关要求。  相似文献   

王振华  纪晴  龚晓玲  栾奎峰 《海洋测绘》2022,42(1):46-49,59
针对现有方法在海岛水边线分割时存在的效率低和精度差等问题,联合图像超分辨率重建(VDSR)模型和二值化高斯滤波水平集(SBGFRLS)模型,提出了一种海岛水边线的快速分割方法,该方法包括:①利用NDWI指数扩充及训练VDSR模型,构建用于海岛水边线分割的超分辨率遥感图像;②利用全局灰度密度分布函数优化符号压力函数,改进...  相似文献   

The shoreline is one of the most important features on earth's surface. It is valuable to a diverse user community. But the dynamic nature of the shoreline makes it difficult to be represented in a naturally dynamic style and to be utilized in applications. The officially used shoreline, for example in nautical charts, is the so-called tide-coordinated shoreline. It is also the shoreline that makes the computation of shoreline changes and associated environmental changes meaningful. Mapping of the tide-coordinated shoreline has been very costly. On the other hand, instantaneous shorelines extracted from different data sources may be available. Also, high-resolution satellite and airborne imagery have the capacity of stereo imaging and can be used to extract instantaneous shorelines at a high accuracy and low cost. This article proposes an approach to derivation of digital tidecoordinated shorelines from (a) those instantaneous shorelines and (b) digital coastal surface models and a digital water surface model. Some preliminary study results, analysis, and the potential of the approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Digital Tide-Coordinated Shoreline   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The shoreline is one of the most important features on earth's surface. It is valuable to a diverse user community. But the dynamic nature of the shoreline makes it difficult to be represented in a naturally dynamic style and to be utilized in applications. The officially used shoreline, for example in nautical charts, is the so-called tide-coordinated shoreline. It is also the shoreline that makes the computation of shoreline changes and associated environmental changes meaningful. Mapping of the tide-coordinated shoreline has been very costly. On the other hand, instantaneous shorelines extracted from different data sources may be available. Also, high-resolution satellite and airborne imagery have the capacity of stereo imaging and can be used to extract instantaneous shorelines at a high accuracy and low cost. This article proposes an approach to derivation of digital tidecoordinated shorelines from (a) those instantaneous shorelines and (b) digital coastal surface models and a digital water surface model. Some preliminary study results, analysis, and the potential of the approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Island shoreline mapping based on field measurements by collecting visually discernible features is costly and even unrealistic to be implemented in practice because of the nonuniqueness, fuzziness, and ambiguity of shoreline features. The MHHW (the mean higher high water) shoreline, i.e., the intersection of the coastal profile with the MHHW, is recommended to be chosen as a significant shoreline indicator of an island. An approach for mapping the MHHW shoreline using the aerial/satellite stereo images is proposed. In the proposed procedure, first, the height difference between the instantaneous shoreline and the MHHW shoreline is calculated by the ocean tide model; then the orthometric/normal height of the instantaneous shoreline is determined from the stereo images; last, the instantaneous shoreline is used as an intermediate for determination of the height of the MHHW shoreline. The proposed procedure is applied to the MiaoZiHu Island located in the East China Sea. Preliminary experimental result shows that in ideal cases, the horizontal positional accuracy of the extracted shoreline can reach 0.2 m from aerial images of 0.1 m resolution.  相似文献   

文章针对中低分辨率遥感影像难以提取海岸线中小尺度变化的实际问题,以渤海湾为例,利用2010—2020年SPOT5、GF-1/6、ZY-3等高分辨率遥感影像,采用数字海岸线分析和分形维数方法获取渤海湾海岸线位置变迁速率和复杂度变化过程;针对目前渤海湾海岸线变迁分析研究多基于中低分辨率遥感影像的问题,结合同时期的Landsat影像,分析遥感影像空间分辨率对渤海湾海岸线变迁速率和分形维数的影响。研究结果表明,遥感影像空间分辨率差异对分形维数的影响较小,但对不同类型的岸线变迁速率影响显著;渤海湾海岸线在2010—2020年的变化呈现出由剧烈过渡至相对稳定的状态,伴随着海岸线位置的变化,岸线的分形维数呈现出先上升再至平稳的趋势。相关研究成果能够为渤海湾地区海洋资源利用优化、海岸线及滩涂湿地等自然资源保护提供数据支持。  相似文献   


