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西太平洋暖池(Western Pacific warm pool)是全球海温最高的海域,汇聚了巨大的热能,在地球气候系统中具有非常重要的作用。本文综述了近30年来有关西太平洋暖池的研究进展,包括西太平洋暖池的维持机制、不同时间尺度下西太平洋暖池的变异特征和物理机制,以及西太平洋暖池的观测和数值模拟等领域的研究进展。西太平洋暖池的维持是现有地形下大气过程和海洋过程相互作用导致的,在季节内到世纪尺度均存在很强的变化。其中,季节内变化的驱动机制主要包括与大气季节内振荡(Madden-Julian oscillation)相关的对流和海表面热通量变化,以及海洋波动等海洋动力过程;季节变化主要是由太阳辐射的季节变化所导致的;在年际尺度上,西太平洋暖池作为厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation,ENSO)的一部分,其振荡具有显著的年际变化;太平洋代际振荡(Pacific decadal oscillation,PDO)和大西洋代际振荡(Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation,AMO)驱动着西太平洋暖池的年代际变化;世纪尺度的变化显示全球变暖背景下西太平洋暖池存在扩张趋势。人类对西太平洋暖池的系统观测始于海洋观测卫星的使用,随后历经TOGA、TAO/TRITON、TOGA-COARE、WOCE、Argo、SPICE、NPOCE等多个观测计划,极大地促进了西太平洋暖池的研究。但截止到第五次耦合模式比对计划(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5),多数气候模式仍未能克服热带模拟偏差,对西太平洋暖池的模拟效果较差,表明在西太平洋暖池动力学的理解和模拟方面仍有较大的进步空间。  相似文献   

印度洋-太平洋暖池的变异研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究在何种时间尺度上定义研究印度洋-太平洋暖池(简称印-太暖池)更有意义, 本文中应用功率谱等统计学方法, 对印-太暖池的季节、年际及年代际变化特征进行了分析.结果表明, 印-太暖池、东印度洋暖池(简称东印暖池)在季节变化上表现为单峰结构, 而西太平洋暖池(简称西太暖池)则为双峰结构; 在年际变化上印-太暖池和西太暖池表现出很强的3-6年变化周期, 东印暖池则存在准两年的振荡周期; 印-太暖池还存在10年以上的年代际周期振荡, 特别是70年代中后期的年代际突变明显, 而东印暖池的这种变化更为明显.由此可知印-太暖池的年代际变化与东印暖池、西太暖池年代际变化较为相似, 季节和年际变化颇为不同, 所以, 在研究年代际尺度的问题上, 定义并研究印-太暖池的意义更大, 而在研究年际、季节尺度上的问题时东印暖池、西太暖池应分而视之.  相似文献   

邱云  李燕初  李立  许德伟 《台湾海峡》2010,29(4):547-554
利用1951~2003年HadISST资料集的表层海水温度(SST)资料,讨论了印度洋-西太平洋暖池(IPWP)海域,尤其是印度尼西亚贯穿流(ITF)及其周边海域SST的季节及年际变化的时空特征.研究结果表明,整个研究海域SST的年际变化均与ENSO相关,但印度洋与南海的响应特征与西太平洋的相反且不同步.前者海温变化滞后Nio3指数3~6个月,而热带太平洋西边界和ITF流经海域海温则超前1~3个月.沿ITF及其东印度洋出口,SST的年际变化规律不同于热带印度洋而与太平洋的相似,分析表明其在较大程度上受到ITF海洋桥的影响.在季节尺度上,印度洋和太平洋赤道海域SST的波动规律也有明显不同.以巽他岛弧(苏门答腊、爪哇和小巽他群岛)为界,从赤道西太平洋向西沿ITF流径,太平洋一侧SST的季节变化以0.5a周期的波动占主导,印度洋一侧则以1a周期占主导.  相似文献   

