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南大洋是世界上第五个被确定的大洋,也是唯一一个完全环绕地球、没有被大陆分割的大洋。南大洋围绕着南极大陆,从地理上看属于太平洋、大西洋和印度洋南部的海域,以前一直被看作是太平洋、大西洋和印度洋向南极大陆的延伸,后因在那里发现了重要的不同洋流,国际水文地理组织才于2000年将其确定为一个独立的大洋。但由于南大洋不存在一个独立的大洋中脊,因此将它划作一个大洋是否恰当仍存在争议。又因其所处的特殊地理位置及其在极地和全球气候变化中所扮演的重要角色,使得南大洋成为研究海气相互作用和全球气候变化的一个重要地理单元。  相似文献   

闫晓勇  张铭 《海洋预报》2005,22(3):17-24
利用10aECMWF风应力资料强迫LASG/IAP L30T63大洋环流模式,模拟分析了印度洋海温变化的基本特征,重点分析了1982年印度洋偶极子事件。模式很好地模拟印度洋的季节变化;模拟的印度洋偶极子指数与实际资料大体上相似,但并非一一对应,且存在2~4月滞后,振幅也小于资料分析的结果;对1982年印度洋偶极子事件做个例分析,研究其发生、发展以及消亡的基本特征。  相似文献   

热带印度洋上层水温的年循环特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析多年气候月平均的Levitus水温资料,结合多年气候月平均海表面风场资料以及观测的热带印度洋上层海流的分布状况,探讨热带印度洋上层水温的时空分布特征,剖析了热带印度洋混合层深度及印度洋暖水的季节变化规律。分析表明:热带印度洋的海表面温度低值区始终位于大洋的南部,而高值区呈现明显的季节变化,冬季位于赤道附近,在夏季则处于大洋的东北部;在热带印度洋的中西部、赤道偏南海域的次表层终年存在一冷心结构;热带印度洋表面风场的季节变化是影响该海域混合层深度季节性变化的主要因素;印度洋暖水在冬、春季范围较大,与西太平洋暖池相连,而在夏、秋季范围较小,并与西太平洋暖池分开。  相似文献   

水文反演和其他地转模式的回顾,其目的是把大洋的区域性研究综合起来,以便得出热带海洋和热量净输送的全球图象,在每个大洋存在深层和足够深的水中的显著流,穿过热带-在大西洋主要是向南,印度洋的向北,以及在太平洋覆盖在上面的深层向南流,在最深层的向北流。这些深层流是显著的,在一般情况是10-20Sv-这些海水穿过热带海洋出现较少的改变。这种净深层流被上层流的输送所平衡,上层穿过某密度线的流量比深层大得多。  相似文献   

利用2004年1月—2008年8月的月平均Argo再处理资料和NCEP风场资料,对热带印度洋2.5~500 m深度范围内的海温时空变化特征与机制进行了研究。结果表明:表层的阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾和赤道东印度洋是海温高值中心,同时是海温标准差低值中心,海温高的地方海温变化小,两者的分布型一致。在次表层,西南热带印度洋是海温高值区,赤道东西印度洋是海温低值区,次表层的海温变化最大,尤其在10°S~10°N之间的赤道印度洋。热带印度洋不同区域和深度的海温的显著周期不同,主要有1和0.5 a的显著周期。热带印度洋表层海温年周期变化主要受太阳辐射的影响,而0.5 a周期与季风有关。次表层以下海温变化主要是热带印度洋自身内部的动力作用,其1 a周期除了与太阳辐射和风有关,还与Rossby波和沿岸Kelvin波有关;其0.5 a周期除了季风这个主要因素,还与Wyrtki急流有关。海表面风场和LaNi~na是影响2006和2007年的正偶极子强度不同的重要因素。  相似文献   

自中印度洋被确认为是大洋岩石圈活动压缩变形的场所以来,人们已经竭尽全力来确定该地区的缩短量.其目的是了解在很高压应力下的板内变形会对周围板块的运动学起什么作用以及大洋岩石圈的机械反映.使用了下面4种不同的方法来定量分析变形速率:  相似文献   

