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殷嘉晗  张林 《海洋预报》2020,37(3):72-81
利用我国第六次—第九次北极科学考察雪龙船走航探空数据,计算北极太平洋扇区和白令海的夏季对流层高度,分析对流层内的风速、温度、水汽廓线,从而确定对流层结构,并分析各要素的垂直分布和经向分布特征。结果表明:夏季北极太平洋扇区和白令海的递减率对流层顶、冷点对流层顶平均值分别为10 003 m、10 116 m,对流层高度随纬度增加而降低。夏季北极大气对流层低层和对流层顶存在逆温,对流层顶的逆温高度和厚度随纬度增加而降低。大气可降水量与纬度呈负相关,且集中于对流层中低层。近地面的风速受地表摩擦力的影响较明显,对流层内的风速随高度增加而增大,高空急流的强度和高度随纬度增加而减小,风廓线和急流易受天气尺度过程的影响。研究结果揭示了夏季北极太平洋扇区和白令海的对流层结构,并可用于检验数值预报模式对北极大气垂直结构的预报效果、评估再分析资料描述北极大气垂直结构的能力。  相似文献   

北冰洋80°~85°N浮冰区对流层大气的垂直结构   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用2008年夏季中国第3次北冰洋考察所获取的GPS探空资料对北冰洋(79°~85.5°N,144°~170°W)浮冰区对流层大气的垂直结构进行了研究.结果表明:北冰洋浮冰区对流层中部大气的平均温度递减率为6.47℃/km;对流层顶高度为8.0~10.7 km,平均为9.3 km,对流层顶温度为-59.4~-43.5℃...  相似文献   

北冰洋中心区海冰漂流与大气过程   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
利用北冰洋中心区漂流自动气象站(DAWS)2012年9月—2013年2月的观测数据,分析了北极点周围海冰漂流轨迹和速度及相关大气过程。结果显示,北冰洋中心区海冰具有不稳定漂流过程。2012年9月1日—2013年1月6日,DAWS所在海冰从西向西北方向漂流,2013年1月6日以后稳定地向东南方向漂流,平均移速为0.06m/s,最大达到0.4m/s。海冰漂流方向的突变和加速与穿极气旋和急流的影响有关。净辐射常出现短期突变过程,导致海冰从大气吸收能量,减缓了海冰的辐射冷却。爆发性增温过程的最大幅度达到30℃,是由强穿极气旋和伴随的暖湿气流向北极中心区输送引起,这种现象在中低纬度十分罕见。增温过程的作用是高空大气向冰面输送热量,导致海冰破裂,海冰硬度的脆变,减缓海冰厚度的增长,这种过程可能是北极海冰面积和厚度减少重要过程。  相似文献   

利用我国第6~9次北极科学考察期间获取的大气探空资料,分析了北极季节冰区边界层逆温的时空变化特征及其成因。分析发现:(1)边界层逆温具有较强的年际变化和空间变化,高纬度密集冰区观测到更多的强逆温现象,逆温厚度与逆温层温差呈显著的对数关系;(2)不同年份边界层逆温的主要成因有所差别:海冰分布的差异导致不同年份的边界层逆温特征不同;表面融化、辐射冷却、多层云的结构和暖平流对不同冰情年份边界层逆温的贡献程度不同;(3)开阔水域和冰区边界层逆温的成因不同。表面融化和空气平流对冰区边界层逆温的形成起着非常重要的作用,而辐射冷却是开阔水域边界层逆温的主要成因之一。  相似文献   

渤海中南部海区一次雷暴大风过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷暴大风过程的发生条件是位势不稳定层结并伴有逆温层存在,低层有强水汽辐合,有使不稳定能量释放的机制一抬升气块到凝结高度,低空有急流存在,高空有强的风垂直切变,对流层中层有干空气.利用天气分析图、卫星云图、雷达拼图等资料对2007年8月26日渤海中南部海区雷暴大风过程进行综合分析发现:雷暴之前渤海地区上空处于槽前,有大量...  相似文献   

