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洪阿实 《海洋科学》1994,18(6):27-29
同位素海洋学(IsotopeOceanography),在海洋科学研究中不仅着眼于元素,而且着眼于同位素的研究领域。1海洋同位素地层学与同位素古海洋学同位素地球化学方法是研究板块构造、海底扩张等当代地球科学重大课题的强有力工具。它应用于海洋地层学即出现海洋同位素地层学。同位素古海洋学则是同位素地球化学方法在古海洋学即海洋古地理学上的应用,这是地球科学新的“生长点”之一。人们发现,在冰期,海水中氧的重同位素相对富集,在间冰期,海水中氧的轻同位素相对富集。因此,钙质生物骨骼的氧同位素值可以反映气候的…  相似文献   

苏北浅滩钙结核的特征及其环境指示意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘颖  韩喜球  刘杜娟 《海洋学报》2014,36(12):103-110
对采自苏北浅滩的钙结核样品进行了岩石学、矿物学和碳氧同位素的分析。样品富含石英和长石砂屑,碳酸钙胶结,其碳和氧同位素组成分别为-8.38‰~-8.19‰V-PDB及-5.23‰~-5.03‰V-PDB。根据样品的氧同位素组成,利用碳酸盐-水体系氧同位素方程,结合现今底层水温度,并考虑可能存在的温度变化,计算得到古沉淀流体的δ18 O水范围为-4.72‰~-4.52‰VSMOW,较正常海水偏负,认为钙结核的形成可能受到了淡水影响。根据结核中碎屑矿物的成分及其成熟度,判断其包含的碎屑矿物源自古黄河,认为这些结核样品可能形成于海陆交互环境,形成时间约为7~6.5ka BP左右,当时古海平面高度比现今低10m左右,古黄河河道可能位于苏北浅滩附近。  相似文献   

青藏高原古高度重建方法研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
青藏高原隆升对亚洲及全球气候变化有着深刻的影响,因而地质时期青藏高原古高度定量化恢复对于理解高原隆升历史、隆升机制及其环境效应都具有非常重要的意义.通过近十余年的发展,反演高原古高度方法有了很大的发展,这些方法包括气泡法、古植物学、稳定同位素和陆地宇宙核素方法等,这些研究为恢复古高度提供了新的思路和手段.综述并简要介绍了这些方法的基本原理,同时讨论了应用各种方法的局限性,希望能进一步促进我国在高原古高度恢复方面的研究.  相似文献   

南黄海西部浅部地层地震层序及其沉积特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南黄海陆架在第四纪具有海侵—海退交替发生、海陆相地层交互沉积的特点,沉积相及其分布主要受海平面变化与古河流及其三角洲的控制。对南黄海西部地区采集的5600km浅层地震剖面进行了层序划分与解释,得到以下认识:(1)早更新世晚期以来的南黄海地层可分为U1—U14共14个地震地层单元,组成6个地震层序,代表了6次大规模海侵-海退过程,其中氧同位素5期海相地层在该地区最发育;(2)根据全新世地层厚度变化,将该区分为6个沉积区:东部弱沉积区、中北部沉积发育区、海州湾外侵蚀区、废黄河口沉积区、射阳河口岸外侵蚀区和苏北浅滩沉积区;(3)氧同位素6期至2期,南黄海西部陆相层内发育了3期埋藏古河道:上层古河道发育于氧同位素2期,古长江水系、古黄河水系分别自南黄海南部、北部流入古黄海;中层古河道发育于氧同位素4期,仅分布于近岸地区;下层古河道发育于氧同位素6期,分布于123°E以西地区,其南部古河道应为古长江水系,规模较大,其北部古河道规模较小,分布范围有限;(4)古长江第四纪早期在古黄海入海,古黄河在氧同位素5期中后期也开始自古黄海入海,其古河道发育具有一定继承性,后期发育规模逐渐增大;(5)气候温暖的高海面时期发育于构造沉降...  相似文献   

