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深水声学拖曳系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了我国自主设计和研制的深水声学拖曳系统,它的最大工作水深4000m,安装有高分辨率测深侧扫声纳,可在近海底工作获得高分辨率的海底地形地貌和温盐深等数据.它的测深覆盖范围600m,侧扫覆盖范围800m,垂直航迹分辨率5cm,最小可检测高度10cm,测深分辨率高于目前的多波束测深系统.该系统已进行了湖试和海上锚泊试验.该系统的研制成功将对开展大陆架勘查,探测和开发国际海底资源发挥重要作用,拖曳系统中高分辨率测深侧扫声纳还可装船安装,在大陆架水域进行高分辨率海底地形地貌测绘.  相似文献   

多波束与侧扫声纳海底目标探测的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侧扫声纳是目前常用的海底目标(如沉船、水雷、管线等)探测工具,在测深领域,多波束以全覆盖和高效率证明了它的优越性。由于多波束具有很高的分辨率,目前在工程上已经开始应用多波束进行海底目标物的探测。对多波束和侧扫声纳进行了比较分析,并着重探讨了影响多波束分辨率的各种因素。结果表明:多波束的最大优点在于定位精度高,但其适用范围不如侧扫声纳广泛,尤其受到水深和波束角的限制,多波束和侧扫声纳在探测海底目标时具有很好的互补性,同时应用可以提高目标解译的准确性。  相似文献   

海底三维可视化技术及应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李军  滕惠忠 《海洋测绘》2004,24(4):44-47
海底地形地貌能表现海洋世界重要的空间信息,也是常规光学和电磁手段难以探测的水下区域。应用侧扫声纳技术可以反演海底地貌,同时多波束测深技术得到的水深数据重建数字水深模型,二者结合创建三维海底空间景观。利用海洋探测技术和三维可视化技术进行海底地形地貌三维仿真和分析,并对其应用进行探讨。  相似文献   

介绍了多波束测深系统和侧扫声纳系统的工作原理,通过实例说明了多波束测深系统和侧扫声纳系统在海底目标探测的工作流程,总结出两种探测系统在探测海底目标上的优缺点,说明了多种探测手段的综合应用是海底目标探测技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

侧扫声纳和多波束测深系统组合探测海底目标   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了侧扫声纳和多波束测深系统的特点,通过实例说明了侧扫声纳和多波束测深系统在海洋目标探测中的综合应用。综合利用多波束测深系统测量数据和侧扫声纳声像图,可有效增强不同观测数据的互补性,提高工程质量。  相似文献   

介绍了侧扫声纳、多波束测深系统、磁力仪的工作原理,提出了障碍物探测的相关技术要求。实例分析了综合利用侧扫声纳、多波束进行沉船探测的方法,结合侧扫声图和多波束水深探明障碍物的精确位置,测得最浅点水深,全面获得障碍物信息,大大提高了探测质量。对铁磁性小目标探测能力进行评估,并用实例加以分析和佐证。  相似文献   

为提升"蛟龙号"载人潜水器海底综合探测能力,介绍一种采用多子阵海底自动检测—子空间拟合的信号参数估计技术的高精度测深侧扫声纳系统。该系统安装于载人潜水器的两侧,能够测量海底的微地形地貌以及海底和水中的目标,同时获得探测区域高分辨率的地形图和地貌图。通过介绍该高精度测深侧扫系统的工作原理、技术指标及系统组成,结合"蛟龙号"载人潜水器试验性应用航次获得的高分辨率地形地貌数据,对该系统在载人潜水器中的应用和海底地形地貌探测结果进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

采用差分GPS、多波束测深系统、侧扫声纳和水下三维地理信息系统等一系列海洋测量新设备,完成了2010上海世博园区的水下扫测,对以后执行类似项目具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

侧扫声纳和多波束测深系统在海洋调查中的综合应用   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
罗深荣 《海洋测绘》2003,23(1):22-24
介绍了利用多波束进行全覆盖水深测量和利用侧扫声纳进行海底、水体目标的探测技术。综合利用多波束水深数据和侧扫声纳声图,可有效增强不同观测数据的互补性和提高工程质量。  相似文献   

介绍了多波束测深系统、侧扫声纳和浅地层剖面等声波探测技术的基本原理及在海底管道检测中常用设备与参数选择。结合工程实例给出了各种检测方法在海底输油管道检测中应用效果。介绍了海底管道检测流程,分析了各种检测方法的优缺点和不足之处。结果表明,海底管道检测时应充分利用各种方法的互补性,提高检测效率和准确性。  相似文献   

Hydrographic quality bathymetry and quantitative acoustic backscatter data are now being acquired in shallow water on a routine basis using high frequency multibeam sonars. The data provided by these systems produce hitherto unobtainable information about geomorphology and seafloor geologic processes in the coastal zone and on the continental shelf.Before one can use the multibeam data for hydrography or quantitative acoustic backscatter studies, however, it is essential to be able to correct for systematic errors in the data. For bathymetric data, artifacts common to deep-water systems (roll, refraction, positioning) need to be corrected. In addition, the potentially far greater effects of tides, heave, vessel lift/squat, antenna motion and internal time delays become of increasing importance in shallower water. Such artifacts now cause greater errors in hydrographic data quality than bottom detection. Many of these artifacts are a result of imperfect motion sensing, however, new methods such as differential GPS hold great potential for resolving such limitations. For backscatter data, while the system response is well characterised, significant post processing is required to remove residual effects of imaging geometry, gain adjustments and water column effects. With the removal of these system artifacts and the establishment of a calibrated test site in intertidal regions (where the seabed may be intimately examined by eye) one can build up a sediment classification scheme for routine regional seafloor identification.When properly processed, high frequency multibeam sonar data can provide a view of seafloor geology and geomorphology at resolutions of as little as a few decimetres. Specific applications include quantitative estimation of sediment transport rates in large-scale sediment waves, volume effects of iceberg scouring, extent and style of seafloor mass-wasting and delineation of structural trends in bedrock. In addition, the imagery potentially provides a means of quantitative classification of seafloor lithology, allowing sedimentologists the ability to examine spatial distributions of seabed sediment type without resorting to subjective estimation or prohibitively expensive bottom-sampling programs. Using Simrad EM100 and EM1000 sonars as an example, this paper illustrates the nature and scale of possible artifacts, the necessary post-processing steps and shows specific applications of these sonars.  相似文献   

