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The transfer of material through the twilight zone of the ocean is controlled by sinking particles that contain organic matter (OM) and mineral ballast. During the MedFlux field program in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea in 2003, sinking particulate matter was collected in time series (TS) and settling velocity (SV) traps and analyzed for amino acids, lipids, and pigments (along with ballast minerals) [Lee, C., Armstrong, R.A., Wakeham, S.G., Peterson, M.L., Miquel, J.C., Cochran, J.K., Fowler, S.W., Hirschberg, D., Beck, A. Xue, J., 2009b. Particulate matter fluxes in time series and settling velocity sediment traps in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, this volume [doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.12.003]]. The goal was to identify how organic chemical compositions of sinking particles varied as a function of their in-situ settling velocity. The TS record was used to define the biogeochemical character and temporal pattern in flux during the period of SV trap deployment. Temporal variations in organic and mineral compositions are consistent with particle biogeochemistry being driven by the seasonal succession of phytoplankton. Spring diatom bloom conditions led to a high flux of rapidly sinking aggregates and zooplankton fecal matter; summer oligotrophy followed and was characterized by a higher proportion of slowly sinking phytoplankton cells. Bacterial degradation is particularly important during the low-flux summer period. Settling velocity traps show that a large proportion of particulate organic matter sinks at 200–500 m d−1. Organic compositions of this fast-sinking material mirrors that of fecal pellets and aggregated material that sinks as the spring bloom terminates. More-slowly sinking OM bears a stronger signature of bacterial degradation than do the faster-sinking particles. The observation that compositions of SV-sorted fractions are different implies that the particle field is compositionally heterogeneous over a range of settling velocities. Thus physical and biological exchange between fast-sinking and slow-sinking particles as they pass down the water column must be incomplete.  相似文献   

An analysis of the 234Th method for determining the export flux of particulate organic carbon (PPOC) from the upper ocean using in situ pumps or water bottles shows that the accuracy of the method (the ratio of the experimental value of PPOC divided by the true POC flux, FPOC), defined as the p-ratio, is equal to the mean settling velocity of particulate 234Th divided by that of POC. Therefore, PPOC is equivalent to the true POC flux (FPOC) and the p-ratio is equal to unity if, and only if, POC and particulate 234Th have the same mean sinking velocities. A simple particle settling model is discussed that invokes Stokes’ Law settling velocities, volume:surface area (V:SA) fractionation of C:234Th and two assemblages of particles having different sizes and densities. The model is used to illustrate the ranges of parameter values that conform to values of the p-ratio sufficiently close to unity that the experimentally determined POC flux can be considered to be an accurate representation of the true POC flux.Despite the over-simplification of real systems implicit in the model, the results suggest that p-ratios<1, equivalent to an under-estimate of the POC flux, are representative of single particle settling regimes in which the larger particles dominate the vertical flux. This follows from the assumption that the ratio of C/234Th on particles is governed by the volume to surface area (V:SA) ratio of the particles. This results in a greater proportion of 234Th compared to C being associated with the smaller, more slowly settling particles and, as a result, normalization of the POC flux to the 234Th flux provides an under-estimate of the former quantity. However, when the smaller particle assemblage dominates the vertical flux, as could occur in open ocean regimes having high aeolian inputs of dense, rapidly settling, inorganic particles, then the p-ratio could exceed unity (p-ratio >1) resulting in an over-estimate of the POC flux using the 234Th method. High levels of flocculation associated with phytoplankton blooms in productive regions of the ocean are likely to produce p-ratios approaching unity, because flocs would tend to preserve the V:SA partitioning of the original particle size distribution and thereby minimize differences in the mean settling speeds of POC and particulate 234Th (Waite, A.W., Hill, P.S., 2006. Flocculation, phytoplankton and the accuracy of 234Th-based estimates of the vertical flux of particulate organic carbon in the sea. Marine Chemistry in press). Selective sampling of the large particle fraction using, for example, 53-μm screens can produce a more accurate estimate of the true POC flux, but may not entirely shift the p-ratio to a value of unity.  相似文献   

