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对福建漳浦前湖湾潮间带两个钻孔岩心和表层沉积物中的有孔虫进行分析研究,有孔虫出现在钻孔最上部厚约2.46-2.96m的砂层中.根据群落优势种生态和非种特征判断,该段各样品有孔虫沉积环境均为近岸浅水环境,尽管其间海面有过3次上下波动变化.根据地层关系判断,其当为现代的产物.  相似文献   

根据对台湾岛以东海域A-24C,A-50C岩芯中放射虫化石的分析结果,并借助WP3岩芯有孔虫,δ^18O曲线分析,测试资料,对两岩芯地层作了对比与划分,结果显示:两岩芯的上部(A-24C为0~30cm,A-50C为0~35cm)属全新世沉积;下部(A-24C为30~234cm,A-50C为35~163cm)属晚期更新世沉积。 两岩芯中放射虫丰度、分异度的变化与黑潮主流线的摆动密度相关。末次冰期时的低海面导致黑潮主流线移至研究区(125℃E)以东,放射虫丰度,分异度出现低值,有的层位出现零值,而随着海面回升,黑潮逐渐移至现在的位置,放射虫的丰度,分异度出现高值,另外综合该区分析资料,推算两岩芯的平均沉积速率为A-24C岩芯全新世3cm,晚期更新世12.6cm,A-50C岩芯全新世2.9cm,晚更新世12.4cm,晚期更新世沉积速率均大于全新世。  相似文献   

通过对北海外沙泻湖CK10 钻孔岩芯进行硅藻、有孔虫、孢粉的综合分析, 发现全新世地层中有8 个硅藻组合带,5 个孢粉组合带和5 个有孔虫组合。结合14C测年资料与沉积物特征, 认为该泻湖全新世地层可划分为早全新世、中全新世、晚全新世。植被演替为混有落叶阔叶林的亚热带常绿阔叶林→亚热带常绿林→亚热带、热带常绿阔叶林→混杂有中、北亚热带落叶阔叶林的南亚热带季风雨林→南亚热带常绿阔叶林。气候演变依次为热湿偏凉干→热湿→炎热潮湿→热湿偏凉→热湿。沉积相发展顺序为河漫滩相→河口沼泽相→河漫滩相→河口沼泽相→河口湾相→泻湖相→河口湾相→泻湖相。  相似文献   

天津市潮滩活体和埋藏有孔虫群的分布及地质环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对天津市潮滩8条垂直于海岸线剖面的57个表层沉积物样品进行了活体和死体有孔虫分析鉴定、粒度分析、含盐量测定,利用全站仪对剖面进行了水准测量,同时测定了海水盐度。研究了天津市潮滩有孔虫群的组成、数量及分异度等特征;通过聚类分析将天津市潮滩活体有孔虫群分为7个带,埋藏有孔虫群(活体+死体)分为5个带,但除了埋藏群Ⅰ、Ⅳ与活体有孔虫群Ⅰ、Ⅳ组合特征一致外,其他各带的组合特征及分带界线均不一致。通过分析活体有孔虫群分带与沉积物含盐量、海水盐度、潮位、沉积物组成等生态环境参数的关系,探讨了活体有孔虫群的主要控制因素;通过分析埋藏有孔虫群分带与潮位、沉积物粒径、现代沉积速率等沉积环境参数的关系,探讨了埋藏有孔虫群的搬运及沉积作用。指出了天津市海岸带活体有孔虫群和埋藏有孔虫群的关系、环境特征及地质意义,为该区高精度的古沉积环境划分提供了重要指标。  相似文献   

通过对北海外沙Xi湖CK10钻孔岩芯进行硅藻、有孔虫,孢粉的综合分析,发现全新世地层中有8个硅藻组合带,5个孢粉组合带和5个有孔虫组合,结合^14C测年资料与沉积物特征,认为该Xi湖全新世地层可划分为早全新世,中全新世,晚全新世。植被演替为混有落叶阔叶林的亚热带常绿阔叶林-亚热带常绿林-亚热带,热带常绿阔叶林-混杂有中,北亚热带落叶阔叶林的南亚热带季风雨林-南亚热带常绿阔叶林。  相似文献   

