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北部湾盆地迈陈凹陷中南部Y井井壁取心分析、岩屑样品的薄片鉴定结果及地球物理测井综合评价表明,其钻遇的不同层位层段的储层类型主要以含泥质较高的砂岩、粉砂岩及泥质粉砂岩为主,少量砾岩,多属于近—中物源快速沉积充填、储集物性偏差的储集层类型,且成岩程度偏低(处在早成岩A或B期或中成岩A期),总体上属于岩性较细、泥质含量偏高、孔渗参数偏低的中孔中渗和低孔低渗及低孔特低渗型砂岩储层类型。其中,钻遇的渐新统涠洲组砂岩储层总体上偏细且泥质含量较高,砂岩有效孔隙度和渗透率偏低,属于储集物性较差储层;始新统流沙港组二段砂岩属于差—较好储层,储层孔隙类型以粒间孔为主,其次为粒间溶孔,还发育有少量或微量长石溶孔和粒内溶孔,具有一定的孔渗性;古新统长流组砂岩孔隙类型以粒间孔、粒间溶孔为主,发育少量长石溶孔及粒内溶孔,储层致密储集物性偏差。总之,本区储层发育主要受控于碎屑物物源供给远近与沉积相及成岩作用,但总体上储层成岩程度较低,加之溶蚀作用及胶结作用普遍,故严重影响了储层储集物性。  相似文献   

以大量岩心观察为基础,结合室内电镜扫描和物性特征分析,对西部斜坡带储层成岩序列与孔隙演化进行了研究,认为储层岩石类型主要为长石岩屑砂岩及岩屑长石砂岩,储集空间以粒间溶孔和粒内溶孔为主,属中孔中渗一低孔低渗型储层。成岩作用及孔隙演化对储层物性有重要影响,该区主要经历了压实、胶结、溶解以及交代等多种成岩作用,其中压实作用和交代作用对储层起破坏作用,溶解作用对储层改善起建设性作用。成岩阶段可划分为早成岩A期、B期和晚成岩A1期、A2期及B期,目前储层处于晚成岩A2期,原生孔隙大部分被破坏,次生孔隙发育,并在2900~3200m和3600。4000m处形成两个次生孔隙发育带。  相似文献   

冀中坳陷深县凹陷东营组砂岩储层岩石类型以长石岩屑砂岩或岩屑长石砂岩为主,岩石成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较低,反映了近物源和多物源的特征。通过对研究区的岩心化验分析资料、薄片和扫描电镜资料的分析,认为深县凹陷东营组储集空间类型主要包括原生孔隙和次生孔隙两类,其中以原生的粒间孔隙为主。研究区岩性孔渗资料的统计结果表明,储层的物性较好,基本为中高孔中渗型储层,根据深县凹陷储层评价标准,可以将深县凹陷储层分为4类,东营组储层主要是Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类储层。深县凹陷东营组主要为辫状河流相沉积,其沉积作用直接决定着储集砂体的类型、展布范围以及后期成岩改造作用。而储层储集性能主要受原始沉积作用及后期成岩作用共同控制,控制储层孔隙演化的成岩作用主要为机械压实作用和胶结作用。  相似文献   

为揭示鄂尔多斯盆地环江油田延长组长8段致密砂岩储层特征及控制因素,通过岩心、薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、X衍射等资料研究了储层的岩石学特征、成岩作用、孔隙和物性特征,并讨论了致密砂岩的成因机理。结果表明:长8段岩石类型主要为长石岩屑砂岩和岩屑长石砂岩,储集空间主要为粒间孔(包括残余粒间孔与粒间溶孔)、溶孔(长石溶孔与岩屑溶孔),储层孔隙度平均为9.6%;渗透率平均为0.67×10~(-3)μm~2。为典型的低孔——超低孔、超低渗的致密储层。储层物性受控于多种因素,其中沉积条件是不同砂岩物性差异的基础,沉积后持续快速的埋藏和较多的塑形颗粒共同导致强烈的压实和孔隙的大量损失,硅质和钙质胶结则充填压实剩余孔隙,加之伊利石对孔吼的堵塞,最终形成致密砂岩。  相似文献   