Considerable attention has recently been focused on the role of eddies in affecting biogeochemical fluxes and budgets of the Sargasso Sea. In late November 1996, the Bermuda Testbed Mooring (BTM) and Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) shipboard sampling evidenced a fall phytoplankton bloom at the Bermuda time-series site which was strongly forced by the interplay between seasonal mixed layer destratification and perturbation of mixed layer dynamics due to passage of a warm mesoscale feature. The feature was characterized by clockwise current vector rotation from near the surface to about 200 m and a thick, warm, low salinity isothermal layer >180 m in depth. Nutrients, chlorophyll fluorescence and pigment profiles indicated high primary production stimulated by enhancement of nutrient entrainment and intermittent deep mixing down to the base of the feature's isothermal layer. Nearly coincident with the arrival of this productive feature at the BTM site, the Oceanic Flux Program (OFP) sediment traps recorded an abrupt, factor of 2.5 increase in mass flux at 3200 m depth. Even more dramatic was the observed increase in flux of labile bioreactive organic matter. Fluxes of primary phytoplankton-derived compounds increased by factors of 7–30, bacteria-derived compounds by 6–9, and early degradation products of sterols by a factor of 10. The covariation of early degradation products and bacteria-derived compounds with phytoplankton-derived compounds indicated that the settling phytoplankton bloom material contained elevated bacterial populations and was undergoing active degradation when it entered the 3200 m trap cup.The increase in the flux of bulk components, especially the residual silicate fraction, and refractory organic compounds clearly preceded the main pulse of the labile, surface-derived phytoplankton organic material. The coincident increase in the flux of refractory and zooplankton-derived compounds suggests that in the initial stage of the deep flux event, the mass flux increased largely as a result of an increase in the flux of refractory materials scavenged from the water column and repackaged into sinking particles and increased zooplankton inputs. These results imply that biological reprocessing of flux material within the water column acts to enhance the coupling between the surface and deep ocean environments.Our results show that transient, upper ocean forcing associated with variable upper ocean physical structure—which includes but is not limited to eddies—and variable meteorological forcing can have an enormous effect on the export flux of bioreactive organic material. The importance of pulsed fluxes of bioreactive material arising from transient physical forcing to the long-term average is not presently known. However, the occurrence of episodic high flux events throughout the OFP time-series record (also inferred from BTM time-series) suggests that such forcing, regardless of specific dynamics, may be responsible for a significant fraction of the total export flux of bioreactive carbon and associated elements to the deep oligotrophic ocean.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional ecosystem model with two explicit size classes of phytoplankton was developed for the NE subarctic Pacific to investigate variations in the export of organic particles to the ocean interior due to potential changes in the environment. Specifically, the responses of the planktonic ecosystem to permanent removal of iron limitation and to warming (of 2 and 5 °C) were explored. The ecosystem model consists of five components (small and large phytoplankton, microzooplankton, detritus and nitrogen), and includes grazing by mesozooplankton that varies in time according to long-term observations at Ocean Station Papa (OSP). The model addresses the role of iron limitation on phytoplankton growth and includes temperature dependence of physiological rates. The ecosystem model was forced with annual wind and solar heating from OSP. The model best reproduced the low chlorophyll high nitrate conditions of the NE subarctic Pacific when both small and large phytoplankton were limited by iron such that their maximum specific growth rate was reduced by 10 and 70%, respectively. Sensitivity analysis showed that model results depended on the value of the iron limitation parameter of large phytoplankton (LFe-L) and the grazing parameters of micro- and mesozooplankton. To explore the effect of iron limitation, simulations were carried out varying the iron limitation parameters while maintaining the nitrogen flux at the base of the model constant and the grazing pressure by mesozooplankton unchanged. In the warming case, simulations were carried out increasing ocean temperatures by 2° and 5 °C applied only to the ecological components, the flux of nitrate at the base of the model was increased to obtain a steady annual cycle, and grazing by mesozooplankton remained constant. When compared with the standard case, model simulations indicated that both permanent removal of iron limitation and warming cause changes in food web structure and the carbon cycle. The response was more dramatic in the iron-replete case where the phytoplankton community structure in spring changed from one dominated by pico- and nanoplankton to one dominated by large phytoplankton, and primary production increased until it consumed all the external nutrient (N) supply to the upper layer. However, reducing iron deficiency actually led to lower annual primary production due to a decrease in the regeneration of nitrogen in the euphotic zone. These changes in food web structure influenced the magnitude, composition and seasonal cycle of sinking particles.  相似文献   

