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Concrete suction caissons have been successfully used as breakwaters or seawalls in recent years. The relative large wall thickness-to-diameter ratio of a concrete caisson can lead to the formation of a full soil heave plug that may cause difficulties in the installation of concrete caisson in clay. One way to overcome this limitation is to use a tampered tip for the caisson wall. An analytical method is proposed in this article to calculate the minimum suction pressure required to penetrate a caisson and the maximum allowable suction pressure that can be applied to avoid too much soil heave plug during the installation of the suction caisson. Four model tests were conducted in normally consolidated clay to study the installation process of a concrete suction caisson with tampered tip and to verify the proposed analytical method. The height of the soil heave plug in the caisson with a tampered tip is observed to be about half of that in the caisson with a flat tip.  相似文献   


The performance of steel caisson during and after installation with different penetration velocities in medium dense sand is presented. The applied jacking forces, the amount of formed soil heave and bearing capacity were measured in the model tests. The influence of penetration velocities on jacking forces, soil heave and bearing capacity were also discussed in detail. The results indicated that the jacking forces for caisson in medium dense sands were significantly affected by the penetration velocity. The larger the penetration velocity, the more soil flowed into the caisson cavity during installation. This will lead to larger inner shaft resistance and in turn more jacking forces required for the same penetration depth. The height of soil heave during installation increases with penetration velocity. The m value calculated by the ratio of the volumes of the soil heave to that of the penetrated caisson wall can be used to evaluate the soil heave. The larger the applied velocity, the larger the m value and larger bearing capacity of caisson after installation. The relationship between the m value and penetration velocity can be used to control the soil heave for a steel caisson with a wall thickness to external diameter ratio of 4.2% in medium dense sand by jacking method.  相似文献   

针对吸力式沉箱在黏性底床中沉贯安装的减阻问题,基于黏性泥沙的流变特性,开展了一系列不同振动荷载作用下的室内沉贯模型试验,分析了振动荷载对吸力式沉箱沉贯过程的影响和沉贯减阻效果。试验结果表明:在压力沉贯阶段或吸力沉贯阶段施加高频振动荷载,均能促使吸力式沉箱侧壁周围的土体发生流化,有效降低沉箱的沉贯阻力;减阻效果与振动频率和沉箱的长径比有关,与振动频率成正比,与沉箱的长径比成反比;存在一个临界频率,当振动频率大于该频率后,沉贯阻力随频率的减小不明显;施加高频振动荷载有助于减小吸力沉贯阶段沉箱内的土塞高度,促进沉箱沉贯到位。研究成果可为黏性泥沙流变减阻技术在吸力式沉箱中的应用提供理论依据和技术参考。  相似文献   

吸力基础与海洋工程大直径钢桩相比,具有成本低、安装周期短、对环境影响小、不受海况影响及可回收再利用等优点,近年来在海上风电工程中得到推广应用。吸力基础沉贯至海床预定位置,是其发挥承载力和确保服役稳定性的前提。海床地基土体常以分层土形式分布,且各层土体强度、压缩性和渗透性等存在显著差别,导致吸力基础吸力沉贯机理非常复杂。明确吸力基础在分层土中沉贯特性,有助于指导吸力基础在海上风电工程中的推广应用。对目前吸力基础在分层土中沉贯特性研究进行综述和总结,归纳了其沉贯机理研究进展,并对影响吸力基础在分层土中沉贯因素进行了分析;提出了分层土中吸力基础沉贯的研究方向和改进的沉贯方法。  相似文献   

The bearing behavior of suction caissons supporting offshore wind turbines under two-way cyclic lateral loading and dead load in clay was investigated with consideration of soil strength degradation and adhesive interface friction between caisson walls and heterogeneous clay using the finite-element package ABAQUS.An ABAQUS built-in user subroutine was programmed to calculate the adhesive interface friction between clay and caisson walls.The results of parametric studies showed that the degradation of bearing capacity could be aggravated by the decrease of the aspect ratio.The offset between the rotation point of the soil inside the caisson and the central axis of the caisson increased with the increasing vertical load and number of cycles.The linearly increasing strength profile and adhesive interface led to the formation of an inverted spoon failure zone inside the caisson.The settlement-rotation curves in each cycle moved downwards with increasing number of cycles due to the soil strength degradation.  相似文献   

