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利用高效液相色谱技术对江蓠(Gracilariaceae)中类菌孢素氨基酸(MAAs)进行了分析,并采用响应面分析法对MAAs物质的提取工艺进行优化研究。根据正交旋转组合试验设计原理,采用四因素五水平的响应面分析法,依据回归分析确定各因素的显著程度及最优工艺条件。结果表明,江蓠中MAAs的主要成分为porphyra-334;提取温度、浸提时间、甲醇浓度及液固比为影响MAAs物质提取的显著因素。通过多元二次回归拟合模型响应面分析,得到最优工艺条件:提取温度48.12℃,液固比34∶1,甲醇浓度25%,浸提时间1.85 h,优化条件下预测提取率为4.943 mg/g;试验值为4.893 mg/g,试验值与预测值吻合较好,响应面回归模型的准确性得到验证。  相似文献   

采用响应曲面分析法研究了氯化钙水提法从海带废渣中提取岩藻聚糖硫酸酯的制备技术.在单因素试验的基础上,根据Box-Behnken试验设计原理,通过建立数学模型对提取温度、提取时间、料液比等因素进行显著性和交互性分析研究,获得了最佳提取制备参数.结果表明,提取温度68℃,提取时间6h,料液比1:80时,可以获得3.95%的岩藻聚糖硫酸酯.其中岩藻糖含量为17.47%,硫酸根含量为37.14%.  相似文献   

为了优化提取方格星虫(Sipunculus nudus)多糖工艺实验条件,采用PEF酶法提取方格星虫多糖,依据料液比、浸提温度、酶底比、PEF电场强度、浸提时间、脉冲数对多糖提取率的影响,以响应曲面法优化方格星虫多糖提取的最优工艺条件,通过紫外可见分光光度计测定多糖吸光度进而计算提取率。结果表明:各因素对方格星虫多糖提取率的影响程度为:料液比电场强度提取温度提取时间;最优工艺条件为:料液比(g/mL) 1︰7,浸提温度50℃,酶底比为2.5%,电场强度30 kV/cm,脉冲数为12,浸提时间2 h;多糖最大提取率为6.45%。  相似文献   

在单因素试验的基础上,利用Box-Benhnken中心组合实验设计,采用响应面法对鹿角菜(Pelvetia siliquosa)中岩藻多糖的提取工艺进行优化。结果表明,液料比、水浴温度和水浴时间对岩藻多糖提取率均有显著影响;最佳提取工艺条件为:液料比(m L/g)32、水浴温度90℃、水浴时间8.4 h,此时岩藻多糖最高提取率为5.2005%,与理论值5.2153%相比,相对误差很小。响应面模型与实际情况拟合良好,采用响应面法对鹿角菜中岩藻多糖提取条件进行优化合理可行。  相似文献   

目的:优化枸杞多糖(LBP)的精制工艺,为LBP的开发提供参考。方法:以多糖提取率为指标,采用正交试验考察提取次数、提取时间、料液比对多糖提取工艺的影响。在单因素试验的基础上,以糖损失率为指标,利用正交试验优化活性炭除色素工艺,以蛋白清除率和糖损失率的综合评分为指标,采用正交试验优化酶-sevag法脱蛋白工艺。结果:最佳提取工艺为提取次数2次、提取时间30 min、料液比1∶10。最佳除色素工艺为活性炭用量1.0%、温度100℃、时间20 min;糖损失率为28.6%。最佳除蛋白工艺为酶用量1.5%、温度50℃、时间60 min;蛋白质清除率为28.2%,糖损失率为10.9%。结论:优选的LBP精制工艺稳定可行,适用于LBP产品开发。  相似文献   

以鼠尾藻为原料,采用有机溶剂法提取岩藻黄素。通过单因素实验,分析了不同有机溶剂、料液比、温度及时间对岩藻黄素提取率的影响,并通过响应面法对提取工艺进行优化。结果表明,最佳的提取工艺为90%甲醇溶液,料液比1︰33,提取温度60℃,提取时间3.25 h,提取率达到1.368 mg/g。  相似文献   

