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热液喷口探测是目前国际上的热点,探测技术方法也多种多样。阐述了集成深拖与自治水下机器人(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,AUV)探测技术,重点介绍了集成深拖的组合特性。针对热液喷口的探测需求,根据集成深拖与AUV两种方法的优点,提出两种技术方法的联合探测。以一个实际探测的区块为例,讨论了两种方法联合探测的实效性。指出该技术方法可更快速地探测热液的异常范围,同时可降低AUV下潜的盲目性,也可以减少AUV的下潜次数,节约了海上调查时间,提高探测效率。最后指出了现场探测与数据分析需进行深拖位置校正和关注底流及地形对热液羽状流空间分布的影响两个重要问题,为未来的热液探测提供了指导作用。  相似文献   

"潜龙一号"是我国2011年启动研发的6 000 m级自主水下航行器(AUV),用于深海海底锰结核探测,是"十二五"规划重点项目之一。由于潜深大,AUV在未知大深度水域航行时,一般需要2~3次下潜才可完成预定深度航行配平要求。研发了"潜龙一号"使用的单向浮力调节系统,在陌生水域进行初次下潜时,将浮力调节装置搭载于"潜龙一号"外部,在航行深度进行自动浮力调节,通过浮力调节,单次便可实现预定下潜深度的最优化配平,并可同步开展该深度下的探测任务。实现了在未知海域、大潜深探测过程无需进行配平的目的,极大提高了"潜龙一号"AUV使用的经济性和方便性。该系统具有功能独立、体积小、使用维护方便等优点,该工作对大潜深航行器具有很高的工程应用价值和一定的开发理论指导价值。  相似文献   

热液硫化物现场调查所需的船舶动力定位系统给水下定位数据带来较大的噪声干扰,而调查的现场决策与后续研究均对水下定位数据提出更高的要求.针对现有的Posidonia 6000超短基线水下定位系统,快速有效地剔除受干扰的异常定位数据对热液硫化物调查研究具有积极的意义.本文从超短基线解算过程数据(x,y,z三维分量)入手,根据现场作业水深、滑轮偏角,建立异常定位数据的三维剔除模型;根据三维各自的时间系列分布图,采用合理的数据结构与算法,实现对异常定位数据的交互式剔除.本研究成果能快速有效地剔除异常定位数据,为热液硫化物调查的现场决策和各搭载传感器的后续资料研究提供更准确的水下定位数据.  相似文献   

热液喷口附近的羽状流中存在明显的化学及浊度异常,通过探测这些异常可判断是否存在热液喷口及确定喷口的具体位置。本文研制了一款可用于探测热液喷口的多通道化学传感器,该传感器具有体积小、精度高的特点,且可在4000米深海中进行工作。该化学传感器共配备五个全固态电极,一个为参比电极,其余四个为离子选择性电极,并且可根据所测量的化学离子进行更换。本文基于该化学传感器共进行了两组实验。在第一组浅海试验中,化学传感器集成了pH,Eh,CO32-和SO42-电极,在浅海海域中测量对应化学量,结果表明该化学传感器可在实际应用中获得高精度、稳定的测量数据。第二组实验为深海热液探测,装配了pH,Eh,CO32-和H2S电极的化学传感器在西南印度洋中脊区域的29次测线中投入使用,共获得有效数据27组。通过对测量所得到的化学量进行分析,本文提出了一种确定热液喷口的化学异常探测方法,若某时间段内Eh和H2S的电势降低,而pH和CO32-的电势上升则可判定存在化学异常。利用该方法对27组有效数据进行分析,共发现5个潜在的热液喷口。实验结果表明,该化学传感器可有效地探测由热液引起的化学异常,适用于实际热液探测中。  相似文献   

根据调查设备搭载器的不同,将海底管道在位状态调查方法归为船载、自治水下机器人搭载(AUV 搭载)和无人遥控潜水器搭载(ROV搭载)三类;在浅水段采用船载调查,在深水段采用AUV搭载调查,在此基础上进行重点关注区域筛选,开展ROV调查,最后进行整体评价和分析对比,这种(船载/AUV)+ROV组合模式很好地实现了多种调查方法的优势互补。实际上,采用AUV搭载进行海底管道在位状态调查在国内业界尚属首次。调查所取得的管道位置、埋深、周边障碍物的分布以及管道人工处理情况等成果,为后期开展管道维护工作提供了重要的基础数据。此次成功实践可为以后从浅水到深水的管道在位状态调查提供经验和借鉴。  相似文献   

