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为了探讨福建长乐东部海岸环境演变,运用探地雷达(GPR)探测了研究区海岸沙丘的沉积构造,初步得出以下结论:(1)研究区海岸沙丘沉积构造主要由海滩沉积和海岸沙丘沉积构成,其中下伏沉积为海滩波浪作用形成的波状交错层理,上覆沉积为风成大角度倾斜的交错层理以及局部的水平层理;(2)上部发育的倾向向背的大角度风成交错层理,反映了研究区丰富的沙源、宽阔的海滩、植被扩张的进积海岸特点;(3)从沉积序列分析,研究区海岸地貌环境演变经历了早期的滨岸浅海到晚期的海岸沙丘带两个阶段,反映了海岸向东的进积过程中,外力作用由波浪作用为主演变为风沙沉积作用为主。  相似文献   

对福建长乐东海(DH)海岸沙丘剖面加密采样,通过光释光(OSL)测年分析确定了DH海岸沙丘的发育年代。在统一的时间标尺上,以粒度参数作为主要代用指标,综合对比东亚和北半球其他地区小冰期(LIA)风沙沉积记录,以及东亚冬季风变化序列、北半球温度变化序列、北大西洋涛动指数(NAO)、福建海岸线历史变迁等记录,探讨长乐海岸沙丘发育过程及其环境意义。结果表明:(1)DH沙丘砂以中砂和细砂为主,总体分选极好,负偏至近对称和中等峰态,基本符合现代典型海岸风成砂的特征;(2)OSL年代学分析表明,DH沙丘是近300年来的小冰期中后期发育的,这一时期总体气候特征是冬季风偏弱条件下的干冷多风,叠加频繁的人类耕作活动,海岸沙丘广泛发育;(3)LIA晚期以来,DH沙丘平均粒径代表的风沙活动强度与东亚冬季风和北半球温度变化序列对应较好,但是与欧亚大陆西海岸的NAO位相变化晚期序列的相关性不明显。区域台风、风暴潮可能在短时间内在海岸带产生快速的风沙侵蚀和堆积,造成粒度记录信号的局部缺失或突变;(4)以DH沙丘为代表的海岸沙丘演变过程与区域海平面变动密切相关,可能记录了晚全新世海平面总体下降背景下的次级波动信息。自汉代以来,长乐海岸线逐渐后退,至今向东推进约5—10km,海退过程有效的促进了海岸沙丘向海进积发育。  相似文献   

河北昌黎典型海岸沙丘的沉积构造及其发育模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用探地雷达探测了昌黎海岸沙丘区典型横向沙脊和新月形沙丘的沉积构造,据此初步揭示了研究区海岸沙丘的沉积序列特征和发育过程。结果表明,昌黎海岸带在2 000 a BP波浪作用下发育滨岸沙坝,沙坝主要以向海向陆缓倾斜的沉积构造为主,现今的风成沉积发育于滨海相沙坝之上。海岸带向海一侧经历了潮上带前丘到横向沙脊的过程,横向沙脊在东北风的作用下主要发育向陆倾斜的高角度交错层理,同时由于向岸合成风力的阶段性变化,这些层理的倾角略有差异,记录了海岸带风沙活动的周期性变化;内侧新月形沙丘由4组倾角不同的层理组成,被较大规模的二级界面分隔,复合新月形沙丘(链)经历了由盾状沙堆到典型新月形沙丘的加积发育并遭受风蚀的过程。  相似文献   

福建长乐东部海岸沙丘风蚀坑研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沙丘风蚀坑是沙质海岸常见的风成地貌形态,是固定沙丘开始活化的明显标志.福建长乐东海岸风沙规模大、地貌类型多样,发育了许多典型的海岸沙丘地貌.由于各种自然和人为因素的作用,部分海岸沙丘发育了风蚀坑.根据对研究区风蚀坑的实地调查,本文论述了风蚀坑的形态特征、风蚀坑内的风速与风向变化,以及风蚀坑的风沙搬运与沉积过程,并对风蚀坑的成因和风蚀坑的演化阶段进行了讨论.文中得出以下几点结论:(1)研究区主要发育槽形风蚀坑,风蚀坑中轴线的方位多介于NE40°~NE65°之间,两侧侵蚀壁坡度介于35°~40°之间.(2)大型风蚀坑,风速在顶部最大.小型风蚀坑,较狭窄部位的风速可能大于项部.(3)大型风蚀坑,沿着中轴线上风向基本上保持不变,近侵蚀壁的风向则发生不同程度的改变.小型风蚀坑,从坑口到坑顶的风向变化明显.  相似文献   