楚科奇海与白令海表层沉积中的钙质和硅质微体化石研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
通过对北冰洋楚科奇海和令海41个表层沉积样品中的有孔虫、介形类等钙质微体化石和硅藻、放射虫、海绵骨针等硅质微体化石的定量分析,发现表层沉积中浮游有孔虫几乎缺失,这可能与该区表层生产力相对低、碳酸盐溶解作用较强有关,而底栖有孔虫和硅质微体化石的丰度分布则明显受表层沉积物类型、表层初级生物生产力和碳酸盐溶解作用所控制。其中,北冰洋楚科奇海陆架区有孔虫丰度和分异度低,含少量浅水介形类,放射虫在陆架浅水区缺失,但含有较多硅藻和海绵骨针等其它硅质微体化石,反映该区由于海冰、表层海水温度较冷而导致表歧初级生产力相对低。白令海陆坡区底栖有孔虫丰度比较科奇海高一个数量级,底栖有孔虫分异度也相对高,硅藻、放射虫、海绵骨针等硅质微体化石的丰度与钙质化石一样,其丰度比楚科奇海明显高,反映表层初级生产力相对高。根据白令海陆坡区底栖有孔虫和硅质微体化石丰度、底栖有孔虫胶结质壳比值的水深变化,推测该区碳酸盐溶跃层和补偿深度(CCD)相对浅,分别位于水深2000m和3800m处。  相似文献   

对珠江口134个站位的表层沉积物进行底栖有孔虫分析,共发现底栖有孔虫68属106种,其中玻璃质壳48属65种,瓷质壳17属21种,胶结壳3属20种.有孔虫丰度、种数和分异度都基本表现为由河口向外海迅速增加.对有孔虫属种数据使用因子分析,前3个因子解释了总方差的86.2%,根据有孔虫属种因子得分情况,将有孔虫划分为Amm...  相似文献   

福建九龙江和东屿地区全新世微型硅藻的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用透射电镜研究了九龙江口现代潮间带表层沉积物、九龙江地区中全新世剖面和东屿中-晚全新世剖面的微型硅藻(细胞大小为2~20μm)的组成和丰度.共计硅藻12属26种(包括变种).对每个种的生态分布作了描述,并提供了相应的壳面电镜照片.Thalassionema nitzschioides是九龙江口现代潮间带表层沉积物中的优势种;九龙江中全新世地层的优势种为Navicula climacospheniae,Thalassionema nitzschioides;东屿中-晚全新世地层中,Cyclotella striata,Thalassionema nitzschioides是优势种.微型硅藻在各个样品中所占比例都相对较高,最高可达86.7%,表明微型硅藻在沉积硅藻中占有重要的地位.  相似文献   

冲绳海槽北部CS1孔岩石磁学特征及其早期成岩作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以2~4cm为间隔,对冲绳海槽北部的CSH1孔岩心(17.36m)进行了岩石磁学研究.根据岩心上部的两个特征火山灰层和浮游有孔虫组合分析建立了钻孔的时间框架,沉积物底部年龄可能为50ka.除了在三个火山灰层和近表层向下的快速降低外,整个钻孔磁学参数的变化甚小,未能反映出50ka来的气候变化.与大多数沉积物不同,该钻孔大多数层位的S值(S=-IRM-0.3T/SIRM,它代表了低矫顽力磁性矿物的含量)小于0.9,指示钻孔沉积物中存在相当比例的高矫顽力磁性矿物.代表性沉积物样品的磁化率-温度(K-T)曲线除了存在580℃磁铁矿的居里温度之外,还显示200-350℃的居里温度,指示样品中存在铁硫化物(胶黄铁矿-磁黄铁矿).这与加热过程中有刺鼻的臭味、加热后的沉积物变黑对铁硫化物的指示相吻合.自生成因的铁硫化物的存在以及表层磁性参数的快速降低,都明确表明沉积物遭受了早期成岩作用.除了三个火山灰层以外钻孔的其他层位无特征磁学变化,表明沉积物后来受到的改造作用强烈,磁学参数所蕴含的原始气候信号被破坏.在这一系列氧化-还原过程中消耗了沉积物中的有机质和水溶液中的硫酸盐,造成了沉积物中铁、锰元素的重新溶解和沉淀等.  相似文献   

本文依据上海地区的钻孔资料和实验数据,并以沉积分异的观点,阐述上海地区在晚更新世末期古地貌的基底上,由海面波动引起沉积物在纵向和横向上的变化,从而导致在层序上互异的沉积体。并将全新世沉积划分为两个沉积大区的五个沉积区。  相似文献   

