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冰岛北部陆架MD99-2271孔沉积硅藻组合呈现暖水硅藻数量增加、冷水硅藻数量减少和这两类硅藻数量周期性此消彼长的特点,反映了气候在趋暖的背景下,冷暖交替的过程。通过该区温度指数Rw/wc值(暖水硅藻种含量与海冰种及暖水种含量总和的比值)的变化,重建了冰岛北部陆架古海洋环境:Blling-Allerd暖期时,暖水硅藻T.nitzschioides含量较高,表明印明格暖流对研究区的影响较强;随着暖水硅藻含量减少,海冰硅藻F.cylindrus和T.bulbosa的显著增加,此时暖流强度减弱,东格陵兰寒流明显增强,冰岛北部海域进入末次冰消期以来最冷的时期——Younger Dryas冷期。11cal.kaBP左右暖水硅藻T.nitzschioides和T.oestrupii数量急剧升高,表明该海域海洋环境发生了明显变化,并逐步向全新世大暖期过渡,此时冰岛北部陆架海域现代海洋格局基本形成。全新世大暖期时,硅藻群落表现为暖水种的显著增多,海冰、极地及冷水硅藻较之前明显减少,说明冰岛北部海域主要受北大西洋暖流的分支——印明格暖流的影响,海洋环境较温暖;6cal.kaBP之后东格陵兰寒流逐渐增强,冰岛北部海洋环境转冷,全新世大暖期结束。  相似文献   

通过对西格陵兰附近海域表层沉积硅藻进行研究,并运用对应分析方法对硅藻种属及站点进行分析处理,研究结果表明,海冰种和极地种为该海域的优势种,而暖水种主要分布在拉布拉多海.根据对应分析站点的得分情况,将35个站点划分为5个硅藻组合,并对每个组合分布区域的环境影响因子,如:洋流、极地水团、陆地冰川融水等进行了分析,结果证明西...  相似文献   

利用主成分分析法对冰岛北部陆架 MD99-2275 孔中全新世以来沉积物硅藻数据进行研究发现,5 000 - 3 000 a B.P.,冰岛北部陆架表层古海水温度逐渐上升,来自印明格暖流的北大西洋暖水对该区域的影响有所增强.自 3 000 a B.P.以来,表层海水温度开始稳步下降,北大西洋暖水水团的影响逐步减弱,而来自东格陵兰寒流和东冰岛海流的极地冷水水团的影响显著加强.在晚全新世气候逐渐变冷的过程中,发生了几次短期而显著的气候变冷事件,分别出现在 3 000 - 2 600 a B.P.,1 300 - 1 000 a B.P.及 600- 200 a B.P..该中晚全新世古海洋环境记录与格陵兰冰芯(GSIP2)氧同位素气候记录存在良好的对应关系,也与冰岛北部陆架其他海水温度记录有较好的一致性.而冰岛北部陆架区域海底地形的复杂性和海流分布的差异性,以及所采用研究方法的不同则导致该区域各古海水温度记录之间也存在一定的差异性.  相似文献   

北冰洋西伯利亚陆架海是北极气候快速变化最为显著的海域之一,而沉积硅藻作为极地海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,对环境变化具有敏感的响应。对楚科奇海、东西伯利亚海和拉普捷夫海表层沉积物开展了硅藻组成鉴定,利用典型对应分析方法分析了硅藻属种与1986~2015年环境变量之间的关系。结果表明,夏季和秋季海冰密集度、表层海水盐度是影响研究区表层硅藻分布特征最主要的因素。此外,根据表层站位与环境变量的典型对应分析,可将西伯利亚极地海域划分为4个区域,分别为海冰硅藻组合带、暖水硅藻组合带、沿岸硅藻组合带和混合硅藻组合带。这些表层站位的分区与相应区域的海流模式有明显的相关性,海冰硅藻组合带仅分布于研究区北部的高纬度地区;暖水硅藻组合带位于受白令水和太平洋海水的分支——阿拉斯加沿岸水影响为主的区域;拉普捷夫海南部的沿岸硅藻组合带则受到河流径流和西伯利亚沿岸流的强烈影响;混合硅藻组合带受极地冷水、海冰覆盖、太平洋暖水和陆地径流的共同影响。  相似文献   

