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2003-2012年间白令海峡断面淡水构成的时空变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
潘红  陈敏  童金炉  邱雨生  郑敏芳 《海洋学报》2015,37(11):135-146
通过对2003-2012年间白令海峡64.3°N断面海水氧同位素组成的分析,应用海水δ18 O值和盐度的质量平衡关系区分出淡水中河水和海冰融化水组分的贡献,探讨白令海峡淡水组成的分布特征及其年际变化。研究表明,断面东侧阿拉斯加沿岸水影响区呈现低δ18 O值、低盐、高温、高河水组分的特征,西侧阿拉德尔水具有高δ18 O值、高盐、低海冰融化水的特征,中部白令陆架水的δ18 O值、盐度和淡水组成则居于上述二者之间。阿拉斯加沿岸水影响区河水组分的份额约为阿拉德尔水和白令陆架水的2倍,并呈现出2010年2012年2003年2008年的时间变化规律,受控于育空河入海径流量的时间变化。白令陆架水和阿拉斯加沿岸水影响区的海冰融化水份额较为接近,均比阿拉德尔水影响区的海冰融化水份额高约45%。海冰融化水的年际变化表现出2003年2008年≈2012年2010年的规律,受控于白令海海冰的年际变动。从断面淡水构成看,通过白令海峡的淡水平均由46%的河水和54%的海冰融化水构成,且阿拉德尔水、白令陆架水和阿拉斯加沿岸水影响区河水组分与海冰融化水组分的比值自2003年至2012年间呈增加趋势,证明太平洋入流中淡水构成的变化对北冰洋海冰的融化也起着一定的作用。  相似文献   

北冰洋西部表层沉积物中生源组分及其古海洋学意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对中国首次和第二次北极科学考察在北冰洋西部所采取的66个表层沉积物中生源组分的分析,探讨了该海区表层生产力变化与水团的相互关系。楚科奇海西南部呈现出高的有机碳和生源蛋白石含量,而中部和东部哈罗德浅滩至阿拉斯加沿岸,以及楚科奇海台、北风脊和加拿大海盆表现出低的有机碳和生源蛋白石含量。楚科奇海陆架区表层沉积物以底栖有孔虫为主,丰度低;而楚科奇海台、北风脊和加拿大海盆则以浮游有孔虫占绝对优势,丰度较高。生源组分的分布特征显然与通过白令海峡进入楚科奇海的三股太平洋水和大西洋次表层水相关。楚科奇海西侧沿富营养的阿纳德尔流方向的区域呈现出高的表层生产力。而东侧受寡营养的阿拉斯加沿岸流及阿拉斯加西北沿岸陆源物质输入的影响,呈现出低的表层生产力。北纬75°以北及加拿大海盆受海冰覆盖影响,也表现出最低的表层生产力。而受北大西洋次表层水的影响,楚科奇海陆架外侧高纬海域表现出较高的钙质生物生产力。表层沉积物中Corg/N比值及其分布反映楚科奇海表层沉积物中的有机碳以海洋自身来源为主,且主要受生物泵过程控制。有机碳和生源蛋白石含量呈现高的正相关关系,说明硅藻等浮游植物的初级生产力可能控制着生物泵对碳的吸收和释放。  相似文献   

白令海表层营养盐水平输送的镭-228示踪   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
对白令海表层海水228Ra的分析表明,白令海表层海水228Ra比活度从低于检测限变化至0.81 Bq/m3,低于西北冰洋陆架区的报道值。表层水228Ra比活度和228Ra/226Ra)A.R.的空间分布均呈现由西南部中心海盆向东北部陆架区增加的趋势。由228Ra/226Ra)A.R.和盐度的关系揭示出白令海环流、白令海陆坡流和阿拉斯加沿岸流对228Ra和228Ra/226Ra)A.R.分布有明显影响。运用一维稳态扩散模型计算出白令海由中心海盆向东北部陆架方向上水体混合的水平涡动扩散系数为1.9×108 m2/d。结合海盆-陆架界面营养盐的水平浓度梯度,估算得硝酸盐、活性磷酸盐和活性硅酸盐由白令海中心海盆向东北部陆架区的水平输送通量,该通量对白令海东北部陆架区新生产力的贡献很小,其他途径输送的营养盐更为重要。  相似文献   