东印度洋-西太平洋暖池的年代际变化特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用1958~2002年海洋同化资料SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)的海温场,定义了东印度洋-西太平洋永久性暖池(简称印-太暖池)指数,即不随季节变化的27.5℃等温面所包含的>27.5℃的暖水体积或强度,并采用功率谱和小波分析的方法研究了其周期变化特征。结果表明,印度洋暖池和西太平洋暖池均具有显著的准10 a的周期振荡和1976~1986年前后的年代际突变特征,暖池由1976年前的"冷"暖池转变为1986年后的"热"暖池;暖池指数的季节循环也存在显著的年代际突变特征,特别是西太平洋暖池在异常暖年代其季节变化还呈现出明显的增暖趋势;暖池三维结构的年代际变化主要表现为在暖年代热带南印度洋暖水的向西向南扩张和西太平洋暖池东边界的向东及北边界的向北扩张,暖异常主要分布在60 m以浅的上混合层中暖池的东边界区域,而其下面的温跃层内则为更强的异常降温,垂向上表现出上暖下冷的斜压模态结构,而温跃层和混合层深度的变化在不同暖池区则有不同的特点,表明东印度洋暖池和西太平洋暖池的年代际变化可能由不同的机制引起,尚需进一步分析其海洋动力学和热力学过程。  相似文献   

赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常是研究ENSO(El Ni?o-South Oscillation)的重要指标。本文利用海洋再分析数据,着眼于西太平洋暖池暖水体三维结构的年际变异特征,分析西太平洋暖池水体变动与赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常的关联性,并从前期西太平洋暖池三维暖水体的结构演变及其在上层海洋质量与热量配置中的作用角度,探究了赤道中东太平洋关键Ni?o分区海表温度异常变化的内在一致性,以期为ENSO的预测预报提供新的思路和依据。分析表明,ENSO尺度上西太平洋暖池三维结构变异主模态表现为暖水体平均约以170oE为轴的纬向时空振荡,其可超前赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常变化约达6个月,并以在赤道中东太平洋及附近海域形成双舌状异常"暖池"为显著特征。前期暖池暖水体的纬向振荡是赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常变化的重要前兆信息之一。作为海洋中ENSO暴发的重要源区和驱动因子,西太平洋暖池纬向振荡通过在中东太平洋形成不同强度(泛指暖水量及其深度和范围等的大小)的异常"暖池",进而在上层海洋质量和热量的纬向配置中起关键性作用,并且可能与不同EI Ni?o事件的触发机制密切相关,从这种意义上讲,不同ENSO事件的发生和发展存在一定的同源一致性。  相似文献   

北太平洋年代际涛动与太阳活动的联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用逐次滤波法分析了北太平洋海洋大气系统年代际振荡特征及其主要影响因子,探索太阳活动对于北太平洋海洋大气系统年代际变化的影响。结果表明,太阳活动是北太平洋海洋大气系统周期性年代际振荡的重要影响因子,具体反映在:1)北太平洋年代际涛动(PDO,Pacific Decadal Oscillation)存在与太阳活动密切相关的22年周期和11年周期,是PDO仅次于趋势项最重要的周期成分,其方差贡献率分别为20.9%和6.7%。研究发现北太平洋年代际涛动变化对于太阳活动的响应方式与太阳活动强弱程度有联系,太阳活动水平强时PDO与太阳磁场变化符号相同并且振荡幅度大;太阳活动水平弱时PDO与太阳磁场变化符号相反并且振荡幅度小。2)滤除持续下降趋势之后,北太平洋冬季阿留申低压活动区海平面气压(SLP,Sea Level Pressure)表现出与太阳磁场磁性指数(MI,Magnetic index)基本反相的周期性振荡,滤除22年周期之后11年周期也比较清楚,其方差贡献率分别为13.4%和1.1%。3)滤除持续升温趋势以后北太平洋100hPa冬季大气温度距平场表现出与太阳磁场磁性指数基本一致的周期性振荡,滤除22年周期之后11年周期也比较清楚,其方差贡献率分别为15.1%和1.1%。研究结果说明,在太阳活动对于大气温度场的影响过程中,黑子磁场磁性变化是决定性的,即决定了温度变化符号,MI绝对值的变化即太阳磁场强度变化影响其量变。  相似文献   

