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我国南海海域海洋环境条件复杂且海水密度垂直层化现象显著,内孤立波活动频繁,因内孤立波而造成海洋开采平台破坏的案例屡见不鲜。依托水动力计算软件AQWA二次开发功能,采用Kdv方程,借助Fortran语言将深水半潜式平台立柱、浮箱、系泊系统3部分的内孤立波作用力叠加到外力项中,联合求解半潜式平台的6自由度动力响应特性。数值模拟结果表明,在内孤立波作用下,半潜式平台的运动及系泊线张力均受到了显著的影响。在不考虑系泊系统受内孤立波作用时,平台在纵荡和横荡方向上产生较大的漂移运动,最大偏移量较无内孤立波情况下增加了8倍;系泊线最大张力提高了17%,增加了系泊线断裂的风险。在考虑系泊系统受内孤立波作用时,平台的纵荡和横荡运动响应在原响应基础上继续提高15%,但是系泊线张力变化不大。内孤立波不同浪向下的平台纵荡和横荡响应相差也很明显;系泊系统合力在不同方向上的大小决定了平台不同方向上运动的大小。  相似文献   

针对深海半潜式平台及其系泊系统的水动力特性,运用时域耦合的分析方法,对一座水深为1 000 m的半潜式平台,及其悬链线式系泊系统的水动力性能进行探索,获得频域和时域响应结果。同时阐述了平台系泊系统的设计流程,并通过系泊系统参数的变化,研究其特性寻找影响系泊系统作用的一般规律,为平台及其系泊系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   

应用数值模拟与模型试验相结合的方法研究半潜式生产平台系泊状态下的耦合动力特性。建立耦合分析模型,时域内计算求解平台的动力响应,选取缩尺比为1∶60,采用等效截断模型方法对数值模拟结果进行验证。通过对比模型试验与数值模拟结果发现:等效截断系泊系统可以较好地模拟平台的位移响应,但在系泊张力方面却差异较大,此外极端海况下平台的甲板上浪问题也必须得到充分重视。  相似文献   

深水半潜式平台系泊系统动力特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨张紧式系泊系统的基本特征,比较张紧式和悬链线式系泊半潜平台运动和动力响应特性,分析拖曳力系数变化对张紧式和悬链线式系泊动力效应的影响,以及张紧式和悬链线式系泊缆节点运动特点,从而为改善半潜平台系泊系统动力效应提供参考.  相似文献   

深海浮式平台与其系泊系统的耦合作用显著,在数值分析中,需要合理确定二者耦合边界的模拟方法。本文以深水半潜式钻井平台及其系泊系统为研究对象,将浮体与系泊之间复杂的连接边界简化为固接、铰接和弹簧连接三种边界约束模型,提出了弹簧连接中相关参数的确定方法,并将不同边界约束下系缆张力的计算结果与模型试验数据进行对比验证。通过算例分析,探讨不同边界约束对平台运动、系缆张力及其疲劳损伤的影响,给出设计分析的选择建议。  相似文献   

以三浮筒(Tri-floater)型半潜式风机系统为对象,采用时域方法,考虑垂荡板的黏性阻尼效应,研究系泊缆直径、长度、预张力和布置方式等参数对其在风浪流中动力响应特性的影响规律,提出了一种系泊参数优化方法。在此基础上,根据东海和南海三个不同水深区域百年一遇海洋环境条件,通过调整Tri-floater型浮式基础的吃水和垂荡板等参数,有效地提高了其运动响应周期,减小了其运动响应幅值。同时,根据风机浮式基础运动幅值的设计规范要求,针对三个不同水深区域特点,设计了Tri-floater型浮式基础的系泊系统。计算结果表明,改进后的Tri-floater型半潜式风机系统能满足百年一遇极端环境下的作业要求,适合于东海和南海海洋环境下海上风能资源的开发。  相似文献   

基于我国南海海域环境条件,对一座深水圆筒型钻井平台设计一套张紧式系泊定位系统,利用SESAM软件对平台运动响应和缆索张力进行分析计算,得到主要运动响应为纵荡、纵摇和垂荡。分别考虑0°和180°的环境载荷方向,对比得到0°方向的缆索张力更大,且6号和7号缆承受了主要的环境力。分析了平台运动的影响因素,认为缆索夹角设定为35°时较优,适度增大系泊缆初始长度和减小两端锚链长度可较为有效地降低系泊缆受力,系泊缆总根数保持12时(4根×3组)为最优方案。根据分析结果对初始系泊方案进行了优化,在风暴工况下系泊缆最大受力减小了约14.8%。钻井作业工况和一根系泊缆破断工况下,系泊缆受力和平台位移均能满足规范要求。  相似文献   