为补充DNVGL-RP-C212规范关于混合土层内吸力筒沉贯阻力计算参数的不确定描述,基于长乐外海风电场多个吸力筒基础的沉贯负压监测成果,对黏土—砂混合土层内吸力筒沉贯阻力算法进行研究。提出了基于黏粒含量确定侧阻力修正系数kf的算法,引入桩基工程中基于静力触探试验(CPT)的fs计算桩侧剪切强度的经验算法,并对其进行修正,用于计算吸力筒的沉贯侧阻力。对两种算法的准确性进行了验证,对其可靠性进行比较,提出了以前者计算结果为准,后者计算结果作为校核依据的建议。  相似文献   

筒型基础安装过程中,筒内的负压作用会导致土塞现象的出现。以试验模型为基础建立可变形离散元计算模型,通过VC++编制的程序SPSAⅡ对筒型基础负压沉贯中土塞的生成过程进行可视化模拟计算。考虑渗流力、筒壁内外摩擦阻力和筒内负压吸力作为土塞产生的主要外荷载,分别模拟渤海地区3种典型土(黏土、粉土和砂土)的情况。其中,粉土情况下。程序的收敛速度最快,黏土情况下,土塞的计算高度最接近试验测量值,数值计算结果表明该计算方法作为筒型基础施工前筒内土塞高度的预测方法是可行的。  相似文献   

Three centrifuge model tests were performed in normally consolidated Speswhite Kaolin to study the penetration of suction anchors in soft clay. The suction anchors could be penetrated by means of underpressure to a depth of about 12.4 to a little more than 14.5 times the diameter. When the anchors were penetrated by underpressure, all clay displaced by the skirt moved into the anchor. At a penetration depth of about half the maximum penetration depth, the volume of the soil heave inside the anchor actually increased more than the volume of the displaced clay. When a material coefficient of 1.5 against plug failure was mobilized, more than the clay displaced by the skirts had accumulated inside the anchor. The penetration resistance increased by 42 and 26% during rest periods of 4.5 and 0.8 days prototype time, respectively. Some uncertainty in the shear strength of the clay beds gave some uncertainty with respect to the interpretation, but the observed behaviour generally confirmed the theoretical analyses.  相似文献   

Offshore wind power is a rapidly growing area of electricity in China. In the present paper, interaction mechanisms between the caisson for wind turbines and saturated silt sand are investigated with laboratory tests based on two different installation methods, jacking installation and suction installation. For the jacking installation process, the results indicate that the soil pressures inner and outer the skirt of the caisson vary with a similar feature and the magnitudes of the two are nearly balanced. The tip resistance plays a key role in the total jacking installation resistance. This paper examines the predictive performance of qc method and API approach for jacking installation resistance. It is demonstrated that the qc method provides better predictions. The resistance coefficients are recommended. For the case of suction installation, however, the changes of soil pressures inner and outer the skirt are contrasting. Specifically, the inner pressure and tip resistance fall dramatically, but the outer pressure increases when suction is applied. Seepage effect is found to be an important mechanism for the installation of suction caisson. The reduction ratios of the inner friction and tip resistance follow a power-function with the normalized suction. Based on the test results, a prediction method for the required suction has been developed and evaluated.  相似文献   

某工程拟在深水软土地基上修筑防波堤,为了尽量减少地基处理充分利用天然地基,创新性设计出一种轻型薄壁的预制防波堤结构,其挡浪部分为直立薄壁圆筒,基础部分则为倒扣的薄壁椭圆形桶,并且椭圆形下桶为外壁和内隔板分成9个格室,防波堤结构浮运至指定位置后,拟采用负压工法施工安装就位。这种新型防波堤结构为国内外首次提出,其下沉施工设计尚无规范可循,为此开展了土工离心模型试验,在模型加速过程中模拟了椭圆形下桶基础在淤泥层中的自重下沉,之后利用新研发了一种大行程作动加载装置给椭圆形下桶施加下推力,让其继续向下贯入直至穿越整个淤泥层,以模拟负压工法的贯入下沉。试验测量了下桶贯入下沉过程中的推力与贯入位移,还尝试测量了桶壁和内隔板断面的压应变,由此分析了下桶基础的下沉总阻力、桶壁摩擦力以及截面压应变随贯入位移的变化。结果发现,这些曲线均出现了转折点,根据转折点对应的下沉总阻力确定了椭圆形下桶基础贯入过程所遭遇的临界下沉总阻力值,据此估算了负压工法中所需施加的压力差。  相似文献   

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