为评估美国地球物理流体动力学实验室(Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory,GFDL)模式CM3、ESM2M和ESM2G对太平洋海表面温度的年际和年代际变率的模拟能力,本文利用GFDL历史试验模拟结果和美国海洋大气局(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,NOAA)提供的扩展重建的海表温度(Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature,ERSST)资料,比较模式模拟和观测的厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation,ENSO)和太平洋年代际振荡(Pacific Decadal Oscillation,PDO)的时空分布、周期及可预报性等。结果表明:三个模式均可以较好地模拟太平洋主要年际信号ENSO和年代际信号PDO,ESM2G对ENSO的模拟最好,CM3对PDO的模拟与观测更为接近。研究结果为进一步利用模式探讨ENSO和PDO的物理机制提供可能的参考。  相似文献   

西太平洋暖池热含量时频特征的区域性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据1955-1999年间的JEDAC月平均海温资料,利用Morlet小波变换方法,对西太平洋暖池东、西代表区热含量的时(间)-频(率)特征进行了分析,并用交叉谱分析方法探讨了两海区热含量间的耦合振荡,结果表明,暖池热含量的时频特征具有明显的区域性,即暖池东、西区热含量的年际和年代际变化都是反相的,且其年际变化的时频特征有较大差异,暖池东、西区热含量间主要存在着年际(43个月)和年代际(172个月)时间尺度的反位相耦合振荡。  相似文献   

用美国马里兰大学提供的海洋同化(SODA)月平均资料,分析了赤道太平洋次表层海温异常年际和年代际变率的演化特征,讨论了它们对ENSO循环的影响.结果指出,赤道太平洋次表层海温异常年际和年代际变率具相似的ENSO模分布和演变过程,二者均以赤道西太平洋暖池次表层海温显著的异常中心与赤道东太平洋表层海温异常中心显著反号为主要分布特征,其演变过程通过赤道西太平洋暖池次表层海温异常中心沿海洋气候温跃层向东向上传播来完成.赤道西太平洋暖池次表层海温异常年际变率决定了ENSO循环,年代际变率对ENSO循环也有重要影响,其影响主要在中太平洋, 造成ENSO模的年代际变化.当年代际变率处于正常状态时,ENSO循环基本上是东部型冷暖事件之间的转换;当年际和年代际变率位相相同时,ENSO事件强度将会加强和持续,并出现中部型ENSO事件;当二者位相相反时, ENSO事件强度将会减弱.  相似文献   

海温距平的ENSO模和类ENSO模的三维结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
用美国马里兰大学提供的海洋同化(SODA)月平均资料,深入揭示了ENSO模的海洋三维结构及其年际和年代际变率。研究结果指出,ENSO海洋模随深度呈明显规律变化。在热带太平洋,它由热带中东太平洋表层显著海温异常分布型随深度增加逐渐过渡为热带西太平洋次表层显著反号海温异常分布型;在赤道太平洋以赤道西太平洋暖池次表层海温显著异常与赤道中东太平洋表层海温反号显著异常为主要特征。El Nino期间,热带中东太平洋表层为强海温正距平中心,西太平洋暖池次表层为强海温负距平中心,在年际尺度上,160°E以西的西北太平洋副热带海域还存在一个与西太平洋海温异常变化反号、与热带东太平洋同号的区域;La Nina期间正好相反。ENSO循环主要由ENSO年际变率所决定,年际ENSO模具有东部型ENSO事件的海温异常分布特征,其循环是东部型冷暖事件之间的转换,在200m以浅,它具ENSO模相同的三维结构和3-5年的显著年际变化周期;年代际类ENSO模具有中部型ENSO事件的海温异常分布特征,年代际ENSO循环是中部型冷暖事件之间的转换,其影响主要限制在200m以浅的海洋上层,具有ENSO模相似的三维结构和9-23年的显著周期。  相似文献   

