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在杭州湾交通通道预可行性研究阶段的《通航标准论证报告》及杭州湾交通通道有关专题研究成果的基础上,依据浙江省交通厅文件的精神,结合杭州湾的水文、河势、港口、航道等基本状况、条件以及通航船舶现状与未来对通航发展的要求等,确定了杭州湾跨海大桥南航道的通航净空尺度和桥位航道中心线及通航孔的位置。在杭州湾南航道中心线设了3个通航孔,其中1个为主通航孔,2个为副通航孔。主通航孔可通行总长为97m,宽为14m的3000t级杂货船,净空高度不于31m,净空宽度不小于125m,单向通航;副通航孔可通行总长小于33m,宽为7.2m的小型船舶,净空高度不小于20m,净空宽度不小于50m,单向通航。最高通航水位为5.19m。  相似文献   

杭州湾乍浦断面潮流分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2000年9月在杭州湾乍浦断面设置的8个潮流同步观测站的资料,对该断面潮流分布特征进行了分析和探讨,结果表明:该断面大潮涨急时呈现两个大流速核;断面南部的流速要比北部的大,涨潮流速大于落潮流速。这对了解杭州湾水文特征有着一定意义,同时为杭州湾跨海大桥的设计建设提供参考。  相似文献   

杭州湾跨海大桥对钱塘江河口水流的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过河工模型试验,研究建设在潮汐河口的特大型桥梁——杭州湾跨海大桥对水环境产生的影响。杭州湾跨海大桥河工模型上边界选在老盐仓,下边界定在金山,平面比尺为1000,铅直比尺为100,模拟总水域面积约2200km2;模型运用2000年9月杭州湾实测水下地形及大范围同步水文测验资料进行了验证,其精度较高。在此基础上,结合实测资料分析,运用定床模型试验对杭州湾跨海大桥建成后附近水域流态的变化及对钱塘江涌潮、上游行洪等的影响进行了分析和预测。建桥前后潮位、流速流向、潮流量以及涌潮高度等试验数据的变化表明,杭州湾跨海大桥建成后对钱塘江河口水流的影响主要在桥位近区,对涌潮、上游行洪基本没有影响。  相似文献   

胶州湾全域的变态物理模型以团岛至薛家岛的狭窄口门处为单边界.依据相似理论,确定胶州湾全域物理模型的水平比尺和垂直比尺分别为1∶700和1∶70.由几何比尺给出模型的流速比尺、糙度比尺、水流时间比尺、流量比尺及潮量比尺.设计胶州湾整体模型的试验水池为宽40 m、长50m、深1 m.试验采用翻板尾门加双向泵以水位控制为主的...  相似文献   

焦志斌  牟永春  沙秋 《海洋工程》2014,32(2):104-109
调查分析了仿生草防护技术研究现状,参照中石油辽河油田海南8海底管线海域水流和地质条件,采用1∶10比尺进行水流作用下水槽断面物理模型试验,开展了滩海区域仿生草的缓流效果和仿生草周边泥沙冲淤变化研究。试验结果表明,水流作用下,海底仿生草草内流速减小,草外流速增大;铺设仿生草对减小作用于铺设段海床的水流动力有较好效果,水位较高时,仿生草有较好的缓流促淤效果,但在水位较低、流速较大时,仿生草因铺设密度较大而产生较大的局部冲刷。水深小于2 m的滩海区域要慎重选用。  相似文献   

舟山册子岛-镇海段海底原油管道连续多年监测数据显示,局部海床冲刷较为严重,管道多处裸露、悬空,对工程安全构成威胁。基于Delft3D建立杭州湾口二维水流泥沙数学模型,并利用实测潮位、流速、流向及悬沙质量浓度资料对模型进行率定与验证,进而模拟分析近年来人为开发活动对海底管道附近海床冲淤变化的影响。分析结果表明,新泓口围垦工程和金塘大桥工程对管线镇海登陆段海床冲刷影响较大,金塘大桥桥墩阻水作用加剧了管线深槽边坡西半段海床的冲刷,另外管线深潭延伸东半段的海床冲刷与金塘大桥主通航孔密切相关。  相似文献   

为弥补常规海洋环境监测手段在大区域、长时序方面的不足,本文初步探究了用可见光水色遥感监测海水水动力现象的方法。以杭州湾跨海大桥典型工程为例,运用卫星遥感可见光方法,监测海水大面积水色变化,结合数值计算,综合分析大桥对附近海域流场变化的影响。分析结果表明,大桥中间段迎水面和背水面两侧海域的水色存在明显差异,桥墩局部区域的流场发生显著改变,在大桥东西两侧均出现了流速较小区域,大潮时期平均减小0.3 m/s,小潮时期平均减小0.1 m/s;对比大桥建成前后,南段大桥两侧水色发生显著变异,西面的流速减小区最为显著,平均减小0.26 m/s。  相似文献   

