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本研究选取了中国近海蛾螺科动物16属,共计21种,进行了齿舌解剖,利用扫描电子显微镜对齿舌进行了观察,并对其形态特征进行了研究对比。结果证明,蛾螺科种类的齿舌齿式为1·1·1。通过研究发现蛾螺科动物的齿舌形态结构包括形状、排列方式以及齿尖数目虽然在属内、种内有一定的变化,但仍可以作为蛾螺科种类的分类依据之一,从而将各属、种区分开来。此外,本研究确认了在火红土产螺Pisania ignea(Gmelin,1791)中存在着齿舌两性异型现象。  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜对8种蛾螺科种类、3种织纹螺科种类和1种细带螺科种类的齿舌形态进行了观察和比较。结果表明,3科12个种的齿舌均由2列侧齿和1列中央齿构成,无缘齿,齿式为0·1·1·1·0。蛾螺科种类(方斑东风螺、泥东风螺、台湾东风螺、深沟东风螺、缝合海因螺、香螺、甲虫螺和Antillophos sp.)的侧齿具小齿2—3枚,中央齿具小齿3—7枚。织纹螺科种类(半褶织纹螺、秀长织纹螺和红带织纹螺)的侧齿具小齿2枚,中央齿具小齿9—13枚,其基板的两端常延伸至下一齿排附近。半褶织纹螺具侧齿附板,秀长织纹螺和红带织纹螺无侧齿附板。塔形纺锤螺的侧齿呈长形的梳子状,具小齿9—12枚,中央齿极小,具小齿3枚。与其他学者的研究结果不同,本研究未发现东风螺属种类的齿舌具有种特异性。侧齿附板不存在于所有织纹螺科的种类中,其有无也不能作为同属或同亚属种类的共性。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对13种荔枝螺属种类的齿舌形态进行观察,发现本属齿舌式均为0:1:1:1:0。齿舌中央齿尖锐突出与本属物种均为肉食性相符。各物种齿舌中央齿基部均较宽,具1枚中央齿中间齿,2枚中央齿侧齿。中央齿上布满侧生小齿,大部分为中央齿侧齿内小齿和侧齿外小齿,同种不同个体的小齿形态、数目存在差异,侧生小齿具有不对称性和可变性,因此在对本属种类分类时中央齿小齿仅可作为部分参考依据。本属种类的中央齿缘齿有较大的区别,红豆荔枝螺和刺荔枝螺不具中央齿缘齿,其余11种具有明显的中央齿缘齿,因此齿舌的分叉类型也分两种,红豆荔枝螺和刺荔枝螺为较原始不具中央齿缘齿的三分叉型,其余11种为两端分叉型。通过齿舌形态的分析,结合比较外部形态和分子系统发育,认为红豆荔枝螺和刺荔枝螺与其余11种之间已达到属间关系,建议将红豆荔枝螺和刺荔枝螺归为红螺亚科的Mancinella属。  相似文献   

为了给头足类的分类提供更多依据,本文采用扫描电镜技术对枪鱿科和蛸科各3种头足类的齿舌进行了显微观察和比较研究。研究显示:6种头足类的齿舌均由7列纵向齿组成,齿式为3·1·3。枪鱿科的3个种(杜氏枪鱿(Uroteuthis duvaucelii)、苏门答腊枪鱿(Loliolus sumatrensis)、莱氏拟乌贼(Sepioteuthis lessoniana)),中央齿1列,具有3个齿尖;侧齿位于中央齿两侧各3列,向外分别称为第一侧齿、第二侧齿和第三侧齿,也称为侧齿、内缘齿和外缘齿;缘板不发达。蛸科的3个种(卵蛸(Amphioctopus ovulum)、台湾小孔蛸(Cistopus taiwanicus)、Octopus sp.),中央齿1列,具有3~5个齿尖,侧齿各3列,缘板发达。结果表明,不同种的头足类动物,其齿舌形态差别较大,可作为分类依据对中国沿海分布的物种进行鉴定。  相似文献   

采集我国沿海不同地区的管角螺Hemifusus tuba (Gmelin)、大角螺Hemifusus colosseus (Lamarck)和棘角螺Hemifusus kawamurai Habe样本,从这3种角螺10个群体中每个群体随机选取10―20个体,进行齿舌结构的比较.结果表明,角螺属齿舌上有齿3列,每一横列齿舌均为3枚,对称排列,其齿式为1·1·1.角螺属这3种齿舌的种间差别主要体现在中央齿的中间突起,而侧齿区别不大;种内不同群体间无明显差别,种间的差异略大于种内,其中管角螺与大角螺和棘角螺差异显著(P<0.05).大角螺与棘角螺的差异不明显,只是在北部湾大角螺和阳江棘角螺的侧齿第一突起/中央齿宽的比值差异极显著(P<0.01).角螺属各群体间齿舌差别不大,与其生活习性较为一致有关.齿舌参数不适合作为管角螺不同地理群体的分类依据.  相似文献   

