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河口羽流是河口冲淡水在陆架中扩展的主要形式, 其扩展受到诸多动力与地形因素的影响, 口门拦门沙就是其中之一。以一个理想化的河口为例, 采用区域海洋模型(regional ocean modelling system, ROMS), 研究口门拦门沙对河口羽流扩展的影响, 具体包括拦门沙对羽流的出流状态、扩展范围以及远场区沿岸流淡水输运的影响。研究结果表明, 拦门沙增加了口门处的水体分层, 减小了羽流出流速度, 增大了羽流凸出体的半径, 减小了远场区沿岸流宽度, 并进而减少了沿岸流中的淡水输送。本项研究对地形因素对河口羽流的扩展研究以及陆源物质的向海输运等均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

深海热液羽流系统对研究海底岩石圈和海洋之间的热量与物质输运及深海生物活动等科学问题具有重要意义。文章对温度层结环境中的二维轴对称热液羽流进行了数值模拟。计算结果表明,热液羽流上升过程中温度不断降低,浮力减小,在层结作用下达到最大上升高度。羽流垂向速度在羽流中心区域呈柱状分布,随着高度的增加速度值逐渐减少。计算得到的羽流最大上升高度和底部羽流半径与经典的MTT理论结果进行了对比,两者基本一致。而后随着时间增加,热液羽流顶部开始横向输运形成蘑菇状。示踪物浓度反映的羽流半径在高度0~50m保持不变,50m以上区域羽流最大半径随时间越来越大,在1.39h时不到30m,发展到100h后羽流半径达到150m。  相似文献   

径流量和海平面变化对河口最大浑浊带的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用改进的ECOM模式,耦合泥沙输运方程,研究径流量和海平面变化对河口最大浑浊带的影响.河口最大浑浊带位于滞流点处,底层上下游余流均向该处输运泥沙,造成该处泥沙汇合,而由流场辐合产生的上升流又使该处的泥沙不易落淤.由于盐水入侵带来的高盐水位于北岸的底层,其斜压效应使底层的横向环流由北向南流动,把底层高浓度的泥沙向南岸平流,使得最大浑浊带位于南岸.研究河口最大浑浊带现象必须使用三维泥沙输运模式.在径流量增大的情况下,与控制试验相比底层向陆的密度流减弱,滞流点下移,导致最大浑浊带也下移;因上游来沙量增加,在最大浑浊带中心和河口拦门沙处悬浮泥沙浓度趋于增加.在径流量减少的情况下,最大浑浊带的变化趋势与径流量增大情况的结果相反.在海平面上升的情况下,拦门沙区域底层向陆的密度流趋于增强,滞流点上移,最大浑浊带也相应向上游移动;最大浑浊带中心处泥沙浓度趋于增大,但口门拦门沙处泥沙浓度趋于减小.径流量和海平面变化对最大浑浊带影响明显.  相似文献   

小河口与大河口的羽流特征具有显著的不同,其更多地受风、径流的变化所控制。文章以海南博鳌万泉河口为例,研究其河口羽流的季节性变化特征,以及洪水对河口羽流的影响。采用动量平衡方法,分析了万泉河口羽流的动力特征。结果表明,万泉河口羽流具有显著的季节性变化,羽流的扩展路径与范围主要受径流和风的控制,夏季时以向外海与向上游方向(相对于开尔文波的传播方向)扩展为主,而冬季时则向下游扩展。夏季的羽流范围大于冬季。一次近2天的洪水可极大地影响羽流的范围及盐度大小,盐度减小1‰的范围可达300km2。但洪水过后,在风与潮汐的混合作用下,河口近岸的盐度可较为快速地恢复到洪水前水平。在羽流的远场区域,流速切线方向主要为压强梯度力与摩擦力的平衡,而在法线方向则为地转平衡;在近场切线方向主要为平流项、压力梯度项与摩擦力项的平衡,而法线方向则主要为压强梯度力与离心力之间的平衡,科氏力项可忽略不计,这与中纬度大河口的近场动力特征具有明显不同。  相似文献   