海洋硅藻稳定同位素研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对海洋初级生产力贡献约40%的硅藻,在全球气候与碳循环中扮演着重要的角色。硅藻稳定同位素(δ30Si和δ18O,δ13C和δ15N)测试对象分别为从海洋沉积物中提取的纯硅藻壳体的生物硅和氧及其内嵌有机质的碳和氮。联合运用各种物理分离(去有机质、碳酸盐,筛分,差异沉降,重液浮选以及微池分流重力场流分离技术)和化学纯化技术从沉积物中提纯出硅藻是其稳定同位素古海洋学应用的前提。确定硅藻δ15N两种制样过程(燃烧和湿式消解)中是否分别存在大气N2和非NO3-组分的污染;δ30Si分析中氟化剂使用的避免、制样方法的改进以及MC-ICP-MS对硅同位素分辨能力的提高;δ18O分析中硅藻壳体外层不稳定氧的完全有效去除,是其同位素古海洋学应用范围扩大和精度提高的关键。硅藻δ13C能评估大气PCO2和海洋初级生产力变化;δ15N和δ30Si可定量示踪海洋硝酸盐和硅酸等营养物利用程度;δ18O则记录了海表温度和海水氧同位素组成。硅藻稳定同位素信号单一,受后期改造作用弱,生命效应低,解译针对性强,在两极和赤道少(或缺)有孔虫海区应用广泛。在此基础上,对目前该领域中存在的问题及未来的研究方向进行了阐述。  相似文献   

南海东北部海区1994年夏季海水氧同位素示踪物分析结果表明:氧同位素δ18O值的分布在一定程度上反映了本区环流的某些特征。δ18O值在垂向上表现出表层低正值,次表层达到最大值,然后随深度的增加逐渐降低的特点。δ18O值的断面分布与平面分布为东沙群岛附近流环的存在提供了同位素示踪物证据。此外,对δ18O值与盐度、温度的相互关系进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

利用AMS^14 C年代测试、氧同位素分析和浮游有孔虫分析重建了冲绳海槽北部陆坡DOC-42孔约44cal.kaBP以来的古海洋环境演化记录。DOC-42孔沉积速率整体较低,呈明显的阶段性变化:在氧同位素3期和LGM期间沉积速率相对较大,分别为7.3和14cm/ka;末次冰消期以来的沉积速率则显著降低,与冲绳海槽冰后期沉积速率高于末次冰期明显不同;自约6.4cal.kaBP以来,沉积物堆积作用基本可以忽略,表明了受黑潮入侵引起的中国东部陆架环流体系的改变,岩心所在区域的沉积格局发生了重大变化。浮游有孔虫氧碳同位素、转换函数古温度和低温、低盐特征种Globigerina quinqueloba等一致反映了冲绳海槽北部在氧同位素3期早期约37.5~44cal.kaBP期间存在明显的低温、低盐阶段,表明该期间冲绳海槽北部的沿岸冲淡水影响明显加强,而在氧同位素3期晚期该区可能受到了黑潮暖流的影响。此外,浮游有孔虫Pulleniatina obliquiloculata与氧同位素记录有很好的对应关系,表明它是冲绳海槽末次冰期以来的一个可靠的海洋环境指标。  相似文献   

在配备双路进样系统的稳定同位素质谱仪(Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry:IRMS)上采用气体平衡法测定微量水样的高精度氢氧稳定同位素组成,同时采用国际及国家水稳定同位素标样及实验室工作标准进行多次测试及校正,获得δD的外部精度为1.0‰-2.0‰,δ18O的外部精度好于0.1‰.利用该方法对2007年冬季北海附近表层海水、河口水等水体的δD、δ18O进行测定,结果显示,δD、δ18O组成可以区分不同的水体,δD与δ18O存在显著正相关关系,但其δD-δ18O相关关系与邻近地区大气降水有明显差异;同时δD、δ18O与盐度也存在很好的正相关关系.这些结果意味着δD-δ18O关系主要反映海水与河水的混合过程.结合现场观测的水文资料,发现δ18O与表面水温有中等相关性,意味着蒸发作用对水体的氧同位素组成也有一定的影响.这些关系可应用于海水对近岸水域影响的研究,以及利用δ18O-盐度方程重建古盐度.  相似文献   