曼氏血吸虫中间宿主螺藁杆双脐螺和其他3种隶属扁蜷螺科的吸虫及线虫中间宿主螺,其形态极为相似,缺乏分类学资料,比较几种扁蜷螺的形态及生殖系统构造,明确其分类学特征,能为监测及防控部门准确鉴定物种提供依据。电子数显卡尺测量所有样本螺壳参数;解剖4种扁蜷螺生殖系统并绘图;扫描电镜观察齿舌形态。方差分析表明,4种扁蜷螺壳高(H)和直径(D)比值差异显著(F=64.171,P0.01)。4种扁蜷螺齿舌均为中央齿1列,双齿型,但中央齿齿尖形态、侧齿及缘齿列数、齿尖数量及形态等依种类不同均有差异。研究结果表明不同种的齿舌形态是重要鉴别特征之一。生殖系统阴茎复合体构造在属间差异明显,种间较为相似(旋螺属的凸旋螺、小旋螺)。尽管4种扁蜷螺贝壳形态较为相似,但壳高(H)和直径(D)比值、齿舌列数、齿尖以及生殖系统的阴茎复合体构造等特征,对入侵物种藁杆双脐螺和中国几种常见扁蜷螺的准确鉴定有重要价值。  相似文献   

黄海北部两种蛾螺(腹足纲,蛾螺科)种名修订   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
作者在系统地对中国科学院海洋生物标本馆历年来在我国沿海采集的蛾螺属Buccinum标本进行系统整理时,发现产自于黄海北部,在《黄渤海软体动物》一书中所描述的两种蛾螺,原定名为水泡蛾螺Buccinium pemphigum Dall,1907和尖角蛾螺Buccinium undatum plectrum Stimpson,1865,存在种名误定。通过研究确认水泡蛾螺Buccinium pemphigum Dall,1907应是朝鲜蛾螺Buccinium koreanum Choe,YoonHabe,1992,而书中所描述的尖角蛾螺Buccinium undatum plectrum Stimpson,1865应是朝鲜蛾螺的一个形态变异标本。文中对朝鲜蛾螺的形态特征、齿舌和内部构造进行了研究论述,并与水泡蛾螺和尖角蛾螺的形态差异进行了比较讨论。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜技术对江西省分布的7科11属15种陆生贝类的齿舌进行了观察与详细描述.结果显示所研究的15种陆生贝类中,除环口螺科的矮小双边凹螺Chamalycacus nanus侧齿和缘齿均仅有单列外,其他各科种类均由多横列组成.每一横列上又包含若干个齿片.不同科的种类齿片上缘或侧缘的数目和形态有较大差异.同一属间种类的齿片形态较为相似.  相似文献   

对古氏非螺(Afer cumingii (Reeve,1844))的齿舌形态以及线粒体CO1和16S rRNA基因序列进行了分析,并以犬齿螺科种类为外群,采用邻接法(NJ)和最大简约法(MP)构建了系统发育树。结果表明,古氏非螺的齿舌具有典型的蛾螺科种类特征;古氏非螺在系统树上与蛾螺科种类聚在一起,而不与犬齿螺科种类聚类。齿舌形态和线粒体基因分析的结果都表明古氏非螺属于蛾螺科,进一步证实了将非螺属修订到蛾螺科的结论。  相似文献   

东海蛾螺科(软体动物:腹足纲)一新记录属和一新记录种   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过整理分类中国科学院海洋生物标本馆历年采集的蛾螺科标本,发现了在东海大陆架生物资源调查时于冲绳海槽水深850—1685m深海处采集的3号蛾螺科标本。经研究发现为一新记录属深海蛾螺属Bathyancistrolepis的一新记录种车轴深海蛾螺Bathyancistrolepis trochoideus(Dall,1907)。文中对其贝壳的形态特征进行了详细描述,对齿舌进行了解剖学研究,并对其分类地位进行了讨论。  相似文献   

We present the results of the first study to highlight the demography, morphometry and growth rates of Spinimuricea klavereni, a rare Mediterranean endemic gorgonian exceptionally common in shallow depths of the Northeast Marmara Sea. In the study area, this species forms vast populations on rocks, boulders and attached to pebbles/stones/shells on soft substrates between 20 and 45 m depth, with a total average density of 0.3 colonies·m?2 but comprising patches up to 3 colonies·m?2. Colonies, which are on average 42.9 (±20.1) cm in height, can reach up to 110 cm. Unlike other Mediterranean gorgonians, the colonies studied here showed fast growth rates that decreased with increasing colony height, between 1.5–11.1 and 4.96 ± 3.01 cm·year?1 on average. The low necrosis and high growth rates displayed by this species in the Northeast Marmara Sea confirm the previously hypothesized opportunistic behaviour of the species. The unique community consisting of S. klavereni and other rare gorgonian/soft corals has limited distribution in this area and should be considered to be a vulnerable marine ecosystem. Therefore we recommend that some conservation measures are taken, including the prohibition of all fisheries and anchoring over these assemblages.  相似文献   