以紫蛇尾(Ophiopholis mirabilis)皂苷溶液吸光度为指标,采用单因素实验法考察乙醇体积分数、料液比、提取时间、提取次数、提取温度等因素对紫蛇尾皂苷提取效果的影响,通过正交实验确定最佳工艺条件。结果表明,紫蛇尾皂苷的最佳提取工艺为60℃水浴,料液比1:40(W/V),每次3 h,提取4次。按照最佳工艺条件所得蛇尾皂苷平均产率为1.77‰,表明此最佳工艺可用于紫蛇尾皂苷的制备。  相似文献   

以浒苔(Enteromorpha prolifera)为原料,采用响应面法优化碱性过氧化氢提取半纤维素的条件。在单因素实验的基础上,运用Box-Benhnken中心组合原理,设计四因素三水平实验,确定半纤维素最佳提取条件。采用红外光谱(FT-IR)和离子色谱(IC)分析浒苔半纤维素组分。结果表明,各因素对浒苔半纤维的提取率的影响为:时间温度料液比氢氧化钠浓度。碱性过氧化氢法提取半纤维素的最佳条件为:氢氧化钠浓度为4.8 g/L,提取温度为92℃,提取时间为5 h,料液比1︰70,半纤维素的提取率为56.75%,与预测值57.30%基本一致。FT-IR结果显示,浒苔半纤维素红外吸收光谱中含有明显的木糖和阿拉伯糖的特征吸收峰,为吡喃环结构,由β-糖苷键连接。离子色谱结果表明,浒苔半纤维素主要由木糖和阿拉伯糖组成,含有少量葡萄糖和半乳糖。木糖含量为54.4%,其次为阿拉伯糖,含量为15.3%,葡萄糖和半乳糖含量分别为5.6%和2.7%。  相似文献   

以番红砗磲(Tridacna crocea)为实验对象,通过单因素对比实验对其外套膜色素的提取条件进行了优化,并利用薄层层析色谱法对色素组成进行了初步分析。结果表明:丙酮和乙醇为适宜的番红砗磲外套膜色素提取剂;使用丙酮为提取剂时,浸提时间为4 h,提取温度为25℃,料液比为1︰40。使用乙醇为提取剂时,浸提时间为4 h,提取温度为30℃,料液比为1︰200;利用薄层色谱法分离外套膜颜色为蓝色和红棕色的番红砗磲外套膜色素后发现,蓝色番红砗磲外套膜色素由9种色素组分构成,红棕色个体番红砗磲外套膜色素由10种色素组分构成。  相似文献   

3种海洋微藻多糖提取工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用热水浸提法,通过一系列单因素试验,研究了提取时间、pH、温度和液料比对四爿藻、新月菱形藻和三角褐指藻等3种海洋微藻多糖提取的影响。在此基础上,通过正交试验进一步优化多糖的提取工艺。最后,采用适宜提取工艺制备3种海洋微藻粗多糖样品,并测定样品蛋白质和多糖含量。单因素结果表明,提取时间、pH、温度和液料比均能影响四爿藻、新月菱形藻和三角褐指藻多糖的提取。其中,提取时间显著影响新月菱形藻多糖的提取,提取pH对四爿藻和新月菱形藻多糖的提取有显著影响,而提取温度和料液比均能显著影响3种海洋微藻多糖的提取。正交试验结果表明,四爿藻、新月菱形藻和三角褐指藻粗多糖提取的适宜提取时间,温度,pH和料液比分别为80℃、60℃、80℃,240min、240min、120min;10、10、10;1:15、1:25、1:25。制备的粗多糖样品中蛋白质和多糖含量分别为0.59%、0.76%、1.50%和51.4%、17.2%、13.5%。很低的蛋白质含量和较高的多糖含量,表明采用上述试验确定的提取工艺获得的粗多糖样品纯度较高,利于样品的后续分离纯化。  相似文献   

