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在湍流局地平衡假设下 ,建立了齐次湍能输运方程封闭模型 (HKE) ,并在平板边界层的两种经典流动中加以检验 ,给出 HKE封闭下的流速、湍流动能和湍流混合系数剖面的形式解。结果表明 ,HKE可以避免在流速剪切为零时的无湍流混合问题 ,其解与 L aufer湍流实验吻合 ,因而HKE模型比混合长理论有更合理的内涵。文中还给出 HKE封闭的浅海动力学模型 ,以湍应力和水位梯度力的平衡为运动的基本受力平衡 ,进行了模型的量阶分析和运动分析 :当阻尼频率和运动频率同量阶时 ,惯性运动不可忽略 ;在潮振荡占优的浅海中 ,对流非线性相对于惯性运动为小量 ;当阻尼频率足够大时 ,科氏力项相对于湍应力也可能为小量。  相似文献   

海洋湍流模型研究自二十世纪 70年代中发展至今 ,在海洋动力学研究中 ,特别是关于混合 /层化研究中广泛应用 ,近年来由于认识到湍流对海洋生物过程的重要影响 ,对海洋湍流的客观描述更加关注。文中详细介绍了几个主要海洋动力学模型中的湍流封闭模式 ,如 HAMSOM中的Prandtl混合长模型、Johns模式中的 k-方程模型、POM中的 k- kl模型、水动力学中常用的 k-ε模型等等 ,介绍了海洋湍流模型的应用。对于湍流模型的使用提出针对具体问题选择的原则 ,复杂的并非最优的。  相似文献   

在浩瀚海洋的沿岸水域,特别是在浅海陆架和近岸区,潮流常在海水运动中起着主导的作用。因此,对于潮流垂直结构的研究,也就成为物理海洋学的一个基本课题。同时,发生在海洋中的很多现象,诸如海洋内波、海水混合、海洋湍流以及海洋中物质的输运,都与潮流的垂直结构密切相关。就是沉积物通量的计算,也要求知道每个点的速度垂直剖面。这是因为海洋中沉积物的浓度亦随深度变化。现今,随着油、气等  相似文献   

不同海洋动力过程之间的相互作用决定了海洋系统内部的结构,外观表征上则反映了海洋动力要素的空间及剖面精细化分布与演变特征,海洋动力系统相互作用理论愈来愈成为支撑海洋耦合数值模式与数值预报发展的重要基础。不同于Reynolds尺度平均概念,基于局域平稳均匀统计意义下的集合平均可易于实现集合层级和系统划分。在此基础上提出了一种实用的集合平均方法,分析了不同海洋动力过程之间的相互作用机理,包括大尺度动力过程对中、小尺度过程的输运、剪切生成作用,以及后者对前者的混合作用。重点揭示了湍流、波动对涡旋/环流的输运通量剩余量主要分量所起的作用,探讨了波动强剪切生成湍流的能量贡献效应等性质,为海浪-海流耦合实用模块的研发及数据资料处理提供设计方法。  相似文献   

湍致次生环流的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文给出了一个数值模式,用于描述具有横向粗糙度变化的平面上方的湍流场内的次生环流。在此模式中,雷诺平均运动方程组的闭合,采用了代数化的雷诺应力输运方程和k-ε二方程湍流模式。计算结果和实验结果相吻合。本文还讨论了利用数值模式进行参数实验的一些结果。  相似文献   

小尺度湍流过程对河口物质输运与能量交换至关重要。受传统观测方法的限制, 河口浅水区域的剖面观测资料至今较为匮乏, 进而限制了湍流过程的研究。为此, 采用新型5波束声学多普勒流速剖面仪(Nortek Signature 1 000 kHz AD2CP)在长江口开展湍流剖面观测, 获取高频、低噪的高质量湍流剖面数据, 并与声学多普勒点式流速仪(acoustic doppler velocimeters, ADV)同步观测的数据进行对比。结果表明, 通过AD2CP与ADV获得的近底部边界层摩阻流速u*、拖曳系数Cd、雷诺应力SR等特征参数基本一致, 底摩擦与波浪能量为河口区域湍动能的主要输入源。湍流垂向结构存在显著的非局地平衡, 即温盐等斜压作用引起的浮力通量、对流项以及强波浪作用影响的脉动压力做功、黏性输运等因素可能为长江口湍流非局地平衡的主因。  相似文献   

