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回顾了国际海底地理实体命名的由来和发展过程,介绍了国际海底地名分委会(SCUFN)的历史沿革及其职责,以及海底地名命名规则和标准的演化过程。在介绍俄罗斯、美国等国家海底地名工作进展情况的基础上,分析了国际海底地理实体命名的发展趋势。海底地理实体命名对海洋科学研究、海底资源开发与管理等都具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

专名是海底地名的重要组成部分,反映地形特征本身或命名个人乃至国家的信息。恰当专名选词,有助于该地理实体的流传和推广。在全球海域建立系统准确的海底地名专名命名体系,可利于识别和检索海底地形特征,实现对其高效管理和广泛应用。文章在简要总结国际海底地名发展历程和专名命名通则的基础上,提出我国海底地名专名选词应遵照的基本原则,并为建设我国海底地名专名命名体系提出了建议。  相似文献   

利用数据可视化技术,基于国际海底地名词典,聚焦各国的提案申请情况,对国际海底地名总体情况、各国参与情况、中国参与情况以及和其他国家对比进行了分析,结果发现近几十年来国际对海底地理实体命名工作的参与程度日益增强,其中2000年之后以日本通过的提案数量和参与频率最高;中国虽然起步晚,但参与频率高,年度通过提案数量也在逐年上升。因此,利用可视化技术可以有效、快捷地了解国际海底地理实体命名现状,方便开展相关分析研究。  相似文献   

结合我国向海底地名分委会(SCUFN)提交海底地名提案的工作,介绍了海底地名专题图编制关键技术与难点,并对Arcgis、Global Mapper和Surfer制图平台进行对比。鉴于Arcgis以空间数据库的形式分析和管理海底命名信息具有显著优势,Global Mapper在格网数据的加载、实时三维显示和数据裁剪方面表现出色,Surfer在制作三维图方面具有操作简单、图形美观等优势,将三者优势结合起来,制定了海底地理实体专题图的编制方案,实现数据联合应用。编制方案能达到满足海底命名图件制作要求、提高制图效率的目的,为我国海底地名专题图编制工作提供技术参考。  相似文献   

新西兰地理委员会是政府法定机构,下设海底地名委员会作为海底地名工作的咨询机构,依据《2008年新西兰地理委员会法案》负责海底地名工作。2016年9月6日公布《新西兰海底地形命名标准——NZGBS 60000》,代替了2009年3月13日公布的《海底地形命名暂定标准——NZGBS60000》,该标准设立了新西兰地理委员会海底地形命名的准则和原则。我国的海底地形命名工作起步相对较晚,文章通过对新西兰海底地形命名工作的相关机构、标准化政策和指导方针的研究,提出我国海底地形命名工作的相关建议:(1)制定统一的海底地形命名标准和规范;(2)扩大海洋调查范围;(3)认真研究把握好提交提案的工作。  相似文献   

近年来,南海周边国家以海底地理实体命名为手段,宣誓岛礁主权,抢占海洋权益,为了维护国家主权和海洋权益,中国加大了海底地理实体命名的工作力度。以信息化管理思路为出发点,建设了南海海底地理实体命名数据库,在此基础上,开展了应用服务工作,开发南海海底地理实体查询与发布系统,讨论了该系统的结构和功能设计,能够满足用户的服务需求,提高海底地理实体命名的工作效率,为中国海底地理实体命名提案的研究提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

在跟踪和分析海底地名命名分委员会(SCUFN)历史及发展的基础上,结合IHO-IOC B-6《海底地名命名标准》和IHO-IOC B-8《GEBCO海底地名词典》等出版物,研究了SCUFN海底地形命名的规则,并依据此规则,结合我国海洋调查当中发现的某些海底地形特征及相关的海底地形数据,开展了我国领海以外海底地名命名实际应用研究,为开启我国参与国际海底地名命名工作提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