Settling particulate matter (SPM) was collected by using sediment traps at four stations in a survey section from Qingdao to Cheju-do, across the Huanghai Sea cold water mass (HSCWM), in August 2002. The sediment traps were planted in three layers: the upper layer of the thermocline (ULT) above the HSCWM, the lower layer of the thermocline (LLT), and the bottom layer of water column (BL). To determine the particle flux, the contents of organic carbon (POC), organic nitrogen (PON), total carbon (PC), and total phosphorous (PP) in SPM were analyzed, and two flux models (Ⅰ and Ⅱ) were improved to calculate the resuspension ratio, with an assumption in Model Ⅰ that the vertical flux of SPM in the LLT equals the net vertical flux of SPM in the whole water column. An X value, i.e., the fraction of the resuspension flux originating from the surficial sediments nearby the sampling station, was deduced from Model Ⅰ to estimate the contribution of lateral currents to the total resuspension flux. The results showed that inorganic particles, fecal pellets, and miscellaneous aggregates were the major types of SPM in the HSCWM, and the contents of POC, PON, PC, and PP all decreased with water depth. A great deal of fecal pellets found in the LLT indicates that the main space producing biogenic SPM is the thermocline, and especially the LLT, where the C/N ratio is lower than that in the ULT. The resuspension ratios, 90%-96% among stations, imply strong impact ofresuspension on particle flux in the BL. These values were not significantly different between the two flux models, suggesting that the hypothesis in Model Ⅰ that the flux in the LLT equaling the net flux to the bottom is acceptable for shallow waters with stratification like the HSCWM. The POC export ratio from the HSCWM ranges from 35% to 68%. It benefits from the short sinking distance in shallow water. The upwelling in the HSCWM enhanced the POC flux through the water mass, and the lateral currents provides up to being greater than 50% ofresuspension flux in the BL according to evaluation of the X value.  相似文献   

A time-series sediment trap was deployed at 1,034 m water depth in the eastern Bransfield Strait for a complete year from December 25, 1998 to December 24, 1999. About 99% of total mass flux was trapped during an austral summer, showing distinct seasonal variation. Biogenic particles (biogenic opal, particulate organic carbon, and calcium carbonate) account for about two thirds of annual total mass flux (49.2 g m-2), among which biogenic opal flux is the most dominant (42% of the total flux). A positive relationship (except January) between biogenic opal and total organic carbon fluxes suggests that these two variables were coupled, due to the surface-water production (mainly diatoms). The relatively low δ13C values of settling particles result from effects on C-fixation processes at low temperature and the high CO2 availability to phytoplankton. The correspondingly low δ15N values are due to intense and steady input of nitrates into surface waters, reflecting an unlikely nitrate isotope fractionation by degree of surface-water production. The δ15N and δ13C values of sinking particles increased from the beginning to the end of a presumed phytoplankton bloom, except for anomalous δ15N values. Krill and the zooplankton fecal pellets, the most important carriers of sinking particles, may have contributed gradually to the increasing δ13C values towards the unproductive period through the biomodification of the δ13C values in the food web, respiring preferentially and selectively12C atoms. Correspondingly, the increasing δ15N values in the intermediate-water trap are likely associated with a switch in source from diatom aggregates to some remains of zooplankton, because organic matter dominated by diatom may be more liable and prone to remineralization, leading to greater isotopic alteration. In particular, the tendency for abnormally high δ15N values in February seems to be enigmatic. A specific species dominancy during the production may be suggested as a possible and speculative reason.  相似文献   