本文选取最近二十年(1998—2017年)中国江南地区降水和北极海冰为研究对象,分析了年际时间尺度上中国江南地区降水异常与北极海冰异常的关系,并进一步通过研究关键区附近罗斯贝长波(Rossby长波)的波射线路径和中国中纬度地区波作用通量的传播异常,揭示了北极海冰通过Rossby波大气桥的调制作用影响江南地区降水的可能机制。结果表明:夏、秋季东西伯利亚海与巴芬湾的海冰密集度异常与次年中国江南地区降水异常存在显著的正相关关系。其影响机制是:关键海区海冰异常和北极放大能够激发Rossby波列型遥相关从北极关键区向中国中纬度地区传播,而关键区附近的Rossby波扰动能量在夏、秋季比冬、春季更容易传播至中国中纬度地区,并最终通过上下游遥相关效应引发中纬度副热带西风急流异常和急流入口区右侧江南地区的环流和降水异常,当海冰偏多时西风急流加强,江南地区对流不稳定发展,降水偏多。  相似文献   

风廓线雷达在重污染天气与逆温层关系研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用气象要素地面观测和环境空气质量监测数据,结合对流层风廓线雷达探测资料,深入研究了2013—2019年发生在青岛地区的65个重污染天气的逆温层变化特征及其与重污染天气的关系。结果表明:(1)青岛地区的重污染天气主要发生在12月至次年1月,重污染发生当日的空气质量指数(Air quality iudex AQI)有“双峰”结构的日变化特征;(2)逆温层早于重污染天气出现,当逆温层高度降低且强度增强,或逆温层高度维持较低、强度维持较强而厚度增厚时,重污染持续或加强;当逆温层高度升高、强度减弱或厚度变薄时,重污染减弱或消散;(3)根据热成风原理,利用风廓线雷达资料可以提前3~7 h预测当地重污染天气的发生,从根本上弥补了常规探空资料低时间分辨率的不足。本文首次将风廓线雷达资料用于分析逆温层变化,而不是平流输送作用,这不仅增加了一个判断影响AQI变化气象条件的新手段,也为今后进一步研究逆温层与重污染天气之间的关系增加了一个有效的新途径,对精准预判某地重污染天气发生的具体时间节点有重要的参考意义和业务应用价值。  相似文献   

马艳  陈尚  刘琳 《海洋学报》2008,30(6):30-38
利用一个极地中尺度数值模式(Polar MM5)对北极地区大气环流进行了2005年7月17-19日48 h的中尺度数值模拟研究。数值分析表明,2005年7月19日500 hPa高度上,北冰洋上空北极点以东由一个冷低压控制,在极点以西则是一个暖性高压系统,在地面图上对应的则是一个气旋性环流和反气旋性环流;整个极区呈现出高(反气旋)-低(气旋)-低(气旋)-高(反气旋)的波动分布型态。选择了5个北极地区探空站与相应温度场和风场的数值模拟结果进行了对比;气象变量统计分析和垂直分布表明了数值模式很好地再现了观测大气特征,表现为小的模式偏差和较高的相关系数。在Barrow站2 m处空气温度,感热通量和潜热通量具有明显的日变化特征,PolarMM5还有效地反映出此处极地逆温层和下降风的垂直结构特征。  相似文献   

利用2013年6月船载GPS探空、云高仪资料,结合ERA-Interim再分析资料、卫星资料,分析一次天气尺度扰动(锋面过境)过程对东海北部海洋大气边界层(MABL)垂直结构的影响。结果表明:受梅雨锋影响,航测区域上空在整个过程中都有低云覆盖,MABL没有呈现日变化特征;当MABL为稳定边界层时,锋面与站位距离越近,站位上空增强的上升运动导致MABL高度越高。梅雨锋过境前后云层之上都覆盖有较为稳定的逆温层,受锋面抬升作用,云底高度和云顶逆温层高度在锋面过境后高度变高;锋面过境导致航测区域上空700hPa以下大气的上升运动增强,水汽上升到更高位置,云底从MBAL中脱离。锋面过境后,3 000m以下整层大气相对湿度较大,大气层结退耦的产生导致云分层形成高度不同的多层云。  相似文献   