我们根据南部大洋大西洋区南纬 53°活塞岩心分析结果重建南大西洋全新世南极表层水变化史。此岩心沉积速率较高 (全新世平均值为50 cm/ 1 0 3a) ,且位于亚南极的南大西洋 ,适用于古气候研究。钻位位于现代极地前缘带( PFZ)以南约 3°,冬季海冰边界以北约 2°。利用硅藻转换函数、硅藻内有机质的碳和氮同位素、粗粒沉积物 ( >1 50 μm~ 2 mm)中放射虫、有孔虫和浮冰碎屑相对丰度 ,对硅藻和有孔虫的氧同位素、二月表层海水和海冰盖层温度进行了测定 ,提供了 50 0 0 a BP表层水特征急剧变化的证据。1 0 0 0 0~ 550 0 a BP粗粒沉积物 ( >1…  相似文献   

表层沉积物中硅藻的分布及组合特征对于研究相应的海洋环境有着重要的意义。东南极普里兹湾及其附近海域的22站表层沉积物中鉴定出硅藻36种,分属13属,其中Fragilariopsis curta在普里兹湾内占36.76%~66.36%,Fragilariopsis kerguelensis在湾外开阔水域占54.33%~70.95%。除趋势对应分析(DCA)显示研究区主要的10种硅藻分为开放水域种组合、近海冰种组合和海冰种组合,其表层沉积硅藻组合分布也分成3个区。作为硅藻极地开放海洋指示种的Fragilariopsis kerguelensis分布在普里兹湾外的深海平原,受湾内冰架水的限制,不能向湾内扩散;作为硅藻海冰指示种的Fragilariopsis curta主要分布在普里兹湾内的陆架上,受南极表层水和海冰的影响较重,在湾外受深水溶解作用而急剧减少;作为硅藻近海冰指示种的Thalassiosira antarctica的出现是受普里兹环流、冰架水和海冰的控制。研究区硅藻的组成和分布反映和验证了区域内环流的分布和扩散极限。  相似文献   

基于该系列文章前文研究中构建的海气耦合气候模式和所揭示的北大西洋热盐环流年代际振荡机制,针对海气要素对该振荡机制的影响问题进行了重点的探讨。为细致准确的研究北大西洋海洋要素同北大西洋热盐环流年代际振荡的关系,有针对性的定义了副极地海区表层密度指数和北大西洋暖流强度指数并对模式结果进行了全面分析。分析结果表明副极地海区表层密度变化领先大西洋径向翻转环流(MOC)变化7 a,北大西洋暖流的变化领先 MOC变化4 a,格陵兰-苏格兰海脊溢流水强度(包括丹麦海峡溢流水和法鲁海峡溢流水,是北大西洋深层水的重要来源)的变化领先 MOC的变化3 a;北大西洋大气要素变化对北大西洋热盐环流年代际振荡有非常重要的调制作用,当副极地流环和北大西洋暖流(NAC)达到最强的2 a之前,高纬度地区大气为气旋式环流异常,中纬度地区大气为反气旋式环流异常,海表热通量在大西洋副极地海区是负异常,这都有利于副极地流环和NAC的加强,更多高盐度的北大西洋水进入格陵兰-冰岛-挪威海(GIN)海域,由此可以导致GIN海域表层密度上升,使水体的层结稳定性减弱,有利于深层对流的发生,同时大气变化通过风应力旋度和海表热通量也直接影响GIN海域深层水的生成,进而导致格陵兰-苏格兰海脊溢流水的强度增加。  相似文献   