大洋内部蒸发、水汽输送和降水过程构成了全球水文循环的主体,但长久以来对全新世大洋内部水文循环的演变历史和驱动机制缺乏认识。利用全球热带海区98个站位混合层浮游有孔虫壳体的δ18O和Mg/Ca温度记录,计算了全新世以来表层海水δ18O以及海水剩余δ18O的波动历史。发现最显著的特征是全新世以来热带西太平洋和东印度洋表层海水剩余δ18O具有不同的变化趋势。早—中全新世时期(11.5~6.0 ka BP),热带西太平洋表层海水剩余δ18O比东印度洋偏重约0.2‰,而晚全新世(2.0~0 ka BP),两个海区的重建值几乎相同。结合同位素数值模拟结果,发现岁差通过一系列机制控制了两个大洋不同的剩余δ18O变化信号。早全新世较低的岁差值可以驱动西太平洋往印度洋的大气水汽净输送并降低印度洋降水同位素,同时强盛的南亚季风通过河流体系向孟加拉湾倾注了大量陆地冲淡水。这些机制都有利于东印度洋海水剩余δ18O出现相对负偏移信号。但较低的岁差值导致开放的西...  相似文献   

按照板块构造理论 ,板块是刚性的并且只在其边界变形。然而 ,赤道印度洋却有板块内变形的足够证据。变形例外地起因于由印度与欧亚板块正在进行的碰撞而引起的大洋岩石圈的高应力。这样的板块内变形通常是在大陆上观测到的而不是在大洋中 ,那里的变形一般局限在狭窄的板块边界处而不是散布于宽广地区。印度洋从而提供了一个研究大洋岩石圈板内变形的少有机会。印度洋内的变形是在20世纪70年代首次提出的(MinsterJB等 ,1978) ,以便利用单一的刚性印度—澳大利亚板块来解决拟合全球板块运动中的难点。这个板块现在被认为是…  相似文献   

2009年3月17日,圆满且超额完成我国第20航次大洋科考任务的“大洋一号”船凯旋青岛。自去年5月22日启航以来,“大洋一号”船两度横跨太平洋和印度洋,历时300多天,共7个航段,累计航行达46000多海里,创下我国大洋科考时间最久、航程最长、成果空前的纪录。  相似文献   

使用1979年1至1984年12月向外长波辐射(OLR)资料,对热带地区积云对流的长期变化特征进行了研究,结果表明,热带地区积云对流活动存在显著的季节变化,冬季积云对流区主要东西向,位于南印度洋和西太平洋的近赤道地区,夏季则北移至北印度洋和菲律宾附近的西太平洋地区,低纬地区积云对流活动存在明的季节性位移,北印度洋地区的积云对流活动主要集中在5-10月,7-8月位置最北;北半球热带西太平洋地区的积云  相似文献   

无震脊或海山链俯冲对超俯冲带处的地质效应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
鄢全树  石学法 《海洋学报》2014,36(5):107-123
全球海底分布着众多的无震脊或海山链,且在太平洋、印度洋及大西洋均存在靠近俯冲带的海岭。除小安德列斯弧外的巴拉克达脊和蒂勃朗脊起源自转换断层外,一般认为它们由与板块构造动力学迥异的地幔柱动力学所形成的。在板块汇聚边缘处,与扩张脊处所形成的正常洋壳一起,无震脊或海山链俯冲于陆缘弧或洋内弧之下,其对弧及弧后地区的地质效应(构造、地貌、地震以及岩浆作用等)有别于正常洋壳俯冲。无震脊或海山链的俯冲通常造成俯冲带地区的上驮板块的局部异常抬升、俯冲剥蚀作用效应的加强、海沟的向陆迁移以及地震强度的增加。同时,无震脊或海山链俯冲时,其携带的具富集地球化学特征的物质不仅影响着地幔地球化学,也对弧及弧后火山熔岩化学产生明显影响,并对超俯冲地区的热液矿床的形成产生重要影响。最后,本文指出了我国有关无震脊或海山链俯冲的可能的研究方向包括黄岩海山链俯冲对吕宋岛弧的可能影响、印度洋无震脊俯冲对青藏高原局部地区的影响,有我国学者参与的IODP344航次的研究对象——科科斯脊俯冲对哥斯达黎加地震成因的效应以及位于西太平洋地区靠近俯冲带的一些无震脊等。  相似文献   

