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南海北部陆坡发育众多海底峡谷,其形成、发育、演化过程都存在较大差异。本文选取南海北部陆坡典型的珠江口外海底峡谷群、东沙海底峡谷、台湾浅滩南海底峡谷和澎湖海底峡谷进行研究,通过高分辨率多道地震数据和多波束测深数据,结合前人研究成果,对4条典型海底峡谷的形态特征、沉积充填特征及结构、形成发育过程及控制因素进行研究。结果表明,南海北部陆缘各个海底峡谷的形成受多个控制因素的影响,其影响程度及方式都有差别。构造活动、海平面变化及沉积物重力流与海底峡谷的演化密切相关,而陆地河流和局部构造因素也以不同方式影响着海底峡谷的发育。对于发育在主动大陆边缘的台湾岛东南侧的澎湖海底峡谷,其板块运动和岩浆活动活跃,其上发育的海底峡谷的控制因素以内营力地质作用为主。而具有被动大陆边缘属性的其他3条峡谷,由于构造运动较少或停止,其上发育的海底峡谷的控制因素以外营力地质作用为主。  相似文献   

海底峡谷在全球陆缘广泛分布,是浅海沉积物向深海运移的主要通道,对于理解深海浊流触发机制、深海沉积物的搬运模式、深海扇的发育历史和深海油气资源勘探等均具有重要意义。本文基于高分辨率高精度的多波束测深数据,首次对南海东北部海底峡谷体系进行了研究,精细刻画了高屏海底峡谷、澎湖海底峡谷、台湾浅滩南海底峡谷和东沙海底峡谷等4条大型海底峡谷的地貌特征并分析其发育控制因素。海底坡度、构造运动、海山与海丘是影响南海东北部峡谷群走向与特征的重要因素,其中,海底坡度对于峡谷上游多分支与“V”字特征有显著的控制作用;构造运动是控制高屏海底峡谷走向的因素,澎湖海底峡谷的走向则与菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块碰撞有关,东沙海底峡谷的走向则与东沙运动相关,台湾浅滩南海底峡谷上段受NW向断裂构造的控制;海山的阻挡作用造成峡谷局部走向和特征改变。海底峡谷群输送大量陆源沉积物到深海盆并形成大面积的沉积物波,海山和沉积物波的发育导致东沙海底峡谷下段“回春”和转向。  相似文献   

超临界浊流影响下的周期阶坎广泛分布在南海东北部台西南盆地的西澎湖峡谷中。由于频繁的构造活动, 常年的台风影响, 以及来自中国台湾河流的大量沉积物供给, 导致这个区域的浊流活动经常发生。本文利用高分辨率的地貌资料, 对西澎湖峡谷发育的23个净侵蚀周期阶坎和10个净沉积周期阶坎进行了形态的定量分析, 并且统计了流经这些周期阶坎的浊流流速。结果显示, 浊流在流经净侵蚀周期阶坎过程中的速度有明显突变, 而在净侵蚀到净沉积周期阶坎的过程中速度也发生了明显的降低, 前者由峡谷中的坡折带导致, 后者则是由限制性环境到非限制性环境的转变造成的。此外, 净沉积周期阶坎主要分布于靠近峡谷口外的西南侧, 这是由于科氏力对浊流影响的结果。研究此区域周期阶坎的形态特征和形成机制能够帮助我们更好地理解海底地形地貌与浊流的相互关系, 对于理解峡谷中的地貌演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

