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对马暖流“东海段”的流路与流速   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文全面地分析了此段海流的流路与流速结构,首次提出研究海域近底层的环流示意图。指出在夏季,韩国南岸和日本九州北岸均存在着一支南下的逆流。九州西岸出现两种或多种形式的流路。对马暖流在源地流速很弱,流向不稳定,流路时隐时显不明显,只有离开源地后才逐渐显示出一支海流轮廓;强流区在朝鲜海峡附近。该海流可明显地划分为三段流速夏强冬弱,夏季度幅宽约80km.  相似文献   

杭州湾地波雷达观测的海流数据取样率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据杭州湾口区两台地波雷达5个半月观测的资料,对其中的3 189个有效观测时次的海流数据取样率(CSR)在空间和时间上的变化规律进行了分析,结果表明,在两台雷达波交叉观测的中心区域各测点的地波雷达观测的海流数据取样率高于外围区域,在中心区域海流数据取样率可达98%以上,向外围区域海流数据取样率逐渐平缓递减,到边缘区域海流数据取样率仅在20%以下;地波雷达观测的海流数据取样率有明显的日变化,白天海流数据取样率明显低于夜间;17时海流数据平均取样率达到最低值(约49%),然后很快上升,至02时达最高值(约74%),然后再缓慢下降至17时为止。同时在10时和20时地波雷达观测的海流数据取样率呈现两个相对低值点,可能与人们在这两个时段通讯繁忙所造成的干扰有一定的关系。海流流速对地波雷达观测的海流数据取样率也有较大影响,呈负相关,流速大时海流数据取样率比流速小时的要低,在海流数据取样率大于98%的中心区域,流速和海流数据取样率的相关系数小于-0.8,在海流数据取样率大于60%的区域,流速和海流数据取样率的相关系数小于-0.6,体现明显的相互关联。地波雷达观测的海流数据取样率和潮汐有着每日4次的良好相干,而似乎和风没有显著的关系。希望这些分析对地波雷达以后的推广使用能积累一些经验和参考意见。  相似文献   

不同流路时期黄河三角洲沿岸余流场的数值对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河入海流路改道变迁频繁,有关不同流路时期沿岸余流场变化的认识将为理解入海泥沙输送特征的变动和沿岸泥沙动态提供重要的水动力基础,通过数值对比实验,以分处黄河三角洲北、东两岸的钓口和清水沟流路为例,对比研究了两个流路基本稳定后的初期黄河三角洲沿岸余流场结构及其流速的变化.结果表明,虽然两个不同流路时期沿岸流系的总体趋势存在一致性,但不同岸段的局部余流场结构、流速及其分布在不同季节都发生了程度不一的变化.在流场结构上,夏、冬季的差异很小,而春、秋季的差异相对较大,特别是在10m以浅的近岸海域的变化明显.高流速区分布,在钓口流路时期具有随各突出沙嘴而生的特点,清水沟流路时则是沿岸线走向、呈条带状延伸,且其分布范围更大、中心流速更高.沿岸余流流速在清水沟流路时期比钓口流路时期大很多,以清水沟口以南海域的流速增加最显著,北岸海域其次,清水沟口以北、神仙沟以南岸段的变化最小,在季节上以冬季增幅最明显.两个不同流路时期沿岸潮致余流场的总体特征也是基本一致的,分布于甜水沟沙嘴(清水沟口)南、北部的涡环结构在清水沟流路时期明显向东北方向移动,清水沟流路时期神仙沟和甜水沟等原沙嘴附近的潮致余流流速存在明显的减小.  相似文献   

本文在仅考虑铅直湍流的情况下,提出一种计算海流流速及予报海流流速的理论及方法。是在海流基本上是由海洋内部密度分布及海面风力和气压作用下形成的认识下,依据一定的事实,先行确定水平压强梯度力及铅直湍流动力粘滞系量,而后计算定常恒速海流及予报海流流速的。在建立海流流速予报方程解时,除了要求得流速随时间变化的解,尚需求得海水密度随时间变化的解。在海水密度随时间的变化予知的情况下,即可依据予知的风速及降水、蒸发差等随时间的变化,予报海流。曾对东中国海黑潮流系进行了定常恒速水平流速的计算。  相似文献   

