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海底埋设双层管管道隆起屈曲分析是海洋管道设计的重要技术之一。在管道隆起屈曲分析中实现管土作用和内外管相互作用的准确模拟一直是工程应用追求的目标,也是其中的难点。利用管土作用单元和管中管单元等技术,建立了海底埋设双层管管道隆起屈曲分析有限元模型。该模型不但考虑了管道初始形状、压力、温差载荷、管道材料非线性等常规因素,还考虑了非线性管土作用和内外管相互接触作用,并能对管道屈曲前和屈曲后全程进行模拟。应用该模型,计算了一条高温高压埋设双层管管道隆起屈曲过程中的应力等。算例表明该模型有较好收敛性,能对一般海底高温高压埋设双层管管道隆起屈曲进行准确模拟。  相似文献   

海底埋设高温管道隆起屈曲数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高温是引发海底管道整体屈曲失效的主要因素,而海床上存在的局部隆起使得高温埋设管道更加容易发生隆起屈曲。这里重点研究海底埋设高温管道发生隆起屈曲的临界温度载荷及其影响因素,提出了一种简化的数值模拟分析模型,同已有的相关实验结果比较表明,本方法可以较好地近似计算高温管道的隆起屈曲。基于本方法开展的参数分析,得到了管道覆土高度、混凝土配重层厚度、海床不平整对海底高温管道发生隆起屈曲的影响趋势。  相似文献   

海底双层管单层连接管道结构受力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粘性高的海洋石油通常需要通过海底保温管道加温输送.温度变化会引起管道变形,并在管壁内产生较大的温度应力.同时,管道正常运营期间还受到管道内压、外压、管内流体粘滞力和土体摩擦力等环境荷载的作用.复杂的环境可能导致海底管道轴向应力过大发生破坏.为了提高铺管效率,提出了双层管单层连接管道这一特殊管道形式,并从理论上分析温度变化和环境荷载对该管道的影响,计算正常运行时管道不同位置处横截面内最大Von-Mises应力.最后得到了Von-Mises应力沿管道轴线分布情况,发现内管和单层连接管的应力一般比外管大,变径管和内管的焊缝处是Von-Mises应力最大的地方.  相似文献   

温度应力下海底管线的整体屈曲是海底管线设计中的关键问题之一,不埋或半埋的海底管线较易发生水平向整体屈曲。海底管线会因为制造的缺陷或铺设的原因而具有初始变形,即初始侧向变形。研究了初始侧向变形对海底管线整体屈曲的影响,应用小变形理论建立了单拱侧向变形和反对称双拱侧向变形管线发生低阶模态水平向整体屈曲的理论分析方法,结合工程实例分析了初始侧向变形形态、侧向变形幅值以及地基土体强度特性对管线水平向整体屈曲的影响。结果表明,初始侧向变形的存在使管线更易发生整体屈曲;而反对称双拱侧向变形比单拱侧向变形更易引起管线整体屈曲;随初始侧向变形幅值的增加管线发生整体屈曲所需要的温差降低,且整体屈曲变形形态有所改变管土间摩擦系数的增加会提高管线发生整体屈曲的温差,从而提高管线抵抗整体屈曲变形的能力。  相似文献   

温度应力下海底管线的整体屈曲是海底管线设计中的关键问题之一,不埋或半埋的海底管线较易发生水平向整体屈曲。海底管线会因为制造的缺陷或铺设的原因而具有初始变形,即初始侧向变形。研究了初始侧向变形对海底管线整体屈曲的影响,应用小变形理论建立了单拱侧向变形和反对称双拱侧向变形管线发生低阶模态水平向整体屈曲的理论分析方法,结合工程实例分析了初始侧向变形形态、侧向变形幅值以及地基土体强度特性对管线水平向整体屈曲的影响。结果表明,初始侧向变形的存在使管线更易发生整体屈曲;而反对称双拱侧向变形比单拱侧向变形更易引起管线整体屈曲;随初始侧向变形幅值的增加管线发生整体屈曲所需要的温差降低,且整体屈曲变形形态有所改变管土间摩擦系数的增加会提高管线发生整体屈曲的温差,从而提高管线抵抗整体屈曲变形的能力。  相似文献   

