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南黄海西部海域高分辨率声学地层及其沉积环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对高分辨率浅地层剖面的分析解译,对南黄海西部陆架区进行了声学地层划分。南黄海西部海域声学地层剖面可划分为5套地层Ⅰ、Ⅱ1、Ⅱ2、Ⅲ1、Ⅲ2,每套地层代表一次全球性(或区域性)海平面变化周期内的海进一海退这样一个完整的旋回变化过程所形成的海侵或海退沉积层序。将典型声学地层剖面与区内钻孔岩心的沉积地层岩性单元对比研究,得到各声学反射层的时代、岩性及沉积环境。并发现依据浅地层进行的声学地层划分与钻孔岩心的地质地层划分有较好的对应关系。结合区内钻孔岩心的分析结果,对晚更新世以来南黄海陆架区的沉积环境及沉积过程进行了探讨。  相似文献   

通过对山东半岛南部滨浅海区高分辨率浅地层剖面的分析解译,将研究区晚第四纪的地层划分成具有层序意义的6个声学反射地层单元(SU1—SU6),通过典型浅地层剖面与研究区内QDZ03孔和QDZ01孔进行对比,发现声学反射地层单元的划分与钻孔岩心沉积物沉积单元的划分具有很好的对应关系,依据钻孔岩心沉积相特征和沉积物测年数据,我们认为SU1、SU3和SU5分别对应于氧同位素1期、3期和5期的海相沉积,SU2和SU4对应于氧同位素2期和4期的陆相沉积。  相似文献   

通过对北黄海高分辨率浅地层剖面的分析解译,划定了具有层序意义的9个声学反射地层单元或亚单元(SU1(1)、SU1(2)、SU1(3)、SU2、SU3、SU4、SU4(2)、SU4(3)、SU5).通过典型声学地层剖面与区内钻孔的沉积地层岩性单元对比,发现依据浅地层刹面进行的声学地层划分与钻孔岩心的沉积地层划分有较好的对...  相似文献   

通过对辽东湾高分辨率浅地层剖面声学地层与典型钻孔沉积地层的对比分析,揭示了研究区晚第四纪MIS5以来的地层层序。辽东湾高分辨率浅地层剖面自下而上划定的6个声学地层单元(SU5、SU4、SU3、SU2、SU12、SU11)与钻孔岩芯划分的6个沉积地层单元(DU5、DU4、DU3、DU2、DU12、DU11)具有良好的对应关系。分别与MIS4期、MIS2期低海面时期的沉积间断密切相关的两个层序界面R5、R3,将辽东湾识别出的地层单元自下而上划分为3个层序(SQ3、SQ2、SQ1)。其中SQ3仅识别出上部的海侵体系域与高水位体系域,对应MIS5期海平面相对较高时期的滨浅海相沉积(DU5);SQ2自下而上由低水位体系域(MIS4期的河流相与河道充填相沉积(DU4))与海侵体系域(MIS3期早中期滨海相沉积(DU3))组成;SQ1自下而上包括低水位体系域(MIS2期的河流相与河道充填相沉积(DU2))、海侵体系域(全新世早中期滨海相沉积(DU12))高水位体系域(全新世高海面以来的浅海相沉积(DU11))。研究区的海侵体系域厚度较薄且变化较小,分布广泛,而低水位体系域厚度与横向分布均变化较大。  相似文献   

