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西沙群岛宣德环礁的精细水下地貌组合特征及其成因机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海底地形地貌及类型分布特征对指示区域地质构造影响、海平面升降、海洋水动力等有重要意义。本文通过侧扫声呐、单波束测深、表层沉积物取样等方法,分析了西沙群岛宣德环礁精细水下地貌组合特征,并探讨了其成因机制。结果表明:(1)宣德环礁为残缺型环礁类型,中部为潟湖沉积,礁盘之间形成西沙洲口门、“红草门”、环礁西缺口和环礁南缺口等4处水深超过60 m的深水口门,并首次识别了西沙洲口门;(2)宣德环礁水下地貌类型可划分为3级11类地貌类型。研究区的沙波及槽沟等动力地貌单元显示,宣德环礁浅水区海底特征地貌由盛行季风和波浪场所控制,深水口门形成的潮汐通道水体为塑造宣德环礁潟湖区动力地貌的主要因素。研究区东南部向海坡存在6级水下阶地,通过对比南海珊瑚礁阶地特征,宣德环礁向海坡阶地成因很可能是全球海平面变化和地壳沉降的共同作用。  相似文献   

关于山东半岛更新世高海面问题的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自五十年代以来,在山东半岛海岸地貌研究方面出现了几个疑难问题,其中第一个问题是“海成阶地”的真伪问题。从1956年起,一些作者陆续提出山东半岛北岸和南岸海拨5米至180米之间有5级“海成阶地”,只是对这些阶地的海拔高度各说不一,论证海成阶地的主要依据大致有二:一则,从形态上看,沿岸有所谓阶状地面;二则,在不同地面高程上发现有“海蚀穴”遗迹.  相似文献   

河流阶地的形成及其对构造与气候的意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
河流系统演化是一个堆积与切割相互作用的过程。通过对河流阶地成因的研究,指出气候成因阶地的堆积主要发生在冰期,其他时期虽有堆积,但保存下来的较少;切割作用发生在冰期一间冰期的过渡期。构造成因阶地切割作用发生的时段就是构造运动的时期,也是古河床开始废弃的时期,提出了判定不同成因河流阶地的地质学特征。气候成因阶地每一级都说明有一个或多个冰期一间冰期的旋回,构造成因阶地的每一级都表示有一期较强烈的构造事件,有些阶地是构造与气候共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

高抒 《海洋与湖沼》2023,54(1):1-15
海洋沉积体系的定量模拟可分为仿真和勘察式模拟,后者的目标是建立沉积特征的连续谱、凝练新的科学问题。本文提出一个勘察式模拟的方法论框架,即根据控制方程确定自变量的定义域,进而由模拟计算给出应变量的值域,并结合物质收支平衡原理和“圆台状环礁”几何模型,以此方法预估环礁及其海底阶地物质输运和堆积格局。环礁是珊瑚礁的独特类型,其礁盘区提供了礁体生长和礁外坡、海底阶地堆积的几乎全部物源。结果表明,环礁自身生长受控于生物碎屑生产,而海底阶地的范围和沉积速率不仅决定于离礁悬沙通量,而且受到环礁外水深和海盆环流的制约。悬沙输运和重力流过程形成常态沉降和水下滑坡的交替沉积。此模型所预测的环礁沉积体系高程-面积曲线与南海环礁的实际曲线相对照,可获得环礁演化的机制信息。模拟结果还提示了需进一步研究的科学问题,如环礁生长规模及其控制机制、环礁沉积体系中周期性沉积的时间尺度、环礁外坡由于珊瑚生长自组织机制形成的重力流事件与地震等极端事件的对比和机制识别、环礁群的海底阶地沉积记录多样性、海面变化对环礁演化的影响和沉积记录、环礁人居环境安全等。  相似文献   

第四纪海面变化及其在海岸地貌上的反映   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
任美锷 《海洋与湖沼》1965,7(3):295-305
第四纪时,世界海面曾有多次升降,早已为各国学者所公认。近年来,我国学者研究我国沿海阶地,常企图作世界性的对比,并用海面变化来说明其原因。第四纪海面变化和海岸变迁的研究不但是海洋地质-地貌学中的一个重要的理论问题,而且在国民经济上也具有一定意义,例如海岸的近期沉降速度和淤长速度对海港的基本建设和使用远景有  相似文献   

