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分析了长江口及济州岛以南海域温盐分布特征,指出黄海沿岸水在向南运动过程与外海水混合变性的某些规律;指出表层长江冲淡水影响的厚度及范围;阐述了黄海低温低盐水与黑潮高温高盐水的侧向相互作用,在济州岛南部海域形成了多跃层结构和逆盐逆温现象,并对整个调查海区的跃层现象进行了分类和分析。此外还分析了黄海沿岸水下沉与黑潮次—中层水爬升对东海北部底层冷水的影响。  相似文献   

分别于2010年7月和2011年7月,在沿长江冲淡水扩散方向的东海东北部海域进行了典型站点CTD参数的测定和营养盐样品的采集,旨在了解长江不同径流量条件下该区域对长江冲淡水的响应过程及其中营养盐的分布变化特点。结果显示:在长江径流量较大的2010年7月,长江冲淡水(盐度31)在研究区域表层自西向东的扩散范围明显大于径流量较小的2011年7月。而含有高浓度NO_3-N(如15μmol/L)海水扩散范围在两个航次的变化却相反。由于海水层化以及表层浮游植物的吸收,各站表层NO_3-N、SiO_3-Si、PO_4-P等浓度一般较低,温盐跃层和次表层叶绿素最大值层以下其浓度升高并逐渐趋于稳定。2010年7月NH_4-N在研究区域各站贯穿整个深度的浓度明显大于2011年7月。与长江冲淡水和长江口相比,东海东北部水体表层SiO_3-Si/NO_3-N和PO_4-P/NO_3-N等营养盐摩尔比值明显降低。黑潮次表层水和黑潮中层水等水团含有较高的营养盐浓度(NO_3-N,SiO_3-Si及PO_4-P),与长江冲淡水相比,可能构成了东海东北部另一个重要的营养盐来源。  相似文献   

利用美国国家海洋大气管理局2007年发布的全球海域温、盐数据库资料,美国地球物理数据中心2006年发布的海底地形数据库资料以及日本海洋科学与技术机构2003年发布的1997—2002年东海地区月平均降水量资料,研究东海黑潮表层盐度的月季分布特征,并分析其影响因素。结果表明,东海黑潮表层盐度存在明显的月季变化特征。总体而言,12月至次年3月表层盐度高,6—9月表层盐度低,4、5月和10、11月为过渡阶段;表层盐度高值分布在东海黑潮主段靠近东边界一侧;6—9月入口段的表层盐度高于出口段的表层盐度,其他月份入口段的表层盐度低于出口段的表层盐度。东海黑潮表层盐度主要受表层温度、降水、径流的影响。冬、春、秋季的表层盐度分布在黑潮主段靠近陆架一侧区域受表层温度影响大;降水对东海黑潮表层盐度产生局部小范围的影响,时间主要集中在1月和6—8月份,区域分布在低纬25°N以南和30°N附近。长江冲淡水夏季对东海黑潮表层盐度的影响大于其他季节对东海黑潮表层盐度的影响,7月长江径流量达到最大值时,对应的黑潮扇形区的盐度最低。  相似文献   

渤、黄、东海夏季环流的数值模拟   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
在POM的基础上 ,建立一个σ坐标系下的三维斜压预报模式 ,考虑了海底地形、外来流、长江径流、海面风应力、海面热交换等多方面因素的影响 ,较好地模拟了夏季东中国海环流的情况。其结果表明 ,黑潮在流经东海时沿东海陆坡流动 ,其途径随陆坡等深线走向而变 ,在其两侧出现一些涡旋。夏季台湾暖流上层水主要来自台湾海峡 ,底层水主要由台湾东面黑潮的次表层水入侵陆架生成。夏季进入朝鲜海峡的对马暖流的来源是多方面的 ,其中有 :台湾暖流、黑潮分支、长江冲淡水与西朝鲜沿岸流的混合水。长江冲淡水在出长江口后 ,很快转向北流动 ,到34°N附近转向东南方向。在长江口东北面存在两个中尺度的涡旋。夏季黄海冷水环流由南北两部分组成 ,表层流速大 ,底层流速小。在青岛 石岛附近还存在一个中尺度的反气旋型涡旋  相似文献   