In order to assess the impact of deep-sea mining on the in situ benthic life, we measured the microbial standing stock and concentration of organic nutrients in the deep-sea sediments of the Central Indian Ocean Basin in the Indian pioneer area. Sediments were collected using box core and grab samples during September 1996. The total bacterial numbers ranged from 10 10 -10 11 cells per g -1 dry weight sediment. There was a marginal decrease in the number of bacteria from surface to 30 cm depth, though the subsurface section registered a higher number than did the surface. The highest numbers were encountered at depths of 4-8 cm. The retrievable number of bacteria were two orders less in comparison with the direct total counts of bacteria. An almost homogeneous distribution of bacteria, total organic carbon, living biomass, and lipids throughout the depth of cores indicates active microbial and benthic processes in the deep sea sediments. On the other hand, a uniform distribution of total counts of bacteria, carbohydrates, and total organic carbon in all the cores indicates their stable nature and suggests that they can serve as useful parameters for long-term monitoring of the area after the benthic disturbance. Further studies on temporal variability in this region would not only verify the observed norms of distribution of these variables but would also help to understand restabilization processes after the simulated benthic disturbance.  相似文献   

Coastal inundation associated with extreme sea levels is the main factor which leads to the loss of life and property whenever a severe tropical cyclonic storm hits the Indian coasts. The Andhra and Orissa coasts are most vulnerable for coastal inundation due to extreme rise in sea levels associated with tropical cyclones. Loss of life may be minimized if extreme sea levels and associated coastal flooding is predicted well in advance. Keeping this in view, location specific coastal inundation models are developed and applied for the Andhra and Orissa coasts of India. Several numerical experiments are carried out using the data of past severe cyclones that struck these regions. The simulated inland inundation distances are found to be in general agreement with the reported flooding.  相似文献   

Grain size and water content in box-core sediments from the Clarion-Clipperton fracture zone (C-C zone) in the northeast equatorial Pacific were analyzed in detail to understand the downcore variations across a hiatus between Quaternary and Tertiary layers. Grain-size distributions in the topmost core sediments show two modes: a coarse mode (peaked at 50 μm) and a fine mode (at 2-25 μm). The coarse mode disappears gradually with depth accompanied by the dissolution of siliceous fossil tests, whereas the fine mode coarsens due to the formation of authigenic minerals. Water content increases abruptly across a color boundary between an upper pale brown layer and a lower dark brown layer that is the hiatus between Quaternary and Tertiary layers. Abundant smectites and microvoid molds, which are created by the prolonged fossil dissolution in the underlying sediment, are attributed for the abrupt downcore variation of water content. Overall variations in grain size and water content in the topmost core sediments in the western C-C zone are possibly constrained by the dissolution of biogenic siliceous fossils. Variations in geotechnical properties related to these changes must be considered in the design of nodule collectors.  相似文献   

This article concerns an interrelation between the sea levels and the western boundary flow near a tectonic boundary in a local zone in the Northwestern Pacific. In this zone, sea level variations at stations located on the coast facing the Pacific are studied to find the interrelation between variations of the Kurosio flow as an index of the distance of the flow axis off a specific coast. The result is discussed after data processing of the monthly means of the sea levels, and a notice is taken of variations caused by active crustal upheavals during a seismic event, a local earthquake.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that the in situ void ratio of surficial marine sediments may be predicted from shear wave velocity-depth data with a reliability equal to that of other methods currently available. Shear wave velocity is fundamentally controlled by the number of grain-to-grain contacts per unit volume of material and by the effective stress across those contacts. In this study, three previously established empirical formulae are used to predict void ratio from velocity-depth data. Field data were acquired along a transect off the northern Californian coast across which water depth increased from 35 to 70 m and seafloor sediment type varied from sand to silty-sand, respectively. A towed seafloor sled device was used to collect shear wave refraction data, and a marked, systematic decrease in velocity was observed along the line, ranging from 35-70 m/s for the coarse, near-shore material to 25-40 m/s for the finer, offshore deposits. Void ratios predicted from these velocities were compared with data measured directly from box-core samples. Of the formulae used for prediction, two agree remarkably well with the control data. Both predicted and control values increase from 0.6-0.8 for the sandy material to 1.1-1.5 for the silty-sand. Thus, this study does not disprove the hypothesis set and demonstrates the potential of field shear wave velocity-depth data as a means of delineating spatial variation in void ratio for surficial marine sediments in a remote, nondestructive manner.  相似文献   