基于德国Max-Planck气象研究所的最新大气海洋环流模式(ECHAM5/MPI-OM),对控制试验(control run)下热盐环流(THC)年际及年代际变化进行了分析,揭示了年代际变率的产生机制。研究表明:(1)THC年际振荡的主导周期是4 a,年代际振荡的主导周期是24 a,THC的年代际振荡信号最强,是第一主成分。(2)THC的年代际振荡机制为:首先从大西洋径向翻转环流(MOC)强度最小开始,由于MOC强度处于较弱状态,从低纬度向高纬度输送的热量偏少,副极地海区海表温度出现负异常,持续5 a之后,北大西洋副极地海区海表温度达到最大负异常。此时副极地流环中心(北大西洋)的表层海水变冷,密度增加,海表面下降,产生从副极地流环边缘指向副极地流环的中心的压强梯度力,根据地转平衡关系,北大西洋副极地海区的上层海洋会出现一个气旋式的环流异常(副极地流环得到加强),北大西洋暖流(NAC)同时得到加强。在副极地海区海表温度达到最大负异常的3 a之后,副极地流环和NAC达到最强。由此,作为NAC延伸的法鲁海峡入流水增强,更多的高盐法鲁海峡入流水进入格陵兰-冰岛-挪威海(GIN)海域,使GIN海域层结稳定性减弱。1 a后,GIN海域深层对流增强,格陵兰-苏格兰海脊溢流水增加。在GIN海域深层对流达到最强的3 a之后,MOC强度达到最大。整个状态翻转过程完成的时间大约为12 a,THC年代际振荡的整个周期大约是24 a。  相似文献   

黄海多毛类动物地理学的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.黄海多毛类区系包含有中国沿岸特有地方性种,黄海和日本沿岸的特有地方性种,广温性热带暖水种,寒温带冷水种和广布种等不同性质成分。 2.值得提出的是太平洋东西两岸种在黄海的发现,计有19种。这些种的分布应该考虑不仅是由于历史的成因,在某种程度上幼体也许有可能随当前自日本沿岸流向美洲沿 岸的黑潮传布过去。多毛类有些种幼虫期很长,并且能随海流分布至深海(Thorson,1950)。 3.根据与邻近海区区系的比较,黄海多毛类与日本沿岸,特别是日本本州北部金华山附近的女川湾和松岛湾一带的区系最相近似,女川湾和松岛湾一带属亲潮寒流和黑潮暖流交汇区,因之在种类组成上不仅有来自南方的暖水种,同时,还有北方的冷水种,具有混合区系特征。黄海——本州北部应属同一地理区划。 4.黄海多毛类具有十分显著的混合区系特征,与日本的情况不同,黄海的暖水种多分布在潮间带,冷水种大部分在较深水域,井与深水区终年存在的冷水团有关。 5.黄海北部和中部应属北太平洋北温带和印度西太平洋热带区之间的过渡区。  相似文献   

巴伦支海-喀拉海是北冰洋最大的边缘海,能够对环境变化做出快速的响应和反馈,是全球气候变化最为敏感的区域之一,其古海洋环境演变及海冰变化研究是全球气候变化研究的重要组成部分。末次盛冰期以来,该区域的古海洋环境受到太阳辐射、海流强度、海平面变化、温盐环流和河流输入等因素影响发生了一系列不同尺度的波动。巴伦支海受到北大西洋暖水和极地冷水两大水团相互作用的影响,在水团交界处 (极锋) 由于不同水团性质的差异,导致其海水温度、盐度及海冰发生剧烈变化。而喀拉海则受到叶尼塞河和鄂毕河大量淡水输入影响,海流系统较巴伦支海相对复杂,沉积物主要来源于河流输入的陆源物质,并可以通过磁化率的分析明确区分两条河流的陆源物质。由于受到冷水和暖水的相互作用,巴伦支海-喀拉海海冰变化迅速,并且在全新世中晚期存在 0.4 ka 和 0.95 ka 的变化周期,但海冰变化的影响因素并不是单一的,而是气候系统内部各因子相互作用的结果。目前古海冰重建研究工作主要为定性研究,定量研究相对较少,所选用的重建指标也相对单一,另外存在年代框架差、分辨率低等不足。本文以巴伦支海和喀拉海为中心,总结了其快速气候突变事件、古温度盐度、海平面及海冰的变化,对影响因素进行了探讨,并通过分析末次盛冰期以来古海洋环境研究的不足,提出了相应的展望。  相似文献   

