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针对辽西低凸起古近系圈闭地震研究中存在的几个技术难点提出了相应的研究路线,实现了对该区构造和储层的精细描述。研究以先进的综合地震工作站为平台,以地震解释为中心,与地质、测井研究密切配合,应用多项地震勘探新技术对地震数据体进行分析研究。应用地震地质多信息综合标定技术,实现了地震层位的精确标定;基于地质模型约束的变层速度模型保证了时深转换的准确性;虚拟现实与三维可视化技术相结合的全三维地震解释贯穿地震研究的全过程;以运用基于自组织人工神经网络分析(SOM)和主成分分析(PCA)的地震相分析技术对地震属性及所反映的地质特征进行分析解释,得到与地震相相对应的沉积相,大大提高了储层研究的精确度和可信度。锦州25区实际钻探结果表明所提出的几种技术方法组合能够有效地解决该区地球物理研究中存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

研究工区位于北黄海海域陆相断陷沉积盆地内,该区多期构造运动叠加,断裂发育,地震资料品质差.中生代为其主要勘探目的层,为一已证实的含油气区域.结合本区地质特点,对该区进行三维地震解释时所采用的综合解释技术进行了总结,主要包括三维地震资料品质分级评价技术、无VSP井区空间层位标定技术、层位自动追踪技术、三维可视化解释、多属性体断裂解释技术和变速成图技术等实用的解释技术.多种解释手段的联合应用高质高速地完成了本复杂构造区的构造精细解释,完善了该区的解释方案,理顺了复杂断层的切割关系,识别了活动较弱的小断层.特别是对高精度三维速度场的建立,实现了变速成图,消除了高陡构造区速度陷阱所带来的构造假象,为对该复杂区的地震解释和圈闭形态的落实以及进一步的井位部署与地质评价提供了依据.  相似文献   

以苏丹L盆地G油田辫状河三角洲储层为例,结合地震、测井和地质资料,总结出综合预测砂岩储层的方法。在井震结合划分和建立五级高分辨率层序地层格架的基础上,首先,利用岩心、录井、测井相分析井点沉积微相,并根据三维地震反演数据体和地震属性,从剖面和平面上分析井间砂体分布特征;其次,综合井点信息和平面砂体分布认识,分析各砂组的沉积微相平面展布,编制沉积微相平面展布图;最后,通过测井相、地震反演成果和地震属性相结合,对砂岩储层进行定量预测,编制砂体平面展布图,为油田开发方案编制提供地质依据。  相似文献   

以张店油田为研究对象,在储层构造、沉积微相、测井解释、储层非均质等研究基础上,建立地质数据库,应用三维可视化技术建立三维模型,通过储层三维模型,实现了油田开发地质研究工作中沉积微相研究成果的量化应用及与储层参数分布的有效结合。  相似文献   

Epos3.0是集地震资料处理、解释、油藏描述等为一体的勘探开发综合软件。其中,地震属性分析技术中的高分辨率相干体分析技术、多属性体融合技术、分频处理属性技术及地震相划分技术在夏口断裂带的储层预测中取得了较好的效果:消除了储层预测的多解性,准确地划分出夏口断裂带沙三上亚段沉积相带的分布情况;识别细小断层及火成岩裂缝,划分出营子街地区沙三上亚段有利储层发育区,有效地指导了砂体描述,提高了钻探成功率。  相似文献   

临北地区储层自东向西减薄尖灭,横向变化大,由于断裂复杂,地震反射特征紊乱,采用常规的储层预测方法很难确定砂体的尖灭点,划分有利储层发育区。针对这一问题,进行了基于测井约束的储层参数预测方法研究:①采用正演模拟技术,确定临北地区砂体地震反射特征;②利用地质统计学方法进行储层参数集总;③在提取多种地震属性的基础上,通过地震属性优化,选取累加正振幅、最大能量、平均波峰振幅等地震属性参数;④根据测并储层参数与地震属性拟合关系,进行储层参数平面外推和预测,利用井点处的储层参数值对预测结果进行约束。利用以上方法对临北地区基山三角洲五砂组进行了储层预测,实现了地震属性到储层岩石物性参数的转换,预测的有利储层分布区与钻井解释结果相关程度较高,符合该区的地质规律,在实际应用中取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