通过高分辨率浅地层剖面声学地层与钻孔沉积地层的综合对比分析,系统研究了晚更新世以来南黄海中部海域的层序地层序列及其对海平面变化的响应。研究显示,基于高分辨率浅地层剖面自老至新划分的6个声学地层单元(U5、U4、U3、U2、U1-2、U1-1)与钻孔划分的沉积地层单元密切相关。MIS4期与末次冰盛期低海面时期发育的2个层序界面(R4、R2),将研究区晚更新世以来的层序地层自下而上划分为3个层序(SQ3、SQ2、SQ1),并识别出3期进积体序列与2期古河流系统。MIS5期与MIS3期高海面及海平面下降期间的2期东向进积体序列主要包括高位体系域与强制海退体系域,对应浅海—滨海沉积,厚度分别由西部的24 m与40 m向东明显变薄,而全新世高海面以来向海的进积体序列主要对应高位体系域,与长江源的浅海相泥质沉积相关,最大厚度超过16 m。研究区MIS4期和末次冰盛期发育的2期古河流系统与低位体系域相对应,最大沉积厚度分别超过36 m与24 m,均与长江及黄河密切相关,影响范围延伸至黄海槽及其以东海域,尤其末次冰盛期最远可达济州岛附近海域。  相似文献   

利用南黄海西部陆架区SYS-0804(孔深65.10m,水深38m)钻孔岩心和高分辨率的浅地层剖面资料,开展浅地层剖面解译、岩心沉积物的岩性特征和有孔虫组合综合分析以及AMS14 C测年,并结合国内外最新研究成果开展对比研究,深入探讨南黄海西部陆架残留沉积区氧同位素6(MIS 6)期以来的地层、沉积环境演化以及与海平面变化的关系。研究结果表明,SYS-0804钻孔可划分为DU 1和DU 4~DU 8共6个沉积单元,对应于MIS 6、MIS 5、MIS 4、MIS 3和MIS 1早期的沉积地层,缺失DU 2和DU 3(包括MIS 2期以及MIS 3和MIS 1晚期的沉积)。MIS 6期(128~189cal.kaBP)研究区为河流沉积(河漫滩)环境。MIS 5早期(115~128cal.kaBP),研究区为近岸浅海沉积环境,发育海洋冷水团沉积。MIS 5中-晚期—MIS 4(60~115cal.kaBP)研究区沉积环境从早期的滨海沉积向近岸浅海沉积以及河流沉积过渡。MIS 3早-中期(40~60cal.kaBP),早期为滨海-浅海沉积,中期发育潮道充填沉积。MIS 2末期—MIS 1中期(11.5~13.0至0.7cal.kaBP),研究区在11.5~13.0cal.kaBP形成冰后期海侵界面,随后随着海平面的进一步上升,为滨海-浅海环境,发育冰后期海侵沉积序列。  相似文献   

全新世长江水下三角洲浅层物探资料的地质意义   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
近年来,随着海区第四纪地质研究的深入,为开展全新世长江水下三角洲沉积模式的研究,我局在西起长江沿岸、东至124°E,北起 32°N、南至30°10′N的四万平方公里测区内进行了3000公里的测深和浅地层剖面测量工作.浅地层剖面调查采用EG&G公司的地层剖面系统.大量浅地层剖面结合浅钻进行的地质解释,提供了该三角洲研究中重要地质问题的依据和佐证.加强了海区浅部地层划分、厚度变化、区域分布规律,和浅部地层不稳定性的研究.一、地震反射层序的划分及其特征(一)层组的划分:沉积过程中由于岩层的密度、速度差异,沉积物内出现了声学层面和不整合面的两种物性波阻抗界面.浅地层剖面利用声波在海水和海底沉积物中的传播和界面上的反射,根据声波到达海底和各个界面的传播时间及其在地层中的速度来研究海底沉积层.根据这个原理可以按以下原则划分浅地层剖面:  相似文献   

渤海海峡跨海通道区浅地层结构探测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在对2012年渤海海峡跨海通道区实测浅地层剖面资料进行地质解释的基础上,通过将浅地层剖面与钻孔地层岩性划分进行对比,标定了标准反射界面,通过对浅地层剖面各反射波组、内部反射结构的追踪、对比分析以及测线间的闭合检查,划分出5个主要反射界面和4个声学地层单元,揭示了各地层单元的分布特征。对拟建跨海通道路线选区典型探测剖面进行了系统的分析、讨论。  相似文献   

