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印支运动以后,在现今的南海及其周围存在过2个古海洋,其中晚侏罗世一早白垩世消失于南海北部陆缘区、北巴拉望-礼乐滩-南沙地块以北的古海洋为“中特提斯”,而早第三纪期间消失于南沙地块以南沙捞越一带的古海洋为“古南海”。它们的结束时间和消失的古地理位置完全不同。对它们的正确识别和区分,对目前进行的南海周边地区中一新生代构造演化研究极为重要。对马来半岛、加里曼丹岛中生代岩相古地理资料的整理和分析结果支持如下结论:中特提斯洋的延伸是从苏门答腊的Woyla缝合线,过婆罗洲的Meratus缝合线。然后绕西南婆罗洲地块至加里曼丹岛的西北(Lupar带或者Boyan带),进入南海西南角(南沙-礼乐滩-北巴拉望地块等以北),再接南海北部陆缘区内的中特提斯缝合线。该区中生代海相地层的分布明显受构造演化的控制,整体趋势是向南退缩。印支运动以前、早-中三叠世的海侵广泛分布于古特提斯带及以南地区,涉及华南,中南地块,马来半岛及以南地区;印支运动基本结束了古特提斯带的海侵,因此晚三叠世一早侏罗世的海侵主要限于中特提斯海域及以南地区,如与中特提斯洋相邻的陆域,包括华南的湘赣粤海湾晚三叠世一早侏罗世的海侵、中南半岛东南部早侏罗世的海侵以及新加坡早侏罗世的海相地层。白垩纪海相地层主要分布于中特提斯以南地区,如加里曼丹岛。  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地南部邻近陆域主要包括福建东南部以及广东东北部的广大地区。结合野外地质考察、岩石薄片镜鉴及样品地球化学测试结果等资料,研究了该地区晚三叠世—早侏罗世沉积古环境。研究区晚三叠世—早侏罗世时期,属于温湿气候环境,南部的粤东地区沉积水体深度较大,因此,大部分样品指示厌氧环境。晚三叠世时,整个东海陆架南部邻近陆域自南向北水体逐渐变浅,南部主要为滨海—浅海陆棚—深水陆棚环境,北部主要表现为受海侵作用影响的海陆过渡相环境;早侏罗世时,南部主要表现为水体较深的深水陆棚环境,北部主要表现为海陆过渡相—陆相沉积环境。通过对具有相同大地构造背景的邻近陆域沉积古环境的研究,从而可以推断缺乏钻井资料的东海陆架盆地南部沉积古环境自北向南由陆及海,为后续开展海域中生界油气地质条件研究提供依据。  相似文献   

粤东地区中生代主要发育了7套岩性组合,包括小坪组、金鸡组、桥源组、漳平组、吉岭湾组、高基坪群、官草湖群。晚三叠世一早侏罗世为连续沉积,包括深海相、浅海相和海陆交互相,中侏罗世均为陆相沉积,包括火山湖泊相、湖泊相及平原洪积相,晚侏罗世为内陆火山盆地相堆积,多沿断裂带呈串珠状分布;白垩纪为陆相沉积,包括山麓堆积洪积相、河流相、浅水湖泊相及深水湖泊等。中生代主要受燕山运动影响,燕山运动分五幕,燕山运动一幕发生在早、中侏罗世之间,导致海相旋回的结束和陆相堆积的开始。燕山运动二幕发生在中、晚侏罗世之间,表现在晚侏罗世火山复陆屑建造以角度不整合覆于中侏罗世地层上。燕山运动三幕发生在晚侏罗世之后,早白垩之前,是燕山运动主幕,表现在下白垩统不整合覆于高基坪群上。燕山运动四幕发生在早、晚白垩世之间,叶塘组呈不整合覆于早白垩世红层之上。燕山运动五幕发生在晚白垩世红层沉积后,早第三纪前,表现为内陆湖泊相碎屑岩建造夹火山岩建造。  相似文献   