地震勘探解释成果图是油气勘探开发行业最常用的一种图件。通过对地震勘探解释成果图所展示的复杂地质构造进行建模,并对其进行三维可视化查询和显示,可以有效地为海洋油气勘探开发提供决策依据。通过对重点海域地质体三维模型构建及可视化方法的研究,建立了一套模型构建流程,基于Open Inventor平台开发了地质体三维建模及可视化软件,结合实际海洋地质地震勘探解释成果资料的应用,表明该模型构建方法可以有效地建立地质体三维模型,具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

地震地质综合解释技术是地震解释技术发展的必然趋势,其核心就是地震技术与地质思路的紧密结合,以地质模式约束地震的多解性,以地震的精确性约束地质的粗放性。以渤海海域锦州20-A构造为例,从圈闭精细描述和储层预测2个方面详细介绍了地震地质综合解释技术在油藏早期评价中的应用。着重强调了地震技术与地质思路的紧密结合是实现地质体精细刻画的关键。该套技术组合在锦州20-A构造的实际应用中取得了良好的勘探效果。  相似文献   

针对海上河流相砂岩油田单砂体厚度薄,井间储层横向变化快,纵向上油气水间互,平面上连通性差等特点,渤海通过十多年的不断探索和实践,发展完善了定量描述砂体展布的储层描述技术.该技术很大程度上解决了在海上探井井距大,井控程度低,取心资料较少等情况下的储层横向展布问题,并基于已钻井资料,总结出如何在探井之间寻找潜力砂体的经验.随着渤海越来越多的河流相油田投入开发,储层描述技术的可靠性也得到证实.大量实例证明,该技术是渤海油田新近系河流相砂岩储层预测与描述的有效技术手段,其思路和方法也可借鉴到类似地质背景下的河流相岩性油气藏评价.  相似文献   

西湖凹陷平北地区平湖组基于地震多属性的储层预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
始新统平湖组是东海西湖凹陷平北地区最重要的油气储层,但受资料条件的限制,应用常规方法无法进行精细的储层预测,制约了研究区的油气勘探部署和进程。应用地震多属性分析技术,结合测井曲线、岩心、岩性及区域地质资料,对平北地区平湖组的岩相进行了精细解释,并对有利目标区进行了初步预测,结果表明,平北地区平湖组发育潮汐控制的三角洲相和潮坪相两种类型的沉积相,并以三角洲相内的储层发育,砂体连片性好,工区西南部三角洲前缘相发育区为油气勘探的有利目标区。  相似文献   

渤海古近系东营组三角洲相油田是渤海油田的主力含油层系.从构造、储层与沉积、流体和油藏等方面对渤海海域东营组三角洲相油田地质特征进行了研究,按河流三角洲和辫状河三角洲相砂岩油藏两种沉积相类型分别对储层分布特征进行了描述.在此基础上探讨了此类油田的流体分布特点和油藏模式,并认为渤海东营组三角洲相油田以中到大型为主,储层岩性大都属于高孔高渗的疏松砂岩,储层具有分布较稳定、油层厚和物性好等特点,原油以普通稠油为主,其次是中、低黏油.  相似文献   

歧口凹陷张东地区油气勘探工作开展较晚,通过基础地质研究认为张东地区油气成藏条件优越。砂岩输导层、断层和不整合面三大输导体在研究区不同的构造位置相互交叉、叠置、连通构成了复杂多变的输导体系,进而控制了研究区油气聚集部位与油气藏的分布,而不同的沉积相带直接影响到储层物性的好坏,对油气富集高产具有决定作用。  相似文献   

以平湖地区ZST构造X井区有限的钻井资料为基础,利用岩石铸体薄片、扫描电镜、X-衍射等测试技术手段,对该井区平湖组的岩石学特征、粒度、储层物性等方面开展了系统研究。研究揭示:该储层的岩石类型主要为长石岩屑砂岩,属中孔中渗砂岩储层。平湖组储层物性受沉积环境和成岩作用的双重影响。沉积环境控制储层物性,潮间带和潮下带发育的潮道砂、砂坪是较好的储层;成岩作用对储层物性优劣起主导作用,胶结作用导致储层物性变差,溶蚀作用(长石溶蚀作用)改善了本井平湖组的储层物性。  相似文献   