北太平洋涛动(NPO)和东亚冬季风(EAWM)二者是热带外重要的气候系统,不仅对我国甚至对整个东亚气候都有重要影响,对厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)的影响也越发受到关注。本研究利用HadISST海温资料以及美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)月平均气象场再分析资料,采用相关回归等统计方法分析研究了冬季NPO和EAWM对次年冬季ENSO发生、发展影响的差异,并分析了产生差异的可能原因。结果表明,冬季NPO和EAWM对次年冬季ENSO的影响无论是从相关性大小还是触发的ENSO强度上来说都存在明显的差异;进一步分析冬季NPO和EAWM回归的海表面温度(SST)场相关的降水和风场的季节演化特征发现:在热带太平洋区域,冬季NPO和EAWM通过激发赤道西太平洋区域西风和降水异常建立起了相应的海气正反馈机制,而这种正反馈机制在强度和位置上的不同,造成了对ENSO影响的差异。冬季NPO和EAWM年代际变化上的差异可能是另一原因。  相似文献   

对南黄海中部泥质区F306柱状样的沉积物进行分析,运用粒径—标准偏差法,得出该孔敏感粒级组分为23.10~65.30μm(5.44Φ~3.94Φ),其粒级的含量15.6%~22.3%,平均粒径38.5~41.4μm(4.70Φ~4.59Φ),证明敏感粒级可以作为东亚冬季风的高分辨率替代指标,进一步阐明了敏感粒级作为东亚冬季风替代指标在更高分辨率上的可行性。根据敏感粒级沉积记录,在1950—1986年期间,将东亚冬季风分为强—弱—强3个阶段,指示了该阶段东亚冬季风存在近10年的周期。1986/1987为近60多年来东亚冬季风由强变弱的转折点,与东亚气候变化具有较好的对应关系,首次在中国东部海域中记录了此逆转事件,认为1986年后沉积物敏感粒级的变粗可能与长江物源变粗、东亚冬季风的减弱以及夏季风增强有关。  相似文献   

尝试恢复了中全新世东亚冬季风表现出的太阳活动以及ENSO周期变化。通过对东海内陆架泥质沉积区EC2005孔进行粒度分析以及AMS碳-14测年,对高分辨率敏感粒度资料揭示的中全新世近700a(距今5.2~5.9ka)东亚冬季风记录与GRIP冰心氧同位素记录的气候变化进行了对比,良好的对应关系说明,东亚冬季风变化与格陵兰冰心揭示的古气候变化有某种内在联系,期间东亚冬季风的增强得到了良好的区域性响应,同时又具有全球性背景。中全新世东亚冬季风具有明显的周期变化,主要表现为62,11a的太阳活动周期以及与现代ENSO周期相似的6,5a周期。东海内陆架EC2005孔泥质沉积物揭示的中全新世东亚冬季风变化与格陵兰冰心氧同位素记录的良好对应说明两者有相似的发生机制,可能是太阳活动以及古ENSO对全球气候系统的影响所致。  相似文献   

末次冰期鄱阳湖西南缘地区的风尘堆积   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
鄱阳湖湖滨沙山是末次冰期特定气候条件下季风活动所产生的风成沙丘沉积体。在调查鄱阳湖沙山的过程中,发现位于鄱阳湖南部沙山下风方向的丰城—樟树—新余一带岗丘顶部几米厚的第四纪堆积地层,虽然颜色明显偏红,但地层性状及沉积学特征却与北方风成黄土及宁镇下蜀黄土有着很大的相似性。通过对具代表性的新余打鼓岭剖面进行分析,确认其成因系风力搬运而成的粉尘堆积。结合冬季风路径上沉积物粒度的空间变化特征,初步提出鄱阳湖沙山与新余一带风尘红土堆积是在末次冰期特定气候条件下,冬季风作用所形成的风沙-风尘堆积系统。鄱阳湖风成沙丘及其西南缘风尘沉积的发育是晚更新世末期江南鄱阳湖区气候环境恶化的佐证,也是对我国西北地区沙漠-黄土堆积过程的区域响应。  相似文献   