北美太平洋沿岸海洋阶地珊瑚的铀系年龄以及与末次间冰期海平面历史的关系D.R.Muhs等虽然少数铀系研究在有限的几个地区确定了海洋阶地的年代,但整个北美太平洋沿岸的铀系测年数据仍很缺乏。为了弥补这一不足,我们从俄勒冈、加利福尼亚、下加利福尼亚和南下加利...  相似文献   

一次巨大的间歇活动性海底滑坡沿基拉韦厄火山南侧出现。陆上向海倾斜的断层标志其后壁,一个滨外阶地可能代表其上升前端。大地测量数据揭示,在火山扩张作用下,整个南侧向海运动。由此得出另一种关于阶地的解释,即沿着滑动侧翼的边缘出现掩冲作用。这种解释与海底侧翼新的地震反射数据相一致。大洋板块顶部明显的反射表明,在挤离作用下,活动侧翼出现滑移。向陆倾斜的反射由此界面出现,与阶地内叠瓦状层状断裂地层相邻。上侧缺失相关的向海倾斜断层和旋转地层表明,此阶地没有与滑陷构造相结合。此外,重建阶地运动学表明,位移15~24km。…  相似文献   

论中全新世的一次海面下落   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多年来,学术界一直认为中全新世时期为冰后期(全新世)气候最温暖时期,特称之为“适宜期”或者“高温期”(Optimum,altithermal,hypsithermal);与此同时,还认为在“高温期”曾出现过中全新世“高海面”,在一些大洋岛屿沿岸地带形成了一级阶地,被称为“戴利阶地”(Daly levels)或“戴利岸线”。关于“戴利阶地”,在60年代后期及70年代,经一些学者研究表明,有的地方它与局部的构造上升有关,在另一些地方它可能是更早时期(如上次间冰期)高海面的产物。但关于是否存在比今海面还要高几米的中全新世高海面问题,至今还有不同的看法。有  相似文献   

本书采撷了著名地理学家李吉均院士地理学、冰川学、地貌学等领域学术著作的精品,共29篇。论文大致反映了李先生关于高山冻原与大陆性冰川和海洋性冰川研究、青藏高原现代冰川和第四纪冰川研究、青藏高原隆起的时代幅度和形式探讨、冰川地貌与沉积相研究、中国东部第四纪冰川与环境研究、“季风三角”理论、黄河阶地和黄河起源,黄土系列与地文明、青藏运动、西部开发研究和其他重要学术思想与学术成就。  相似文献   

重庆嘉陵江一级阶地孢粉分析及其晚全新世古气候的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者用常规实验方法和双十编码分类鉴定系统对重庆嘉陵江一级阶地的孢粉分析,配合(14)~C测年,应用数理统计,对晚全新世的古植被和古气候进行探讨.发现该区最近3000多年来,植被演替经历了三个阶段10个发展过程;气候演变有三个阶段,而气温变化有4暖3冷,干湿变化可分5干5湿.作者提出用“气温指数”和“降水指数”的新概念与计算方法,从而定量的研究了孢粉组合反映的各时代年均气温和年均降水量.  相似文献   

A method to reduce the spin-up time of ocean models   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The spin-up timescale in large-scale ocean models, i.e., the time it takes to reach an equilibrium state, is determined by the slow processes in the deep ocean and is usually in the order of a few thousand years. As these equilibrium states are taken as initial states for many calculations, much computer time is spent in the spin-up phase of ocean model computations. In this note, we propose a new approach which can lead to a very large reduction in spin-up time for quite a broad class of existing ocean models. Our approach is based on so-called Jacobian–Free Newton–Krylov methods which combine Newton’s method for solving non-linear systems with Krylov subspace methods for solving large systems of linear equations. As there is no need to construct the Jacobian matrices explicitly the method can in principle be applied to existing explicit time-stepping codes. To illustrate the method we apply it to a 3D planetary geostrophic ocean model with prognostic equations only for temperature and salinity. We compare the new method to the ‘ordinary’ spin-up run for several model resolutions and find a considerable reduction of spin-up time.  相似文献   

