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海浪搅拌混合对北太平洋海表面温度模拟的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用NCEP再分析风场驱动WAVEWATCH III海浪模式对北太平洋海域的海浪过程进行模拟,利用浮标观测资料对模拟出的海浪要素有效波高进行验证,发现他们之间具有很好的一致性。基于模式输出的有效波高等波浪要素,利用特征波参数化理论,在海洋环流模式中引入海浪搅拌混合作用,分析其对北太平洋海表面温度模拟的影响,初步数值模拟结果表明,sbPOM模式在考虑海浪搅拌混合作用以后,模拟精度进一步提升,这对提供一个准确的大气模式下边界条件具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Stokes漂流对上层海洋温度场具有不可忽视的影响,基于WAVEWATCH III海浪模式模拟结果计算出Stokes漂流流速,将其引入到SBPOM模式的动量方程中以探究Stokes漂流对海表面温度的影响。结果表明,模拟有效波高与实测值保持较好的一致性,平均相关系数最大为0.88。北太平洋Stokes漂流的分布呈现出高纬度较大的带状特征,最大流速可达0.2 m/s。Stokes漂流对北太平洋海表面温度的影响在-2~1℃之间,高纬Stokes漂流影响作用大于低纬,其中太平洋西北海域影响最大,可达-2℃,赤道影响最小。通过Argo浮标资料验证,考虑Stokes漂流模拟的海表面温度更趋近于实测值,说明在海表面温度计算中,考虑Stokes漂流是必要的。  相似文献   

赤道太平洋冷舌模拟偏低且过于西伸是一个共性问题。基于特征波参数化理论,利用美国国家环境预报中心(National Centers for Environmental Prediction,NCEP)再分析风场驱动海浪模式WAVEWATCHⅢ模拟所得的有效波高、波周期、波长等海浪要素,计算出海浪混合作用引起的垂直涡动动量系数和热混合系数,将其引入到SBPOM(Stony Brook Parallel Ocean Model)环流模式的动量控制方程中,由此探究海浪混合作用对热带海洋海表面温度模拟的影响。初步数值模拟研究结果表明,海浪混合作用的考虑,有效地改进了环流模式模拟热带海洋海表面温度偏低和赤道冷舌偏冷且过于西伸的现象,使得环流模式对热带海洋的模拟效果更好。  相似文献   

海浪破碎对海洋上混合层中湍能量收支的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
海浪破碎产生一向下输入的湍动能通量,在近海表处形成一湍流生成明显增加的次层,加强了海洋上混合层中的湍流垂向混合。为了研究海浪破碎对混合层中湍能量收支的影响,文中分析了海浪破碎对海洋上混合层中湍流生成的影响机制,采用垂向一维湍封闭混合模式,通过改变湍动能方程的上边界条件,引入了海浪破碎产生的湍动能通量,并分别对不同风速下海浪破碎的影响进行了数值研究,分析了混合层中湍能量收支的变化。当考虑海浪破碎影响时,近海表次层中的垂直扩散项和耗散项都有显著的增加,该次层中被耗散的湍动能占整个混合层中耗散的总的湍能量的92.0%,比无海浪破碎影响的结果增加了近1倍;由于平均流场切变减小,混合层中的湍流剪切生成减小了3.5%,形成一种存在于湍动能的耗散和垂直扩散之间的局部平衡关系。在该次层以下,局部平衡关系与壁层定律的结论一致,即湍动能的剪切生成与耗散相平衡。研究结果表明,海浪破碎在海表产生的湍动能通量影响了海洋上混合层中的各项湍能量收支间的局部平衡关系。  相似文献   