黄海西部海洋湍流的季节变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在2006—2007年开展的"中国近海海洋综合调查与评价"项目中,作者利用自由下降湍流剖面仪MSS60在南黄海海区分别进行了夏、冬、秋季三个航次的微尺度湍流观测,并计算分析了该海区的湍动能耗散系数ε,湍扩散系数κ等。通过与温度、流速分布图对比,结果表明三个季节的湍流混合趋势大体一致。在沿岸浅水区,混合作用比较强烈。而深水区湍流混合的垂直分布明显地表现出三层结构,混合较强的上混合层和底混合层,及相对较弱的中层。风混合和潮混合是黄海湍流混合的主要形式。风的影响主要表现在海洋上层,潮流的影响则表现于底层。  相似文献   

海洋湍流混合过程对大洋热盐环流具有重要调控作用,因此海洋湍流混合特征量如湍动能耗散率等物理量的定量刻画,主要通过现场湍流观测来实现。为满足长期连续海洋湍流混合观测资料的迫切需求及打破国外的技术封锁,自行研制了基于水下滑翔机的湍流观测仪。为了测试滑翔机在小尺度湍流观测方面的可行性,将一个携带有剪切探头的湍流仪安装在滑翔机本体上,并在千岛湖进行了一系列的实验。滑翔机平台的主要噪声来源于浮力调节机构中的油泵,油泵会在接近剖面的底端时开启。三轴加速度谱在30 Hz左右有明显的谱峰,说明滑翔机油泵的振动频率应该是在30 Hz左右,在其他频率点上振动较小。由剖面下潜过程(开泵)的波数谱可知,开泵时虽然对湍流观测有影响,但是振动频率在波数空间中处于无效观测谱一侧,由此说明平台的振动对剪切信号影响很小。剪切探头测得的耗散率在10-7 W/kg量级上,且都与Nasymth理论谱吻合良好,验证了滑翔机在小尺度湍流观测方面的可行性。  相似文献   

本文将波生运动和波湍相互作作用的参数化方案嵌入一维垂向混合模式GOTM中,并与不考虑波浪效应以及仅考虑波浪破碎的试验结果进行对比,发现不考虑波浪效应时,海表温度模拟结果偏高,混合层深度模拟结果偏浅,偏差在夏季尤其明显。波浪破碎对湍流的增强作用仅限于上层几米甚至仅限于表层,对整个混合层的温度分布和混合层深度影响不大。波生运动和波湍相互作用则有效增强海洋上层的湍流强度,改善模式高估海表温度而低估混合层深度的问题,温度分布模拟结果降低了上层温度同时增大了次表层温度,与观测更加相符。波生运动和波湍相互作用增大了海洋上层的湍流剪切生成项、湍动能、耗散率和湍流输运系数,两者对上混合层的温度分布、湍流强度和湍流输运作用的改善结果十分相似。波生运动和波湍相互作用的影响在冬季并不明显,此时可能有其他混合机制占主导地位。  相似文献   

谷有铭 《海岸工程》2019,38(4):261-271
海洋微结构湍流作为常见的海洋运动,对海洋中溶解质扩散、能量转移有显著作用,对海水运动及其温盐特性等有重要影响。作为低能耗、无动力的海洋观测平台,水下滑翔机具有噪声低、航时长,易回收等优点,使得长期不间断低成本观测湍流成为了可能。在本文中,从湍流观测原理的维度出发,研究分析滑翔机运动特性对湍流数据的影响;通过解析滑翔机在垂直面内运动方程,获得适合湍流观测的滑翔机运动参数;利用傅里叶变换从时域与频域分析了滑翔机的振动特性;最后通过海试,验证了基于水下滑翔机的湍流观测平台长时间不间断观测海洋湍流的能力。  相似文献   