白令海和鄂霍次克海的海冰偶极子及其对大气环流的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于海冰历史资料的分析表明,白令海和鄂霍次克海的海冰密集度分布在某些年份表现出反位相变化的特征,尤其以冬季最为明显.合成分析的结果表明这种偶极子型海冰异常可能对大气环流(气温和位势高度)产生一定的影响.利用大气环流模式,在给定理想化的白令海、鄂霍次克海偶极子型海冰异常的情况下,通过20个冬季(1-2月)大气环流模式的集合强迫试验,研究了大气环流对这种偶极子型海冰异常的响应特征,数值试验结果与基于观测资料的合成分析比较一致:低空气温对于偶极子型海冰强迫表现为比较明显的对称性响应,气温变化具有垂直斜压的结构,气温变化主要集中在低空;高空大气温度和各层的位势高度的变化均具有显著的非对称性特征,位势高度的变化具有垂直正压结构.参考已有的理论和模拟研究结果,指出高纬地区低空大气的温度变化受直接热力学调整过程的影响明显,对称性响应分量明显,而高层大气温度和各层的大气位势高度变化是由直接热力学调整和间接动力过程响应所共同控制,非对称分量占主导.  相似文献   

The tropopause height and the atmospheric boundarylayer (PBL) height as well as the variation of inversion layer above the floating ice surface are presented using GPS (global position system ) radiosonde sounding data and relevant data obtained by Chinas fourth arctic scientific expedition team over the central Arctic Ocean (86°-88°N, 144°-170°W) during the summer of 2010. The tropopause height is from 9.8 to 10.5 km, with a temperature range between -52.2 and -54.10C in the central Arctic Ocean. Two zones of maximum wind (over 12 m/s) are found in the wind profile, namely, low- and upper-level jets, located in the middle troposphere and the tropopause, respectively. The wind direction has a marked variation point in the two jets from the southeast to the southwest. The average PBL height determined by two methods is 341 and 453 m respectively. These two methods can both be used when the inversion layer is very low, but the results vary significantly when the inversion layer is very high. A significant logarithmic relationship exists between the PBL height and the inversion intensity, with a correlation coefficient of 0.66, indicating that the more intense the temperature inversion is, the lower the boundary layer will be. The observation results obviously differ from those of the third arctic expedition zone (800-85° N). The PBL height and the inversion layer thickness are much lower than those at 870-88° N, but the inversion temperature is more intense, meaning a strong ice- atmosphere interaction in the sea near the North Pole. The PBL structure is related to the weather system and the sea ice concentration, which affects the observation station.  相似文献   

The air exchange between the Arctic and midlatitude regions is one of the processes forming the climate of the whole Northern Hemisphere. Analysis of the wind regime in the vicinity of the Arctic border (70° N) at the boundary between the 20th and 21st (1997–2004) centuries showed significant changes in the conditions of a meridional air transport between the Arctic and midlatitude regions as compared to the previous years (1960–1990). In this study, the wind fluxes of mass and heat (internal) and kinetic energies are estimated without consideration for turbulent and convective processes. The importance of spatial, seasonal, and interannual variations in wind velocity and air temperature in the formation of these fluxes is analyzed. It is shown that, during the period 1997–2004, an advective transport of energy from the northern latitudes occurred in the lower 6-km tropospheric layer at 70° N latitude over almost a whole year. Only in spring (April) did the wind fluxes bring heat energy from the south. The total amount of both heat and kinetic energies transported from the Arctic region in this way during a year is comparable to the mean amount of these energies contained in the whole atmosphere over the area bounded by 70° N latitude. The current spatial and temporal distributions of wind velocity and meridional mass and energy fluxes, which are presented in this study, may serve as additional information for interpreting data obtained from different on-site measurements in Arctic regions.  相似文献   