桥墩基础冲刷是桥梁毁坏的重要因素,是桥梁基础设计的关键指标之一。目前国内外对于桥墩基础在复杂动力条件下冲刷深度的研究常采用物理模型试验方法,利用正态系列模型方法,在波流水槽中研究了水流、潮流和波流共同作用下青州航道桥索塔基础周围流态变化和局部冲刷特征。研究结果表明,桥墩最大冲刷深度和冲淤范围与水流流速、桥墩轴线与水流夹角和波浪等因素有关;在潮流最大流速和恒定流流速一致情况下,桥墩局部冲刷深度达到平衡后,将会达到与恒定流基本一致的最大冲深;波流共同作用下的最大冲刷深度比恒定流增加10%左右。设计桥墩形状在100年一遇水流和波浪共同作用下桥墩基础局部最大冲刷深度为13.7 m。  相似文献   

根据平面二维非恒定流运动方程和连续方程推导出模型相似比尺,从而进行模型设计。模型上边界选在老盐仓,下边界定在金山,模拟总水域面积约2200km2;模型先按1998年实测的准1∶50000水下地形制作,并利用1998年大范围水文资料作初步验证,再运用2000年9月杭州湾实测水下地形及大范围同步水文测验资料对模型进行正式验证。验证结果表明,模型沿程潮位、模型测点流速、流向等均与水文测验资料吻合良好,达到了较高的验证精度,为杭州湾跨海大桥建成后对周围水域变化情况的预测和桥轴线与桥孔布设合理性论证奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

金塘大桥桥墩附近的海床冲刷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东起舟山市金塘岛的沥港镇,跨越灰鳖洋,西至宁波市镇海区新泓口的金塘大桥,为舟山大陆连岛工程的主体.大桥全长为18.5 km,海面桥墩近350个,桥墩附近海床冲刷深度主要包括因风浪和潮流引起的自然冲刷、因建桥使过水断面缩窄而产生的一般冲刷和桥墩阻水形成的马蹄形漩流引起的局部冲刷.河流上桥墩局部冲刷已进行过大量研究,建立了可供设计使用的桥墩冲刷计算公式,而金塘大桥位于灰鳖洋海域,作用水流为极其复杂的往复流,使海床局部冲刷深度难以利用现有公式进行计算,因此采用海域实测地形资料分析了桥轴线附近的海床自然冲刷,利用水槽正态模型试验模拟研究了桥墩附近的一般冲刷和局部冲刷.实测资料表明,该海域潮流流速大小与潮差有较好的相关关系,潮差越大,潮流流速也越大,而桥墩的局部冲刷深度也随流速的增大而增大,因此,选取潮差频率为300年一遇和10年一遇的特大潮分别作为运行期和施工期的潮流边界.桥位所处的海床较为稳定,故以最新的实测地形各桥墩处高程作为冲刷试验起始高程.试验初期桥墩附近海床快速下切形成冲刷坑,随后冲刷值迅速减小,海床渐趋稳定.研究表明,该大桥所处海域总体上趋于动态平衡状态,桥轴线东段微冲、西段微淤.运行期金塘大桥附近的海床自然冲刷,一般均在1.1 m以内,仅在主槽附近较大,约5 m左右.试验表明,潮流作用下桥墩附近的一般冲刷和局部冲刷均明显大于自然冲刷幅度,主墩最大局部冲刷幅度为14.4 m,引桥桥墩最大局部冲刷幅度为7.8~10.3 m;据此可得到桥墩附近海床的总体冲刷幅度和设计高程,不仅为工程建设、运行的安全性及经济性提供了坚实的技术支撑,而且可供其它海域建桥后桥墩附近海床的冲刷研究提供参考.  相似文献   

To determine the optimal length of the cross-bay bridge at the Tieshan Port and the impact ofthe bridge on the hydrological environment,a 2-D numerical model is adopted to calculate the variation oftidal level,tidal current field and tidal discharge caused by different lengths of the bridge.  相似文献   

浅层地震折射波法在跨河大桥中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以潍河特大跨河大桥桥基工程地质探测为例,简要地阐述了用浅层地震探测方法来查明跨河大桥桥址的基岩埋深及构造特征的方法原理与应用。  相似文献   