全球变暖"停滞"研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘珊  陈幸荣  蔡怡 《海洋学报》2019,41(4):1-14
全球变暖"停滞"现象自提出以来,备受关注,是近来全球气候变化领域的热点问题。全球变暖停滞主要表现为全球平均表面温度在1998-2012年增温速率明显偏低。除此之外,大气环流和海洋环流也发生了显著改变。在归因分析方面,很多科学家认为太平洋年代际振荡发挥了重要作用,另外的可能因素还有大西洋经向翻转环流和南极底层水的改变等。然而,由于观测资料在时间一致性和空间覆盖区域等方面存在偏差,从而为全球变暖停滞增添了诸多不确定性。但气候系统内部变率发生改变,导致深层海洋吸收热量增多是众多科学家的共识。尝试解答变暖停滞研究中的不确定性问题,观测资料的丰富和完善是必要条件。  相似文献   

Decadal-Scale Climate and Ecosystem Interactions in the North Pacific Ocean   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Decadal-scale climate variations in the Pacific Ocean wield a strong influence on the oceanic ecosystem. Two dominant patterns of large-scale SST variability and one dominant pattern of large-scale thermocline variability can be explained as a forced oceanic response to large-scale changes in the Aleutian Low. The physical mechanisms that generate this decadal variability are still unclear, but stochastic atmospheric forcing of the ocean combined with atmospheric teleconnections from the tropics to the midlatitudes and some weak ocean-atmosphere feedbacks processes are the most plausible explanation. These observed physical variations organize the oceanic ecosystem response through large-scale basin-wide forcings that exert distinct local influences through many different processes. The regional ecosystem impacts of these local processes are discussed for the Tropical Pacific, the Central North Pacific, the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension, the Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska, and the California Current System regions in the context of the observed decadal climate variability. The physical ocean-atmosphere system and the oceanic ecosystem interact through many different processes. These include physical forcing of the ecosystem by changes in solar fluxes, ocean temperature, horizontal current advection, vertical mixing and upwelling, freshwater fluxes, and sea ice. These also include oceanic ecosystem forcing of the climate by attenuation of solar energy by phytoplankton absorption and atmospheric aerosol production by phytoplankton DMS fluxes. A more complete understanding of the complicated feedback processes controlling decadal variability, ocean ecosystems, and biogeochemical cycling requires a concerted and organized long-term observational and modeling effort. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Seasonal and interannual variability of ocean bottom pressure(OBP) in the Southern Ocean was investigated using Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment(GRACE) data and a Pressure Coordinate Ocean Model(PCOM)based on mass conservation. By comparing OBP, steric sea level, and sea level, it is found that at high latitudes the OBP variability dominates the sea level variability at seasonal-to-decadal time scales. The diagnostic OBP based on barotropic vorticity equation has a good correlation with t...  相似文献   

Using the high-resolution Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model and the Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation Global 1/12° Analysis (GLBa0.08), and the Objectively Analyzed Air–Sea Fluxes and the International Satellite Climatology Cloud Project products, we investigated the seasonal and interannual evolutions of heat budget, including the pseudo-heat content change, the net air–sea heat flux and the eddy heat transport (EHT), based on the time-dependent heat budget analysis in the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP). The results show that the pseudo-heat content change has significant semi-annual variation, which peaks in April–May and September. There is strong positive feedback between EHT and the net air–sea heat flux. EHT is important in balancing the sea surface heat flux into the WPWP. The seasonal EHT variability is dominated by its meridional component. On the interannual time scale, the zonal and vertical components of EHT show comparable amplitudes with the meridional one. The observed net air–sea heat flux in the WPWP is highly correlated with EHT and the pseudo-heat content change on the interannual time scale. The net air–sea heat flux leads the pseudo-heat content change by about half a month and leads EHT by about one month. The variations of the air–sea heat flux and EHT are connected to the El Niño Southern Oscillation events: during the development of El Niño (La Niña) events, the warm pool expanded eastward (retreated westward), the net air–sea surface flux into the WPWP increased (decreased) and EHT enhanced (weakened) significantly.  相似文献   