基于自适应增强算法(AdaBoost)结合极限学习机(ELM),通过迭代、调整、优化ELM分类器之间的权值,从而构建了具有强鲁棒性、高精度的ELM-AdaBoost强分类器,增强了现有的ELM分类器的稳定性。以珠江口海区侧扫声呐图像为实验数据,对礁石、砂、泥3类典型底质进行分类识别,该方法的平均分类精度超过90%,优于单一ELM分类器的平均分类精度85.95%,也优于LVQ、BP等传统分类器,且在分类所耗时间上也远少于传统分类器。实验结果表明,本文构建的ELM-AdaBoost方法可有效应用于海底声学底质分类,可满足实时底质分类的需求。  相似文献   

通过对MDT测压资料的分析,发现了造成测试点压力值存在误差的主要原因有两个方面:一方面是由于部分测压点储层物性差,测试探针抽吸地层流体后储层压力恢复需要的时间较长,然而由于实际原因测试压力恢复无法等待足够的测试时间;另一方面是由于部分物性较差储层较难形成好的泥饼,以至于受到比较严重的泥浆侵入使得测试点产生超压现象,测试得到的地层压力和实际压力相比偏大.同时分析发现物性较好的储层往往能够得到相对可靠的测试压力.合理的气水界面对于计算探明地质储量有着很重要的意义,尤其是高温高压气田,气水过渡带往往较大,可能会达到30m左右,这种情况下无法仅从钻遇情况分析气水界面,此时可以结合MDT测压资料分析气水界面,从而确定合理的地质储量.通过分析实际MDT测压资料,对不同测压点进行了误差分析并在此基础上提出了压力数据点的筛选原则.通过实际检验认为新的回归方法确定出的气水界面科学合理.  相似文献   

蔡建堤 《海岸工程》2011,30(1):41-50
用简化动力系统模型模拟海水入侵,评估未来漳浦县旧镇梅宅村海水入侵的发展趋势,提出减缓和预防海水入侵的措施,并预测监测点海水入侵的矿化度.结果表明:要减缓海水入侵的速度需要8 a时间,矿化度变为6.243 0 g/L,这表明如果发生海水入侵,恢复的时间比较漫长.但通过增加淡水水源,并淡水水头水位保持在6.2个单位(1单位...  相似文献   