运用近年来采集的高分辨率地震资料和多波束测深数据,在珠江海谷及西北次海盆深海平原区发现大规模发育的第四纪重力流沉积体系,该沉积体系沿珠江海谷以北西-南南东方向贯穿整个北部陆坡,进入西北次海盆后呈扇形展开,形成珠江海谷-西北次海盆大型深水浊积扇系统。据沉积体系空间展布特征差异,将珠江海谷划分为北、中、南三段,北段为过路侵蚀和水道下切,中段以水道充填和天然堤沉积为主,南段以水道-天然堤和朵叶体沉积共存为特征,揭示出北部陆坡珠江海谷是珠江口外陆缘物质输送海盆深海平原的主要通道;海盆区总体以朵叶体发育为特色,呈扇形展布。深水扇系统可分为三期次沉积体,其区域结构记录了重力流沉积物从侵蚀、卸载到南海海盆作为限制性盆地接收陆源沉积物的全过程,为“源-渠-汇”的研究构建了一个完美的范例。本文以珠江海谷-西北次海盆第四纪深水浊积扇沉积体系为例,完整地揭示了水道-扇体的组构和特征,清晰呈现了陆坡-海盆砂体展布的规律,可为建立南海北部新近纪早期深水扇形成模式提供参考,有助于指导南海深水油气勘探工作。  相似文献   

为了研究南海北部海域中、东部陆架坡折带在不同年代的迁移特征,分析了高精度单道地震剖面与地质浅钻等资料。在南海北部海域珠江口外区、东沙区和台湾浅滩区的陆架及陆坡带附近第四纪地层中,共识别出6个三级层序界面以及相应的沉积层序,同时识别了6个区域下切侵蚀面,并以此为依据认识了本区第四纪河道的演化特征,建立了层序地层格架。在此基础上,将该区第四纪陆架坡折带由西至东划分为建设型、侵蚀型和转换型三种类型,讨论了各段陆架坡折带的演化规律,提出构造地貌成因、水下河道发育与沉积物供给等作用均为控制陆架坡折带发育和迁移的主要因素。  相似文献   

在南海东北部广泛发育沉积物波。通过高分辨率多波束数据、地震剖面以及重力柱状样,对沉积物波的形态特征、粒度特征、物源以及形成机制进行了分析。研究表明大致以台湾浅滩南海底峡谷为界,北侧为近北东向展布,南侧为近南北向展布。对其分布规律、地貌和形态特征及重力柱状样粒度分析表明这些沉积物波为浊流成因。沉积物波的发育与新生代晚期研究区的构造活动密切相关,自距今6.5 Ma以来台湾造山运动使台湾岛强烈抬升剥蚀,这些剥蚀物为研究区提供了大量的陆源物质,而在南海东北部陆坡区大量发育的峡谷-冲沟系统为陆缘物质向下陆坡的输送提供了良好的通道。研究区西侧的东沙隆起长期处于抬升剥蚀状态,这种抬升剥蚀也为研究区沉积物波的发育提供了部分物源。随着坡度的减缓,浊流沉积物开始堆积,在台湾浅滩南海底峡谷的北侧形成了展布方向与冲沟垂直的沉积物波,而在南侧由于台湾浅滩南海底峡谷发生转向,浊流从水道中漫溢出来,沉积物堆积下来,形成了与原先水道近于垂直的近南北向的沉积物波。  相似文献   

基于最新的高分辨率多波束全覆盖测深数据、单道地震和多道地震剖面数据,对南海北部陆坡一统峡谷群9条峡谷的地形地貌及沉积特征进行了分析:峡谷群自陆坡向深海盆方向呈聚敛型,横断面主要呈"V"型,谷壁对称发育,坡度较陡;研究区海底地层受多条断裂控制,呈典型阶梯状发育,海底断陷、重力滑塌面和小型滑坡体等海底不稳定地质灾害高度发育,说明峡谷群海底环境处于极不稳定状态。在研究区海底峡谷群地貌演化过程中,西沙海槽区域沉降等新生代构造运动控制着峡谷群地貌格局的形成;来自北部陆架的充足沉积碎屑物质的输入往往伴随着高密度浊流、海底滑坡、坍塌等海底灾害的发生,控制着峡谷群的进一步发育;相对海平面变化直接改变了研究区的沉积环境,为陆源碎屑物质的搬运提供了更加直接的通道,这也是诱发陆坡海底失稳、塑造峡谷群地貌特征的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