将渤海金州湾海域的声学浅地层剖面进行了综合分析和解释,识别出了8个连续的强声学反射界面,主要划定了具有沉积环境意义的6个声学层序:全新世浅海相层序A、全新世滨海相层序B、晚更新世末期陆相层序C、晚更新世滨海相层序D、晚更新世海陆交互相层序E和震旦系基岩F。通过与工程地质钻孔的沉积地层岩性单元对比研究,发现依据声学浅地层剖面进行的地层划分与钻孔岩芯的地质地层划分有较好的对应关系,由此确定并推断了各声学地层的岩性及沉积环境,并参考前人的研究结果,对晚更新世以来金州湾地区的沉积过程和环境演化进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

利用最新采集的高分辨率浅地层剖面资料,结合SHD-1钻孔岩心资料,对东海北部外陆架MIS 6以来的地层结构进行了分析,建立了MIS 6以来的沉积地层格架,并对地层的地质年代进行了厘定。根据Octavian Catuneanu(2005)的层序地层学理论,研究区地层划分出海侵和高位体系域、下降期体系域、海退和低位体系域。研究表明,过孔的浅地层剖面与钻孔岩心的沉积地层有很好的对应关系。东海北部外陆架MIS 6以来可划分出7个不整合界面(D7—D1)和7个地震单元(SU_7—SU_1)。东海外陆架的海进层序与海退层序有规律地交替发育,它们与海平面变化曲线也有很好的对应关系。其中,地震单元SU_1、SU_5分别为MIS 1、MIS 5形成的海侵沉积,主要发育浅海沉积层,100 m以浅的位置发育潮流沙脊;地震单元SU_2、SU_4、SU_6分别对应MIS 2、MIS 4和MIS 6低海平面时期形成的河流/河口—三角洲沉积;地震单元SU3、SU4为下降期体系域,这两个亚单元分别对应MIS 3和MIS 4晚期。MIS 4—MIS 3发育厚层且分布广泛的水下三角洲,但MIS 4发育的水下三角洲的规模不及MIS 3大。总之,对MIS 6以来沉积地层格架的建立和古环境研究可为东海外陆架晚第四纪地层的海平面变化、古环境演化等相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

渤海海峡及周边海域浅地层结构及地层声速的拾取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过系统分析渤海海峡及周边海域的高分辨率浅地层剖面与3口钻孔的资料,将研究区地层自上而下划分为T0、T1、T2、T3、T4、T5、T6、T7、T8共9个反射界面及SU11、SU12、SU13、SU2、SU3、SU41、SU42、SU43、SU5共9个声学地层单元,SU1地层单元对应全新世海相沉积,其底界为一海进侵蚀面,削蚀对应晚更新世晚玉木冰期陆相沉积的SU2地层单元。SU3地层单元对应晚更新世晚玉木间冰期的海相沉积,通过侵蚀间断面与上覆SU2呈不整合接触。SU41地层单元对应晚更新世早玉木冰期晚期的陆相沉积,SU42地层单元对应晚更新世早玉木亚间冰期的海相沉积,与上覆SU41呈侵蚀不整合接触,SU43地层单元对应晚更新世早玉木冰期早期的陆相沉积,其顶界面为海进侵蚀面,与下伏地层呈不整合接触,SU5对应晚更新世玉木—里斯间冰期的海相沉积。对比分析浅地层剖面地层单元与钻孔沉积地层,确定了研究区海底面之下不同地层单元对应的平均声学速度,为后续的地层层序的研究奠定了基础。研究区"海侵-海退-海侵-海退-高水位"的沉积过程,决定了地层平均声速随深度自下而上呈现由高-低-高-低的变化模式。  相似文献   

