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西太平洋Lamont海山中新世以来富钴结壳成矿环境的演化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了西太平洋Lamont海山12个站位33个富钴结壳样品的主元素和稀土元素,结果表明,该海山富钴结壳成因类型属于水成成因,并且在形成过程中基本未受到磷酸盐化作用的影响。Lamont海山的一个富钴结壳样品剖面的电子探针数据显示,该海山富钴结壳的成矿环境在新第三纪以来至少存在2个演化阶段:第1阶段,23~15 Ma,富钴结壳中Mn相对富集,成矿环境以富氧贫硅为特征;第2阶段,15~0 Ma,富钴结壳中Fe相对富集,成矿环境以贫氧富硅为特征。成矿环境的氧化能力总体上呈现下降的趋势。联系新生代世界大洋,尤其是西太平洋的地质演化背景,认为引起成矿环境演变的原因主要是西太平洋大洋板块的WNW向漂移和新第三纪以来全球水道开合,造成了Lamont海山所处海区最低含氧带逐渐减薄。  相似文献   

大洋富钴结壳成因机制的探讨——水成因证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据对大洋富钴结壳的分层与年龄、分层与生长速率、生长间断等观测事实,以及大洋富钴结壳主量元素锰、铁元素及钴元素、铂元素、稀土元素、氦同位素、锇同位素等的水成富集,指出大洋富钴结壳是水成因的,进而指出富钴结壳的形成与基岩无关,水动力条件、最低含氧带、生物作用等可能对富钴结壳的形成有控制作用。同时,富钴结壳不一定只生长在岩石裸露的海山上,在沉积物覆盖的海山区也有可能找到富钴结壳。  相似文献   

为探究大洋富钴结壳的元素地球化学特征和赋存状态,以西太平洋麦哲伦海山群5个富钴结壳样品为研究对象,通过X射线衍射法、等离子体发射光谱法、等离子体质谱法及相态分析手段,分析了富钴结壳的矿物组成、主量元素和稀土元素含量。结果表明,富钴结壳样品主要结晶矿物为水羟锰矿,次要矿物包括石英、斜长石和钾长石,同时含有大量非晶态铁氧/氢氧化物。富钴结壳样品中Mn和Fe含量最高, Mn为16.87%~26.55%, Fe为14.34%~18.08%。富钴结壳明显富集稀土元素,其稀土总量为1 287~2 000μg/g,Ce含量为632~946μg/g,约占稀土总量的50%;轻稀土含量为1 037~1 604μg/g,重稀土含量为249~395μg/g,轻稀土元素明显高于重稀土元素。稀土元素配分模式呈现Ce正异常而Eu无异常,具有Ce富集特征。麦哲伦海山群富钴结壳是水成沉积成因,基本没有受到海底热液活动和成岩作用的影响。元素赋存状态与其矿物相密切相关, Na、K、Ca、Mg和Sr主要赋存于碳酸盐相, Mn、Ba、Co和Ni主要赋存于锰氧化物相, Fe、Al、P、Ti、Cu、Pb、V、Zn、Zr和REE主要...  相似文献   

中太平洋富钴结壳稀土元素的地球化学特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用"大洋一号"调查船在中太平洋不同海区调查时获取的18个富钴结壳样品,采用化学分析及ICP-AES分析法,对中太平洋海区富钴结壳稀土元素的含量、分布特征、配分模式以及来源进行了分析和研究,结果表明:(1)中太平洋海区富钴结壳中稀土元素含量异常高,总量为1703×10-6~2879×10-6,约为正常深海沉积物、有孔虫核壳和海水中稀土元素含量的10~100倍,与莱恩群岛和夏威夷群岛海区结壳中稀土元素的含量接近,且明显高于约翰斯顿岛、马绍尔群岛和南中国海等海区结壳中稀土元素的含量;(2)中太平洋海区富钴结壳中稀土元素的配分模式基本相同,轻稀土元素富集,尤其是Ce元素相当富集,呈较为明显的正异常,而重稀土元素则普遍亏损;(3)中太平洋海区富钴结壳中稀土元素与海水中稀土元素的配分模式为明显的镜像关系;(4)中太平洋海区富钴结壳中稀土元素总量与Mn呈显著正相关,与Mn/Fe相关不明显,反映出研究区结壳中的稀土元素主要来自于海水和上覆水的缓慢沉积以及火山喷发、洋底玄武岩风化淋漓和生物化学沉积。  相似文献   

