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长江口及邻近海域营养盐四季分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用2006年夏、冬季,2007年春、秋季四个航次营养盐调查数据,分析了硝酸盐(NO3)、亚硝酸盐(NO2-)、铵盐(NH4+)、活性磷酸盐(PO43-)和活性硅酸盐(SiO32-)四季大面及典型断面(M1、M4、O6断面)分布特征.结果表明:营养盐大面基本呈西高东低分布趋势,NO3-、PO43-和SiO32-,在长江...  相似文献   

以2010年2-3月对渤海海峡进行的3个断面的调查资料为依据,分析并讨论了渤海海峡冬季营养盐的分布特征及其影响因素.结果表明:冬季,由于强烈的垂直混合作用,渤海海峡水体中水温、营养盐及叶绿素a (Chl-a)的分布基本呈上下一致的特征.调查海域营养盐的分布基本呈现出近岸高,中部低;西南部高,北部低的特征,这与近岸受陆源...  相似文献   

37°N断面营养盐和溶解氧的四季分布特征及变化*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以2006年7月至2007年10月期间,4个季节的4个航次对37°N断面的调查资料为依据,分析并讨论了该断面四季生源要素的分布特征以及变化趋势.结果表明:该断面受黄海冷水团和陆源输入的影响,东西两侧的生源要素及温盐特征明显不同.夏季断面东倒由于受到冷水团的控制,底层出现明显的低温、高盐、高营养盐和高溶解氧的特征,并且跃层明显;西侧浅水区的温盐及生源要素的变化则相对均匀.冬季由于温跃层的消失,上下水体混合均匀,故而温盐及生源要素的垂直分布趋于均匀,断面西侧由于受到陆源输入的影响营养盐的浓度明显较东侧高.春季是增温降盐,营养盐逐渐消耗,东侧温跃层逐渐形成的过程;而秋季则恰恰相反.  相似文献   

通过对楚科奇海及邻近的北冰洋深水区表层沉积物中有机碳同位素含量(δ13C)、氮同位素含量(δ15N)及生物成因SiO2(BSiO2)含量分析,结果表明海源和陆源有机质的分布受海区环流结构和营养盐结构所制约.楚科奇海中西部和楚科奇海台受太平洋富营养盐海水的影响,海洋生产力高,沉积物中海源有机质和BSiO2含量高;靠阿拉斯加一侧海域海水的营养盐含量和生产力都偏低,沉积物中陆源有机质比重增加;在研究区北部和东北部的楚科奇高地和加拿大海盆,冰封时间较长,营养盐供应少,海洋生产力低,但来自马更些河和阿拉斯加北部的陆源有机质增多,沉积物中BSiO2含量小于5%,海源有机质百分含量小于40%.由于亚北极太平洋水通过楚科奇海向北冰洋海盆输送,研究区营养盐池表现为开放系统,营养盐的利用率与它的供应成反比,与海洋生产力成反比.  相似文献   

吕宋海峡120°E断面水交换特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用2007年7~8月吕宋海峡120°E断面(18.5°N~21.5°N)CTD观测数据,分析了该断面的温度、盐度和密度分布特征,并用动力计箅方法计算了断面的流速,得到了通过该断面的海水体积通量.计算结果显示,通过断面的海水主要由南海向太平洋输送,总的交换量为3.15 Sv.19°30'N~20°30'N之间,南海水通过吕宋海峡进入太平洋,而19°30'N以南和20°30'N以北至21°30'N之间.海水由太平洋进入南海.此外,流出吕宋海峡的表层流速最大可达1.3 m/s,流入南海的表层流速最大可达60 cm/s,位于19°30'N以南.  相似文献   

研究渤海的可持续发展.根据 1979~1999 年渤海中部断面温度、盐度、溶解氧、营养盐的调查资料,分析了它们的分布结构和20年来的变化趋势.结果显示断面各个要素冬季的垂向分布均匀,夏季有2个冷水中心,盐度、溶解氧、营养盐在冷中心位置也出现了类似的高值或者低值中心.各要素的距平图显示盐度有上升趋势,溶解氧含量下降,无机氮逐年增加,磷酸盐和硅酸盐夏季有下降的趋势,但是冬季没有明显的增加或者减少的趋势.  相似文献   

