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凌勇  彭认灿 《海洋测绘》2009,29(4):29-31
提出了一种通过明暗等深线结合分层设色的途径,在二维平面图上实现海底地貌形态三维立体表示的方法。对等深线明暗特性与分层设色方案确定的方法进行了深入的研究,建立了相应的数学模型,并给出了实例,对该方法的有效性进行了验证。  相似文献   

提出了我国近海海域多目标地球化学数字图集管理系统的系统构架,研究了专题数字图件的分类组织体系、专题数字图件的数据物理组织方式,实现了电子图件的可视化展示、交互、信息关联、图件的检索、图件库管理、图件的导出、图件的打印等功能。实际应用表明,方法可行有效,并且可供类似系统参考。  相似文献   

王刃  徐青  朱新慧 《海洋测绘》2007,27(6):52-54
分析了小波变换的基本原理并把小波变换引入到了机载激光雷达数据滤波中,实现了DSM数据的快速、高精度的滤波。在文章的最后,利用英国Birmingham地区的实验数据对基于小波分层原理的数据滤波方法进行了验证,结果表明基于小波分层原理的数据滤波方法的正确率优于94%,精度优于±0.71m。  相似文献   

海洋地质调查数据数据量庞大,结构复杂,对数据安全和保密性要求甚高。特别是涉及国家机密的成果数据、成果图件及地震图件,既要满足科研人员的查询浏览要求,又要确保图件不被恶意盗取。针对传统密码保护措施的不足与其潜在的危险性,通过对海洋地质调查数据库结构、图件索引机制、数据加密算法以及计算机底层API函数的研究,设计了一套适用于海洋地质调查数据安全的管理框架,并在广州海洋地质调查数据库管理系统中实现,系统运行稳定,确保了数据的保密性及安全性。  相似文献   

GIS支持下的海洋光学调查成果专题图编制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制作海洋光学数据专题图可以充分展示项目调查成果,为海洋研究者深入了解我国近海水体光学特性提供直观、可靠的依据,因此快速编制高质量的海洋光学专题图件具有十分重要的意义.文中分析探讨了利用GIS技术进行专题图制作的过程及关键问题,重点研究了ArcGIS地理统计分析方法及原理,并利用该方法制作了海洋光学调查区块专题图.提出了一个基于GIS的专题图制作基本模式,既提高了制图效率,又提高了现有数据利用率.  相似文献   

在系统开展海洋区域地质调查的过程中,荷兰广泛使用了各种地球物理调查方法,并在方法选用、测线部署、资料处理和图件编制等方面有许多独到之处;对中荷两国的做法进行了系统的比较;对今后在我国海洋区域地质调查中如何开展地球物理调查工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

论述了侧扫声呐的成像原理,针对目前常用侧扫声呐系统数据采集的相关特性,结合实际工程应用,提出了一种联合单波束测深的侧扫声呐海底线提取新方法,以便在数据后处理时进行快速准确地斜距改正。利用实测数据验证了该方法的有效性,并与成熟商用软件的提取结果和阈值法提取结果进行对比分析,结果表明该方法具有一定的可行性和优势。  相似文献   

本文采用分层分类和决策树分类方法,对黄河三角洲1986、1996、2009年3个时期Land-sat-TM数据进行了处理,提取了黄河三角洲湿地信息,分析了三角洲湿地20年间的动态变化。结果表明,湿地变化整体呈先增多后减少的趋势,其中人工湿地比重不断增加,面积增加最多的是盐田湿地,减少最多的是滩涂湿地,土地盐碱化加重;采用分层提取湿地信息的方法精度达到90%,结果优于监督分类和非监督分类。  相似文献   

一种基于块划分颜色特征的图像检索方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对传统的颜色直方图法只表示颜色的组成,没有包含颜色空间分布信息,提出1种基于块划分颜色特征的图像检索方法。该方法将图像划分成大小相等的子块,提取每一块的颜色信息作为特征矢量。通过特征聚类和编码,图像内容可以表示成为包含空间分布信息的局部颜色特征组合。实验结果证明了该方法的有效性,并与其它方法进行了性能比较。  相似文献   