介形虫已被广泛应用于湖泊古环境变化研究中。通过对青海湖东南湖盆一表层沉积岩心的介形虫壳体丰度(介壳总丰度、意外湖花介壳体丰度和胖真星介壳体丰度)、介壳氧同位素、总碳酸盐含量及其氧同位素等多指标的高分辨率对比研究,结合前人研究成果发现,最近五百多年青海湖东南湖盆沉积物中介形虫仅有两个种:意外湖花介和胖真星介,且以意外湖花介为主,胖真星介较意外湖花介更喜盐耐盐;总碳酸盐氧同位素较介壳氧同位素偏轻,这可能是二者形成时的季节、水深以及微环境等方面的差异造成,并发现部分段落介壳氧同位素与总碳酸盐氧同位素存在相位差。介壳丰度、介壳氧同位素、总碳酸盐含量及其氧同位素在整个序列上有一致的变化,对湖水盐度变化有很好的响应,反映了湖区有效湿度的变化。在此基础上重建了最近五百多年来青海湖5个大的干湿变化阶段。  相似文献   

根据近年来的主要研究成果,简要综述了深海氧同位素第3阶段(MIS 3)气候—海平面变化特征及其沉积记录的研究进展.MIS3期间的气候变化是古气候研究中的重要组成部分,该时段的某些气候特征与现今十分类似.取自极地冰心、海洋沉积物和陆地的古气候记录表明,在MIS3阶段全球经历了一系列数百年至千年时间尺度的快速气候突变事件,其成因、机制和影响范围还存在明显的不确定性.利用深海沉积物的氧同位素、珊瑚礁阶地、陆源碎屑沉积记录分析得出的MIS3古海平面高度偏差较大,主要认为在-50~-90 m之间波动,但也有研究表明MIS3海平面可达-15~-20 m.对MIS3古气候和海平面变化的深入研究,有赖于全球范围内更多不同类型和高分辨率的地质记录所提供的证据.  相似文献   

变浅作用下浅水海浪谱的计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深水海浪向近岸传播过程中,由于变浅作用,其波面高度分布,波谱都发生了变化。本文基于非线性系统的输出和输入间亦存在转换关系,通过波面高度分布函数建立了深水正态海浪过程作为输入和浅水偏态海浪过程作为输出之间的非线性转换关系,导出了深、浅水谱间的理论关系。在假定能通量不变的条件下,提出了一种由已知深水谱和波面偏度计算二维海浪变浅作用下的浅水谱的方法,并对其进行了讨论和检验。  相似文献   