探讨了北太平洋中低纬度海区的总有机磷(TOP)、总有机氮(TON)以及无机溶解营养盐的分布规律.分析结果表明,表层水体中TOP和TON含量占TP和TN的大部分,TOP和TON的平均含量分别占TP和TN的57.5%~94.2%和75.0%~98.4%,高值出现在表层,而低值出现在深层水体中.空间分布上,表层海水中的TOP...  相似文献   

黄海鳀鱼产卵场和越冬场营养盐分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过2002年11月、2003年1月和2004年6~7月的营养盐资料,讨论了黄海鳀鱼(Engraulis japoni-cus)产卵场和越冬场营养盐在秋、冬、夏三个季节分布变化特征.分析结果表明:黄海鳀鱼产卵场和越冬场表层营养盐随季节变化明显.秋季,营养盐在调查海区的南部出现最高值,向北递减,在朝鲜半岛沿岸浓度也较高;冬季,营养盐分布高值区出现在南黄海中部及朝鲜半岛西南近岸,表底层分布大致相同;夏季,在鳀鱼产卵场近岸形成了营养盐的高值区.在调查海域表层,PO43-和SiO32-分布冬季最高,秋季最低;DIN冬季最低,秋季最高.在底层,PO43-、SiO32-和DIN均是秋季最高,PO43-和DIN冬季高于夏季,而SiO32-则是夏季较高.对比了N/P,Si/N值,三个季节N/P值都大于Redfield值,尤其是夏季(50),Si/N值也略小于Redfield值.黄海鳀鱼产卵/越冬场浮游植物光合作用受N限制的可能性极小,绝大部分水域主要是受P限制,Si的含量普遍较高,它不可能成为限制因子.  相似文献   

根据2012年9月对莱州湾西南部海域及其毗邻10条河流的调查结果,以及近30年来关于莱州湾海域表层水营养盐的调查资料,报道了各条河流和近海海域的营养盐状况及该海域营养盐的长期变化趋势,结果表明:(1)10条主要调查河流的总溶解态氮(TDN)平均含量在1.82~10.66mg/L之间,其中有8条河流超过河流总氮劣五类水质标准,6条河流硝态氮(NO3-N)含量高于氨氮(NH4-N)。(2)所调查的5个近海断面中小清河口近海断面、虞河口近海断面及溢洪河口近海断面的DIN平均含量超过海水无机氮第四类水质标准;除小清河口近海断面外其余近海断面活性磷(PO4-P)含量均属一类海水水质。(3)部分断面营养盐含量在河口混合区淡水端升高,可能与咸淡水混合动力作用相关;莱州湾西部区域营养盐含量高于南部区域,南部的堤河氮、磷含量极高;原油开采活动可能是影响附近水体中营养盐含量及形态的重要因素。(4)从20世纪80年代初至90年代中期,莱州湾表层水无机氮平均含量经历了由低到高的变化,到90年代后期已属劣四类海水水质;无机磷平均含量在该时段呈降低趋势,但到90年代后期也保持在较高水平,随后又波动下降。(5)所调查的莱州湾近海区域整体处于磷限制潜在富营养状态;氮磷摩尔比(N∶P)在所考察的大部分时段内高于Redfield阈值(16),净营养盐收支呈磷减少而氮增加的总体变化趋势,近年来磷限制程度有所减缓。  相似文献   

2015年9月,分两个航次同时对西北太平洋及中国东部近海上空海洋气溶胶进行采集.对样品中的Na~+、K~+、Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、Cl~-、NH~+_4、NO~-_3、SO~(2-)_4、甲基磺酸(MSA)等9种组分进行了分析,结合数理统计方法探究两个海域上空海洋气溶胶的来源.结果表明西北太平洋及中国东部近海海域气溶胶来源具有显著差异,西北太平洋海域气溶胶以海盐来源为主,中国东部近海海域则受陆源气溶胶影响较大,K~+、Ca~(2+)及二次气溶胶含量明显高于西北太平洋;此外,中国东部近海海域气溶胶中MSA含量平均值高于西北太平洋.本研究还估算了NH~+_4、NO~-_3、SO~(2-)_4在两个海域的干沉降通量,中国东部近海营养盐气溶胶干沉降通量远大于西北太平洋,营养盐的输入有利于海洋初级生产力的提高,也会促进生物来源气溶胶的产生.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheBeringStrait, with them aximum depth lessthan 60 m , isthe uniquepassagebetween the ArcticOcean and the North Pacific Ocean, and links twoshelfseas:theBeringSeainthesouthandtheChukchiSea in the north. The background flow field oftheBering…  相似文献   

