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海底土的物理、力学特性是海洋地质学、海洋土工学、海洋地质灾害等调查研究及海洋资源开发环境条件调查和评价等方面非常重要的资料,海底静力触探试验(CPT)是获取这方面资料的一种快速高效、成本低、测试精度高的原位测试方法。它可同时获取海底土锥尖阻力、侧摩阻力等方面的连续原位测试数据,这些数据与海底土取样样品测试分析资料及物探资料结合,可对海底土的工程特性等作比较全面的分析和评价。本文对采集的海底土样的静力触探参数与海底土样的物理力学指标进行相关分析,分粘性土和砂类土二类,建立了海底浅表层土的静力触探参数与物理力学指标之间的相关方程。利用相关方程可以通过静力触探的数据来推算土的物理力学指标,进而对海底土的工程情况作较全面的评价。  相似文献   

利用东海陆架海底输油管道路由调查获得的孔压静力触探数据和钻探资料等,采用统计分析的方法,对管道路由区5 m以浅土体的孔压静力触探曲线特征、土的分类方法鉴别作了探讨,结果表明:研究区5 m以浅黏性土的锥尖阻力(qc),侧摩阻力(fs)值较小,且随深度呈线性增加,粉质土的qc,fs值增大,但随深度线性增加规律不明显,砂类土的qc值急剧增大,但fs值变化不大;Robertson法和Eslami-Fellenius法两种土类划分方法均适用于研究区浅表层软土的土类划分,但Robertson法在判别粉质土时受到一定限制,Eslami-Fellenius法判别较为准确,应用简单。本研究可为我国在海底管线工程路由勘察中直接利用孔压静力触探(CPTU)参数划分土层和判别土类作铺垫。  相似文献   

论述基于Downhole CPT的海底静力触探工艺和实施方案,并在此基础上研制了适用于水深10~100 m,触探最大深度120 m的海底静力触探设备。对设备中的管内锥探总成、海底机座以及推进速度控制策略等核心问题进行了探讨。码头与海底试验中,触探数据结果与钻探取样基本符合,验证了工艺方案与触探设备达到了预期的工艺要求。  相似文献   

随着碎石土强夯地基的推广应用,解决如何对其进行快速有效地检测,提供其准确的强度及变形参数问题,具有重要的经济及安全意义。提出了一种利用平板静力载荷试验、动力触探、地基动刚度测试三种基本手段,建立相关数学模型,主要应用后两种手段进行联合检测的新思路。并将相关数学模型以经验公式的形式进行了总结,对碎石土强夯地基的检测具有指导意义。  相似文献   

轻型海洋静力触探系统是适合于海上作业的电测式原位测试系统,它通过传感器可以同步测量锥端阻力、侧壁摩擦力及孔隙水压力等3项指标,从而推算海底土力学参数。使用轻型海洋静力触探系统在黄河水下三角洲浅水区域进行了地质勘察,勘察结果表明:该系统运行稳定,操作简单,测试结果可靠,成果可以在海底土层结构划分、地基土承载力计算和土体液化判别等方面进行应用,从而避免了常规地质钻探取芯对样品扰动造成测试结果失真的问题,该项原位测试技术可以在海洋工程或油气开发中得到广泛的应用。  相似文献   

近年来,在天津沿海地区的工程勘察中,积累了大量的静力触探参数资料与地基土层的物理力学参数资料。利用计算机的EXCEL数据处理软件,将各地基土层的地基土物理力学参数统计平均,同时将相应土层的静力触探参数统计平均,然后对平均后的数据进行统计回归,得到静力触探参数(锥尖阻力qc与侧摩阻力fs)与地基土层物理力学参数(天然含水量ω、天然密度ρ、孔隙比e、压缩系数a及压缩模量Es)间的统计回归方程。在天津沿海地区进行工程勘察时,利用所得方程可从静力触探参数(或土体物理力学参数)方便地得到土体物理力学参数(或静力触探参数),进而可以节约外业勘察或室内试验的工作量。  相似文献   

海床式静力触探设备工作效率高,能够实现从垂向上对地层的连续探测,数据分辨率较好。通过对黄河口海域3个静力触探孔和1个地质钻孔的分析,将研究区20m以浅地层自上而下划分为粉土、粉质黏土、粉土夹粉砂或粉砂、粉质黏土、粉土五层,静力触探曲线对粉土层中的硬壳层和粉质黏土层中的贝壳夹层等特殊地质现象有很好的反映。对粉质黏土的静力触探参数与物理力学参数进行相关性分析,得到适合该区域的回归方程。采用基于CPT数据的液化判别法,对研究区表层粉土液化可能性进行评判,通过Seed简化法计算的周期应力比(CSR)与Olsen法计算的周期阻力比(CRR)的大小比较,得出当抗震设防烈度为7度时,研究区表层粉土不会液化,当抗震设防烈度为8度时,粉土层将发生液化,计算最大液化深度3.7m。  相似文献   