为了解决海流能发电系统中,有效海流流速难以测量的问题,提出将水平轴海流能发电系统当成一个大型流速仪,用于海流流速的软测量研究。分析了水平轴海流能发电系统的工作原理和运行过程,建立了基于BP人工神经网络的软测量数学模型。将叶轮机转速,发电机输出功率和占空比信号作为输入变量,将海流流速作为输出变量。仿真结果表明,所建立的BP神经网络是海流流速软测量的有效方法,能较好地跟踪有效海流流速的变化趋势,并具有较高的估计精度。  相似文献   

河口海岸测流仪器比测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对直读式海流计、ENDECO海流计和ADP测流结果的对比分析表明,ENDECO所测流速比直读式海流计偏小约4.2%,流向偏小2.4%;ADP测得的流速比直读式海流计偏大6.1%,流向偏大3.6%,但ADP测量数据更稳定;由三种仪器测得的涨落潮平均流速相对偏差均在10%左右。三种仪器的观测数据可比性强,同时使用时完全能够相互对比分析。流速小于30 cm/s时,由于仪器的摩擦阻力作用,直读式海流计精度变低;流速大于30 cm/s时,三种仪器测得的结果相差较小。与直读式海流计和ADP相比,ENDECO海流计对流向变化较敏感。  相似文献   

海洋中大多数区域的海流,特别是流速较强的海流,其性质以地转流为主。所以,海流流速流向的变化与海面的横流坡度,亦即横流两侧的水位差有着密切的关系。 一百多年前,Peslin(1872)首先将地转方程应用于墨西哥湾流上。后来,Dietrich(1946)引用丹麦灯船上所进行的海流观测结果和卡特加特海峡两侧岛上的水位观测结果,证实了地转方程的实用意义。 到目前为止,已有许多作者应用流速和横流水位差的这一关系,探讨了世界大洋和海峡等处海流的变动规律。例如,Montgomery(1938,1941),Hela(1952),Stommel(1953)及Wunsch等(1969)讨论了佛罗里达海流和湾流的季节变化与水位的关系;森安茂松(Moriyasu, 1961)和二谷颖男(1973)等讨论了水位与黑潮海况以及流速流量的关系;Wyrtki(1973, 1974a, 1974b)研究了西太平洋赤道流、赤道逆流流速流量的季节变化和海流两侧岛屿的水位差的关系。还有Sok-U Yi(1970)研究了朝鲜海峡中水位与对马暖流表层流速季节变化的关系;ΓaлepKИЧ等(1962)也曾讨论了爪哇海水位与流速的关系。 关于我国的台湾海峡,Wyrtki(1957,1961) 曾给出了台湾海峡表层流速的季节变化曲线,并将流速与高雄-澳门断面的水位差作了比较,绘制了两者的相关图。 现在,几乎普遍地认为:沿岸和岛屿上所进行的水位观测,可为研究海流变动规律提供方便、准确和连续的资料,是监视海流变动最合适的途径之一。 本文应用手头所有的资料,一方面从多年平均情况来讨论台湾海峡表层月平均流速与两岸月平均水位差的关系;另一方面以各年各月情况为例,来分析两岸水位差与海峡西岸水位的关系,供研究台湾海峡海流趋势预报方法时参考。  相似文献   

针对舰船在漂航状态(停航不抛锚)时,海流计实测数据不准问题,基于天气海况条件良好的试验海区,分析海流计数据误差原因,提出流速矢量修正海流计实测数据的方法,将修正后结果与《T-D值表》潮流推算值对比发现:13:20时刻的流向误差为0.6%,流速误差为3%;14:20时刻流向误差为1.6%,流速误差为0%,修正效果理想,误差较低,所以此方法对于漂航状态海流测量数据的修正是有效的;由此可知在浅海、近岸海域,漂航状态的舰船在海面风较小时,海流计的测量数据经流速矢量修正后精度较高,可用性较强,可以解决漂航状态海流数据不准问题。  相似文献   