牛蒡寡糖对双歧杆菌体外生长的促进作用   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
牛蒡寡糖是从菊科植物牛蒡(Arctium lappa L.)的等外根中提取得到的一种水溶性的果寡糖。将牛蒡寡糖代替葡萄糖作为培养基的碳源,考察了双歧杆菌体外生长的情况,并探讨了牛蒡寡糖对双歧杆菌生长的作用效果。结果表明,牛蒡寡糖对双歧杆菌体外生长有显著的促进作用,优于葡萄糖作碳源时的效果(P〈0.05)。培养基中牛蒡寡糖的最适添加量为1.0%~2.0%(m/V)。牛蒡寡糖不仅能缩短双歧杆菌生长的适应期,而且能使其显著增殖。  相似文献   

本文论述最近几年在解脂耶罗维亚酵母(Yarrowia lipol ytica)代谢工程研究方面的最新进展.解脂耶罗维亚酵母是最安全的微生物,广泛分布在包括海洋和极地等的各种环境中,已经具备很好的基因克隆表达系统;某些菌株在蛋白质、油脂、柠檬酸、酸性蛋白酶和碱性蛋白酶生产上具有优良特性,并且许多菌株具有很强的降解石油烃的能力.本文介绍了几种对解脂耶罗维亚酵母进行的表达系统改造,改造后该酵母能分解廉价而广泛存在的菊粉,提高细胞中油脂含量和细胞分泌的柠檬酸含量,合成许多生物活性物质,在能源工业、食品工业、医药工业和养殖业具有广泛的应用前途.  相似文献   

The Danish Straits are part of the transition area between the North Sea and the central Baltic Sea. More precisely, the Danish Straits connect Kattegat to the Arkona Basin and includes the relatively narrow and shallow sub-areas: Great Belt, Little Belt, Fehmarn Belt and Sound. The flow resistances in the straits are hydraulically determined by among other factors, the contractions, sills and stratification found in the straits. Close to the entrance to the Arkona Basin the Darss and Drogden Sills are located that trap inflowing dense water partially before it enters the central Baltic Sea. Hence, the resistances in the Danish Straits are of crucial importance for the stratification and ecosystems in the central Baltic Sea. The present work comprises calculations of flow resistance in the Great Belt based on measurements collected as part of the Great Belt Fixed Link investigations. The specific resistance in the Great Belt is determined to be an average of 41.2 × 10−12 s2 m−5, but it depends heavily on the interface position. When calculating long-term discharge time-series on the basis of the momentum equation it is advised to apply a seasonal varying resistance.  相似文献   

利用第22次南极长城站越冬气象考察所获取的常规气象观测资料,着重分析了2006年长城站的气压、气温、地温、降水、湿度、风等气象要素和天气现象的特征,并同1985~2005年的多年统计值进行了对比。所作分析有助于了解和研究南极长城站地区的气候特点。  相似文献   

Methods are described for routine analyses of individual pteridines and flavins from marine waters at picomolar concentrations. Samples were concentrated by adsorption on bonded-phase, C18 silica and Florisil Sep-Pak extraction columns connected in series. Sample extracts derived from Sep-Pak eluates were analysed by reverse-phase liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection. These methods proved sensitive for the quantitative identification of pterin, xanthopterin, isoxanthopterin, 6-biopterin, pterin-6-carboxylic acid, 6-hydroxymethylpterin, riboflavin, riboflavin-5′-phosphate, lumiflavin and lumichrome in reef waters at Davies Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia.Preliminary experiments were conducted to test the application of these methods to the measurement of pterin and flavin excretion from several reef-dwelling, benthic organisms. Results from these experiments suggest that the benthic community contributes these compounds to the coral reef environment.  相似文献   