对中国第四次北极科学考察期间在白令海北部获取的海水样品进行悬浮体含量及其颗粒组分特征的分析。结果表明,白令海陆架海区悬浮体含量大体呈现出表层浓度低而底层浓度高的特点。表层海水悬浮体含量在白令海峡西侧和陆架东侧靠近阿拉斯加沿岸含量较高,而底层海水中悬浮体含量则在白令海峡西侧,以及白令海陆架西南部的圣马修岛西北侧较高。陆架流系对底床物质的再悬浮作用致使白令海悬浮颗粒物浓度的高值区多位于近底层海水中。受白令陆坡流沿陆架坡折带输运作用,研究区西南部悬浮体浓度较高。白令海陆架水以及阿纳德尔流携带悬浮颗粒向北输运,使得底层悬浮体浓度呈现出自南向北逐渐减弱的模式。圣劳仑斯岛以北靠近楚科奇半岛一侧海域,受高营养盐的阿纳德尔流的影响,悬浮颗粒物以藻类为主;东侧阿拉斯加沿岸流区悬浮颗粒则以陆源的碎屑矿物为主。  相似文献   

The distribution of the total alkalinity (TA), the total inorganic carbon (TCO2), the calcium (Ca), and the CO2 partial pressure in the waters of the northwestern Bering Sea (Anadyr Bay) and in the western part of the Chukchi Sea is considered according to the data obtained in August–September 2002. It is shown that the areas treated were sinks of atmospheric CO2 in the summer of 2002: the total CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and the seawater was equal to about −20 mmol C/(m2 day). The net community production according to the TCO2 decrease in the upper photic layer in the west of the Chukchi Sea and in the Anadyr Bay waters amounted to 48 ± 12 and 72 ± 18 g C/(m2 year), respectively. The comparison with historical data allows one to tell about the pronounced increase of the TCO2, TA, and Ca concentrations in the waters of Anadyr Bay and in the western part of the Chukchi Sea in the summer 2002. The processes that might have caused the changes observed are the enrichment of the estuarine waters in marine salts under the ice formation in winter and the decrease of the supply of the waters of the Bering Slope Current to the northwestern part of the Bering Sea.  相似文献   

In the summers of 1999 and 2003, the 1st and 2nd Chinese National Arctic Research Expeditions measured the partial pressure of CO2 in the air and surface waters (pCO2) of the Bering Sea and the western Arctic Ocean. The lowest pCO2 values were found in continental shelf waters, increased values over the Bering Sea shelf slope, and the highest values in the waters of the Bering Abyssal Plain (BAP) and the Canadian Basin. These differences arise from a combination of various source waters, biological uptake, and seasonal warming. The Chukchi Sea was found to be a carbon dioxide sink, a result of the increased open water due to rapid sea-ice melting, high primary production over the shelf and in marginal ice zones (MIZ), and transport of low pCO2 waters from the Bering Sea. As a consequence of differences in inflow water masses, relatively low pCO2 concentrations occurred in the Anadyr waters that dominate the western Bering Strait, and relatively high values in the waters of the Alaskan Coastal Current (ACC) in the eastern strait. The generally lower pCO2 values found in mid-August compared to at the end of July in the Bering Strait region (66–69°N) are attributed to the presence of phytoplankton blooms. In August, higher pCO2 than in July between 68.5 and 69°N along 169°W was associated with higher sea-surface temperatures (SST), possibly as an influence of the ACC. In August in the MIZ, pCO2 was observed to increase along with the temperature, indicating that SST plays an important role when the pack ice melts and recedes.  相似文献   