根据在日照近岸海域施工的地质钻孔和浅地层剖面测量资料,对比南黄海已有钻孔成果,系统地开展日照近岸海域晚更新世以来地层结构特征识别和沉积环境演化重建。结果表明:日照近岸海域沉积地层中见含有有孔虫化石的第二海相层,形成年代介于34.3~41.4 cal.ka B.P.,对应MIS3的暖湿阶段,该层位可能与古三角洲有关。沉积层从上往下分别为:滨海相细砂混杂泥质沉积层(命名为DU1沉积单元);河流-河口相粉砂质黏土夹粗砂、粉砂层(DU2沉积单元);浅海相粉砂质黏土夹粗砂层(DU3沉积单元);河流-湖泊相粗砂夹黏土层(DU4沉积单元)。晚更新世以来日照东部南黄海海域主要经历了2~3次显著的海侵和海退,各区域因条件不同表现有所差异:日照近岸浅水区主要表现为两次海侵和海退,东部深水区主要表现为三次海侵和海退,由于地势高低和侵蚀破坏等原因,总体表现为从离岸深水区域向近岸浅水区域海相地层厚度逐渐减少的趋势,部分地层出现尖灭消失。  相似文献   

广西钦州湾晚全新世红树林演变及对海平面变化的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mangroves, widely distributed along the coasts of tropical China, are influenced by Asia monsoon, relative sea level change and enhanced human activity. To predict the impacts of future climate change on mangrove ecosystems, it can be understood by reconstructing past mangrove dynamics using proxies preserved in coastal sediments. In this study, we quantitatively partitioned buried organic matter(OM) sources, collected from a vulnerable mangrove swamp in the Qinzhou Bay of northwestern South China Sea, using a ternary end-member mixing model of δ~(13)C and C:N values. Mangrove-derived OM(MOM) contribution was used as a tracer for mangrove development since 2.34 cal ka BP. This information, together with paleoclimate records(i.e.,speleothem δ~(18)O values, sea level change, grain size parameters) and human activity, was used to divide mangrove development into three stages during the late Holocene: relative flourish(2.34–1.13 cal ka BP), relative degradation(1.13–0.15 cal ka BP) and further degradation(0.15–0 cal ka BP). Before 1.13 cal ka BP, mangroves flourished with a high MOM contribution((88.9±10.6)%), corresponding to stable and high sea level under a warm and humid climate. After 1.13 cal ka BP, rapid fall in relative sea level coupled with the strengthening of the Asian winter monsoon, resulted in mangrove degradation and MOM reduction((62.4±18.9)%). Compared with air temperature and precipitation, the relative sea level fall was the main controlling factor in mangrove development before entering the Anthropocene(the time of the Industrial Revolution). After ~150 cal a BP, reclamation of mangrove swamps to shrimp ponds is the main factor causing mangrove degradation and MOM reduction.  相似文献   

A multi-proxy study including sedimentological, mineralogical, biogeochemical and micropaleontological methods was conducted on sediment core PS69/849-2 retrieved from Burton Basin, MacRobertson Shelf, East Antarctica. The goal of this study was to depict the deglacial and Holocene environmental history of the MacRobertson Land–Prydz Bay region. A special focus was put on the timing of ice-sheet retreat and the variability of bottom-water formation due to sea ice formation through the Holocene. Results from site PS69/849-2 provide the first paleo-environmental record of Holocene variations in bottom-water production probably associated to the Cape Darnley polynya, which is the second largest polynya in the Antarctic. Methods included end-member modeling of laser-derived high-resolution grain size data to reconstruct the depositional regimes and bottom-water activity. The provenance of current-derived and ice-transported material was reconstructed using clay-mineral and heavy-mineral analysis. Conclusions on biogenic production were drawn by determination of biogenic opal and total organic carbon. It was found that the ice shelf front started to retreat from the site around 12.8 ka BP. This coincides with results from other records in Prydz Bay and suggests warming during the early Holocene optimum next to global sea level rise as the main trigger. Ice-rafted debris was then supplied to the site until 5.5 cal. ka BP, when Holocene global sea level rise stabilized and glacial isostatic rebound on MacRobertson Land commenced. Throughout the Holocene, three episodes of enhanced bottom-water activity probably due to elevated brine rejection in Cape Darnley polynya occured between 11.5 and 9 cal. ka BP, 5.6 and 4.5 cal. ka BP and since 1.5 cal. ka BP. These periods are related to shifts from warmer to cooler conditions at the end of Holocene warm periods, in particular the early Holocene optimum, the mid-Holocene warm period and at the beginning of the neoglacial. In contrast, between 7.7 and 6.7 cal. ka BP, brine rejection shut down, maybe owed to warm conditions and pronounced open-water intervals.  相似文献   

