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春季水库浮游生物与鲢鳙生长的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过 2 0 0 0年春季对辽宁三座大中型山谷型水库的浮游生物和鲢鳙渔获物的 4、5月二次调查发现 :( 1) . 4月 ,各水库浮游植物生物量与其鲢鳙年平均渔获量正相关 ( p<0 .10 ) ,同时发现浮游植物在各水库的空间分布与环境因子无显著关系 ,浮游植物与浮游动物之间只有在产量较低的碧流河水库有极其显著的正相关关系 ( p<0 .0 1) ;但此时三水库浮游动物生物量的空间分布都与水温或流速相关显著 ( p<0 .0 5 ) ;( 2 ) . 5月 ,这种现象消失 ,而发现浮游植物多样性指数较 4月的比值与渔获量存在极显著的负相关关系 ( p<0 .0 1) ,浮游植物量空间分布的变异性与渔获量存在极显著的负相关关系 ( p<0 .0 2 ) ,浮游动物空间分布变异性与 4月的比值与渔获量存在显著负相关关系 ( p<0 .0 7) ;而且只有在鱼产量最低的碧流河水库显示了浮游动物生物量的空间分布与环境因子 (水温 )相关 ( p<0 .10 ) ;( 3) .鲢鳙肥满度和增重率显示与上述结果相对应 ,即浮游生物空间分布越不均匀 ,浮游植物的多样性指数随着温度的升高幅度越大的水库 ,鲢鳙的生长速度越快。认为 :1.鲢鳙的摄食 ,导致浮游生物的空间分布更均匀 ,而且使浮游植物的多样性受到限制 ;2 .用浮游生物空间分布的不均匀程度以及多样性指数的变化 ,可以用来评价和指导  相似文献   

南黄海鳀鱼产卵场小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20 0 0年 6月在南黄海鱼产卵场 18个站位的调查结果表明 ,小型底栖生物的平均丰度为 0 .81× 10 6ind· m-2 (± 0 .4 1× 10 6ind· m-2 ) ,平均生物量为 1.2 2 g dwt· m-2 ,小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量的水平分布图型大体相似 ,即高的数量值分布在等深线 5 0 m以浅的与海岸线平行的74 94、7994、85 94、11394等站。小型底栖生物数量与 10种环境因子的 Pearson相关分析表明 ,丰度与水深呈负相关 (r,- 0 .5 5 5 ,P<0 .0 5 ) ,与 Chl- a呈正相关 (r,0 .4 86 ,P<0 .0 5 ) ;生物量与水深、沉积物中的粘土含量 (% )和水含量 (% )均呈负相关 (r,0 .4 84~ 0 .5 0 0 ,P<0 .0 5 )。共鉴定出 18个小型生物类群 ,线虫是数量占优势的类群 ,平均丰度 0 .6 0× 10 6ind· m-2 (± 0 .36× 10 6ind· m-2 ) ,占总丰度的 73.8% ,其他的重要类群依次为底栖桡足类 (18.7% )、多毛类 (3.1% )、动吻类 (1.6 % )和介形类 (1.1% )。按生物量 ,优势类群依次为多毛类 (占 2 9% )、桡足类 (2 3% )和线虫 (2 0 % )  相似文献   

渤海小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
该文是渤海 1997年 6月、1998年 9月和 1999年 4月 3个航次小型底栖生物调查结果。结果表明 ,3个航次小型底栖生物的平均丰度分别为 :(2 30 0± 12 0 6 ) ind/ (10 cm2 )、(86 9± 5 10 ) ind/(10 cm2 )和 (6 32± 4 0 0 ) ind/ (10 cm2 )。平均生物量分别为 :(15 2 1± 6 34) μg(dwt) / (10 cm2 )、(72 5±35 4 )μg (dwt) / (10 cm2 )和 (5 17± 393)μg (dwt) / (10 cm2 )。共鉴定出 14个小型底栖生物类群 ,其中自由生活海洋线虫丰度占绝对优势 ,桡足类丰度居第 2位 ,这两个类群总和占小型底栖生物总丰度的 94 .8%~ 97.5 %。在生物量中所占比例列前 4位的类群依次为线虫、多毛类、桡足类、双壳类 ,加起来超过小型底栖生物总生物量的 80 %。小型底栖生物的 74 %分布于 2 cm以浅表层中。小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量在渤海海峡和渤海中东部较高 ,与环境因子的相关分析表明小型底栖生物的丰度与水深呈极显著的正相关 ,与沉积物的中值粒径呈显著的负相关  相似文献   

