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采用多体动力学方法研究了H型浮式垂直轴风力机的动力特性。将风力机叶片和塔柱处理为柔性体,浮式基础处理为刚性体,考虑柔性体的非线性变形,由拉格朗日第二类方程建立了浮式风力机系统的非线性刚—柔耦合多体动力学方程。系统载荷包括浮式基础受的波浪力、风机叶片旋转时受到的气动载荷、塔柱受到的风压载荷、系泊力以及系统阻尼力。编制了模拟系统响应的数值计算程序,该程序可以考虑浮式风力机系统的刚—柔耦合和气动力—水动力耦合效应。以5 MW风力机为例,计算了叶片的固有频率;分析转速对叶片固有频率的影响;计算风、浪联合作用下浮式风力机系统的动力响应。结果表明,随着风机转速的增加,叶片切向固有频率增加、法向固有频率减小;在风、浪联合作用下,浮式基础运动以波浪频率为主,气动载荷贡献较小。  相似文献   

随着风电产业向深远海发展,浮式风机已经成为海上风机未来的发展趋势.由于复杂的风浪联合环境载荷作用,浮式风机作业时通常会产生大幅度的运动响应,这一方面会使得浮式风机系统受到的水动力载荷更加复杂,另一方面会影响浮式风机的输出功率.因此,如何有效地抑制浮式风机系统的运动响应就成为了设计的关键.基于非稳态致动线模型和两相流求解器naoeFOAM-SJTU,进行了带垂荡板的浮式风机耦合性能研究.首先在OC3-Hywind Spar平台上附加垂荡板,并结合NREL-5 MW风力机建立带垂荡板的浮式风机模型.其次对比不同形状的垂荡板对Spar-5 MW型浮式风机气动—水动耦合结果,分析相同风浪联合作用条件下垂荡板形状对浮式风机耦合响应的影响.研究结果表明:垂荡板能够减小纵荡和垂荡等运动响应幅值,但是对纵摇运动响应影响较小;当垂荡板直径和吃水位置相同时,相同风浪条件下圆形垂荡板能使浮式风机的气动平均功率增大约0.844%,而正方形垂荡板却使平均功率减小1.492%,这说明圆形垂荡板对浮式风机系统的作用效果整体而言优于正方形.  相似文献   

赵志新  李昕  王文华  施伟 《海洋工程》2020,38(2):101-110
以超大型风力机(DTU 10 MW)为研究对象,对现有的大型(NREL 5 MW)无撑杆半潜浮式风力机支撑平台进行放大设计,用于支撑超大型风力机,基于气动-水动-伺服-弹性全耦合计算模型,根据设定的典型工况,使用FAST软件对超大型和大型无撑杆的半潜浮式风力机系统进行时域耦合分析,并依据计算结果对超大型和大型浮式风力机系统的运动响应和结构动力反应等特性进行对比分析。研究发现:半潜浮式风力机大型化后,气动荷载效应对风力机系统的激励作用更为突出,使得浮式平台运动由风荷载激励的低频共振反应比例增大,波频运动比例减小,这也导致由浮式平台低频运动激励的锚链张力反应增大。此外,高倍的飞轮转动频率对大型半潜浮式风力机叶片、塔架结构的激励作用较超大型半潜浮式风力机更为显著。  相似文献   

对于海上浮式风机而言,由于受到剪切风、塔影效应、浮式基础运动等因素的共同影响,其气动载荷会更加复杂,因此如何准确快速地对海上风力机的气动性能进行预估显得尤为重要。基于速度势的非定常面元法理论,研究海上浮式风机气动载荷特性,编制了相关的计算程序。以NREL 5 MW风机为例,建立了叶片和尾流的三维数值模型,计算得到了不同风速下风机的输出功率以及叶片表面的压力分布,对比数据结果分析了该方法的可靠性。针对非定常流动,模拟了剪切风和塔影效应的作用,并重点分析了浮式基础运动对风机气动载荷的影响。研究表明,浮式基础的纵荡和纵摇会增加输出功率的波动幅值,艏摇运动会导致单个叶片上的气动载荷产生较大的波动,为浮式风机叶片控制提供了参考。  相似文献   