综合应用铸体薄片、扫描电镜、阴极发光、恒速压汞、流体包裹体和X衍射等分析技术,对储层岩石学、孔喉结构和成岩作用类型及特征进行深入研究,探讨储层致密化过程和物性演化。结果表明:平湖组储层砂岩类型主要为长石岩屑质石英砂岩,以细-中粒结构为主,分选性中到好;孔隙类型以溶蚀粒间孔为主,孔隙半径主要集中于130~190μm,喉道半径主要集中于0.2~10μm;埋藏压实是导致平湖组储层低渗-特低渗的主因,埋深、粒度及泥质决定了压实作用的强弱,而后期次生溶蚀及胶结作用的差异加剧了储层的非均值性。中成岩A期平湖组储层次生溶蚀规模受限于流体环境,细粒沉积不利于后期溶蚀是造成储层致密化的主因;进入中成岩B期,成岩环境呈碱性且逐渐封闭,大量含铁碳酸盐、呈丝状或弯曲片状伊利石等富集堵塞喉道,致使储层大规模致密。  相似文献   

西湖凹陷KX构造始新统平湖组是重要产气层系.利用大量薄片、岩心和分析化验资料,对该平湖组储集层进行了详细的岩石学特征、储层物性分析以及影响储层发育的主控因素的研究.结果表明,该套储层的岩石类型以长石岩屑质石英砂岩主,填隙物丰富、分选中等—好、成分成熟度低、磨圆程度高;孔隙类型以次生孔隙为主;喉道类型以片状、弯曲片状喉道为主;孔喉组合类型为中孔小喉、小孔小喉组合;储层物性较差,为低孔低渗储层;平湖组储层主要受潮汐改造的分流河道微相控制,压实作用、胶结作用、溶蚀作用和破裂作用等成岩作用是研究区储集层物性的主要控制因素.  相似文献   

塔中地区志留系主要为无障壁海岸及潮坪沉积体系,其储层以岩屑砂岩、岩屑石英砂岩为主。通过观察岩心和对薄片、扫描电镜、阴极发光、物性、碳酸盐含量等大量资料的研究,认为塔中地区志留系储层砂岩经历了压实作用、胶结作用、交代作用和溶解作用等多种成岩作用,目前已达到晚成岩A2期。孔隙演化与该区的成岩作用关系密切,特别是次生孔隙的发育。孔隙演化经历了原生孔隙的破坏、次生孔隙的形成和次生孔隙的破坏3个阶段,其中机械压实作用和胶结作用是原生孔隙损失的主要原因,溶蚀作用产生的次生孔隙是重要的储集空间。  相似文献   

古近系深层砂岩储层是目前惠民凹陷主要的勘探目的层,研究其储层特征及控制因素对凹陷内勘探井位的部署有着重要的指导意义.经过研究,区内沙三段和沙四段砂岩储层物性较好,属于中孔-中渗透性储层,其余层位储层物性较差,多属于低孔-中低渗透性储层.储层性质主要受到沉积条件、压实作用、胶结作用及溶蚀作用的控制,其中压实作用对储层物性影响最大,然后依次是溶蚀作用、沉积条件和胶结作用.  相似文献   

通过运用岩心化验分析资料、薄片、扫描电镜资料及X射线衍射等资料,对深县凹陷古近系砂岩储层岩石特征、成岩作用类型、成岩阶段、成岩演化序列和孔隙演化进行了系统的分析。研究结果表明:深县凹陷古近系砂岩类型为长石岩屑砂岩或岩屑长石砂岩,岩石的结构成熟度和成分成熟度均较低;影响该区储层物性的成岩作用主要是压实作用、胶结作用、溶蚀作用和交代作用;在此基础上,通过成岩阶段划分与孔隙演化研究,深县凹陷古近系砂岩储层位于成岩阶段的早成岩B期至晚成岩B期。不同成岩阶段的成岩作用强度不同,因此,不同成岩阶段的储层物性变化较大。  相似文献   

渐新统沙河街组二段为渤海海域A油田的主力低渗产油层,弄清储层的物性特征及其控制因素对该区有利区带的优选及后期调整方案的制定具有重要指导意义。利用6口取心井的岩矿分析、薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、粒度、常规物性等分析化验资料,在厘清沙二段储层特征的基础上,从沉积、成岩、构造3个方面对沙二段低渗储层物性的控制因素进行了系统研究。研究区沙二段储层以岩屑长石砂岩为主,具有中等成分成熟度、中等胶结物含量的特征,储集空间以混合孔隙为主,储层为中孔—低渗储集性能。原始沉积条件中储层粒径、分选、泥质含量等控制了沙二段储层物性的好坏;成岩作用中压实和碳酸盐胶结是沙二段储层低渗的主要原因,有机酸溶蚀对储层物性有一定的改善作用;构造活动对沙二段储层物性的改善作用较弱。该研究成果为该区沙二段相对高渗区块的优选及调整井的部署提供了依据。  相似文献   