合浦珠母贝Pinctadamartensii (Dunker)三倍体的卵与二倍体的精子授精 ,以细胞松弛素B(CB)抑制第一极体释放诱导四倍体 ,得到胚胎期非整倍体占 (88.1 8± 6 .79) % ,1龄贝中非整倍体约占 2 8.70 %。成贝非整倍体染色体数目有 2 9,3 0 ,40 ,41 ,43条 5种类型。非整倍体作为一个群体其壳长和体重与二倍体无明显差异 (p >0 .1 0 ) ,但与三倍体有显著差异 (p<0 .0 1 ) ;二倍性水平的非整倍体的壳长和体重明显小于二倍体 (p <0 .0 1 ) ,而三倍性水平的非整倍体与二倍体无明显差异 (p >0 .1 0 )。研究结果表明 ,合浦珠母贝能耐受约单倍体染色体数目 7%— 1 4%的增加或减少 ,且表明合浦珠母贝非整倍体在一定条件下是可以存活的。  相似文献   

本文通过对山东省38座代表性大、中型水库总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、化学耗氧量、硬度及电导率(λ)五种主要水化因子连续两年(1989~1990)的调查与研究,探讨了水化因子与水库鱼产力的关系。用反映鲢、鳙生长状况的综合生长指数(GI)作为水库鱼产力的指标。它与水化因子相关分析表明,总磷是山东省38座水库鱼产力的主要影响因子。提出GI与总磷、总氮及电导率等水化因子的逐步回归方程关系非常显著。证明利用水化因子作为水库鱼产力的评价指标是可行的。并指出:同一水库的相同水化因子存在年间差异,其主要原因在于降雨量和水库进水量的不同,鉴于此.同一水库鱼产力也存在年间差异。  相似文献   

2001-2002年天目湖(沙河水库)浮游植物的生态学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2001年6月~2002年5月,对天目湖进行的浮游植物周年调查表明,天目湖共有浮游植物7门75属,其中年平均丰度为5026.20×104个/L,以蓝藻为主,占总丰度的54.45%;而年平均生物量为(15.364±9.103)mg/L,其中硅藻居首位,为6.634 mg/L,占浮游植物年平均生物量的43.18%;其周年变化是丰度和生物量最高值均出现在5月,丰度在5月和9月出现2个峰值,而生物量则在5、7、10月出现3个峰值。浮游植物丰度从大坝处1#点到河流入湖口的9#、10#点变化不明显但略有增加,而生物量则呈明显增加。通过对水温、透明度、营养盐与浮游植物丰度和生物量的线性回归分析发现,浮游植物丰度、生物量与水温、TP存在显著的正相关,而与N/P比、透明度存在显著性负相关,与TN相关性不是很明显。  相似文献   

九龙江口秋茄红树林恢复对底质磷的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以光滩为对照,分别在白礁选取5、6、8a生秋茄(Kandelia candel)人工林以及天然秋茄林为样地,在草埔头选取20a生和44a生秋茄人工林为样地,比较分析了福建九龙江口秋茄红树林恢复对底质总磷和有效磷的影响.结果表明:白礁和草埔头秋茄人工红树林的总磷和有效磷含量随红树林恢复时间的增加而增高.白礁天然秋茄林和草埔头秋茄人工林的总磷随底质深度增加而减少,有效磷在中下层含量较高.潮位对草埔头总磷有显著影响,由外滩到内滩,其总磷含量逐渐增加.九龙江口秋茄红树林早期恢复阶段的底质总磷和有效磷缺乏,5a生秋茄人工林底质总磷和有效磷分别为0.68g/kg和2.99mg/kg.  相似文献   

彭淇  吴彬  陈斌  冯健 《海洋与湖沼》2013,44(3):651-655
对野生重口裂腹鱼[Schizothorax(Racoma) davidi(Sauvage)]的性腺发育观察与人工繁殖进行了研究。结果表明,重口裂腹鱼雄鱼3龄达到性成熟,而雌鱼5龄以上方达到性成熟,其性腺指数随着年龄增加而显著上升(P<0.05);雌鱼性腺指数、绝对怀卵量和卵径随着年龄和体重增加明显上升(P<0.05orP<0.01)。对24尾5、6龄雌、雄重口裂腹鱼采用二针注射法进行人工催产实验,平均采卵数为1.33万粒和2.02万粒,采精量为25.4ml和34.8ml。其平均卵子受精率和受精卵出膜时间分别为74.2%和77.1%、203h和227h[水温(16.2±0.9)℃],6龄雌鱼受精卵的卵径、卵重均明显高于5龄雌鱼,6龄雌鱼的受精卵孵化率为41.9%,明显高于5龄雌鱼的30.6%(P<0.05orP<0.01),选用年龄较大的雌鱼作为亲鱼,是保证人工繁殖获得良好效果的关键。  相似文献   