利用大型水槽设计了在由深水到近岸不同坡度处海浪在变浅作用下诱导产生的长周期重力波的实验。正态随机海浪在深水生成并沿斜坡向浅水传播,记录了不同水深处波面高度随时间的变化过程并进行统计分析和谱分析。实验数据分析结果表明,长周期重力波的能量随着水深的变浅而增高,其谱锋频率位于0.2~0.3fp附近,这里fp是深水正态海浪过程的谱峰频率。长周期重力波的能量与入射波的能量比与波面高度分布的偏度密切相关。进一步分析了两种波动的能量谱峰值比和波面高度分布偏度的相关关系,获得了经验关系,为预测近岸浅水长周期重力波提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The Agulhas Bank region, south of Africa, is an oceanographically important and complex area. The leakage of warm saline Indian Ocean water into the South Atlantic around the southern tip of Africa is a crucial factor in the global thermohaline circulation. Foraminiferal assemblage, stable isotope and sedimentological data from the top 10 m of core MD962080, recovered from the western Agulhas Bank Slope, are used to indicate changes in water mass circulation in the southeastern South Atlantic for the last 450 kyr. Sedimentological and planktonic foraminiferal data give clear signals of cold water intrusions. The benthic stable isotope record provides the stratigraphic framework and indicates that the last four climatic cycles are represented (i.e. down to marine isotope stage (MIS) 12). The planktonic foraminiferal assemblages bear a clear transitional to subantarctic character with Globorotalia inflata and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (dextral) being the dominant taxa. Input of cold, subantarctic waters into the region by means of leakage through the Subtropical Convergence, as part of Agulhas ring shedding, and a general cooling of surface waters is suggested by increased occurrence of the subantarctic assemblage during glacial periods. Variable input of Indian Ocean waters via the Agulhas Current is indicated by the presence of tropical/subtropical planktonic foraminiferal species Globoquadrina dutertrei, Globigerinoides ruber (alba) and Globorotalia menardii with maximum leakage occurring at glacial terminations. The continuous presence of G. menardii throughout the core suggests that the exchange of water from the South Indian Ocean to the South Atlantic Ocean was never entirely obstructed in the last 450 kyr. The benthic carbon isotope record and sediment textural data reflect a change in bottom water masses over the core location from North Atlantic Deep Water to Upper Southern Component Water. Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages and sediment composition indicate a profound change in surface water conditions over the core site approximately 200–250 kyr BP, during MIS 7, from mixed subantarctic and transitional water masses to overall warmer surface water conditions.  相似文献   

A newly developed three-dimensional Doppler current meter is described and the results of preliminary field experiments are presented where simultaneous measurements of surface elevation and water velocity associated with wave orbital motion were made. The phase difference between the surface elevation and the vertical velocity measured at 1.0 and 0.45 meters below the mean water level is found to be approximately 90, in accord with the theory for surface waves of infinitesimally small amplitudes. The spectral (frequency) density distribution for velocity is also found to agree with that we would expect from the linear theory for the observed frequency distribution of surface elevation. However, the amplitude of velocity is consistently smaller (about 10 %) than that we would expect. This reduction of amplitude is more pronounced in cases where waves are high and the water depth is shallow.  相似文献   

南海南部NS93-5柱样揭示的晚第四纪以来的古海洋学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由南海南部海区NS93 - 5柱样的浮游有孔虫氧同位素地层学和浮游有孔虫分析结果获得的古环境参数 ,揭示了距今 1 90ka以来南部海区受西太平洋热带水的影响 ,以及南沙海区表层水和苏禄海变性水的变化历史 ;在末次盛冰期碳酸盐含量较低 ,但是碳酸盐含量的最低值出现在氧同位素 4期 ;表层水体的含氧量呈现为间冰期大于冰期 ,而古生产力的变化则为冰期大于间冰期 ;依据氧同位素和浮游有孔虫特征分析结果 ,建立了南部海区距今 1 90ka以来的古气候演变序列。  相似文献   

A moving low atmospheric pressure is a main feature of tropical cyclones, which can induce a system of forced water waves and is an important factor that cause water level rise during a storm. A numerical model based on the nonlinear shallow water equations is applied to study the forced waves caused by an atmospheric pressure disturbance moving with a constant velocity over water surface. The effects of the moving speed, the spatial scale and the central pressure drop of the pressure disturbance are discussed. The results show that the wave pattern caused by a moving low-pressure is highly related with its moving speed. The wave pattern undergoes a great change as the moving speed approaches the wave velocity in shallow water. When the moving speed is less than the wave velocity, the distribution of water surface elevation is nearly the same as that of the pressure disturbance, and the maximum of the water surface elevation is located at the center of pressure. When the moving speed is larger than the wave velocity, a triangle shaped wave pattern is formed with a depression occurs in front of the pressure center, and the maximum of the water surface elevation lags behind the center of pressure. As the moving speed increases, the maximum of the water surface elevation firstly increases and then decreases, which reaches a peak when the moving speed is close to the wave velocity. The maximum of water surface elevation is approximately in proportion to the central pressure drop, and slightly affected by the spatial scale of pressure disturbance. Both the central pressure drop and the spatial scale of the pressure disturbance do not significantly affect the forced wave pattern. However, a clear difference can be noticed on the ratio of the maximum water surface elevation in moving pressure situation to that in static situation, when the moving speed is close to the wave velocity. A pressure disturbance with smaller spatial scale and smaller central pressure drop will give a larger ratio when the moving speed is close to the wave velocity.  相似文献   

