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利用海上大容量气枪作为震源,陆上固定台网和流动台站作为接收台阵的海陆地震联测试验在南海北部已开展多次,其中流动台站的布设一直是野外试验中至关重要的工作之一。作者以2011年海南岛海陆地震联测试验为基础,对野外流动台站的布设过程及注意事项进行了分析总结;从同一震源不同台基记录信号的差异性、不同震源同一台基记录信号的变化特征以及相近接收距离不同台基记录的信号特征等方面对以下3个不同类型台基上流动台站接收到的气枪信号进行了对比分析,发现接收到的气枪信号与台基的稳定性、环境噪音的大小存在紧密关系。在相近接收距离下,当布设台基为山脚成片的基性岩石时,流动台站接收到的信号信噪比很高,且波形持续时间较短,能量较为集中;当布设台基为河边冲积的岩石时,流动台站接收到的信号信噪比较差,且波形持续时间较长,能量较为分散,导致信号的到时难以分辨;而当布设台基为山顶半悬浮大块岩石时,流动台接收到的信号的信噪比最差。从处理的地震剖面可知,台基为成片出露的基性岩石时,震相数据最为清晰,拾取也更准确。  相似文献   

最近研制成功了一种适用于浅水地区进行地震勘探的高效率气枪震源.它采用直接把枪体插入泥底进行激发的工作方式,在设计上又采用了双气室联合激发的结构形式.因此,这种气枪在引爆后能充分释放高压空气,并在较大的面积上直接冲击气枪周围的泥层介质而激发强烈的地震波.这个气枪的两个气室的容积为1.5和3升,高压空气的压强为150公斤/厘米~2.测量表明:气枪在泥层中激发的地震波幅度高达20巴/米(峰-峰值);地震波的波形是单一的阻尼振荡波,没有二次以上的脉动波出现;地震波的能量谱集中在15-75赫之间,  相似文献   

在海底地震仪(ocean bottom seismometer, OBS)广角地震记录剖面上, 经常可以见到震相清晰且连续的多次波信号, 多次波和初至波是由相同的震源信号产生的, 也是地壳真实结构的反映。但是在通常的OBS数据处理过程中, 经常将多次波作为无效信号剔除掉, 对其属性及应用的研究比较少。文章通过对台湾海峡南部OBS探测测线HXN01数据的处理, 对多个台站记录到的二次震相进行了识别与拾取, 并以OBS0106台站为例, 对识别出的二次Ps震相进行了系统的研究分析, 发现二次Ps震相的波形特征和质点运动轨迹与初至震相相似, 但波形最大振幅值明显大于初至震相。通过Rayinvr射线追踪方法模拟, 确定了二次Ps震相的主要反射层, 并发现加入二次震相后, 台站下方浅部沉积层射线覆盖密度有显著提升, 射线覆盖的区域也明显增加, 为沉积层精细结构的反演提供了更为丰富的数据基础。另外, 对理论模型的地壳结构进行加入二次Ps震相前后的反演测试, 结果显示加入二次Ps震相数据后, 沉积层的界面深度误差得到明显的改善。  相似文献   

海陆地震联测是研究海陆过渡带深部地壳结构的有效的地球物理方法。为了研究珠江口外潜在强震区的深部发震构造,对比分析了2004年和2010年珠江口外海陆地震联测的数据特征,重点对2010年海陆地震联测实验的OBS2010-1测线进行分析。通过对该测线采集数据的初步分析可知,此次实验数据质量较高且完善性好,多道地震探测获得了清晰的浅部结构,固定地震台、流动地震台和海底地震仪记录的震相信息丰富,固定台接收气枪信号的最远接收距离约为360km,为研究该潜在强震区的深部发震构造打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

