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广西合浦海草床生态系统服务功能价值评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海草床生态系统是生物多样性丰富和生产力高的近岸海洋生态系统,本文以广西合浦海草床为例,结合实地调查、已有的研究成果和当地统计资料,综合运用生态经济学、资源经济学等基本理论和方法,对该地区海草生态系统的服务功能进行了价值评估。结果表明2005年该地区海草生态系统的服务功能价值为6.29×105元/a·ha,其中间接利用价值最大,为4.47×105元/a·ha,占总经济价值的70.97%;其次为非利用价值,为1.54x105元/a·ha,占总经济价值的24.52%;最少的是直接利用价值为2.84×104元/a·ha,仅占总经济价值的4.51%。  相似文献   

文章运用市场价值、影子工程、碳税等方法,并考虑环境污染等因素对长江口生态系统的服务价值进行了评估。结果表明,2005年长江口生态系统的潜在服务价值为84.69亿元,平均单位面积的服务价值为105万元/km~2。资源功能、环境功能和人文功能分别占总服务功能的44.87%、15.06%和40.07%。考虑赤潮,温室气体排放等因素,生态系统服务价值降低2.09亿元,实际生态系统服务价值为82.60亿元。因此在开发和利用过程中,应合理地利用这一资源,促进经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

海草床是滨海三大典型生态系统之一,具有极其重要的环境改善、资源养护和减灾防灾等生态功能,亦是全球重要的碳库。2016年8月,通过对荣成马山里海域的现场调查,发现了面积为58.26 hm2的海草床,其海草的种类为红纤维虾形草(Phyllospadix iwatensis)和丛生鳗草(Zostera caespitosa)。红纤维虾形草分布面积为54.50 hm2,占该海域海草床总面积的93.5%,分为北部和南部2个带状区域,平均茎枝密度为(368.0±18.2)shoots/m2,平均生物量(干重,下同)为(297.0±41.5)g/m2。丛生鳗草分布面积为3.76 hm2,占海草床总面积的6.5%,呈现斑块状分布,与红纤维虾形草交错而生,平均茎枝密度为(691.2±17.1)shoots/m2,平均生物量为(534.0±70.7)g/m2。马山里海域海草床主要分布在平均水深为(2.8±0.3) m的以岩礁为主的底质上。海草的生长状况存在显著的空间差异,与水温呈现显著的正相关,与水深和陆源污染物存在显著的负相关。结合历史资料,发现该海域海草床退化现象较严重,其主要威胁因素是人为干扰,主要包括渔业生产、养殖活动和陆源污染输入。建议合理规划周边海域的养殖规模和密度、加强陆源污染物管控和开展海草床生态修复工程,以期为温带海草床的有效保护和科学管理提供参考。  相似文献   

海草床是三大典型的近海海洋生态系统之一,具有极高的生态服务功能。然而,截至2015年我国近海海草资源分布现状尚不明晰,严重制约了我国海草床保护与修复工作的开展。2015~2021年,笔者通过实地调查,借助船只走航、声呐探测、遥感等技术手段,重点对我国近海海草资源的分布面积、种类及主要威胁进行了全面普查,并据此提出我国海草床管理与可持续利用对策。结果表明,我国近海海域海草床面积共为26 495.69hm2,可划分为:温带海域海草分布区和热带-亚热带海域海草分布区;我国现有海草4科9属16种。其中,温带海域海草床面积为17 095.01 hm2,主要分布在辽宁、河北、天津和山东沿海,分布有2科3属5种,以鳗草(Zosteramarina)和日本鳗草(Z.japonica)为优势种,其中唐山乐亭-曹妃甸海草床面积达9 025.56 hm2,是我国面积最大的海草床;热带-亚热带海域海草床面积为9 400.68 hm2,主要分布在福建、广东、广西和海南沿海,分布有4科8属12种,以泰来草(Thalassia hemprichii)、海菖蒲(Enhalus acoroides...  相似文献   