The Lower Devonian Jauf Formation in Saudi Arabia is an important hydrocarbon reservoir. However, in spite of its importance as a reservoir, published studies on the Jauf Formation more specifically on the reservoir quality (including diagenesis), are very few. This study, which is based on core samples from two wells in the Ghawar Field, northeastern Saudi Arabia, reports the lithologic and diagenetic characteristics of this reservoir. The Jauf reservoir is a fine to medium-grained, moderate to well-sorted quartz arenite. The diagenetic processes recognized include compaction, cementation (calcite, clay minerals, quartz overgrowths, and a minor amount of pyrite), and dissolution of the calcite cements and of feldspar grains. The widespread occurrences of early calcite cement suggest that the Jauf reservoir lost a significant amount of primary porosity at a very early stage of its diagenetic history. Early calcite cement, however, prevented the later compaction of the sandstone, thus preserving an unfilled part of the primary porosity. Based on the framework grain–cement relationships, precipitation of the early calcite cement was either accompanied or followed by the development of part of the pore-lining and pore-bridging clay cement. Secondary porosity development occurred due to partial to complete dissolution of early calcite cements and feldspar. Late calcite cement occurs as isolated patches, and has little impact on reservoir quality of the sandstones.In addition to calcite, several different clay minerals including illite and chlorite occur as pore-filling and pore-lining cements. While the pore-filling illite and chlorite resulted in a considerable loss of porosity, the pore-lining chlorite may have helped in retaining the porosity by preventing the precipitation of syntaxial quartz overgrowths. Illite, which largely occurs as hair-like rims around the grains and bridges on the pore throats, caused a substantial deterioration to permeability of the reservoir. Diagenetic history of the Jauf Formation as established here is expected to help better understanding and exploitation of this reservoir.  相似文献   

首次分析睡宝盆地A井区古近系成岩演化序列并提出其储层处于中成岩A1-A2期,此成岩阶段有利于次生孔隙的保护。研究区古近系储层成岩演化序列具有特殊性:第一期胶结作用为硅质胶结,早于机械压实作用或者同时进行,强烈的机械压实作用使得孔隙度减小15%,此后第二期碳酸盐胶结作用占主导,镜下统计两期胶结作用的减孔量为4%~6%;渐新世受到挤压构造运动和表生成岩作用的双重影响,紧临渐新统不整合面以下的储层由于碳酸盐胶结物溶解而形成次生孔隙。2009年中海油新钻井地处冲起构造,后期的这种构造变形对始新统及其以下的核部地层产生侧向挤压形成构造压实效应,原始孔隙遭到更多的破坏,而对渐新统起到构造托举的作用,可以减缓上覆沉积物的静岩压实效应。成岩演化序列的特殊性和多期构造运动使得古近系储层物性出现差异,总结储集性好的储层并分析其成因机制,对睡宝盆地下一步勘探具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷古近系花港组储层为典型的低孔、低渗储层。基于大量岩心物性、粒度、薄片、压汞等资料,对N气田目的层储层岩性、物性和孔隙结构特征进行精细评价。结果表明:N气田花港组储层岩性以细砂岩为主,矿物成分构成稳定,以石英为主,黏土含量低,岩性较纯;随着埋藏变深,孔隙变差,粒间孔减少,溶蚀孔增加,孔喉半径减小,连通性变差;局部发育砂砾岩,且渗透率大于细砂岩一个数量级以上,可作为甜点储层开发。基于实验和试油资料统计结果,建立了一套适用于花港组储层的综合分类评价标准,包含孔隙度、渗透率、饱和度和地质特征4类储层重要参数,分类结果特征鲜明,分类依据科学可靠,为该区域低孔、低渗储层勘探开发提供依据。  相似文献   

以平湖地区ZST构造X井区有限的钻井资料为基础,利用岩石铸体薄片、扫描电镜、X-衍射等测试技术手段,对该井区平湖组的岩石学特征、粒度、储层物性等方面开展了系统研究。研究揭示:该储层的岩石类型主要为长石岩屑砂岩,属中孔中渗砂岩储层。平湖组储层物性受沉积环境和成岩作用的双重影响。沉积环境控制储层物性,潮间带和潮下带发育的潮道砂、砂坪是较好的储层;成岩作用对储层物性优劣起主导作用,胶结作用导致储层物性变差,溶蚀作用(长石溶蚀作用)改善了本井平湖组的储层物性。  相似文献   