正《中国大洋海底地理实体名录(2016)》一书于近日由海洋出版社出版发行。本《名录》由国家海洋局大洋办组织编写,大洋办李波副主任担任编写组组长,国家海洋局第一海洋研究所、第二海洋研究所、信息中心,广州海洋地质调查局和北京大学等多位专家作为编写组成员,编写过程历时5年,是目前我国第一部大洋海底地理实体名录,不仅填补了我国在国际海域海底命名工作的空白,更直接体现了我国作为负责任的大国在海洋科学领域对全球的重大贡献。  相似文献   

分析了南海诸岛地名的历史和现状,通过比对历史资料和现代精细化海洋测量数据,发现了南海诸岛地理实体特征与其名称关系匹配存在的不足。归纳总结了4个方面问题:(1)地名指代地理实体的范围不明确或不合理;(2)部分地理实体名称未对外公布;(3)新发现的地理实体未被命名;(4)部分不存在的地理实体未被销名。通过列举多个地名的使用情况,基于精细化测量数据分析地理实体的形态、性质、特征等基础信息,研究了处理方法,制定了解决方案。从新技术应用、建立资源共享机制等方面,对进一步开展南海诸岛地名研究工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

■《中国钓鱼岛地名册》正式出版发行近日,国家海洋局组织编制的《中国钓鱼岛地名册》由海洋出版社正式对外出版发行,该书以图文并茂的形式向读者解读了我国钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿等地理实体的标准名称。该地名册是一本能使社会公众更加深入地了解我国钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿有关情况的工具书。地名册分为概况、地名、附录3个部分,概况部分包括了钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿的分布示意图和位置示意图。地名部分包括钓鱼岛、黄尾屿等71个岛屿及其周边海域部分地理实体的  相似文献   

This communication is dedicated to the investigation history and naming of the undersea morphostructures of the Sea of Japan for the last 50 years. Many of them were first described and studied during long-term geological-geophysical investigations in this basin carried out by Russian scientists. The analysis of 60 names of its undersea feature names revealed that only approximately half of them are cited in the GEBCO Gazetteer some of the undersea morphostructures are known under two or more names, the origin of their names is unknown, or their names were chosen voluntarily. For maintaining the priority of Russian investigations, the nomenclature and names of the undersea features should be adjusted in accordance with the national and international principles and regulations.  相似文献   

从海底探测发展角度介绍了海底地名的起源,以及海底探测技术的发展所带来的海底地名研究的发展.对海底地名研究的对象及研究方向做了总结,并在此基础上分析了海底地名研究目前面临的主要问题,展望了海底地名的发展方向,并对海底地名专题图的研发提出了思路.  相似文献   

Naming of undersea features   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), and the joint IOC/IHO Guiding Committee for the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) have expressed considerable concern about the indiscriminate and unregulated naming of undersea features which often go into print without any close scrutiny. An author may not realize that the feature has a name already, maybe in another language, or that his terminology conflicts with established definitions.Geo-Marine Letters wants to follow the IOC/IHO/GEBCO recommendations and requests that its authors follow the set forth guidelines. Examples of terms and definitions are given and addresses of national authorities provided.  相似文献   

邢亦谦  邢军武 《海洋科学》2019,43(5):97-102
以纠正碱蓬属Suaeda盐生植物研究中广泛存在的分类错误为目的,针对碱蓬属研究中因缺乏正确的种属鉴定与使用错误种名等导致无法确定研究对象是何植物,使研究结果丧失确定性和科学价值的问题,通过对相关错误文献的梳理,对包括《中国高等植物图鉴》在内的有关碱蓬属植物研究文献进行了初步分析,指出了有关碱蓬属植物研究中的同物异名、同名异物以及中文名与拉丁名错乱等问题并予以纠正。对提高碱蓬属植物研究的科学性与可靠性具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

