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海洋站自动观测数据主要质控手段为延时月报质量审核,尚没有实时在线质控系统得到业务化应用.本文提出了一种海洋站自动观测数据在线质控系统,通过对水文气象等海洋观测要素进行逻辑分析,确定其极值区间和变化率区间阂值,将实时海洋观测数据与闽值进行比较,对错误或异常数据发出警示信息,提醒观测员进行处理,实现对海洋观测数据的在线质控.  相似文献   

海洋站自动观测数据主要质控手段为延时月报质量审核,尚没有实时在线质控系统得到业务化应用。本文提出了一种海洋站自动观测数据在线质控系统,通过对水文气象等海洋观测要素进行逻辑分析,确定其极值区间和变化率区间阈值,将实时海洋观测数据与阈值进行比较,对错误或异常数据发出警示信息,提醒观测员进行处理,实现对海洋观测数据的在线质控。  相似文献   

海洋科学的发展离不开精确的数据,然而各种海洋观测仪器在复杂的海洋环境中作业难免产生测量误差,导致观测数据需要进行实时(或延时)质量控制。中国Argo计划在搭载多个航次布放剖面浮标的同时,对航次中获取的船载CTD(conductivity, temperature, and depth)仪观测资料、自动剖面浮标观测资料以及实验室高精度盐度计测量数据进行了实时比对。分析结果显示,利用实验室高精度盐度计对现场观测数据尤其是船载CTD仪观测资料进行质量控制,于温盐数据(特别是深层)的实时/延时校正非常重要;如某航次未经标定的船载CTD仪所测1000dbar以深范围内海水盐度,与实验室高精度盐度计的差值达到±0.1左右,远远落后于国内海洋调查规范对盐度准确度±0.02的一级测量要求,该具体实例更加突显了船载CTD仪在航次前后送往权威部门进行检测的必要性和重要性,从而确保每个航次获取的CTD资料的质量。建议有条件的情况下,在进行深海大洋船载CTD仪观测时要进行现场实验室高精度盐度计的质量控制工作及比对试验,以提高我国深海大洋观测数据的质量。  相似文献   

海洋观测仪器是实施海洋观测活动的基础,其性能影响海洋观测数据的准确性和海洋观测活动的质量。按照不同观测平台对海洋观测标准体系进行分类,梳理了海洋观测要素及其仪器有关的基本参数; 根据海洋观测活动的特点列出了海洋观测仪器的一般技术要求,有助于推进海洋观测仪器应用的标准化工作。 从海洋观测仪器的检定校准和现场比测 2 方面整理了海洋观测数据的质量控制方法,为提高海洋观测数据质量提供支撑。  相似文献   

文章阐明开展海洋站观测资料质量控制的必要性和重要性,以海洋站观测延时(月报)资料为例,详细论述其质量控制的对象、流程和参数以及包括日期检验、位置检验、格式检验在内的19种质量控制方法,同时概述海洋站观测资料质量控制软件,最后提出下一步开展海洋站观测资料的均一化检验和订正以及建立多模式检验系统和均一化数据集的研究重点,以期为海洋和气候变化研究提供科学准确的第一手资料。  相似文献   

为保证海洋调查观测监测工作质量,满足合法合规的要求,自然资源管理部门对海洋检验检测机构的质量管理体系运行情况进行定期检查或评估,确保其能支撑各项海洋任务得到可信的数据结果。然而,这些评估多采用定性方式,对这些机构的质量管理体系运行的有效性进行系统性量化评价的科学方法仍需进一步研究。文章以海洋调查观测监测工作的特殊要求为导向,从资源配置、实施过程和结果成效3个方面,识别人员、设备、方法及其使用、质量控制、成果载体和改进6项评价指标,并引入机构资质合法性、数据真实性和质量验收结果3个“一票否决”指标;基于加权累加法建立评价模型,使用层次分析法确定各项指标的权重,设置评价标准和等级界限;构建海洋检验检测机构质量管理体系运行有效性评价综合评价方法,并给出覆盖海洋调查观测监测工作的事前、事中、事后的评价流程建议;以承担海洋生态预警监测任务的检验检测机构为例进行评价示范,体现该评价方法具有实用性。  相似文献   

海洋水文气象实时数据质量控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋水文气象实时观测数据,在采集、摘录、编报和通讯过程中,难免出现误码、变码等错误数据,这些错误数据直接影响海洋气象预报的发布工作,尤其在当今自动化普及的时代,一个严重的错误数据,将导致分析图的混乱。本文介绍两种适合实时数据的质量控制方法,即极值控制法和一致性检验控制法。极值控制法主要介绍用“莱因达”准则计算极值的方法。一致性检验控制法主要介绍方法的应用和要素之间关系的应用。  相似文献   

