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将共轭变分同化方法应用于LAGFD-WAM海浪数值模式,导出了海浪谱能量平衡方程的共轭方程以及风输入、破碎、底摩擦、波波非线性相互作用和波流相互作用的相庆共轭源函数,建立了海浪同化模型,数值计算仍采用特征线嵌入计算格式,为合成孔径雷达波谱反演资料和卫星高度计有效波高资料同化奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

海浪组成波中的四波共振时满足谱作用量、谱能量及动量守恒,在变分同化所建立的波谱共轭方程中,对应于非线性波波相互作用源函数Boltzman积分形式,本文建立了其共轭源函数满足的守恒关系;实际海浪计算时广泛采用Hasselmann et al.(1985)的参数化方法,本文给出其综合作用表示式,证明也满足谱作用量、谱能量及动量守恒,并进一步导出了其共轭源函数中存在的守恒量。所有的共轭源函数守恒量只是对共轭算子而言的,对于共轭波谱则不存在相应的守恒关系。  相似文献   

基于MCT耦合器,利用中尺度大气模型WRF、海洋模型FVCOM和第三代海浪模型SWAN,实现大气、海洋和海浪的三者实时耦合计算,同时采用卫星微波辐射资料AMSU-A,通过WRF大气模式的资料同化模块WRFDA,实现对风场模拟的连续同化,从而建立起大气-海洋-海浪耦合与卫星数据同化的W-F-S-A耦合同化模式。将该模型应用于2014年台风“威马逊”的数值模拟,并与其他模型进行比较。结果表明,W-F-S-A耦合同化模式对于台风路径和风速的模拟结果优于单独耦合和单独同化结果,并且可以较好地模拟上层海洋对台风的响应特征。  相似文献   

LAGFD-WAM海浪数值模式是一种第三代海浪数值模式,通过求解波数谱平衡方程,并考虑风输入、波浪破碎耗散、底摩擦耗散、波波非线性相互作用和波流相互作用等源函数,模拟波数空间下的海浪方向谱,并依此获得海浪的波高、周期和平均波向。该模式的一个显著特点是采用特征线嵌入格式求解海浪的传播。在进行浅水区域的海浪模拟时,特征线嵌入格式的数值计算方案是否合理对海浪数值模拟结果产生直接的影响。为此LAGFD-WAM海浪数值模式提出了一种新的特征线混合数值计算格式,并应用于浅水海浪数值模拟。结果表明,采用该计算方法,能够使数值模拟结果与实测结果很好符合。  相似文献   

特征线计算格式下共轭方程两种导出途径的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共轭方程的导出是建立资料同化模型的关键,其导出方式有两种途径:AFD形式与FDA形式。在特征线计算格式基础上针对一类较广泛海洋动力控制方程分析了其两种共轭方程(AFD形式与FDA形式)之间的关系,并将理论结果应用于波谱共轭方程的讨论。  相似文献   

LAGFD-Ⅱ区域性海浪数值模式及其应用Ⅰ.海浪数值模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
给出了LAGFD-Ⅱ区域性海浪数值模式,详细地导出了波数空间中的复杂特征线方程。在模式中除了含有一般的各项源函数项之外,我们还给出了波、流相互作用源函数,并对非线性相互作用源函数作了一种简化处理,模式的数值计算取得了令人满意的结果。  相似文献   

背景误差相关结构的确定是影响海浪同化效果的关键因素之一。集合Kalman滤波是一种较为成熟的同化方法,其可以对背景误差进行实时更新和动态估计,现已广泛应用于海洋和大气领域的研究。本文基于MASNUM-WAM海浪模式,分别采用静态样本集合Kalman滤波和EAKF方法,针对2014年全球海域开展海浪数据同化实验,同化资料为Jason-2卫星高度计数据,利用Saral卫星高度计资料对同化实验结果进行检验。结果表明,两组同化方案均有效提高了海浪模式的模拟水平,EAKF方案在风场变化较大的西风带区域表现显著优于静态样本集合Kalman滤波方案,但总体上两者相差不大。综合考虑计算成本和同化效果,静态样本集合Kalman滤波方案更适用于海浪业务化预报。  相似文献   

近岸局部范围内的波浪是由远处洋面上生成并传播过来的,它的生成发展源地(敏感性海域)对于所关注范围的波浪起决定性影响。共轭方程中的模式变量反映了物理参量的梯度变化,利用它可以达到精确确定敏感海域具体位置的目的。本文在LAGFD-WAM海浪模式基础上建立了海浪谱共轭方程,提出了通过在关注点邻域加一小扰动作为逆向积分海浪谱共轭方程的驱动项,来计算出梯度极值分布的思想。将这一思想应用于东中国海区域,通过一系列试验来确定舟山及长江口附近海域的敏感性区域位置。试验结果符合物理意义,梯度极值分布结果为下一步的多源卫星观测资料复合分析及最优实测方案设计奠定了基础。  相似文献   