通过中国第1至第3次北极科学考察在北冰洋西部所采集的99个表层沉积物中生源与陆源粗组分的分析,研究了该海域表层生产力的变化,有机质来源以及陆源粗颗粒物质的输入方式和影响因素.研究区域生源组分所反映的表层生产力变化与通过白令海峡进入楚科奇海的3股太平洋洋流密切相关.楚科奇海西侧高盐高营养盐的阿纳德尔流流经区域,表层生产力...  相似文献   

西北太平洋楚科奇海沉积物-水界面营养盐输送通量估算   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陆架区沉积物间隙水的营养盐再生是水体营养盐补充的重要途径之一。楚科奇海陆架区中部沉积物间隙水中的营养盐分布,是物理和生物扰动较弱状态下的沉积物-水界面的典型分布。本文对中国第4次北极科学考察采集的4个多管短柱沉积物样品及多管样站位的上层水样进行分析,得到沉积物间隙水、上覆水以及水柱中营养盐数据。结果表明,沉积物间隙水各营养盐浓度均先随沉积深度增加而呈指数快速升高,记为Ⅰ层;然后进入沉积物再矿化作用与营养盐移出速率相互抵消的稳定变化层,营养盐浓度在该阶段基本不变,记为Ⅱ层;最后是营养盐缓慢递减层,记为Ⅲ层,由于该层有机质降解作用耗尽氧气,NO-3和PO3-4被还原细菌利用而失去氧离子。通过双层模式和Fick第一扩散定律,计算得出楚科奇海沉积物-水界面硅酸盐、磷酸盐和硝酸盐的扩散通量分别为1.660mmol/(m2·d)(以Si计量)、0.008mmol/(m2·d)(以P计量)、0.117mmol/(m2·d)(以N计量)(以R06站为例)。四个调查站位沉积物中硅酸盐的扩散通量分别为3.101mmol/(m2·d)(以Si计量,CC1站)、1.660mmol/(m2·d)(以Si计量,R06站)、1.307mmol/(m2·d)(以Si计量,C07站)、0.243mmol/(m2·d)(以Si计量,S23站),含量呈现明显的纬度分布特征。沉积物间隙水N*的分布表明,楚科奇海沉积环境具有很强的反硝化过程,沉积物脱氮作用是硝酸盐一个重要的汇。  相似文献   

白令海峡夏季流量的年际变化及其成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张洋  苏洁 《海洋学报》2012,34(5):1-10
白令海峡是连接太平洋和北冰洋的唯一通道,穿过海峡的海水体积通量在年际尺度上的变化主要取决于海峡南北两侧的海面高度差,白令海峡的入流对北冰洋海洋过程有重要的意义。利用SODA资料计算夏季白令海峡海水体积通量,对其年际变化及成因进行分析。结果表明夏季白令海峡的体积通量主要是正压地转的;当体积通量为正距平时,楚科奇海、东西伯利亚海、拉普捷夫海以及波弗特海南部海面高度为负距平,同时,白令海陆架海面高度为正距平;对这些海域的Ekman运动、上层海洋温度、盐度和垂直流速进行分析,发现海面高度异常与海峡体积通量的这种关系主要是与海面气压异常分布所产生的Ekman运动有关。当白令海峡的体积通量为正距平时,北冰洋中央海面气压为正距平,白令海海盆海面气压为负距平。这种气压的异常分布在一定程度上解释了上层海洋运动、海水温盐结构与白令海峡入流的关系,从而把夏季大尺度大气环流和白令海峡体积通量的年际变化联系了起来。  相似文献   

