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针对混响环境非自由声场中声源测量的问题,本文以消声水池和混响水槽为实验环境,以换能器辐射的声场为研究对象,以水听器阵列为测量前端,进行了混响环境非自由声场中声源对象的测量、分析和重构的实验研究。通过单层水听器阵列对非自由声场进行声压分布测量,并对测量结果作声波分离处理,将分离前后的声压分布和在消声水池中测量的声压分布进行比较,给出了声源频率为5 000 Hz和7 000 Hz时,声场重构的误差分析结果。结果表明,基于单层水听器阵列声压测量的声波分离方法,能够较精确地对混响环境中的声场进行重构。  相似文献   

介绍了海面噪声场条件下的声压与质点振速的时空相关函数。论证了海面噪声场垂直与水平方向噪声的各向异性程度。结果表明,在垂直于海平面的方向上,噪声场表现为各向异性;在与海面的水平方向上,噪声场表现为各向同性。结果表明,各向同性噪声场条件下基于矢量水听器被动检测的声纳系统目标水平方位角估计是基本可靠的,但垂直方位角的计算需要修正。  相似文献   

孙显彬  郑轶  于非 《海洋科学》2019,43(1):95-100
以多传感器信息融合理论为指导,结合现代信息处理技术与数据驱动建模及科学计算技术,研究浅海超低频声源目标激发共存地震波的复合声场中超低频声波传播特性和数据驱动建模的水下目标深度识别等关键技术,并论证了技术实现方案及路径。结果表明:以复合矢量水听器、地震波监测仪等多传感器信息融合理论为指导研究前海超低频声源目标可以克服传统声场建模存在的问题,有助于浅海超低频声源目标探测及改善海洋水下声学监测手段。在提高声呐探测设备的测量准确度、精度方面具有重要的理论意义,对周边海域为浅海的我国海防具有实战价值。  相似文献   

利用单个矢量水听器实现水下声目标方位估计,较传统标量水听器估计方法简单且容易实现.纳机电矢量水听器具有灵敏度高、低频特性好、尺度小等优良特性.基于这种新型矢量水听器,采用DSPTMS320F2812处理器实现对水下声目标方位的实时估计和显示.给出了定向系统总体和各个模块设计原理,完成了相应的硬件电路与软件实现.试验结果表明:系统能稳定地对传感器的输出信号进行采集和角度计算,并能实时显示水下声目标的方位角度.角度误差小于2°.  相似文献   

为了更合理地预报潜标结构在海洋环境下的流噪声情况,采用基于大涡模拟(LES)结合远场自动匹配层(FEM/AML)技术的声学混合方法,以某NACA翼型结构为研究对象对其进行水下声学分析。该方法得到了频域条件下标体结构在特征点处的声压级频率响应曲线与表面声压分布情况,并与FLUENT计算结果进行对比,脉动压力结果与表面声压分布吻合良好,证明了该方法预报水下结构流噪声的可靠性。研究结果表明,标体结构流噪声能量主要集中在低频段,集中区域位于该标体的中后段,辐射噪声沿标体结构上下表面成瓣状分布,标体中部辐射范围大,标体头部、尾部辐射范围较小。  相似文献   

纳机电矢量水听器根据鱼类听觉器官侧线设计,是一种新型微纳结合的纤毛式水声矢量探测仿生结构。以往关于纳机电矢量水听器的定向研究都是基于单个水听器的,方位角出现了左右舷模糊,波束图的主瓣宽度较宽。为提高水听器的性能,改进了其敏感单元和封装方式,经国防科技工业一级测量站标定,其频率响应范围为20~2 000 Hz,灵敏度为-165 dB。为解决左右舷模糊,采用二元阵进行定向,水听器的两路输出信号被校准一致后,在某开阔水域进行了纳机电矢量水听器二元阵的实验研究,验证了纳机电矢量水听器二元阵水平沿X轴放置时能够唯一确定目标的方位角,但是俯仰角出现了左右舷模糊;对低频信号的定向能力较强;具有可靠的跟踪水下运动目标能力。  相似文献   

矢量水听器可以同步、共点测量声场的声压与振速信息.为了有效利用声压和振速的相关性,设计了双输入端自适应线谱增强器,并利用自适应线谱增强对实测的噪声数据进行了处理.结果表明,线谱增强器在双输入端分别输入声压与振速信号时比在单输入端输入声压时,对背景噪声有更好的抑制作用,输出的线谱亦更加明显.  相似文献   

基于纳机电矢量水听器的水下目标估计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
纳机电矢量水听器是一种新型的声音传感器,根据鱼类侧线听觉仿生学原理设计.文中对这种传感器的定向功能进行了研究,综合国内外各种文献中的几种单矢量水听器定向算法,选取了波束形成法应用于纳机电矢量水听器.并对水听器的测向功能进行了室外水库测试,实验结果表明:在室外水库较复杂的环境中,纳机电矢量水听器能够实现声目标定位,为下一步的海洋真实环境测试打下基础.  相似文献   