河口区域冲淡水锋面及物质输运会对台风产生快速而复杂的响应,并产生显著的生态效应及沉积过程,且不同类型的台风会对水动力及物质输运产生不同影响。本文以长江河口为研究区域,利用盐度锋面附近的浮标站点观测数据,发现在登陆型超强台风“利奇马”的影响下,旋转流特征消失,站点全水深出现持续近两天的北向流;而在转向型强台风“巴威”的影响下,出现持续约三天的全水深南向流。应用覆盖长江口及邻近海域的有限体积海洋模型(FVCOM)对两次台风过程进行模拟,实验对比台风过境前后流场、盐度场并且计算淡水通量,发现台风过境时通过破坏夏季典型的向海扩张的表层平流型羽流结构,从而促进盐度垂向混合,导致大量淡水堆积在靠岸一侧,加强了沿岸的淡水输运,进而形成底部捕获型羽流。对于登陆型台风“利奇马”的影响,淡水输运主要沿苏北海岸向北,而在转向型台风“巴威”偏北风的影响下,淡水则显著沿岸向浙闽海域流动。这两种台风过后,表层淡水开始向海扩展,垂向盐度分层再一次呈现,在2~3天内完全恢复为表层平流型羽流结构。  相似文献   

闽江口及周边海域沉积物输运及资源效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王爱军  叶翔  赖志坤  王亮 《海洋与湖沼》2020,51(5):1013-1024
河流入海泥沙的大部分主要分布在河口、三角洲及近岸陆架地区,发育一系列的粗颗粒沉积体系,是海砂资源重要分布区。本文以福建闽江口为研究对象,初步探讨了沉积物输运过程及海砂资源的形成机制。观测结果表明,闽江河口水体盐度由河口内部向口外海域逐渐增大,水体浊度总体减小;闽江河口附近海域近底部(距离海底25cm)流向表现出一定的旋转流特征,潮周期内余流表现为向海输运,而推移质输运主要发生在涨潮期间,并且潮周期内净向陆输运。表层沉积物粒度分析结果表明,闽江河口水下三角洲前缘表层沉积物主要由粗颗粒物质组成,沉积物类型以砂和砂质粉砂为主,中值粒径小于4Φ;前三角洲地区表层沉积物主要由细颗粒物质组成,中值粒径介于4Φ—6Φ之间。沉积物粒径趋势分析结果表明,闽江入海泥沙经梅花水道和长门水道入海后,在盐淡水混合、径流、潮流的作用下,在闽江河口形成了四个粗颗粒沉积物汇聚区,成为闽江口地区海砂资源的重要分布区;而细颗粒物质在河口羽流和潮流的作用下向偏东方向输运,形成了以黏土质粉砂为主的前三角洲。  相似文献   

本文基于观测数据和模式产品,探讨了南海西边界流(South China Sea western boundary current, SCSwbc)区域海洋涡旋的统计特征、涡致热输运并重点探讨了两类冬季环流形态及其风场分布对它们的影响。结果表明研究区域的涡旋气候态上存在旋转速度很强,半径较大,振幅略高于平均值的涡旋统计特征,其中气旋式涡旋(cyclonic eddy, CE)的占比约为56.8%。并且涡旋的生成和消亡主要发生在冬/春季,而涡旋的振幅、半径和旋转速度在夏/秋季发展到顶峰。年际时间尺度上,年平均经向风应力与反气旋式涡旋(anticyclonic eddy,AE)的振幅、半径、旋转速度和消亡均有较好的相关性,但与CE特征的相关性并不好。“O”型冬季环流模态下,风场和南海西边界流显著减弱,冬季环流在越南沿岸发生向东分支。涡旋在“O”模态下吸收平均流能量迅速发展,在越南沿岸东部地区产生了强的涡致热输运(eddy-induced heat transport, EHT)。同时,涡旋内部旋转速度减小且反气旋式涡旋个数减少;“U”型冬季环流模态下,情况则相反。  相似文献   

海南岛南渡江河口的盐水入侵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南渡江是海南岛最大的河流,河口长度较短(约25 km),口外濒临琼州海峡。南渡江的盐水入侵近年来呈加剧趋势,急需对其过程与机理进行研究。本研究运用FVCOM模型,采用2009年枯季的实测数据对模型进行了验证。根据模型计算结果分析了枯季和洪季南渡江河口的流速和盐度的时空分布及盐水入侵的变化,探讨了河口不同位置驱动盐分向陆输运的机制。研究结果表明:枯季小潮时的河口环流强度大于大潮时,而洪季河口环流在大潮时更加发育,洪枯季都表现出大潮期的盐度分层(表底层盐度差)大于小潮期;口门附近,潮汐振荡输运在总的向陆盐分输运通量中占主导,而向上游方向,稳定剪切输运则表现得更重要。主河道内损失的盐分主要通过海甸溪的盐分输入进行补充。  相似文献   