利用高分辨率三维地震资料,在珠江口白云凹陷三维工区中发现形态以及发育特征相似的7个海底峡谷.通过对其现今地貌特征研究,将其分为上、中、下段.综合地震反射振幅、连续性及外部结构形态等信息,识别出了峡谷侵蚀基底、谷底沉积、谷壁滑塌等峡谷地震相单元.结合峡谷不同位置处的各类地震相的发育情况,可知峡谷的这3个地貌单元具有不同的...  相似文献   

东非鲁武马盆地陆坡深水区发育了挤压冲断带和伸展断陷两种类型的构造,这种特殊构造背景下的深水沉积特征尚无研究报道。利用高分辨率三维地震资料,详细描述了鲁武马盆地陆坡第四系深水沉积特征,并探讨其主控因素。结果表明,鲁武马盆地陆坡深水区主要发育5种深水沉积类型:陆坡峡谷-水道充填沉积、正断层改造的朵体、沉积物波、海底滑坡和等深流沉积。深水沉积主要受构造活动和地形地貌控制,西部挤压剥蚀区主要发育带状的峡谷-水道体系、丘状的等深流漂积体以及波状的沉积物波,东部拉张沉积区主要发育海底滑坡沉积及深水朵体。  相似文献   

利用高分辨率地震资料,研究了南海北部白云凹陷中新世以来的陆坡峡谷沉积和迁移特征及其对动态似海底反射(BSR)的影响。白云凹陷陆坡区浊流和底流共同作用形成了大型单向迁移峡谷沉积体系。峡谷的沉积过程包括侵蚀为主阶段、侵蚀-沉积共同作用阶段及沉积为主阶段。峡谷沉积相主要包括峡谷侵蚀基底、谷底沉积、谷内滑塌块体搬运沉积及侧向倾斜沉积层等4个单元。峡谷的迁移造成含天然气水合物脊部两侧不同的侵蚀-沉积环境,因此,脊部两侧BSR反射特征也不同。随着峡谷迁移的进行,在峡谷侵蚀侧翼处,沉积物被侵蚀,天然气水合物稳定带底界将发生下移,BSR反射特征为多轴较连续反射;而峡谷沉积侧翼处,沉积物增厚,天然气水合物稳定带将发生上移,BSR反射特征为单轴连续反射。  相似文献   

The analysis of the structure of the cryolithozone, facies, and thicknesses of the Quaternary sediments and the results of the physicochemical mathematical modeling of the modern shelf of the western part of the Laptev Sea support the influence of the Late Pleistocene glaciations on the heat conditions and the distribution of the permafrost in the area. A ~200-m thick glacier formed under aerial conditions from atmospheric precipitation represented the metamorphosed snow cover. According to the modeling, the long-living (from 60?50 to 10?4 ky) glacier reduced the thickness of the permafrost rocks in the reviewed shelf area for 280–360 m. The Holocene marine transgression additionally decreased the thickness from 50–140 m on the inner shelf to 220–350 m on the outer shelf. The modern submarine cryolithozone 450-0 m thick is wide-spread in the studied region from the coast to the shelf boundary (isobaths of 130–140 m), where it pinches out at a distance of ~380 km from the coast at a depth of ~250 m above the sea level.  相似文献   

We analyze the components of the carbon system of the Sevastopol bay waters and the balance of main sediment-forming substances using the data of field investigations in 1998–2008. The interannual variations of total inorganic carbon and the equilibrium partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the bay water are noted. An increase in the flux of carbon dioxide into the bay and in the content of organic carbon in bottom sediments is revealed, and an explanation of this phenomenon is given. The priority accumulation of organic carbon in the sediments of the bay is established. We assess the interannual variation in the relative abundances of organic and inorganic carbon as an index of the carbon cycle stability.  相似文献   

We generalize and analyze the state of investigations of the influence of river waters on the hydrologic structure of the Black Sea. Specific features of the water, regime and hydrography of rivers flowing into the sea, data on the discharge of rivers, and intrayear and interyear variability of the discharge are presented. We discuss and analyze works studying the transformation of river waters, routes of desalinized sea waters, and their influence on the thermohaline structure and dynamic regime of the sea. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

