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在分析波浪力、波浪力矩以及深度测量干扰之间相互关系的基础上,对潜艇在近水面波浪干扰下的垂直面运动进行了解耦控制设计,仿真结果验证了该控制方法的有效性  相似文献   

模拟了带有脐带缆的潜水器(ROV)的强非线性流体动力学性能,由于ROV的前进速度与其它方向的运动速度为同一数量级,与传统的潜艇有重要的区别。潜艇中常用的按前进航速线性化处理的技术不能有效地用于潜水器,必须保留其运动方程中尽可能多的非线性项进行模拟。潜器本体的运动模型必须考虑为六自由度,脐带缆的运动必须考虑为三维运动。中继平台的运动幅值,可能会接近甚至超过水面船的运动幅值,这会增加ROV进出坞的困难。缆力对流速比对水面波浪更敏感、对垂向激励比水平激励更敏感。即使是随机波浪激励,深水吊索张力也会具有一定的周期性。近水面时这种周期性消失,两端张力趋于同步。  相似文献   

潜艇操纵控制方法的现状与发展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在大量相关文献的基础上,对潜艇空间机动中出现的非线性、两平面运动间的强耦合、参数的时变特性以及近水面时的定深控制等潜艇操纵控制的难点问题及其处理方法进行了分析、探讨和综述。  相似文献   

分层流体中细长体波浪力的数值计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用边界元法计算了层化流体中细长体受到的一阶垂荡波浪力和一阶纵摇波浪力矩,计算了近水面细长体的波浪力及力矩,与水池实验结果相吻合。  相似文献   

本文采用势流法计算近水面载人潜水器的波浪力。对在波浪气象条件下,航行在水面的潜水器,如果不增加负浮力,就无法下潜,以及在潜望镜深度时有空吸现象,潜水器有浮出水面的倾向,进行了理论解释。这对潜水器的潜水动力环境分析和潜水器操纵是有实用的意义。  相似文献   

航行体近水面航行时会引起周围流场中流体的惯性运动,动能会随波浪扩散而耗散,航行体近水面运动时固有周期和幅值衰减率受水的影响可以用附加质量和阻尼系数描述。运用计算流体力学软件 STAR-CCM+开展航行体近水面自由横摇与纵摇衰减运动的数值仿真,根据不同初始角度条件下仿真得到的自由衰减时历曲线,分别计算横摇与纵摇的附加质量与阻尼系数,并结合实际运动情况,对不同初始角度条件下附加质量与阻尼系数的变化成因分别进行分析。  相似文献   

极限波浪运动特性的非线性数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
宁德志  滕斌  姜立明  臧军 《海洋学报》2008,30(3):126-132
利用时域高阶边界元方法建立了模拟极限波浪运动的完全非线性数值模型,其中自由水面满足完全非线性自由水面条件.采用半混合欧拉-拉格朗日方法追踪流体瞬时水面,运用四阶Runge-Kutta方法更新下一时间步的波面和速度势,同时应用镜像格林函数消除水槽两个侧面和底面上的积分.研究中利用波浪聚焦的方法产生极限波浪,并且在水槽中开展了物理模型实验,将测点试验数据与数值结果进行了对比,两者吻合得很好.对极限波浪运动的非线性和流域内速度分布进行了研究.  相似文献   

船舶在随机波浪中操纵运动预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将船舶操纵运动模型和船舶耐波性理论结合起来,建立了适用于求解船舶在随机波浪中运动的六自由度数学模型.该模型采用水平随船坐标系,与操纵运动有关的水动力采用经验公式估算;与耐波性相关的水动力除二阶力外采用从频域到时域的方法,其中一阶波浪力通过脉冲响应函数的卷积求取,记忆效应力由时延函数的卷积表示;对于二阶波浪力则只考虑其定常部分.最后,应用该模型对一艘集装箱船在静水、规则波、随机波下的回转运动进行了预报,并就波浪对回转运动的影响做了讨论.认为一阶力对船舶操纵运动影响不明显;在考察波浪对船舶操纵运动的影响,必须考虑二阶力的作用.  相似文献   