异常事件对EMD方法的影响及其解决方法研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
作者指出异常事件在数据中形成局部的高频信号 ,运用经验模态分解 (EMD)方法分析这种存在异常事件干扰的数据 ,就会产生本征模函数 (IMF)的频率混叠现象 ,而造成物理过程的重叠 ,使得难以用时间过程曲线表现特定的物理过程。这一问题是 EMD方法中尚未妥善解决的问题。为解决这一问题 ,作者利用干扰信号极值及其两边的极大与极小值位置与原始数据有明显对应关系的特征 ,将相关 IMF中的异常信息直接滤除 ,再用 Spline插值方法弥补滤除时段的数据 ,得到重新拟合的该 IMF数据。采用这种方法可以提取出异常信号 ,提取的精度与异常信号的时段长度有关。而且 ,拟合结果消除了异常干扰 ,可以将该 IMF与其余 IMF一起叠加成没有异常干扰的数据。将滤除了异常干扰的数据再次进行 EMD分解 ,可以得到新的 IMF系列 ,而它与不加校正的分解结果有相当大的差别 ,可靠地反映了真实物理过程。结果表明 ,只有在有效滤除异常干扰的情况下才能获得可靠的 IMF系列 ,并准确地描述各种尺度的现象 ;消除了异常干扰的 IMF可以任意单独或组合使用 ,表现各种时间尺度的变化与过程 ;所讨论的方法只适合异常时段较小的情形。对于异常时段接近或大于正常变化周期的干扰还需要探讨其他方法  相似文献   

胶州湾物理模型地形图制作方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
物理模型地形制作需以物理模型地形图为基础,物理模型地形图制作的科学性将直接影响物理模型实验的精度。通过选取可靠的胶州湾地形数据,以统计方法合理地选择符合要求的插值方法,制作了胶州湾物理模型地形困。该地形图制作方法对胶州湾物理模型度其它物理模型地形图制作具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Fluvial sands host excellent oil and gas reservoirs in various fields throughout the world. However, the lateral heterogeneity of reservoir properties within these reservoirs can be significant and determining the distribution of good reservoirs is a challenge. This study attempts to predict sand distribution within fluvial depositional systems by applying the Continuous Wavelet Transformation technique of spectral decomposition along with full spectrum seismic attributes, to a 3D seismic data set in the Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand. Full spectrum seismic attributes such as root mean square and coherency help to effectively map fluvial systems down to certain depth below which imaging is difficult in the intervals of interest in this study. However, continuous wavelet transform used in conjunction with other attributes by applying visualization techniques of transparency and RGB can be used at greater depths to extract from 3D seismic data useful information of fluvial depositional elements. This workflow may help to identify different reservoir compartments within the fluvial systems of the Gulf of Thailand.  相似文献   

The accumulation of bathymetric and seismic data on many continental margins has provided valuable new insights into variability of seascape morphology. The present challenge is in finding appropriate manners to characterise that morphology so that variations between areas and between potential influences can be recorded. In this paper, we employ hypsometry (area-elevation analysis) and present parameters derived from 65 hypsometric curves which represent distinct slope-basin shapes, based on data from the central USA Atlantic continental slope. The distinction of morphologic signatures has derived from the statistical moments, such as skewness and kurtosis, in describing the hypsometric curves of the submarine basins. Moreover, basin geometry in planview and network structure, have shown to be remarkably well reflected in the shape of the hypsometric curve. Based on the combined analysis of morphology and submarine processes and scenarios, we propose that concave hypsometry is characteristic of trellis networks that probably initiated by sporadic erosion by sedimentary flows, spilling over the shelf edge. The convex hypsometry that characterises poor- to well- developed dendritic networks, heading at or below the shelf break, is attributed to retrograde erosion and sediment fallout events, respectively. These results present initial step in helping to infer submarine processes from morphology, and provide initial information about the environmental scenarios for areas where the erosional record is unknown.  相似文献   

A method is described by which reverberation data gathered on a cardioid array can be processed to produce a 'scatterer map' of an area. Such a map shows the locations of strong seabed scatterers and gives a qualitative estimate of their strength. The method cannot give absolute values for scattering strength but its output is nonetheless useful in describing the locations of strong scatterers in an area. Low-Frequency Active Sonar (LFAS) data gathered on the Malta Plateau are presented and the physical causes of observed strong scatterers are described, along with an assessment of the degree of certainty to which these causes are known.  相似文献   