In this study, we develop a variable-grid global ocean general circulation model(OGCM) with a fine grid(1/6)°covering the area from 20°S–50°N and from 99°–150°E, and use the model to investigate the isopycnal surface circulation in the South China Sea(SCS). The simulated results show four layer structures in vertical: the surface and subsurface circulation of the SCS are characterized by the monsoon driven circulation, with basin-scaled cyclonic gyre in winter and anti-cyclonic gyre in summer. The intermediate layer circulation is opposite to the upper layer, showing anti-cyclonic gyre in winter but cyclonic gyre in summer. The circulation in the deep layer is much weaker in spring and summer, with the maximum velocity speed below 0.6 cm/s. In fall and winter, the SCS deep layer circulation shows strong east boundary current along the west coast of Philippine with the velocity speed at 1.5 m/s, which flows southward in fall and northward in winter. The results have also revealed a fourlayer vertical structure of water exchange through the Luzon Strait. The dynamics of the intermediate and deep circulation are attributed to the monsoon driving and the Luzon Strait transport forcing.  相似文献   

为了进一步揭示大气边界层低层动量通量逆梯度输运的观测事实,本文利用福建南部赤湖镇海边100m铁塔上观测得到的超声风温仪资料,采用诊断方法分析了2010年13号"鲇鱼"台风影响过程中近海面边界层大气中动量垂直通量逆梯度输送特征。结果表明:在逐小时时间尺度上台风近海面边界层大气中湍流动量垂直通量输送以沿梯度方向为主,但也存在一定比例的逆梯度方向输送现象,且越往高层该现象越明显,本文中其百分比最高不超过16%。并且这一现象出现的频率在台风环流的不同区域存在差别:在台风环流的内核区域最多,其次是登陆以后残余环流区,而在早期的台风外围环流中较少。湍流低频扰动的相干结构也是影响因素,当水平扰动与垂直扰动出现同位相变化时容易出现动量垂直通量逆梯度输送。大气动量通量逆梯度的水平和垂直平均空间尺度分别为258m和35m,平均时间尺度分别为123s和13s,均小于通常的顺梯度湍流低频扰动的时空尺度的1—3倍。  相似文献   

The structure of the annual-mean shallow meridional overturning circulation(SMOC) in the South China Sea(SCS) and the related water movement are investigated,using simple ocean data assimilation(SODA) outputs.The distinct clockwise SMOC is present above 400 m in the SCS on the climatologically annual-mean scale,which consists of downwelling in the northern SCS,a southward subsurface branch supplying upwelling at around 10°N and a northward surface flow,with a strength of about 1×10~6 m~3/s.The formation mechanisms of its branches are studied separately.The zonal component of the annual-mean wind stress is predominantly westward and causes northward Ekman transport above 50 m.The annual-mean Ekman transport across 18°N is about 1.2×10~6 m~3/s.An annual-mean subduction rate is calculated by estimating the net volume flux entering the thermocline from the mixed layer in a Lagrangian framework.An annual subduction rate of about 0.66×10~6m~3/s is obtained between 17° and 20°N,of which 87% is due to vertical pumping and 13% is due to lateral induction.The subduction rate implies that the subdution contributes significantly to the downwelling branch.The pathways of traced parcels released at the base of the February mixed layer show that after subduction water moves southward to as far as 11°N within the western boundary current before returning northward.The velocity field at the base of mixed layer and a meridional velocity section in winter also confirm that the southward flow in the subsurface layer is mainly by strong western boundary currents.Significant upwelling mainly occurs off the Vietnam coast in the southern SCS.An upper bound for the annual-mean net upwelling rate between 10° and 15°N is 0.7×10~6m~3/s,of which a large portion is contributed by summer upwelling,with both the alongshore component of the southwest wind and its offshore increase causing great upwelling.  相似文献   