针对近水面航行的欠驱动自主水下航行器(AUV),研究了其波浪力作用下的航向控制问题。首先,利用局部微分同胚将AUV非线性系统转换为Brunovsky标准型系统;其次,基于波浪力的Morison方程给出了波浪力干扰外系统模型;然后,根据最优控制理论,基于二次型性能指标设计欠驱动AUV系统的前馈反馈最优扰动抑制控制律,并通过求解Riccati方程和矩阵方程获得。最后,通过AUV系统仿真实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

近岸沿岸流及污染物运动的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
唐军  沈永明  邱大洪 《海洋学报》2008,30(1):147-155
基于双曲型缓坡方程和近岸浅水方程对近岸波浪斜向入射破碎所生成的沿岸流及污染物在沿岸波流作用下的运动进行了数值模拟,并对数值模拟结果进行了验证分析。数值模拟结果表明,在相近工况参数下,随着入射波高的增大,沿岸流流速和平均水面升高值均明显增大;随着岸坡坡度的增加,沿岸流流速和平均水面升高值明显增大;随着入射波浪周期的增大,平均水面升高值明显增大。在沿岸缓坡区域,由斜向入射波浪破碎所产生的沿岸流对污染物的运动起着不可忽略的影响。  相似文献   

马汝建  赵锡平 《海洋科学》2002,26(11):38-43
应用非线性谱分析理论,对三阶Stokes型随机波浪载荷谱进行了分析,将波面方程及海水质点的水平速度用一阶波面的非线性组表示,导出了随机波浪谱的表达式。为了便于求解随机波浪的载荷谱,将阻力项展开为幂级数式,并应用非线性谱分析理论,确定了幂级数的系数,进而将波浪载荷表示为一阶波面及其导数的非线性组合,最后得出波浪载荷谱密度的表达式,并应用数值分析方法,得出单位桩柱波浪力及总波浪力谱密度。  相似文献   

The third order triple-frequency wave load on fixed axisymmetric bodies by monochromatic waves is considered within the frame of potential theory. Waves are assumed to be weak non-linearity and a perturbation method is used to expand velocity potentials and wave loadings into series according to a wave steepness of kA. Integral equation method is used to compute velocity potentials up to second order in wave steepness. The third order triple-frequency wave loads are computed by an indirect method and an efficient method is applied to form the third order forcing term on the free surface quickly. The method can be used to compute third order triple-frequency surge force, heave force and pitch moment on any revolution bodies with vertical axes. The comparison with Malenica and Molin's results is made on surge force on a uniform cylinder, and comparison with experimental results is made on third order surge force, heave force and pitch moment on a truncated cylinder. More numerical computations are carried out for third order forces and moments on a uniform cylinder, truncated cylinders and a hemisphere.  相似文献   

界面波作用产生的周期沙波现象的动力机制一直没有得到合理圆满的解释。本文针对这种现象通过对浅水弱非线性Boussinesq方程,讨论界面波由于反射效应产生的反射波与入射波的非线性相互作用,得出了一个不受时间变量制约的不传播非线性二阶驻波解。从这个驻波解空间分布上可以看出,这种动力机制作用产生的周期沙波通常是其波形平行于反射壁,并且沙波波长为入射波垂直反射壁面分量的一半。数值模拟结果证明这个非线性二阶波是Genus-2波列的一个子集.水槽实验和海岸高空照片资料上清楚的分辨出这种由反射壁效应产生的沙波的客观存在性。  相似文献   

The wave height distribution with Edgeworth’s form of a cumulative expansion of probability density function (PDF) of surface elevation are investigated. The results show that a non-Gaussian model of wave height distribution reasonably agrees with experimental data. It is discussed that the fourth order moment (kurtosis) of water surface elevation corresponds to the first order nonlinear correction of wave heights and is related with wave grouping.  相似文献   

应用基于势流理论的时域高阶边界元方法,建立一个完全非线性的三维数值波浪水槽,通过实时模拟推板造波运动的方式产生波浪。通过混合欧拉-拉格朗日方法和四阶Runge-Kutta方法更新自由水面和造波板的瞬时位置。利用所建模型分别模拟了有限水深波和浅水波,与试验结果、相关文献结果和浅水理论结果吻合较好,且波浪能够稳定传播。系统地讨论造波板的运动圆频率、振幅和水深等对波浪传播和波浪特性的影响,并对波浪的非线性特性进行分析,研究发现造波板运动频率、运动振幅以及水深均将对波浪形态和波浪非线性产生显著影响。结果为真实水槽造波机的运动控制以及波浪生成试验提供了依据,便于实验室设置更合理的参数来准确模拟不同条件下的波浪。  相似文献   