The necessity and the preliminary tentative plan for the construction of the undersea tunnel across Taiwan Strait are expounded in this atricle. The strait undersea tunnels, which have been built and investigated in the world, and their engineering characteristics and construction methods have been introduced herein briefly. Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times and the people between the mainland and Taiwan are kindred compatriots in the extended family of the Chinese multinational country. For a long time, the people between southeast of China and Taiwan have had frequent communication in economy and culture. With the progress of times and the need of development, it has been put forward to build a safe and reliable undersea tunnel that is not affected by the environment across Taiwan Strait, and one which is also a magnificent project for the China in the long-term. Whether by using a bridge or an undersea tunnel or both across the strait is a problem worthy of further research. According to such conditions as the weather of Taiwan Strait, depth of water, undersea terrain, possibility of engineering and hydrological geology under the sea, as well as the possibility of Taiwan Strait as a main shipping passage from south to north of China and the experience of existing passage across strait in the world, the primary analysis shows that the scheme of an undersea tunnel should be considered. Therefore the concept of the undersea tunnel engineering across Taiwan Strait is introduced in detail here.  相似文献   

The necessity and the preliminary tentative plan for the construction of the undersea tunnel across Taiwan Strait are expounded in this atricle. The strait undersea tunnels, which have been built and investigated in the world, and their engineering characteristics and construction methods have been introduced herein briefly.?Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times and the people between the mainland and Taiwan are kindred compatriots in the extended family of the Chinese multinational country. For a long time, the people between southeast of China and Taiwan have had frequent communication in economy and culture. With the progress of times and the need of development, it has been put forward to build a safe and reliable undersea tunnel that is not affected by the environment across Taiwan Strait, and one which is also a magnificent project for the China in the long-term.?Whether by using a bridge or an undersea tunnel or both across the strait is a problem worthy of further research. According to such conditions as the weather of Taiwan Strait, depth of water, undersea terrain, possibility of engineering and hydrological geology under the sea, as well as the possibility of Taiwan Strait as a main shipping passage from south to north of China and the experience of existing passage across strait in the world, the primary analysis shows that the scheme of an undersea tunnel should be considered. Therefore the concept of the undersea tunnel engineering across Taiwan Strait is introduced in detail here.  相似文献   

董锋  李佳  张修亭 《海岸工程》2007,26(2):72-78
长清大学园区高架桥全长3.533 km,是济菏高速公路工程14个合同段中唯一一个全部是桥梁结构的标段。按照本工程的地理环境、地势条件、设计特点以及业主对工期和质量的要求,编制了一份以灌注桩和现浇连续箱梁为主要工序的施工方案。  相似文献   

新沭河大桥35m预制箱梁在江苏省是首次使用,较以往跨径仅20m的箱梁对架桥机的材料和性能要求高。本文对BBG150型架桥机架设边粱进行了详细验算,为边梁安全架设提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

采用实测资料分析、潮浪水槽试验、定床模型试验以及已建桥梁对涌潮影响的现场观测等手段,研究了钱塘江下游尖山河段建桥对涌潮景观的影响。研究结果表明,钱塘江河口的喇叭形河湾和庞大的水下沙坎使潮波能量积聚、潮差增大,水深急剧变浅、潮波剧烈变形是形成钱塘江涌潮的主要原因。影响涌潮的主要因素是潮汐、江道地形和治江围涂工程,而建桥不会影响涌潮产生的条件,但由于桥墩的阻水作用,对桥上游500 m范围内的涌潮形态有所影响;当采用合理的桥台设计方案,即阻水面积较小时,对上游涌潮高度的影响仅3 cm左右,故不会影响涌潮的景观。  相似文献   

张彦  李国平 《海岸工程》2006,25(1):35-40
概述了海洋环境对桥梁下部结构(包括基础、承台、桥墩等)的影响,并介绍了跨海大桥在下部结构设计、施工中采取的相应措施,以期为跨海大桥下部结构的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a simple method to estimate the lateral movement of piled bridge abutments due to lateral flow from the safety factor (Fs) of slope stability analysis was studied. This was accomplished through the construction and measurement of actual piled bridge abutments and its backfill, with and without piled slabs as a countermeasure. To do this, a computer program SLOPILE (VER 3.0) considering the lateral earth pressure acting on a row of piled bridge abutment was developed. SLOPILE (VER 3.0) can calculate the slope stability for both planar failure surfaces in infinite slopes and arc failure surfaces based on Fellenius or Bishop simplified methods. SLOPILE (VER 3.0) was utilized to design the piled bridge abutment reinforced by a piled slab at a real site. The piled slab can effectively prevent the lateral flow of soft ground and satisfy not only the safety factor of a slope but also the allowable bearing capacity of piles. To verify the design method, an instrumentation system was adapted. The instrumentation results from a case study clearly showed that the piled slab effectively resisted the lateral movement of a bridge abutment due to placement of backfill. Also, the surcharge loads due to backfill were supported by the piled slab and transmitted to the bedrock through the piled slab.  相似文献   

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