Mapping geological details and interpreting three-dimensional geometries in a highly heterogeneous outcrop such as the exposure at Big Rock Quarry has been a continuous challenge especially because high vertical cliffs make access to most of the rocks difficult for direct geological observations. Previous interpretations of facies architecture were derived from gamma-ray profiles, a core and measurements made on two-dimensional photomosaics. This paper represents the first attempt of three-dimensional interpretation of the geometry and facies pattern of the Jackfork nested channel complex deposited at the base-of-slope.Examination of the photo real model of the outcrop with assigned lithologies allowed extraction of accurate 3-D qualitative, as well as quantitative (channel dimensions) geometric information. This facilitated interpretation and reconstruction of the submarine channel complex architecture making possible correlations of strata exposed on the two sides of the quarry.Most of the exposed vertically and laterally stacked channels are large, aggradational with well-defined axial regions overlain by matrix-supported breccia which grades upward into amalgamated sandstones. The thickness of the sandstone decreases toward the southeastern end of the quarry where more shale is present. The channel infill consists of thin-bedded sandstones interlayered with shale which overlain the breccia. The upper part of the quarry is made up of smaller, lateral migrating channels.Significant channel width and thickness variation can be recognized at outcrop scale. Thirty-eight identified channels are characterized by a relatively low aspect ratio (4:1 to 32:1) with channel dimensions ranging from 25 m to 314 m wide and 2 m-24 m deep. Bed thickness distributions of various facies show that the sandstone comprises a significant proportion (83%) of the total channel thickness, while shale and breccia represent about 8%, and 17% respectively. This yields a high net-to gross ratio of more than 80%.Compared to previous reconstructions our 3-D photo real model is more accurate and it can be used to calibrate simulation of processes in deep-water environments.  相似文献   

The Dongfang1-1 gas field (DF1-1) in the Yinggehai Basin is currently the largest offshore self-developed gas field in China and is rich in oil and gas resources. The second member of the Pliocene Yinggehai Formation (YGHF) is the main gas-producing formation and is composed of various sedimentary types; however, a clear understanding of the sedimentary types and development patterns is lacking. Here, typical lithofacies, logging facies and seismic facies types and characteristics of the YGHF are identified based on high-precision 3D seismic data combined with drilling, logging, analysis and testing data. Based on 3D seismic interpretation and attribute analysis, the origin of high-amplitude reflections is clarified, and the main types and evolution characteristics of sedimentary facies are identified. Taking gas formation upper II (IIU) as an example, the plane distribution of the delta front and bottom current channel is determined; finally, a comprehensive sedimentary model of the YGHF second member is established. This second member is a shallowly buried “bright spot” gas reservoir with weak compaction. The velocity of sandstone is slightly lower than that of mudstone, and the reflection has medium amplitude when there is no gas. The velocity of sandstone decreases considerably after gas accumulation, resulting in an increase in the wave impedance difference and high-amplitude (bright spot) reflection between sandstone and mudstone; the range of high amplitudes is consistent with that of gas-bearing traps. The distribution of gas reservoirs is obviously controlled by dome-shaped diapir structural traps, and diapir faults are channels through which natural gas from underlying Miocene source rocks can enter traps. The study area is a delta front deposit developed on a shallow sea shelf. The lithologies of the reservoir are mainly composed of very fine sand and coarse silt, and a variety of sedimentary structural types reflect a shallow sea delta environment; upward thickening funnel type, strong toothed bell type and toothed funnel type logging facies are developed. In total, 4 stages of delta front sand bodies (corresponding to progradational reflection seismic facies) derived from the Red River and Blue River in Vietnam have developed in the second member of the YGHF; these sand bodies are dated to 1.5 Ma and correspond to four gas formations. During sedimentation, many bottom current channels (corresponding to channel fill seismic facies) formed, which interacted with the superposed progradational reflections. When the provenance supply was strong in the northwest, the area was dominated by a large set of delta front deposits. In the period of relative sea level rise, surface bottom currents parallel to the coastline were dominant, and undercutting erosion was obvious, forming multistage superimposed erosion troughs. Three large bottom current channels that developed in the late sedimentary period of gas formation IIU are the most typical.  相似文献   