Particulate samples were collected from the Changjiang river system during a flood period, in May 1997, and POC, stable isotope and lipids associated with particles were examined. Results showed the decrease (0.84% ~ 1.88%) of organic carbon content from the upper reaches to the estuary.δ13C values of particulate organic carbon was in the range of -24.9×10-3 to -26.6×10-3, which were close to the isotopic signature of continental C3 vegetation. Total particulate n-alkanes concentrations varied from 1.4 to 10.1μg/dm3,or from 23.7 to 107μg/g of total suspended matter. Fatty acids were present in all the samples, from 1.4 to 5.4μg/dm3, with saturated and unsaturated straight-chain and branched compounds in the carbon number range from C12 to C30. Both δ13C and the ratio of carbon content to nitrogen content indicate the predominance of terrestrial inputs (soil organic matter) among the particles. The biomarker approach has been used to identify the relative portion of terrigenous and autochthonous fraction in the particulate samples. The distribution of fatty acids suggests a striking phytoplanktonic and microbial signal in most particle samples. The terrestrial alkanes are used to estimate the contribution of terrestrial inputs along the mainstream.  相似文献   

An acoustic inversion method using a wide-band signal and two near field receivers is proposed and applied to multiple layered seabed models including a manganese sediment. The inversion problem can be formulated into a probabilistic model comprised of signals, a forward model, and additive noise. The forward model simulates wide-band signals, such as chirp signals, and is chosen to be the source-waveletconvolution plane wave modeling method. The wavelet matching technique, using weighted least-squares fitting, estimates the sediment sound-speed and thickness on which determination of the possible numerical ranges for a priori uniform distribution is based. The genetic algorithm is applied to a global optimization problem to find a maximum a posteriori solution for determined a priori search space. Here the object function is defined by an L 2 norm of the difference between measured and modeled signals. Not only the marginal pdf but also its statistics are calculated by numerical evaluation of integrals using the samples selected during importance sampling process of the genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

Current trends of development of satellite derived bathymetry (SDB) models rely on applying calibration techniques including analytical approaches, neuro-fuzzy systems, regression optimization and others. In most of the cases, the SDB models are calibrated and verified for test sites, that provide favorable conditions for the remote derivation of bathymetry such as high water clarity, homogenous bottom type, low amount of sediment in the water and other factors. In this paper, a novel 3-dimensional geographical weighted regression (3GWR) SDB technique is presented, it binds together methods already presented in other studies, the geographically weighted local regression (GWR) model, with depth dependent inverse optimization. The proposed SDB model was calibrated and verified on a relatively difficult test site of the South Baltic near-shore areas with the use of multispectral observations acquired by a recently launched Sentinel-2 satellite observation system. By conducted experiments, it was shown that the proposed SDB model is capable of obtaining satisfactory results of RMSE ranging from 0.88 to 1.23[m] depending on the observation and can derive bathymetry for depths up to 12m. It was also shown, that the proposed approach may be used operationally, for instance, in the continuous assessment of temporal bathymetry changes, for areas important in the context of ensuring local maritime safety.  相似文献   

As a part of the environmental impact assessment studies, geotechnical properties of sediments were determined in the Central Indian Basin. The undrained shear strength and index properties of the siliceous sediments were determined on 20 box cores of uniform dimension collected from various locations in five preselected sites. The maximum core length encountered was 41 cm and most of the sediments were siliceous oozes consisting of radiolarian or diatomaceous tests. The shear strength measurements revealed that surface sediments deposited in recent times (0-10 cm) have a shear strength of 0-1 kPa; this value increases with depth, reaching 10 kPa at 40 cm deep. Older sediments have greater strength because of compaction. Water content varies in the wide range of 312-577% and decreases with depth. The clay minerals such as smectite and illite are dominant and show some control over water content. Wet density, specific gravity, and porosity do not indicate any notable variation with depth, thereby indicating a uniform, slow rate of sedimentation. The average porosity of sediments is 90.2%, specific gravity 2.18, and wet bulk density 1.12 g/cm 3 . Sediments exhibit medium to high plasticity characteristics, with the average plasticity index varying between 105% and 136%. Preliminary studies on postdisturbance samples showed an increase in natural water content and a decrease in undrained shear strength of sediments in the top 10- to 15-cm layer.  相似文献   

The rare earth element (REE) distribution in nine deep-sea ferromanganese nodules and their associated siliceous sediments from the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB) have been studied to elucidate the REE relationship among them. Total REE concentration varies from 398-928 ppm in the nodules and 137-235 ppm in the associated sediments, suggesting two- to four-fold enrichment in the nodules compared to associated sediments. REE of nodules and their associated sediments show a positive correlation, suggesting REE are supplied from a common source such as seawater. The positive correlation between REE of nodules and sediments from the CIOB is contrary to the competitive scavenging of REE between nodules and sediment in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. REEs in the nodules are carried by Fe, P, and Ti, whereas in the sediment they are carried by P and Mn phases. A similar REE fractionation pattern with middle REE enrichment over heavy and light REE in both the nodules and their associated sediment suggest fractionation is independent of REE abundance and their carrier phases.  相似文献   

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