对河套地区陈普海子湖泊及其流域不同类型表层沉积物的粒度特征进行了分析,并结合放射性同位素210Pb测年,探讨了湖泊的沉积演变过程。通过主成分分析,对沉积物剖面粒度不同粒级组分含量进行了研究,分析了湖泊沉积物的物质来源,得到两个主控因子F1和F2,它们控制了湖泊沉积物近98.68%的粒度变化特征。研究表明,F1代表了以6.18μm为众数粒径的次总体,主要受流水作用控制;而F2为以42.75μm为众数粒径的次总体,主要来源于地表风沙作用。通过粒径-标准偏差方法,提取了湖泊沉积物中不同时期的环境敏感粒度组分,结果表明:在1996AD之前,流水作用所携带的细颗粒(14.1μm)决定了沉积物的粒级特征,在1960—1985AD期间表现出风沙活动强烈;1996AD以来,由于人类开展了大规模的沙荒土地开垦,流沙活动强烈,流域风沙活动所携带的粗颗粒(14.1~224.35μm)控制了沉积物的粒度组成。  相似文献   

东濮凹陷古近纪断裂活动的幕式特征及控盆作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对东濮凹陷古近纪的沉降史分析,揭示了该区古近纪断裂活动的幕式特征,探讨了断裂活动的幕式特征对盆地沉积、构造演化的控制作用。指出古近纪的断裂活动具有明显的五幕式特征,即初始活动期(Es_4)、快速活动期(Es_3~4)、衰减期(Es_3~3)、再活化期(Es_3~2-Es_2~2)及收缩期(Es_2~1-Ed);断裂活动的幕式特征直接控制着盆地古近系的三级层序界面和沉积演化特征;断裂活动的五幕式特征直接控制着盆地构造演化阶段,相应形成初始断陷期(Ek-Es_4)、快速断陷期(Es_3~4)、衰减期(Es_3~3)、再活化期(Es_3~2-Es_2~2)和收缩期(Es_2~1-Ed)。  相似文献   

黄、渤海海岸风沙地貌类型及其分布规律和发育模式   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
于1990-1994年,对黄,渤海海岸风沙地貌,风沙沉积,风沙灾害和土地沙漠化现象进行详细的外业调查,测量和填图,在此基础上,利用GIS技术原理,对海岸岗沙地貌进行系统的分类研究,对海岸风沙地貌分布规律和发育模式进行较深入的探讨,结果表明,研究区风沙地貌,风沙灾害和土地沙漠化现象主要分布在冬,春季气候干旱,风力强而持久,砂源丰富的渤海海岸和山东半岛半岸的砂质海岸地区,海岸沙丘和风成砂地总面积达70  相似文献   