洋山港浮游植物群落特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
洋山港是上海航运的枢纽港,2009年1月~12月对洋山港浮游植物群落进行了生态学研究,共鉴定浮游植物5门58属112种,含赤潮藻类5门21属34种,群落结构组成以硅藻为主。其中优势种由具槽帕拉藻(Paralia sulcata)、具翼漂流藻(Planktoniella blanda)、辐射圆筛藻(Cosci-nodiscus radiatus)、格氏圆筛藻(Coscinodiscus granii)、条纹小环藻(Cyclotella striata)、扭曲小环藻(Cyclotella comta)、菱形海线藻(Thalassionema nitzschioides)、尖刺伪菱形藻(Pseudo-nitzschiapungens)以及短柄曲壳藻(Achnanthes brevipes)等构成。浮游植物细胞丰度变化范围是(6.15×104~1.39×104)ind/L,全年平均值为3.32×104ind/L,11月细胞丰度达到最高值,其次为3月,呈现双峰型的周年变化规律。硅藻在全年的浮游植物细胞丰度组成中始终占据绝对优势地位。相关性分析发现,浮游植物细胞丰度、温度和溶解氧两两间呈现出极显著相关性(P<0.01),其中仅细胞丰度与溶解氧之间呈现正相关(r>0),其余两两间为负相关关系(r<0)。  相似文献   

2000年夏季南极普里兹湾及邻近海域浮游植物研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
报道了2000年夏季(1月)在62°~69°S,70°30'~75°30'E的南极普里兹湾邻近海域浮游植物种类组成、丰度分布、叶绿素a浓度及其环境调控.结果表明,调查海区共有浮游植物4门33属65种、变种和变型.浮游植物平均细胞丰度为32.67×103个/dm3.浮游植物细胞丰度和叶绿素a浓度高值均出现在水体较稳定的近岸海湾和冰间湖及毗邻陆架,在大陆坡和深海区它们的值明显减小.浮游植物细胞丰度和叶绿素a浓度在0~50m水层最大,100m以下水层随深度的增加而减小.浮游植物丰度呈昼夜变化,在13:00丰度最高.浮游植物优势种为短菱形藻(Nitzschiacurta),占总丰度的24.8%.浮游植物种类组成和细胞丰度与浮冰和水团稳定性有关.经回归分析,浮游植物细胞丰度与水温、溶解氧成显著正相关,与无机磷(PO43--P)和无机氮(NO3--N)成显著负相关.  相似文献   

二甲基硫(DMS)是海水中一种最重要的、含量最丰富的还原态挥发性生源有机硫化物,前体β-二甲基巯基丙酸内盐(DMSP)的降解过程受各种因素影响。其中主要包括温度、DMSP的浓度、氧气、盐度、酸度、颗粒粒度、藻类生长期、季节变化、氧化压力、抑制剂等。它们均与DMSP降解速率呈一定的函数关系,并对DMSP的降解产物产生影响。藻类是DMSP的主要来源,因此着重讨论了温度、盐度、酸度等对不同浮游植物细胞内DMSP与DMS生物生产和转化过程的影响。结合海洋硫循环的研究现状和海洋化学发展的趋势,探究了用颗粒态DMSP与Chla的比率来量化碳和硫通量的方法及DMSP裂解酶活性的检验技术。大气中CO2压力持续增加导致的海洋酸化对藻类中DMSP降解过程的影响也是进一步研究的重点。  相似文献   