前人研究表明,粤东海盆、南沙地块东部、加里曼丹西部存在晚三叠—早侏罗世海相地层,并且沉积相和古生物的对比认为它们在晚三叠—早侏罗世可能属同一海盆。文章对广东梅县、惠州和东莞的下侏罗统进行了古地磁研究,试图从古地磁的角度探讨粤东海盆、南沙地块东部、加里曼丹西部是否同属一个海盆。本文退磁结果表明,梅县玄武岩样品分离出低温剩磁和高温特征剩磁;惠州样品只有少数能分离出低温剩磁,难以统计方向;东莞红层样品分离出低温剩磁、中温剩磁和高温特征剩磁。梅县和东莞低温剩磁方向与当地现代地磁场方向一致,为现代地磁场的重磁化结果。所有采点中,只有2个采点分离出了高温特征剩磁,难以用褶皱检验方法检验高温特征剩磁是否原生剩磁。若用华南地块早侏罗世、中—晚侏罗世和白垩纪参考极限定东莞和梅县磁倾角大小,对比东莞中温剩磁、高温特征剩磁和梅县高温特征剩磁褶皱展平0—100%的倾角范围,讨论各剩磁在褶皱展平的形成阶段,结果为东莞中温剩磁在褶皱展平70%—80%时获得;东莞高温特征剩磁可能在褶皱展平后获得;但无法确定梅县高温特征剩磁最可能在哪个褶皱展平阶段获得。磁组构揭示了东莞红层沉积和压实特征,增加了东莞高温特征剩磁为原生剩磁的可能性。等温剩磁曲线、热退磁曲线和交变退磁曲线表明,东莞红层的携磁矿物为赤铁矿;梅县玄武岩部分样品携磁矿物为磁铁矿,部分样品携磁矿物为赤铁矿。文章的古地磁结果虽然未能回答"粤东海盆、南沙地块东部、加里曼丹西部是否同属一个海盆"的科学问题,但为今后进一步的古地磁工作提供了有用信息。  相似文献   

通过华南陆区与海域中生代岩相古地理与沉积分布特征之研究,认识到本区中生代构造发育历史经历了三叠纪到早侏罗世由于华北地块沿秦岭-大别造山带向西南方向挤压,和印支地块沿哀牢山-红河-莺歌海碰撞逢合带向东北方向挤压而使华南地块发生陆内挤压变形,以及东南部被动大陆边缘构造发育历史,和晚侏罗世到早白垩世伊佐奈歧(Izangi)板...  相似文献   

中卫及周缘地区位于阿拉善地块、华北板块、北祁连加里东造山带之间,该区上古生代受区域构造和全球海平面变化影响,地层发育与华北地区有较大差异。通过收集整理3条野外实测地质剖面及19条剖面资料,根据剖面岩性、沉积结构、构造、沉积旋回等,对中卫及周缘地区石炭纪岸线变迁、沉积范围、主要海泛期沉积体系及沉积相的纵向演变规律进行了研究。将研究区石炭系地层划分为三角洲、堡岛、碳酸盐岩台地、浅海4类沉积体系。早石炭世早期,南秦岭洋的海水开始入侵研究区南部,沉积范围呈狭长带东西向展布;早石炭世晚期海侵范围逐步向北、向东扩大,于早石炭世形成由阿拉善古陆、鄂尔多斯、北祁连围成的祁连海沉积区。早石炭世海水较深,沉积物以厚层灰岩为主,碳酸盐岩台地和堡岛沉积体系较为发育。晚石炭世海侵继续向北、向东扩大,晚石炭世晚期研究区祁连海与华北陆表海在中央古隆起北部汇合;早二叠世早期,中央古隆起没于水下,祁连海与华北海已广泛连通。晚石炭世至早二叠世早期海平面变化频繁,海水较浅,沉积物以碎屑岩为主并夹有灰岩,主要发育三角洲沉积体系、堡岛沉积体系以及浅海沉积体系。  相似文献   