基于中国第7次北极科学考察白令海现场调查资料与数据,分析了2016年夏季白令海海水颗粒态(DMSOp)和溶解态二甲亚砜(DMSOd)浓度的空间变化特征及其影响因素。研究表明,夏季白令海二甲亚砜(DMSO)浓度高于全球多数大洋和近岸海域。夏季白令海DMSOd和DMSOp浓度空间变化相似。表层海水DMSOp浓度为6.47~169.40 nmol/L,平均值为(79.62±56.10) nmol/L;DMSOd浓度的变化范围是20.07~153.70 nmol/L,平均值为(72.67±39.20) nmol/L。平面分布上,白令海表层DMSO浓度由海盆区、中外陆架区至内陆架区依次降低;垂直分布上由表至底随深度增加而降低,表层DMSOd和DMSOp浓度高于55 nmol/L,底层低于25 nmol/L。海盆区DMSOd主要源于DMS氧化和浮游生物直接合成的DMSOp,海盆区深层水团DMSOd浓度主要受控于温度和盐度。中外陆架区表层暖水团DMSO浓度主要受控于温度,陆架冷水团DMSO浓度则受盐度影响较大。内陆架区陆架水团DMSOp浓度和阿拉斯加沿岸水团DMSOd浓度分别受温度和DMS光化学氧化影响。  相似文献   

冬季东海典型海域颗粒有机碳的垂直分布   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
就冬季东海陆架典型海域POC的垂直分布进行了研究。结果表明受黄海沿岸流影响的中陆架砂质区POC和悬浮体含量高,POC的垂直分布表现为从表层到底层逐渐增高;悬浮体含量低的中陆架济州岛西南泥质区和砂质区,POC含量低,其垂直分布比较均匀。POC的垂直分布与海水体中的总悬浮颗粒物浓度、陆源沉积物供应和海洋生物作用密切相关。  相似文献   

山东半岛沿岸海域悬浮体时空分布及形成机制分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘琳  王珍岩 《海洋科学》2019,43(10):55-65
依据2015年GOCI(geostationary ocean color imager)卫星影像反演的悬浮体浓度数据,分析了山东半岛沿岸海域表层悬浮体质量浓度和锋面月变化特征,揭示该海域悬浮体的分布特征和扩散格局,并结合风速、波高以及海表温度数据,对其控制因素进行初步探讨。结果显示:研究区内悬浮体质量浓度整体表现为冬季最高,春秋次之,夏季最低的分布特征;悬浮体扩散过程可以划分为4个阶段,冬季稳定外输,春季向岸退缩,夏季近岸贮存,秋季向外扩散。此外,山东半岛近岸存在一条悬浮体质量浓度高于10 mg/L的浑浊带,该浑浊带同样表现出季节变化,它在秋季开始形成,其悬浮体含量、幅宽及延伸范围在冬季达到最大,春季减弱,夏季消失。研究认为山东半岛沿岸海域的表层悬浮体来源主要是海底沉积物的再悬浮。风场、海浪以及沿岸流的强弱变化对悬浮体分布和输运的季节变化有重要的控制作用:风场和海浪影响海水混合搅拌强度,改变海底沉积物再悬浮作用的临界深度,进而影响表层海水悬浮体浓度,致使悬浮体浓度与风浪的月际变化趋势基本一致;沿岸流携带高浓度悬浮体沿山东半岛输运形成沿岸浑浊带,沿岸流的强度变化直接控制浑浊带的季节变化。  相似文献   

北白令海透明胞外聚合颗粒物的含量与来源   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
透明胞外聚合颗粒物(TEP)是海水中大量存在的黏性颗粒物质,它对于海洋颗粒物的聚集、有机碳的埋藏、食物网物质的传递、痕量金属的清除与迁出等均起着重要作用。本研究开展了夏季北白令海陆架、陆坡和海盆区透明胞外聚合颗粒物含量和分布的研究。结果表明,北白令海TEP含量介于34~628 mg/m3(Xeq)之间,其中陆架、陆坡和海盆区TEP的平均含量分别为240, 145和83 mg/m3(Xeq),整体呈现由陆架向外海降低的趋势。在陆坡和海盆区,TEP含量随着深度的增加而降低,但在陆架近底层水中,观察到TEP高含量的特征,与近底层水高的TSM, POC相对应。TEP与荧光强度、TSM、POC等的关系分析显示,研究海域TEP存在两个来源,其一为海洋上层水体的浮游生物,其主要贡献于陆架上层、陆坡和海盆水体;其二为陆架沉积物的底栖生物,其通过沉积物再悬浮贡献于陆架近底层水。  相似文献   