针对张力腿系泊浮式风力机的基础运动,忽略柔性构件的影响,建立气动—水动—系泊非线性耦合运动方程。在运动控制方程中包含张力腿系泊系统的非线性回复刚度,桨距角控制以及浮式基础运动对空气动力载荷的影响。在波浪载荷的计算中考虑二阶波浪载荷的作用。采用随机频率相位角调制法生成畸形波波面时历,计算在畸形波作用下张力腿型浮式风力机的动力响应特性。数值模拟结果表明,在畸形波作用下,浮式基础的运动及空气动力性能均受到了显著的影响。其中浮式基础的纵荡和纵摇运动分别受二阶差频与和频波浪力的影响,而垂荡运动的增加则主要是受下沉运动的影响。在畸形波经过的时刻,风力机的功率系数迅速下降,水平方向的风载荷波动先减小,随后其数值急剧下降,而垂直方向的风载荷波动增大。  相似文献   

概念性地设计了一种新型半潜—Spar混合浮式基础,以5 MW水平轴风机为例,研究了该新型浮式基础支撑的浮式风力机系统的动力响应。基于三维势流理论和Morison公式,应用SESAM软件建立浮式基础模型,在频域内计算了该浮式基础的水动力参数和响应算子,分析了浮式基础的运动性能。考虑叶片气动载荷和浮式基础波浪载荷,应用FAST软件对风机—浮式基础系统进行时域计算,分析风力机系统的运动性能。结果显示,该浮式基础运动幅值较小,具有良好的运动性能。  相似文献   

半潜浮式风机逐渐在深海风电开发中受到关注,建立风机、平台与系泊结构耦合数值计算模型,通过FAST与AQWA链接进行风机塔基荷载及平台运动响应相互耦合传递,基于随机波与极限波组合模型生成畸形波时程序列,进行半潜浮式风机系泊失效全过程时域模拟计算分析,得出系泊锚链张力、风机、塔筒和平台运动时程响应,探究系泊失效、风机停机和叶片变桨速率对浮式风机平台系泊结构动力响应的影响。结果表明:畸形波作用下浮式平台和系泊结构动力响应显著,系泊失效导致塔基剪力增加,平台纵荡和纵摇运动响应显著增大;风机停机会引起系泊锚链张力显著减小,转子推力、塔基剪力和叶尖挥舞位移响应逐渐衰减,平台纵荡、纵摇和横摇运动响应显著减小;随着叶片变桨速率增加,风机转子推力和塔基剪力波动幅值增大。  相似文献   

浮式风机的平台作为支撑系统,其六自由度刚体运动响应决定上层风机的运动状态,也影响叶轮的环境载荷。叶轮的运动使周围流场变得复杂,叶片承受着非定常的气动载荷。研究中考虑叶片结构的运动,将基于定常流场的叶素动量理论用于局部叶素的气动分析,考虑偏航模型,充分模拟气流与叶轮的相互作用。在给定平台各个自由度运动下,计算叶轮气动参数,分析平台运动带来的影响,从入流速度方面探究引起气动载荷变化的本质原因。研究发现,叶轮气动性能和转动轴的方向有关,若平台运动改变转动轴方向,会引起气动载荷以多倍于叶轮旋转的频率发生周期变化,平台转动自由度的运动对叶轮气动性能影响显著。  相似文献   

针对5MW海上风机,进行了半潜型浮式基础的概念设计,研究了其幅频运动特性。考虑风机浮式基础的稳性和运动要求,对浮式基础的构件进行设计,并进行舱室划分;考虑叶片产生的气动载荷影响以及风载荷作用,计算分析风机浮式基础的完整稳性及破舱稳性;考虑浮式基础构件及压水板的粘性阻尼,计算浮式基础的幅频运动响应特性。计算结果表明,设计的浮式基础运动性能满足风机发电作业的要求。  相似文献   

白旭  杨翔宇 《海洋工程》2022,40(1):74-81
海上浮式风力机受风、浪、流等外部载荷影响,运营期间经常处于偏航工况,给风力机基础运动响应和锚泊载荷带来重要影响.基于经典叶素动量理论及势流理论,建立海上浮式风力机水—气动力耦合分析模型,对在非定常风、不规则波浪联合作用下,风力机偏航时基础运动响应及锚泊载荷等进行分析.研究发现,额定风速工况下,风力机偏航对平台纵荡和纵摇运动影响较大,偏航30°时纵荡和纵摇平均值比偏航0°时分别下降20.68%和37.36%,垂荡运动响应受风力机偏航影响较小;锚泊载荷变化趋势与平台运动及锚链布置有关,平台纵荡对锚泊载荷影响较大,偏航30°时锚链#1有效张力平均值比偏航0°时下降12.98%.  相似文献   