南黄海和东海海水18O的组及其意义 O的组成及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对2006年夏季采自南黄海和东海的海水进行了18O同位素组成的分析,结合温度与盐度的分布,探讨了影响研究海域海水δ18O分布的主要因素。结果表明,南黄海和东海海水的δ18O与盐度之间具有良好的线性正相关关系,据此确定出夏季黑潮水和陆地径流水的特征δ18O值分别为0.20‰—0.45‰和9.85‰。依据海水δ18O的分布,探讨了黑潮水、长江冲淡水和黄海冷水团对研究海区δ18O分布的影响,结果显示,夏季黑潮水仅影响到台湾东北部陆架坡折以外的海域,其影响路径可能以气旋式涡旋的形式出现;在长江口附近海域,长江径流水进入东海后,对长江口东北部海域的影响范围较其南部更为宽广,可到达济州岛西南部。在南黄海海域,海水δ18O的分布可清晰指示出南黄海冷水团的位置,黄海冷水团的形成可能与冬季的黄海暖流具有一定的联系。  相似文献   

2011年春、夏季黄海、东海营养盐分布特征研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
利用2011年4月和8月的调查资料,分析讨论了春、夏季黄海、东海营养盐分布特征及影响因素。结果表明,在调查海域,春季的硅酸盐、硝酸盐的浓度较高;夏季磷酸盐、氨氮的浓度较高。受长江冲淡水影响,长江口-浙闽近海表层营养盐浓度较高,且夏季高值区向外海扩展;外海受黑潮表层水的影响营养盐浓度较低。南黄海营养盐主要受长江冲淡水、黄海冷水团、黄海暖流的共同影响,夏季形成强烈的温跃层,在底层维持着一个稳定的高盐、富营养盐的冷水团。  相似文献   

1998年夏季长江特大洪水入海的化学水文学特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据1998年夏季长江流域特大洪水期间黄海、东海的现场调查资料,讨论了洪水入海对黄海和东海陆架区化学水文学的影响。给出了迄今调查获得的长江冲淡水及其营养物质的最大扩展范围;发现了表层溶解氧和pH分布的一个突出现象,即在南黄海南部和东海北部的远岸海域存在一溶解氧和pH高值封闭区;指出浮游植物的光合作用主要发生在南黄海南端至东海北部海域,而不是在长江口门内。南黄海南部,东海北部和东海近岸海域过量无机氮的存在表明,与其它海洋生态系统不同,上述海域的初级生产可能是磷限制而非氮限制。  相似文献   

赵玉喜  王珍岩 《海洋科学》2021,45(10):81-92
利用2015年4、5、6月在长江口外开展综合海洋调查获取的实测数据,分析春季口门外海域长江冲淡水(Changjiang diluted water,CDW)时空分布特征及扩散过程,并结合同期的多源环境观测数据,探讨各环境动力因素对春季长江冲淡水分布的影响,深化对冲淡水在口门外海域扩展及其动态变化的认识。观测结果显示,2015年春季长江冲淡水的扩散范围逐月增大,主体最远可到达123°E以东海域,其逐月变化主要受控于口外水文气象环境。长江径流量大小决定了冲淡水出口门后的分布范围以及表层水盐度,风向则控制冲淡水的扩展态势。在风场与径流的共同作用下,春季口门外海域长江冲淡水的扩散呈现三种模式:4月份的顺岸南下型(冬季型)、5月份的东北转向型(过渡型)和6月份的东南-东北双向分支型(夏季型)。春季台湾暖流深层水已到达长江口外海域,与表层冲淡水层相互作用较弱,但随着上升流的逐月增强,其与上层低盐冲淡水之间的跃层效应愈发显著,一方面抑制长江冲淡水的向下扩展,同时上升流的涌升也减薄了冲淡水的厚度。再悬浮泥沙向上扩散的厚度显示出春季潮混合过程难以影响至表层,但在大潮情况下,水位波动变化更为剧烈,使外海高盐海水向陆上溯更远,导致5月份12250E断面的水体盐度整体相对较高。  相似文献   