基于第三代海浪数值模式LAGFD-WAM,分别利用4种不同形式的各向同性背景误差相关函数进行了Envisat高级合成孔径雷达(ASAR)海浪谱资料的最优插值同化试验.与4个浮标实测数据的比较验证表明,ASAR海浪谱资料的最优插值能够有效地改进海浪模式有效波高的模拟.4种不同形式的各向同性背景误差相关函数的同化结果相差不大,决定同化效果好坏的关键是对相关距离尺度的选取.针对自回归形式的背景误差相关函数的试验结果表明,相关距离尺度的量级在400-500km时同化效果最好,此时同化后的模式有效波高均方根误差比未同化时相对减小了26%.  相似文献   

球坐标系下MASNUM海浪数值模式的建立及其应用   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24  
为开展海浪对海洋上混合层的搅拌混合作用及其对海气界面通量的影响等研究,在LAGFD WAM区域海浪数值模式基础上建立了球坐标系下的全球海浪数值模式.重点导出了球坐标系下的海浪能量谱平衡方程及其复杂特征线方程,该组方程包含了背景流场对波动传播的调整、波动沿大圆传播的折射等.数值积分则采用复杂特征线嵌入计算格式.初步数值模拟结果表明,该海浪全球数值模式能够较为精确地刻画海浪的动力过程.  相似文献   

浅海水下地形的SAR遥感仿真研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合连续性方程和布拉格后向散射模型,在准一维简化浅海水下地形情况下,建立了浅海水下地形SAR海面相对后向散射强度仿真模型,将浅海水下地形区域的SAR海面后向散射强度的相对变化与大尺度背景流场、海面风场和雷达系统参数等联系起来.海上实验和研究结果表明,浅海水下地形的SAR成像主要由通过受水下地形影响的海表层流场对海表面风引起的微尺度波的水动力调制而获取浅海水下地形信息,其中潮流与水下地形的相互作用过程改变海表层流场,变化的海表层流与海表面微尺度波之间的相互作用改变海表面波的空间分布,雷达波与海表面波之间的相互作用决定雷达海面后向散射强度.因此SAR图像中浅海水下地形或水深信息量的多少不仅与海表层流场和海面风速有关,而且与雷达工作波段、雷达波束入射角和极化方式也密切相关.认为由水下地形变化引起的缓慢变化的表层流场中海表面定常微尺度波谱能量密度的变化满足波作用量谱平衡方程;而在波数空间中,海表面微尺度波谱的成长过程也可以用波数谱平衡方程描述,在此基础上,得出了海表面波高频谱(毛细-重力波)形式的解析表达式.众所周知,浅海水下地形信息是由于水下地形影响下SAR海面后向散射强度与背景海面后向散射强度的相对差异而在SAR图像上的呈现,从而在建立浅海水下地形SAR海面相对后向散射强度仿真模型的基础上,仿真计算了浅海水下地形SAR海面相对后向散射强度相对于海表层流场、海面风场等海况参数和SAR工作波段、SAR波束入射角、极化方式等雷达系统参数的数值仿真结果,分析得到了有关浅海水下地形SAR海面相对后向散射强度的特征和SAR浅海水下地形遥感的最佳海况参数与最佳雷达系统参数,为研究和开展SAR浅海水下地形遥感研究提供了有价值的参考.  相似文献   

Using surface wave parameters and a high-resolution surface wind field derived from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image mode data, we have investigated the spatial modification of SAR spectra. We found a surface wind front, formed by sheltering effect of the Kii Mountains, separating high and low wind-speed regions in a sea area of an European Remote-Sensing Satellite (ERS) SAR image off the Kii Peninsula. A swell system propagating westward dominates in the whole sea area covered by the SAR image. The wavelength retrieved from the SAR spectra in the sheltered (non-sheltered) region is longer (shorter). Since the distributions of surface wave parameters and surface wind speed are so well correlated, it can be considered that the SAR spectra are modified differently by the sheltered/non-sheltered surface winds. In order to examine the phenomena observed on the SAR image we have estimated the wind-wave SAR spectrum using the SAR surface winds, a wind-wave spectrum model and a SAR wave imaging model. We assume that the SAR spectrum related to the swell is homogeneous in the area imaged by SAR, and that the SAR spectrum of the wind-wave components causes the observed SAR spectra modification. Differences between the observed SAR spectra and the estimated SAR spectra in the sheltered and non-sheltered regions agree well with each other. In the present case, it can be concluded that the observed SAR spectra can be regarded as a linear combination of the wind-wave SAR spectra and the swell SAR spectra.  相似文献   