It has recently been postulated that lithogenic particles such as Saharan dust strongly influence particulate organic carbon export to the deep ocean by acting as mineral ballast. However, our understanding of the processes involved remains scant. In the present study, optical measurements were performed to monitor variations in the concentration, composition and size distribution of particles in suspension within the water column after simulating a Saharan dust event in very clear Mediterranean waters off Corsica in June 2010. A new methodology set up in large mesocosms proved very successful in this regard. Values obtained simultaneously from three instruments (WetLabs ECO-BB3, WetLabs ac-9, Sequoia Scientific LISST-100) provided evidence that (1) part of the Saharan dust pool has a rapid settling velocity (∼24–86 m day−1), (2) particulate export following a dust event is a nonlinear multi-step process and (3) export is controlled in part by the formation of organic-mineral aggregates. This experimental study provides the first insight of the complex export processes occurring after a dust event involving both physical and biogeochemical forcings in clear oligotrophic waters.  相似文献   

Sinking particles were collected every 4 h with drifting sediment traps deployed at 200 m depth in May 1995 in a 1-D vertical system during the DYNAPROC observations in the northwestern Mediterranean sea. POC, proteins, glucosamine and lipid classes were used as indicators of the intensity and quality of the particle flux. The roles of day/night cycle and wind on the particle flux were examined. The transient regime of production from late spring bloom to pre-oligotrophy determined the flux intensity and quality. POC fluxes decreased from, on average, 34 to 11 mg m−2 d−1, representing 6–14% of the primary production under late spring bloom conditions to 1–2% under pre-oligotrophic conditions. Total protein and chloroplast lipid fluxes correlated with POC and reflected the input of algal biomass into the traps. As the season proceeded, changes in the biochemical composition of the exported material were observed. The C/N ratio rose from 7.8 to 12. Increases of serine (10–28% of total proteins), total lipids (7–9 to 14–28% of POC) and reserve lipids (1–5 to 5–22% of total lipids) were noticeable, whereas total protein content in POC decreased (20–27 to 18–7%). N-acetyl glucosamine, a tracer of fecal pellet flux, showed that zooplankton grazing was a major vector of downward export during the decaying bloom. Against this background pattern, episodic events specifically increased the flux, modifying the quality and the settling velocity of particles. Day/night signals in biotracers (POC, N-acetyl glucosamine, protein and chloroplast lipids) showed that zooplankton migrations were responsible for sedimentation of fresh material through fast sinking particles (V=170–180 m d−1) at night. Periodic signatures of re-processed material (high lipolysis and bacterial biomass indices) suggested that other zooplankton fecal pellets or small aggregates, probably of lower settling velocities (V<170 m d−1), contributed to the flux during calm periods. At the beginning of the experiment, during the development of a prymnesiophyte bloom in the upper layers, the sterol signal with no periodicity enabled us to estimate high particle settling velocities (⩾600 m d−1) likely related to large aggregate formation. A wind event increased biotracer fluxes (POC, protein, chloroplast lipids). The rapid transmission of surface signals through extremely fast sinking particles could be a general feature of particle fluxes in marine areas unaffected by horizontal advection.  相似文献   

The flux of settling particles in the ocean has been widely explored since 1980s due to its important role in biogenic elements cycling, especially in the transport of particulate organic carbon (POC) in the deep sea. However, research in the seamount area of the oligotrophic subtropical Northwest Pacific Ocean is lacking. In this work, two sediment traps were deployed at the foot and another two at the hillside of Niulang Guyot from August 2017 to July 2018. The magnitude and composition of particle fluxes were measured. The main factors influencing the spatial variations of the fluxes were evaluated. Our results indicated a low particulate flux from Niulang Guyot area in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, reflecting low primary productivity of the oligotrophic ocean. The total mass flux (TMF) decreased from 2.57 g/(m2·a) to 0.56 g/(m2·a) with increasing depth from 600 m to 4 850 m. A clear seasonal pattern of TMF was observed, with higher flux in summer than that in winter. The peak flux of 26.52 mg/(m2·d) occurred in August at 600 m, while the lowest value of 0.07 mg/(m2·d) was shown in February at 4 850 m. The settling particles at the deep layers had similar biochemical composition, with calcium carbonate (CaCO3) accounting for up to 90%, followed by organic matter and opal, characteristics of Carbonate Ocean. The POC flux decreased more rapidly in the twilight layer because of faster decomposition, remineralization, and higher temperature. A small fraction of POC was transported into the deep ocean by biological pump. Particle fluxes were mainly controlled by the calcareous ballasts besides the primary productivity of the surface water. The advection may be another important factor affecting the flux in the seamount area. The combination of settled matters rich in foraminiferal tests with topography and currents may be the reason for regulating the local abundance of benthos on seamounts. Our results will fill in the knowledge gap of sedimentation flux, improve the understanding of ecosystem in Niulang Guyot area, and eventually provide data support for the optimization of regional ecological modeling.  相似文献   