The Eastern and Southeastern Asian regions witness the strongest land–ocean and lithosphere–asthenosphere interactions. The extreme diversity of geological features warrants a unified study for a better understanding of their geodynamic uniqueness and/or ubiquity from a regional perspective. In this paper we have explored a large coverage of potential field data and have detected high resolution Moho and Curie depths in the aforementioned regions. The oldest continental and oceanic domains, i.e. the North China craton and the Pacific and Indian Ocean have been found thermally perturbed by events probably linked to small-scale convection or serpentinization in the mantle and to numerous volcanic seamounts and ridges. The thermal perturbation has also been observed in proximity of the fossil ridge of the western Philippine Sea Basin, which shows anomalously small Curie depths. The western Pacific marginal seas have the lowest Moho temperature, with Curie depths generally larger than Moho depths. The contrary is true in most parts of easternmost Eurasian continent. Magmatic processes feeding the Permian Emeishan large igneous province could have also been genetically linked to deep mantle/crustal processes beneath the Sichuan Basin. The regionally elongated magnetic features and small Curie depths along the Triassic Yangtze-Indochina plate boundary suggest that the igneous province could be caused by tectonic processes along plate margins, rather than by a deep mantle plume. At the same time, we interpret the Caroline Ridge, the boundary between the Pacific and the Caroline Sea, as a structure having a continental origin, rather than as hotspot or arc volcanism. The surface heat flow is primarily modulated by a deep isotherm through thermal conduction. This concordance is emphasized along many subduction trenches, where zones of large Curie depths often correspond with low heat flow. Local or regional surface heat flow variations cannot be faithfully used in inferring deep thermal structures, which can be better constrained overall through Curie depths detected from surface magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

To decipher the distribution of mass anomalies near the earth's surface and their relation to the major tectonic elements of a spreading plate boundary, we have analyzed shipboard gravity data in the vicinity of the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 31–34.5° S. The area of study covers six ridge segments, two major transforms, the Cox and Meteor, and three small offsets or discordant zones. One of these small offsets is an elongate, deep basin at 33.5° S that strikes at about 45° to the adjoining ridge axes.By subtracting from the free-air anomaly the three-dimensional (3-D) effects of the seafloor topography and Moho relief, assuming constant densities of the crust and mantle and constant crustal thickness, we generate the mantle Bouguer anomaly. The mantle Bouguer anomaly is caused by variations in crustal thickness and the temperature and density structure of the mantle. By subtracting from the mantle Bouguer anomaly the effects of the density variations due to the 3-D thermal structure predicted by a simple model of passive flow in the mantle, we calculate the residual gravity anomalies. We interpret residual gravity anomalies in terms of anomalous crustal thickness variations and/or mantle thermal structures that are not considered in the forward model. As inferred from the residual map, the deep, major fracture zone valleys and the median, rift valleys are not isostatically compensated by thin crust. Thin crust may be associated with the broad, inactive segment of the Meteor fracture zone but is not clearly detected in the narrow, active transform zone. On the other hand, the presence of high residual anomalies along the relict trace of the oblique offset at 33.5° S suggests that thin crust may have been generated at an oblique spreading center which has experienced a restricted magma supply. The two smaller offsets at 31.3° S and 32.5° S also show residual anomalies suggesting thin crust but the anomalies are less pronounced than that at the 33.5° S oblique offset. There is a distinct, circular-shaped mantle Bouguer low centered on the shallowest portion of the ridge segment at about 33° S, which may represent upwelling in the form of a mantle plume beneath this ridge, or the progressive, along-axis crustal thinning caused by a centered, localized magma supply zone. Both mantle Bouguer and residual anomalies show a distinct, local low to the west of the ridge south of the 33.5° S oblique offset and relatively high values at and to the east of this ridge segment. We interpret this pattern as an indication that the upwelling center in the mantle for this ridge is off-axis to the west of the ridge.  相似文献   

东南印度洋脊(Southeast Indian Ridge, 简称SEIR)是中速扩张洋中脊, 在其中的108°—134°E区域的全扩张速率为72~76 mm·a -1。但在接近澳大利亚-南极洲不整合带(Australian-Antarctic Discordance, 简称AAD)区内, 海底地貌沿洋中脊的变化强烈, 其变化范围涵盖了从慢速到快速扩张洋中脊上常见的例子, 且出现了明显的地球物理与地球化学异常, 说明洋中脊在AAD区附近的岩浆供应量极不均匀。文章定量分析了高精度多波束测深数据, 计算了洋中脊不同段的地形坡度、断层比例以及平面与剖面的岩浆参数M值, 结合研究区内剩余地幔布格重力异常以及洋中脊轴部地球化学指标Na8.0、Fe8.0等资料, 分析与讨论了研究区的断层构造与岩浆活动特征的关系。研究发现, 东南印度洋脊108°—134°E区域的B区(在AAD区内)及C5段(在AAD区外西侧)发育有大量的海洋核杂岩, 而且B区的海洋核杂岩单体规模更大, 其中最大的位于B3区, 沿洋中脊扩张方向延伸约50km。研究结果首次系统性地显示, 相比东南印度洋的其他区域, B和C5异常区具有偏低的平面与剖面M值、偏高的断层比例、偏正的地幔布格重力异常以及偏高的Na8.0值与偏低的Fe8.0值, 这些异常特征可能反映了B区和C5段的岩浆初始熔融深度较浅以及岩浆熔融程度较低, 因此导致其岩浆供应量异常少, 形成较薄的地壳。研究结果同时表明, 在岩浆供应量极少的洋中脊, 构造伸展作用有利于海洋核杂岩的发育, 导致地壳进一步减薄。  相似文献   