The necessity and the preliminary tentative plan for the construction of the undersea tunnel across Taiwan Strait are expounded in this atricle. The strait undersea tunnels, which have been built and investigated in the world, and their engineering characteristics and construction methods have been introduced herein briefly. Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times and the people between the mainland and Taiwan are kindred compatriots in the extended family of the Chinese multinational country. For a long time, the people between southeast of China and Taiwan have had frequent communication in economy and culture. With the progress of times and the need of development, it has been put forward to build a safe and reliable undersea tunnel that is not affected by the environment across Taiwan Strait, and one which is also a magnificent project for the China in the long-term. Whether by using a bridge or an undersea tunnel or both across the strait is a problem worthy of further research. According to such conditions as the weather of Taiwan Strait, depth of water, undersea terrain, possibility of engineering and hydrological geology under the sea, as well as the possibility of Taiwan Strait as a main shipping passage from south to north of China and the experience of existing passage across strait in the world, the primary analysis shows that the scheme of an undersea tunnel should be considered. Therefore the concept of the undersea tunnel engineering across Taiwan Strait is introduced in detail here.  相似文献   

The necessity and the preliminary tentative plan for the construction of the undersea tunnel across Taiwan Strait are expounded in this atricle. The strait undersea tunnels, which have been built and investigated in the world, and their engineering characteristics and construction methods have been introduced herein briefly.?Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times and the people between the mainland and Taiwan are kindred compatriots in the extended family of the Chinese multinational country. For a long time, the people between southeast of China and Taiwan have had frequent communication in economy and culture. With the progress of times and the need of development, it has been put forward to build a safe and reliable undersea tunnel that is not affected by the environment across Taiwan Strait, and one which is also a magnificent project for the China in the long-term.?Whether by using a bridge or an undersea tunnel or both across the strait is a problem worthy of further research. According to such conditions as the weather of Taiwan Strait, depth of water, undersea terrain, possibility of engineering and hydrological geology under the sea, as well as the possibility of Taiwan Strait as a main shipping passage from south to north of China and the experience of existing passage across strait in the world, the primary analysis shows that the scheme of an undersea tunnel should be considered. Therefore the concept of the undersea tunnel engineering across Taiwan Strait is introduced in detail here.  相似文献   

Exotic marine fish products are increasingly appreciated in China. In this study, 100 samples of Cod, Salmon and Tuna products were collected from supermarkets in Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou. First the information reported on the label were assessed in the light of the Chinese legislation, paying particular attention to the fish names and the geographical origin. Then, a comparative analysis of the official trade denominations adopted by five European countries (Italy, France, Germany, Spain and United Kingdom) for Cod, Salmon and Tuna was performed. Finally, the Chinese names of the species considered in the EU list were verified consulting the available international lists. Overall, 95% of the samples employed just generic names. In particular, 98% of Salmon and 100% of Tuna products were generically labeled while the labeling of Cod products was more diversified, even though 80% reported misleading or fake denominations. The results of this work highlighted the lack of a mandatory legislation on seafood traceability and of an official naming system. In particular, this study propose the introduction of a detailed Chinese naming system based on the Chinese Latin Dictionary for Seafood Names, following the EU approach. In fact, inaccurate labeling can have both economic and health implications for consumers as well as it may distort the true abundance of fish stocks. These drawbacks can be particularly serious considering the pivotal role of China in the global fishery industry.  相似文献   

As a kind of transportation mode for crossing channels,undersea tunnel has incomparable advantages for its directness,convenience,fastness,insusceptibility to weather conditions,and smaller influences on environments.In recent years,with the development of undersea tunnel construction,the design and construction technologies have been greatly enhanced.The first undersea tunnel in China has just been built.Waterproofing is the key technique of undersea tunneling.A new concept of waterproofing scheme of grouting,sealing,draining and divided sections was adopted in the construction of the tunnel based on the researches,the in-situ geological features,the astuteness of the current technology,and the cost of construction.The structural details of the sealing and draining system are introduced to illustrate the salient features of the new waterproofing technique.It is hoped that experiences described in the paper can offer guidance for the construction of the extensive undersea tunnels in the coming years.  相似文献   

美国水下无人系统发展处于世界领先水平,跟踪和了解其现状和发展趋势具有非常重要的意义。 介绍了美国若干个水下无人系统的发展规划内容,描述了美军典型的水下无人系统的主要使命任务和技术性能,分析了美军水下无人系统的发展特点和趋势。  相似文献   

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