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Nutrients, chlorophyll-a, particulate organic carbon (POC), and environmental conditions were extensively investigated in the northern East China Sea (ECS) near Cheju Island during three seasonal cruises from 2003 to 2005. In spring and autumn, relatively high concentrations of nitrate (2.6~12.4 μmol kg-1) and phosphate (0.17~0.61 μmol kg-1) were observed in the surface waters in the western part of the study area because of the large supply of nutrients from deep waters by vertical mixing. The surface concentrations of nitrate and phosphate in summer were much lower than those in spring and autumn, which is ascribed to a reduced nutrient supply from the deep waters in summer because of surface layer stratification. While previous studies indicate that upwellings of the Kuroshio Current and the Changjiang (Yangtze River) are main sources of nutrients in the ECS, these two inputs seem not to have contributed significantly to the build-up of nutrients in the northern ECS during the time of this study. The lower nitrate:phosphate (N:P) ratio in the surface waters and the positive correlation between the surface N:P ratio and nitrate concentration indicate that nitrate acts as a main nutrient limiting phytoplankton growth in the northern ECS, contrary to previous reports of phosphate-limited phytoplankton growth in the ECS. This difference arises because most surface water nutrients are supplied by vertical mixing from deep waters with low N:P ratios and are not directly influenced by the Changjiang, which has a high N:P ratio. Surface chlorophyll-a levels showed large seasonal variation, with high concentrations (0.38~4.14 mg m-3) in spring and autumn and low concentrations (0.22~1.05 mg m-3) in summer. The surface distribution of chlorophyll-a coincided fairly well with that of nitrate in the northern ECS, implying that nitrate is an important nutrient controlling phytoplankton biomass. The POC:chlorophyll-a ratio was 4~6 times higher in summer than in spring and autumn, presumably because of the high summer phytoplankton death rate caused by nutrient depletion in the surface waters.  相似文献   

通过对2011年北部湾北部海域春季和夏季溶解氧(DO)及其他环境要素进行分析讨论,发现DO的季节性差异较大,春季DO含量(平均8.11 mg/L)明显高于夏季(平均6.05 mg/L)。夏季北部湾底层部分区域存在DO低值,该低值区常年存在,并且DO最低值逐渐降低、低值区范围逐渐扩大。利用相关性分析和灰色关联度分析的方法,对夏季底层DO低值的成因进行分析发现:夏季底层水体浮游植物产氧作用较弱,海水层化作用强,阻碍了表底层DO的交换;另外底层有机质分解的耗氧作用明显,出现了氧气的净消耗,由此导致夏季底层水体出现DO的低值。同时,由于2011年之后北部湾北部海域陆源污染排放和赤潮的频发使得该海域低氧状况加剧,潜在低氧区逐渐发展为低氧区。  相似文献   

The optimum multiparameter (OMP) method was often used to determine the percentages of water masses based on temperature, salinity and other parameters, like nutrient or dissolved oxygen (DO). There are a number of water masses in the East China Sea (ECS), a marginal sea of the western Pacific Ocean. However, it is difficult to clarify the proportion of water masses using traditional parameters, such as temperature, salinity, nutrient or DO because of the occurring of intensive biogeochemical processes in the near shore and shelf areas. Here, we reported the use of 234U/238U activity ratio embedded in the OMP method. The results indicate that seawater in the northern ECS mainly consisted of the estuarine water of Changjiang River (CEW), Kuroshio water (KW), and Yellow Sea Coastal Current (YSCC). In March 2017, the CEW only influenced the offshore waters shallower than 30 m; the KW affected the east edge and the YSCC contributed more than 75% in the northern ECS.  相似文献   

The optimum multiparameter(OMP) method was often used to determine the percentages of water masses based on temperature, salinity and other parameters, like nutrient or dissolved oxygen(DO). There are a number of water masses in the East China Sea(ECS), a marginal sea of the western Pacific Ocean. However, it is difficult to clarify the proportion of water masses using traditional parameters, such as temperature, salinity, nutrient or DO because of the occurring of intensive biogeochemical processes in the near shore and shelf areas. Here, we reported the use of ~(234)U/~(238)Uactivity ratio embedded in the OMP method. The results indicate that seawater in the northern ECS mainly consisted of the estuarine water of Changjiang River(CEW), Kuroshio water(KW), and Yellow Sea Coastal Current(YSCC). In March 2017, the CEW only influenced the offshore waters shallower than30 m; the KW affected the east edge and the YSCC contributed more than 75% in the northern ECS.  相似文献   