太平洋是海表温度年际变化和年代际变化发生的主要区域,但对太平洋海洋热含量变化的研究相对较少。为此, 本文分析了1980—2020年太平洋上层(0~300 m)热含量的时空变化特征。基于IAP数据,本文首先利用集合经验模态分解法(EEMD)提取不同时间尺度的海洋热含量信号,并利用正交经验分解法(EOF)对不同时间尺度的海洋热含量进行时空特征分析,得到了太平洋0~300 m海洋热含量的年际变化、年代际变化以及长期变暖的时空特征。结果表明,除了年际变化之外,热带西北太平洋上层热含量还存在明显的年代际变化和长期变暖趋势。在东太平洋和高纬度西太平洋,热含量的年代际变化特征并不突出。热带西北太平洋热含量的年代际变化在1980—1988年和1999—2013年较高,而在1989—1998年和2014—2020年期间较低。此外,针对热带西北太平洋热含量的经向、纬向和垂向特征分析,发现这种年代际变化主要发生在5°N—20°N,120°E—180°E,次表层50~200 m范围内。热带西北太平洋热含量的年代际变化对全球海表温度的年代际变化有着重要作用。  相似文献   

When considering physical mechanisms for decadal-timescale climate variability in the North Pacific, it is useful to describe in detail the expected response of the ocean to the chaotic atmospheric forcing. The expected response to this white-noise forcing includes strongly enhanced power in the decadal frequency band relative to higher frequencies, pronounced changes in basin-wide climate that resemble regime shifts, preferred patterns of spatial variability, and a depth-dependent profile that includes variability with a standard deviation of 0.2–0.4°C over the top 50–100 m. Weak spectral peaks are also possible, given ocean dynamics. Detecting coupled ocean–atmosphere modes of variability in the real climate system is difficult against the spectral and spatial structure of this ‘null-hypothesis’ of how the ocean and atmosphere interact, especially given the impossibility of experimentally decoupling the ocean from the atmosphere. Turning to coupled ocean–atmosphere models to address this question, a method for identifying coupled modes by using models of increasing physical complexity is illustrated. It is found that a coupled ocean–atmosphere mode accounts for enhanced variability with a time scale of 20 years/cycle in the Kuroshio extension region of the model's North Pacific. The observed Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) has many similarities to the expected noise-forced response and few similarities to the model's coupled ocean–atmosphere variability. However, model deficiencies and some analyses of observations by other workers indicate that the possibility that part of the PDO arises from a coupled ocean–atmosphere mode cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

The 137°E repeat hydrographic section of the Japan Meteorological Agency across the western North Pacific was initiated in 1967 as part of the Cooperative Study of the Kuroshio and Adjacent Regions and has been continued biannually in winter and summer. The publicly available data from the section have been widely used to reveal seasonal to decadal variations and long-term changes of currents and water masses, biogeochemical and biological properties, and marine pollutants in relation to climate variability such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. In commemoration of the 50th anniversary in 2016, this review summarizes the history and scientific achievements of the 137°E section during 1967–2016. Through the publication of more than 100 papers over this 50-year span, with the frequency and significance of the publication increasing in time, the 137°E section has demonstrated its importance for future investigations of physical–biogeochemical–biological interactions on various spatiotemporal scales, and thereby its utility in enhancing process understanding to aid projections of the impact of future climate change on ocean resources and ecosystems over the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