南海北部海流观测结果及其谱分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了掌握南海北部海区的海流及潮流情况,利用2000年8-11月在南海北部海区75天的ADCP定点流速观测资料,对海流的观测结果、海流前进矢量图、海流的日平均流速、海流随时间和深度的变化情况、正压流速的矢量旋转谱和斜压流速的二维矢量频率波数谱以及正压潮流进行了分析研究。结果表明,此处海流主要为逆时针方向旋转,并且K1和M2为主要分量。这说明南海北部海区的海流及潮流变化比较复杂,需要大范围的长期观测才能更好她掌握其特征与变化规律。  相似文献   

日本海上保安厅为了弄清黑潮和太平洋的海流变动规律,利用漂流浮标搭载的卫星“阿尔戈”系统,调查海流动态。利用漂流浮标可实时追逐海流的流路。还能发挥测量船难以测量的海域和季节性的海流。1979年开始观测以来,逐渐一点一点弄清了以前未知的海流状况。对这弄清地球环境所涉及到的海洋结构,预测发生海难事故时漂流方向非常有益。球状浮标的直径约34厘米,在海平面以下有一个长约7米  相似文献   

The Current System in the Yellow and East China Seas   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
During the 1990s, our knowledge and understanding of the current system in the Yellow and East China Seas have grown significantly due primarily to new technologies for measuring surface currents and making high-resolution three-dimensional numerical model calculations. One of the most important new findings in this decade is direct evidence of the northward current west of Kyushu provided by satellite-tracked surface drifters. In the East China Sea shelf region, these recent studies indicate that in winter the Tsushima Warm Current has a single source, the Kuroshio Branch Current in the west of Kyushu, which transports a mixture of Kuroshio Water and Changjiang River Diluted Water northward. In summer the surface Tsushima Warm Current has multiple sources, i.e., the Taiwan Warm Current, the Kuroshio Branch Current to the north of Taiwan, and the Kuroshio Branch Current west of Kyushu. The summer surface circulation pattern in the East China Sea shelf region changes year-to-year corresponding to interannual variations in Changjiang River discharge. Questions concerning the Yellow Sea Warm Current, the Chinese Coastal Current in the Yellow Sea, the current field southwest of Kyushu, and the deep circulation in the Okinawa Trough remain to be addressed in the next decade. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

东海和南黄海夏季环流的斜压模式   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
王辉 《海洋与湖沼》1996,27(1):73-78
基于拉格朗日余流及其输运过程的一种三维空间弱非线性理论,引进了黑潮边界力及长江径流,给出了东海和南黄海的夏季环流及上升流区的分布。计算结果表明:在黑潮西侧存在着台湾-对马暖流系统;进入朝鲜海峡的对马暖流来自台湾暖流、黑潮、东海混合水和西朝鲜沿岸流;黄海暖流主要来源于东海混合水,表面有部分来自对马暖流;闽浙沿岸存在上升流区且构成一带状区域;在长江口外、东海东北部和陆坡上也存在在上升流式;陆坡处上升流  相似文献   

Seasonal Variation of the Cheju Warm Current in the Northern East China Sea   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The Cheju Warm Current has been defined as a mean current that rounds Cheju-do clockwise, transporting warm and saline water to the western coastal area of Cheju-do and into the Cheju Strait in the northern East China Sea (Lie et al., 1998). Seasonal variation of the Cheju Warm Current and its relevant hydrographic structures were examined by analyzing CTD data and trajectories of satellite-tracked drifters. Analysis of a combined data set of CTD and drifters confirms the year-round existence of the Cheju Warm Current west of Cheju-do and in the Cheju Strait, with current speeds of 5 to 40 cm/s. Saline waters transported by the Cheju Warm Current are classified Cheju Warm Current water for water of salinity greater than 34.0 psu and modified Cheju Warm Current for water having salinity of 33.5–34.0 psu. In winter, Cheju Warm Current water appears in a relatively large area west of Cheju-do, bounded by a strong thermohaline front formed in a "" shape. In summer and autumn, the Cheju Warm Current water appears only in the lower layer, retreating to the western coastal area of Cheju-do in summer and to the eastern coastal area sometimes in autumn. The Cheju Warm Current is found to flow in the western channel of the Korea/Tsushima Strait after passing through the Cheju Strait, contributing significantly to the Tsushima Warm Current.  相似文献   