磨刀门河口水沙变化与地貌响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以西江磨刀门河口为研究对象,应用马口站1960~2000年月平均流量及含沙量资料,1980、1981和2003年洪枯季实测水文及表层沉积物采样资料,分析磨刀门河口近几十年来的水沙变化,建立磨刀门河口水沙变化与纵、横断面及口门形态的响应模式.结论认为,西江磨刀门河口径流量年际变化不大;含沙量及输沙总量在1993年前后发生变异,有减少的趋势,悬浮泥沙中值粒径偏细;总体上形成了丰水少沙的水沙组合.磨刀门河口形态响应滞后于水沙变化,存在洪淤枯冲的年内变化.由于上游来沙量减少、人工护岸的作用下,河口口门断面趋于窄深.总体上,磨刀门河口深槽变浅,拦门沙在波浪作用下加高变薄;口门向外海延伸较快,使得河口口门动力相对强弱发生了较大变化,波浪动力及沿岸流对泥沙转运的作用增强,磨刀门河口正逐渐向河流-波浪型河口转变.  相似文献   

珠江磨刀门河口底质沉积特征及其泥沙运移趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据珠江磨刀门河口的表层沉积物粒度分析结果,运用Gao-Collins粒径趋势分析方法(GSTA模型),计算河口的沉积物净输运趋势,并分析河口底质沉积特征。结果表明:河口较粗的沉积物分布在交杯沙浅滩和拦门沙顶部,受波浪作用影响分选较好;磨刀门主槽、龙屎窟和口外海滨的沉积物则较细,以粉砂和粘土为主,分选稍差。沉积物在纵向和横向上都表现出细-粗-细的变化趋势。磨刀门主槽泥沙受强径流影响,具有向南的输运趋势;龙屎窟在涨潮流作用下,泥沙净向北输运;在西向沿岸流和东南向浪作用下,拦门沙东侧浅滩泥沙向西侧搬运,口外海滨的泥沙输运趋势则向北。  相似文献   

Current velocity and suspended sediment concentration measurements at anchor stations in the downstream extremity of the Gironde estuary indicate that during periods of high river discharge, a significant amount of suspended sediment is transported out of the estuary onto the adjacent continental shelf. The vertical profile of the residual (non-tidal) suspended sediment flux is similar to that of the residual current velocity, with a net upstream flux near the bottom and an overlying seaward-directed transport. The overall, depth-integrated result is a net seaward transport of suspended sediment out of the estuary. It appears that this net seaward transport varies directly with tidal amplitude.Aerial photography and water sampling indicate that during high river inflow, the downstream extremity of the turbidity maximum extends onto the continental shelf at ebb tide. The tidal and coastal current patterns of the inlet and inner shelf induce a northward transport of the turbid estuarine water, and at each tidal cycle, a certain amount of suspended sediment leaves the estuary; part of this sediment is deposited in a silt and clay zone on the continental shelf.  相似文献   

A dry (1979–1980) and a wet (1980–1981) season had a marked effect on the freshwater inflow into the Keiskamma estuary. Under low inflow conditions, which results in elevated salinities in the upper reaches, an upstream migration of adult Macrobrachium petersi (Hilgendorf) to freshwater takes place. During periods of increased river inflow adult M. petersi move downstream to the more saline reaches of the estuary. These two migratory responses have been interpreted as (a) a breeding migration under high inflow conditions which ensures that larvae are in close proximity to salinities that favour growth and development, and (b) an adult upstream migration back to freshwater to escape elevated estuarine salinities as a result of the low freshwater inflow.  相似文献   