富钴结壳中成矿元素的微区分布特征及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用X射线荧光光谱仪,对CCLLD27站位富钴结壳中8个主要成矿元素(Mn、Fe、Co、Cu、Si、Al、Ca和Ti元素)含量的分布特征进行了微区扫描和人工分层样品方法的分析,结果表明:(1) 成矿元素Mn、Fe、Co和Cu的微区变化很大:Mn与Co元素的微区分布特征相似,而Fe和Cu元素的微区分布特征则相反.主要造岩元素Si和Al的微区分布特征基本类似;Ca元素的微区变化较大,在近底部的基岩层其含量达到最高峰值.Ti元素的微区分布特征与Mn、Co元素微区分布特征接近.(2) 微区扫描与人工分层样品两种不同测试方法所得的结果基本一致,说明微区扫描方法具有一定的可靠性,能反映富钴结壳在不同生长时代各成矿元素含量的变化特征.(3) 富钴结壳微区元素分布特征的研究,有助于对结壳不同成矿阶段各种不同成矿作用的定性评估.  相似文献   

太平洋海山富钴结壳中铂族元素赋存状态与富集机理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过选择性化学提取法,对太平洋采薇海山富钴结壳样品中铂族元素进行分级提取实验,利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定了铂族元素含量。赋存状态结果显示,富钴结壳中铂族元素在各个化学相态中富集比例从大到小依次为:铁氧化物相、残渣态、锰氧化物相、碳酸盐相、吸附态,未磷酸盐化新壳层和磷酸盐化老壳层中铂族元素都主要赋存于铁氧化物相中,其富集比例为59.26%~82.19%,残渣态中磷酸盐对铂族元素具有一定的富集能力,其富集比例为17.23%~35.37%。不同类型地质体中铂族元素的赋存状态结果,也证实了富钴结壳和海山结核中铂族元素富集主要受到铁氧化物相和残渣态的影响。太平洋海山富钴结壳中铂族元素的富集机理推测为铁氧/氢氧化物胶体粒子的吸附作用,使海水中PtC l24-离子被吸附到铁氧化物相中,从而使富钴结壳中铂族元素富集。  相似文献   

富钴结壳是一种富含Mn、Co、Ni和稀土元素(镧系元素加钇,简称REY)等元素的海底矿产资源。本文研究的富钴结壳样品是“科学”号在2018年HOBAB5航次于西北太平洋采薇海山的山顶边缘上通过电视抓斗获得的。利用扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)和电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)分析了富钴结壳的显微构造、矿物学特征和地球化学特征,并探讨了其成因类型和形成机制。富钴结壳的结构从内到外可分为土黄色的疏松层(C8-5)、黑色铁锰致密层(C8-2、C8-3和C8-4)和发育葡萄状球体的粗糙表面(C8-1)。土黄色疏松层孔隙度较高,主要组成矿物为水羟锰矿、石英、钙长石、钠长石、钙十字沸石和钡镁锰矿,Mn的含量较低,Al的含量较高。黑色的铁锰致密层孔隙度较低,呈柱状构造,主要组成矿物为水羟锰矿、石英、钙长石和钠长石,Al含量有所下降,Mn含量升高,说明陆源物质的供应逐渐变少。在富钴结壳的生长后期,其主要显微构造由柱状构造向斑杂构造转变,二者的过渡区域为铁锰氧化物与富Si碎屑物质组成的层状构造。富钴结壳各层位的Mn/Fe比值为1.16~1.85,且各...  相似文献   