The power performances of a point absorber wave energy converter(WEC) operating in a nonlinear multidirectional random sea are rigorously investigated. The absorbed power of the WEC Power-Take-Off system has been predicted by incorporating a second order random wave model into a nonlinear dynamic filter. This is a new approach, and, as the second order random wave model can be utilized to accurately simulate the nonlinear waves in an irregular sea, avoids the inaccuracies resulting from using a first order linear wave model in the simulation process. The predicted results have been systematically analyzed and compared, and the advantages of using this new approach have been convincingly substantiated.  相似文献   

完全非线性孤立波的直墙反射   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
报道了应用边界积分方法模拟完全非线性孤立波的传播与直墙反射,给出了波形演变过程。结果表明,本模型对计算孤立波的传播与直墙反射是有效的。三阶Boussinesq方程的孤立波解比低阶方程的孤立波解更接近完全非线性的数值解.当来波波高增大时,孤立波直墙反射的相位滞后变小。若考虑大波高孤立波的直墙反射或波——波相互作用,一阶理论预报的相位滞后往往低估实际情况。  相似文献   

A systematic armour stability and the hydraulic performance, including wave reflection, wave transmission, experimental study in the twin-wave flumes of Leichtweiss-Institute (LWI) is performed on a geocore breakwater and a conventional rubble mound breakwater in order to comparatively determine the wave run-up and wave overtopping. The geocore breakwater consists of a core made of sand-filled geotextile containers (GSC) covered by an armour made of rock. The geocore is more than an order of magnitude less permeable than the quarry run core of a conventional breakwater. As expected, the core permeability substantially affects the armour stability on the seaside slope, the wave transmission and the wave overtopping performance. Surprisingly, however, wave reflection and hydraulic stability of the rear slope are less affected. Formulae for the armour stability and hydraulic performance of the geocore breakwater are proposed, including wave reflection, transmission, run-up and overtopping.  相似文献   

The spectral properties of Stokes waves are shown in this paper by theoretical and numerical methods. This is done by expressing wave profiles and velocities of water particles as nonlinear combinations of the first order component of wave profiles. Under the assumption of the first order wave profiles being zero mean Gaussian processes, the relationship between autocorrelation functions of wave profiles and velocities of water particles and the first order component of wave profiles is established using the nonlinear spectral analysis. The spectral densities of nonlinear random waves, the velocities and accelerations of water particles are then obtained. Numerical computations are carried out to analyze the effect of fundamental parameters of waves. The results indicate that wave height is the most sensible parameter to the root mean squares related and wave depth is the least sensible one of all.  相似文献   

Second-order wavemaker theory for irregular waves   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Through the last decade the theory for second-order irregular wave generation was developed within the framework of Stokes wave theory. This pioneering work, however, is not fully consistent. Furthermore, due to the extensive algebra involved, the derived transfer functions appear in an unnecessarily complicated form. The present paper develops the full second-order wavemaker theory (including superharmonics as well as subharmonics) valid for rotational as well as translatory wave board motion. The primary goal is to obtain the second-order motion of the wave paddle required in order to get a spatially homogeneous wave field correct to second order, i.e. in order to suppress spurious free-wave generation. In addition to the transfer functions developed in the line of references on which the present work is based, some new terms evolve. These are related to the first-order evanescent modes and accordingly they are significant when the wave board motion makes a poor fit to the velocity profile of the desired progressive wave component. This is, for example, the case for the high-frequency part of a primary wave spectrum when using a piston-type wavemaker. The transfer functions are given in a relatively simple form by which the computational effort is reduced substantially. This enhances the practical computation of second-order wavemaker control signals for irregular waves, and no narrow band assumption is needed. The software is conveniently included in a PC-based wave generation system—the DHI Wave Synthesizer. The validity of the theory is demonstrated for a piston type wavemaker in a number of laboratory wave experiments for regular waves, wave groups and irregular waves.  相似文献   

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