唐友刚  宋凯  王宾 《海洋工程》2015,29(6):835-846
The floating foundation is designed to support a 1.5 MW wind turbine in 30 m water depth. With consideration of the viscous damping of foundation and heave plates, the amplitude-frequency response characteristics of the foundation are studied. By taking into account the elastic effect of blades and tower, the classic quasi-steady blade-element/momentum (BEM) theory is used to calculate the aerodynamic elastic loads. A coupled dynamic model of the turbine-foundation- mooring lines is established to calculate the motion response of floating foundation under Kaimal wind spectrum and regular wave by using the FAST codes. The model experiment is carried out to test damping characteristics and natural motion behaviors of the wind turbine system. The dynamics response is tested by considering only waves and the joint action of wind and waves. It is shown that the wind turbine system can avoid resonances under the action of wind and waves. In addition, the heave motion of the floating foundation is induced by waves and the surge motion is induced by wind. The action of wind and waves is of significance for pitch.  相似文献   

Chen  Jia-hao  Hu  Zhi-qiang  Liu  Ge-liang  Wan  De-cheng 《中国海洋工程》2019,33(1):1-13
In order to account for rigid-flexible coupling effects of floating offshore wind turbines, a nonlinear rigid-flexible coupled dynamic model is proposed in this paper. The proposed nonlinear coupled model takes the higher-order axial displacements into account, which are usually neglected in the conventional linear dynamic model. Subsequently,investigations on the dynamic differences between the proposed nonlinear dynamic model and the linear one are conducted. The results demonstrate that the stiffness of the turbine blades in the proposed nonlinear dynamic model increases with larger overall motions but that in the linear dynamic model declines with larger overall motions.Deformation of the blades in the nonlinear dynamic model is more reasonable than that in the linear model as well.Additionally, more distinct coupling effects are observed in the proposed nonlinear model than those in the linear model. Finally, it shows that the aerodynamic loads, the structural loads and global dynamic responses of floating offshore wind turbines using the nonlinear dynamic model are slightly smaller than those using the linear dynamic model. In summary, compared with the conventional linear dynamic model, the proposed nonlinear coupling dynamic model is a higher-order dynamic model in consideration of the rigid-flexible coupling effects of floating offshore wind turbines, and accord more perfectly with the engineering facts.  相似文献   

Offshore wind farm construction is nowadays state of the art in the wind power generation technology.However,deep water areas with huge amount of wind energy require innovative floating platforms to arrange and install wind turbines in order to harness wind energy and generate electricity.The conventional floating offshore wind turbine system is typically in the state of force imbalance due to the unique sway characteristics caused by the unfixed foundation and the high center of gravity of the platform.Therefore,a floating wind farm for 3×3 barge array platforms with shared mooring system is presented here to increase stability for floating platform.The NREL 5 MW wind turbine and ITI Energy barge reference model is taken as a basis for this work.Furthermore,the unsteady aerodynamic load solution model of the floating wind turbine is established considering the tip loss,hub loss and dynamic stall correction based on the blade element momentum(BEM)theory.The second development of AQWA is realized by FORTRAN programming language,and aerodynamic-hydrodynamic-Mooring coupled dynamics model is established to realize the algorithm solution of the model.Finally,the 6 degrees of freedom(DOF)dynamic response of single barge platform and barge array under extreme sea condition considering the coupling effect of wind and wave were observed and investigated in detail.The research results validate the feasibility of establishing barge array floating wind farm,and provide theoretical basis for further research on new floating wind farm.  相似文献   

Deep-water regions often have winds favorable for offshore wind turbines, and floating turbines currently show the greatest potential to exploit such winds. This work established proper scaling laws for model tests, which were then implemented in the construction of a model wind turbine with optimally designed blades. The aerodynamic, hydrodynamic, and elastic characteristics of the proposed new multi-column tension-leg-type floating wind turbine (WindStar TLP system) were explored in the wave tank testing of a 1:50 scale model at the State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Tests were conducted under conditions of still water, white noise waves, irregular waves, and combined wind, wave, and current loads. The results established the natural periods of the motion, damping, motion response amplitude operators, and tendon tensions of the WindStar TLP system under different environmental conditions, and thus could serve as a reference for further research.  相似文献   

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