Freshwater fraction method is popular for cost-effective estimations of estuarine flushing time in response to freshwater inputs. However, due to the spatial variations of salinity, it is usually expensive to directly estimate the long-term freshwater fraction in the estuary from field observations. This paper presents the application of the 3D hydrodynamic model to estimate the distributions of salinity and thus the freshwater fractions for flushing time estimation. For a case study in a small estuary of the North Bay in Florida, USA, the hydrodynamic model was calibrated and verified using available field observations. Freshwater fractions in the estuary were determined by integrating freshwater fractions in model grids for the calculation of flushing time. The flushing time in the North Bay is calculated by the volume of freshwater fraction divided by the freshwater inflow, which is about 2.2 days under averaged flow conditions. Based on model simulations for a time series of freshwater inputs over a 2-year period, a power regression equation has been derived from model simulations to correlate estuarine flushing time to freshwater inputs. For freshwater input varying from 12 m3/s to 50 m3/s, flushing time in this small estuary of North Bay changes from 3.7 days to 1.8 days. In supporting estuarine management, the model can be used to examine the effects of upstream freshwater withdraw on estuarine salinity and flushing time.  相似文献   

The present study examines traditional paradigms regarding the differences between faunas in estuaries vs coastal waters. The ecological characteristics of the free-living nematode faunas of nearshore, subtidal sediments in downstream and upstream areas of the large, microtidal Swan River Estuary are compared with those similarly recorded seasonally in subtidal sediments along an adjacent part of the coast of temperate south-western Australia. Overall, the nematode species richness recorded in the upstream (38) and downstream estuarine areas (58) and from throughout the estuary (61) were substantially less than in marine waters (75). In addition, the value for Simpson’s diversity index was marginally less in the estuary and the dominance of the most abundant species greater. In contrast, the mean nematode species richness and diversity in individual cores followed the reverse trend, reflecting a combination of less variability among the species compositions and far greater densities in the cores from estuarine sediments. Furthermore, the mean density (numbers 10 cm−2) was far higher in both upstream (341) and downstream (903) areas of the estuary than in marine waters (87). Although the compositions of the assemblages in upstream and downstream estuarine areas differed markedly from each other at the species, genus and family levels, these differences were less pronounced than those between either of these areas and marine waters. The trophic compositions at the moderately sheltered and fully exposed marine sites differed from that in both areas of the estuary, whereas that at the most sheltered marine site was similar to that in the downstream estuarine area, with both containing substantial proportions of epistrate-grazing species. The variations among the species richness, diversity, densities and taxonomic and trophic compositions of nematode assemblages in the sediments of the two estuarine areas and nearby marine waters appear to reflect differences in 1) salinity regimes, 2) extents of exposure to wave action and its related effects and 3) amounts and types of food available to nematodes.  相似文献   

强人类活动目前已经成为河口演变的主要动力。阐明流量驱动下河控型河口潮波传播演变过程及机制,对河口治理及人类活动的影响评价具有重要指导意义。以珠江磨刀门河口为例,研究了径潮动力阶段性演变特征。采用流量驱动的R_TIDE数据驱动模型探究了该区潮波振幅梯度和上下游动力边界(即上游流量和口门振幅)关系的变化规律。结果表明,在强人类活动影响下,各潮位站M2分潮振幅明显上升(三灶站除外),且具有季节性差异和阶段性变化,灯笼山-马口河段的M2分潮振幅沿程平均增大约0.07 m,河段潮波振幅梯度平均增大约4.61×10–6 m–1。研究潮波振幅梯度与上下游动力边界的阈值的关系表明,阈值效应主要出现在甘竹-马口河段。在强人类活动影响下,潮波振幅梯度阈值增大,相应的流量阈值增大,而振幅阈值基本不变。在达到振幅阈值之前,由于底床摩擦效应,大潮振幅衰减效应大于小潮,而在超过振幅阈值后,地形辐聚效应成为影响潮波振幅梯度变化的主要因素,大潮振幅衰减效应小于小潮。阈值的变化主要与流量、地形、摩擦等多因子耦合作用有关,当地形辐聚效应和底床摩擦效应达到平衡时,潮波振幅梯度与上下游动力边界之间则出现阈值效应。该现象的发现可为河口海岸防灾减灾和水资源管理等实际问题提供重要理论支撑。  相似文献   