Estimation of shoreline change using satellite images is considered as a very effective method because the coastline is found highly dynamic. This study focuses to develop a methodology to detect shoreline changes using satellite imageries obtained from Google Earth platform. The study was carried out in north-east coastline of Jaffna in Sri Lanka. Shorelines from 2002 to 2017 were delineated on the multi-temporal satellite images in the Google Earth software by visual interpretation and change was detected using Digital Shoreline Analysis System in ArcGIS. Tidal variation, digitizing error, and geometric errors were considered to calculate the uncertainty. Mean End Point Rate, mean Shoreline Change Envelop, mean Net Shoreline Movement, and mean Weighted Linear Regression Rate were used as main shoreline change statistics. Result shows that there is net shoreline accretion of 6.13?±?8.74 m with an annual rate of deposition of 0.5?m/year. During the study period, 76.12% of the observed shoreline is found accreted while the 23.88% of the shoreline is eroded. Mean Uncertainty of the shoreline is 3.73?±?0.59 m. The study revealed that the satellite images from Google Earth platform can be used for time series analysis of shorelines after appropriate corrections.  相似文献   

Results from historical (1855–2005) shoreline change analysis conducted along the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana demonstrate that tropical cyclone frequency dominates the long-term evolution of this barrier island chain. Island area decreased at a rate of −0.16 km2/year for the relatively quiescent time period up until 1996, when an increase in tropical cyclone frequency accelerated this island area reduction to a rate of −1.01 km2/year. More frequent hurricanes also affected shoreline retreat rates, which increased from −11.4 m/year between 1922 and 1996 to −41.9 m/year between 1982 and 2005. The erosional impact caused by the passage of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was unprecedented. Between 2004 and 2005, the shoreline of the northern islands retreated −201.5 m/year, compared with an average retreat rate of −38.4 m/year between 1922 and 2004. A linear regression analysis of shoreline change predicts that, as early as 2013, the backbarrier marsh that serves to stabilize the barrier island chain will be completely destroyed if storm frequency observed during the past decade persists. If storm frequency decreases to pre-1996 recurrence intervals, the backbarrier marsh is predicted to remain until 2037. Southern portions of the barrier island chain where backbarrier marsh is now absent behave as ephemeral islands that are destroyed after storm impacts and reemerge during extended periods of calm weather, a coastal behavior that will eventually characterize the entire island chain.  相似文献   

岛礁周边海底地形精密测量是海洋测绘的难点问题之一,利用多光谱卫星能精确测定岛礁周边水深地形,是传统岛礁水深测量有效的补充方式之一。本文以蜈支洲岛周围水域为研究区域,提出了基于BP神经网络水深分段选取反演因子的方法,利用WorldView-2数据和多波束实测数据建立多模型,整合预测的各段水深获得海底地形。实验表明,本文方法能充分利用水体的光谱特性,与单一BP神经网络模型结果相比,MRE降低了6.4%,RMSE降低了1.2 m,是一种可行的多光谱水深反演的方法  相似文献   

李晓敏  马毅  张杰  吕喜玺 《海洋通报》2020,39(6):717-729
高分辨率卫星遥感技术已成为有效监测海岛动态变化的主要手段。本文以西沙群岛社区驻地海岛、领海基点所在海岛和自然保护区所在海岛为研究对象,利用 2005 年以来的高分辨率卫星遥感影像,分析了各类海岛的时空变化情况。结果表明:社区驻地海岛变化普遍较大,特别是永兴岛、赵述岛、筐仔沙洲和银屿,主要都是由于吹沙填岛和岛上开发利用活动日益增多造成的,变化主要发生在 2012 年三沙市成立之后;领海基点所在海岛和自然保护区所在海岛相对较稳定,岛上地形、地貌及植被等基本保持原有的自然状态,变化区域主要分布在各个海岛的端头,主要是由自然因素导致的。海滩岩对海岛起到了极大的保护作用,海滩岩发育好的海岛基本保持稳定状态,而没有海滩岩发育或海滩岩被破坏的海岛则变化较大。  相似文献   

遥感水深反演海图修测应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫星遥感技术可以应用于浅海水下目标探测,是特殊区域碍航物探测的有效手段。结合海岛礁的特殊地理环境和测绘需求,采用高分辨率卫星影像进行浅水深反演试验,提出的高分辨率预处理方法实用、有效;并与海图数据结合,进行水深标定和海图修测应用分析。研究结果表明,针对南海岛礁,应用高分辨率卫星影像可以获取岛礁分布和轮廓、概略等深线信息、潜在航道以及水下障碍物信息等,能达到修测海图的目的。  相似文献   

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