基于2012年7月东海陆架水文及悬浮体粒度等实测数据,分析不同水团内悬浮体物质组成和粒度分布特征,并探究其影响因素,为查明东海陆架海区陆源沉积物输运扩散机制、揭示海底沉积物来源和成因机制等提供理论依据。结果显示:夏季东海陆架悬浮体由两部分构成,即≤128μm的无机颗粒和?128μm以浮游生物为主的颗粒,其平均体积浓度分别为3.5μL/L和8.4μL/L。悬浮体空间分布受到该海域水团类型的制约。长江冲淡水、台湾暖流表层水、台湾暖流深层水、台湾海峡暖水以及东海冷涡的悬浮体粒径均呈双峰分布,峰值位于27.7—74.7μm和391μm;苏北沿岸流影响海域悬浮体粒径呈单峰分布,小颗粒端含量极低。悬浮体粒度组成及其空间分布差异与水团挟带的无机颗粒、营养盐输送以及水体界面阻隔密切相关。其中,长江冲淡水挟带大量无机颗粒和营养盐进入东海,致使其无机颗粒和浮游生物含量均为研究区最高;苏北沿岸流经长距离扩散后挟带的无机颗粒大多已经沉降,因此无机颗粒含量在研究区最低,而其挟带的丰富营养盐,致使浮游生物含量为次高值;台湾暖流表层水、台湾暖流深层水、东海冷涡以及台湾海峡暖水中悬浮体均以无机颗粒为主,其中前三个水团的水体界面处浮游生物含量较高;不同水团垂向交界处常形成温、盐跃层,跃层能够抑制底层营养盐向表层的扩散,导致跃层位置成为浮游生物高含量区。  相似文献   

山东半岛东北部海域悬浮体季节分布及控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2018年山东半岛东北部海域冬、夏两季悬浮体浓度、浊度及水温和盐度调查资料,分析了研究区水体悬浮体浓度的季节性变化,探讨了其控制因素。结果表明:夏季浊度在0.2~37.8FTU之间变化,冬季浊度在1.5~100.1FTU之间变化,均表现为底高表低、东高西低的特征。夏季水温分层明显,表现为表层高、底层低的特征,盐度整体无明显变化;冬季温盐垂向上混合均匀,平面上表现为近岸低温低盐水体向远岸高温高盐水体的过渡。悬浮体浓度分布受潮流、波浪、温跃层和温盐锋面等因素影响。夏季,悬浮体垂向上受到温跃层影响,底层悬浮体难以向表层输运;平面上潮混合和波浪差异性作用阻碍了悬浮体的水平输运。冬季,强风浪促使悬浮体垂向混合剧烈,表层悬浮体浓度明显较夏季变高;平面上沿岸流和黄海暖流形成的温、盐锋面阻碍了水团间悬浮体的输运。  相似文献   

2008年夏季白令海营养盐的分布及其结构状况   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
中国第3次北极考察对白令海营养盐的分布及结构状况进行了观测分析,结果表明,白令海营养盐分布和结构状况区域性特征明显。海盆区表层DIN、磷酸盐和硅酸盐平均浓度分别为9.73,0.94,11.06 μmol/dm3;陆架区表层DIN,磷酸盐和硅酸盐平均浓度分别为0.60, 0.43, 3.74 μmol/dm3。营养盐高值主要出现在白令海西南部的海盆区和海峡口西南侧水域,低值出现于陆架边缘的陆坡区和陆架东部水域。白令海盆区真光层DIN,磷酸盐、硅酸盐浓度普遍较高,叶绿素浓度则较低,具有典型的高营养盐、低叶绿素(HNLC)特征。海盆区生物作用不是营养盐空间分布的主要调控因子,而陆架区营养盐的分布变化不仅受控于物理海洋输运过程的变化,同时也受夏季浮游生物生长、营养盐吸收消耗所影响。陆架和陆坡区表层海水N/P,Si/P比值平均分别为1.8, 9.9和3.2, 2.2,呈明显的低N/P,Si/P比值结构特征,陆坡区缺硅明显,陆架区缺氮显著。在白令海水域磷酸盐浓度普遍较高,它不可能成为浮游植物光合作用限制因子。受硅限制水域主要限于陆坡区硅藻大量繁殖时期,属偶然性限制,在白令海陆架区绝大部分水域主要表现为氮限制。  相似文献   