The habitat characteristics and spatial segregation of the two common gobies Gobius fallax Sarato, 1889 and Gobius auratus Risso, 1810 were investigated by fish frequency and abundance estimates through visual counts in the northern Adriatic Sea. The latter species is represented by a recently described, unusual colour morph in the northern Adriatic Sea. Gobius fallax was observed at five of the nine locations examined and its abundance did not differ between two of three transect locations at Piran (Slovenia) and at the western coast of Cres (Kvarner region, Croatia). Gobius auratus was not found in the Gulf of Trieste but was present at several Kvarner locations, and co‐occurred with G. fallax at one location at Cres. Both inhabit rocky substrates but they show different preferences for substrate inclinations and bathymetric segregation. Gobius fallax was most frequent between 2 and 8 m depth and was most abundant on substrate inclining less than 30°. Its highest abundance over entire transects was 0.3 indiv.·m?2 but within certain transect sections this increased to 1.25 indiv.·m?2. Gobius auratus attained its highest abundance in depths below 8 m and at substrate inclinations between 30 and 90°. This species attained its highest values at the western coast of Cres, where it reached a maximum of 1.5 indiv.·m?2 over entire transects but even up to 3.0 indiv.·m?2 in certain transect sections. At Krk, the maximum abundance over entire transects was only 0.3 indiv.·m?2.  相似文献   

The Indo-Pacific oyster Chama pacifica Broderip, 1835 (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Chamidae) is rarely found in the Northern Red Sea reefs of Eilat (Gulf of Aqaba), where it is outnumbered by its indigenous congener, Chama savignyi Lamy, 1921. The influx of Eritrean biota from the Red Sea into the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal has led to the formation of massive Chama oyster beds along the Eastern Mediterranean shore. However, unlike the Northern Red Sea, the Eastern Mediterranean Chama beds are dominated by C. pacifica oysters, whereas C. savignyi is absent from this region. In an attempt to understand this difference in their respective distribution, the reproductive biology of both species was compared. Histological analysis of the male and female gonads, monitored monthly from March 2009 to August 2010 in both regions, revealed a similar reproductive cycle, comprising six stages: onset of gametogenesis, advanced gametogenesis, ripe, ready to spawn, spent and sexual rest. Female gonads demonstrated an additional, seventh stage – restoration, coinciding with inferred spawning of ripe gametes. Both species were found to be dioecious spawners, with a single, annual, temperature-dependent inferred spawning period. Chama pacifica was found to reproduce efficiently in maximal Mediterranean seawater temperatures not experienced by the Northern Red Sea Chama populations. This study demonstrates the high invasive potential of an oyster species despite its rarity in its source region.  相似文献   

东海蛾螺属二新记录种(腹足纲,蛾螺科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在整理近年来东海采集的蛾螺科Buccinidae标本时,鉴定出属于蛾螺属Buccinum Linnaeus,1758的两个中国新记录种:(1)白肋蛾螺Buccinum leucostoma Lischke,1872,采自于东海300—400m深的泥沙质海底;(2)古式蛾螺Buccinum koshikinum Okutani,1988采自于东海400m深的泥沙质海底。文中分别对这两个新记录种的形态特征、生活习性等进行了描述,并与相似种进行了分类学讨论。此外,文中还列出了中国海已报道的其他蛾螺属种类。  相似文献   

The living coccolithophores(LCs) are an important class of calcified taxa of phytoplankton functional groups,and major producers of marine biogenic inorganic carbon,playing an important role in the marine carbon cycle.In this study,we report the two-demensional abundance,composition of LCs and its correlation with the environmental parameters in spring and autumn,in order to understand the ecological role of LCs in the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea.In spring,totally 9 taxa belonging to coccolithophyceae were identified using a polarized microscope at the 1 000× magnification.The dominant species were Emiliania huxleyi,Gephyrocapsa oceanica,Helicosphaera carteri,and Calcidiscus leptoporus.The abundance of coccosphores and coccoliths ranged 0–7.72cells/m L,and 0–216.09 coccoliths/m L,with the average values of 0.21 cells/m L,and 11.36 coccoliths/m L,respectively.The Emiliania huxleyi distribution was similar to Gephyrocapsa oceanica.The highest abundance of coccoliths was observed in the east of Shandong Peninsula in northern Yellow Sea,whereas Helicosphaera carteri distributed more widely.Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica were the two predominant species in LCs with higher abundances.The distribution of LCs was similar to that of coccoliths.In autumn,14 taxa belonging to coccolithophyceae were identified with dominant species as Emiliania huxleyi,Gephyrocapsa oceanica,Helicosphaera carteri,Calcidiscus leptoporus and Oolithotus fragilis.The abundance of coccosphores and coccoliths ranged 0–24.69 cells/m L,and 0–507.15 coccoliths/m L,with the average values of 1.47 cells/m L,and55.89 coccoliths/m L,respectively.The highest abundance of coccoliths was located in Qingdao coastal waters and south of the survey area.The distribution of LCs was similar to the coccoliths; in addition,LCs presented large abundance in the east of the central Yellow Sea area.  相似文献   