A tracer model with random diffusion coupled to the hydrodynamic model for the Zhujiang River Estuary (Pearl River Estuary, PRE) is to examine the effect of circulations on the transport of completely conservative pollutants. It is focused on answering the following questions: (1) What role does the estuarine plume front in the winter play in affecting the pollutants transport and its distribution in the PRE ? (2) What effect do the coastal currents driven by the monsoon have on the pollutants transport? The tracer experiment results show that: (1) the pollutant transport paths strongly depend on the circulation structures and plume frontal dynamics of the PRE and coastal waters; (2) during the summer when a southwesterly monsoon prevails, the pollutants from the four easterly river inlets and those from the bottom layer of offshore stations will greatly influence the water quality in Hong Kong waters, however, the pollutants released from the four westerly river-inlets will seldom affect the water quality of Hong Kong waters due to their transport away from Hong Kong; (3) during the winter when a northeasterly monsoon prevails, all pollutants released from the eight river gates will be laterally transported seaward inside the estuary and transport westward in the coastal waters along the river plume frontal zone. However, pollutants released from the surface layer of offshore stations near or east of the Dangan Channel will be carried into the coastal waters of Hong Kong by the landward component of the westward coastal current driven by the winter northeasterly monsoon. But the pollutants from the bottom layer of the offshore stations will be carried away from the offshore by the bottom flow driven by the northeasterly monsoon. This implies that only surface-released matter from offshore stations will affect the water quality of the coastal waters around Hong Kong during the winter when a northeasterly monsoon prevails.  相似文献   

A tracer model with random diffusion coupled to the hydrodynamic model for the Zhujiang River Estuary (Pearl River Estuary, PRE) is to examine the effect of circulations on the transport of completely conservative pollutants. It is focused on answering the following questions: (1) What role does the estuarine plume front in the winter play in affecting the pollutants transport and its distribution in the PRE? (2) What effect do the coastal currents driven by the monsoon have on the pollutants transport? The tracer experiment results show that: (1) the pollutant transport paths strongly depend on the circulation structures and plume frontal dynamics of the PRE and coastal waters; (2) during the summer when a southwesterly monsoon prevails, the pollutants from the four easterly river inlets and those from the bottom layer of offshore stations will greatly influence the water quality in Hong Kong waters, however, the pollutants released from the four westerly river-inlets will seldom affect the water quality of Hong Kong waters due to their transport away from Hong Kong; (3) during the winter when a northeasterly monsoon prevails, all pollutants released from the eight river gates will be laterally transported seaward inside the estuary and transport westward in the coastal waters along the river plume frontal zone. However, pollutants released from the surface layer of offshore stations near or east of the Dangan Channel will be carried into the coastal waters of Hong Kong by the landward component of the westward coastal current driven by the winter northeasterly monsoon. But the pollutants from the bottom layer of the offshore stations will be carried away from the offshore by the bottom flow driven by the northeasterly monsoon. This implies that only surface-released matter from offshore stations will affect the water quality of the coastal waters around Hong Kong during the winter when a northeasterly monsoon prevails.  相似文献   

The impact of the Huanghe (Yellow) River outflows on its estuary was investigated with river gauging and shipboard hydrographic observations. The river flux has been decreasing dramatically; the discharges of water and sediment in the 1990s dropped to 27.4% and 31.9% of those in the 1950s, respectively, resulting in frequent and lengthy events of downstream channel dry-up since the 1970s. There were accumulatively 897 zero-flow days during the 1990s in the river course below the Lijin Hydrological Station, 100 km upstream from the river mouth, which is 82.4% of that in 1972. As freshwater input decreases, river-borne nutrients to the estuarine increased significantly. Concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in the 1990s was four times of that in 1950s. Changes in amount and content of the riverine inputs have greatly affected the estuarine ecosystem. Over the past several decades, sea surface temperature and salinity in the estuary and its adjacent waters increased and their distribution pattern altered in response to the reduction of freshwater inflow. The distribution of and seasonal succession in nutrient concentrations in the surface layer have also changed with a shift of river outlet and the decrease in riverine nutrient loads. Furthermore, deterioration of estuarine ecosystem by less river input has decreased primary productivity in the deltaic region waters, and in turn depressed the fishery.  相似文献   

根据1988-1991年河口锋面现场调查、上海市海岸带调查及历次标准断面调查资料对长江盐度场及盐度锋进行了分析,提出了由口门至外海纵向上存在着三级锋面现象:内侧锋面即长江河口锋为长江河口水与长江冲淡水的界面;羽状锋是长江口羽状流水与口外混合水的界面,它是长江口最主要的盐度锋面,也是长江口一个重要的生物地球化学带,对河口沉积过程及水下三角洲发育具有重要的影响。外侧锋面即海洋锋,是长江冲淡水的最外边缘。  相似文献   

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