夏季长江冲淡水扩展的数值模拟   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
建立一个σ坐标系下三维非线性斜压陆架模式,研究夏季径流量、台湾暖流、黄海冷水团、风场对长江冲淡水扩展的影响。数值试验基本再现了夏季长江冲淡水低盐水舌伸向东北的现象和渤、黄、东海的环流结构。长江径流量只影响近口门附近冲淡木朝东南方向扩展势力和整个冲淡水扩展范围的大小。台湾暖流深受底形的影响,流动路径稳定,且不受自身强度的影响,又主流远离长江口,对长江冲淡水扩展的影响不大。黄海冷水团产生的余流在长江口海区阻碍着冲淡水沿岸向南扩展,在远离长江口海区诱导冲淡水向东南运动。总的黄海冷水团的作用是使长江冲淡水低盐水舌伸向东北。黄海冷水团越强,这种作用就越明显。夏季风场在冲淡水转向东北的过程中作用显着。  相似文献   

燕杰  侯一筠  刘泽 《海洋与湖沼》2021,52(4):813-822
通过对比2017年9月和2019年9月的温盐大面观测数据,发现东海陆架上黑潮近岸分支流的路径在两次观测中存在显著差异。2019年9月黑潮近岸分支流中上游的路径相较2017年9月明显的东向偏移,造成黑潮次表层水入侵东海近岸海域的强度较弱。为了探究黑潮近岸分支流的上述显著年际差异的原因,利用卫星高度计数据和再分析风场数据,通过分析大面观测同期的绝对海表动力高度、地转流场以及海表风场的差异,阐述了黑潮近岸分支流路径产生显著年际差异的动力机制。2019年8—9月东海海表较2017年8—9月盛行更强的西南向沿岸季风,强的西南向沿岸风通过埃克曼输运促使水体向岸堆积并在近岸区域沿岸西南向堆积。因此, 2019年8—9月东海近岸海域的跨岸方向压力梯度与2017年8—9月相比较小而沿岸压力梯度则较大。2019年8—9月,受压力梯度分布的影响,东海近岸海域产生西南向的沿岸地转流和离岸地转流。其中西南向的沿岸地转流会在底部生成离岸的底埃克曼流,离岸底埃克曼流和离岸地转流共同抑制了黑潮近岸分支流的向岸入侵。这导致2019年9月黑潮近岸分支流的路径向东偏移,黑潮次表层水入侵浙江近海及长江口区域的强度随之减弱。通过分析研究实际观测案例,阐述了风影响黑潮近岸分支流入侵东海近岸海域的动力机制,同时明确指出海表风场会从黑潮近岸分支流的中上游区域改变其路径,进而对黑潮入侵东海近岸海域产生重要影响。  相似文献   

A large area hypoxia has been already reported respectively by two interdisciplinary surveys off the Changjiang Estuary since summer of 1999 and 2006. The hypoxic zone shows distinct year-to-year variations. Observed oceanographic data are first analysized and reveal a big difference for the Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW) between these two periods. These great changes are related to the tremendous reduction of the freshwater discharge and variations of wind fields between these two years. It is also found that the monthly mean intrusion of Kuroshio and its branches has increased in the northern East China Sea (ECS), but decreased in the southern ECS in August of 2006 as compared with 1999 on the base of general circulation models. Then, the Regional Ocean Modelling Systems is applied to the East China Sea to evaluate the contributions and relative importance of impacts from the river discharge, wind forcing and open boundary data. Our simulations reproduce the phenomena that more fresh water extends northeastward in 2006 and forms a negative SSS anomaly to the northeast of the river mouth as compared with 1999, which is consistent with observations. The five group numerical tests suggest that the wind forcing dominates the CDW variations followed by the Kuroshio and its branches. The study implies important roles played by hydrodynamic processes on the variability of hypoxic zone in the study areas.  相似文献   