Physical regularities of water exchange between the North Atlantic (NA) and Arctic Ocean (AO) in 1958–2009 are analyzed on the basis of numerical experiments with an eddy-permitting model of ocean circulation. Variations in the heat and salt fluxes in the Greenland Sea near the Fram Strait caused by atmospheric forcing generate baroclinic modes of ocean currents in the 0–300 m layer, which stabilize the response of the ocean to atmospheric forcing. This facilitates the conservation of water exchange between the NA and AO at a specific climatic level. A quick response of dense water outflow into the deep layers of the NA through the Denmark Strait to the variations in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index was revealed on the monthly scale. A response on a time scale of 39 months was also revealed. The quick response on the NAO index variation was interrupted in 1969–1978, which was related to the Great Salinity Anomaly. It was shown that transverse oscillations of the Norwegian Atlantic Current significantly influence the formation of intermediate dense waters in the Greenland and Norwegian seas (GNS). The dense water outflow by bottom current (BC) to the deep layers of the NA through the Faroe Channels with a time lag of 1 year correlates with the transversal oscillations of the Norwegian Current front. The mass transport of the BC outflow from the Faroe Channels to the NA can serve as an integral indicator of the formation and sink of new portions of dense waters formed as a result of mixing of warm saline Atlantic waters and cold freshened Arctic waters in the GNS.  相似文献   

通过对比白令海BR07孔与B5-4孔硅藻百分含量、颜色反射率等参数结果,综合建立了BR07孔年龄框架。根据该重建年龄结果,BR07孔年龄约为11.3~1.9 ka,平均沉积速率约为28.5 cm/ka,略低于B5-4孔。基于圆柱拟脆杆藻与塞米新细齿藻比值Fragilariopsis cylindrus含量/(Fragilariopsis cylindrus含量+Neodenticula seminae含量)重建的近万年来白令海海冰变化历史,记录到该区域末次冰消期以来包括新仙女木事件在内的3次冷事件以及1次暖事件,其中新仙女木事件约发生于距今11.3~10.7 ka,与格陵兰冰心记录对应值距今12.9~11.6 ka基本相近,这进一步佐证了该重建年龄比原始的全样有机碳AMS 14C测年结果更可信。  相似文献   

Data from the East Greenland Current in 2002 are evaluated using optimum multiparameter analysis. The current is followed from north of Fram Strait to the Denmark Strait Sill and the contributions of different source waters, in mass fractions, are deduced. From the results it can be concluded that, at least in spring 2002, the East Greenland Current was the main source for the waters found at the Denmark Strait Sill, contributing to the overflow into the North Atlantic. The East Greenland Current carried water masses from different source regions in the Arctic Ocean, the West Spitsbergen Current and the Greenland Sea. The results agree well with the known circulation of the western Nordic Seas but also add knowledge both to the quantification and to the mixing processes, showing the importance of the locally formed Greenland Sea Arctic Intermediate Water for the East Greenland Current and the Denmark Strait.  相似文献   

The subtidal circulation of the southeast Greenland shelf is described using a set of high-resolution hydrographic and velocity transects occupied in summer 2004. The main feature is the East Greenland Coastal Current (EGCC), a low-salinity, high-velocity jet with a wedge-shaped hydrographic structure characteristic of other surface buoyancy-driven currents. The EGCC was observed along the entire Greenland shelf south of Denmark Strait, while the transect north of the strait showed only a weak shelf flow. This observation, in conjunction with water mass considerations and other supporting evidence, suggests that the EGCC is an inner branch of the East Greenland Current (EGC) that forms south of Denmark Strait. It is argued that bathymetric steering is the most likely reason why the EGC apparently bifurcates at this location. Repeat sections occupied at Cape Farewell between 1997 and 2004 show that the alongshelf wind stress can have an influence on the structure and strength of the EGCC and EGC on timescales of 2-3 days. Accounting for the wind-induced effects, the volume transport of the combined EGCC/EGC system is roughly constant (∼2 Sv) over the study domain, from 68°N to Cape Farewell near 60°N. The corresponding freshwater transport increases by roughly 60% over this distance (59-96 mSv, referenced to a salinity of 34.8). This trend is consistent with a simple freshwater budget of the EGCC/EGC system that accounts for meltwater runoff, melting sea-ice and icebergs, and net precipitation minus evaporation.  相似文献   