为了查明闽江口外海域晚第四纪地震地层特征,进行了高分辨率浅地震剖面调查,穿透的沉积物厚度最大约90m,划分为6个地震层序,自上向下为U1—U6。U1为全新世(海洋同位素阶段(marine isotope stage,MIS) 1期)海相沉积单元,U3为MIS 3期的滨浅海—河口相,U5为MIS 5期的滨浅海与河流交互相,在MIS 5.2和5.4亚期海平面下降超过15m,发育了河流沉积;U2和U4分别为MIS 2和MIS 4期的河流充填相,而U6为MIS 6期的陆相沉积单元。根据地震层序关系研究了埋藏古河道的断面和分布特征、发育年代、演变及原因等。在全新世初期(11.5ka BP)之前,古闽江呈SE向经研究区南部和海坛岛东面流入东海(台湾海峡北口),随着研究区上游地势不断淤高,在11.5ka BP之后发育了NE向经北部向海到达西引岛附近的古河流,至约9.2ka BP海平面上升到约-30m高度时,全部河流消失于海面之下,闽江最后一次退出研究区。在闽江口东面,埋藏古丘陵的中南部高于现海面下50m(-50m),受其阻挡未能发育向东直接入海的闽江古河道。本文的研究结果提供了研究区自MIS 6末期以来古河流发育和演变等方面的新认识和证据。  相似文献   

通过对渤海湾西岸BXZK11孔沉积物黏土矿物、地球化学元素组分、粒度分析以及AMS14C年代测定并与研究区周边6个具有较好年龄控制的钻孔剖面对比,结合黏土矿物蒙脱石/(伊利石+绿泥石)比值以及元素Al/Si和Al/Na比值对气候变化的响应,探讨了渤海湾西岸地区全新世以来沉积环境以及气候变化过程。结果表明,末次盛冰期到8830 cal.aBP,海平面快速上升,海水临近研究区,沉积物以黄河古河道沉积为主,气候温凉略湿;8830~6255 cal.aBP,海侵范围达到最大,研究区主要为潮坪-浅海环境,气候温暖湿润;6255~3650 cal.aBP,海平面逐渐降低,沉积环境为前三角洲沉积,沉积物为黄河三角洲的一期超级叶瓣,气候转为温凉稍湿;3650~2780 cal.aBP,海平面趋于稳定,三角洲不断进积,为三角洲前缘环境,气候向凉干方向变化;2780 cal.aBP至今,古黄河三角洲不断进积,该区变成三角洲平原环境,气候凉干与现今相似。  相似文献   