中太平洋富钴结壳Co元素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对在中太平洋研究区5座海山调查时获取的38个富钴结壳样品中主要金属元素的含量进行了化学分析,探讨了不同海山富钴结壳中Co元素含量的变化规律及结壳中元素间的相关关系,结果表明:(1)5座海山富钴结壳中的各主要金属元素含量相近,38个富钴结壳样品中Co元素的平均含量为0.67%,具有一定的开发前景。(2)不同海山富钴结壳中Co元素含量有一定变化,其变化与富钴结壳的类型、海水水深、地形地貌以及成矿作用等有密切的关系。Co元素在板状结壳中的含量为最高,在钴结核中的含量次之,而在砾状结壳中的含量为最低;富钴结壳中Co元素含量与海水水深呈负相关,浅水区富钴结壳中Co元素的含量明显高于深水区;海山地形地貌对Co元素的含量及富钴结壳的发育有一定影响,海山的椭圆状分支、支脉及边缘部分,Co元素的含量相对较高,富钴结壳发育得较好;Co元素富集成矿作用还主要受锰、铁水成成矿作用的控制。(3)富钴结壳中金属元素之间存在不同程度的相关性。Mn元素分别与Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Mg、Na、Ba、Ti等元素呈强烈的正相关,而分别与Al、Si、Ca、P、Fe、Sr等元素呈负相关;Co元素分别与Cu、Al、P、Ca等元素呈负相关;Ca元素与P元素呈强烈正相关。  相似文献   

太平洋铁锰结壳在中新世以前大多经历了磷酸盐化,一般认为其形成代表了高生产力时期富磷组分对先期已形成结壳的交代作用,即磷酸盐化事件的产物。然而,前人对铁锰结壳磷酸盐化的机制研究多基于点-线分析元素或同位素,对铁锰结壳生长结构及二维元素分布特征研究较少。本研究以西太平洋水成铁锰结壳MDD53为研究对象,利用电子探针(EPMA)进行高分辨率元素定量分析,并结合微区X射线荧光光谱(μXRF)面扫得到结壳元素二维分布图。电子探针和μXRF结果揭示了该结壳中下部发生了磷酸盐化。μXRF结果显示该结壳存在两种不同类型的磷酸盐富集特征:第一类是结壳顶部中出现零星的Ca、P富集,同时伴随着强烈的后期改造特征,如结壳呈破碎状结构,Fe丢失、Mn相对富集。电子探针数据进一步表明,在成岩改造中,Co、Ni等微量元素发生了相对富集,而Pb则发生了丢失,这一现象反映了这些元素与Fe、Mn不同的亲和力,与大量有机质在结壳海水界面分解导致的成岩扰动特征相符。第二类是结壳底部连续出现的纹层状Ca、P富集特征,且无后期扰动现象,暗示MDD53结壳底部磷酸盐是同沉积/早成岩作用的产物,而不是反映后期磷酸盐化事件成岩改造的影...  相似文献   

以中太平洋阿利森海山的Al-l富Co结壳为研究对象,在其结构观察、年龄标定和生长世代确定的基础上,平均按1.3mm间隔取样,测定各分层常微量元素含量,计算了结壳中各元素的富集系数和分布系数。结合元素富集系数、分布系数和特征元素对比值,探讨了古环境演化对结壳中元素富集的制约。研究表明,结壳中富集的元素正是那些在海水中滞留时间较短的元素;结壳是海洋中"清扫"型元素重要的"汇";元素在海水的行为是其在结壳中富集的内因。碳酸盐的溶解导致的Fe、Ba的释放有利于结壳的生长,但却"稀释"了Mn、Co、Ni等元素的累积;最低含氧带的发育和南极底层水活动的加强利于Mn、Co等元素的氧化和"清扫"。结壳的生长间断是南极底层流活动减弱和活动模式发生根本转变的结果;火山活动沉积抑制了结壳的生长;6.8Ma是结壳从快速生长到缓慢生长发生转变的关键时期。  相似文献   

