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了解海滩剖面变化可以更好地理解海滩动态过程。利用2007年5月~2014年12月近8 a青岛石老人海滩剖面的实测资料,计算剖面各段单宽体积变化量及后滨宽度,结合交叉小波和小波相干分析方法,探讨海滩剖面中长期淤蚀变化特征及其控制因素。结果表明,近8 a来海滩剖面表现为侵蚀状态,不同岸段侵蚀程度不同。剖面1岸段侵蚀明显,剖面2和剖面3岸段轻微侵蚀。剖面的变化过程可划分为平稳期、剧变期和微调期3个时期。各时期剖面的季节性变化较复杂,平稳期具冬蚀夏淤的交替变化特征,整体淤蚀量较小;剧变期剖面呈阶段性蚀退,变化幅度相对较大,微调期剖面可能仍处于剧变期的恢复阶段,季节性变化不明显。剧变期和微调期的小波交叉谱和相干谱分析显示,波浪和前滨单宽体积相干性较好,尤其当大于2 m的波高达到10%以上,海滩地形可以和波高变化产生同周期的变化。因此波高变化基本控制了剖面的季节变化。而海滩长周期变化主要受控于风暴潮作用及其漫长的恢复期,沿岸输沙和海平面变化则一定程度上导致了剖面长期侵蚀格局的形成。  相似文献   

在波浪和水流的作用下,泥沙在不同时间尺度下的运动会引起沙滩的冲淤演变,对海岸资源有重要的影响。因此,了解沙滩季节性演变规律,并采取针对性的防护措施,是近岸沙滩亟须解决的问题。目前,现场观测是研究沙滩剖面冲淤演变的重要方法,通过沉积物组成、岸滩坡度及波浪动力的时空变化,了解沙滩剖面的变化特性,对于沙滩管理和海岸保护具有十分重要的意义。基于2017年9月—2019年11月在荣成楮岛南岸沙滩每个月采集一次的剖面数据,以及波浪动力数据,分别探究了沙滩在不同时间尺度下的变化特征,并对沙滩变化特征与波浪动力因素的相关性进行了探讨。研究发现:楮岛南岸沙滩形态变化具有较强的季节性特征,春季沙滩比较稳定;夏季沙滩受台风影响侵蚀严重,但在风暴过后的短时间内,沙滩泥沙恢复较快;冬季沙滩恢复速度逐渐减缓并趋于稳定。在夏季和冬季期间,波能流密度的向岸分量对楮岛南沙滩的演变产生重要作用,而且波能流密度向岸分量的均值(选取数据采集前15 d的波浪条件参与计算)与沙滩体积的相关性最好,并给出了两者的线性拟合公式。  相似文献   

沙宏杰  张东  崔丹丹  吕林  倪鹏 《海洋学报》2019,41(9):170-180
淤泥质海岸冲淤变化大,岸滩剖面形态多样。本文首先根据多时相遥感水边线之间的潮差关系自动判断岸滩剖面形态,进而分别采用不同的函数进行剖面拟合,构建了一种剖面形态自适应的海岸线遥感推算新方法,并在江苏中部淤泥质海岸进行了实证应用。研究表明:下凹形侵蚀岸段、斜坡形平缓岸段和上凸形淤长岸段分别采用三指数衰减函数、线性函数和二阶多项式函数具有良好的剖面拟合效果,利用3条水边线数据拟合所得剖面平均坡度绝对误差分别为0.20‰、–0.17‰和0.13‰,小于剖面实测平均坡度一个数量级。利用5条水边线数据拟合进行海岸线推算时,侵蚀岸段、平缓岸段的海岸线平面位置误差分别为6.5 m和–91.96 m,与平均坡度法相比,误差减小约82.4%。进一步考虑岸滩季节性变化时,使用冬季的水边线数据推算海岸线,对侵蚀岸段和淤长岸段影响不大,但对斜坡形平缓岸段,误差减小约63.65%,因此使用冬季的水边线数据比不区分季节具有更高的海岸线推算精度。  相似文献   