Few basins in the world exhibit such a wide range of water properties as those of the Nordic Seas with cold freshwaters from the Arctic in the western basins and warm saline waters from the Atlantic in the eastern basins. In this study we present a 50-year hydrographic climatology of the Nordic Seas in terms of depth and temperature patterns on four upper ocean specific volume anomaly surfaces. This approach allows us to better distinguish between change due to variations along such surfaces and change due to depth variations of the stratified water column. Depth variations indicate changes in the mass field while property variations along isopycnals give insight into isopycnal advection and mixing, as well as diapycnal processes. We find that the warmest waters on each surface are found in the north, close to where the isopycnal outcrops, a clear indication of downward mixing of the warmer, more saline waters on shallower isopycnals due to convective cooling at the surface. These saline waters come from the Norwegian Atlantic Slope Current by means of a very high level of eddy activity in the Lofoten Basin.The isopycnal analyses further show that the principal water mass boundary between the waters of Arctic origin in the west and Atlantic waters in the east aligns quite tightly with the Jan Mayen, Mohn, Knipovich Ridge system suggesting little cross-ridge exchange. Instead, the main routes of exchange between the eastern and western basins appear to be limited to the northern and southern ends of ridge system: Atlantic waters into the Greenland Sea in the Fram St and Artic waters into the southern Norwegian Sea just north of the Iceland-Faroe Ridge.Analysis of a representative isopycnal in the main pycnocline shows it to be stable over time with only small variations with season (except where it outcrops in winter in the Greenland and Iceland Seas). However, two very cold winters, 1968–1969, led to greater than average heat losses across the entire Lofoten Basin that eroded away much of the Lofoten eddy and induced the greatest temperature anomaly in the entire 50-year record. Interannual variations in isopycnal layer temperature correlate with the NAO index such that waters in the Iceland Sea become warmer than average with warming air temperatures and conversely in the Lofoten Basin.  相似文献   

The sea-ice export out of the central Arctic through the Fram Strait is a key variable in the Arctic climate system. Satellite data provide the only basis for mapping ice features with a high spatial and temporal resolution in polar regions. An automatic drift algorithm has been employed and optimized to monitor the sea-ice drift velocity in the Greenland Sea with AVHRR data. The combination of the ice drift and the spatial ice distribution provides an insight into the ice transport processes along the coast of Greenland. The combination with sea-ice thickness measurements allows an estimation of the spatial distribution of the sea-ice mass flux. The seasonal and spatial variability of the mass flux allows further predictions of the meridional melting and freezing processes along the East Greenland Current. This investigation covers the years 1993 and 1994. Seasonal and spatial distributions of the sea-ice drift were derived. The derived absolute values in this study are in good agreement with estimates proposed by other authors.  相似文献   