高温高压下海底管道的整体屈曲稳定性分析是管道设计的重要组成部分,而选取多长的管道进行分析对其整体屈曲稳定性结果影响显著。依据临界管长将管道分为"长管"与"短管",基于动力显式分析方法,揭示了长管与短管在发生整体屈曲过程中,屈曲幅值与波长、管壁轴向压力、轴向应变及轴向位移的变化规律;研究了土体约束力影响管道临界长度的规律性,分析了土体约束力系数对长管与短管整体屈曲变形的影响。研究发现,土体约束力对短管的整体屈曲行为影响显著,短管的整体屈曲幅值随土体约束力系数的增大呈现先增大后减小的趋势。该项研究对区分不同长度管道的整体屈曲类型进而采取有效防控措施具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

含有腐蚀缺陷海底管道极限载荷分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
谭开忍  肖熙 《海洋工程》2006,24(3):63-67
利用有限元弹塑性分析方法,对含有腐蚀缺陷的海底管道进行材料非线性和几何非线性分析,探讨了确定管道极限载荷的准则。在此基础上,给出含有腐蚀缺陷的海底管道的极限载荷,研究腐蚀长度、深度和宽度对海底管道极限载荷的影响,提出了含有腐蚀缺陷的受内压的海底管道的极限载荷计算公式,并与试验结果进行了比较,证明该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

李英  王维  韩宇 《海洋工程》2023,41(4):103-113
未埋设的海底管道在高温高压运行条件下可能发生侧向屈曲,情况严重时影响海底管道的结构安全。侧向屈曲临界力作为判定海底管道发生侧向屈曲的重要依据,主要影响因素有初始缺陷、管土相互作用等。现有关于侧向屈曲临界力的公式并未考虑管土相互作用、缺陷不平直度和管道自身材料特性对侧向屈曲临界力的综合影响。建立含有通用几何初始缺陷海底管道的数值模型,使用Riks算法进行参数分析以研究极限侧向土壤阻力、管道缺陷不平直度和截面几何尺寸对海底管道侧向屈曲的具体影响。基于量纲分析法和多元线性回归,推导出海底管道侧向屈曲临界力关于上述3个影响参数的一般公式,并对该公式进行了检验,结果表明文中推导的公式在参数涵盖的研究范围内有效。  相似文献   

海底管道是海洋油气工程的重要组成部分,在高温高压运行状态下易发生整体屈曲,开裂破坏后造成油气泄露。海床土体对管道的侧向抗力是影响其屈曲的关键因素,而管道侧向抗力发挥与初始嵌入深度密切相关。构建了海底管道整体屈曲数值模型,对初始嵌入深度等因素进行不确定性分析,揭示了初始嵌入深度变异性对管道屈曲的影响机制。研究发现:当初始嵌入深度越大、初始缺陷越小时,管道临界屈曲轴力越大,屈曲位移越小;管道嵌入深度变异性的存在会导致管道更易屈曲,并诱发不对称的三阶屈曲或更高阶屈曲;管道嵌入深度在空间上的变异性对屈曲发生概率P(p<pdet)存在影响,而相关性的改变对管道屈曲影响较小;管道存在屈曲模式转变界限升温,当屈曲升温大于界限升温时,管道发生跳跃型屈曲,反之则发生分岔型屈曲。  相似文献   

曹洋  张淑华  孙林 《海洋通报》2019,38(6):719-726
海洋油气资源的运输主要通过海底管道进行,管道在工作时受到较大的温度荷载,会产生整体屈曲变形。深海管道设计中常采用人为装置触发一定程度的水平向整体屈曲变形,来释放轴向的温度应力,浮力装置是常用的触发方式之一。本文通过数值模拟研究,分析了不同浮力大小和不同浮力施加范围下,管道水平向整体屈曲的临界屈曲力,得出临界屈曲力随浮力大小和施加范围变化的情况;并研究了不同土体阻力下,浮力装置触发整体屈曲的效果。研究表明,水平向土体阻力较大时,浮力装置触发水平向整体屈曲的效果较好。浮力装置的触发效果对轴向土体阻力不敏感。  相似文献   