西北冰洋表层沉积物中的底栖有孔虫组合及其古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对中国第1~4次北极考察在西北冰洋采集的表层沉积物中底栖有孔虫丰度及其优势种分布特征与环境因素关系的综合研究发现,楚科奇海区低的底栖有孔虫丰度主要受较高的陆源物质输入的稀释作用影响;楚科奇海台和阿尔法脊较高的底栖有孔虫丰度主要受到暖而咸的大西洋中层水的影响;受碳酸钙溶解作用影响的门捷列夫深海平原和加拿大海盆底栖有孔虫丰度较低,并且水深3 597 m的站位出现了似瓷质壳的Pyrgo williamsoniQuinqueloculina orientalis,说明该区的CCD深度大于3 600 m。根据底栖有孔虫7个优势属种的百分含量分布特征可以划分出5个区域组合:南楚科奇海陆架-白令海峡组合以优势种Elphidium excavatumBuccella frigida为特征,可能反映受白令海陆架水影响的浅水环境;阿拉斯加沿岸-波弗特海组合以优势种Florilus scaphusElphidium albiumbilicatum为特征,可能反映受季节性海冰融化,低盐的阿拉斯加沿岸流以及河流淡水输入的低盐环境;大西洋中层水组合以优势种Cassidulina laevigata为特征,可能反映高温高盐的大西洋中层水影响的环境;北极深层水组合以优势种Cibicides wuellerstorfi为特征,可能反映水深大于1 500 m低温高盐的北极深层水环境;门捷列夫深海平原组合以优势种Oridorsalis umbonatus为特征,可能反映低营养的底层水环境。  相似文献   

On the basis of the CTD data obtained within the Bering Sea shelf by the Second to Sixth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in the summers of 2003, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014, the classification and interannual variation of water masses on the central Bering Sea shelf and the northern Bering Sea shelf are analyzed. The results indicate that there are both connection and difference between two regions in hydrological features. On the central Bering Sea shelf, there are mainly four types of water masses distribute orderly from the slope to the coast of Alaska: Bering Slope Current Water(BSCW), MW(Mixed Water), Bering Shelf Water(BSW) and Alaska Coastal Water(ACW). In summer, BSW can be divided into Bering Shelf Surface Water(BSW_S) and Bering Shelf Cold Water(BSW_C). On the northern Bering Sea shelf near the Bering Strait,it contains Anadyr Water(AW), BSW and ACW from west to east. But the spatial-temporal features are also remarkable in each region. On the central shelf, the BSCW is saltiest and occupies the west of 177°W, which has the highest salinity in 2014. The BSW_C is the coldest water mass and warmest in 2014; the ACW is freshest and mainly occupies the east of 170°W, which has the highest temperature and salinity in 2012. On the northern Bering Sea shelf near the Bering Strait, the AW is saltiest with temperature decreasing sharply compared with BSCW on the central shelf. In the process of moving northward to the Bering Strait, the AW demonstrates a trend of eastward expansion. The ACW is freshest but saltier than the ACW on the central shelf,which is usually located above the BSW and is saltiest in 2014. The BSW distributes between the AW and the ACW and coldest in 2012, but the cold water of the BSW_C on the central shelf, whose temperature less than 0°C, does not exist on the northern shelf. Although there are so many changes, the respond to a climate change is synchronized in the both regions, which can be divided into the warm years(2003 and 2014) and cold years(2008, 2010 and 2012). The year of 2014 may be a new beginning of warm period.  相似文献   

Circulation on the north central Chukchi Sea shelf   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mooring and shipboard data collected between 1992 and 1995 delineate the circulation over the north central Chukchi shelf. Previous studies indicated that Pacific waters crossed the Chukchi shelf through Herald Valley (in the west) and Barrow Canyon (in the east). We find a third branch (through the Central Channel) onto the outer shelf. The Central Channel transport varies seasonally in phase with Bering Strait transport, and is 0.2 Sv on average, although some of this might include water entrained from the outflow through Herald Valley. A portion of the Central Channel outflow moves eastward and converges with the Alaskan Coastal Current at the head of Barrow Canyon. The remainder appears to continue northeastward over the central outer shelf toward the shelfbreak, joined by outflow from Herald Valley. The mean flow opposes the prevailing winds and is primarily forced by the sea-level slope between the Pacific and Arctic oceans. Current variations are mainly wind forced, but baroclinic forcing, associated with upstream dense-water formation in coastal polynyas might occasionally be important.Winter water-mass modification depends crucially on the fall and winter winds, which control seasonal ice development. An extensive fall ice cover delays cooling, limits new ice formation, and results in little salinization. In such years, Bering shelf waters cross the Chukchi shelf with little modification. In contrast, extensive open water in fall leads to early and rapid cooling, and if accompanied by vigorous ice production within coastal polynyas, results in the production of high-salinity (>33) shelf waters. Such interannual variability likely affects slope processes and the transport of Pacific waters into the Arctic Ocean interior.  相似文献   

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