CSDP-2井位于南黄海盆地中部隆起西部,是大陆架科学钻探项目在中部隆起上实施的第一口以探查印支构造面以下海相中-古生界地层属性为目标的科学钻探井,对了解中部隆起前新生代基岩地层赋存关系具有重要意义。为了获取井孔的高精度地层速度及高信噪比地震波场特征,建立准确的地震层位与钻井地层的对应关系,对该井实施了垂直地震剖面(VSP)观测。针对观测井的地震地质条件和观测目标,采用了由4条1500in3的Bolt气枪组成的大容量气枪阵列作为地震激发震源,克服了海相地层顶界面强反射对地震波强烈阻滞的难题;通过三分量数字检波器等间距观测方法,记录传播到井中的地震波场信号。现场的初步处理结果表明,获得了高信噪比的地震波场信号,纵波和转换波信号清晰、特征突出。  相似文献   

西南印度洋洋中脊热液A区海底地震仪数据处理初步成果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在西南印度洋热液活动A区(49°39′E)开展的三维海底地震仪(OBS)探测实验为研究该区域的深部地壳/上地幔结构提供了重要基础,而OBS数据处理是获取研究区三维速度结构的基础环节。文章介绍了此次实验中所用的3种不同类型OBS(国产、法国和德国OBS)的数据处理流程,包括地震数据解编处理、截裁处理和地震信号的可视化处理;并以第2790炮为例分析了3种类型OBS记录数据的波形和频谱特征。结果表明,由于受不同类型OBS的频带、传感器和拾震器等影响,国产与法国OBS都能记录到长周期和短周期噪音,而德国OBS只记录到短周期噪音;但经带通滤波后,3种类型OBS都能够很好地压制噪音,突出有用的气枪信号;对比3种类型OBS(分别以OBS04、OBS08和OBS23为例)沿主测线X1X2的综合记录剖面,发现3种类型OBS都能够记录到多组清晰可靠的P波震相,如直达水波、Pg、PmP和Pn震相,为下一步A区的三维层析成像奠定了坚实数据基础。  相似文献   

天然气水合物是一种新型的清洁能源, 南海北部神狐海域的地质条件有利于水合物的形成和储藏。传统的多道地震(MCS)数据难以得到精确的速度信息, 并且只能从时间域上判断地质体纵向分布。海底地震仪(OBS)是一种常用的主动源地震仪器, 可以接收到更清晰的气枪信号。相比于MCS, OBS剖面上的折射震相可以揭示较深部的地层速度信息。文章结合MCS和OBS的优势, 识别水平叠加剖面上的反射层位, 并得到初始模型; 将OBS剖面和水平叠加剖面拼合, 从而判断OBS剖面上反射震相所对应层位; 拾取OBS台站上的反射和折射震相, 使用RayInvr软件正演模拟得到水合物存在区域的二维速度模型, 解决了MCS中较为困难的时深转换问题。最终模型显示了水合物、游离气区域的埋深、厚度和速度, 以及似海底反射(BSR)下方更深部界面的深度和速度特征。  相似文献   

香港与珠三角地区海陆联合地震探测的数据处理   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
介绍了香港与珠三角地区海陆联测地震数据处理的一般流程及方法,讨论了导航数据记录时间存在误差的问题及其解决方法,对数据处理程序进行了改进,使之更加通用化。提出了数据处理中需要改进之处,对较远的地震台站采用滤波、均衡、剪切等处理手段,突出弱震相,压制强噪音。广东和香港地区的大部分固定台站均可清晰识别出有效信号,这是首次利用固定台站记录到远距离海上气枪信号,最远接收距离达到240多公里,获得了较好的观测结果。  相似文献   

负跃层浅海中信号波形的多速结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海洋中水声信号波形的变化规律是一个重要的研究课题,利用信号波形特征可能识别不同的水下目标、提高信号处理的增益.信号波形的规律性也可用来监测某些海洋环境参数的变化.深海中存在较稳定的水下声道,文研究过水下声道中信号波形规律.由于浅海环境的复杂性,海水介质及其边界在空间与时间上存在着有规则的与随机的变化.因而浅海中脉冲信号的波形结构需要进行专门的研究.本文仅就负跃层浅海中的信号波形规律进行一些探讨.  相似文献   