针对小尺度基阵难以取得低频空间增益的问题,研究了圆阵超增益波束形成技术检测低频目标的方法。利用小尺度基阵低频噪声的空间相关性,求出基阵的相关系数矩阵,该矩阵对常规波束形成的权系数进行加权,产生超增益波束形成器的最优加权向量。计算机仿真与实测数据处表明:超增益波束形成技术能够在较低的工作频率上形成波束,获得更好的探测定位性能,有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

提出1种将消频散变换应用到海底地声参数反演的方法。对单一水听器接收声压信号进行消频散处理后,根据群延时差建立代价函数,反演得到主要海底参数,最后根据贝叶斯统计理论给出了待反演地声参数的边缘后验概率密度。对单层波导进行仿真证明这种新方法的有效性。  相似文献   

A theoretical model for the vertical directionality and depth dependence of high frequency (8 to 50 kHz) ambient noise in the deep ocean is developed. The anisotropic noise field at a variety of depths and frequencies is evaluated and displayed. It was found that at high frequencies and deep depths, a bottom-mounted hydrophone receives the maximum noise energy from overhead rather than from the horizontal. This leads to the consideration of an oblate hydrophone receiving response pattern for underwater tracking ranges that would provide a constant signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for an acoustic source located anywhere in a circular area centered above the hydrophone. Two of the desirable characteristics of this type of pattern are the increase in receiving range of a bottom-mounted sensor and the decrease of the dynamic range of signals that a signal processor must handle.  相似文献   

In order to study the properties of sound-speed dispersion in a sandy sediment, the sound speed was measured both at high frequency (90-170 kHz) and low frequency (0.5-3 kHz) in laboratory environments. At high frequency, a sampling measurement was conducted with boiled and uncooked sand samples collected from the bottom of a large water tank. The sound speed was directly obtained through transmission measurement using single source and single hydrophone. At low frequency, an in situ measurement was conducted in the water tank, where the sandy sediment had been homogeneously paved at the bottom for a long time. The sound speed was indirectly inverted according to the traveling time of signals received by three buried hydrophones in the sandy sediment and the geometry in experiment. The results show that the mean sound speed is approximate 1710-1713 m/s with a weak positive gradient in the sand sample after being boiled (as a method to eliminate bubbles as much as possible) at high frequency, which agrees well with the predictions of Biot theory, the effective density fluid model (EDFM) and Buckingham''s theory. However, the sound speed in the uncooked sandy sediment obviously decreases (about 80%) both at high frequency and low frequency due to plenty of bubbles in existence. And the sound-speed dispersion performs a weak negative gradient at high frequency. Finally, a water-unsaturated Biot model is presented for trying to explain the decrease of sound speed in the sandy sediment with plenty of bubbles.  相似文献   

Aperture extension is achieved in this novel ESPRIT-based two-dimensional angle estimation scheme using a uniform rectangular array of vector hydrophones spaced much farther apart than a half-wavelength. A vector hydrophone comprises two or three spatially co-located, orthogonally oriented identical velocity hydrophones (each of which measures one Cartesian component of the underwater acoustical particle velocity vector-field) plus an optional pressure hydrophone. Each incident source's directions-of-arrival are determined from the source's acoustical particle velocity components, which are extracted by decoupling the data covariance matrix's signal-subspace eigenvectors using the lower dimensional eigenvectors obtainable by ESPRIT. These direction-cosine estimates are unambiguous but have high variance; they are used as coarse references to disambiguate the cyclic phase ambiguities in ESPRIT's eigenvalues when the intervector-hydrophone spacing exceeds a half-wavelength. In one simulation scenario, the estimation standard deviation decreases with increasing intervector-hydrophone spacing up to 12 wavelengths, effecting a 97% reduction in the estimation standard deviation relative to the half-wavelength case. This proposed scheme and the attendant vector-hydrophone array outperform a uniform half-wavelength spaced pressure-hydrophone array with the same aperture and slightly greater number of component hydrophones by an order of magnitude in estimation standard deviation. Other simulations demonstrate how this proposed method improves underwater acoustic communications link performance. The virtual array interpolation technique would allow this proposed algorithm to be used with irregular array geometries  相似文献   