Apparent oxygen utilization (AOU), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption spectra, and CDOM fluorescence characteristic of aromatic amino acids (excitation/emission 280 nm/320 nm; F(280/320)) and marine-humic like substances (320 nm/410 nm; F(320/410)) were measured in full depth during a cruise in the temperate Eastern North Atlantic (ENA). An optimum multi-parameter (OMP) inverse method was run to calculate water mass proportion-weighted average (archetypal) concentrations of these chemical parameters for all water masses and samples. Archetypal concentrations retain the variability due to water mass mixing and basin scale mineralization from the water mass formation sites to the study area. Conversely, the difference between measured and archetypal concentrations, retain the variability due to dissimilarities in mineralization processes within the study area. Our analysis indicates that DOC supported 26±3% of the AOU in the dark temperate ENA and that basin scale processes occurring at and from the formation area of the water masses explained 63% of the total DOC variability. Our data also suggests that DOC remineralized at the basin scale was of lower molecular weight, and with a lower proportion of fluorescent aromatic amino acids than found within the study area. The relationship between the absorption coefficient at 254 nm (aCDOM(254)) and AOU indicates that aCDOM(254) was consumed during organic matter remineralization in the dark ocean, with 55% of the variability being explained by basin scale processes. The relationships of F(320/410) with AOU and DOC confirmed that marine humic-like substances are produced by microbial degradation processes, at a rate of 6.1±0.9×10−3 mg equivalents of QS mol AOU−1. Our results also indicate that basin-scale remineralization processes account for 85% of the total variability of F(320/410), emphasizing that large scale processes control the formation of humic-like substance in the dark ENA.  相似文献   

四种重金属对刺参幼参的急性致毒效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用静水试验法,在水温18.5℃~20℃的条件下,用Cu2 ,Zn2 ,Cd2 和Cr6 四种重金属对刺参幼参进行了单一急性毒性试验。结果表明:Cu2 对刺参幼参的24h,48h,72h和96hLC50分别为0.299,0.176,0.133和0.120mg/L;Zn2 的24h,48h,72h和96hLC50分别为6.700,3.624,2.577和1.951mg/L;Cd2 的24h,48h和72hLC50分别为4.246,2.588和2.137mg/L;Cr6 的24h,48h和72hLC50分别为31.974,7.499和3.808mg/L;Cu2 ,Zn2 ,Cd2 和Cr6 对刺参幼参的安全浓度分别为0.018,0.362,0.259和0.750mg/L。四种重金属对刺参幼参的毒性大小依次为Cu2 >Cd2 >Zn2 >Cr6 。  相似文献   

Considering the characteristics of seabed ground in coastal reclamation area, ultra soft clay improvement method by heavy tamping after rockfilling displacement was proposed combined with a case study. The improvement mechanisms of the method can primarily be attributed to rockfilling displacement (RD), dynamic compaction (DC), dynamic replacement (DR) and dynamic replacement and mixing (DRM). For the case study given in this article, heavy tamping construction program was proposed based on field pilot tests. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the proposed ground improvement method was verified through in situ plate load test, sand fill test and the analyses of observed settlement data. Thus, the method of heavy tamping after rockfilling displacement is applicable for the improvement of seabed ground in coastal reclamation area. It is proposed for similar projects that heavy tamping of fills may be performed by layers and correspondingly tamping energy increased to further enhance the improvement effect of DC, DR and DRM. In addition, delayed improvement effect or time effect of soil mass after heavy tamping is still an issue to be further studied.  相似文献   

本文以鲈鱼为实验材料,以鲈鱼体内的丙二醛含量为指标研究了在水样中16种多环芳烃组分和外加芘为实验试剂的条件下,鲈鱼体内不同器官、组织的脂质过氧化程度的变化.实验结果表明:(1)在鲈鱼鳃、全血中的丙二醛浓度较高,而肝脏的丙二醛浓度较低。(2)水样中多环芳烃及外加芘的暴露能导致鲈鱼肝的丙二醛浓度升高,这表明多环芳烃以及芘的暴露能引起鲈鱼肝内脂质过氧化程度的提高。(3)水体中多环芳烃及外加芘浓度的变化对鲈鱼肝的丙二醛浓度的影响具有可逆性,且鲈鱼肝的丙二醛浓度与水环境的多环芳烃(包括芘)暴露浓度呈良好的正相关关系。这说明:鲈鱼肝的丙二醛浓度可作为指示水环境的多环芳烃污染程度的指标。由于生物体内的丙二醛浓度受多种因素的影响,在使用丙二醛浓度指标来指示海洋环境的多环芳烃污染时。最好与其他指标配合使用,以更准确地指示海洋环境多环芳烃污染。  相似文献   