围填海会对海洋生态环境产生负面影响,并导致海洋生态系统服务功能损失,开展围填海海洋生态系统服务功能价值评估对于海域资源的节约集约利用和可持续发展具有重要作用。文章基于烟台芝罘湾海域生态系统服务特点,采用功能价值法,构建并优化涵盖供给、调节、支持和文化4项服务功能的近海生态系统服务功能指标体系和价值评估模型,选择烟台芝罘湾作为研究区域,评估围填海对海洋生态系统服务功能造成的损失并量化其价值。研究发现,近40年来芝罘湾围填海造成的海洋生态系统服务功能价值损失为2 953.21万元/a(基于2017年统计数据),单位面积价值损失为3.72万元/(hm2·a)。其中,供给服务的价值损失贡献最大,占总价值损失的56.95%;其次是文化服务价值,占27.28%;支持功能和调节功能价值损失相对较小,分别占8.10%和7.67%。芝罘湾丰富的渔业资源和发达的旅游业是造成供给服务和文化服务价值损失占比较高的主要因素。评估结果可为芝罘湾围填海生态恢复补偿提供依据,有助于提高海湾空间资源的利用效率,为海洋自然资源合理开发利用提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

象山港海湾生态系统服务价值评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在以建设海洋牧场为主要策略修复海湾资源与环境的背景下,基于象山港海湾生态系统的基本特征,采用市场价格法、替代成本法、收益转移法等评估方法,构建了海湾生态系统服务价值评估框架,对供给、调节、文化3类服务10项子服务进行货币化评估.结果表明:2010年象山港海湾生态系统服务价值的总量约为27.16×108元/a,单位面积海域生态系统服务的价值约为482.16×104元/(km2·a);供给服务总体比例较高,占62.83%,体现了维持渔业资源稳定持续供给的重要性;文化服务其次,占25.31%,调节服务比例偏低占11.86%,对控制非点源污染、改善生境条件提出了迫切需求.研究表明评估结果尚属偏低的保守值,有待于进一步完善,并探讨分析建设海洋牧场所起到的积极作用,对持续动态的价值评估与适应性管理提出展望.  相似文献   

文章评述了海南省海草床生态系统的分布、海草保护与管理、科学研究等各个方面的现状,以及生态系统修复与研究进展.指出海草生态系统具有特殊的资源价值和生态效益,对热带海岸社会经济可持续发展十分重要;另一方面对日益频繁的人类开发活动和自然环境变异十分敏感和脆弱,随着海南的开发建设,人口、资源环境压力加剧,海草资源已经受到开发活动的影响而急需保护.尽管政府采取了保护管理的各种措施,包括相关法律和海洋保护区、科学研究,但海草床生态系统仍然面临威胁.海草床生态系统在我国热带海洋生态环境变化和资源可持续利用研究中具有特别重要的意义.应当加强海草生态系统的调查、监测、评估、研究,以适应海草生态系统的保护、管理、恢复、重建和可持续发展的要求.  相似文献   

海草床具有重要的生态系统服务功能,可以为海洋生物提供栖息地和食物来源,同时还具有重要的碳储存功能,海草床“蓝碳”功能日益受到学术界的重视,据研究全球每年海草床的碳埋藏量高达(2.7~4.4)×107 MgC。近年来,由于人类活动的影响,世界范围内海草床衰退严重,导致海草床沉积物有机碳储量降低。本文综述了全球海草床沉积物有机碳的来源、组分、储量以及指示作用;从物理、化学和生物三方面讨论了影响海草床碳储量的环境因素。最后提出了未来主要研究方向,主要包括加强海草床碳通量普查,分析全球气候变化背景下海草床沉积物有机碳的变化机制,明确海草床碳储量流失速率,研究海岸带工程对海草床沉积物有机碳的影响。评估海草床沉积物有机碳储量及变化机制可以为全球海洋蓝碳研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

研究海岛区域景观格局变化对生态系统服务价值的影响,对于认识陆地和海岛景观差异,促进海岛区域土地资源有序利用,保持区域生态系统健康发展有着积极的作用。基于1995、2005、2015年3期土地利用数据,定量分析了舟山群岛20 a间的景观格局和生态系统服务价值变化特征,并对景观格局指数与生态系统服务价值的相关性进行分析。结果表明:(1)舟山群岛水域、城市、农村景观面积不断增加,其余景观类型面积不断减少,景观格局破碎化、复杂化和多样化程度不断加深。(2)生态系统服务价值先下降后上升,净增加37.66×107元,除水资源供给、净化环境和水文调节价值总体趋势为增加外,其余服务功能价值均呈减少趋势;较高生态系统服务价值区和低值区不断增加而0.5×107~1.5×107元区域小幅减少。(3)生态系统服务总价值与景观类型斑块复杂程度和多样性呈显著正相关,而与景观的聚合度和蔓延度呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