The importance of key taxonomic groups of eukaryotic phytoplankton as contributors to downward particle flux was evaluated near the European time-series station (ESTOC) in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic in March 2005. For the first time, molecular (cloning and sequencing) techniques were used to compare plankton communities from various depths in the euphotic zone with clone libraries from surface-tethered particle traps. Analyses of 18S rDNA clone libraries revealed compositional differences between the phytoplankton assemblages in the photic zone and those retrieved from shallow particle traps below, suggesting that not all phytoplankton contribute equally to particle flux. Contrary to expectations, our study also showed that it is not diatoms, despite their high abundance in the water column, but rather small phytoplankton taxa that dominated sequences recovered from trap material. We provide here first observational evidence that large taxa with mineral tests may not necessarily contribute more to export production than do smaller taxa even if the former are abundant in the water column.  相似文献   

Taxonomic composition, size composition, standing stock, and chemical composition of mesozooplankton were determined to examine the contribution of their fecal pellets to the vertical flux of organic carbon at the outside, the edge, and the center of the warm core ring. The warm core ring significantly affects not only their taxonomic composition and size composition but also their standing stock and chemical composition. The zooplankton at the center of the warm core ring was characterized by the absence of carnivores at the top of the size-trophic relation and filter feeding planktonic tunicates at the bottom. Zooplankton carbon biomass at the outside of the ring was one-third less than that at the center of the ring. The vertical flux of fecal pellets obtained from the pellet volume (12.3 mgC m−2d−1) contributed 19 to 96% of the flux (13 to 64 mgC m−2 d−1) estimated from the body carbon and the fecal pellet production rate. The estimated flux of fecal pellets was 6 to 27% of vertical carbon flux (236 mgC m−2d−1) determined by the sediment traps. Microscopic determination of fecal pellets and plankton in the sediment trap samples indicated high grazing activity during the sinking process. Those observations might suggest that particles other than fecal pellets contributed significantly to the vertical carbon flux and fecal pellets were settled directly without loss or being recycled within the surface mixed layer.  相似文献   

In this study we relate spatial and temporal variation in the organic composition of suspended particles to current conceptual models of open-ocean particle cycling. Suspended particles in surface (0–200 m) and midwaters (200–1000 m) of the equatorial Pacific Ocean were collected during the 1992 US JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) program. Samples collected during El Niño (Survey I) and normal conditions (Survey II) were analyzed for pigment, amino acid, fatty acid, and neutral lipid concentrations and compositions. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and other statistical methods were used to assess changes in particulate organic composition between Surveys I and II, over 24° of latitude, from 15 to 850 m depth, and to compare our compositional data with previously published data from EqPac sinking particles. These analyses indicated that surface suspended particles (0–200 m) were similar in composition to surface ocean phytoplankton and were less degraded than particles sinking out of the euphotic zone (105 m). The organic composition of suspended particles in surface waters varied with latitudinal and El-Niño-induced changes in phytoplankton assemblages. Midwater suspended particles (200–1000 m) contained labile phytodetrital material derived from particles exiting the euphotic zone (105 m). However, labile organic constituents of midwater suspended particles were increasingly degraded by microbes or consumed by midwater metazoans with depth. The increase in degradation state observed for midwater suspended particles may also have been caused by dilution of deeper (450–850 m) suspended particle pools with more refractory material originating from fast-sinking particles, e.g., fecal pellets. However, the mechanism controlling midwater particle degradation state varied with flux regime; dilution of midwater suspended particles dominated only in the higher flux regime found at equatorial latitudes (5°N–5°S) during Survey II (normal conditions). In summary, it is apparent that organic matter alteration in midwaters, and not cycling within the euphotic zone, has the larger effect on organic composition of suspended particles in the deep equatorial Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