Diagenesis is of decisive significance for the reservoir heterogeneity of most clastic reservoirs. Linking the distribution of diagenetic processes to the depositional facies and sequence stratigraphy has in recent years been discipline for predicting the distribution of diagenetic alterations and reservoir heterogeneity of clastic reservoirs. This study constructs a model of distribution of diagenetic alterations and reservoir heterogeneity within the depositional facies by linking diagenesis to lithofacies, sandstone architecture and porewater chemistry during burial. This would help to promote better understanding of the distribution of reservoir quality evolution and the intense heterogeneity of reservoirs. Based on an analogue of deltaic distributary channel belt sandstone in Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation, 83 sandstone plug samples were taken from 13 wells located along this channel belt. An integration of scanning electron microscopy, thin sections, electron microprobe analyses, rate-controlled porosimetry (RCP), gas-flow measurements of porosity and permeability, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments, together with published data, were analysed for the distribution, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of detrital and diagenetic components and the distribution of reservoir quality within the distributary channel belt.Distribution of diagenetic alterations and reservoir heterogeneity within the distributary channel belt sandstones include (i) formation of high quality chlorite rims in the middle part of thick sandstones with coarser grain sizes and a lower content of ductile components resulted from the greater compaction resistance of these sandstones (providing larger pore spaces for chlorite growth), leading to formation of the intergranular pore – wide sheet-like throat and intergranular pore - intragranular pore – wide sheet-like throat (Φ>15%, k>1mD) in the middle part of thick sandstones; (ii) formation of thinner chlorite rims in the middle part of thinner sandstones is associated with the intergranular pore - intragranular pore – narrow sheet-like throat (9%<Φ<14%, 0.2mD<k<0.8mD); (iii) strong cementation by kaolinite in the more proximal sandstones of distributary channel owing to the strong feldspar dissolution by meteoric water, resulting in the intragranular pore - group of interstitial cement pores – narrow sheet-like throat/extremely narrow sheet-like throat (8%<Φ<11%, 0.1mD<k<0.3mD) due to the pore-filling kaolinite occluding porosity; (iv) formation of dense ferrocalcite zones (δ18OVPDB = −23.4‰ to −16.6‰; δ13 CVPDB = −4.0‰ to −2.3‰) favoured in the top and bottom of the channel sandstone which near the sandstone-mudstone bouding-surface, destroying pore space (Φ<8%, k<0.1mD); (v) strong compaction in sandstone of distributary channel edge laterally as a result of fine grain size and high content of ductile components in those sandstones, forming the group of interstitial cement pores – extremely narrow sheet-like throat with porosity values less than 8%.  相似文献   

The preservation of good petrophysical properties (high porosity/high permeability) at great depth in carbonate rocks may lead to the existence of a deeply buried reservoir (DBR), a target of interest for the oil industry. One of the key processes controlling diagenesis of the burial environment is Pressure Solution Creep (PSC), an efficient compaction process responsible for the evolution of porosity and permeability in many carbonate reservoirs. In this experimental study, we examine the effect of i) the presence of oil in the pore space and ii) its timing of injection on the PSC process and the petrophysical properties of a carbonate rock. The experiments were performed using a flow-through high-pressure cell, allowing the simulation of the pressure/stresses and temperature conditions of a DBR. Multi-disciplinary data (mechanical, chemical, petrographical and petrophysical) demonstrate that, without oil in the pore space, the main diagenetic process is the PSC, a process reducing by three the initial porosity but having no influence on intrinsic water permeability. An early injection of oil prior to water circulation causes the inhibition of PSC by the coating of the grains, leading to the preservation of porosity. Conversely, a late injection of oil does not preserve initial porosity. The dataset obtained from these experiments show the importance of the timing of oil charging in a reservoir in the preservation of initial porosity at great depth by the inhibition of PSC. However, the coating of grains by hydrocarbons may also inhibit further diagenetic processes leading to a creation of secondary porosity at depth.  相似文献   

通过对卫城油田卫22块铸体薄片、扫描电镜以及孔隙度渗透率资料的分析,对研究区储层微观非均质性,储层层内、层间、平面非均质性做了详细的研究。认为研究区储层砂岩以细砂岩粉砂岩为主,孔喉结构为中孔细喉;储层非均质性主要受控于沉积作用和成岩作用,层内渗透率大部分为反韵律序列,各小层内部渗透率的差异性很大,表现为严重非均质型;纵向上各小层砂岩密度相差很大,但各井垂向上渗透率差异不大,以非均质型居多;平面上储层非均质性主要受沉积相带平面分布的影响,水下分流河道和河口砂坝沉积非均质性较弱,前缘沙席表现为较强的平面非均质性。  相似文献   