We analyze the results of numerical calculations performed according to the three-dimensional interdisciplinary model of an ecological system of the Black-Sea shelf zone near the estuary of the Danube. The complete system of equations of hydrothermodynamics is solved together with transport equations of the advection-diffusion-reaction type used to describe the transformation of a substance (nitrogen) between the components of the characteristic vectors of the ecosystem: plankton, detritus, and biogenic elements (nitrates). We describe the distinctive features of the circumcontinental distribution of components obtained as a result of numerical experiments and present arguments for the conclusion that the ecosystem of the Danube estuary water area plays the role of a buffer zone between the press of the Danubian biogenic pollutions and the neighbouring areas of the shelf zone and open sea. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

A relationship between paths of the Kuroshio and Kuroshio Extension (KE) is investigated, using the satellite-derived altimetry dataset of 1993–2008. When the Kuroshio takes the nearshore nonlarge meander path or typical large meander path and resultantly goes through the deeper channel (about 2500 m) of the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge, the KE path adopts a relatively stable state with the two quasi-stationary meanders. On the other hand, when the Kuroshio takes the offshore nonlarge meander path and then passes over the shallower part of the Ridge (about 1000 m), the KE path tends to be convoluted, i.e., an unstable state.  相似文献   

Ten years of semistationary studies of the interaction of the ice cover and the coastal relief of the Kandalakhsa Gulf in the White Sea allowed us to reveal the peculiarities of these processes in the warm and cold years and the mechanisms of the origination of ice forms, including ice tents, which govern the character of the tidal flats. Three dynamic fast ice zones are distinguished by their geomorphological location, morphology, and ice dynamics. The dependence of the mechanisms and volumes of the enrichment of the fast ice in the sediments on the coastal zone??s relief was established. At the coast of the Kindo Peninsula (Velikaya Salma Strait), the ice mostly contains fine-sandy sediments. Coarser sediments, including boulders, are occasional and frozen into the ice at the contact of the fast ice and the bottom. At the expense of the ice??s spreading by 4?C6 times in the warm years and 2?C4 times in the cold years, several thousand tons of sediments mostly from the tidal flat??s surface (100?C700 m3 from 1 km of coast in the wide tidal flats and <50 m3 on the steep coasts) are delivered to the water area.  相似文献   

We use many-year archival observations of hydrologic and hydrobiologic state of the Sea of Azov for the identification of the structure of a model of its ecosystem. The ecosystem model, supplemented with expert estimates of bioresource consumption (fish reserve), contamination level, and possible ecologic fines for violation of the sea natural state, is formalized by the method of system dynamics. Hereat, the major part of influence functions is found in terms of observational data with application of self-organization algorithms. We also present the results of simulated experiments with the model of the ecosystem, which enable us to analyse scenarios of its behaviour under the influence of various external factors (wind, river discharge, water exchange with the Black Sea, etc.). Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal variability of the hydrochemical composition of the riverine runoff in nearmouth areas is presented using the example of selected rivers of the Arctic Basin. The temporal dynamics of the riverine nutrient runoff are mainly determined by the seasonal and interseasonal variations in the drainage basins. The spatial variations in the chemical composition of riverine waters in the near-mouth areas are mainly caused by the dynamics of the water flow and the river bed relief and, to a lesser degree, by biochemical processes. It is shown that the variations in the nutrient composition of the waters in near-mouth areas are comparable in magnitude to those at the river-sea geochemical barriers.  相似文献   

The methodology and the first results of the computations of the volumes, masses, and growth rates of the sedimentary body of the buried Black Sea basin are presented. Their temporal evolution reflects the regional paleogeodynamics, in particular, the reorientation of the vector of the relative movement of the Arabian and Eurasian lithospheric plates and the related intensification of their collision in the late Miocene-Pliocene.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Analysis of the temporal variations of the virtual heights of the sporadic E layer (h?ES) determined from ionograms with increased accuracy (1...  相似文献   

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