Being the mightiest river emptying into the East China Sea (ECS) and the Pacific Ocean, compounded with the large increase of nitrogen and phosphorus input due to anthropogenic activities, the Changjiang River (Yangtze River) has become a dominating source of these nutrients to the estuary. The high nutrient concentrations notwithstanding, however, outside of the estuary the high biological productivity of the Changjiang diluted water (CDW) are most probably fueled mainly by nutrient-rich subsurface waters originating from the upwelled Kuroshio waters. This is because while the buoyancy of the CDW spreads it out on the ECS continen- tal shelf, the CDW entrains subsurface waters along with the nutrients. Nutrients thus supplied are several times more than those supplied by the Changjiang River.  相似文献   

风和径流量对长江口缺氧影响的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
受自然和人类活动的影响,海洋缺氧现象日益严重,威胁着海洋生态环境,海洋缺氧问题已经引起了人们的广泛关注。本文应用区域海洋模式并耦合生态模式,对东海的生态系统进行了数值模拟和分析研究。与观测数据比较显示,该模型能较好地模拟长江口外生态变量的分布趋势。另外本文通过设置不同敏感性实验,探讨风和径流量对长江口底层缺氧现象的影响,结果分析表明,风和径流量对长江口外缺氧区的形成有显著的影响。径流量变化虽然对长江口外缺氧区的季节变化影响并不显著,但是对缺氧区域面积却存在显著的影响。径流量增加,水体层化增强,表层叶绿素浓度增加,最终导致缺氧区域范围扩展;径流量减小,水体层化减弱,表层叶绿素浓度减小,缺氧区域范围缩小。风向和风速的改变不仅影响长江口外缺氧区的季节变化,还影响缺氧区域面积。  相似文献   

During the summer in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, the resuspension of the bottom sediment is obstructed by strong stratification and, as a result, the concentration of total suspended sediment (TSS) can be used as an excellent tracer for Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW). To analyze the spatial and temporal variations of the CDW distribution, the monthly mean TSS from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) ocean color data are constructed and are converted to salinity using the relationship between salinity observed from AQUARIUS and TSS. The process produces the detailed horizontal distribution of salinity with very high resolution (1 km). From monthly mean salinity map from 2002 to 2012 in July and August, the expansion patterns of CDW are analyzed. The southerly wind in July and southeasterly wind in August transport the CDW eastward and northeastward, respectively. It is found that the yearly variation of the expansion of CDW toward the southern sea area of Korea is mostly due to the variation of southerly wind and the fluctuations of fresh water discharge into the Changjiang estuary show relatively little impact on the eastward extend of CDW. When 11-year mean (from 2002 to 2012) salinity map in August is compared with World Ocean Atlas 2013, it is revealed that wind in August strengthened six times from 1994 and it causes the expansion of CDW extended 150 km further eastward.  相似文献   

Variation in the summer nanoflagellate community on the continental shelf ecosystem of East China Sea (ECS) is closely coupled with environmental variation due to extension of the Changjiang River plume. Spatial patterns of nanoflagellate abundance were studied in June and August 2003, June 2006 and July 2007 over the ECS shelf. The Changjiang River plume was smaller during the August 2003 and July 2007 cruises than during the rest other 2 cruises. Total nanoflagellates densities varied between 1 and 120 × 102 cells ml−1 with the highest abundances occurring within the Changjiang River plume during large plume periods. In the small plume periods, the range of nanoflagellates abundance was 3–33 × 102 cells ml−1 and the highest abundances were observed during these periods either within the Changjiang River plume or the Yellow Sea Coastal Water (YSCW). During large plume periods, nanoflagellate abundance closely related to changes in salinity and during the small period, abundance was most related to water temperature. The pigmented nanoflagellate community (PNF) within Changjiang River plume, especially in the <3 μm size class, appears to increase in response to terrestrial or anthropogenic inorganic nutrient loading in the discharge of fresh water from the Changjiang River. The PNF abundance pronounced increase caused the variation of nanoflagellate community of ECS in summer. We suggest that the discharge of fresh water from Changjiang River has significant ecological impacts on spatial variations in nanoflagellate community in the ECS.  相似文献   