为提高我国水下地形地貌探测技术水平,促进对海洋的科学认知和高效开发利用,文章综述高精度和高分辨率水下地形地貌探测技术研发进展,并分析关键技术发展方向。研究结果表明:采用机载激光、多波束、侧扫声呐、浅地层剖面、双频识别声呐、合成孔径声呐和水下三维扫描声呐等探测技术以及无人船、水下机器人和海底观测网等探测平台,可获取高精度和高分辨率水下地形地貌信息;应在提高设备性能、减小探测误差和完善数据算法等方面加大研究力度,重点发展综合探测技术,从而全面和清晰地反映水下地形地貌。  相似文献   

随着海底油气管道的铺设规模越来越大,为防止管道油气泄漏而导致人员伤亡和财产损失,海底管道的日常巡检尤为重要。提出一种基于多波束点云的海底管道检测与三维重建算法,利用高频多波束声纳对水下管道进行成像,对声纳图像采用经典边缘检测算法检测管道边缘,得到相应的点云数据,将点云数据拼接成一组完整的空间点云集合,对点云集合进行三维重建。通过水池试验结果证明,提出的算法流程能够有效地实现水下管道的检测与三维重建,具有较好的工程应用前景。  相似文献   

Over the past few years there have been remarkable and concomitant advances in sonar technology, positioning capabilities, and computer processing power that have revolutionized the mapping, imaging and exploration of the seafloor. Future developments must involve all aspects of the “seafloor mapping system,” including, sonars, ancillary sensors (motion sensors, positioning systems, and sound speed sensors), platforms upon which they are mounted, and the products that are produced. Current trends in sonar development involve the use of innovative new transducer materials and the application of sophisticated processing techniques including focusing algorithms that dynamically compensate for the curvature of the wavefront in the nearfield and thus allow narrower beam widths (higher lateral resolution) at close ranges . Future developments will involve “hybrid”, phase-comparison/beam-forming sonars, the development of broad-band “chirp” multibeam sonars, and perhaps synthetic aperture multibeam sonars. The inability to monitor the fine-scale spatial and temporal variability of the sound speed structure of the water column is often a limiting factor in the production of accurate maps of the seafloor; improvements in this area will involve continuous monitoring devices as well as improved ocean models and perhaps tomography. Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV’s) and particularly Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV’s) will become more important as platforms for seafloor mapping systems. There will also be great changes in the products produced from seafloor mapping and the processing necessary to create them. New processing algorithms are being developed that take advantage of the density of multibeam sonar data and use statistically robust techniques to “clean” massive data sets very rapidly. A range of approaches are being explored to use multibeam sonar bathymetry and imagery to extract quantitative information about seafloor properties, including those relevant to fisheries habitat. The density of these data also enable the use of interactive 3-D visualization and exploration tools specifically designed to facilitate the interpretation and analysis of very large, complex, multi-component spatial data sets. If properly georeferenced and treated, these complex data sets can be presented in a natural and intuitive manner that allows the simple integration and fusion of multiple components without compromise to the quantitative aspects of the data and opens up new worlds of interactive exploration to a multitude of users.  相似文献   

利用2004年5月在青岛胶州湾口获得的高分辨率多波束资料(水平分辨率0.5m×1m,垂向分辨率0.2m),研究了该区海底节理构造及其分布规律,揭示青岛胶州湾团岛至薛家岛的研究区域中存在大量线性微地形,在海底地形图上表现为2组相交的“X”型线性阴影(一组为NE向,另一组为NW向),把整个海底切割成菱形格状。结合侧扫声纳探测等资料分析,认为这种线性微地形可能代表了海底出露的节理(裂隙)微构造。  相似文献   

为研究西沙宣德环礁海底地貌特征及珊瑚分布情况,采用舷挂侧扫拖鱼的方式对环礁区域海底进行地貌扫测,从采集的侧扫声呐图像上可以识别出环礁区域珊瑚分布情况及珊瑚礁区地貌特征,利用侧扫声呐图像识别方法结合实物样品比对可以圈定出珊瑚分布范围、暗礁区域及环礁区域底质类型分布,采用基本的数学处理方法定量分析了水下珊瑚礁体的海底高度及疑似沉船的大小,分析了侧扫声呐图像显示的调查船转向效应。  相似文献   

丁继胜  董立峰  唐秋华  李杰 《海洋测绘》2014,34(5):62-64,71
结合近几年出现的高分辨率多波束测深系统的性能特点,通过检测实例,介绍其在海底管道(尤其是裸露管道)检测中的相关技术及及检测成果。结果证实,高分辨率多波束测深系统可以准确检测海底小尺寸目标物,为其新特性的推广应用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

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