Dense water formation and circulation in the Barents Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dense water masses from Arctic shelf seas are an important part of the Arctic thermohaline system. We present previously unpublished observations from shallow banks in the Barents Sea, which reveal large interannual variability in dense water temperature and salinity. To examine the formation and circulation of dense water, and the processes governing interannual variability, a regional coupled ice-ocean model is applied to the Barents Sea for the period 1948-2007. Volume and characteristics of dense water are investigated with respect to the initial autumn surface salinity, atmospheric cooling, and sea-ice growth (salt flux). In the southern Barents Sea (Spitsbergen Bank and Central Bank) dense water formation is associated with advection of Atlantic Water into the Barents Sea and corresponding variations in initial salinities and heat loss at the air-sea interface. The characteristics of the dense water on the Spitsbergen Bank and Central Bank are thus determined by the regional climate of the Barents Sea. Preconditioning is also important to dense water variability on the northern banks, and can be related to local ice melt (Great Bank) and properties of the Novaya Zemlya Coastal Current (Novaya Zemlya Bank). The dense water mainly exits the Barents Sea between Frans Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya, where it constitutes 63% (1.2 Sv) of the net outflow and has an average density of 1028.07 kg m−3. An amount of 0.4 Sv enters the Arctic Ocean between Svalbard and Frans Josef Land. Covering 9% of the ocean area, the banks contribute with approximately 1/3 of the exported dense water. Formation on the banks is more important when the Barents Sea is in a cold state (less Atlantic Water inflow, more sea-ice). During warm periods with high throughflow more dense water is produced broadly over the shelf by general cooling of the northward flowing Atlantic Water. However, our results indicate that during extremely warm periods (1950s and late 2000s) the total export of dense water to the Arctic Ocean becomes strongly reduced.  相似文献   

Fresh water flowing from the Arctic Ocean via the East Greenland Current influences deep water formation in the Nordic Seas as well as the salinity of the surface and deep waters flowing from there. This fresh water has three sources: Pacific water (relatively fresh cf. Atlantic water), river runoff, and sea ice meltwater. To determine the relative amounts of the three sources of fresh water, in May 2002 we collected water samples across the East Greenland Current in sections from 81.5°N to the Irminger Sea south of Denmark Strait. We used nitrate-phosphate relationships to distinguish Pacific waters from Atlantic waters, salinity to obtain the sum of sea ice melt water and river runoff water, and total alkalinity to distinguish the latter. River runoff contributed the largest part of the total fresh water component, in some regions with some inventories exceeding 12 m. Pacific fresh water (Pacific source water S ∼ 32 cf. Atlantic source water S ∼ 34.9) typically provided about 1/3 of the river runoff contribution. Sea ice meltwater was very nearly non-existent in the surface waters of all sections, likely at least in part as a result of the samples being collected before the onset of the melt season. The fresh water from the Arctic Ocean was strongly confined to near the Greenland coast. We thus conjecture that the main source of fresh water from the Arctic Ocean most strongly impacting deep convection in the Nordic Seas would be sea ice as opposed to fresh water in the liquid phase, i.e., river runoff, Pacific fresh water, and sea ice meltwater.  相似文献   

The present study is the first to directly address the issue of gas hydrates offshore West Greenland, where numerous occurrences of shallow hydrocarbons have been documented in the vicinity of Disko Bugt (Bay). Furthermore, decomposing gas hydrate has been implied to explain seabed features in this climate-sensitive area. The study is based on archive data and new (2011, 2012) shallow seismic and sediment core data. Archive seismic records crossing an elongated depression (20×35 km large, 575 m deep) on the inner shelf west of Disko Bugt (Bay) show a bottom simulating reflector (BSR) within faulted Mesozoic strata, consistent with the occurrence of gas hydrates. Moreover, the more recently acquired shallow seismic data reveal gas/fluid-related features in the overlying sediments, and geochemical data point to methane migration from a deeper-lying petroleum system. By contrast, hydrocarbon signatures within faulted Mesozoic strata below the strait known as the Vaigat can be inferred on archive seismics, but no BSR was visible. New seismic data provide evidence of various gas/fluid-releasing features in the overlying sediments. Flares were detected by the echo-sounder in July 2012, and cores contained ikaite and showed gas-releasing cracks and bubbles, all pointing to ongoing methane seepage in the strait. Observed seabed mounds also sustain gas seepages. For areas where crystalline bedrock is covered only by Pleistocene–Holocene deposits, methane was found only in the Egedesminde Dyb (Trough). There was a strong increase in methane concentration with depth, but no free gas. This is likely due to the formation of gas hydrate and the limited thickness of the sediment infill. Seabed depressions off Ilulissat Isfjord (Icefjord) previously inferred to express ongoing gas release from decomposing gas hydrate show no evidence of gas seepage, and are more likely a result of neo-tectonism.  相似文献   

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