On the basis of the CTD data obtained within the Bering Sea shelf by the Second to Sixth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in the summers of 2003, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014, the classification and interannual variation of water masses on the central Bering Sea shelf and the northern Bering Sea shelf are analyzed. The results indicate that there are both connection and difference between two regions in hydrological features. On the central Bering Sea shelf, there are mainly four types of water masses distribute orderly from the slope to the coast of Alaska: Bering Slope Current Water(BSCW), MW(Mixed Water), Bering Shelf Water(BSW) and Alaska Coastal Water(ACW). In summer, BSW can be divided into Bering Shelf Surface Water(BSW_S) and Bering Shelf Cold Water(BSW_C). On the northern Bering Sea shelf near the Bering Strait,it contains Anadyr Water(AW), BSW and ACW from west to east. But the spatial-temporal features are also remarkable in each region. On the central shelf, the BSCW is saltiest and occupies the west of 177°W, which has the highest salinity in 2014. The BSW_C is the coldest water mass and warmest in 2014; the ACW is freshest and mainly occupies the east of 170°W, which has the highest temperature and salinity in 2012. On the northern Bering Sea shelf near the Bering Strait, the AW is saltiest with temperature decreasing sharply compared with BSCW on the central shelf. In the process of moving northward to the Bering Strait, the AW demonstrates a trend of eastward expansion. The ACW is freshest but saltier than the ACW on the central shelf,which is usually located above the BSW and is saltiest in 2014. The BSW distributes between the AW and the ACW and coldest in 2012, but the cold water of the BSW_C on the central shelf, whose temperature less than 0°C, does not exist on the northern shelf. Although there are so many changes, the respond to a climate change is synchronized in the both regions, which can be divided into the warm years(2003 and 2014) and cold years(2008, 2010 and 2012). The year of 2014 may be a new beginning of warm period.  相似文献   

西北冰洋中太平洋入流水营养盐的变化特征   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用1999,2003和2008年夏季(7-9月)三次中国北极科学考察数据资料,分析和讨论太平洋入流水营养盐的分布和楚科奇海关键生物地球化学过程对太平洋水化学性质的改造.结果表明,2003和2008年在白令海峡南部64.3°N纬向断面(BS断面)由于水团性质差异显著,营养盐呈西高、东低的分布趋势.2003年BS断面水柱...  相似文献   

北白令海夏季冷水团的分布及其年际变化研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
利用1982-2008年间的高分辨率CTD数据,对夏季位于北白令海陆架底层的冷水团性质及其多年变化进行了研究.结果表明,依据该区域水体在温盐性质上的差异可以分为4类:陆架冷水团(BSW_C),白令海陆坡流水(BSCW),混合变性水(MW),陆架表层暖水(BSW_S).以-1℃,2℃和4℃温度等值线指示水团边界,清楚地将...  相似文献   

The sea floor topography around Taiwan is characterized by the asymmetry of its shallow and flat shelves to the west and markedly deep troughs and basins to the south and east. Tectonics and sedimentation are major controls in forming the submarine physiographic features around Taiwan. Three Pliocene-Quaternary shelves are distributed north and west of Taiwan: East China Sea Shelf (passive margin shelf), the Taiwan Strait Shelf (foreland shelf), and Kaoping Shelf (island shelf) from north to south parallel to the strike of Taiwan orogen. Off northeastern Taiwan major morpho/tectonic features associated with plate subduction include E-W trending Ryukyu Trench, Yaeyama accretionary wedge, forearc basins, the Ryukyu Arcs, and the backarc basin of southern Okinawa Trough. Off eastern Taiwan lies the deep Huatung Basin on the Philippine Sea plate with a relatively flat floor, although several large submarine canyons are eroding and crossing the basin floor. Off southeastern Taiwan, the forearc region of the Luzon Arc has been deformed into five alternating N-S trending ridges and troughs during initial arc-continent collision. Among them, the submarine Hengchun Ridge is the seaward continuation of the Hengchun peninsula in southern Taiwan. Off southwestern Taiwan, the broad Kaoping Slope is the major submarine topographic feature with several noticeable submarine canyons. The Penghu Canyon separates this slope from the South China Sea Slope to the west and merges southwards into the Manila Trench in the northern South China Sea. Although most of sea floors of the Taiwan Strait are shallower than 60?m in water depth, there are three noticeable bathymetric lows and two highs in the Taiwan Strait. There exists a close relationship between hydrography and topography in the Taiwan Strait. The circulation of currents in the Taiwan Strait is strongly influenced by seasonal monsoon and semidiurnal tides. The Penghu Channel-Yunchang Ridge can be considered a modern tidal depositional system. The Taiwan Strait shelf has two phases of development. The early phase of the rift margin has developed during Paleoocene-Miocene and it has evolved to the foreland basin in Pliocene-Quaternary time. The present shelf morphology results mainly from combined effects of foreland subsidence and modern sedimentation overprinting that of the Late Pleistocene glaciation about 15,000 years ago.  相似文献   