南黄海油气资源区粘性土物理力学性质及微结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用土质学的显微结构理论和技术方法,研究了南黄海油气资源区粘性土微结构特征。结合原状样物理力学性质参数,研究颗粒接触、堆垒、孔隙等现象与物理力学性质之间的关系。研究结果表明,沉积物主要为粘质粉土、淤泥质粉质粘土和淤泥等粘性土,其微结构类型有粒状链接微结构、蜂窝状微结构和疏松基质状微结构3种,其中淤泥类土主要为蜂窝状微结构和疏松基质状微结构,结构疏松,孔隙度较大,含水率很高,强度低,压缩性高。粘质粉土为粒状链接微结构.含水率较低,孔隙度相对淤泥类土较小,抗剪强度比淤泥类土略高,压缩性较高。该区粘性土为不理想工程地基土,工程施工时应采取相应措施避开或对其进行改良。  相似文献   

承受水平荷载作用的桩基,规范中常采用m法进行桩基水平承载力的计算,地基土水平地基抗力系数的比例系数m值在规范中根据地基土的状态、类别以表格给出。在地基勘察中,现在广泛采用静力触探试验。直接利用静力触探数据给出比例系数m值。将使桩基设计所用参数更加直接准确。本文利用天津地区地层大量静力触探资料与地基土状态数据,利用统计分析回归方法,总结出地基土的液性指数IL与静力触探参数锥尖阻力qc及摩阻比Rf间的关系式,针对天津的地层土体,给出利用静力触探资料查用m值的表格,为桩基的设计计算提供资料。  相似文献   

浅海海底声参数是影响声场传播的重要参量。文中根据信号的相位特性对反演稳定性的影响进行了数值模拟;并于2002年8月在黄海海区进行了海底声参数反演实验。利用垂直入射脉冲和海底回波数据进行海底声参数反演,由于海底回波信号随穿透深度增加而导致回波信号的信噪比降低,为了有效地增加海底声阻抗反演深度,提出平滑分段抽取冲激响应,重建声阻抗剖面的方法。结合Hamilton经验公式,分离海底声速、密度,反演结果与海底采样样本分析值、经验值吻合较好。  相似文献   

The Huanghe River(Yellow River) Delta has a wide distribution of fine-grained soils. Fluvial alluviation, erosion,and wave loads affect the shoal area, resulting complex physical and mechanical properties to sensitive fine-grained soil located at the river-sea boundary. The cone penetration test(CPT) is a convenient and effective in situ testing method which can accurately identify various soil parameters. Studies on undrained shear strength only roughly determine the fine content(FC) without ma...  相似文献   

The penetration depth of torpedo anchor in two-layered soil bed was experimentally investigated. A total of 177 experimental data were obtained in laboratory by varying the undrained shear strength of the two-layered soil and the thickness of the top soil layer. The geometric parameters of the anchor and the soil properties (the liquid limit, plastic limit, specific gravity, undrained shear strength, density, and water content) were measured. Based on the energy analysis and present test data, an empirical formula to predict the penetration depth of torpedo anchor in two-layered soil bed was proposed. The proposed formula was extensively validated by laboratory and field data of previous researchers. The results were in good agreement with those obtained for two-layered and single-layered soil bed. Finally, a sensitivity analysis on the parameters in the formula was performed.  相似文献   

浅层沉积物不排水抗剪强度(Su)是深水作业的关键参数之一。为了获取南海神狐海域首次海域天然气水合物试采区W18-19框体的基本工程地质特征,试采工程准备阶段开展了原位孔压静力触探测试(CPTU)及大量的室内实验。本文将主要基于CPTU计算不排水抗剪强度的基本模型,采用微型十字板、电动十字板、袖珍贯入仪及不固结不排水三轴实验,确定该区域不排水抗剪强度的基本模式,并提出适用于南海神狐钙质黏土层的不排水抗剪强度纵向分布规律计算模型,对该区域水合物上覆层的不排水抗剪强度进行预测。 结果表明,基于总锥端阻力、有效锥端阻力、超孔隙压力的模型系数分为13.8、4.2、14.4。综合考虑地层压实效应和含气情况,本文提出的分段函数预测模型与室内结果的一致性较好,可用于工程设计阶段进行工区不排水抗剪强度纵向分布规律的预测。另外,基于有效锥端阻力的不排水抗剪强度经验模型适应于浅层极软-较硬压实的钙质粘土层,基于超孔隙压力的不排水抗剪强度模型适用于较硬-坚硬的不含气层,而基于总锥端阻力的不排水抗剪强度计算模型则适用于坚硬含气的钙质黏土层。本文提出的分段函数模型有效的提高了经验模型在南海神狐水合物赋存区的适用性,计算结果可为工程安全评价提供支撑。  相似文献   