红树林、盐沼和海草床被称为三大海岸带蓝碳生态系统,在维持海洋生物多样性、净化水质、营养物质循环以及固碳、储碳等方面发挥重要作用。该研究以蓝碳生态系统分布广泛的广东和广西作为研究区,研究海岸带蓝碳生态系统与海洋生态红线的容斥关系,进而进行海岸带蓝碳生态系统的保护空缺分析,在此基础上提出海洋生态红线外的推荐优先保护区域。该文基于2019年卫星遥感影像、2020年和2021年现场调查和无人机遥感数据,获知广东海岸带蓝碳生态系统总面积为14 481.39 hm2(红树林11 928.87 hm2,盐沼1 258.00 hm2,海草床1 294.52 hm2),广西海岸带蓝碳生态系统总面积为11 751.30 hm2(红树林10 171.70 hm2,盐沼1 450.36 hm2,海草床129.24 hm2)。结果显示,广东海岸带蓝碳生态系统面积的62.13%、广西海岸带蓝碳生态系统面积的59.88%分布在海洋生态红线内。...  相似文献   

Abstract. A seagrass bed in Otsuchi Bay, northeastern Japan, consists of three seagrass species ( Zostera marina, Z. caulescens and Z. caespitosa ) that differ in morphology and phenology. We studied the mobile epifaunal community in the seagrass bed to examine (1) whether seasonal and between-substrate variation in the epifaunal community agrees with variation in seagrass abundance and morphological complexity, and (2) whether patterns of seasonal and between-substrate variation vary among epifaunal species. We collected mobile epifauna from each of Z. marina and Z. caulescens on 11 occasions between October 1995 and November 1996 (at 1 – 1.5 month intervals) using a hand-closing net. A total of 9 842 individuals of mobile epiphytic animals were collected and they were classified into 80 taxa. Abundance and species richness of the epifaunal community were high in summer to autumn and low in winter to spring, and diversity index and evenness were higher in Z. marina than Z. caulescens . However, patterns of seasonal and between-substrate variation in these parameters did not parallel those in seagrass abundance and complexity. Most of the dominant epifaunal species showed significant seasonal and between-substrate variation in abundance, although their patterns varied greatly among individual species. A cluster analysis recognized several distinct groups of animals showing similar seasonal and between-substrate variation. Our findings suggest that the observed variation in the epifaunal community is not determined by a single or some strong external factors but by complex interactions of multiple factors operating differently for each component species.  相似文献   

海草场的生态功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
海草场作为特殊的海洋生态系统之一,尽管其面积占海洋总面积的比例很小,但其具有极高的初级生产力,在地球系统碳循环中起着不可忽视的作用。海草本身还可以作为其他附着生物的附着基,进一步提高了海草场的初级生产力,并为许多海洋动物提供了适宜的食物。海草场的存在,改变了海草场内的流体动力过程,加速了悬浮颗粒的沉降,对稳定海底底质和净化水质有着积极的作用,因此被称为"生态系统工程师"。海草本身可以作为一些海洋动物的食物,同时其复杂的地下和地上结构还为一些海洋动物提供了庇护和栖息场所。而海草植物体的大部分,将最终被微生物分解利用,所产生的营养盐可以满足其它初级生产者生长所需。本文通过总结世界范围内海草场生态学研究成果,旨在阐述海草场生态系统的特征及功能,以提高人们对海草场生态功能的认识,唤起人们对海草场的重视与保护意识。  相似文献   

Abstract. The supply of nitrogen (N) often limits the productivity of marine macrophytes. In vitro and in vivo assays of glutamine synthetase (GS) activity were employed to investigate patterns of N assimilation by the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) DELILE. Biomass-specific GS activity wa measured in root tissue, in leaves within a shoot, in shoots collected at two sites during two season and over a depth range of 5–33 m. Root tissue was less important than shoot tissue in assimilating inorganic N in P. oceanica , due both to the small roots' biomass (ca. 3% of total plant biomass and greatly lower (10- to 50-fold) GS activities. While the GS activity and N assimilatory potentia (biomass × GS activity; μmol N-h--1) were greatest in leaf 2, leaves 1 and 3–5 assimilated N a significant rates. Shoots from a site characterized by elevated N availability in the winter water column and no significant sediment N reservoir exhibited GS activities that were 9-times higher than shoot from a more oligotrophic site. Shoot GS activities in July increased linearly from 5 to 33 m and wer correlated with light availability as defined by Hsat, (daily period during which photosynthetic reaction are light-saturated). This may represent metabolic compensation by P. oceanica to maintain N influx. Factors contributing to the ecological success of P. oceanica include the ability to assimilate N under conditions of severe light limitation (< 35 μmol photons. m-2. s-1), and metabolic plasticity to ensur the de novo generation of N-containing organic compounds.  相似文献   