The sea floor topography around Taiwan is characterized by the asymmetry of its shallow and flat shelves to the west and markedly deep troughs and basins to the south and east. Tectonics and sedimentation are major controls in forming the submarine physiographic features around Taiwan. Three Pliocene-Quaternary shelves are distributed north and west of Taiwan: East China Sea Shelf (passive margin shelf), the Taiwan Strait Shelf (foreland shelf), and Kaoping Shelf (island shelf) from north to south parallel to the strike of Taiwan orogen. Off northeastern Taiwan major morpho/tectonic features associated with plate subduction include E-W trending Ryukyu Trench, Yaeyama accretionary wedge, forearc basins, the Ryukyu Arcs, and the backarc basin of southern Okinawa Trough. Off eastern Taiwan lies the deep Huatung Basin on the Philippine Sea plate with a relatively flat floor, although several large submarine canyons are eroding and crossing the basin floor. Off southeastern Taiwan, the forearc region of the Luzon Arc has been deformed into five alternating N-S trending ridges and troughs during initial arc-continent collision. Among them, the submarine Hengchun Ridge is the seaward continuation of the Hengchun peninsula in southern Taiwan. Off southwestern Taiwan, the broad Kaoping Slope is the major submarine topographic feature with several noticeable submarine canyons. The Penghu Canyon separates this slope from the South China Sea Slope to the west and merges southwards into the Manila Trench in the northern South China Sea. Although most of sea floors of the Taiwan Strait are shallower than 60 m in water depth, there are three noticeable bathymetric lows and two highs in the Taiwan Strait. There exists a close relationship between hydrography and topography in the Taiwan Strait. The circulation of currents in the Taiwan Strait is strongly influenced by seasonal monsoon and semidiurnal tides. The Penghu Channel-Yunchang Ridge can be considered a modern tidal depositional system. The Taiwan Strait shelf has two phases of development. The early phase of the rift margin has developed during Paleoocene-Miocene and it has evolved to the foreland basin in Pliocene-Quaternary time. The present shelf morphology results mainly from combined effects of foreland subsidence and modern sedimentation overprinting that of the Late Pleistocene glaciation about 15,000 years ago.  相似文献   

Sea surface height anomalies observed by satellites in 1992–2010 are combined with monthly climatologies of temperature and salinity to estimate circulation in the southern Bering Sea. The estimated surface and deep currents are consistent with independent velocity observations by surface drifters and Argo floats parked at 1,000?m. Analysis reveals 1–3-Sv interannual transport variations of the major currents with typical intra-annual variability of 3–7?Sv. On the seasonal scale, the Alaskan Stream transport is well correlated with the Kamchatka (0.81), Near Strait (0.53) and the Bering Slope (0.37) currents. Lagged correlations reveal a gradual increase of the time the lags between the transports of the Alaskan Stream, the Bering Slope Current and the Kamchatka Current, supporting the concept that the Bering Sea basin is ventilated by the waters carried by the Alaskan Stream south of the Aleutian Arc and by the flow through the Near Strait. Correlations of the Bering Sea currents with the Bering Strait transport are dominated by the seasonal cycle. On the interannual time scale, significant negative correlations are diagnosed between the Near Strait transport and the Bering Slope and Alaskan Stream currents. Substantial correlations are also diagnosed between the eddy kinetic energy and Pacific Decadal Oscillation.  相似文献   

We use a 9-km pan-Arctic ice–ocean model to better understand the circulation and exchanges in the Bering Sea, particularly near the shelf break. This region has, historically, been undersampled for physical, chemical, and biological properties. Very little is known about how water from the deep basin reaches the large, shallow Bering Sea shelf. To address this, we examine here the relationship between the Bering Slope Current and exchange across the shelf break and resulting mass and property fluxes onto the shelf. This understanding is critical to gain insight into the effects that the Bering Sea has on the Arctic Ocean, especially in regard to recent indications of a warming climate in this region. The Bering Sea shelf break region is characterized by the northwestward-flowing Bering Slope Current. Previously, it was thought that once this current neared the Siberian coast, a portion of it made a sharp turn northward and encircled the Gulf of Anadyr in an anticyclonic fashion. Our model results indicate a significantly different circulation scheme whereby water from the deep basin is periodically moved northward onto the shelf by mesoscale processes along the shelf break. Canyons along the shelf break appear to be more prone to eddy activity and, therefore, are associated with higher rates of on-shelf transport. The horizontal resolution configured in this model now allows for the representation of eddies with diameters greater than 36 km; however, we are unable to resolve the smaller eddies.  相似文献   