黄海和东海是西北太平洋重要的边缘海,复杂的海洋环流和丰富的陆源物质输入共同影响着海域环境和生态系统。为了解黄、东海浮游植物群落组成、分布状况及其影响因素,本研究于2015年8—9月期间,通过流式细胞仪和形态学观察等方法,调查了该海域微型真核藻类、微微型真核藻类、聚球藻(Synechococcus)、原绿球藻(Prochlorococcus)以及浮游植物优势种的组成、丰度与分布情况,并基于浮游植物种类和丰度状况进行了聚类分析。结果表明,黄、东海浮游植物群落组成存在明显差别,黄海海域微型浮游植物丰度高于东海,而微微型浮游植物丰度低于东海,原绿球藻主要分布在东海海域。黄、东海海域浮游植物群落组成及分布状况与海域环境特征密切相关。夏季黄海海域相对封闭,受黄海冷水团控制,表层海水中高丰度的微型真核藻类主要出现在冷水团西侧边缘锋面区。东海海域受到长江冲淡水和黑潮水向岸入侵的强烈影响,在长江口邻近海域出现硅藻赤潮,而原绿球藻呈现出自外海向近岸输送的分布态势。相关结果可望为进一步探讨陆源物质输入和邻近大洋对我国近海生态系统的影响及机理提供依据。  相似文献   

基于2021年4~12月山东半岛烟台-威海北部海洋牧场区域4处连续观测站的长期观测数据, 研究了该海域底层溶解氧(dissolved oxygen, DO)浓度的季节变化特征, 并探讨了物理机制。该海域底层DO从春季到夏季逐渐降低, 而从夏季到秋季逐渐升高, 主要受温度控制; 各观测站DO均在8月达到最低值, 受垂向层结增强和底层生物化学耗氧增多的共同影响。底层DO浓度在东西方向差异较小, 而在南北方向上差异明显; 在春季和秋季DO浓度南高北低, 是由于层结较弱, 海水垂向混合向底层提供DO, 且南边水深更浅, DO更容易达到饱和或过饱和状态, 而水深更深处DO仍处于不饱和状态; 夏季DO浓度南边大于北边是季节性层结强度的空间差异所致, 同时南边底层DO浓度下降更快, 使其南北差异在夏季有所减小。在11月中旬, 近岸3个观测站底层DO快速增多, 可能是由于此前的大风过程引起浮游植物繁殖, 晴朗天气促进其光合作用使海水中DO增多, 之后海水层结消失, 海水充分垂向混合使丰富的DO到达底层。  相似文献   

黑潮入侵深刻影响东海生态环境,但对其如何影响浮游植物群落组成与分布仍知之甚少。为此,于2011年四季对东海(26°~33°N,121°~128°E)共164个站位进行浮游植物拖网采集和环境因子测定,分析了浮游植物丰度和优势种组成及其对黑潮入侵的响应。调查共检出浮游植物9门509种(含变种、变型和未定种),其中硅藻305种、甲藻154种,蓝藻、定鞭藻、金藻、裸藻、绿藻、隐藻和黄藻种类数较少。秋季浮游植物细胞丰度最高(30 496.91×103 cells/m3),高值区位于黑潮与长江冲淡水交汇形成的锋面处;夏季次之(28 911.28×103 cells/m3),高值区分布与秋季相似;春季较少(19 180.76×103 cells/m3),高值区位于舟山群岛东南部;冬季最低(472.36×103 cells/m3),高值区位于东海南部。冬季受黑潮表层水入侵影响,主要优势种为铁氏束毛藻(Trichodesmium thiebautii);春、夏季主要优势种为骨条藻(Skeleto...  相似文献   