A new study investigates an unburied offshore “snaked” pipeline behavior under various types of seismic faults. The snaking of the pipeline is caused by the thermal/pressure expansion and soil friction. The snaking takes place at a certain distance from the pipeline's unrestrained end and gradually increases towards the restraint. It is shown that longitudinal seismic faults have less effect on a straight pipeline than a snaked pipeline. The new seismic analysis demonstrates that an increase of ground displacement causes a very small change in bending and longitudinal stresses. The new approach results in a safe, subsea pipeline construction and operation with a significant cost reduction.  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS) is a narrow semi-enclosed basin, ranging from 4°–6°N to 21°–22°N meridionally. It is forced by a strong annual cycle of monsoon-related wind stress. The Coriolis parameter f increases at least three times from the southern basin to the northern basin. As a result, the basin-cross time for the first baroclinic Rossby wave in the southern part of the basin is about 10-times faster than that in the northern part, which plays the most vitally important role in setting the circulation. At the northernmost edge of SCS, the first baroclinic Rossby wave takes slightly less than 1 year to move across the basin, however, it takes only 1–2 months in the southernmost part. Therefore, circulation properties for a station in the model ocean are not solely determined by the forcing at that time instance only; instead, they depend on the information over the past months. The combination of a strong annual cycle of wind forcing and large difference of basin-cross time for the first baroclinic Rossby wave leads to a strong seasonal cycle of the circulation in the SCS, hence, the circulation is dominated by the forced oscillations, rather than the quasi-steady state discussed in many textbooks.The circulation in the SCS is explored in detail by using a simple reduced gravity model forced by seasonally varying zonal wind stress. In particular, for a given time snap the western boundary current in the SCS cannot play the role of balancing mass transport across each latitude nor balancing mechanical energy and vorticity in the whole basin. In a departure from the steady wind-driven circulation discussed in many existing textbooks, the circulation in the SCS is characterized by the imbalance of mechanical energy and vorticity for the whole basin at any part of the seasonal cycle. In particular, the western boundary current in the SCS cannot balance the mass, mechanical energy, and vorticity in the seasonal cycle of the basin. Consequently, the circulation near the western boundary cannot be interpreted in terms of the wind stress and thermohaline forcing at the same time. Instead, circulation properties near the western boundary should be interpreted in terms of the contributions due to the delayed wind stress and the eastern boundary layer thickness. In fact, there is a clear annual cycle of net imbalance of mechanical energy and vorticity source/sink. Results from such a simple model may have important implications for our understanding of the complicated phenomena in the SCS, either from in-situ observations or numerical simulations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new study of the effects on communications within the coastal harbor system of such environmental factors as nonstationary signal propagation characteristics and nonstationary atmospheric noise. Propagation of signals during daylight hours is predominantly by ground-wave propagation over sea water. During the evening hours, sky-wave and ground-wave propagation takes place. The noise at receiving sites during daylight hours is predominantly set by the level of galactic or man-made noise some 40 to 45 dB above thermal. During the evening hours, the level of atmospheric noise may at times reach some 90 dB above thermal. For daylight hours, it is shown that usable quality will not be achieved for distances greater than 400 mi; while at night, usable quality will be achieved beyond 200 mi with less than 20-percent probability. The conditional distribution of intraarea signal-to-interference ratio at the receiving antenna is shown to be approximately lognormal with a standard deviation of 23 dB during the day and a standard deviation of 16 dB during the night, for an area of high atmospheric noise. It is also shown that channel frequency separations of greater than 9 kHz are necessary if the probability of detecting crosstalk is to be kept below 25 percent during interfering transmissions from the same coverage area under low noise conditions. The probability of detecting intelligible crosstalk from a eochannel interferer transmitting at night from a different coverage area located from 400 to 1200 mi away could be as high as 58 percent.  相似文献   

考虑流固耦合时的海洋平台结构非线性动力分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用非线性的Morison方程,建立了考虑流固耦合时的海洋平台非线性动力方程及其时程分析方法.以一固定式导管架平台为算例,计算了考虑流固耦合时的海洋平台浪致振动响应,比较了考虑流固耦合和不考虑流固耦合时海洋平台动力响应的差异.算例表明:在较大的波浪条件下,不考虑流固耦合时的计算结果明显小于考虑流固耦合时的计算结果,因此,偏于不安全.分析认为,在极端海况条件下,考虑流固耦合的分析方法更符合实际情况.  相似文献   

每一位海洋地质工作者都非常重视外业调查及第一手资料的获取,而这些往往得益于海洋地质调查仪器的帮助.以前我们常用的表层沉积物取样仪器,有普通蚌式抓斗、小箱式取样器、多管取样器等.这里介绍一种深海新型取样仪器--电视抓斗.目前,它在深海及大洋洋中脊资源调查,特别是在深海底块状硫化物、多金属结核、锰结壳调查等勘测中扮演着重要...  相似文献   

深水网箱投饵机设计与试验研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
根据网箱养殖的特点,结合网箱养殖的经验,设计了1种深水网箱投饵机,并进行了相应的试验,测定了不同情况下产生的真空度以及在冲饵管和吸饵管不同开度时的下料时间。此投饵机使用水力环流供饵、水力抽负吸饵、水动力投饵,充分利用了丰富的海水资源,用汽油机水泵作动力,利用管道将饵料抛向网箱,可向多个、距离不同的网箱供饵。作为1种新的投饵机具,可用于网箱养鱼和池塘养鱼的投饵。  相似文献   

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