西北太平洋浪流相互作用对有效波高的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西北太平洋强流区会对海浪的特征和分布产生显著的影响,尤其是研究台风过程中海流与海浪的相互作用具有重要的研究意义。本文以ROMS海洋模式和SWAN海浪模式为基础,构建了浪流耦合模式系统,对2013年10月6-17日间的台风“丹娜丝”、“百合”、“韦帕”过程中西北太平洋浪流相互作用中海流对有效波高的影响进行了研究。通过对比模式模拟有效波高与浮标观测资料,发现耦合后的有效波高比非耦合结果更接近观测值,耦合模式中海流的存在对有效波高的分布有明显的影响。研究表明,特别是在有效波高峰值处,海流引起的有效波高增大最大可达1 m。海浪浪向及流向的空间分布以及中国近海浮标处浪向与流向的时间序列表明,流向与浪向反向时,海流的影响造成有效波高增大;二者同向时,有效波高减小。海流对有效波高的调整会沿着海浪传播的方向传播相当一段距离。在西北太平洋的海浪场计算中,引入海流的耦合模式计算结果对改善强流区海浪预报具有重要意义,并且海流的模拟精度对于高精度的海浪预报非常重要。  相似文献   

结合东北太平洋浮标资料,使用神经网络模型对WAVEWATCHⅢ海浪模式模拟的有效波高进行训练模拟,并与增加风场作为输入项的神经网络模型作了对比分析。通过分析浮标观测资料、WAVEWATCHⅢ数值模式和神经网络模拟的海浪有效波高大小,可以看出使用神经网络结合数值模式能够较好地提高有效波高的模拟精度。  相似文献   

本文基于FVCOM-SWAVE耦合模型,以双台风"苏拉"和"达维"的台风过程为例,研究了台风过程中海浪和海温的变化,通过与高度计和Argo资料的对比,发现耦合模型能较准确的模拟出有效波高和海表面温度。由于双台风风场相互作用,风场结构和最大风速位置发生改变,影响着有效波高的分布,台风"苏拉"产生的最大有效波高位于台风后侧。海表面温度的降低与风场、浪场分布密切相关,强风强浪处的降温现象更明显,"苏拉"产生的降温区域位于路径附近,"达维"产生的降温区域位于路径右侧。台风对海表面温度的降低与初始的混合层厚度、温跃层强度存在相关性,具体表现为初始的混合层越薄、温跃层强度越大,降温越明显。  相似文献   

IPCC耦合模式对北太平洋海-气系统冬季重现的模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵霞  杨光 《海洋学报》2019,41(9):114-125
冬季重现(再现)是中高纬度大尺度海表温度重要的持续性特征,是热带外海洋特有的现象。北太平洋大气环流也存在这一现象,它可能会强迫产生这一海域海温的冬季重现。本文利用IPCC 20C3M耦合模式资料,评估了耦合模式模拟北太平洋海–气系统冬季重现的能力。北太平洋海温冬季重现的空间范围是海盆尺度的,中部重现时间比其周围晚。大气环流场的冬季重现主要是在北太平洋中部,它与海温冬季重现关系密切。大多数IPCC耦合模式基本上可以模拟出太平洋海温大范围的冬季重现现象。与重现范围的模拟相比,耦合模式对重现时间地理差异的模拟都比较差。各模式对大气环流冬季重现时空分布特征的模拟较差,大部分模式未能模拟出大气环流场中主要的重现区域。而且,大气环流冬季重现对海温重现的可能影响并没有体现在这些耦合模式中。耦合模式对北太平洋大气冬季重现的模拟还有待改善。  相似文献   

本文利用第三代海浪模式(WAVEWATCH III)分析了2002-2011年太平洋风速和海浪场的时空变化特征。首先,使用浮标观测数据对模式模拟的有效波高结果进行验证。结果表明模式可以有效地后报太平洋的有效波高。模式偏差较大的区域为中低纬度地区。随后将太平洋分为多个子区域,分别讨论了其风速和有效波高的时空变化特征。多年平均太平洋风速和有效波高存在类似的纬向分布特征,各子区域之间风速和有效波高的季节变化存在差别。模式刻画的太平洋有效波高年际变化最大的区域为南半球中高纬区域。进一步,我们研究了波浪能量的输入与耗散。相应的源函数项的各区域平均值显示了量化的表面波的变化。最后,对日平均的风速与有效波高值进行功率谱分析寻找序列的显著周期。结果表明有效波高时间变化对应的频谱和风速谱具有一定的差异。  相似文献   