The morphotectonic features and their evolution of the central Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) are dis- cussed on the base of the high-resolution flfll-coverage bathyraetric data on the ridge between 49°-51°E. A comparative analysis of the topographic features of the axial and flank area indicates that the axial topogra- phy is alternated by the ridge and trough with en echelon pattern and evolved under a spatial-temporal mi- gration especially in 49°-50.17°E. It is probably due to the undulation at the top of the mantle asthenosphere, which is propagating with the mantle flow. From 50.17° to 50.7°E, is a topographical high terrain with a crust much thicker than the global average of the oceanic crust thickness. Its origin should be independent of the spreading mechanism of ultra-slow spreading ridges. The large numbers of volcanoes in this area indicate robust magmatic activity and may be related to the Crozet hot spot according to RMBA (residual mantle Bouguer anomaly). The different geomorphological feature between the north and south flanks of the ridge indicates an asymmetric spreading, and leading to the development of the OCC (oceanic core complex). The tectonic activity of the south frank is stronger than the north and is favorable to develop the OCC. The first found active hydrothermal vent in the SWIR at 37°47'S, 49°39'E is thought to be associated with the detach- ment fault related to the OCC.  相似文献   

The Atlantis Fracture Zone (30° N) is one of the smallest transform faults along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge with a spatial offset of 70 km and an age offset of ~ 6 Ma. The morphology of the Atlantis Fracture Zone is typical of that of slow-slipping transforms. The transform valley is 15–20 km wide and 2–4 km deep. The locus of strike-slip deformation is confined to a narrow band a few kilometers wide. Terrain created at the outside corners of the transform is characterized by ridges which curve toward the ridge-transform intersections and depressions which resemble nodal basins. Hooked ridges are not observed on the transform side of the ridge-transform intersections. Results of the three-dimensional inversion of the surface magnetic field over our survey area suggest that accretionary processes are sufficiently organized within 3–4 km of the transform fault to produce lineated magnetic anomalies. The magnetization solution further documents a 15-km, westward relocation of the axis of accretion immediately south of the transform about 0.25 Ma ago. The Atlantis Transform is associated with a band of high mantle Bouguer anomalies, suggesting the presence of high densities in the crust and/or mantle along the transform, or anomalously thin crust beneath the transform. Assuming that all the mantle Bouguer anomalies are due to crustal thickness variations, we calculate that the crust may be 2–3 km thinner than a reference 6-km thickness beneath the transform valley, and 2–3 km thicker beneath the mid-points of the spreading segments which bound the transform. Our results indicate that crustal thinning is not uniform along the strike of the fracture zone. Based on studies of the state of compensation of the transform, we conclude that the depth anomaly associated with the fracture zone valley is not compensated everywhere by thin crust. Instead, the regional relationship between bathymetry and gravity is best explained by compensation with an elastic plate with an effective thickness of ~ 4 km or greater. However, the remaining isostatic anomalies indicate that there are large variations away from this simple model which are likely due to variations in crustal thickness and density near the transform.  相似文献   