为探讨富钴结壳中矿物组成对稀土元素分布的制约,对约翰斯顿岛富钴结壳中矿物组成及稀土元素特征进行了研究。依据主要矿物组成,富钴结壳可以分为3种类型,分别命名为A、B、C。由A到C,水羟锰矿含量逐渐降低,B类中磷灰石含量最高,C类中水钠锰矿和钙锰矿含量最高。A类结壳中富集REE3+、Ce,B类结壳中富集Ce和Y。A类富钴结壳中,REE3+、Y以专属吸附的方式富集在铁氧化物上,Ce3+氧化成Ce4+与其他REE分离,吸附在锰矿物上。B类结壳中,稀土元素主要以独立矿物的形式存在,另有部分Ce、LREE3+吸附于铁相中,部分Y存在于磷灰石中。C类结壳中,稀土元素主要赋存在锰矿物中,部分Y存在于磷灰石中。  相似文献   

Marine hydrogenetically precipitated ferromanganese crusts are widespread in the Pacific Ocean. They occur as pavements coating volcanic or sedimentary hard-rock substrates, mainly on the slopes of seamounts, plateaus and hills in ocean basins and continental margins. We studied three ferromanganese crusts from one dredge haul from the Rivera Plate (western margin of Mexico), which are up to 15 mm thick and grow directly on a substrate of pillow basalt fragments. They consist of laminated, botryoidal, porous aggregates mostly of Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides and up to 10% silicates. XRD analysis showed the predominance of poorly crystallized mineral phases in the crusts that include Mn-feroxyhyte and vernadite, and an authigenic smectite-like clay. Detrital minerals probably derive from granodiorites of the eastern wall of the neighboring Middle America Trench. Scattered barite grains occur on the crust surface and suggest plume fall-out derived from hydrothermal vents, although a possible pelagic source cannot be dismissed. Ratios between major (Fe, Mn, Si) and trace (Co, Ni, Cu) elements reveal that such crusts are predominantly hydrogenetic in origin, although they show a hydrothermal influence that increases in the outer layers. Iron contents range from 16.2 to 25.2 wt.%, and manganese from 3.4 to 14.5 wt.%. The Fe/Mn ratio ranges from 1.6 to 7.0. The SiO2/Al2O3 ratio ranges from 4.3 to 6.6, indicating the presence of biogenic silica (radiolarians). The concentrations of copper (up to 383 ppm) and cobalt (up to 534 ppm) are significantly below those of the typical hydrogenetic crusts, whereas Ni (up to 1320 ppm) is about the same or slightly lower. REE normalized profiles and ΣREE values (486 to 732 ppm) match those reported for hydrogenetic crusts, but suggest a hydrothermal contribution for the later crust layers. The inferred crust growth rates using the Co-chronometer (44 and 229 mm/Myr) are higher than those reported for pure hydrogenetic crusts (mostly 1 to 6 mm/Myr), thus indicating an increasing hydrothermal influence. The highest growth rate (229 mm/Myr, corresponding to the outer crust layers) suggests a regional hydrothermal input of iron and manganese to seawater. The intensification of regional submarine hydrothermal activity began about 13,000 yr ago, and may be related to the tectonic activity in the complex junction of the Rivera, Cocos, Pacific and North America plates.  相似文献   

海底铁锰结壳和结核是重要的海底矿产资源,蕴含着丰富的金属元素并且具有巨大的经济价值。本文主要以南海多金属结壳(核)为研究对象,采用X射线粉晶衍射(XRD)、激光拉曼光谱、红外光谱分析(FTIR)以及X射线光电子能谱对铁锰矿物的矿物学和谱学特征进行了系统的分析和研究。粉晶衍射和拉曼光谱分析结果表明,南海多金属结壳的矿物组成为水羟锰矿、石英和长石,结核的矿物组成为钡镁锰矿、水羟锰矿、石英和长石,铁相矿物均为无定形铁氧化物/氢氧化物,并且锰相矿物和铁相矿物的结晶程度均较差。红外光谱分析结果显示多金属结核和结壳中的铁锰矿物具有大量表面羟基,这些含质子表面羟基官能团,可为海水中各成矿元素的络合提供丰富的活性位点。XPS分析表明多金属结核和结壳中铁锰矿物表面以Fe、Mn和O元素为主,其中Fe呈正三价态,Mn以正四、正三价为主,可能还含有少部分正二价态。对比南海多金属结壳(核)与太平海山结壳,南海多金属结壳(核)具有更为显著的表面羟基氧(-OH)含量,而太平洋海山结壳则以晶格氧(O2-)为主,表明太平洋海山结壳铁锰矿物结晶程度较南海多金属结壳(核)高。综合研究表明,在海底铁锰结壳和结核中(氢)氧化锰/铁矿物与海水之间界面效应对金属离子的富集机理主要有:(1)金属离子与矿物表面羟基进行络合反应,形成以配位键相连的羟基络合物,或与表面的质子交换生成稳定的内层络合物;(2)矿物的带电表面与金属离子通过静电作用形成双电层,生成外层络合物;(3)金属离子与矿物结构中的Mn、Fe离子同晶置换而成为结构阳离子。  相似文献   