海洋浮游植物和浮游动物是海洋生态系统中的重要组成部分,支撑了整个海洋生态系统的正常运转。因此,海洋浮游植、动物的生态学研究有利于我们全面认识和了解一个海洋生态系统的状况。印太交汇区作为全球最大的海洋生物多样性中心,是国际上生物多样性研究的热点区域,但该区域对浮游生物生态学方面的研究较少,不利于我们深入认识该区域生物多样性中心形成的生态机制。本文针对当前国内、外关于印太交汇区浮游植、动物生态学研究的进展进行综述,介绍了印太交汇区的浮游植物群落结构、生物量、粒级组成和初级生产力水平,以及浮游动物群落结构特征、生物量分布及影响因素等,对未来印太交汇区浮游生态学研究的方向进行了展望,希望可以为该区域相关生态学研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

海洋中存在着大量的颗粒,包括大型聚合颗粒(即海雪,粒径>500μm)、小型聚合颗粒(1~500μm)和亚微米颗粒粒径(<1μm)等。颗粒在海水中营造了不同于纯海水的小生境,其中生活着与自然海水中不同的生物。异养细菌、蓝细菌、真核藻类、鞭毛虫、纤毛虫等微食物网生物可以黏附在海洋颗粒上,或生活在颗粒内部,其丰度高于周围水体中的自由生活生物,这可能是由于颗粒提供了更适宜生长的营养环境。本文综述了海洋浮游微食物网生物在海洋颗粒形成和沉降中的作用。微食物网生物在颗粒物的形成过程中起到很重要的作用,它们可以直接促进颗粒形成,也可以彼此结合成颗粒,或微型浮游动物排粪形成颗粒。微食物网生物还可以对颗粒进行转化,影响颗粒的大小、沉降速度、或对颗粒及其黏附生物进行摄食。微食物网生物由于本身较小,沉降较慢,但这些生物和颗粒的结合使得微食物网生物在碳通量中发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

We use inverse analysis to model carbon and nitrogen flows in the upper ocean food web at Ocean Station Papa (OSP; 50°N, 145°W) for winter, spring, and late summer. The seasonal variability in basic physical, chemical, and biological characteristics is low, and the particulate carbon and nitrogen flux at 200 m is remarkably constant. Despite this apparent uniformity, the food web structure undergoes significant seasonal changes. The diversity of trophic pathways is higher during late summer than during the other two periods. The spring ecosystem is not in steady state and undergoes net phytoplankton growth and macronutrient consumption. The microbial loop is well developed only during late summer. Nevertheless, ammonium regeneration by the food web seems insufficient to meet demand by the primary producers. The difference may be due to recycling of dissolved organic nitrogen (urea+free amino acids), a process not represented in the model. The winter food web is the closest to steady state, with nitrate utilisation approximately in balance with export of particulate nitrogen. The inverse analysis suggests two main seasonally invariant features of the NE Pacific ecosystem. First, the major trophic pathway is always from picophytoplankton (0.2–5 μm) to microzooplankton (heterotrophic dinoflagellates and ciliates) to mesozooplankton. This supports the idea of a strong coupling between the microbial and metazoan food webs. Second, much of the primary production (and bacterial production in late summer) is not grazed and is recycled through the detrital pool. Both these features seem to arise from the requirement to conserve nitrogen as well as carbon in the food web. More complete measurements on the microzooplankton 20–200 μm in size, including the small metazoans like nauplii larvae, are required to improve the models presented here.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is a volatile sulfur compound produced by the marine biota. The flux of DMS to the atmosphere may act on climate via aerosol formation. It is therefore important to improve our understanding of the processes that regulate sea surface DMS concentrations for eventual inclusion into climate models. In order to simulate the dynamics of DMS concentrations in the mixed layer, a model of DMS production was developed and calibrated against a 1 year time-series of DMS and DMSP (dissolved and particulate) data collected in the Sargasso Sea at Hydrostation ‘S’. The model reproduces the observed divergence between the seasonal cycles of particulate DMSP, the DMS precursor produced by algae, and DMS produced through the microbial loop from the cleavage of dissolved DMSP. DMSPp (particulate) reaches its maximum in the spring whereas DMSPd (dissolved) and DMS reach maximum concentrations in summer. Several parameters had to vary seasonally and with depth in order to reproduce the data, pointing out the importance of physiological and structural changes in the plankton food web. These parameters include the intracellular S(DMSp):N ratio, the C:Chl ratio and the sinking rates of phytoplankton and detritus. For the Sargasso Sea, variations in the solar zenithal angle, which co-vary with the seasonal variations in the depth of the mixed layer, proved to be a convenient signal to drive the seasonal variation in the structure and dynamics of the plankton. Variations of the temperature and photosynthetically active radiation also help to reproduce the short-term variability of the annual S cycle. Results from a sensitivity analysis show that variations in DMSPp are dependent mostly on parameters controlling phytoplankton biomass, whereas DMS is dependent mostly on variables controlling phytoplankton productivity.  相似文献   