Non-indigenous species (NIS) can create significant risks when introduced to foreign ecosystems. One of the many vectors facilitating the global transport of NIS is ballast water, and as commercial shipping increases so does the threat of ballast water-mediated introductions. Despite Canadian regulations, consistent with international guidelines put forth by the International Maritime Organization in the early 1990s, ballast water remains a potential vector for the introduction of many NIS to Canadian marine ecosystems: there have been no new introductions in the Laurentian Great Lakes Region since 2006, yet marine ecosystems continue to see the introduction and establishment of NIS. This paper details and analyzes the development of Canadian ballast water management (BWM), in the context of marine ecosystems, and identifies issues therein. BWM in Canada has a number of management gaps that have persisted since large-scale BWM began in the late 1980s. These include BWM exemptions for vessels not exiting the North American continental shelf, and limitations of effectiveness of mid-ocean exchange as the predominant management method in marine ecosystems. In addition, ballast water regulations for the Canadian Arctic may require additional consideration as the Arctic will likely continue to see an increase in both warming and commercial shipping in the future, thereby increasing the potential risk of NIS. In order to adequately protect all Canadian marine ecosystems, it is recommended that the current BWM regime: fill gaps in management to help prevent further introduction and spread of NIS; focus equally on both marine and freshwater regions, and; look to other aggressive BWM strategies such as those being developed by the state of California.  相似文献   

对虾养殖生态系中有机碳的初步研究本研究由   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于围隔养殖对虾生态系中有机碳的变动进行了研究 ,结果表明 :溶解有机碳 (DOC)含量波动在 5 .2 99~ 13.39mg/ L之间 ,平均为 8.5 3mg/ L± 2 .2 5 mg/ L;颗粒有机碳 (POC)含量波动在0 .6 5~ 6 .6 3mg/ L之间 ,平均为 3.2 5 mg/ L± 1.76 mg/ L;总有机碳 (TOC)含量波动在 6 .92~ 2 0 .0 2mg/ L之间 ,平均为 11.78mg/ L± 3.82 mg/ L ;其中 DOC∶ POC∶ TOC为 0 .72∶ 0 .2 8∶ 1。各种有机碳组分的含量明显高于自然海水中各种有机碳的含量 ;各种有机碳组分的含量在养殖期间总体上呈上升的趋势 ;其变化与 DCOD的变化呈显著线性正相关的关系。  相似文献   

以固相萃取/气相色谱法测定了莱州湾海域水体中22种有机氯农药和多氯联苯类化合物的浓度水平和分布特征。结果表明,莱州湾海域表层水体中有机氯农药浓度范围为N.D.~32.7ng/L,底层水中的浓度范围为N.D.~11.7ng/L。在该海域水体中共检出有机氯农药3种,β-666是水体中主要的有机氯农药污染物。多氯联苯类在底层水样中检出2种,总浓度范围在4.5~27.7ng/L之间。该海域有机氯农药和多氯联苯的分布特征是近岸高,离岸低,由近岸向湾外延伸方向依次递减。并对莱州湾表层水中总有机氯农药与海水盐度、氯度、溶解氧和pH间的关系作了初步探讨,得出总有机氯农药与盐度、氯度间有一定的相关关系,相关系数均为0.59。方法测定5种有机氯农药化合物的空白加标回收率为97.3%~126.0%,相对标准偏差为2.8%~8.6%;测定5种多氯联苯类化合物的空白加标回收率为88.6%~151.8%,相对标准偏差为6.7%~10.4%。  相似文献   

为了从细节层次(LOD)地形中获取准确的坐标值,依据LOD地形的特点和OpenGL的拾取机制提出了一种与传统方法不同的方案,实验证明该方法无论在精度还是在速度上都能够满足要求。  相似文献   

The boundary between the Atlantic and Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean is a key spot of the thermohaline circulation, where the following water masses mix up: Indian Central water (ICW), South Atlantic Central Water (SACW), Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW), North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW), Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) and Antarctic Winter Water (WW). An optimum multiparameter analysis based on the distributions of potential temperature, salinity, NO (=O2+9.3×NO3) and silicate during the GoodHope 2004 (GH04) cruise allowed us to (i) define the realms of these water masses; (ii) obtain the water mass proportion weighted-average (archetypal) apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations of each water mass; and (iii) estimate the contribution of DOC to the oxygen demand of the study area. WW represented only 5.2% of the water volume sampled during GH04, followed by WSDW with 10.8%, NADW with 12.7%, SACW with 15.3%, AAIW with 23.1% and CDW with 32.8%. The distributions of DOC and AOU were mainly explained by the mixing of archetypal concentrations of these variables, 75±5% and 65±3% respectively, which retained the variability due to the basin-scale mineralization from the formation area to the barycentre of each water mass along the GH04 line. DOC accounted for 26±2% and 12±5% of the oxygen demand of the meso- and bathypelagic ocean, respectively. Conversely, local mineralization processes, retained by the residuals of the archetypal concentrations of DOC and AOU, did not contribute to improve significantly the mixing model of DOC.  相似文献   

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