Altogether three coastal dune fields, one located north and two south of the city of Essaouira, Atlantic Morocco, have been investigated to establish the distribution and overall sand volumes of various dune types. The purpose of the study was to characterize and classify the aeolian landforms of the coastal dune belt, to estimate their sand volumes and to assess the effectiveness of coastal dune stabilization measures. The northern dune field is 9 km long and lined by a wide artificial foredune complex fixed by vegetation, fences and branches forming a rectangular grid. Active and ephemeral aklé dunes border the inner backshore, while some intrusive dunes have crossed the foredune belt and are migrating farther inland. The total sand volume of the northern dune belt amounts 13,910,255 m3. The central coastal sector comprises a much smaller dune field located just south of the city. It is only 1.2 km long and, with the exception of intrusive dunes, shows all other dune types. The overall sand volume of the central dune field amounts to about 172,463 m3. The southern dune field is characterized by a narrower foredune belt and overall lower dunes that, in addition, become progressively smaller towards the south. In this sector, embryonic dunes (coppice, shadow dunes), tongue-like and tabular dunes, and sand sheets intrude from the beach, the profile of which has a stepped appearance controlled by irregular outcrops of old aeolianite and beach rock. The total volume of the southern dune field amounts 1,446,389 m3. For the whole study area, i.e. for all three dune fields combined, a sand volume of about 15,529,389 m3 has been estimated. The sand of the dune fields is derived from coastal erosion and especially the Tensift River, which enters the sea at Souira Qedima some 70 km north of Essaouira. After entering the sea, the sand is transported southwards by littoral drift driven by the mainly north-westerly swell climate and the Trade Winds blowing from the NNE. This sand feeds the beaches along the coast, from where it is blown obliquely onshore to generate the dune fields. The maximum sand input occurs in the north, from where it gradually decreases southwards, this being also reflected in the grain size and dune typologies. The study shows that dune stabilization measures have been reasonably effective along most of the coast, with the exception of a large area immediately north of Essaouira where the almost complete destruction of the plant cover has reactivated sand mobility—this may in the future threaten the city.  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphical and biostratigraphical investigation of coastal marshes along the Atlantic coast of the Outer Hebrides from Lewis in the north to Barra in the south discloses inland-tapering sand units within marshland areas. The inland extent of each sand unit has been radiometrically dated and the units have been collectively interpreted as a proxy for past coastal storminess. The data appear to indicate that for the study sites investigated, the majority of the sand units were produced during episodes of climate deterioration both prior to and after the well-known period of Medieval warmth (MWP). Many were produced after ca. AD 1400. It is argued that the episodes of sand blow indicated by the deposits may reflect periods of increased cyclogenesis in the Atlantic associated with increased sea ice cover and an increase in the thermal gradient across the North Atlantic region.  相似文献   

A key component that guarantees stability of coastal sand dunes (CSDs) is vegetation. In this study, the floristic composition and distribution from CSDs of India is reviewed. Analysis revealed a total 338 species of CSD flora, of which 92 species are found to be common to the west and east coasts. The west coast showed a greater diversity than the east coast, accounting for 267 and 163 species respectively. Fabaceae members dominated the flora and 62% of dune species exhibited an herbaceous habit. The non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (nMDS) resulted in three groups at 20% similarity. The CSD vegetation appeared to be more influenced by the geological setting and climatology of the region. The higher number of coastal dune species along the west coast is attributed to larger and extensive sandy areas. The CSD flora of India is under constant anthropogenic pressure due to rapid elimination of sand dunes and its associated vegetation. The prevailing Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notification does not guarantee the health of sand dune flora. A coastal vegetation conservation policy that ensures a succession of species in the form of a three layered biozone is proposed as a long term sustainable option to maintain biodiversity of coastal flora.  相似文献   

用沿岸上升流指数分析中国东南沿岸风生上升流的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苗馨  胡建宇 《海洋通报》2011,30(3):258-265
对1968年1月到2007年12月中国东南沿海(17°N~30°N,109°E~123°E)上升流指数月平均数据进行分析,结论如下:(1)风生沿岸上升流主要在4-8月间发生于海南岛东部、雷州半岛东部、汕头以北至浙江沿岸.(2)风生沿岸上升流的强度具有时空分布变化特征,其中海南岛东部沿岸上升流最强,浙江沿岸其次;整个中国...  相似文献   

海滩养护已经成为全球基于自然(nature-based)海岸防护的主要手段,并得到广泛应用。随着全球强风区海岸海滩养护工程数量的增加,海滩养护对海岸风沙过程产生的一系列影响逐渐得到重视。海滩养护工程形成了新的海滩地貌形态,扩大了海滩风区、增加了风沙物源、提高了滩面高程、改变了滩面沉积物,海滩地貌和沉积物组分变化引起了风沙运动过程的变化,与自然海滩风沙过程相比,有其独特的过程和特征,已经成为海岸风沙研究的热点之一。本文从海滩养护影响下的风沙环境变化、风沙活动变化以及养护海滩对沙丘的影响等3个方面梳理了国内外研究进展,提出养护海滩风沙研究存在区域不平衡以及风沙过程的综合性影响和定量化研究不足等问题,并结合我国海滩养护未来的发展趋势,从强风区养护海滩风沙运动规律、养护海滩风沙环境全要素的综合影响和风沙作用变化的模型评估等方面展望了我国养护海滩风沙研究的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