再谈海冰边缘区域中尺度涡旋形成机制——非线性平流   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用三维海洋模式与二维海冰模式耦合,研究海冰边缘区域中尺度涡旋形成最重要的机制之一——非线性平流机制。二维海洋模型模拟结果表明,非线性平流机制在水深比较浅的时候更加重要。不同于把海洋考虑成一个正压流体的二维模型,三维海洋模型中海冰通过海-冰相互作用直接影响海洋表层。我们发现在三维海洋模型实验中,中尺度涡旋和海洋表面抬升都对水深变化敏感。海流速度的垂直结构表面,当海水变浅,各层海流都变得更快。相同风应力作用相同时间之后,表面抬升与海水深度成反比关系。同时我们还发现由于垂直运动,在三维海洋模型实验结果中,海面抬升非常小,只有二维海洋模型实验结果的1%。垂直运动是三维海洋模型和二维海洋模型实验结果不同的根本原因。  相似文献   

The measurement of water wave characteristics, such as wavelength and wave height, in the surf zone is important for monitoring, prediction of erosion, and numerical model calibration. Traditional methods of measuring wave heights have either been limited to a small number of points or have required contact with the water. An experimental study of the remote sensing of water wave elevations, through the application of stereo photogrammetry, is presented. This method uses two spatially offset cameras, with overlapping fields of view, to determine water surface elevation. This remote sensing approach provides data with excellent spatial coverage and spatial and temporal resolution. Additionally, the hardware needs are minimal and the system is quickly deployed, calibrated, and operational.  相似文献   

Ocean surface water [CO2(aq)] variations based on glacial/interglacial changes in sediment delta 13Corg are shown to compare favorably with reconstructions based on ice core [CO2]. In particular, an approximate 80 microatmospheres increase in atmospheric pCO2 during the last glacial-interglacial transition is calculated to correspond to a 3-4 micromolar increase in ocean surface water [CO2(aq)] at atmospheric equilibrium. A widespread marine delta 13Corg decrease of 1-2% accompanied this event and was not preceded by an equivalent isotopic change in surface water total dissolved inorganic carbon. These observations support the hypothesis that [CO2(aq)] influences photosynthetic isotope fractionation between marine inorganic and organic carbon pools, and therefore that plankton/sediment delta 13Corg may serve as a proxy for surface water [CO2(aq)].  相似文献   

Based on measurements of the 18O isotope composition of 247 samples collected over a 3-year period we have assessed the oxygen isotope composition of water masses in the North Sea. This is the first δ18O data set that covers the entire North Sea basin. The waters lie on a mixing line: δ18O (‰VSMOW) = −9.300 + 0.274(S) with North Atlantic sub-polar mode water (SPMW) and surface waters, and Baltic Sea water representing the saline and freshwater end members respectively. Patterns exhibited in surface and bottom water δ18O distributions are representative of the general circulation of the North Sea. Oxygen-18 enriched waters from the North Atlantic enter the North Sea between Scotland and Norway and to a lesser extent through the English Channel. In contrast, oxygen-18 depleted waters mainly inflow from the Baltic Sea, the rivers Rhine and Elbe, and to a lesser degree, the Norwegian Fjords and other river sources. Locally the δ18O–salinity relationship will be controlled by the isotopic composition of the freshwater inputs. However, the range of local freshwater compositions around the North Sea basin is too narrow to characterise the relative contributions of individual sources to the overall seawater composition. This dataset provides important information for a number of related disciplines including biogeochemical research and oceanographic studies.  相似文献   

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