通过无人机遥感、岸滩监测剖面、监测桩和沉积物粒度分析等手段研究了东海岛东北部典型岸段短期冲淤变化特征。结果表明,研究区岸线在一年半的时间内呈现后退趋势,侵蚀严重区域岸线平均后退约10m;岸滩夏季年度变化以侵蚀为主,侵蚀严重部位主要位于低滩,最大下蚀可达1m以上;半年度剖面监测结果显示,岸滩季节性变化明显,存在冬淤夏冲的特征;受风暴潮的影响,岸滩在2014-06—09发生严重侵蚀,部分区域后滨沙丘后退约20m;沉积物平均粒径分布的区域差异表明,沉积物有沿岸向北和向陆一侧运移的趋势。风暴潮、虾池排污和灯塔是影响东海岛典型岸段冲淤的主要因素。  相似文献   

不同沉积物养护海滩对台风响应的差异性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文通过对厦门天泉湾人工卵石滩和会展人工沙滩在1614“莫兰蒂”超强台风影响前后的典型剖面监测,结合水文动力要素的观测和数值模拟,计算了台风影响过程的波浪场、总水位,分析了剖面形态和台风过程的剖面平均变化量。结果表明,强潮海岸人工卵石滩与人工沙滩对台风响应的特征明显不同,人工卵石滩横向上大部分卵石向岸输移堆积,滩面侵蚀,滩肩堆积形成更高的风暴滩肩,坡度明显变陡。而人工沙滩则表现为明显的沉积物离岸输运,上部滩面侵蚀,下部滩面淤积,滩面坡度明显变缓,受台风登陆后的强烈向岸风作用,滩肩顶有所夷平,滩肩高度变化很小。海滩滩肩在台风过程中是否侵蚀与台风登陆和影响过程的总水位(天文潮、风暴增水、波浪爬高)密切相关,两个人工海滩的风暴响应模式均为冲蚀;台风影响过程中,波浪能量相对强、滩面坡度相对陡的人工卵石滩比人工沙滩的剖面平均变化量小,对于台风的响应程度小,在强侵蚀高能海岸采用砾石等粗粒径沉积物进行海滩养护是减缓砂质海滩侵蚀的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

海滩对风暴的响应及风暴后海滩的恢复过程一直以来都是国内外海滩研究的热点。本文通过对浙江舟山市朱家尖岛东沙海滩地形地貌的现场调查,对比分析了热带风暴"娜基莉"影响下东沙海滩剖面的蚀积变化,探讨了海滩在热带风暴发生后的恢复情况。结果表明,在"娜基莉"影响期间,因风暴浪为向岸浪,东沙海滩几乎遭受全线侵蚀,12个剖面单宽侵蚀总量为73.46 m3/m,其中海滩直线段较两个遮蔽段侵蚀显著。由于海滩在风暴前进方向的左侧,且"娜基莉"距东沙较远,使得东沙海滩普遍侵蚀但强度较小。东沙海滩在热带风暴后的恢复过程中,不同部位的地貌调整和冲淤变化不同,下岬角遮蔽段基本趋于稳定,直线段和上岬角遮蔽段在恢复过程中因受海滩季节性调整的影响呈现持续侵蚀。  相似文献   

苏北潮滩的近期变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用1999~2000年条子泥岸滩剖面实测数据和1982~1983年东沙沙滩剖面资料,分析了条子泥岸滩和东沙沙滩剖面的冲淤变化。结果表明,条子泥陆侧岸滩剖面的季节性变化特点是夏季侵蚀,冬季淤积;东沙沙脊年际变化特点为两侧边缘以侵蚀为主,而沙脊中央则以淤积为主。造成条子泥岸滩剖面季节性差异的主要原因是其周围海域中高浓度悬沙的秋、冬季落淤大于夏季所致。东沙沙脊东西两侧强烈的潮流和波浪作用使沙脊的两侧遭受较为明显的侵蚀。  相似文献   