南海东北部中生代海相地层的分布及其地质地球物理特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海东北部的珠江口盆地珠一坳陷、东沙隆起、潮汕坳陷和台西南盆地等4个地质构造单元中,除发育巨厚新生代地层外,还发育并保留较厚的早白垩世和早侏罗世海相地层.这些地层的地震反射特征表现为大角度倾斜、可连续追踪和中低频的反射层序.由叠加速度推算的层速度为4.3-5.0km·s-1.这些中生代地层具坳陷型沉积特征而与新生代断陷型充填式沉积明显不同,残存厚度约4 000-5 000m.东沙-澎湖-北港隆起带是中生代华南地块与南海地块的缝合拼接带.该拼接带显示为地壳增厚和高磁异常,古特提斯在此消亡.  相似文献   

墨西哥及墨西哥湾盆地构造单元及其演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
墨西哥及墨西哥湾盆地中生代以来可划分为两个一级构造单元,分别是墨西哥造山带和墨西哥湾盆地,进一步可划分二级构造单元6个,其中在墨西哥造山带划分了3个二级构造单元,分别是下加里福尼亚造山带、西马德雷—南马德雷岛弧带和东马德雷逆冲挤压带。在墨西哥湾盆地也划分了3个二级构造单元,分别是墨西哥湾盆地区、佛罗里达地块和尤卡坦地块。墨西哥造山带的形成是大洋板块和大陆板块相互作用的结果,但在不同构造单元上的表现不同。墨西哥湾盆地是一个中生代—新生代的裂谷盆地,包括内陆带、沿海带和洋壳带。根据墨西哥湾盆地构造地层幕将墨西哥湾盆地构造演化分为5个演化阶段,分别为晚三叠世到早侏罗世时期裂谷阶段,中侏罗世裂谷和地壳衰减阶段,晚侏罗世洋壳生成阶段,早白垩世下降阶段和晚白垩世至新生代陆源物质沉积和盐构造变形阶段。  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地是位于中国东部华南大陆边缘的一个中、新生代叠合盆地,具有较大油气潜力。目前东海陆架盆地油气的发现均来自于新生界,对中生代残留地层的各方面特征认识不足:在空间上通常集中于特定构造单元,且基本位于盆地西部;在时间上主要涉及白垩纪和侏罗纪,且多是定性或半定量的研究。本文在前人研究的基础上,收集、整理了研究区目前最新、最全的反射地震资料和钻井数据,从钻遇中生界井的标定出发,以地震资料的层序划分和解释为基础,进行残留地层的研究,空间上统一盆地东、西两大坳陷带,时间上统揽白垩纪、侏罗纪以及前侏罗纪三个时期。结果表明,东海陆架盆地中生代残留地层遭受了后期严重的剥蚀改造,总体呈现东厚西薄、南厚北薄的特征,残留地层范围随时间不断东扩。对比各时期残留地层平面展布特征,揭示了东海陆架盆地的演变过程:三叠纪时期盆地原型为被动大陆边缘坳陷型盆地,早、中侏罗世时期为活动大陆边缘弧前盆地,晚侏罗世—晚白垩世时期为大陆边缘弧后伸展盆地;与此相对应,古太平洋板块俯冲肇始于晚三叠世—早、中侏罗世时期,板块后撤始于晚侏罗世。东海陆架盆地在中生代的东侧边界位于钓鱼岛隆褶带的东侧。  相似文献   

中国近海早第三纪海侵层序及地层对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国近海各盆地,据古生物群及沉积特征,在早古新世为陆相沉积,至中晚古新世时为第Ⅰ海侵期。早始新世时为海退期,至中晚始新世为第Ⅱ海侵期。早、中渐新世时为海退期,晚渐新世为第Ⅲ海侵期。在论证地层时代时结合海侵的划分,提出新的见解。海相夹层可作为地层对比的重要标志层。  相似文献   