中国南极长城站室内空气微生物含量七年前后的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国南极长城站室内空气微生物含量的考察结果表明,七年后,虽然一些室内空气微生物含量有所下降,即空气质量有所改善,但总体来看,略是上升势。与友邻科考站相比,长城站的多少有点偏高。也比非南极的较高纬度的某些室内空气微生物含量高。结果意味着长城站尚有提高空气质量、改善环境状况的余地。  相似文献   

Abundance, vertical distribution and stage composition of Calanus finmarchicus was analysed for a period of four and half years, 1971–1975, based on data collected at weather station India in the North Atlantic (59°N, 19°W). The passage of the Great Salinity Anomaly in the area was reflected by a decrease in the salinity from 1973 to 1975. Calanus finmarchicus arrives at the surface by the end of March and stays in the upper 50 m, but with a stage segregation in the vertical distribution, until the descent periods at the end of May–June and in August–September. During this period two or three cohorts develop, apparently in close relation with the phytoplankton pulses. Abundance is highly variable, with maximum values ranging from 8770 ind m−2 in 1974 to 56,541 ind m−2 in 1973. There was no clear effect of the Great Salinity Anomaly, the maximum abundance occurring the year the Great Salinity Anomaly arrived, 1973, and the minimum values occurring the next year, 1974, when the effect of the Great Salinity Anomaly was well established. However, the structure of the population seems to have been affected during the Great Salinity Anomaly. Possible interactions between phytoplankton blooms, the Great Salinity Anomaly and C. finmarchicus population dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   


A project was initiated in 1986 to investigate an apparent significant discrepancy between geodetic and oceanographic leveling determinations of mean sea level around the coast of Great Britain. In oceanographic terms this discrepancy is equivalent to a sea slope in a North‐South direction.

The project, which lasted for 3 years, has been carried out in conjunction with research groups at the University of Edinburgh, the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, and the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain. It has involved combining Global Positioning System (GPS)‐derived ellipsoidal height differences with a high‐precision geoid, leading to an independent determination of the orthometric heights of tide gauges along the east coast of Great Britain.

A major GPS campaign was observed in May 1988. Measurements were made at time gauges between Leith and Lowestoft while simultaneously making measurements at fiducial sites. The results of the 1988 and subsequent campaigns are presented and discussed, and details are given of further observation campaigns to monitor the vertical movement of tide gauges around the coast of Britain by GPS.  相似文献   

The wave climate at the Maui site off the west coast of the North Island and off the east coast of Great Barrier Island to the east of the North Island are examined. This is done by means of average wave spectra derived from a 2‐year database, acquired from Waverider buoy measurements made over 1980 and 1981. The average spectra provide information about the individual sea states which characterise the wave climate, and show that on average the sea state on the east coast is less energetic than it is on the west coast. Further, it is seen that this difference results largely from a dominant and persistent long‐period south‐westerly swell of 12.4 s period which is present at the Maui location but absent from the Great Barrier Island seas.  相似文献   

我国南极科考站附近气旋的特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
秦听  魏立新  李珵 《海洋学报》2017,39(5):44-60
本文基于欧洲中心的ERA-Interim再分析数据,采用雷丁大学的气旋自动识别与追踪算法,建立了1979-2013年中国南极科学考察站长城站、中山站以及泰山站划定的统计区域内气旋数据集。基于这套数据,分析了3个站区附近气旋的气候特征,包括:气旋数量、空间分布、强度、加深率等,并研究了达到爆发性发展的气旋的时空特征。分析表明,长城站以及中山站气旋数量均有增加趋势,但都未达到显著水平;泰山站气旋数量的减少趋势达到显著性水平。3个站区的气旋统计表明,长城站统计区域内气旋活动最频繁,且爆发性气旋活动相对较多;中山站、长城站气旋的数量和空间分布具有季节变化,气旋数量夏季较其他3个季节偏少、偏弱;泰山站气旋活动最少,并且大部分影响到该站的气旋都处于消亡阶段,气旋的强度较弱,故气旋活动对该站的影响较弱。  相似文献   

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