海底管道是海洋石油主要的运输方式,但海底管道在外部静水压力作用下很可能发生局部屈曲压溃,造成灾难性后果。安装止屈器可有效阻止屈曲传播,保证管道安全,整体式止屈器在实际中应用最为广泛。整体式止屈器存在通过减小止屈器体积以节约成本进行优化的可能性,因此,在保证止屈器止屈效果的前提下,可通过减小止屈器的体积,以达到减轻重量、节约成本、减少安装难度等多种目的。研究过程中使用ABAQUS进行模型的仿真模拟,比较了广义弧长法的优缺点,决定选用更方便的静水流体单元法,计算得到不同止屈器的穿越压力以及相应的体积,对比各止屈器的穿越压力变化和体积变化,实现结构优化的目标。基于以上研究,可以得出减少止屈器体积的结构优化方案具有可行性的结论。  相似文献   

Offshore oil and gas exploration are gradually heading toward the deep sea and even the ultra-deep sea. According, the working temperature and pressure intensity of subsea oil and gas pipelines have increased by a considerable degree. This situation is accompanied by the global buckling problem in deep sea pipelines, which has become increasingly common. Meanwhile, ordinary single-layer pipelines cannot last for a long time under harsh deep-sea working conditions. Thus, multilayer pipelines, such as the pipe-in-pipe (PIP) structure and bundled pipelines, have gradually become top choices. However, the global buckling mechanisms of these multilayer pipelines are more complicated than those of single-layer pipelines. The sleeper–snake lay pipeline, which is an active control method for global buckling, was used in this study. The change and development laws of global buckling in a PIP structure at different wavelengths and amplitudes were determined through an experimental study. A dynamic solution method that considers artificial damping was adopted to establish finite element global buckling models of a PIP structure with initial imperfections. The effects of various factors, such as pipeline laying shape, sleeper–pipe function, and seabed–pipe function, on global buckling were analyzed. By the result of finite element method analysis, the initial imperfection, and sleeper–pipeline friction were determined to be the key factors that influenced critical pipeline buckling force. Accordingly, a reference for the design of PIP structures is presented.  相似文献   

双拱初始缺陷海底管线水平向整体屈曲数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究具有双拱反对称初始缺陷海底管线的整体屈曲特性,采用模态分析法将最可能出现的缺陷形态引入数值分析模型中。针对管线在高温高压作用下发生整体屈曲的动态变形特征,运用显式动力数值模拟方法研究了管线整体屈曲过程中水平向变形与轴向变形随温度和内压的变化规律,建立了在整体屈曲过程中屈曲管段与滑动管段轴力的变化过程与初始缺陷形态的关系。将数值模拟结果同经典解析解和室内模型实验结果进行对比,验证了本方法的可靠性。工程算例的分析结果表明,管线整体屈曲的发生是一个由低阶向高阶发展的过程,具有双拱缺陷的管线首先发生二阶模态的整体屈曲,而后过渡到四阶模态;管线整体屈曲的变形包括屈曲段的水平向变形和滑动管段的轴向缩进,其中水平变形释放了管壁内的轴力,轴力的释放量随初始缺陷尖锐程度的降低而增大;轴向缩进变形由于受到地基土的摩阻力使滑动管段内的轴力发生累积,轴力的累积量随初始缺陷的尖锐程度的降低而增加。以上研究成果对指导实际工程具有现实意义。  相似文献   