台风"艾利"对福建沙质海滩影响过程研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蔡锋  雷刚  苏贤泽  彭俊 《海洋工程》2006,24(1):98-109
通过对福建沙质海滩地形地貌现场调查,对比分析0418号台风“艾利”登陆福建前后各沙滩剖面的蚀淤变化,探讨了福建沙滩对台风“艾利”响应规律。研究结果表明,2004年8月底台风“艾利”过境期间,福建沿海砂质海岸显出了较强烈的地貌响应。沙滩剖面地形变化,冲淤相间,以冲蚀为主;后滨沙丘蚀退、滩肩蚀低、岸线向陆迁移是地貌响应的主要特征;沙滩沉积物的总收支趋于亏损。不同海岸类型的沙滩剖面对台风“艾利”的响应特征不同。岬湾型沙滩剖面地貌响应以前滨滩面侵蚀为主要特征。夷直型的长乐江田下沙剖面,对“艾利”台风的主要地貌响应特征为后滨沙丘、高潮带侵蚀,岸线后退超过16m,出现高度近1 m的直立侵蚀陡坎。沙坝-泻湖型沙滩剖面冲淤变化的主要特征是中潮带形成次一级沙坝。各沙滩的地貌风暴效应有自北往南依次减弱的趋势。  相似文献   

文章基于2022年春、秋季开展的龙岐湾沙滩资源调查数据,分析较场尾沙滩、大塘角沙滩、黄泥湾沙滩和桔钓沙沙滩的剖面特征、沉积物粒径和裂流发生情况。研究结果表明:4处沙滩剖面的坡度秋缓春陡,剖面受风浪和潮汐直接作用时坡度变化大,受遮蔽时坡度变化小,整体呈冬春淤积、夏秋侵蚀;沙滩沉积物以中砂、粗砂和砾石为主,粒径变化不大;沙滩均无明显裂流发生,为低风险等级。建议开发沙滩旅游应考虑季节性的补沙方案,开展围垦养殖和海岸工程应注意削弱ESE向和SE向的波浪作用。  相似文献   

广西北海涠洲岛典型岸滩剖面短期冲淤变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于涠洲岛2012年12月、2013年7月和2013年12月砂质岸滩剖面高程数据以及沉积物粒度数据,作者分析了2012~2013年涠洲岛砂质海岸短期冲淤变化。结果表明:(1)2012年12月~2013年7月,在热带风暴的影响下,涠洲岛大部分岸滩发生侵蚀现象,侵蚀最严重部位一般在中滩;(2)2012年12月~2013年12月,侵蚀岸段主要在东南部、西南部和西北部低滩,淤积岸段主要在北部、西北部高中滩;(3)根据沉积物颗粒平均粒径分析结果,一般高滩沉积物较低滩粗,说明水动力环境高滩相对较强,各岸段沉积物颗粒变化基本与岸滩剖面冲淤变化相一致。短时期内,影响涠洲岛岸滩冲淤变化的因素有波浪、潮汐、风暴潮和人类活动等。  相似文献   

湄洲岛西南部海滩因1996年建造对台客运码头,引起了海滩剖面的变化,码头前沿淤积而报废。经过5年后,海滩剖面仍未能完全趋于平衡。为了了解码头建设对重塑后海滩的季节变化影响,在2001年3月、7月、10月和12月对码头所在海滩剖面地形进行季节重复测量,并对剖面变化进行比较分析。结果表明,重塑后海滩剖面的季节变化存在区段差异性,码头工程区海滩剖面仍表现为不断淤积,表明5年来工程建设造成海滩重塑后的变化过程还在继续;过渡区海滩剖面较工程区淤积程度减弱,部分剖面表现为侵蚀趋势,但总体逐渐向正常海滩剖面的季节变化方向发展;正常区海滩剖面的季节变化具有一定的规律性,表现为夏季上部侵蚀(后滨和高潮带)下部淤积(低潮带和浅水区),冬季上部淤积下部侵蚀,春、秋两季为中间过渡剖面形态。  相似文献   

Large sections of the western Irish coast are characterised by a highly compartmentalised series of headland-embayment cells in which sand and gravel beaches are backed by large vegetated dune systems. Exposure to modally high-energy swell renders most of these beaches dissipative in character. A mesotidal range (c. 3.5–4.5 m) exists along much of the coast. Analysis of instrumental wind records from three locations permitted the identification of a variety of storm types and the construction of storm catalogues. Few individual storms were recorded at all three stations indicating a lack of regional consistency in storm record. Of the total storms recorded, only a small percentage are potentially damaging (onshore directed) and even fewer span a high tide and thus potentially induce a measurable morphological response at the coast.