钱思佳  于方杰  陈戈 《海洋科学》2021,45(11):10-19
本文使用基于热成风速度的涡旋识别拓展方法,通过海表面温度数据对黑潮延伸体区域50~100 km涡旋进行研究,发现50~100 km涡旋主要分布在黑潮延伸体流轴两侧,气旋涡和反气旋涡的寿命、半径分布具有一致性。气旋涡多出现在35°N以北,反气旋涡在35°N以南比较集中,与尺度较小的中尺度涡旋分布特征较为相似。冬夏两季涡旋地理分布存在一定差异,主要与不同季节该区域海表温度梯度及风应力旋度的变化有关。35°N以南50~100 km涡旋数量的季节性变化与风速大小的季节性变化存在明显的正相关性。35°N以南50~100 km涡旋三倍半径内风速异常和风应力旋度归一化表明,气旋涡对应风速负异常而反气旋涡对应风速正异常,反气旋涡的产生依赖于风应力负旋度,气旋涡的生成与风应力正旋度有关。  相似文献   

南大洋Ekman输运是全球大气-海洋耦合气候系统的重要组成部分,对该区域Ekman动力过程的研究极为重要。首先基于实测数据和文献资料,对GEKCO2(Geostrophicand EkmanCurrent Observatory2)产品提供的Ekman流数据进行了评估,验证了数据的有效性;并结合CCMP(cross-calibratedmulti-platform)、ERA5(thefifthgenerationEuropeancentreformedium-range weatherforecastsatmosphericreanalysis)风场数据,采用经验正交函数分析法(empiricalorthogonal function,EOF)等方法分析了2010—2018年南大洋Ekman流的时空变化规律。结果表明:(1)南大洋Ekman流速集中在9—11 cm/s,且具有很强的月际变化特征(7月最强, 12月最弱);(2)南大洋40°S以北海域是Ekman流速随时间变化较大的区域;(3)南大洋Ekman流速的EOF分析显示:第一模态和风场存在较强的相关性,表现为流速在整体上同时增强或减弱;第二模态和南半球中高纬大气环流存在较强的相关性,表现为以50°S为界南北流速反向变化;(4)Ekman流左偏角度集中在60°—75°,其中概率密度最大值处所对应的角度为67.5°。通过矢量相关分析,得到30°—35°S海域的平均偏角存在月际变化。南大洋的Ekman动力过程对海洋环流和全球气候系统具有重大影响,本文对于进一步理解南大洋的Ekman过程具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Sea-ice physical characteristics were investigated in the Arctic section of 143°-180°W during August and early September 2008. Ship-based observations show that both the sea-ice thickness and concentration recorded during southward navigation from 30 August to 6 September were remarkably less than those recorded during northward navigation from 3 to 30 August, especially at low latitudes. Accordingly, the marginal ice zone moved from about 74.0°N to about 79.5°N from mid-August to early September. Melt-pond coverage increased with increasing latitude, peaking at 84.4°N, where about 27% of ice was covered by melt ponds. Above this latitude, melt-pond coverage decreased evidently as the ice at high latitudes experienced a relatively short melt season and commenced its growth stage by the end of August. Regional mean ice thickness increased from 0.8 (±0.5) m at 75.0°N to 1.5 (±0.4) m at 85.0°N along the northward navigation while it decreased rapidly to 0.6 (±0.3) m at 78.0°N along the southward navigation. Because of relatively low ice concentration and thin ice in the investigated Arctic sector, both the short-term ice stations and ice camp could only be set up over multiyear sea ice. Observations of ice properties based on ice cores collected at the short-term ice stations and the ice camp show that all investigated floes were essentially isothermal with high temperature and porosity, and low density and salinity. Most ices had salinity below 2 and mean density of 800-860 kg/m~3 . Significant ice loss in the investigated Arctic sector during the last 15 a can be identified by comparison with the previous observations.  相似文献   

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