We present, test and implement two contrasting models to predict euphotic zone net community production (NCP), which are based on 14C primary production (PO14CP) to NCP relationships over two latitudinal (ca. 30°S–45°N) transects traversing highly productive and oligotrophic provinces of the Atlantic Ocean (NADR, CNRY, BENG, NAST-E, ETRA and SATL, Longhurst et al., 1995 [An estimation of global primary production in the ocean from satellite radiometer data. Journal of Plankton Research 17, 1245–1271]). The two models include similar ranges of PO14CP and community structure, but differ in the relative influence of allochthonous organic matter in the oligotrophic provinces. Both models were used to predict NCP from PO14CP measurements obtained during 11 local and three seasonal studies in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, and from satellite-derived estimates of PO14CP. Comparison of these NCP predictions with concurrent in situ measurements and geochemical estimates of NCP showed that geographic and annual patterns of NCP can only be predicted when the relative trophic importance of local vs. distant processes is similar in both modeled and predicted ecosystems. The system-dependent ability of our models to predict NCP seasonality suggests that trophic-level dynamics are stronger than differences in hydrodynamic regime, taxonomic composition and phytoplankton growth. The regional differences in the predictive power of both models confirm the existence of biogeographic differences in the scale of trophic dynamics, which impede the use of a single generalized equation to estimate global marine plankton NCP.This paper shows the potential of a systematic empirical approach to predict plankton NCP from local and satellite-derived P estimates.  相似文献   

Sinking particulate matter were obtained from twelve depths using free-drifting sediment trap arrays which were deployed in the upper 2,000 m water column of the Izu Trench, northwest Pacific Ocean. The largest flux of 146 mgC m–2 day–1 was observed at 150 m depth. The flux generally decreased with depth below the maximum, however, minor flux peaks occurred at 1,000 and 1,250 m depth (>30 mgC m–2 day–1). Sinking large particles (>100 µm) were composed of fecal pellets typical of crustaceans, macroscopic aggregates, and planktonic organisms and their fragments. Three major components constituted 19%, 20% and 29%, respectively, of the total carbon flux (averaged from the fluxes at five depths; 50, 100, 150, 1,000 and 2,000 m). Among them, fecal pellet flux and large organism flux were well correlated with the total flux. The close correspondence between the fecal flux and the total carbon flux suggests that the latter is derived from a group of variables including other biogenic matter, among which fecal pellet is one of the leading factors controlling total flux, though the latter is only a minor covariable in quantity. Vertical flux profiles of fecal pellets and their internal constituents revealed some new inputs of feces occurring through the water column. This phenomenon implies that downward transportation of organic material is characterized by feeding and egestion activities of zooplankton, including overlapping processes of sinking and dispersion of large fecal particles and repackaging of dispersed small particles.  相似文献   

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