In order to study the properties of sound-speed dispersion in a sandy sediment, the sound speed was measured both at high frequency(90–170 k Hz) and low frequency(0.5–3 k Hz) in laboratory environments. At high frequency, a sampling measurement was conducted with boiled and uncooked sand samples collected from the bottom of a large water tank. The sound speed was directly obtained through transmission measurement using single source and single hydrophone. At low frequency, an in situ measurement was conducted in the water tank, where the sandy sediment had been homogeneously paved at the bottom for a long time. The sound speed was indirectly inverted according to the traveling time of signals received by three buried hydrophones in the sandy sediment and the geometry in experiment. The results show that the mean sound speed is approximate 1710–1713 m/s with a weak positive gradient in the sand sample after being boiled(as a method to eliminate bubbles as much as possible) at high frequency, which agrees well with the predictions of Biot theory, the effective density fluid model(EDFM) and Buckingham's theory. However, the sound speed in the uncooked sandy sediment obviously decreases(about 80%)both at high frequency and low frequency due to plenty of bubbles in existence. And the sound-speed dispersion performs a weak negative gradient at high frequency. Finally, a water-unsaturated Biot model is presented for trying to explain the decrease of sound speed in the sandy sediment with plenty of bubbles.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel ESPRIT-based closed form source localization algorithm applicable to arbitrarily spaced three-dimensional arrays of vector hydrophones, whose locations need not be known. Each vector hydrophone consists of two or three identical but orthogonally oriented velocity hydrophones plus one pressure hydrophone, all spatially co-located in a point-like geometry. A velocity hydrophone measures one Cartesian component of the incident sonar wavefield's velocity-vector, whereas a pressure hydrophone measures the acoustic wavefield's pressure. Velocity-hydrophone technology is well established in underwater acoustics and a great variety of commercial models have long been available. ESPRIT is realized herein by exploiting the nonspatial inter-relations among each vector hydrophone's constituent hydrophones, such that ESPRIT's eigenvalues become independent of array geometry. Simulation results verify the efficacy and versatility of this innovative scheme  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel ESPRIT-based closed-form source localization algorithm applicable to arbitrarily spaced three-dimensional arrays of vector hydrophones, whose locations need not be known. Each vector hydrophone consists of two or three identical but orthogonally oriented velocity hydrophones plus one pressure hydrophone, all spatially co-located in a point-like geometry. A velocity hydrophone measures one Cartesian component of the incident sonar wavefield's velocity vector, whereas a pressure hydrophone measures the acoustic wavefield's pressure. Velocity-hydrophone technology is well established in underwater acoustics and a great variety of commercial models have long been available. ESPRIT is realized herein by exploiting the nonspatial interrelations among each vector hydrophone's constituent hydrophones, such that ESPRIT's eigenvalues become independent of array geometry. Simulation results verify the efficacy and versatility of this innovative scheme  相似文献   

A seismic reflection profiling system utilising a surface air gun source and a deep-towed horizontal hydrophone streamer has been developed for high resolution studies in the deep ocean. The instrument is deployed on a conventional armoured single conductor cable at depths of up to 6 km. Seismic data from the 30 m long streamer is wide-band frequency modulated up the towing cable to the ship together with a high frequency monitor from a 3.5 kHz echo-sounder mounted on the instrument package. The geometry of the system allows an order of magnitude improvement in spatial resolution compared with that obtained from standard surface source/receiver configurations. The summed hydrophones of the streamer attenuate cable-generated mechanical noise, and the 3.5 kHz sea-surface and bottom reflected returns provide receiver positioning information. The system has been successfully deployed at depths of 5 km in the Vema Fracture Zone in the North Atlantic, and although initially difficulties were experienced in balancing the streamer, subsequent profiles across the transform fault show details of sub-bottom structure which on conventional surface records are generally masked by diffraction hyperbolae.  相似文献   

海上风电场建设期风机打桩会产生高强度的水下噪声,研究水下冲击打桩噪声的监测方法、特性分析及对海洋生物的影响是非常重要的。采用自容式水下声音记录仪,多点同步测量了福建省兴化湾海上风电场二期工程建设期单次完整的水下冲击打桩噪声,从时频域特性进行了分析,并利用最小二乘法拟合得到了打桩声源级和声暴露级。结果表明:水下冲击打桩噪声是典型的低频、高强度的脉冲信号,单个脉冲持续时间约90~100 ms,峰值声源级约209.4±2 dB,声暴露级约197.7±2 dB;主要能量分布在50 Hz~1 kHz频段,750 m测量点的该频段声压级相比海洋环境背景噪声,提高了约40~50 dB。水下冲击打桩噪声频域能量分布与大黄鱼的听觉敏感频段相重叠,对大黄鱼影响程度和范围较大,实际工程应用中宜采用声暴露级作为评价指标。  相似文献   


In long baseline (LBL) positioning system, errors due to uncertain sound speed are the major facts to its positioning accuracy. In this study, the problem is solved by setting acoustic signal travels between the target and different hydrophones with different sound speed and using particle swarm optimization algorithm to solve the multi-parameter optimization problem to obtain the sound speeds. Presented simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the positioning accuracy of the LBL system compared to existing algorithms and its computational efficiency is high enough.  相似文献   

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