南海北部海陆联合深地震探测及其地质学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南海北部海陆地震联测经历了旧气枪震源的初始试验、大容量气枪的引进与改造、陆上台站和海底地震仪联合接收等3个阶段,填补了海陆过渡带深部结构的研究空白,其结果显示滨海断裂带在速度结构上表现为低速特征,并揭示了南海北部陆缘地震带的深部发震构造与地壳内部低速结构和交叉断裂的耦合作用存在紧密联系。西沙和南沙海陆联测为北部联测的进一步工作,可以构建穿越南海北部陆缘、西沙地块到南沙地块等陆缘的超长地壳结构剖面,对我们揭示南沙地块内部微块体结构、南沙地块及其邻区的深部速度结构以及南沙地块与周边海盆、陆块间过渡带的综合地质地球物理结构,了解南沙地块现今的构造状态与构造变迁历史,解译南沙地块裂离演变过程等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Marine Geophysical Research - Strong ocean current influences a marine seismic survey and forces the streamer off-course from the survey line. The sideway drift of the streamer results in that the...  相似文献   

Marine seismic data has been collected for several decades in both academia and industry. Early single channel acquisitions were often, if at all, recorded on magnetic media that are generally no longer supported for replay. Although seismic data over 10 years old has limited quality compared to modern acquisition, thousands of survey km of hard copy records remains world wide in areas with no recent coverage. In addition, many processed multi-channel datasets are now not available as digital files for a variety of reasons. Rising interest in continental margin geology in response to climate change priorities and the UNCLOS submission requirements of maritime states has created a demand to re-use these older records where the cost of new or re-acquisition is not pragmatic. Through creating digital SEG-Y files from images of these records they can be reprocessed and re-interpreted. This paper investigates the practicalities of paper seismic record re-use and measures the performance of a typical conversion option as an indicator of the validity of the concept. Examples of applications of the process illustrate what can be achieved and the limitations that exist so that users can make an informed choice of whether to resurrect their information.  相似文献   

The mechanism of underwater earthquakes and tsunami wave generation in the Azov Sea-Black Sea region is studied, and theoretical principles of selecting simulation models are elaborated. In this connection, the geophysical data on the distribution, intensity and mechanisms of underwater seismic zones that may give rise to catastrophic disturbances of the marine environment are summarized and categorized, specifically, those that give rise to tsunamis. This makes possible the development and updating of mathematical models for the generation of seismic and surface gravity waves, considering geological heterogeneities, bottom irregularities, bottom sediments, etc. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon leakage interpreted on seismic data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In an active petroleum system the amount of trapped hydrocarbons is the difference between the volumes charged and the volumes that have leaked or are otherwise destroyed. This paper focuses on the leakage processes taking place above a hydrocarbon-filled trap and how leakage is expressed on seismic data. A variety of seismic anomalies related to hydrocarbon leakage are interpreted and illustrated.  相似文献   

The often poor quality of ocean bottom seismic data, particularly that observed on horizontal seismometers, is shown to be the result of instruments responding to motions in ways not intended. Instruments designed to obtain the particle motion of the ocean bottom are found to also respond to motions of the water. The shear discontinuity across the ocean floor boundary results in torques that cause package rotation, rather than rectilinear motion, in response to horizontal ground or water motion. The problems are exacerbated by bottom currents and soft sediments. The theory and data presented in this paper suggest that the only reliable way of obtaining high fidelity particle motion data from the ocean floor is to bury the sensors below the bottom in a package with density close to that of the sediment. Long period signals couple well to ocean bottom seismometers, but torques generated by bottom currents can cause noise at both long and short periods. The predicted effects are illustrated using parameters appropriate for the operational OBS developed for the U. S. Office of Naval Research. Examples of data from ocean bottom and buried sensors are also presented.  相似文献   