Seismic and sequence stratigraphic architecture of the central western continental margin of India (between Coondapur and south of Mangalore) has been investigated with shallow seismic data. Seismic stratigraphic analysis defined nine seismic units, that are configured in a major type-1 depositional sequence possibly related to fourth-order eustatic sea-level changes, comprising regressive, lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts. The late-Quaternary evolution of the continental margin took place under the influence of an asymmetric relative fourth-order sea-level cycle punctuated by higher frequency cycles. These cycles of minor order were characterised by rapid sea-level rises and gradual sea-level falls that generated depositional sequences spanning different time scales. During the regressive periods, dipping strata were developed, while erosional surfaces and incised valleys were formed during the lowstands of sea level. Terraces, v-shaped depressions, lagoon-like structures observed on the outer continental shelf are the result of the transgressive period. In the study area we have recognised a complex erosional surface that records a long time span during the relative sea-level fall (regressive period) and the following sea-level lowstand and has been reworked during the last transgression. We also infer that sedimentation processes changed from siliciclastic sedimentation to carbonate sedimentation and again to siliciclastic sedimentation, marking an important phase in the late-Quaternary evolution of the western continental shelf of India. We attribute this to an abrupt climate change at the end of the oxygen isotope stage 2, between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Bølling-Allerod event (14?000 yr BP). This sensitive climate change (warming) favoured the formation of reefs at various depths on the shelf, besides the development of Fifty Fathom Flat, a carbonate platform on the outer shelf off Bombay developed prior to 8300 yr BP. The highstand systems tracts were deposited after the sea level reached its present position.  相似文献   

青岛市浮山湾、汇泉湾、崂山湾海滩与海底沉积环境分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
距今12000a,世界洋面已上升至今日海面以下60m处。而后海面继续回升,在距今6000a时,海面已上升到比今日海面还要高3~4m的位置,这就是汇泉广场下面存在海相地层的原因。也是唠山太清官门前存在干枯小泻湖的原因。大约在距今6000a时,青岛市的浮山湾、汇泉湾、唠山湾已经形成,并在海湾中,形成最初的海湾沉积。自那时以来,崂山湾变化不大;而浮山湾、汇泉湾则发生明显的变化。浮山湾展示为宽阔的沙滩形态,自上世纪60年代在燕儿岛建立船厂以来,大面积的沙滩已经消失。目前所见海岸完全为人造海岸,现已不存在海滩。汇泉湾与汇泉广场的填平有关,早期的海岸线,有可能到达中山公园的院墙一带。现在所见的第一海滨浴场也是人为建设所致。  相似文献   

Abundant evidences of higher sea levels from Jiangsu and Fujian coasts have proved a marine transgression event during 30–40 ka BP, suggesting that there was a stage with high sea level and a warm climate when ice sheets shrank in the Northern Hemisphere. The duration of 30–40 ka BP spanned a period in the late Marine Isotope Stage 3(MIS 3) and was in nature an interstadial epoch during the Last Glacial period of the Quaternary. Different from the glacial period with a cold climate, this marine transgression considered as a penultimate higher sea level during the Quaternary remains a puzzle that why the evidence is contrary to the Quaternary glacial theory. It is important to understand sea level rise for these areas sensitively responding to the global changes in the future. To recognize the key issues on sea level changes, the eustatic sea level(H_S) was defined as the glaciation-climateforced sea levels, and the relative sea level change(H_R) was defined as that a sea level record was preserved in sediment that experienced multiple secondary actions of land and sea effects. On the basis as defined above, we constructed multi-level models of climate-driven glacio-eustatic changes and land-sea systems. By integrating data sets from eight borehole cores and prescribing the boundary conditions, we simulated the changes of HS and HR in the East China Sea and southern Yellow Sea areas in the late MIS 3. The marine transgression strata from the borehole core data was identified at ca. 30 m below present sea level as a result of the collective influence of ice melting water, neotectonic subsidence, sediment compaction and terrestrial sediment filling since ca. 35 ka ago,whereas the simulated relative sea-levels turned out to be –26.3––29.9 m a.s.l. The small error involved in the simulation results of ±(2.5–4.5) m demonstrated the credibility of the results. Our results indicated that sea level change in the late MIS 3 was dominated by glacial effects, in which the eustatic sea-level was between –19.2––22.1m a.s.l. The study sheds light on the nature of sea-level changes along the east coast of China in the late MIS 3 and contributes to understanding the characteristics of marine transgression under the effects of multiple complex land-sea interactions.  相似文献   

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