极地海气通量异常通过大气环流将极区和中低纬度气候变化联系起来,海气通量观测是从根本上认识极区对中低纬度气候影响实质的关键手段之一。目前,国内外高纬度定点海气通量观测非常稀少,可借鉴的极地锚锭浮标布放技术也处在摸索阶段。中国第六次北极考察队在北太平洋高纬海域白令海成功投放一套锚锭海气浮标,进行定点气温、湿度、风速、短波辐射、长波辐射,海表面温度等海气界面数据连续观测,这是我国在北太平洋高纬海域成功布放的首套锚锭浮标。通过该套锚锭浮标的成功布放,获得了我国以"雪龙"船为平台的极地锚锭浮标布放技术的宝贵经验。本文从极地锚锭浮标布放的意义、锚锭浮标介绍、布放原则和方案、布放过程及布放关键技术等方面进行阐述,为我国未来极地锚锭浮标布放提供基础和借鉴。  相似文献   

风生近惯性内波破碎引起的跨等密度面混合在海洋内部混合中起重要作用。然而其参数化对海洋模式的模拟影响仍有待进一步认识。本文给出的是在模块化海洋模式(MOM)中海洋表面边界层以下引入一个考虑风驱动近惯性内波破碎引起的跨等密度面混合参数化方案的研究工作。模拟结果显示,该方案有效改善MOM4模拟的上层1 000 m以上的温盐偏差,特别是在北太平洋和北大西洋的通风地区。数值试验表明,风生近惯性内波破碎有可能是维持海洋通风过程的重要机制之一,它使得海洋通风区的位温变冷,盐度变淡,整层等位密面加深。维持的通风过程使得北太平洋副极地大涡的影响延伸到副热带大涡。从而模拟的北太平洋中层水源头及其副热带大涡东侧的温盐更接近观测实际。同时,模拟的北大西洋经圈翻转环流强度也更为合理。  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2011,39(3-4):267-279
Near-surface enhancement of turbulent mixing and vertical mixing coefficient for temperature owing to the effect of surface wave breaking is investigated using a two-dimensional (2-D) ocean circulation model with a tidal boundary condition in an idealized shelf sea. On the basis of the 2-D simulation, the effect of surface wave breaking on surface boundary layer deepening in the Yellow Sea in summer is studied utilizing a 3-D ocean circulation model. A well-mixed temperature surface layer in the Yellow Sea can be successfully reconstructed when the effect of surface wave breaking is considered. The diagnostic analysis of the turbulent kinetic energy equation shows that turbulent mixing is enhanced greatly in the Yellow Sea in summer by surface wave breaking. In addition, the diagnostic analysis of momentum budget and temperature budget also show that surface wave breaking has an evident contribution to the turbulent mixing in the surface boundary layer. We therefore conclude that surface wave breaking is an important factor in determining the depth of the surface boundary layer of temperature in the Yellow Sea in summer.  相似文献   

Results of comparison exercises carried out between the state-of-the-art TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter-derived ocean surface wind speed and ocean wave parameters (significant wave height and wave period) and those measured by a set of ocean data buoys in the North Indian Ocean are presented in this article. Altimeter-derived significant wave height values exhibited rms deviation as small as ±0.3 m, and surface wind speed of ±1.6 m/s. These results are found consistent with those found for the Pacific Ocean. For estimation of ocean wave period, the spectral moments-based semiempirical approach, earlier applied on GEOSAT data, was extended to TOPEX/POSEIDON. For this purpose, distributions of first four years of TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data and climatology over the North Indian Ocean were analyzed and a new set of coefficients generated for estimation of wave period. It is shown that wave periods thus estimated from TOPEX/POSEIDON data (for the subsequent two years), when compared with independent data set of ocean data buoys deployed in the North Indian Ocean, exhibit improved accuracy (rms ~ ±1.4 nos) over those determined earlier with GEOSAT data.  相似文献   