Seagrass landscapes and their effects on associated fauna: A review   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Seagrasses comprise some of the most heterogeneous landscape structures of shallow-water estuarine/marine ecosystems in the world. However, while knowledge at the molecular, organism, patch and community scale is pervasive, understanding of seagrass landscape ecology is more fragmentary and has not been synthesized. The growth and recruitment dynamics of seagrasses as well as man-made and/or natural disturbances create complex spatial configurations of seagrass over broad (metres to kilometres) spatial scales. Hence, it is important to identify mechanisms maintaining and/or threatening the diversity-promoting function of seagrass meadows and to understand their effects on benthic populations and communities. Although landscape ecology has recently become more integrated into seagrass research, our understanding of animal responses to variability in seagrass landscape structure is still fragmentary. By reviewing the literature to date, this paper evaluates studies on seagrass landscape ecology, testing the general null hypothesis that concepts developed in terrestrial settings can be generalized across landscapes, and (a) presenting definitions and terms used in seagrass landscape ecology, (b) reviewing geographical patterns of seagrass landscape studies to identify possible key regions and target species, (c) evaluating different methodological approaches, (d) describing the spatial and temporal scales used to describe organism responses to seagrass landscape structure, and (e) placing seagrass landscapes into an applied context.  相似文献   

Changes in the coverage of seagrass populations are considered to be a key indicator of the health and biodiversity of coastal ecosystems. The overall extent of seagrass meadows is declining worldwide, primarily due to human-induced disturbances. In Tampa Bay, Florida, a nearly 35% loss of seagrass coverage occurred from the 1950s to the 2000s. This decline was primarily due to the effects of human population growth. To examine closely the continuing declining trend of this major indicator of the health of coastal ecosystems, a systematic approach for extracting seagrass patches using EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral imagery has been developed. In our previous work, a method based on Locally Excitatory Globally Inhibitory Oscillator Networks (LEGION) was developed and successfully applied to military object recognition using hyperspectral and multispectral imagery. It showed great potential in target detection of hyperspectral imagery. In this work, it is extend and applied in seagrass extraction.

This study includes (a) dimensionality reduction of the hyperspectral data, (b) seagrass extraction using LEGION and four other methods, and (c) analysis and evaluation of the results in an experiment involving two test sites at Tampa Bay, Florida. The results demonstrated that the methodology has the potential to provide timely seagrass coverage information for coastal zone management at greatly increased efficiency.  相似文献   

稳定同位素分析应用于海草生态学研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海草生态学研究中,稳定同位素分析方法能有效地揭示海草床中食物网的构建和能量流动以及海草床的环境质量状况。综述了国外近20 a来将稳定同位素分析应用于海草生态研究的理论基础与进展,并对稳定同位素数据分析、稳定同位素分析在海草污染生态学研究的应用和利用海草δ15N值构建近岸海域水体富营养化指标体系等方面提出了展望。  相似文献   

Ocean Science Journal - Seagrass meadows provide critical ecosystem services for coastal areas, e.g., as nursery habitats for various fish species, help with water filtration of suspended sediment,...  相似文献   

The evaluation and management of fisheries resources requires knowledge of spatial and temporal changes in the habitat-associations of fishes. However, most studies concerning habitat associations of small fishes in the shallow regions of estuaries have been limited to daytime sampling strategies. Diel changes were investigated in assemblages of fishes associated with shallow seagrass (Zostera capricorni) and bare sand in two estuaries in south-eastern Australia. Habitat-related differences in assemblages were strong day and night, and were greater than diel changes in assemblages. The seagrass-associated assemblages remained similar day and night and consistently differed from those associated with bare sand. In contrast, the assemblages over sand varied on a diel basis as larger individuals of several species (e.g.Gerres subfasciatus,Platycephalus fuscus) that resided over other (deeper) habitats during the day were caught over shallow sand at night. Further, some species (e.g.Ambassis jacksoniensis) that resided in seagrass during the day occurred over sand at night. Both habitats were utilized by newly recruited juveniles of economically important species and the habitat-associations of these species generally did not differ on a diel basis. Therefore, both habitats are considered important to the fisheries resources of south-eastern Australia. Inclusion of night-time sampling provided a greater understanding and appreciation of the use of the unvegetated habitat by fishes than has previously been acknowledged from studies based solely on daytime sampling. This study indicates that greater consideration of temporal changes in habitat associations of fishes is required in other geographic regions.  相似文献   

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