等效水深截断是混合模型试验中非常重要的一步,合理的截断方案是模型试验成功的前提。现有的研究大多忽略对平台转动的考虑,该文在静态相似准则的基础上增加对平台转动的考虑,推导了系泊系统回复力和转矩的计算公式,建立了满足静态一致性的目标函数,进而采用粒子群算法进行等效水深截断优化设计。以某深水半潜式平台为例,首先在不考虑转动的情况下对其系泊系统进行等效截断,研究发现截断水深的变化对转矩的优化结果影响较大,从而证明了平台转动是应该考虑的。其次在考虑转动的情况下对系泊系统进行等效截断,通过水动力软件验证所优化的结果,证明该方法的可行性,为后续的等效水深截断优化设计的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

随着海上风能的开发向深水发展,支撑风机的载体平台越来越受到关注。在经济性与安全性、稳定性的多重要求下,张力腿平台(TLP)在海洋风能资源的开发中体现出了重要地位。采用基于开源平台OpenFOAM开发的计算流体动力学(CFD)水动力学求解器naoe-FOAM-SJTU对一座处于中等水深下的风机基础水下TLP(STLP)的运动响应进行了数值模拟与研究。文中使用弹簧锚链模型模拟STLP的垂向系泊锁链系统,模拟该平台在不同波浪环境下的运动响应情况。首先将STLP单自由度自由衰减CFD模拟结果与已有全耦合时域分析结果进行对比,验证了naoe-FOAM-SJTU求解器及使用弹簧模型模拟STLP系泊系统的准确性与可靠性。随后在考虑非线性波浪载荷的情况下研究极端海况下与一般作业海况下STLP的运动响应情况,计算工况中的风机基础所受弯矩及锚链受力情况,并详细展示流场、速度场信息,分析高阶波浪成分、不同海况等条件对于STLP运动性能的影响。研究结果表明,TLP在中等水深中具有良好的运动性能,naoe-FOAM-SJTU求解器可以有效模拟水中生产平台在波浪环境下的水动力问题,并可以对整个流场进行可视化展示与分析。  相似文献   

近年来,国内兴起了大力发展半潜式起重平台的势头,系泊系统的设计与优化是该类型平台开发中的关键问题之一。采用时域方法对半潜式起重平台系泊系统进行耦合动力分析,研究系泊系统主要参数对其动力响应特性的影响,并给出主要参数的设计优化流程,在此基础上,以能够满足安全校核且性能较优的系泊方案为目标,对该半潜式起重平台的系泊系统进行优化设计,并研究单根系泊缆发生破断对整个系泊系统的影响。结果表明:基于主要参数对系泊性能的影响规律,经优化设计得到的系泊方案,预留的安全欲度适中,能够保障半潜式起重平台在恶劣海况下的生存能力,同时具备较好的经济性。  相似文献   

平台在海上受风、浪、流、冰等水平载荷作用产生倾斜 ,而土壤粘接力、摩擦力和土抗力是平台的抗拔和抗倾力 ,桶基平台应满足抗拔、抗倾稳定的要求 ,以保证平台的整体稳定性。讨论了桶基平台受水平力作用时 ,桶形基础的破坏模式及其计算方法 ,阐述了抗倾稳定计算方法  相似文献   

Vibration Characteristics of An Offshore Platform and Its Vibration Control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LI  Hua-jun 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(4):469-482
A template offshore platform, located in the Bohai Bay of China, has exhibited excessive, unexpected vibration un-der mildly hostile sea conditions, which has affected the normal operation of the platform. Since the structure was de-signed to sustain more severe wave climate, the cause of the excessive vibration has been suspected to originate from other sources. The main objectives of this study are to investigate the causes of the excessive vibration, and to explore possible remedies to solve the problem, In this paper, the vibration behavior of the offshore platform is analyzed by means of finite element (FE) modeling, field measurements and laboratory test. Results of analysis suggest that relative movement and impact between the piles and the jacket legs exist, i. e. the piles and the jacket are not perfectly connected. The discon-nection of the piles and jacket weakens the overall stiffness of the platform, and therefore produces unexpected excessive vibration. In this study, measures for reducing  相似文献   

This paper presents the heave responses and the moonpool water motions of a truss Spar platform with semi-closed moonpool in random waves. A 2-DOF(degree of freedom) coupling dynamical equations of the platform heave and vertical motions of the moonpool water are derived. The linear wave theory is used to simulate the random waves. The response statistical values and the power spectrums are calculated to analyze the mutual influences between the platform heave and the moonpool water motions for different opening ratios of the moonpool. The effect of coupling parameters on the platform heave and the moonpool water motions are analyzed. The results show that motions of the moonpool water significantly affected the platform heave when the characteristic wave period is far away from the natural period of the platform heave, and different moonpool opening ratios lead to different heave amplitudes of the platform. In the actual design, an optimized moonpool opening ratio can be designed to reduce heave motions of the platform.  相似文献   