基于2006-2007年在南黄海冷水团海域开展的4个季度月的调查资料, 重点研究了该海域溶解氧(DO)、叶绿素a(Chl a)最大值现象和营养盐累积的季节演变规律。结果表明:春至秋季黄海冷水团海域DO和Chl a最大值层深度具有先加深后变浅的趋势, 出现最大值层的海域面积呈现出先增大后缩小的变化过程, DO和Chl a最大值层的深度及面积在夏季均达到最大, 至冬季DO和Chl a最大值现象消失;夏季冷水团海域深水区DO最大值处的氧含量整体高于春季, 而冷水团边界附近氧最大值处的氧含量整体低于春季;春至秋季冷水域深水区次表层Chl a最大值处的Chl a含量先降低后升高, 于夏季时最低, 入秋后开始升高, 而一年四季中冷水域边界附近Chl a最大值处的Chl a含量却在夏季时最高, 而且显著高于深水区。黄海冷水团海域的底层营养盐储库具有一定的空间异质性, 冷水域底层通常分别在深水区和西部边界处存在营养盐高值核心, 其中位于深水区的高值核心位置季节变化不明显, 而位于冷水域西部边界附近的高值核心位置则呈现出自春季至夏季向西移动、入秋后又向东部移动的季节变化特征。水文物理因素和生物化学过程对DO、Chl a最大值及营养盐储库的季节演变具有重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

以2000年夏季胶州湾东北部养殖海域(女姑山)的现场调查为基础,结合前3年的调查结果和相关的历史资料,对该海域夏季营养盐含量分布特征及其对浮游植物生长的可能限制因子进行了分析和探讨。研究结果表明,胶州湾东北部典型养殖海域夏季表层水体各种营养盐含量高于胶州湾全湾夏季及全年的平均值,铵氮是总溶解态无机氮的主要组成形态,硝态氮次之。该海域的环境因素适宜浮游植物的生长,相关分析显示:叶绿素a与pH及DO呈显著正相关,与PO4、SiO3、NH4、DIN呈负相关。通过分析营养盐对浮游植物生长的限制因素发现,该海域各种营养盐含量相对较高,无机氮不会成为浮游植物生长的限制因素,磷酸盐有限制的可能性,而浮游植物生长受控于硅酸盐的几率最大。  相似文献   

Microzooplankton species composition and grazing rates on phytoplankton were investigated along a transect between ∼46 and 67°S, and between 140 and 145°E. Experiments were conducted in summer between November 2nd and December 14th in 2001. The structure of the microbial food web changed considerably along the transect and was associated with marked differences in the physical and chemical environment encountered in the different water masses and frontal regions. On average microzooplankton grazing experiments indicated that 91%, 102%, and 157%, (see results) of the phytoplankton production would be grazed in the <200, <20 and <2 μm size fractions, respectively, indicating microzooplankton grazing was potentially constraining phytoplankton populations (<200 μm) along most of the transect. Small ciliates in general and especially oligotrich species declined in importance from the relatively warm, Southern Subtropical Front waters (6.8 μg C/L) to the colder waters of the southern branch of the Polar Front (S-PF), (∼0.5 μg C/L) before increasing again near the Antarctic landmass. Large changes in microzooplankton dominance were observed, with heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF), ciliates and larger dinoflagellates having significant biomass in different water masses. HNF were the dominant grazers when chlorophyll a was low in areas such as the Inter-Polar Frontal Zone (IPFZ), while in areas of elevated biomass such as the S-PF and Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current (SACC), a mix of copepod nauplii and large heterotrophic and mixotrophic dinoflagellates tended to dominate the grazing community. In the S-PF and SACC water masses the tight coupling observed between the microzooplankton grazers and phytoplankton populations over most of the rest of the transect was relaxed. In these regions grazing was low on the >20 μm size fraction of chlorophyll a, which dominated the biomass, while smaller diatoms and nanoplankton in the <20 μm size fraction were still heavily grazed. The lack of grazing pressure on large phytoplankton contributes to this region's potential to export carbon with larger cells known to have higher sinking rates.  相似文献   

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