以 CG2 0潜山为例 ,从建立地质模型入手 ,包括地层模型、构造模型、储集模型、储盖组合模型、速度模型等 ,认识到各套地层分布和储层物性的差异均与地震响应密切相关 ,因此可以利用地震波的信息 ,预测潜山储层的发育及分布情况。在对 CG2 0潜山进行精细全三维构造解释的基础上 ,探讨性地应用了测井约束反演、吸收系数、相干分析及三维模式识别等技术 ,对潜山储层进行了预测 ,从而提高了潜山勘探的效益 ,并为类似断阶型潜山带的勘探提供了成功的经验 ,具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

The Melut Basin is a rift basin in the interior Sudan linked to the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Central and Western African Rift System. The Paleocene Yabus Formation is the main reservoir deposited in heterogeneous fluvial/lacustrine environment. Delineation of channel sandstone from shale is a challenge in reservoir exploration and development. We demonstrate a detailed 3D quantitative seismic interpretation approach that integrates petrophysical properties derived from well logs analysis. A porosity transform of acoustic impedance inversion provided a link between elastic and rock properties. Thus, we used seismic porosity to discriminate between different facies with appropriate validation by well logs. At the basin scale, the results revealed lateral and vertical facies heterogeneity in the Melut Basin. Good reservoir quality is observed in the Paleocene Yabus Formation. The sand facies indicated high porosity (20%) corresponding to low acoustic impedance (20000–24000 g ft/(cm3.s)). However, lower quality reservoir is observed in the Cretaceous Melut Formation. The porosity of sand/shale facies is low (5%), corresponding to high acoustic impedance (29000–34000 g ft/(cm3.s)). This suggests that the Yabus Sandstone is potentially forming a better reservoir quality than Melut Formation. At the reservoir scale, we evaluated the facies quality of Yabus Formation subsequences using petrophysical analysis. The subsequences YB1 to YB3, YB4 to YB7 and YB8 to YB10 showed relatively similar linear regressions, respectively. The subsequence of YB4 to YB7 is considered the best reservoir with higher porosity (25%). However, subsequence YB1 to YB3 showed lower reservoir quality with higher shale volume (30%). This attributed to floodplain shale deposits in this subsequence. Similarly, the high porosity (20%) recognized in deeper subsequences YB6 to YB9 is due to clean sand facies. We learnt a lesson that appropriate seismic preconditioning, exhaustive petrophysical analysis and well log validation are important keys for improved reservoir quality prediction results in fluvial/lacustrine basins.  相似文献   

旅大6构造是渤海海域新近发现的一个中型油田.该构造位于辽东低凸起中南段陡坡带,为层状构造油气藏,垂向上多层系含油,形成典型的“阶梯式”陡坡带复式油气藏.走滑作用对构造形成、储层发育、断层封堵、油气运移都有重要的作用.构造转折端对沉积卸载形成优质储层具有重要作用,奠定了旅大6构造是辽东低凸起中南段有利成藏区的物质基础;辽中一号断层与区域走滑断层同向,具有走滑压扭性质是控圈断层侧封的关键.南北区块以及东二下段、东三段油气丰度迥异,伸展断层的运移能力和控圈断层的封堵能力共同决定了旅大6构造南区东二下段油气的差异富集成藏.  相似文献   

Cliff exposures of synsedimentary growth faults at the base of the Cretaceous Ferron sandstone in central Utah represent outcrop analogs to subsurface growth faults. Delta front sands prograded over and deformed less dense prodelta muds of the underlying Tununk Shale. Detailed fault patterns and associated facies changes demonstrate a complex fault history and style for growth fault development rather than a simple progressive development of faults in a basinward position. The most proximal and most distal fault sets were the earliest active faults. Growth faulting was initiated by deposition of cross-bedded distributary channel and mouth bar sandstones that reach 9 m thick in the hangingwalls of the faults. Curvature of the beds in the hangingwall of the faults nucleates smaller conjugate fault sets. Cross-bed sets in the hangingwalls of faults decrease from meter to decimeter scale away from the faults suggesting decreasing flow velocity or decreased preservation of cross sets as a result of decreasing accommodation in distal hangingwalls. Shifts in depositional loci, including upstream and downstream accretion of mouth bar sands contribute to the complex faults history and internal heterogeneity and development of potentially isolated sandy reservoir compartments.  相似文献   

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