A detailed laboratory study of 53 sandstone samples from 23 outcrops and 156 conventional core samples from the Maastrichtian-Paleocene Scollard-age fluvial strata in the Western Canada foredeep was undertaken to investigate the reservoir characteristics and to determine the effect of diagenesis on reservoir quality. The sandstones are predominantly litharenites and sublitharenites, which accumulated in a variety of fluvial environments. The porosity of the sandstones is both syn-depositional and diagenetic in origin. Laboratory analyses indicate that porosity in sandstones from outcrop samples with less than 5% calcite cement averages 14%, with a mean permeability of 16 mD. In contrast, sandstones with greater than 5% calcite cement average 7.9% porosity, with a mean permeability of 6.17 mD. The core porosity averages 17% with 41 mD permeability. Cementation coupled with compaction had an important effect in the destruction of porosity after sedimentation and burial. The reservoir quality of sandstones is also severely reduced where the pore-lining clays are abundant (>15%). The potential of a sandstone to serve as a reservoir for producible hydrocarbons is strongly related to the sandstone’s diagenetic history. Three diagenetic stages are identified: eodiagenesis before effective burial, mesodiagenesis during burial, and telodiagenesis during exposure after burial. Eodiagenesis resulted in mechanical compaction, calcite cementation, kaolinite and smectite formation, and dissolution of chemically unstable grains. Mesodiagenesis resulted in chemical compaction, precipitation of calcite cement, quartz overgrowths, and the formation of authigenic clays such as chlorite, dickite, and illite. Finally, telodiagenesis seems to have had less effect on reservoir properties, even though it resulted in the precipitation of some kaolinite and the partial dissolution of feldspar.  相似文献   

渐新世花港组是东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷发育的最主要储层,基于普通薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜和荧光显微观察,结合同位素地球化学对东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷花港组砂岩储层的成岩作用、成岩序列及成岩流体演化进行了研究。结果表明,花港组砂岩储层目前处于中成岩阶段B期,主要经历了机械压实、绿泥石粘土摸、酸性及碱性溶蚀作用,石英次生加大,碳酸盐胶结和自生高岭石胶结等成岩作用。研究区发育有三期碳酸盐胶结物,早期菱铁矿胶结物,中期铁方解石和晚期铁白云石。根据碳酸盐胶结物的碳氧同位素特征分析认为早期碳酸盐胶结物是由过饱和的碱性湖水沉淀造成的,而晚期碳酸盐胶结物的形成与有机酸密切相关。研究区存在两类溶蚀作用,酸性溶蚀作用和碱性溶蚀作用,早期的酸性溶蚀作用主要是有机酸对长石、岩屑及早期碳酸盐胶结物的溶蚀,晚期的碱性溶蚀作用主要是发生于碱性环境下流体对石英及硅质胶结物的溶蚀。研究区发育有两期油气充注,早期发生于晚中新世,早期发生于晚中新世,早于中期碳酸盐胶结,晚于长石溶蚀和石英胶结充注,充注量较大,第四纪以来研究区发生了第二次充注,第二次充注发生于铁白云石胶结之后,此时储层已非常致密。  相似文献   

In the Kopet-Dagh Basin of Iran, deep-sea sandstones and shales of the Middle Jurassic Kashafrud Formation are disconformably overlain by hydrocarbon-bearing carbonates of Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous age. To explore the reservoir potential of the sandstones, we studied their burial history using more than 500 thin sections, supplemented by heavy mineral analysis, microprobe analysis, porosity and permeability determination, and vitrinite reflectance.The sandstones are arkosic and lithic arenites, rich in sedimentary and volcanic rock fragments. Quartz overgrowths and pore-filling carbonate cements (calcite, dolomite, siderite and ankerite) occluded most of the porosity during early to deep burial, assisted by early compaction that improved packing and fractured quartz grains. Iron oxides are prominent as alteration products of framework grains, probably reflecting source-area weathering prior to deposition, and locally as pore fills. Minor cements include pore-filling clays, pyrite, authigenic albite and K-feldspar, and barite. Existing porosity is secondary, resulting largely from dissolution of feldspars, micas, and rock fragments, with some fracture porosity. Porosity and permeability of six samples averages 3.2% and 0.0023 mD, respectively, and 150 thin-section point counts averaged 2.7% porosity. Reflectance of vitrinite in eight sandstone samples yielded values of 0.64-0.83%, in the early mature to mature stage of hydrocarbon generation, within the oil window.Kashafrud Formation petrographic trends were compared with trends from first-cycle basins elsewhere in the world. Inferred burial conditions accord with the maturation data, suggesting only a moderate thermal regime during burial. Some fractures, iron oxide cements, and dissolution may reflect Cenozoic tectonism and uplift that created the Kopet-Dagh Mountains. The low porosity and permeability levels of Kashafrud Formation sandstones suggest only a modest reservoir potential. For such tight sandstones, fractures may enhance the reservoir potential.  相似文献   

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