渤、黄、东海夏季环流的数值模拟   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
在POM的基础上 ,建立一个σ坐标系下的三维斜压预报模式 ,考虑了海底地形、外来流、长江径流、海面风应力、海面热交换等多方面因素的影响 ,较好地模拟了夏季东中国海环流的情况。其结果表明 ,黑潮在流经东海时沿东海陆坡流动 ,其途径随陆坡等深线走向而变 ,在其两侧出现一些涡旋。夏季台湾暖流上层水主要来自台湾海峡 ,底层水主要由台湾东面黑潮的次表层水入侵陆架生成。夏季进入朝鲜海峡的对马暖流的来源是多方面的 ,其中有 :台湾暖流、黑潮分支、长江冲淡水与西朝鲜沿岸流的混合水。长江冲淡水在出长江口后 ,很快转向北流动 ,到34°N附近转向东南方向。在长江口东北面存在两个中尺度的涡旋。夏季黄海冷水环流由南北两部分组成 ,表层流速大 ,底层流速小。在青岛 石岛附近还存在一个中尺度的反气旋型涡旋  相似文献   

OntheoriginoftheTsushimaWarmCurrentWater¥TangYuxiangandHeung-JaeLie(FirstinstituteOfOceanography,StateOceanicAdministration,Q...  相似文献   

A review is made of circulation and currents in the southwestern East/Japan Sea (the Ulleung Basin), and the Korea/Tsushima Strait which is a unique conduit for surface inflow into the Ulleung Basin. The review particularly concentrates on describing some preliminary results from recent extensive measurements made after 1996. Mean flow patterns are different in the upstream and downstream regions of the Korea/Tsushima Strait. A high velocity core occurs in the mid-section in the upstream region, and splits into two cores hugging the coasts of Korea and Japan, the downstream region, after passing around Tsushima Island located in the middle of the strait. Four-year mean transport into the East/Japan Sea through the Korea/Tsushima Strait based on submarine cable data calibrated by direct observations is 2.4 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s−1). A wide range of variability occurs for the subtidal transport variation from subinertial (2–10 days) to interannual scales. While the subinertial variability is shown to arise from the atmospheric pressure disturbances, the longer period variation has been poorly understood.Mean upper circulation of the Ulleung Basin is characterized by the northward flowing East Korean Warm Current along the east coast of Korea and its meander eastward after the separation from the coast, the Offshore Branch along the coast of Japan, and the anticyclonic Ulleung Warm Eddy that forms from a meander of the East Korean Warm Current. Continuous acoustic travel-time measurements between June 1999 and June 2001 suggest five quasi-stable upper circulation patterns that persist for about 3–5 months with transitions between successive patterns occurring in a few months or days. Disappearance of the East Korean Warm Current is triggered by merging the Dok Cold Eddy, originating from the pinching-off of the meander trough, with the coastal cold water carried Southward by the North Korean Cold Current. The Ulleung Warm Eddy persisted for about 20 months in the middle of the Ulleung Basin with changes in its position and spatial scale associated with strengthening and weakening of the transport through the Korea/Tsushima Strait. The variability of upper circulation is partly related to the transport variation through the Korea/Tsushima Strait. Movements of the coastal cold water and the instability of the polar front also appear to be important factors affecting the variability.Deep circulation in the Ulleung Basin is primarily cyclonic and commonly consists of one or more cyclonic cells, and an anticyclonic cell centered near Ulleung Island. The cyclonic circulation is conjectured to be driven by a net inflow through the Ulleung Interplain Gap, which serves as a conduit for the exchange of deep waters between the Japan Basin in the northern East Sea and the Ulleung Basin. Deep currents are characterized by a short correlation scale and the predominance of mesoscale variability with periods of 20–40 days. Seasonality of deep currents is indistinct, and the coupling of upper and deep circulation has not been clarified yet.  相似文献   