Autumn living coccolithophores in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An investigation was carried out on living coccolithophores(LCs) distribution in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea from October 17 to November 24, 2011. A total of 223 samples from different depths were collected at 48 stations. Totally 18 taxa belonging to coccolithophyceae were identified using a polarized microscope at the 1 000× magnification. The maximum species abundance was found at the outside of Transect P. The dominated species were Gephyrocapsa oceanica, Emiliania huxleyi, Helicosphaera carteri, and Algirosphaera robusta. The abundance of coccoliths and cells ranged 0–2 965.73 coccoliths/mL, and 0–119.16 cells/mL, with the average values of 471.00 coccoliths/mL and 23.42 cells/mL, respectively. The LCs in surface layer were mainly observed on the coastal belt and middle part of the survey area. The comparison among Transects A, F, P and E indicated lower species diversity and less abundance in the Yellow Sea than those of the East China Sea. The highest abundance of LCs was found in transect F and P. The coccolith abundance increased slightly from surface to bottom in the water column, but the highest value of the cell abundance was observed in the depth of 10–30 m. Temperature, depth and nutrient concentration were suggested as the major environmental factors controlling the distribution and species composition of LCs in the studying area based on canonical correspondence analysis(CCA).  相似文献   

东海、黄海底层鱼类数量分布季节变化的因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘勇  程家骅 《海洋学报》2008,30(4):123-130
根据2000年春(4月)、夏(6月)、秋(9月)、冬(12月)四季东海、黄海底拖网鱼类资源调查资料,使用因子分析的方法分析了该海域鱼类数量分布的季节变化特征。R型分析发现,春季关系最密切的鱼种有4种:斑鳐、凤鲚、海鳗和黑鳃梅童鱼;夏季有5种:鳀、小黄鱼、黄鮟鱇、绿鳍鱼和长蛇鲻;秋季也有5种:带鱼、灰鲳、虻鲉、日本鲭和小黄鱼;冬季有3种:带鱼、鳄齿鱼和发光鲷。历史资源调查证实,夏季的这5个鱼种之间以摄食与被摄食关系为主。进一步分析发现,各季节关系密切的鱼种所聚集分布的水域,正是这些鱼种各季对应的生理周期洄游分布的主要水域。根据Q型分析可以得到各季的综合优势鱼种及其优势分布水域,发现带鱼和小黄鱼是东海、黄海渔业资源的绝对优势鱼种,除了带鱼、小黄鱼以外,其他的综合优势鱼种都是一些价值较低的、生长速度较快的小型鱼类。  相似文献   

Vertical distributions of coccolithophores were observed in the depth range 0–50 m in the western subarctic Pacific and western Bering Sea in summer, 1997. Thirty-five species of coccolithophores were collected. Overall, Emiliania huxleyi var. huxleyi was the most abundant taxon, accounting for 82.8% of all coccolithophores, although it was less abundant in the western Bering Sea. Maximum abundance of this species was found in an area south of 41°N and east of 175°E (Transition Zone) reaching >10,000 cells L−1 in the water column. In addition to this species, Coccolithus pelagicus f. pelagicus, which accounted for 4.2% of the assemblage, was representative of the coccolithophore standing crop in the western part of the subarctic Pacific. Coccolithus pelagicus f. hyalinus was relatively abundant in the Bering Sea, accounting for 2.6% of the assemblage. Coccolithophore standing crops in the top 50 m were high south of 41°N (>241 × 106 cells m−2) and east of 170°E (542 × 106 cells m−2) where temperatures were higher than 12°C and salinities were greater than 34.2. The lowest standing crop was observed in the Bering Sea and Oyashio areas where temperatures were lower than 6–10°C and salinities were less than 33.0. From the coccolithophore volumes, the calcite stocks in the Transition, Subarctic, and the Bering Sea regions were estimated to be 73.0, 9.7, and 6.9 mg m−2, respectively, corresponding to calcite fluxes of 3.6, 0.5, and 0.3 mg m−2d−1 using Stoke's Law. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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