为探讨浅地层剖面声学影像形成原理,探索不同类型沉积物声学影像特征,厘清不同沉积物厚度的识别算法,采用模块化设计理念研发一套新型浅地层剖面仪室内试验平台。综合室内定位技术、浅剖试验平台尺寸合理性分析技术、直线轨道与换能器之间的固定连接技术和海底声学参数反演技术,形成一个试验高效的新型平台。通过铺设沉积物和布设障碍物,利用浅地层剖面仪进行走航测试,精确识别了沉积物的厚度和障碍物的位置。该平台可为开展理想环境下沉积物厚度和障碍物识别提供较好的测试环境,为声学海洋设备性能检测提供测试平台,也为高校学生和技术人员提供设备使用培训场所。  相似文献   

自升式平台的转盘面相对井眼是固定不变的,而浮式平台受风浪潮涌等影响,相对井筒上下浮动,尤其是在钻具卡钻时超拉或钻具下压相当于平台载荷瞬间改变,平台会上下起伏,这样在超拉计算卡点时测量钻柱伸长量和实际卡点深度相差甚远。为了消除因平台上下浮动的影响,根据物理学原理详细阐述了浮式平台卡点深度超拉计算方法。此方法能较准确的计算出浮式平台卡钻时钻柱卡点,在计算卡点深度上有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

对埕岛油田典型平台周边多年监测所得的水深资料进行了分析研究,探讨了平台在潮流作用下的桩基冲刷过程及冲刷坑形态与分布,并选取经验公式对平台桩基极限冲刷深度进行了计算,计算结果与实测结果比较表明,所选公式在埕岛海域具有较好的适用性。  相似文献   

分析了桶形基础平台吊耳设计和施工过程中出现的问题及其原因,提出了导管架平台外侧吊耳的设计方案.  相似文献   

In this study the wave induced surge motion of a twin platform of a pretension leg structural system is investigated. A set of equations along with boundary conditions are derived, and solutions are obtained analytically. The tension-legged twin platform structural system might better represent a platform system in the practical application in either idealized two-dimensional analysis or actual three-dimensional practice than a single platform system. In the analysis the coupling problem of a two-dimensional tension leg twin platform interacting with a monochromatic linear wave train in an inviscid and incompressible fluid is considered. The problem is considered as a combination of the scattering and radiation. These two boundary-value problems are first solved independently and then combined together to resolve for all unknowns. The analysis is focused on the wave induced surge motion of the twin platform and the reflection coefficient. Other than the wave-related parameters, the dimensional effect of the twin platform structure is examined and presented in numerical examples. From the analytical results, it is found that the behavior of the tension-leg twin platform is significantly influenced by dimensional factors of the platform system such as the dimension of each single platform and the spacing between two platforms. It is also realized that to simplify the analysis of a twin platform system into a single platform, it tends to underestimate the wave-induced response and then reduces the safety of the platform system.  相似文献   

从数据管理及后期应用的角度提出了数据平台的要领,讨论了该数据平台的物理结构、逻辑结构,在分类与组织的基础上给出了相应的数据字典。同时,还基于该平台探讨了测井曲线库及图形库的建设方法,并实现了具体功能。  相似文献   

This article focuses on field- and laboratory-based characterization of vertically persistent fractures that are part of oblique-slip normal fault zones and crosscut the Cretaceous platform and overlaying ramp carbonates outcropping at Maiella Mountain (central Italy). The achieved results show that: (i) fault damage zones are wider and more densely fractured in the platform carbonates than in the ramp ones; (ii) joints and sheared joints composing the fault damage zones are taller, better connected and less spaced within the former rocks than in the ramp carbonates. The aforementioned structural differences are interpreted to be a consequence of the different mechanical properties of the platform and ramp carbonates during failure. At Maiella Mountain, platform carbonates are, indeed, made up of overall stiffer (higher Uniaxial Compressive Strength values) and less porous rocks, due to more abundant intergranular void-filling cement and presence of matrix.In terms of hydrocarbon flow and recovery, geometric and dimensional attributes of fractures suggest that the well-connected network of closely spaced fractures cutting across the platform carbonates may form efficient pathways for both vertical and horizontal hydrocarbon flow. In contrast, the relatively poorly connected and low-density fracture network affecting the ramp carbonates is likely less efficient in providing fairways for flowing hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

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