热液流体在物理化学特征方面与周围海水存在较大差异,探测温度异常和浊度异常是寻找热液羽状流信号的重要手段。本文采用“大洋一号”科考船第20航次的拖曳CTD数据和浊度数据,以及21航次的定点CTD数据,研究了西南印度洋龙方斤热液区的温度异常和浊度异常现象。研究表明热液区中性浮力层在水深2 550~2 650 m间,厚度约为100 m,温度异常达0.01 ℃;水深 2 750~2 800 m间亦有温度异常,最大可达0.08 ℃;温度异常水深处存在相应的浊度异常。深层背景海水位温和位密间存在简单线性关系。此外,经初步估计,热液活动区初始浮力通量为8.78×10-4 m4/s3;通过中性浮力层估算热液热通量,约为130±43 MW。  相似文献   

浊度计在现代海底热液活动调查中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
无论是深入认识海底热液活动的规律,还是了解海底热液硫化物资源的分布情况,首先需要做的是发现海底热液活动及其产物.因此,用于发现和调查海底热液活动及其产物的技术手段非常重要.目前,进行海底热液活动调查的技术手段有电视抓斗、ROV、AUV和载人深潜器等.但由于使用这类技术设备需要相对高的投入和较复杂的附加装置,而且从电视抓斗、ROV、AUV和载人深潜器本身来讲,它们也有一定的技术限制,调查活动范围有限,不能胜任大面积海底热液活动异常调查工作.因此,载有各种物理、化学传感器和分析仪器的拖曳式走航连续观测系统仍是海底热液活动调查技术方面的一个重要发展方向.例如,美国、英国等先后投资研制了多种拖曳式设备,可进行海底地貌成像、电磁场、CTD、以及化学和物理多参数的测量,为发现和确定海底热液喷口位置起到了巨大的作用.  相似文献   

水下声学定位、惯性导航定位、多普勒声纳以及组合导航定位是目前我国大洋科考调查工作中的几种主要水下导航定位技术。通过分析常规调查装备、ROV、AUV和载人潜水器等4类主要水下科考设备的导航定位系统实测数据,给出不同水下导航定位模式的现场作业精度,为我国大洋科考调查工作中水下导航定位技术的选择与应用等工作提供参考。  相似文献   

海缆在长久的电力信息输送过程中,损坏故障等突发事故经常发生,研究海缆在地磁背景下环境周围产生磁异常扰动信号,确定海底海缆轨迹和埋设深度,能够在突发状况之后迅速针对该区域内的海缆进行定位,及时对海缆进行维修。基于微元磁偶极子有限元仿真建立海缆磁场模型,探究了检测距离(DCPA)、海缆长度(L)、背景磁场对海缆磁异常特性的影响规律。通过研究可知:DCPA<L 时衰减指数约为–2,3L>DCPA>L 时衰减指数约为–2.8,DCPA>3L 时衰减指数约为–3;DCPA 固定时,海缆磁异常随长度明显增加到一定程度会趋向稳定,信号发生畸变;背景磁场分量改变不仅可能改变海缆磁异常信号的强度,还可能改变其信号波形特征。  相似文献   

海面溢油事故发生后需要进行精准的溢油检测,从而为溢油事故现场应急响应与海面污染的快速有效处理提供支持。利用哨兵二号(Sentinel-2)多光谱遥感影像,基于最佳指数因子(OIF)构建光谱特征指数提取海面溢油光谱特征,基于灰度共生矩阵(GLCM)提取海面溢油纹理特征,利用巴氏距离法进行特征选择,构建海面溢油空谱特征数据集。提出了多核决策融合支持向量机(SVM)海面原油检测模型,对黄海4.27“交响乐号”油轮溢油事故开展检测研究。实验结果表明,在复杂水色背景下,经过筛选的最佳空谱特征数据集检测结果的总体精度可以达到89.25%,Kappa系数为0.854,F1分数可达0.889;多核SVM决策融合后的总体精度可以达到90.26%,Kappa系数为0.866,F1可达0.898,总体精度较单核提高了1.0%~8.2%,Kappa系数提高了0.013~0.122,F1分数提高了0.009~0.097。实验结果表明,海面溢油检测模型具有较高的溢油检测精度和模型鲁棒性,适用于海面溢油检测研究。  相似文献   