Within the context of the southwestern Barents Sea, the southern Stappen High and its transition to the Bjørnøya Basin are still underexplored. Improved quality seismic reflection data are utilised to describe new insights into the Paleozoic to early Cenozoic tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the area, as well as to discuss the structural inheritance and the rift development. Well-defined syn-rift wedges and better resolution images for both the deep Carboniferous and Permian successions are revealed. In particular, both the mid-Carboniferous and Late Permian-earliest Triassic extensional phases are characterized by widespread NE-SW oriented normal faults that are mostly westward dipping. Although Triassic is mostly considered as a tectonically stable period in the Barents Sea, in the southern Stappen High there is clear identification of a localised depocentre (named herein “Intra Stappen Basin”) where syn-tectonic geometries characterize the upper Paleozoic and Triassic deposits. Regional correlation to Middle and Upper Triassic outcrops in southwestern Svalbard reveals possible progradation from a west-northwest Northeast Greenland provenance as a western sediment source area during the Triassic, in addition to the well-known eastern sediment source area. Thin but distinct Jurassic sequences are expected to be present on Stappen High associated with prominent regional NW-SE extension throughout Late Jurassic that culminated during the earliest Cretaceous. Furthermore, structural and stratigraphic relations are observed within the study area that clearly indicate a distinct early Aptian rift phase with increasing evidence for its occurrence in the southwestern Barents Sea. Upper Cretaceous sequences bounded by major low-angle west-dipping detachment faults are observed in southwest Stappen High. During early Cenozoic, the study area was located at the proximity of the paleo-coastline and paleo-shelf edge for both Paleocene and Eocene gravity mass-waste deposits. These are most probably related to a progressively evolving steep bathymetric gradient between the developing margin, mainly towards the west and to the south, and the uplifted Stappen High.  相似文献   

The Fingerdjupet Subbasin in the southwestern Barents Sea sits in a key tectonic location between deep rifts in the west and more stable platform areas in the east. Its evolution is characterized by extensional reactivation of N-S and NNE-SSW faults with an older history of Late Permian and likely Carboniferous activity superimposed on Caledonian fabrics. Reactivations in the listric NNE-SSW Terningen Fault Complex accommodated a semi-regional rollover structure where the Fingerdjupet Subbasin developed in the hangingwall. In parallel, the Randi Fault Set developed from outer-arc extension and collapse of the rollover anticline.N-S to NNE-SSW faults and the presence of other fault trends indicate changes in the stress regime relating to tectonic activity in the North Atlantic and Arctic regions. A latest Triassic to Middle Jurassic extensional faulting event with E-W striking faults is linked to activity in the Hammerfest Basin. Cessation of extensional tectonics before the Late Jurassic in the Fingerdjupet Subbasin, however, suggests rifting became localized to the Hammerfest Basin. The Late Jurassic was a period of tectonic quiescence in the Fingerdjupet Subbasin before latest Jurassic to Hauterivian extensional faulting, which reactivated N-S and NNE-SSW faults. Barremian SE-prograding clinoforms filled the relief generated during this event before reaching the Bjarmeland Platform. High-angle NW-prograding clinoforms on the western Bjarmeland Platform are linked to Early Barremian uplift of the Loppa High. The Terningen Fault Complex and Randi Fault Set were again reactivated in the Aptian along with other major fault complexes in the SW Barents Sea, leading to subaerial exposure of local highs. This activity ceased by early Albian. Post-upper Albian strata were removed by late Cenozoic uplift and erosion, but later tectonic activity has both reactivated E-W and N-S/NNE-SSW faults and also established a NW-SE trend.  相似文献   

南沙海域礼乐盆地中生界油气资源潜力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
位于南沙东部海域的礼乐盆地是一大型的中、新生代叠置盆地,其特有的地质背景及巨厚的中生代地层显示了其与南沙海域其他新生代沉积盆地的差异。盆地内发育的厚度超过4 000 m的中生代海相地层,主要包括了上侏罗统—下白垩统的滨—浅海相含煤碎屑岩或半深海相页岩、上三叠统—下侏罗统三角洲—浅海相砂泥岩和中三叠统深海硅质页岩等3套地层,展示出盆地具有良好的油气生成潜力。而早期位于华南陆缘、现今位于南沙东部海域的礼乐盆地中生界,完全具备了形成油气藏的基本石油地质条件,具有较为良好的油气资源潜力,其中生界油气资源勘探具有非常重要的意义,将成为我国海域油气勘探的一个重要新领域。  相似文献   