Results of comparison exercises carried out between the state-of-the-art TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter-derived ocean surface wind speed and ocean wave parameters (significant wave height and wave period) and those measured by a set of ocean data buoys in the North Indian Ocean are presented in this article. Altimeter-derived significant wave height values exhibited rms deviation as small as - 0.3 m, and surface wind speed of - 1.6 m/s. These results are found consistent with those found for the Pacific Ocean. For estimation of ocean wave period, the spectral moments-based semiempirical approach, earlier applied on GEOSAT data, was extended to TOPEX/POSEIDON. For this purpose, distributions of first four years of TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data and climatology over the North Indian Ocean were analyzed and a new set of coefficients generated for estimation of wave period. It is shown that wave periods thus estimated from TOPEX/POSEIDON data (for the subsequent two years), when compared with independent data set of ocean data buoys deployed in the North Indian Ocean, exhibit improved accuracy (rms ~ - 1.4 nos) over those determined earlier with GEOSAT data.  相似文献   

Utilizing the 45 a European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF)reanalysis wave data(ERA-40),the long-term trend of the sea surface wind speed and(wind wave,swell,mixed wave)wave height in the global ocean at grid point 1.5×1.5 during the last 44 a is analyzed.It is discovered that a majority of global ocean swell wave height exhibits a significant linear increasing trend(2–8 cm/decade),the distribution of annual linear trend of the significant wave height(SWH)has good consistency with that of the swell wave height.The sea surface wind speed shows an annually linear increasing trend mainly concentrated in the most waters of Southern Hemisphere westerlies,high latitude of the North Pacific,Indian Ocean north of 30 S,the waters near the western equatorial Pacific and low latitudes of the Atlantic waters,and the annually linear decreasing mainly in central and eastern equator of the Pacific,Juan.Fernandez Archipelago,the waters near South Georgia Island in the Atlantic waters.The linear variational distribution characteristic of the wind wave height is similar to that of the sea surface wind speed.Another find is that the swell is dominant in the mixed wave,the swell index in the central ocean is generally greater than that in the offshore,and the swell index in the eastern ocean coast is greater than that in the western ocean inshore,and in year-round hemisphere westerlies the swell index is relatively low.  相似文献   

储锡君  徐福敏 《海洋工程》2015,33(6):112-118
根据24年CCMP风场资料和江苏沿海4个方向(N、NE、E和SE)百年一遇风速,构建西北太平洋、东中国海和江苏沿海上述4个方向的百年一遇风场。首次建立一个基于第三代海浪模型SWAN的自西北太平洋、东中国海至江苏沿海的三重嵌套数值模型,以AVISO卫星观测数据和江苏沿海定点实测数据进行验证。以三个计算域4个方向百年一遇风场为驱动风场,驱动该多重嵌套模型,高精度数值模拟江苏沿海4个方向百年一遇有效波高分布并进行分析。结果表明,江苏沿海辐射沙洲地形对有效波高分布影响显著;E向百年一遇风场作用下海域有效波高最大,NE向次之,N向和SE较小。  相似文献   

We investigate the turbulence induced by wave-breaking at the ocean surface. Two recent models use a mechanism of direct depth injection of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) by breaking waves. Those models aim to reproduce the near-surface mean and turbulent properties, in particular the TKE dissipation rates. Of critical importance are the injection depth of each breaking wave and the size distribution of those breaking waves. The models by Sullivan et al. (2007) and by Kudryavtsev et al. (2008) have very different parameterizations, and those differences are reviewed here and compared to available observations. Using realistic parameterizations in these models leads to TKE injections too shallow to compare to observations, in particular for developed seas. The near-surface turbulence is thus still not well understood to the zeroth order. For instance, whether developed seas produce deeper or shallower mixing than young seas is neither well understood nor well modelled. Additional dedicated measurements as well as investigations of breaking non-breaking wave interactions are needed.  相似文献   

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