Surface transects and vertical profiles of macronutrients, dissolved iron (D-Fe), and dissolved manganese (D-Mn) were investigated during August 2003 in the southeastern Bering Sea. We observed iron-limited, HNLC surface waters in the deep basin of the Bering Sea (15-20 μmol/kg nitrate, ∼0.07 nmol/kg D-Fe, and ?1.0 nmol/kg D-Mn); nitrate-limited, iron-replete surface waters over the shelf (<0.1 μmol/kg nitrate, 0.5-4 nmol/kg D-Fe, and 2-33 nmol/kg D-Mn); and high biomass at the shelf break (“Green Belt”), where diatoms appeared to have been stressed by low D-Fe concentrations (<0.3 nmol/kg). Sources of nitrate and iron to the Green Belt were investigated. A mixture of Aleutian North Slope Current water (with elevated, but non-sufficient iron concentrations relative to its high nitrate concentrations) and surface waters from the vicinity of the Bering Canyon (with lower nitrate concentrations, but similar dissolved iron concentrations) was carried along the shelf break by the Bering Slope Current. This water mixture provided macro- and micronutrients at the southern end of the shelf break. The oceanic domain supplied additional macronutrients to Green Belt waters, while the bottom layer of the outer shelf domain supplied additional macro- and micronutrients through enhanced vertical mixing at the shelf break. Surface waters near the Pribilof Islands, where the highest surface D-Fe concentrations were observed (∼5-6 nmol/kg), represent a potential source of additional iron to Green Belt waters. During summer, the subsurface water of the middle shelf domain is a potential source of nitrate to the nitrate depleted waters of the shelf. In this subsurface cool pool, we observed evidence of substantial denitrification with lower than expected nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThe South China Sea (SCS) is the largestmarginal sea in the western Pacific (see Fig. 1). It con-nects with the SCS through the Taiwan Strait, with thePacific through the Luzon Strait, with the Sulu Seathrough the Mindoro and Balabac Straits and with theJava Sea and Andaman Sea through the Sunda Shelf(For convenience, here we refer to the section at 1.5°N,Fig. 2). It is shown that the seasonal SCS circulation ismostly affected by the summer/winter monsoon, andthe no…  相似文献   

为了准确解释环境磁学参数记录的极地古气候环境变化信息,本研究对白令海和西北冰洋61个站位的表层沉积物进行了高、低频质量磁化率(χ)、非磁滞磁化率(χARM)和磁化率-温度(k-T)分析,以探明该区沉积物中磁性矿物的种类、来源与搬运路径。结果显示,样品的χ具有明显的地域分布特征。白令海的χ值整体高于楚科奇海,并在育空河口外侧和圣劳伦斯岛南侧较高,向北和向西南方向逐渐减小。楚科奇海中东部陆架上表层沉积χ值高于阿拉斯加沿岸,而西北冰洋深海平原和洋脊区的χ值最低。χARM的变化趋势与质量磁化率相似,但频率磁化率的变化趋势与质量磁化率正好相反。k-T分析结果显示阿留申海盆沉积物中的铁磁性矿物以磁赤铁矿占主导,白令海陆架育空河口外侧和圣劳伦斯岛南北两侧为磁铁矿,白令海陆架西部和楚科奇海陆架中东部为磁赤铁矿和磁铁矿,楚科奇海阿拉斯加沿岸为黄铁矿,而西北冰洋陆坡、深海平原和洋脊区为胶黄铁矿和黄铁矿,但高纬度区沉积物中的胶黄铁矿含量更高。沉积物中磁性矿物的区域性分布受沉积物来源、洋流和底质环境等因素的控制。白令海和楚科奇海陆架磁赤铁矿来源于亚洲大陆,白令海陆架东部的磁铁矿来自育空河流域,阿拉斯加沿岸沉积物中的黄铁矿,应为阿拉斯加西北部陆源侵蚀来源的或早期成岩作用形成的,西北冰洋深海盆区的胶黄铁矿,为自生成因的。  相似文献   

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