Through a combination of historical records, meteorological records, field observations and wave modelling we attempt to assess the impact of storms. Quantifiable records of coastal morphology (maps, air photos and beach profiles) are few in number and do not generally record responses that may be definitely attributed to specific storms. Numerical wave simulations and observations at a variety of sites on the west Irish coast, however, provide insights into instantaneous and medium term (decadal) storm responses in such systems.

We argue that beaches and dunes that are attuned to modally high-energy regimes require extreme storms to cause significant morphological impact. The varying orientation of beaches, a spatially nonuniform storm catalogue and the need for a storm to occur at high water to produce measurable change, impart site-specific storm susceptibility to these embayments. Furthermore, we argue that long-period wave energy attenuation across dissipative shorefaces and beaches reduces coastal response to distant storms whereas short-period, locally generated wind waves are more likely to cause major dune and beach erosion as they arrive at the shoreline unrefracted.

This apparently variable response of beach and dune systems to storm forcing at a decadal scale over a coastline length of 200 km urges caution in generalising regarding regional-scale coastal responses to climatic change.  相似文献   

The coast of the Dapeng Peninsula has been honored as one of "the eight most beautiful coasts in China". The most precious tourism resource for the peninsula is headland bay beaches, among which the beach at Xichong on the southern coast of the peninsula is the longest and the most important one. The information of the stability, sedimentary source and shape change of the beach is very important for maintaining the beach in terms of sustainable development of the peninsula. Heavy minerals in the sand of the beach and the inland stream at Xichong are compared with those of a nearby beach on the same coast to determine the beach sand source; with help of a computer software, MEPBAY, the equilibrium planforms of the beaches on the peninsula are compared with those of an island without rivers to evaluate the stream’s effects on the beach stability; cross shore profiles along the Xichong beach are also surveyed in different seasons of a year to assess the annual shore normal beach changes affected by the stream input, and the relation between the equilibrium planform state and cross shore changes of the beach. It is shown that(1) stream is the main sedimentary source of the beach and the weathering materials of the rocky headlands on both sides of the bay transported by waves are the second source for the beach but it is limited, sand from an inner shelf is not the sedimentary source for the beach at present and was not even during the Holocene transgression;(2) the Xichong beach cannot reach static equilibrium around the entire bay shoreline, the segment of the shoreline where a stream outlet is located is in dynamic equilibrium, and the unstable section occurs in the wave shadow region in the lee of an offshore island;(3) no matter whether the section of the beach shoreline at Xichong is in an equilibrium state or not, it is eroded in the typhoon season and recovered after the season, the maximum change in erosion and accretion occurs in the unstable segment;(4) the Xichong beach can only have small sand body since it is supplied with sand mainly form inland streams, resulting in a possible danger in which sand loss induced by human activities or huge storms cannot be replenished naturally.  相似文献   

华南砂质海滩的动力地貌分析   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
为探讨华南砂质海滩的动力地貌学特征,对不同地理岸段不同地貌形态的8 个沙滩剖面于冬、夏季进行现场重复调查和室内分析工作.据此,通过对华南海岸带地质构造、地貌和现代海岸动力环境地域变化的分析,将华南沿海砂质海岸划分为岬湾岸、沙坝-潟湖岸和夷直岸三种基本海岸地貌类型,并且从滩面倾向、海岸动力环境影响、季节冲淤变化趋势和滩面沉积物粒径、坡度的动力响应等方面探讨砂质海滩的动力地貌,得出其受制于多种环境因素的影响,其中地质构造背景和海平面变化为大尺度的砂质海岸地貌的发育奠定了基础,而全新世海侵海平面相对稳定后,海岸动力条件的塑造起着决定性的影响,浪潮作用指数是其中重要的影响指标.  相似文献   

响应季节性波候作用的泥沙输运特征是研究弧形海滩地貌变化及港工建筑的重要内容。基于南湾弧形海滩实际测量的冬、夏各11条剖面高程变化资料,将其划分为低潮间带、低中潮带、中潮带、高潮间带、低冲流带、中冲流带及其海滩后滨等7带,在此基础上利用经验正交函数(EOF)方法对各个带的体积变化进行分析,结果表明:1)南湾弧形海滩的泥沙以单向输运为主,并具有季节性变化特征,其中冬季泥沙在东南浪作用下,自陆向海输运,夏季泥沙在西南浪作用下自海向陆输运;2)南湾弧形海滩的泥沙分别在高潮带与中潮带、低冲流带与中冲流带之间存在频繁的双向输运;3)南湾弧形海滩不同岸段泥沙的横向输运因岬角的遮蔽能力、地形以及波浪作用的方向而有所差异。  相似文献   