一种精细化的海洋浮标数据质量控制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海洋浮标数据获取特点及常见数据错情,本文提出了一种精细化的海洋浮标温盐数据质量控制方法。通过范围检验、尖峰检验、莱因达准则等六个步骤实现浮标数据质量控制,其创新性在于有效集成了多种质量检验法,并且研究了一种融合传统尖峰检验与莱因达准则的质量检验新方法;并以中国近海观测研究网络黄、东海站浮标温盐观测数据为例,验证了本方法的有效性和适用性。该方法可广泛用于海洋浮标温盐观测数据的质量控制,识别出长时间序列数据的异常值。经过本方法质控后的浮标观测数据对于海洋科学研究、海洋气象预报、海洋灾害预警以及渔业发展等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

ARGO剖面浮标数据质量控制过程剖析   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
ARGO计划的观测目标是能取得精度分别为0.5℃和0.01PSU的海水温度和盐度资料。然而,由于目前海水盐度是采用海水电导率间接导出的,而测量海水电导率的传感器很容易产生偏差。因此,必须对获得的ARGO数据进行质量控制。文章详细介绍了ARGO剖面浮标资料实时质量控制模式和延时质量控制模式及其采用的质量控制方法等。  相似文献   

以质量为中心,确保海洋环境观测数据准确可靠,是海洋观测业务发展永恒的主题。为加强海洋观测业务质量监督管理力度,明确海洋工作质量责任,提高海洋行政管理和科学研究能力,文章以《国家海洋局海洋站(点) 观测业务检查考核办法》发布实施为契机,结合以往北海分局质量监督检查工作经验,深入探析适合北海区自身发展需求的海洋观测业务质量监督管理新思路。文章阐述了北海区海洋观测业务质量监督管理工作的重要性、发展现状、存在问题以及新的发展契机,从深入调查研究、加强组织协调、加强制度建设和创新方式方法4个方面,对北海区海洋观测业务质量监督管理进行了探讨及规划,并提出了对策思路。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the signal quality and the accuracy of BeiDou 3 rd generation Satellite Navigation System(BDS3) Precise Point Positioning(PPP) in the Arctic Ocean. Assessment of signal quality of BDS3 includes signal to noise ratio(SNR), multipath(MP), dilution of precision(DOP), and code-minus-carrier combination(CC). The results show that, 5 to 13 satellites are visible at any time in the Arctic Ocean area as of September 2018, which are sufficient for positioning. In the mid-latitude ocea...  相似文献   

互花米草作为入侵物种对潮间带滩涂和盐沼具有严重的生态危害,化学方法治理互花米草具有简便、快速、彻底和成本低等特点。但化学药剂存在一定毒性,可能会对周边环境带来一系列不利影响。然而,有关化学治理措施所带来环境影响的研究较少。本文基于2017年8-11月的调查数据,研究了天津市永定河河口附近滩涂互花米草化学治理对附近海域海水水质和潮间带沉积物产生的影响,对调查海域海水水质和沉积物质量进行了评价。调查与评价结果表明,无机氮、活性磷酸盐和化学需氧量(COD)为调查海域主要污染因子,硫化物为潮间带沉积物主要污染因子。施药后特征污染物草甘膦检测值高于本底值,所有站位均未检出磺酰脲类除草剂。综合来看,化学治理对附近海域海洋环境影响较小。  相似文献   

The global aquaculture sector has grown continuously over the past 40 years, though unevenly among countries. Differences in factors such as inputs, climate, management, technology, markets, social environment, and institutions might be reasons for the disparities in growth. This study focuses on institutions, by analyzing the relationship between annual growth in the production of the major aquaculture countries and the quality of their institutions over three decades (1984–2013). Based on an ex-ante set of criteria, seventy-four aquaculture countries from five different regions - Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania - were selected. Annual percentage change in total aquaculture production, in terms of quantity and value, was used as a proxy for sector development. Three indices - governance, corruption, and competitiveness - were used as institutional quality proxies. Empirical results suggest that the aquaculture growth did not significantly correlate with the quality of institutions. By region, Africa had the fastest growth in the aquaculture sector, though from a low base, with 7.35% and 9.28% higher annual percentage change in aquaculture quantity and value respectively, than the Asian region. While, the European region experienced significantly lower annual percentage change in aquaculture quantity, a difference of 3.78% compared to the Asian region. Furthermore, the study found that total aquaculture production was not positively correlated with eco-label certification. The study is concluded by discussing the “aquaculture paradox.”  相似文献   