闽中南海岸风沙灾害曾经十分严重,是海岸灾害史上的一次重大事件.本文通过历史考证和综合研究认为,灾害形成于明代万历年间(1573—1578年或1595年以后),主因是明代万历年间旱作农业(甘薯等)在沙地大规模垦植,破坏海岸森林植被,触动本区海岸自然生态脆弱方面而引发的.此后又有清代初期的“迁界”等不良社会政治因素的作用而复发与加剧.灾害历经360a或380a多,至1958年以后才得以初步治理成功.当今此灾害已成为历史,但其教益深刻,今后应进一步加强海岸林业的生态建设.  相似文献   

The sedimentary structures, composition, and texture of sediments from the barrier coast complex (Matarangi Beach—Omaro Spit—Whangapoua Harbour) at Whangapoua, Coromandel Peninsula, are described. Sediments are mainly fine sands, rarely muddy or silty, and most are plagioclase feldsarenites, reflecting derivation from a predominantly Tertiary volcanic hinterland. Sediments from each of the modern environments, namely nearshore, foreshore, back‐shore, frontal dunes, tidal flats, and tidal channels, are characterised by a particular combination of sedimentary structures and subtle textural parameters. Dune ridge and barrier flat paleoenvironments on Omaro Spit were successfully identified by comparing their lithologic properties with the modern sediments. ‘Surficial’ sediments of the well‐preserved dune ridge system developed immediately inland from Matarangi Beach closely resemble those in the modern frontal dunes, and the ‘in depth’ dune ridge sediments are more analogous to the present foreshore sands. The barrier flat deposits separating the dune ridge system from Whangapoua Harbour have similar characteristics to the modern tidal flat sediments in the harbour.

Omaro Spit probably began as an offshore bar across the mouth of Whangapoua Harbour, an embayment formed by the post‐glacial drowning of a Late Tertiary dislocated fault‐block. Tidal flat sedimentation within the harbour formed the ancient barrier flat deposits which rise to at least 2 m above the modern harbour flats, suggesting local sea level at the time was higher than at present. During a subsequent cyclic fall in sea level, supratidal aeolian deposition led to a succession of 15 to 18 parallel dune ridges developed on high‐tide berms. Linear regression analyses of dune ridge and swale heights and the height distribution of positive (aeolian) and negative (beach foreshore) skewness values and of contrasting sedimentary structures in dune ridgL paleosediments, together with the stages in dune soil development across the barrier, suggest initial sedimentation occurred from 4000–5000 years ago when local sea level was 2–3 m above present mean high water level. Barrier progradation was interrupted by an important period of coastal erosion during a temporary rise in sea level immediately before deposition in the dune ridge system of a layer of 2000‐year‐old sea‐rafted Leigh Pumice. Sea level probably reached its modern position at Whangapoua about 1000 years ago, since when some evidence suggests the barrier spit may have experienced minor uplift.  相似文献   

晚更新世末期(12000-25000a BP)为玉木冰期最盛时期,气候寒冷而干燥,极地冰流的扩展使世界海面大幅度下降,我国东部沿海海面下降约130-160m,黄海、东海陆架裸露成陆。在寒冷干燥的气候条件下,陆架沉积物不仅受到强烈的机械风化作用,而且受到来自北方强大干冷气流的吹扬作用,陆架沉积物在这些外力因素的作用下破坏解体,形成一系列的风沙地貌和风沙沉积,反映出晚更新世末期南黄海陆架沙漠化景观。根据本区浅地层测量断面分析研究的结果,并结合柱状岩芯及钻孔资料,初步揭示了本地区晚更新世末期的古地貌特征。  相似文献   

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