Near-bottom magnetic prospecting, which provides useful information to study shallow geological structures, is an efficient method for investigating active and inactive hydrothermal fields and researching the structure of hydrothermal systems. We collected near-bottom magnetic data in the Longqi hydrothermal area on the Southwest Indian Ridge using the Autonomous Benthic Explorer in 2007 and set up a processing system for magnetic data calibration. By removing the influence of terrain on magnetic anomalies and using the intensity of the spatial differential vector (ISDV) method, we inferred the presence of an N–S-trending fault and estimated its crush zone to be about 120 m wide and >2 km long along the known hydrothermal vents. This inferred fault is consistent with the precise topography mapped during the ABE 201 dive. The fault may be connected to a known detachment fault and form part of a hydrothermal channel. We delineated the hydrothermal alteration zone using the ISDV method and conclude that demagnetization was induced by hydrothermal alteration.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal plume is an important constituent of seabed hydrothermal circulation and is also one of the characteristics of active hydrothermal vents. Portable Miniature Autonomous Plume Recorders (MAPR) attached to a towed deep-sea instrument was used to search for hydrothermal plumes and hydrothermal vents. We introduced the basic principle of MAPR based on deep towing technology to detect plumes, then analyzed the factors affecting the quality of the MAPR data and presented a data correction method for MAPR, including instrument location correction, noise reduction processing, system error elimination and seawater background reduction. Finally we applied the method to analyze MAPR data obtained during the Chinese DY115-21 cruise on R/VDayang Iin the “Precious Stone Mountain” hydrothermal field on the Gala-pagos Microplate. The results provided a better understanding of the distribution of the hydrothermal activ-ity in this field, indicating the presence of a new hydrothermal vent.  相似文献   

海底热液喷口周围的水体具有显著的浊度和化学组分异常, 是寻找热液喷口的重要标志。文章提出了一种海底热液喷口的探测技术方法, 设计了低功耗化学传感器。该化学传感器可搭载在相关平台, 实时探测水体的Eh、H2S、pH及CO32-等电位值, 结合浊度异常, 可以推断热液喷口的位置。在西南印度洋中脊海试结果表明, 该化学传感器可有效探测由热液活动产生的水体异常, 是一种探测海底热液喷口的有效技术。  相似文献   

Near-bottom magnetic prospecting is considered to be an efficient method for investigating inactive hydrothermal areas and the study of the spatial structure of hydrothermal systems. Furthermore, geophysical forward modeling is widely used to simulate the anomalous characteristics of geological bodies. To understand the magnetic and magnetic structure features of hydrothermal sulfide deposits at mid-ocean ridges, we built 3D forward models for both mafic- and ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal sulfide deposits to simulate the near-bottom magnetic field. Our modeling results showed a low amplitude magnetic anomaly above the mafic-hosted hydrothermal sulfide deposits, and a high amplitude magnetic anomaly above the ultramafic-hosted deposits. These features allow us to identify and classify the host rocks of hydrothermal sulfide deposits. Moreover, we can recognize the edge of the magnetic anomalies using the intensity of the spatial differential vector method, considering variables such as the width of the alteration zone, the height of the observation platform, and the magnetic inclination and declination. Therefore, we propose the intensity of the spatial differential vector method as an effective approach to define the boundaries of hydrothermal sulfide deposits.  相似文献   