大生活用海水水质标准研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在水资源日益短缺的今天,海水直接利用技术作为重要的开源技术越来越受到人们的重视.大生活用海水技术是海水直接利用技术的主要组成部分,可代替沿海地区35%左右的生活用水.近年来,随着大生活用海水技术的快速发展,迫切需要建立《大生活用海水水质标准》.论文对大生活用海水的浊度、色度、BOD5、氨氮含量、合成洗涤剂含量、溶解氧含量、大肠菌群数、悬浮性固体等指标进行了研究,提出了我国大生活用海水水质标准建议.  相似文献   

目的:提升天麻头风灵胶囊质量标准,有效控制其制剂质量。方法:采用薄层色谱法,以紫丁香苷和哈巴俄苷为对照,定性鉴别槲寄生和玄参;采用HPLC法对阿魏酸进行含量测定,C18柱(Inertsil ODS-2;4.6mm×250mm,5μm);流动相:乙腈-0.05%磷酸溶液(16∶84);检测波长:321nm;流速:1ml/min;柱温:30℃。结果:薄层色谱定性鉴别方法灵敏,专属性强;阿魏酸在9.97~997ng范围内线性良好,r=0.9999;加样回收率为97.52%。结论:本方法简便、重复性好,为天麻头风灵胶囊质量标准提升奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The chemical quality of the Waiohewa stream, Rotorua, was assessed from the results of 2 longitudinal surveys in summer 1978–79. In particular, changes in nitrogen concentration were examined. The quantity of ammonia increased downstream from unmonitored geothermal inputs, but, after dilution and neutralisation by a larger inflow of freshwater, considerable proportions of ammonia were converted to nitrate. In the first survey ammonia concentrations decreased from 4.48 to 2.47 g m‐3 and nitrate concentrations increased from 0.59 to 1.13 g ‐3 in a 3‐km stretch of the stream. Mass flow calculations show that nitrification could account for at least 55% of the ammonia decrease, the rest probably being lost through assimilation or denitrification. Laboratory incubation experiments showed that nitrification occurred in the stream bed. The geothermal waters contained low concentrations of boron (1.1–4.0 g m‐3), filterable mercury (0.1–0.8 mg m‐3) and arsenic (10–14 mg m‐3).  相似文献   

Effects of deepening the Elbe Estuary on sediment regime and water quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes in the transport and sedimentation of suspended particulate matter (SPM) after deepening of the navigation channel of the Elbe Estuary in 1999 were studied. Long-term series of the grain size composition of sediments and sedimentation rates in the main stream and its branches (Nebenelben) were compared with changes in flow velocities and tidal water levels. In addition, water quality parameters like biological oxygen demand (BOD7), dissolved oxygen and particulate organic carbon (POC) were analysed to determine changes in the origin and fate of the SPM. In the main stream, deepening produced no significant changes of the flow velocities. However, there was a decrease of the mean tidal low water level between 5.7 and 8.1 cm at the upper end of the estuary. These small changes in hydrology had the effect that fine-grained suspended matter derived from freshwater run-off accumulated in the surface water of the freshwater region in the estuary and remained within this region until all degradable organic matter was consumed. Accumulation of the fine-grained SPM produced an increase of the <63 μm fraction in the sediments of the Hamburg harbour by about 20% and in the SPM along the freshwater longitudinal profile up to about 120%. Coupled to this the mean BOD7 increased between May and August by 38%. Enhanced oxygen deficiencies thus occurred after 1999, with concentrations of below 6 mg O2 L−1 over a length of about 100 km along the freshwater longitudinal profile of the Elbe Estuary. In the shallow water regions present in the branches of the main stream, deepening of the navigation channel was followed by a 25% decrease in the flow velocities during low tide. This was coupled to an increase of the sedimentation rates which produced a rise of the sediment level between 0.7 and 1.5 m until 2004 and a permanent loss in the capacity of the branches for re-aeration of the open water. The results indicate that in tidal systems SPM might be more sensitive for monitoring changes in the transport regime than hydrological parameters.  相似文献   

The water exchange and water quality around coastal structures are considered by analytical, numerical and experimental methods. Water exchange for a small yacht harbour at the Black Sea coast is discussed as an application example. Physical and numerical experiments were carried out to determine the wave induced current field and to correlate the water exchange inside the area around the harbour mole. A hydraulic approach was applied to estimate the water exchange intensities for typical zones. The proposed mathematical model is an irregular wave-current model which includes the interaction between waves and current and a modified breaking criterion. The evolution of salinity concentration during the experimental investigations shows the water exchange intensity. A satisfactory agreement between calculated and measured concentration evolution was obtained.  相似文献   

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