With improved observation methods, increased winter navigation, and increased awareness of the climate and environmental changes, research on the Baltic Sea ice conditions has become increasingly active. Sea ice has been recognized as a sensitive indicator for changes in climate. Although the inter-annual variability in the ice conditions is large, a change towards milder ice winters has been detected from the time series of the maximum annual extent of sea ice and the length of the ice season. On the basis of the ice extent, the shift towards a warmer climate took place in the latter half of the 19th century. On the other hand, data on the ice thickness, which are mostly limited to the land-fast ice zone, basically do not show clear trends during the 20th century, except that during the last 20 years the thickness of land-fast ice has decreased. Due to difficulties in measuring the pack-ice thickness, the total mass of sea ice in the Baltic Sea is, however, still poorly known. The ice extent and length of the ice season depend on the indices of the Arctic Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation. Sea ice dynamics, thermodynamics, structure, and properties strongly interact with each other, as well as with the atmosphere and the sea. The surface conditions over the ice-covered Baltic Sea show high spatial variability, which cannot be described by two surface types (such as ice and open water) only. The variability is strongly reflected to the radiative and turbulent surface fluxes. The Baltic Sea has served as a testbed for several developments in the theory of sea ice dynamics. Experiences with advanced models have increased our understanding on sea ice dynamics, which depends on the ice thickness distribution, and in turn redistributes the ice thickness. During the latest decade, advance has been made in studies on sea ice structure, surface albedo, penetration of solar radiation, sub-surface melting, and formation of superimposed ice and snow ice. A high vertical resolution has been found as a prerequisite to successfully model thermodynamic processes during the spring melt period. A few observations have demonstrated how the river discharge and ice melt affect the stratification of the oceanic boundary layer below the ice and the oceanic heat flux to the ice bottom. In general, process studies on ice–ocean interaction have been rare. In the future, increasingly multidisciplinary studies are needed with close links between sea ice physics, geochemistry and biology.  相似文献   

In this study, we use existing observational datasets to evaluate 20th century climate simulations of the tropical Pacific. The emphasis of our work is decadal variability of the shallow meridional overturning circulation, which links the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean. In observations, this circulation is characterized by equatorward geostrophic volume transport convergence in the interior ocean pycnocline across 9°N and 9°S. Historical hydrographic data indicate that there has been a decreasing trend in this convergence over the period 1953–2001 of about 11 Sverdrup (1 Sv = 106 m3 s−1), with maximum decade-to-decade variations of 7–11 Sv. The transport time series is highly anti-correlated with sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the central and eastern tropical Pacific, implying that variations in meridional overturning circulation are directly linked to decadal variability and trends in tropical SST. These relationships are explored in 18 model simulations of 20th century climate from 14 state-of-the-art coupled climate models. Significant correlation exists between meridional volume transport convergence and tropical SST in the majority of the models over the last half century. However, the magnitude of transport variability on decadal time scales in the models is underestimated while at the same time modeled SST variations are more sensitive to that transport variability than in the observations. The effects of the meridional overturning circulation on SST trends in most the models is less clear. Most models show no trend in meridional transport convergence and underestimate the trend in eastern tropical Pacific SST. The eddy permitting MIROCH model is the only model that reasonably reproduces the observed trends in transport convergence, tropical Pacific SST, and SST gradient along the equator over the last half century. If the observed trends and those simulated in the MIROCH model are ultimately related to greenhouse gas forcing, these results suggest that the Bjerknes feedback, by affecting pycnocline transport convergences, may enhance warming that arises from anthropogenic forcing in the eastern tropical Pacific.  相似文献   

太平洋年代际变化研究进展浅析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
综述了近几年太平洋年代际变化形成机制或起因的7种代表性观点,对已有观点作了初步评述,并提出未来太平洋年代际变化研究应关注以下方面:太平洋年代际变化的多重模态及相应的多重机制,不同时空尺度海洋现象间的相互作用,南太平洋年代际变化及在全太平洋年代际变化中的作用,ENSO与PDO的预测,海洋环流的年代际变化及其对气候变化的作用,海洋热能、机械能的收支及转换等关键问题.  相似文献   

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