The Changjiang River diluted water(CDW) spreads into the East China Sea(ECS) primarily in a plume pattern,although in some years, low-salinity water lenses(LSWLs) detach from the main body of the CDW. In-situ observations indicate that in August 2006, a LSWL detached from the main body of the CDW near the river mouth.In this paper, the effects of winds, tides, baroclinity and upwelling on LSWLs are explored with a threedimensional model. The results show that:(1) winds play a crucial role in these detachment events because windinduced northerly Eulerian residual currents impose an uneven force on the CDW and cut it off, thus forming a LSWL;(2) upwelling carries high-salinity water from the lower layer to the upper layer, truncating the low-salinity water tongue vertically, which is conducive to the detachment and maintenance of LSWLs; and(3) upwelling during the evolution of a LSWL is caused by the combined effects of winds and tides. The influences of windinduced upwelling are mainly near the shore, whereas the upwelling along the 30 m isobath is predominantly affected by tides, with the effect increasing from neap tide to spring tide.  相似文献   

利用卫星高度计资料和再分析资料,本文分析研究了东海黑潮强度与东亚冬季风的关系,并初步探讨了二者相互作用的可能机制。结果表明,位置相近的断面,其流强变化具有相似的特征;在年际尺度上,冬季风与东海黑潮存在相互作用。当冬季风偏强,将削弱次年2-4月SC、SD断面的流强,弱冬季风年的情况相反。冬季风对流强影响的动力过程主要通过改变Ekman输送来实现;热力过程则表现为强(弱)冬季风增大(减少)了黑潮向大气释放的热通量,从而削弱(增强)流强,这一过程主要为冬季风对黑潮的影响。当冬季风偏强时,次年10-12月黑潮中下游流强偏弱,弱冬季风年的情况相反。这一过程与2-4月情况不同,其热力过程主要表现为黑潮对冬季风的影响。强冬季风通过准两年振荡对次年冬季的黑潮流强产生影响,由此构成了一个包含海洋和大气耦合过程的正反馈机制。黑潮流域的海气相互作用过程可能受冬季风和黑潮流强相对强弱的调制,海洋过程和大气过程主导一方的转换中存在一个“临界值”。  相似文献   

The interannual variation of the behavior of Changjiang freshwater has been investigated using the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). Five experiments are described in this study. Three basic experiments (Exps. B1, B2 and B3) were performed to examine the freshwater behavior in response to annual variations of the Changjiang discharge in normal, wet and dry years, respectively. Thereafter, the freshwater variation was investigated with the model forced by primary-interannual variations of river discharge with an 8-year period (Exp. I1) and a wind field with a 3.6-year period (Exp. I2). In Exp. B1, the average residence time of freshwater is roughly estimated to be 681.4 days in the Yellow Sea (YS) and 353.4 days in the combined area of the East China Sea (ECS) and the Chinese Coast (CC). This difference is attributed to the current pattern in each region and freshwater exchange among the regions. The interannual variation of freshwater volume in Exp. I1 has a large amplitude and long phase lag in the YS (38 km3 and 1.6-year against primary-interannual discharge variation), while there are relatively small amplitudes and short phase lags in the ECS (18 km3 and 0.7-year) and the CC (14 km3 and 0.5-year). It is concluded that the difference in the freshwater behavior results from the difference in the average residence time in each region.  相似文献   

During the northeast monsoon season, Zhe-Min Coastal Current(ZMCC) travels along the Chinese mainland coast and carries fresh, cold, and eutrophic water. ZMCC is significantly important for the hydrodynamic processes and marine ecosystems along its path. Thus, this bottom-trapped plume deserves to be further discussed in terms of the major driving factor, for which different opinions exist. For this purpose, in this study, a high resolution Semi-implicit Cross-scale Hydroscience Integrated Syste...  相似文献   

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