整体式止屈器可有效抑制海底管道屈曲传播并避免管道的大规模屈曲失效。为探究整体式止屈器的止屈特性,预测其穿越压力,利用ABAQUS软件建立有限元模型,分析了整体式止屈器厚度、长度、径厚比等参数对穿越压力和穿越形式的影响机制,揭示了整体式止屈器的止屈特性。研究结果表明:在平行穿越阶段,增加止屈器厚度、有效长度可明显提升穿越压力;而在垂直穿越阶段,穿越压力增长速率明显放缓。结合有限元模拟结果,拟合得到了整体式止屈器在不同穿越形式下的穿越压力预测公式,其相较于已有经验公式准确性更高,对整体式止屈器的设计和建造具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Offshore pipelines are usually buried to avoid damage from fishing activities and to provide thermal insulation. Provided that the buried pipelines are sufficiently confined in the lateral direction by the passive resistance of the trench walls, they may be subject to vertical buckling caused by a rise in temperature. Vertical buckling is usually called upheaval buckling because the heated pipeline is assumed to move upwards conventionally. However, the seabed may be very soft, especially where a pockmark or abyssal ooze appears. Consequently, under thermal compressive force, the pipeline may buckle downward and penetrate into the seabed because the downward soil resistance is small. In this study, we extended an analytical solution for vertical pipeline buckling on a rigid seabed to a soft seabed, and the effects of soil resistance on pipeline stability, buckling mode and amplitude are illustrated and analyzed.  相似文献   

Buckle propagation in pipelines with non-uniform thickness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Finite element solutions for the steady-state buckle propagation pressure in a pipeline with non-uniform thickness are given. The results are useful in finding buckle propagation pressures in corroded pipelines. It has been found that when corrosion is equal to or less than 10% of the original pipeline thickness, the pipeline collapses in an overall shell buckling mode; otherwise, the pipeline experiences local buckling. The propagation pressure decreases with both the thickness and angular extent of the reduced section, but the rate of decrease with thickness reduction is almost independent of the angular extent of corrosion when it is greater than 90°.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to numerically investigate the characteristics of ultimate compressive strength of stiffened panels with opening and also to fit the design-oriented formulae. For this purpose, three series of well executed experimental data on longitudinally stiffened steel plates with and without opening subjected to the uniform axial in-pane load which is carried out to study the buckling and post-buckling up to the final failure are chosen. Also, a nonlinear finite element method capable of efficiently analyzing the large elasto-plastic deflection behavior of stiffened panels is developed and used for simulation. The feasibility of the present simulation process is confirmed by a good agreement with the experimental results. More case studies are developed employing the simulation process to analyze the influence of various design variables on the reduction rate of ultimate strength of stiffened panel induced by opening. Based on the computed results, two design formulae are fitted and the accuracy of design formulae is studied. Furthermore, the viability of the design formulae for practical engineering is proved.  相似文献   

运输高温高压油气的海底管道会发生整体热屈曲现象。管道热屈曲过程中可能会产生平衡状态的跃迁(snapthrough),且这样的跃迁过程必然会伴随着动力响应。管道热屈曲动力过程中侧向弹出的速度以及轴向缩进的速度对管土相互作用参数的取值有很大影响,然而关于管道热屈曲动力过程的研究却很少。本文给出了数值模拟过程中管道系统阻尼值和升温速率的确定方法,研究了管道初始几何缺陷以及海床参数对管道热屈曲动力过程的影响。  相似文献   

Slender piles embedded in soft ground or liquefied soil may buckle under vertical load. In this paper, both small- and large-scale model tests are conducted to investigate the buckling mechanisms of a slender pile and the lateral earth pressure acting on the pile. To observe the buckling of a slender pile, the strain-controlled loading method is adopted to apply a vertical load. When the two ends of a slender pile are hinged, the buckling mechanisms of small- and large-scale model tests are same. It should be noted that this applies only to a system with a small ratio of pile bending stiffness to soil bending stiffness. An applied vertical load increases with an increasing pile head settlement until it reaches the critical buckling load. By further increasing the pile head settlement, the measured load approaches the critical buckling load. In the large-scale model test, the measured lateral earth pressure (i.e., active and passive) acting on the slender pile varies linearly with the lateral pile displacement when the measured range is 3–5?m beneath the ground. A critical buckling calculation method has been adopted to compare with the conventional “m” method. The two-sided earth pressure calculation method can achieve more approximate results with the model test.  相似文献   

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