全球三大洋海山钴结壳资源量估算   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
钴结壳具有Co、Ni、Cu和Mn及其他金属的潜在矿产资源和储存在结壳层中古环境信息的双重意义。与深海多金属结核和热液硫化物矿床相比,具有较高Co、Ni和Pt含量的海山钴结壳有可能成为商业勘探的潜在目标。为合理地估算出全球三大洋海山钴结壳资源量,基于我国西太平洋海山钴结壳拖网采样调查资料和对太平洋海山钴结壳资源分布规律和钴结壳矿区圈定参数指标的深入研究,按海山不同高度、不同洋壳年龄赋予不同结壳厚度,进而计算出全球三大洋海山钴结壳分布面积为3 039 452.14km2和干结壳资源量为(1 081.166 1~2 162.332 2)×108 t。太平洋海山钴结壳分布面积为2 123 087.12km2和干结壳资源量为(513.244~1 026.488)×108 t,大西洋海山钴结壳分布面积为512 509.74km2和干结壳资源量为(116.503 2~233.006 4)×108 t,印度洋海山钴结壳分布面积为403 855.28km2和干结壳资源量为(81.484 9~162.969 8)×108 t。三大洋海山钴结壳的Mn、Co、Ni和Cu金属量分别为(138.848 0~277.696 0)×108 t,(3.967 6~7.935 2)×108 t、(2.793 6~5.587 2)×108 t和(0.825 1~1.650 2)×108 t。根据钴结壳的Co含量、Co通量和厚度相关分析,所赋予的钴结壳厚度占理论推测厚度的6.10%~12.20%,这与Ku等得出"钴结壳生长时间约占其整个生命史4%"的认识非常相近。三大洋海山钴结壳实测厚度与赋值厚度对比分析表明,太平洋海山钴结壳赋值厚度平均值为1.87cm,实测厚度平均值为1.77cm,相对误差为5.35%,大西洋和印度洋相对误差分别为18.18%和23.23%。研究数据表明按海山高度和洋壳年龄所赋的钴结壳厚度基本合理,估算出的钴结壳资源量基本可靠。本文首次估算出三大洋海山钴结壳资源量,为整个海盆和三大洋海山钴结壳资源量估算提供了新方法。  相似文献   

We propose a geochemical parameter, “metal flux” in evaluating hydrogenetic Co-rich ferromanganese crust deposits in the Pacific seamount area, that is based on physical, chemical, and geological characterization of the integrated growth piles of crusts. We calculated the metal flux for fifteen sites from different depths ranging between 900-6000m from different seamounts. The secular and areal variations of metal flux indicate a strong geological controls, and also can be a reliable tool for estimating an economic potential of the crusts. The Co flux decreases with increasing water depth, followed by almost constant flux of Ni and Mn. The Al and Fe fluxes vary with regions, indicating higher values in the western regions near the island arc probably related to a supply from the Asian continents. The results imply that Co, a redox sensitive metal element, is controlled by redox conditions of seawater, while Fe and Al are by terrigenous input. The metal flux reflects global and regional conditions and controls the compositional diversity of metals, thus consequently, the parameter can be a reliable powerful tool to estimate or single out more potential areas.  相似文献   

The current advances in the study of geochemistry and paleo-oceanography of the Co-rich crust are reviewed in this paper. We summarize the study of geochemistry of the Co-rich crust, discuss the diffusion of elements in the Co-rich crust and the exchange with ambient seawater. Besides, we discuss the effect of phosphatization and substrate rocks on the composition of the Co-rich crust. We also introduce the application of stable isotopes (including the stable isotopes of Pb, Nd, and Hf), radioactive isotopes (including the radioactive isotopes of Be, U and Th), and elements (including the major elements, minor elements and rare earth elements) to the study of paleo-oceanography of the Co-rich crust.  相似文献   