We analyzed seafloor morphology and geophysical anomalies of the Southeast Indian Ridge(SEIR) to reveal the remarkable changes in magma supply along this intermediate fast-spreading ridge. We found systematic differences of the Australian-Antarctic Discordance(AAD) from adjacent ridge segments with the residual mantle Bouguer gravity anomaly(RMBA) being more positive, seafloor being deeper, morphology being more chaotic, M factors being smaller at the AAD. These systematic anomalies, as well as the observed Na_(8.0) being greater and Fe_(8.0) being smaller at AAD, suggest relatively starved magma supply and relatively thin crust within the AAD.Comparing to the adjacent ridges segments, the calculated average map-view M factors are relatively small for the AAD, where several Oceanic Core Complexes(OCCs) develop. Close to 30 OCCs were found to be distributed asymmetrically along the SEIR with 60% of OCCs at the northern flank. The OCCs are concentrated mainly in Segments B3 and B4 within the AAD at ~124°–126°E, as well as at the eastern end of Zone C at ~115°E. The relatively small map-view M factors within the AAD indicate stronger tectonism than the adjacent SEIR segments.The interaction between the westward migrating Pacific mantle and the relatively cold mantle beneath the AAD may have caused a reduction in magma supply, leading to the development of abundant OCCs.  相似文献   

To reveal the basement-involved faults and deep structures of the West Philippine Basin (WPB), the gravitational responses caused by these faults are observed and analyzed based on the latest spherical gravity model: WGM2012 Model. By mapping the free-air and Bouguer gravity anomalies, several main faults and some other linear structures are located and observed in the WPB. Then, by conducting a 2D discrete multi-scale wavelet decomposition, the Bouguer anomalies are decomposed into the first- to eighth-order detail and approximation fields (the first- to eighth-order Details and Approximations). The first- to third-order Details reflect detailed and localized geological information of the crust at different depths, and of which the higher-order reflects gravity field of the deeper depth. The first- to fourth-order Approximations represent the regional gravity fields at different depths of the crust, respectively. The fourth-order Approximation represents the regional gravity fluctuation caused by the density inhomogeneity of Moho interface. Therefore, taking the fourth-order Approximation as input, and adopting Parker-Oldenburg interactive inversion, We calculated the depth of Moho interface in the WPB. Results show that the Moho interface depth in the WPB ranges approximately from 8 to 12 km, indicating that there is typical oceanic crust in the basin. In the Urdaneta Plateau and the Benham Rise, the Moho interface depths are about 14 and 16 km, respectively, which provides a piece of evidence to support that the Banham Rise could be a transitional crust caused by a large igneous province. The second-order vertical derivative and the horizontal derivatives in direction 0° and 90° are computed based on the data of the third-order Detail, and most of the basement-involved faults and structures in the WPB, such as the Central Basin Fault Zone, the Gagua Ridge, the Luzon-Okinawa Fault Zone, and the Mindanao Fault Zone are interpreted by the gravity derivatives.  相似文献   

The South China Sea is situated at the continsntal margin of South China. In this region, there are both continental and oceanic crusts. The values of Bouguer gravity anomalies on the continental shelf are low positive or low negative. Because the depth of the Mohorovicic discontinuity in this region is about 26-32 km below sea level, the crust belongs to the continental type. The values of Bouguer gravity anomalies in the deep-sea region are more than 250 mgal and the depth of the Moho-surface is about 10-15 km below sea level, so the crust is of oceanic type. The values of gravity anomalies and depths of the Moho-surface, obtained over the continental (and island) slope, range between those regions mentioned above, so the crust belongs to the transitional type. The continental crust is inferred to be directly in contact with the oceanic crust as a result of a lithospheric fault.  相似文献   

The Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean with its adjacent Nansen and Amundsen Basins is a key region for the study of mantle melting and crustal generation at ultraslow spreading rates. We use free-air gravity anomalies in combination with seismic reflection and wide-angle data to compute 2-D crustal models for the Nansen and Amundsen Basins in the Arctic Ocean. Despite the permanent pack-ice cover two geophysical transects cross both entire basins. This means that the complete basin geometry of the world’s slowest spreading system can be analysed in detail for the first time. Applying standard densities for the sediments and oceanic crystalline crust, the gravity models reveal an unexpected heterogeneous mantle with densities of 3.30 × 103, 3.20 × 103 and 3.10 × 103 kg/m3 near the Gakkel Ridge. We interpret that the upper mantle heterogeneity mainly results from serpentinisation and thermal effects. The thickness of the oceanic crust is highly variable throughout both transects. Crustal thickness of less than 1 km dominates in the oldest parts of both basins, increasing to a maximum value of 6 km near the Gakkel Ridge. Along-axis heat flow is highly variable and heat flow amplitudes resemble those observed at fast or intermediate spreading ridges. Unexpectedly, high heat flow along the Amundsen transect exceeds predicted values from global cooling curves by more than 100%.  相似文献   

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