The post-Permian sequence stratigraphical and structural evolution of the Northeastern German Basin and its transition onto the Baltic Shield has been studied in the Bay of Mecklenburg (SW Baltic Sea) by means of seismic interpretation. Five major sequences have been identified: Middle Triassic, Upper Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Time–isochore maps allowed the identification of several phases of salt pillow growth. The contemporaneity of active salt tectonics and the well studied tectonic evolution of the Northeastern German Basin suggest a causative correlation. The E–W directed extension during the Triassic-Early Jurassic marking the beginning break-up of Pangaea is seen as the trigger process for the first period of salt movement. A fault system outside the limit of the Zechstein evaporates is understood as the consequence of thin-skinned faulting and brittle thick-skinned deformation that accompanied this extension. The observed pronounced erosion of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic strata is considered to result from the uplift due to the Mid North Sea Doming event in Middle Jurassic times. The seismic data show an undisturbed Late Cretaceous succession which reflects a period of rising sea level, tectonic quiescence and no salt movement. In contrast to the salt pillows which emerged above Triassic fault systems in the westernmost Baltic and western North German Basin, the Cenozoic salt movement activity is the most pronounced. This period of reactivated salt pillow growth started coevally with the onset of the Alpine orogeny at the Cretaceous/Cenozoic transition when the Africa-Arabian plate collided with Eurasia. Generally, no significant faults were identified in the overburden of the salt floored southern Bay of Mecklenburg where ductile Zechstein salt decouples deep rooted faulting from supra-salt deformation.  相似文献   

Long-term hourly data from 12 tide gauge stations were used to examine the character of tidal oscillations in the Caspian Sea. Diurnal and semidiurnal tidal peaks are well-defined in sea level spectra in the Middle and South Caspian basins. High-resolution spectral analysis revealed that the diurnal sea level oscillations in the Middle Caspian Basin have a gravitational origin, while those in the South Caspian Basin are mainly caused by radiational effects: the amplitude of diurnal radiational harmonic S1 is much higher than those of gravitational harmonics О1, P1, and K1. In the North Caspian Basin, there are no gravitational tides and only weak radiational tides are observed. A semidiurnal type of tide is predominant in the Middle and South Caspian basins. Harmonic analysis of the tides for individual annual series with subsequent vector averaging over the entire observational period was applied to estimate the mean amplitudes and phases of major tidal constituents. The amplitude of the M2 harmonic reaches 5.4 cm in the South Caspian Basin (at Aladga). A maximum tidal range of 21 cm was found at the Aladga station in the southeastern part of the Caspian Sea, whereas the tidal range in the western part of the South Caspian Basin varies from 5 to 10 cm.  相似文献   

This paper divided the age of Mesozoic strata in the Northern South China Sea into epochs by the stratigraphic correlation between land and sea areas. A Mesozoic stratigraphic profile from South China to the northern continental slope of the South China Sea was constructed by ground and seismic surveys. The depositional process was illustrated by the chronostratigraphic framework of the Mesozoic basin, and the oil and gas exploration prospect was discussed. Results indicate that the depositional process from the initial transgression in the Late Triassic to the Mesozoic maximum flooding event that occurred in the Early Jurassic period formed a continuous transgression when the depositional environment varied from littoral to semi-closed gulf and shelf. After this maximum flooding event, a continuous marine regressive process developed, including seawater withdrawal from the South China epicontinental region at the end of the Early Jurassic period, seawater withdrawal to the outer shelf of the Northern South China Sea at the end of the Early Cretaceous period, and seawater withdrawal to the slope trough at the end of the Cretaceous period. Research achievement not only connects major Mesozoic geological events but also specifies the time nodes of such events. Thus, an investigation of this event is significant to the Mesozoic tectonic evolution study of the South China Sea and Paleo-Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