Texture-based visualization method is a common method in the visualization of vector field data. Aiming at adding color mapping to the texture of ocean vector field and solving the ambiguity of vector direction in texture image, a new color texture enhancement algorithm based on the Line Integral Convolution (LIC) for the vector field data is proposed, which combines the HSV color mapping and cumulative distribution function calculation of vector field data. This algorithm can be summarized as follows: firstly, the vector field data is convoluted twice by line integration to get the gray texture image. Secondly, the method of mapping vector data to each component of the HSV color space is established. And then, the vector field data is mapped into HSV color space and converted from HSV to RGB values to get the color image. Thirdly, the cumulative distribution function of the RGB color components of the gray texture image and the color image is constructed to enhance the gray texture and RGB color values. Finally, both the gray texture image and the color image are fused to get the color texture. The experimental results show that the proposed LIC color texture enhancement algorithm is capable of generating a better display of vector field data. Furthermore, the ambiguity of vector direction in the texture images is solved and the direction information of the vector field is expressed more accurately.  相似文献   

世界时区图动态模拟与显示技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孙雅维  赵峰 《海洋测绘》2011,31(3):67-69
以世界时区的概念为基础,阐述了世界时区图显示与模拟的总体构想、应具备的基本功能以及具有动态变化的特点,同时,着重提出了动态模拟时区渐变的RGB数学模型,并实现了世界时区动态模拟与显示.  相似文献   

海洋环境要素客观分析图绘制的若干问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据海洋环境资料空间分布的特点,使用Surfer中三角形线性插值法与样条平滑的组合能够比较准确地绘制单航次数据资料的客观分析图。对于累年多源资料,为了较好地解决海洋环境场的各向异性和资料空间分布不均匀性的问题,在Carter(1987)发展的客观分析统计模型的基础上,采用不同的搜索域进行客观分析,取得了良好效果。另外,Kriging方法用于海洋绘图时,在跃层和锋面处容易出现“鼓肚”现象,不能很好地反映浅海区潮混合导致的均匀层,应用时需加以注意。  相似文献   

新编竖版世界地势图摒弃以往的传统模式,采用全数字化高程数据计算生成陆地和海底地形,生动地表达了世界地势的总体地貌格局。讨论了浅海域在世界地势图上的表达方式,介绍了世界浅海域在新编世界地图上的表达特征,统计了世界主要浅海域的基本信息,并给出了"世界浅海域一览表"。  相似文献   

 Within the Coastal Benthic Boundary Layer (CBBL) Program’s Key West Campaign, a series of complementary geophysical experiments were undertaken in the Lower Florida Keys. The primary objective was the collection of data to assist in the physical characterization of the sea-floor carbonate sediments. Digital subbottom profiler data collected along closely spaced lines were processed to produce maps of sea-floor reflectivity strength and variance. These were subsequently used to help map the spatial distribution of the Holocene sediment and to identify and delineate the outcropping Pleistocene limestones and Holocene patch reefs. Analysis of a complementary data set, comprised of shear wave velocities collected with a bottom-towed sled, provided additional valuable information on the physical characteristics of the soft silty sediments making up the surficial cover at the CBBL Program’s experimental tower site.  相似文献   

基于公开的地球物理、地球化学数据以及国内外航次调查积累的海底地形等资料,笔者编制了西太平洋海山区1∶500万构造分区图。西太平洋海山区构造分区图包括1幅主图和3幅辅图,主图为《西太平洋海山区构造分区图》,共划分出了3个一级板块、22个二级分区块体、12个三级分区块体,3幅辅图分别为《西太平洋海山区地质构造图》、《西太平洋海山区布格重力异常图》和《西太平洋海山区εNd(t)等值线图》。本文介绍了构造分区图编制的思路和方法、数据来源和构造单元的划分依据,还通过搜集和整理西太平洋海山区玄武岩εNd(t)同位素数据,在研究区圈定了9个Nd同位素异常区,并讨论了Nd同位素填图结果与地质过程的耦合关系以及其对海山区构造分区的指示意义。  相似文献   

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