西北太平洋多金属结核铂族元素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polymetallic nodules and cobalt (Co)-rich crusts are enriched in platinum-group elements (PGEs),especially platinum (Pt) and may be important sinks of PGEs.At present,little information is available on PGEs in polymetallic nodules,and their geochemical characteristics and the causes of PGEs enrichment are unclear.Here PGEs of polymetallic nodules from abyssal basin in the Marcus-Wake Seamount area of the Northwest Pacific Ocean are reported and compared with the published PGEs data of polymetallic nodules and Co-rich crusts in the Pacific.The total PGEs (ΣPGE) content of polymetallic nodules in study area is 258×10~(–9) in average,markedly higher than that of Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) nodules (ΣPGE=127×10~(–9)) and lower than that of Co-rich crusts in the Marcus-Wake Seamount (ΣPGE=653×10~(–9)),similar to that of Co-rich crusts in the South China Sea(ΣPGE=252×10~(–9)).The CI chondrite-normalized PGEs patterns in different regions of polymetallic nodules and cobalt-rich crusts are highly consistent,with all being characterized by positive Pt and negative Pd anomalies These results,together with those of previous studies,indicate that PGEs in polymetallic nodules and Co-rich crusts are mainly derived directly from seawater.Pt contents of polymetallic nodules from the study area are negatively correlated with water depth,and Pt/ΣPGE ratios in nodules there are also lower than those of the Corich crusts in the adjacent area,indicating that sedimentary water depth and oxygen fugacity of ambient seawater are the possible important controlling factors for Pt accumulation in crusts and nodules.  相似文献   

The internal structure and composition of a 37-mm-thick Co-rich Mn crust from the Lamont Guyot in the Marcus-Wake Seamount cluster have been studied in detail by means of electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA). 184 point analyses for 16 elements were carried out at an average spacing of 0.20 mm and each point was dated using the Co-geochronometer method. Two types of variation in composition were observed in the crust: long-term trends and short-term erratic variations. The long-term trends were identified using the fifth order polynomial. Mn and Ni were shown to increase in concentration from 23.3 Ma to a maximum at about 20 Ma and then decline steadily to the Present, whereas Fe, P and Si showed the opposite trend. By contrast, Co displayed a double humped pattern with maxima at about 19 Ma and 3.5 Ma and minima at 23.3 Ma, about 11 Ma and at Present. The long-term trends in element concentrations in the crust lead us to suggest that much of the Fe in western Pacific Ocean ferromanganese crusts is aeolian in origin and derived from the deserts of central Asia. Cooling of the Asian mainland at about 20 Ma led to an increase in the flux of Fe to the oceans. This was supplemented by an additional input of Fe into the crusts as a consequence of the dissolution of biogenic CaCO3 tests at 4.5−10.5 Ma. For the short-term erratic variations, three periods of 0.61, 0.96 and 1.65 m.y. were identified by spectral analysis. The second harmonics of these periods are 1.22, 1.92 and 3.30 m.y., which may correspond to the highest-order periods for eccentricity of 1.31, 2.04 and 3.47 m.y. This suggests the possibility that the high-frequency oscillations of the time series data are linked to climatic changes controlled by the highest-order periods of the Milankovitch cycles.  相似文献   

Forty‐four sediment samples and 23 Mn crusts and Mn nodules have been analyzed for several elements in order to characterize their geochemical nature. Most of the Mn crusts and Mn nodules are of hydrogenous origin, although one crust (U375) from the flanks of the Rarotonga volcano is thought to be of hydrothermal origin. δ‐MnO2 is the principal Mn mineral in the crusts, whereas todorokite and birnessite occur in addition to δ‐MnO2 in the nodules. The sediments can be divided into carbonates, with calcite as the dominant phase, and deep‐sea clay, consisting mainly of illite and smectite.  相似文献   

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