Though ubiquitous in the global oceans, double diffusive mixing has been largely ignored or poorly represented in the models of turbulent mixing in the ocean and in 3-D ocean models, until recently. Salt fingers occur in the interior of many marginal seas and ocean basins, the Tyrrhenian Sea and the subtropical Atlantic being two examples. Diffusive convection type of double diffusion occurs in the upper layers of many sub-polar seas and polar oceans due to cold melt water from sea ice. Consequently, it is important to be able to properly parameterize double diffusive mixing in basin scale and global ocean models, so that the water mass structure in the interior of the ocean can be properly simulated. This note describes a model for double diffusive mixing in the presence of background shear, based on Mellor–Yamada type second moment closure, more specifically Kantha, 2003, Kantha and Clayson, 2004 second moment closure models of resulting turbulence, following Canuto et al. (2008a) but employing a different strategy for modeling the pertinent terms in the second moment equations. The resulting model is suitable for inclusion in ocean general circulation models.  相似文献   

海洋湍流因具有随机性特点,目前多采用统计学理论进行研究,因此需要获取大量的湍流观测数据,这给湍流观测设备的数据存储和传输带来挑战。针对上述问题,本文在分析海洋湍流数据特征的基础上,提出了一种高效实时的无损数据压缩方法。以大量的湍流数据增量信息作为数据源构建霍夫曼编码表,并以此作为湍流压缩和解压的字典,从而提高了压缩效率。通过对历史海洋湍流数据进行压缩实验,证明该方法的湍流数据压缩比低至25%,并且具有压缩速度快、处理器占用率低等特点。  相似文献   

Effect of Stokes drift on upper ocean mixing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stokes drift is the main source of vertical vorticity in the ocean mixed layer. In the ways of Coriolis - Stokes forcing and Langmuir circulations, Stokes drift can substantially affect the whole mixed layer. A modified Mellor-Yamada 2. 5 level turbulence closure model is used to parameterize its effect on upper ocean mixing conventionally. Results show that comparing surface heating with wave breaking, Stokes drift plays the most important role in the entire ocean mixed layer, especially in the subsurface layer. As expected, Stokes drift elevates both the dissipation rate and the turbulence energy in the upper ocean mixing. Also, ilffluence of the surface heating, wave breaking and wind speed on Stokes drift is investigated respectively. Research shows that it is significant and important to assessing the Stokes drift into ocean mixed layer studying. The laboratory observations are supporting numerical experiments quantitatively.  相似文献   

球坐标系下MASNUM海浪数值模式的建立及其应用   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24  
为开展海浪对海洋上混合层的搅拌混合作用及其对海气界面通量的影响等研究,在LAGFD WAM区域海浪数值模式基础上建立了球坐标系下的全球海浪数值模式.重点导出了球坐标系下的海浪能量谱平衡方程及其复杂特征线方程,该组方程包含了背景流场对波动传播的调整、波动沿大圆传播的折射等.数值积分则采用复杂特征线嵌入计算格式.初步数值模拟结果表明,该海浪全球数值模式能够较为精确地刻画海浪的动力过程.  相似文献   

Complex process of turbulent mixing in Persian Gulf that is a semi-closed sea makes it a good media to test the performance of different turbulence schemes. In this research, we used the 3D ocean model COHERENS (COupled Hydrodynamical Ecological model for REgioNal Shelf seas) for the Persian Gulf with the open boundary in the Hormuz Strait. Of the turbulence schemes for the vertical diffusion available in the COHERENS, we tested four models to investigate the hydrodynamic characteristics of the Persian Gulf. The results show that all of the schemes presented the sea surface salinity (SSS) distribution rather accurately but the k-l and flow-dependent models results have better agreements with observations. The most noticeable difference between the results of four schemes is the differences found in the simulation of turbulent parameters. The turbulent closure schemes generally provide better results, but the algebraic schemes show turbulent parameters far from reality and they do not show substantial changes with time. Generally, the vertical structures of turbulence in the water basins and parameterization of turbulence in water column is very sensitive to the selection of the type of the turbulence scheme. However, large-scale structures that take place within the inflow and outflow area are approximately quasi-horizontal, and the vertical small-scale turbulence does not affect them as much. As a result, they show less sensitivity to the performance of various turbulence schemes.  相似文献   