We present a detailed stratigraphic and structural study of the Kopeh Dagh fold-and-thrust belt in NE Iran, which is an investigation of the complex polyphased tectonic history of this belt and its links with the adjacent South Caspian Sea and Amu Darya basins. Based on numerous field surveys, a large amount of 2D and 3D seismic data, borehole data and more than 150 new biostratigaphic datings, a new detailed biostratigraphic chart and 4 main regional cross-sections illustrate the importance of lateral facies variations and structural inheritance in the present-day structure of the belt.After the Cimmerian orogeny corresponding to the closure of the Paleotethys Ocean in Late Triassic/Early Jurassic times, a Middle Jurassic post-collisional rifting event was associated with the deposition of one of the main source rocks of the Kopeh Dagh and the Amu Darya Basin (Kashafrud Formation). Following this rifting event, over 7 km of sediments were accumulated until the Tertiary above a regional post-Triassic unconformity. The occurrence of local uplifts during the Late Cretaceous-Early Paleocene is interpreted as a consequence of regional-scale modification of plate-slab coupling in the Neotethys subduction zone. The main inversion of the Kopeh Dagh occurred at Late Eocene times, when the far-field deformation developed in Eurasia as a consequence of the locking of the Neo-Tethys subduction. This folding phase is sealed in the western part of the belt by a major Eocene-Oligocene unconformity at the base of the thick sedimentary series belonging to the South Caspian Sea Basin. The bulk of sedimentary infill in the South Caspian Sea Basin is Oligocene and younger, and it is probably related to syn-compressional downward flexure of the resistant basement basin at the onset of the Alpine phase. In the eastern part of the Kopeh Dagh, this deformation is characterized by Middle Jurassic graben inversion with evidence of forced folding, short-cuts and as well by larger scale basement uplifts. In contrast, the northwestern part of the belt shows thrust faults involving basement and fault-propagation folds within the sedimentary sequence. The Kopeh Dagh presents tectonic structures that are parallel to the Paleotethys suture zone, which emphasizes the importance of the structural inheritance and inversion processes during the structural evolution of the belt. Finally, a change from a mostly dip-slip to a mostly strike-slip tectonics occurred during the Pliocene within the Kopeh Dagh as a consequence of a major tectonic reorganization in North-East Iran.  相似文献   

The petroleum system of the Kunsan Basin in the Northern South Yellow Sea Basin is not well known, compared to other continental rift basins in the Yellow Sea, despite its substantial hydrocarbon potential. Restoration of two depth-converted seismic profiles across the Central Subbasin in the southern Kunsan Basin shows that extension was interrupted by inversions in the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene that created anticlinal structures. One-dimensional basin modeling of the IIH-1Xa well suggests that hydrocarbon expulsion in the northeastern margin of the depocenter of the Central Subbasin peaked in the Early Oligocene, predating the inversions. Hydrocarbon generation at the dummy well location in the depocenter of the subbasin began in the Late Paleocene. Most source rocks in the depocenter passed the main expulsion phase except for the shallowest source rocks. Hydrocarbons generated from the depocenter are likely to have migrated southward toward the anticlinal structure and faults away from the traps along the northern and northeastern margins of the depocenter because the basin-fill strata are dipping north. Faulting that continued during the rift phase (∼ Middle Miocene) of the subbasin probably acted as conduits for the escape of hydrocarbons. Thus, the anticlinal structure and associated faults to the south of the dummy well may trap hydrocarbons that have been charged from the shallow source rocks in the depocenter since the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

南黄海盆地是在前震旦系克拉通基础上发育的中、古生界海相与中、新生界陆相多旋回叠合盆地。通过地震资料解释,结合邻区钻井与区域地质资料,对南黄海盆地中部隆起中、古生代地层及其形成演化进行了研究,结果表明,南黄海盆地中部隆起沉积了较全的中、古生界海相地层,发育第四系—新近系、中—下三叠统青龙组、上二叠统、下二叠统—上泥盆统、中—下志留统,奥陶系—震旦系和前震旦系变质岩系等7套地震地质层序;主要经历了前震旦纪基底形成、震旦纪—早古生代克拉通发育、晚古生代—中三叠世稳定台地—陆内裂陷、晚三叠世—古近纪形成与抬升剥蚀及新近纪-第四纪坳陷沉降5个阶段。  相似文献   

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