厦门岛海滩剖面对9914号台风大浪波动力的快速响应   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
根据 9914号台风发生前后对厦门岛滨岸海滩剖面地形的重复测量结果及有关台风要素和潮位的实测资料 ,探讨了台风袭击厦门岛期间海滩的变形特征和侵蚀状态。分析得出 ,海滩地形受台风暴浪冲击普遍发生急剧变化。横向冲淤变形以东岸海滩为最剧烈 :滩肩蚀退可达 2 5m ;滩面呈上冲下淤 ,上段和滩肩的单宽冲蚀量达 30m3 /m ;下段单宽淤积量达 17m3 /m ;剖面类型由滩肩式断面向沙坝式断面转变。这种变形特点是在台风大浪波动力和潮位暴涨的双重作用下造成的。台风期间 ,沿岸输沙能力以北岸最高 ,南岸次之 ,东岸较低 ;且自南岸到东岸 ,随着沿岸输沙量减少 ,横向变形相应有增大的趋势。这是9914号台风以偏东方向袭击厦门的结果。表明不同方向海岸岸滩地形对同一台风大浪波动力作用具有不同响应特征。  相似文献   

秦皇岛地区侵蚀性海滩的演化及保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦皇岛地区的旅游海滩大部分处于侵蚀状态,沿海河流入海沙量的减少是引起海滩侵蚀的主要原因。对比不同时期的海岸剖面资料,论述了侵蚀性海滩滩面变窄、滩砂粗化和滩面变陡等问题。在讨论海岸侵蚀与海滩侵蚀两个概念的区别和内在联系基础上,依据海滩的岸坡物质对秦皇岛地区侵蚀性滩海进行了分类,侵蚀性海滩的保护及恢复的关键问题是海滩发育空间及物源,最后,针对不同类型的侵蚀海滩,提出了具体防护措施。  相似文献   

The results summarized herein are based on subaerial beach profiles taken on the Atlantic Ocean at Sandbridge, Virginia (USA). The shoreline has experienced an average, historic recession rate of about 2 m/yr for more than 120 years before seawall construction began in 1978. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not the 16 walled sections increase the existing erosional trend at adjacent, non-walled beaches. Fifteen years of survey data are employed with 8–9 years of data taken before wall construction peaked in 1989. The main focus of these results is on five full wave years of monthly and post-storm survey data taken at 28 locations (16 walled, 4720 m, 62% and 12 non-walled, 2950 m, 38%) since October 1990. Three time scales (historic, seasonal, storms) and three analysis methods were used to address three questions concerning the effects of seawalls on adjacent beaches.It has been determined that volume erosion rates are not higher in front of seawalls (Question No. 1). However, the seasonal variability of the sand volume in front of walls is generally greater than at non-walled locations. Winter season waves drag more sand offshore in front of walls but also summer swell waves pile more sand up against walls in beach rebuilding.Walled beaches were found to recover about the same time as non-walled beaches for both seasonal transitions (winter to summer) and following erosional storm events (Question No. 2).At a few non-walled locations, the sand volume landward of adjacent walls was found to be eroding at a faster rate after wall construction. At some other non-walled locations, the sand volume landward remained constant or increased in time after nearby walled construction. The evidence for Sandbridge beach as a whole was considered inconclusive for Question No. 3.After wall construction, sand trapped behind the wall is not available for transport to adjacent beaches during and after storm events. The loss of this sand volume is felt to be in the initial stage of detection at Sandbridge. More full years of profile data are needed to confirm and quantify the effect. Sand is also trapped beneath the road (baseline) at non-walled locations. The study is continuing.  相似文献   

On average, five to six storms occur in the Qiongzhou Strait every year, causing significant damage to coastal geomorphology and several property losses. Tropical Storm Bebinca is the most unusual and complex storm event that has occurred in this region over the last 10 years. To detect the high-frequency beachface responses to the storm, a pressure sensor was deployed in the surf zone to record the free sea surface height, and the heights of grid pile points on the beachface were measured manua...  相似文献   

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