High Resolution (220–1050 Hz) seismic acquisition performed in deep water using deep-towed systems provides unrivalled lateral resolution when compared to conventional surface seismic. The lateral resolution of these acquisitions is controlled by the width of the first Fresnel zone, taking advantage of their positions close to the sea bottom. No current existing deep towed equipment can benefit from seismic imaging processing techniques to improve this resolution as a consequence of positioning inaccuracies. The technological developments of a digital deep-towed multichannel streamer are presented with a particular attention to positioning: each hydrophone incorporates a pitch, roll and heading sensor in order to monitor the constant deformation of the streamer in operation. The sea trials took place in July 2013 in the Mediterranean Sea. Pre-stack depth migration applied to the deep-towed multichannel data illustrates the potential of this emerging methodology in terms of penetration (12 dB improvement in Signal/Noise) and lateral resolution (mean signal wavelength: 3 m) when compared with deep-towed single-channel acquisition.  相似文献   

To improve resolution of seismic-reflection profiles in continental slope water depths of 900 to 1500 m, a single hydrophone was towed about 150 m off the bottom to receive reflected signals from a surface-towed sparker sound source. That deep-towed hydrophone data show that valleys which appear V-shaped in records from a surface-towed hydrophone are flat-bottomed, and that subbottom reflections from an erosional unconformity can be much better resolved. The data produced by this technique are very hepful when used in conjunction with records from conventional surface-towed seismic-profiling equipment.  相似文献   

The Hawaii-2 Observatory seismic system is currently transmitting high-quality seismic data from the ocean floor in the central NE Pacific Ocean through Hawaii to the IRIS Data Management Center. The system includes broad-band seismic, geophone, acoustic, and ocean current sensors. The seismic sensors are buried about 0.4 m below the ocean floor to improve coupling to the ocean bottom and to reduce noise levels. The system can be remotely calibrated, leveled and locked, and gains can be changed on command from shore. Data are temporarily stored in the seismic package for retransmission as needed to correct for transmission problems and to prevent loss of data. Data generated are valuable for studies of the Earth's structure and the dynamics of earthquakes  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and application of a system for quantitative near-bottom seismic profiling at 4 kHz. Developed as part of the Deep Tow Instrumentation System of the Marine Physical Laboratory, this system represents a capability which is relatively unique in terms of lateral resolution. This capability was developed in order to observe small-scale horizontal variations in acoustic reflectivity of the sea floor as well as similar properties for shallow, layered structures in bottom sediments. The system provides real time computer processing and quantitative displays of processed data in several forms. These displays include a high resolution grey scale display of equivalent plane wave pressure (compensating for Fish altitude), a three-dimensional contourogram display of equivalent intensity, and a plot of integrated equivalent energy for travel-time sections (typically corresponding to 0–5 and 5–55 m into the bottom). These quantitative displays provide a real-time capability for mapping reflectivity of the sea floor and sub-bottom reflectors within a survey area and for estimating acoustic attenuation in marine sediments from observations of layer reflectivity as a function of depth of burial. Such determinations of attenuation can be made directly from the composite computer display which is produced on a facsimile recorder. The data from this system suggest that small scale variations are common to many areas of the sea floor, with poorly explained variations of up to 10 dB over lateral distances of less than 50 m. Values of effective attenuation determined by this system show good agreement with values measured directly in the San Diego Trough, and suggest unusually low values for highly calcareous sediments on the Carnegie Ridge.  相似文献   

A telemetering, recoverable, sonobuoy system for seismic refraction surveying using a single ship is described. The novel feature of the system is two-way telemetry between ship and buoys, enabling the setting of gain controls in the buoys and conservation of battery power between recording periods. This makes it possible to have several widely separated buoys simultaneously record the shots. Thus a reversed or multiple-reversed profile is obtained from a single line of shots. By careful design of the telemetry system, a maximum range of 50 km is achieved with an antenna height of only 50 ft on the ship.  相似文献   

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