针对有效波高资料提出一种海浪谱分解与重构的资料同化方案:利用历史时段内的有效波高观测资料和模式计算波高场,采用最优插值方法得到分析波高场;在WAVEWATCH-Ⅲ模式的波浪能量密度谱和有效波高分析值之间引入一个变异系数矩阵,描述模式的误差,以此为状态向量构建卡尔曼滤波系统,对分解过的海浪谱进行修正和重构,得到同化后的海浪谱初始场。利用美国阿拉斯加湾北部海域的7个浮标站进行同化和72 h预报试验,对连续1个月的预报结果进行统计表明:采用该同化方案后24 h预报结果的有效波高均方根误差比未同化的结果降低了0.13 m;同化方案对预报效果的影响可持续36 h左右,随着预报时效延长,同化的效果减弱。  相似文献   

We have developed a scheme to retrieve surface wave parameters (wave height and wave propagation direction) from European Remote-Sensing Satellite (ERS) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image mode data in coastal seas around Japanese coastlines. SAR spectra are converted to surface wave spectra of swell-dominated or wind-wave dominated cases. The SAR spectrum and SAR-derived wind speed are used to derive the surface wave spectrum. The wind-wave dominated case and swell-dominated case are differentiated by a wind speed of 6 m/s, and processed in different ways because of their different degree of nonlinearity. It is indicated that the cutoff wavelength for retrieval of the wind-wave dominated spectrum is proportional to the root of significant wave height, which is consistent with the results of previous studies. We generated 66 match-ups using the SAR sub-images and the in-situ surface wave parameters, which were measured by wave gauges installed in near-shore seas. Among them, there are 57 swell-dominated cases, and 9 wind-wave dominated cases. The significant wave heights derived from SAR and from in-situ observation agree with the bias of 0.09 m, the standard deviation of 0.61 m and the correlation coefficient of 0.78. The averaged absolute deviation of wave propagation directions is 18.4°, and the trend of the agreement does not depend on the wave height. These results demonstrate that the SAR surface wave spectrum retrieved by the present system can be used to observe the surface wave field in the coastal seas around Japan.  相似文献   

浅水潮波模式变分同化共轭码技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以浅水潮波模式为例,详细讨论了共轭码技术的使用方法以及代码检验,并建立了海洋浅水模式的共轭模式。利用浅水潮波模式及其共轭模式进行了流速和水位的初始场优化试验。试验结果表明,初始场优化对于潮波系统数值模拟具有重要的作用,同时也说明利用共轭码技术可以有效地设计共轭模式,进行各种同化试验研究,显示了共轭码技术的诸多优点。  相似文献   

A Eulerian–Lagrangian method (ELM) is employed for the simulation of wave propagation in the present research. The wave action conservation equation, instead of the wave energy balance equation, is used. The wave action is conservative and the action flux remains constant along the wave rays. The ELM correctly accounts for this physical characteristic of wave propagation and integrates the wave action spectrum along the wave rays. Thus, the total derivative for wave action spectrum may be introduced into the numerical scheme and the complicated partial differential wave action balance equation is simplified into an ordinary differential equation. A number of test cases on wave propagation are carried out and show that the present method is stable, accurate and efficient. The results are compared with analytical solutions and/or other computed results. It is shown that the ELM is superior to the first-order upwind method in accuracy, stability and efficiency and may better reflect the complicated dynamics due to the complicated bathymetry features in shallow water areas.  相似文献   

《Ocean Engineering》1999,26(3):255-276
A Eulerian–Lagrangian method (ELM) is employed for the simulation of wave propagation in the present research. The wave action conservation equation, instead of the wave energy balance equation, is used. The wave action is conservative and the action flux remains constant along the wave rays. The ELM correctly accounts for this physical characteristic of wave propagation and integrates the wave action spectrum along the wave rays. Thus, the total derivative for wave action spectrum may be introduced into the numerical scheme and the complicated partial differential wave action balance equation is simplified into an ordinary differential equation. A number of test cases on wave propagation are carried out and show that the present method is stable, accurate and efficient. The results are compared with analytical solutions and/or other computed results. It is shown that the ELM is superior to the first-order upwind method in accuracy, stability and efficiency and may better reflect the complicated dynamics due to the complicated bathymetry features in shallow water areas.  相似文献   

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