Downstream transition of the Tsushima Current west of Kyushu in summer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to clarify detailed current structures west of Kyushu, ADCP measurements were carried out in July and September 1990 by the quadrireciprocal method (Katoh, 1988) for removing diurnal and semidiurnal tidal flows from observed flows. On the basis of these results, together with data of routine oceanographic observations, we study the downstream transition of the Tsushima Current west of Kyushu in summer. In the southwest of the Goto Islands, a northward current identified as the Tsushima Current was clearly found. In the south of Cheju, a westward current bifurcated from the Tsushima Current. In the northwest of the Goto Islands, the Tsushima Current narrowed and its velocity became strengthened. Salinity of the Tsushima Current water was much diluted by a current from the Cheju Strait. Near the west coast of the Goto Islands, a countercurrent bifurcating from the Tsushima Current often occurred. The volume transport of the Tsushima Current was 2.3 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3s–1) on the northern side of latitude 31°N. The substantial bifurcation of the Tsushima Current toward the Eastern and Western Channels of the Tsushima Strait occurred in the vicinity of Tsushima. The volume transport through the Western Channel was two to three times larger than that through the Eastern Channel. The baroclinic component in volume transport of the Tsushima Current west of Kyushu was much smaller than that in the Japan Sea.  相似文献   

本文通过二维数值模拟对1986年6月~1988年12月东海对马暖流水的来源问题进行了初步探讨,结果得出东海对马暖流水的来源基本上分为三种类型:(1)东海对马暖流水主要为东海黑潮水继续北上部分构成;(2)东海对马暖流水由东海黑潮水、东海陆架水以及东海北部黄海大陆沿岸水几部分混合而成;(3)东海对马暖流水几乎全部由东海北部的黄海大陆沿岸水构成。模拟与实测结果基本一致.  相似文献   

The mean circulation of the surface layer of the southwestern Japan/East Sea (JES) was examined using current measurements collected at 15 m by satellite-tracked drifters and merged sea level anomalies from satellite altimeters. The study of circulation patterns in this paper focused on the inflow passing through the western channel of the Korea Strait from the East China Sea. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis of non-seasonal sea level anomalies revealed that significant energy in the circulation pattern of Ulleung Basin was controlled by the inflow conditions through the Korea Strait. Three circulation patterns were identified that depended on the initial relative vorticity of the inflow. When inflow had initially large negative vorticity, the flow gained more negative vorticity due to deepening of the bottom (stretching) and then turned right after entering the JES. The inflow then followed the path of the Tsushima Warm Current along the coast of Japan. When the inflow was strong, with a speed in excess of 55 cm/s and with a large positive vorticity, potential vorticity appeared to be conserved. In this case, the EKWC followed isobaths along the coast and then left the coast, following topographic features north of Ulleung-Do. The northward flowing jet developed inertial meandering after leaving the coast, which is a characteristic of many western boundary currents. The regular, bimonthly deployments of drifters in the western portion of the Korea Strait revealed that splitting or branching of the flow through the western channel of the Korea Strait occurred only 15% of the time. And splitting or branching rarely occurred during the fall and winter seasons, when the inflow splitting was previously reported in hydrographic surveys. The time-averaged circulation map of the EKWC and its seaward extension were considerably enhanced by using regularly sampled geostrophic velocities calculated from sea level anomalies to remove biases in the mean velocity that were caused by irregular spatial and temporal drifter observations. The East Korean Warm Current, a mean coastal current along the Korean coast, behaved like the simple model by Arruda et al. (2004) in which the generation of the Ulleung Warm Eddy and the meandering circulation pattern were well reproduced.  相似文献   

The northward intruding eddy along the East coast of Korea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The current structures and their seasonal variations in the East Korean Warm Current (EKWC) region, which plays a significant role in the northward transport of warm and saline waters, were described by combining the sea surface temperature (SST) data of consecutive satellite inferred (IR) images and hydrographic data. The SST patterns in winter-spring clearly showed that the small meander of thermal front originating from the Tsushima/Korea Strait formed close to the Korean coast and grew an isolated warm eddy with horizontal dimension of order 100 km. Such warm eddy began to intrude slowly northward from spring to summer. At that time, interactions with neighboring synoptic warm eddy [Ks] around the Ulleung Basin were found to have strongly influence the movement of the intruding eddy and its structural change. In autumn, after the northward movement stopped at the north of eddy [Ks], the relative stable northward current along the Korean coast were formed. The evidence from observational results does not support a persistent branching of the EKWC from the Tsushima/Korea Strait, but a seasonal episodic supply of warm and saline waters due to the northward intruding eddy process described above.  相似文献   

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