台湾近海热液体系独特的生物及地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈雪刚  吴斌  郑豪  樊炜  叶瑛  陈镇东 《海洋学报》2019,41(10):161-168
台湾地处西太平洋构造活动带,近海发育了多处热液活动,其中最典型的为龟山岛和绿岛热液体系。本文对海峡两岸在龟山岛和绿岛热液的地球化学特征以及周边生物体的响应的研究进展进行了综述。龟山岛热液喷出流体具有全球最低的pH(1.52),富含重金属元素和CO2等酸性气体,是周围海水中有色溶解有机质的来源;绿岛具有全球热液中最低的溶解有机碳浓度(14 μmol /L),且具有特殊的动力学特性。喷口周边分布了较为罕见的自然硫烟囱体和硫磺球。喷口的高毒性、高酸性热液改变了热液区生物体如螃蟹的生活习性和解毒机制。热液区的主要活跃菌群为参与碳、硫和氮代谢途径的γ-和ε-变形菌。主要生物质合成以硫还原和硫氧化的化能无机自养型生物为主,微生物硫代谢促进了热液系统中的微生物能量流动和元素循环作用。某些热液生物采用繁殖期迁徙的机制应对高毒性、高酸性热液环境。在热液活动的胁迫下,这些微生物产生了新颖独特的代谢产物。此外,龟山岛和绿岛热液体系还受到了潮汐、台风和地震等灾害性事件的影响。台湾近海热液体系的研究对认识热液地球化学循环、探讨热液的生态环境效应等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The potential hydrothermal systems unexplored in the Southwest Indian Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deep-sea hydrothermal vents possess complex ecosystems and abundant metallic mineral deposits valuable to human being. On-axial vents along tectonic plate boundaries have achieved prominent results and obtained huge resources, while nearly 90% of the global mid-ocean ridge and the majority of the off-axial vents buried by thick oceanic sediments within plates remain as relatively undiscovered domains. Based on previous detailed investigations, hydrothermal vents have been mapped along five sections along the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) with different bathymetry, spreading rates, and gravity features, two at the western end (10°–16°E Section B and 16°–25°E Section C) and three at the eastern end (49°–52°E Section D, 52°–61°E Section E and 61°–70°E Section F). Hydrothermal vents along the Sections B, C, E and F with thin oceanic crust are hosted by ultramafic rocks under tectonic-controlled magmatic-starved settings, and hydrothermal vents along the Section D are associated with exceed magmatism. Limited coverage of investigations is provided along the 35°–47°E SWIR (between Marion and Indomed fracture zones) and a lot of research has been done around the Bouvet Island, while no hydrothermal vents has been reported. Analyzing bathymetry, gravity and geochemical data, magmatism settings are favourable for the occurrence of hydrothermal systems along these two sections. An off-axial hydrothermal system in the southern flank of the SWIR that exhibits ultra-thin oceanic crust associated with an oceanic continental transition is postulated to exist along the 100-Ma slow-spreading isochron in the Enderby Basin. A discrete, denser enriched or less depleted mantle beneath the Antarctic Plate is an alternative explanation for the large scale thin oceanic crust concentrated on the southern flank of the SWIR.  相似文献   

声学法深海热液速度场测量重建算法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了利用声学法测量深海热液速度场的基本原理.利用往返飞渡时间差与流场速度的关系,应用反问题求解技术重建测量区域的速度场.应用最小二乘法对两种典型的热液口速度场模型进行了仿真重建,分析了换能器数量、实验测量误差以及换能器的布放对重建结果的影响,并对重建结果进行了流量分析.仿真重建的绝对误差、相对误差以及流量分析结果表明...  相似文献   

Investigations of the diffusion activities both within and outside the seafloor hydrothermal vents, as well as related mineral genesis, have been one of the key focuses of ocean biogeochemistry studies. Many hydrothermal vents are distributed close to the southern Okinawa Trough on the less-than-30-m deep shallow seafloor off Kueishan Tao, northeast of Taiwan Island. Investigations of temperature, pH and Eh at four depths of hydrothermal plume were carried out near Kueishan Tao at the white(24.83°N, 121.96°E) and yellow(24.83°N, 121.96°E) vents. An 87 h of temperature time series observation-undertaken near the white vent showed that tide is the main factor affecting the background environment. Based on the observed data, 3-dimensional sliced diffusion fields were obtained and analyzed. It was concluded that the plume diffused mainly from north to south due to ebb tide. The yellow vent's plume could effect as far as the white vent surface. From the temperature diffusion field, the vortices of the plume were observed. The Eh negative abnormality was a better indicator to search for hydrothermal plumes and locate hydrothermal vents than high temperature and low pH abnormalities.  相似文献   

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