厦门海域浅水三维潮流场动力学模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于Casulli的三维浅水模型,改进浅滩处理方法,并入简化的紊流闭合模型,形成完整的海洋动力学基本方程组,改进了紊流闭合模型的求解方法,动力学模拟结果与实测结果符合良好,海域中大量浅滩的干出与淹没的面积和位置与实际情况吻合良好.本模型是厦门海域海洋动力学理论研究中第一个完全的三维斜压潮流场模型,全部程序用FORTRAN语言独立开发和编写.  相似文献   

河口底边界层湍流观测后处理技术方法分析   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
河口底边界层过程是河口海岸研究与工程应用中的重要内容。三维点式高频流速仪(ADV)已经成为湍流现场观测的最有效的工具之一,然而受测量状态、复杂的波流环境、底床几何结构等因素的影响,湍流观测的后处理目前还不成熟。在前人工作的基础上,提出了河口底边界层湍流观测后处理的综合技术方法,包括测量状态判断、数据质量检测、坐标系旋转、去除毛刺及滤波,探讨了这些处理方法中的某些步骤及处理顺序对湍流参数估算可能产生的影响,提出了综合后处理技术的准确性评估方法。该研究对于近岸海洋湍流混合、泥沙输运等重要问题的解决可以提供较为扎实的技术支持。  相似文献   

A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was developed to simulate the turbulent flow and species transport of deep-sea high temperature hydrothermal plumes. The model solves numerically the density weighted unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations and energy equation and the species transport equation. Turbulent entrainment and mixing is modeled by a kε turbulence closure model. The CFD model explicitly considers realistic vent chimney geometry, vent exit fluid temperature and velocity, and background stratification. The model uses field measurements as model inputs and has been validated by field data. These measurements and data, including vent temperature and plume physical structure, were made in the ABE hydrothermal field of the Eastern Lau Spreading Center. A parametric sensitivity study based on this CFD model was conducted to determine the relative importance of vent exit velocity, background stratification, and chimney height on the mixing of vent fluid and seawater. The CFD model was also used to derive several important scalings that are relevant to understanding plume impact on the ocean. These scalings include maximum plume rise height, neutrally buoyant plume height, maximum plume induced turbulent diffusivity, and total plume vertically transported water mass flux. These scaling relationships can be used for constructing simplified 1-dimensional models of geochemistry and microbial activity in hydrothermal plumes. Simulation results show that the classical entrainment assumptions, typically invoked to describe hydrothermal plume transport, only apply up to the vertical level of ~0.6 times the maximum plume rise height. Below that level, the entrainment coefficient remains relatively constant (~0.15). Above that level, the plume flow consists of a pronounced lateral spreading flow, two branches of inward flow immediately above and below the lateral spreading, and recirculation flanking the plume cap region. Both turbulent kinetic energy and turbulence dissipation rate reach their maximum near the vent; however, turbulent viscosity attains its maximum near the plume top, indicating strong turbulent mixing in that region. The parametric study shows that near vent physical conditions, including chimney height and fluid exit velocity, influence plume mixing from the vent orifice to a distance of ~10 times the vent orifice diameter. Thus, physical parameters place a strong kinetic constraint on the chemical reactions occurring in the initial particle-forming zone of hydrothermal plumes.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional,first order turbulence closure,thermal diffusion model is described inthis paper.The governing equations consist of an equation of continuity,three components of momentum,conservation equations for salt,temperature and subgridscale energy,and an equation of state.In the mod-el,according to the hypothesis of Kolmogorov and Prandtl,the viscosity coefficient of turbulent flow ofhomogeneous fluid is related to the local turbulent energy,and the horizontal and vertical exchangecoefficients of mass,heat and momentum are computed with the introduction of subgridscale turbulenceenergy.The governing equations are solved by finite difference techniques.This model is applied to theJiaozhou bay to predict thermal pollution by the Huangdao power plant.An instantaneous tidal currentfield is computed,then the distribution of temperature increment is predicted,and finally the effect of windstress on thermal discharge is discussed.  相似文献   

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