Undrained shear strength is a fundamental parameter for estimating the stability of soft soils. This study explores the relationship between undrained shear strength, void ratio, and shear wave velocity for saturated and normally consolidated clay specimens. The undrained shear strength void ratio-shear wave velocity relationship was correlated to empirically determined parameters of selected marine clay specimens. To verify the proposed relationship between undrained shear strength and shear wave velocity, in situ flat dilatometer tests were used for determining the undrained shear strength, and downhole tests were used to assess the shear wave velocity on a natural soil deposit at various depths. The undrained shear strength estimated from the in situ shear wave velocities was compared to the undrained shear strength obtained in the field. The results show that the inferred undrained shear strength yield similar values and follow the same trends as the in situ undrained shear strength data. This method using shear wave velocity can help to nondestructively estimate the undrained shear strength of soft soils in the field and be used in both on-shore and off-shore geotechnical engineering projects.  相似文献   

黄河口粉质土沉积物侵蚀性动态变化试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过一系列室内试验,研究了黄河口粉质类沉积物在循环动荷载作用后侵蚀性的变化.在试验中,采用真空预压固结装置制备重塑土样,采用液压伺服土动三轴试验机实现了不同幅值及不同振次的动荷载作用条件,并通过动三轴静态试验及贯入强度测试,测定了动荷载作用后土样强度的变化.通过水槽冲刷试验测试了不同条件的动荷载作用后,土样抗冲刷能力的变化,并进行了临界剪切应力的计算.试验结果表明:对于黄河口粉质类沉积物,动荷载作用后其强度及抗侵蚀性均降低;沉积物强度指标(不排水剪切强度、残余强度、贯入阻力)、侵蚀性指标(起动流速、临界剪切应力、冲刷率)与动荷载幅值、动荷载振次均呈现出较好的线性相关性.  相似文献   

The soil resistance developed during temperature- and pressure-induced large lateral movements of shallowly embedded subsea flowlines is an important input parameter for the structural design process. A major source of uncertainty in calculation of the soil resistance is the undrained shear strength of the soil berm produced as the flowline moves across the seabed, which is affected by the level of remoulding. To investigate the effect of pipeline embedment and displacement amplitude on the shear strength of the berm, a set of centrifuge model tests was conducted on kaolin clay, involving laterally moving pipelines with constant embedments in the range 5%–35% of the pipe diameter. Back-analysis of the test results, using finite element limit analysis, showed that the shear strength of the soil berm is a function of pipe displacement amplitude, pipe embedment, and soil sensitivity. On the basis of these results, we propose that the overall berm undrained shear strength may be determined as a convolution of the shear strengths of its constituent soil elements. Finally, a formula is presented for calculating the shear strength of soil elements within the soil berm, and this is used to back-analyse the overall soil berm resistance from the model tests.  相似文献   

鉴于海底浅表层软黏土强度测试精细化程度不足的现状,引入流体测试中的流变仪,对青岛海域海底浅表层软黏土开展多组原状和重塑试样的不排水剪切强度试验,通过对比静力触探和微型十字板测试结果,验证了流变仪测试方法的有效性。基于流变仪试验结果,揭示了海底软黏土原状和重塑状态下不排水剪切破坏模式,探讨了海底软黏土不排水剪切强度和灵敏度随埋深及液性指数的发展演变趋势,评价了软黏土的结构性特征。最后,引入含水率与液限之比对海底浅表层软黏土重塑不排水剪切强度进行了归一化分析,为近海海洋开发活动提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Conductor casing jetting technique has been increasingly applied in deepwater drilling. The insight into the jetting excavation mechanisms is critical in guiding a successful conductor casing jetting operation. The real- time continuous jet excavation process is simulated with the volume of fluid (VOF) multiphase method of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) ANSYS Fluent calculation software in the current study. The cohesive soil is modelled by using a kind of viscous fluid with Herschel-Bulkley model. In addition, a laboratory half round nozzle jet excavation test is designed for verification by comparison of the observed jet excavation profile with the numerical results. The sensitivity parameters affecting the conductor jetting excavation mechanism in cohesive soil are thus investigated. It is found that the application of Herschel-Bulkley (HB) model for cohesive soil and the VOF method of Fluent can provide a good simulation of jet excavation process. The maximum excavation depth can be determined by the undrained ultimate bearing capacity of the circular foundation with a bearing capacity factor of 6.7. The nozzle position, jet velocity and soil strength have significantly influence on the depth and width of the jet excavation profile in conductor oblique jet.  相似文献   

For decades, various well-known empirical correlations have been established and commonly used to estimate the undrained shear strength of normally consolidated clays in geotechnical practice. However, there are still many contradictory cases regarding the validity of these correlations, so their applicability and reliability are questionable. In this study, an extensive geotechnical database for normally consolidated clays has been compiled. Next, a Bayesian nonparametric method is exploited to identify the most critical soil index properties in inferring the undrained shear strength and a new predictive model is proposed. Finally, the performance of the proposed predictive model is assessed and compared with two well-known correlations using an independent testing database. It confirms that the proposed model not only possesses high predictability, but also provides superior performance over other existing empirical correlations.  相似文献   

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