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运用3S技术对最近40年来荣成湾沿岸土地覆被动态变化及驱动力进行研究.结果表明,该区海岸湿地土地覆被总面积和陆域土地覆被总面积变化不大,但其各自类型结构和分布均发生了显著调整,而且二者变化在时间上不同步.从面积上讲,前者以1981年为界,渴湖和沙地先减少后波动增加,滩涂和沼泽地先增加后波动减少;养殖池从无到有并迅速增加...  相似文献   

基于1973—2018年期间的6期遥感影像数据,利用面向对象的分类方法提取江苏盐城湿地珍禽国家级自然保护区核心区的土地覆盖分类信息,进而利用土地转移矩阵分析近45年来盐城保护区核心区土地覆盖变化规律。研究表明:在1973—2018年期间,研究区土地覆盖类型由海到陆依次为海水、光滩、河流、米草、碱蓬、茅草、芦苇和养殖区。土地覆盖变化总体上表现为:光滩大面积减少,变化类型是光滩→碱蓬群落→米草群落,主要集中在研究区中部地区。茅草群落自2008年消失,变化类型是茅草群落→芦苇群落→养殖区,主要集中在研究区的西南和西北部地区。碱蓬群落明显减少,主要转变为芦苇和米草群落,集中在研究区中部地区;西部靠近海堤的变化类型是碱蓬群落→芦苇群落,东部靠近光滩的变化类型是碱蓬群落→米草群落。养殖区大面积增加,集中在研究区西南部地区;芦苇群落明显增加,集中在研究区西部和西北部地区。结果分析认为,盐城滨海湿地保护区核心区土地覆盖类型在近45年来变化显著,尤其是人工湿地养殖区的分布范围明显增加,这可能对滨海湿地生态系统健康与可持续发展造成一定影响,应尽快改变滨海湿地保护区核心区的开发利用方式。  相似文献   

2000~2010 年环渤海省市海岸带土地利用变化分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴莉  侯西勇 《海洋科学》2015,39(9):101-110
作为陆海生态系统的交错带,海岸带是地表生态系统最为脆弱的地带,研究海岸带土地利用变化具有重要意义。以环渤海省市海岸带为研究区,基于2000、2005和2010年的Landsat TM/ETM遥感影像进行多时相海岸带土地利用制图,进而分析10 a间的土地利用变化特征,包括土地利用结构、土地利用动态度、土地利用程度区域差异和海陆梯度、海陆格局变化等特征。结果表明:(1)环渤海省市海岸带土地利用以耕地、建设用地和人工湿地为主,2010年比例分别为36.09%、17.16%和15.72%,不同行政单元及不同缓冲带之间土地利用结构空间差异明显。(2)2000~2005年、2005~2010年,土地利用发生转移的面积分别为2 126.419 km2和3 092.39 km2,建设用地扩展占用耕地、人工湿地和滨海自然湿地,以及滨海自然湿地变为人工湿地是主导的变化过程,但不同行政单元及不同缓冲带之间土地利用变化的空间差异明显。(3)2000~2005年、2005~2010年,综合土地利用动态度分别为0.73%和1.06%,17个地市级行政单元综合土地利用动态度以东营和天津较高,各缓冲带内综合土地利用动态度均为随时间不断增加,空间上则由海向陆波动下降。(4)2000~2010年,土地利用程度总体上不断升高,表明海岸带土地利用处于发展期,除沧州和潍坊,其他区域土地利用程度随时间不断上升;各缓冲带土地利用程度均随时间不同程度增长,空间上则由海向陆波动上升。  相似文献   

近30年来莱州湾滨海湿地景观格局变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于莱州湾滨海湿地特征以及野外实地观测数据,利用landsat遥感影像手段,揭示1990-2018年莱州湾滨海湿地景观格局变化特征,并结合景观指数分析莱州湾滨海湿地异质性。结果表明,1990-2018年间,莱州湾滨海湿地呈现人工滨海湿地面积增加而天然滨海湿地面积减少的趋势。截至2018年莱州湾滨海湿地面积总计1954 km2,其中天然滨海湿地面积约811 km2,人工滨海湿地面积约1143 km2,分别占42%和58%,滨海湿地向建设用地转化的趋势明显。斑块数量(NP)、景观形状指数(LSI)等景观指数值逐年增加,表明莱州湾景观格局变化明显且破碎化程度加重。莱州湾滨海湿地不同岸段之间景观格局变化的驱动机制不完全一样,造成其破碎化程度加重的自然驱动力有河口冲淤、降水量变化等;人工驱动力主要为城市建设、港口码头、集约用海区建设、养殖业和制盐业的开发利用等。以期对莱州湾滨海湿地生态系统退化原因、合理利用和优化土地空间布局、采取有效措施保护及恢复滨海湿地提供一定的技术支持。  相似文献   

何爽  卢霞  张森  李珊  唐海童  郑薇  林辉  罗庆龄 《海洋科学》2020,44(12):44-53
针对传统分类方法易受到"同物异谱"和"同谱异物"影响,致使河口湿地覆盖分类精度较低的问题,提出一种基于遗传算法优化BP神经网络分类算法。以江苏省临洪河口湿地为研究区,选用哨兵Sentinel-2影像,经辐射校正、大气校正和图像裁剪等预处理后,构建基于自适应遗传算法优化的BP神经网络算法开展临洪河口湿地土地覆盖分类研究,并与传统BP神经网络、支持向量机和随机森林算法进行精度比较。研究结果表明:遗传算法优化后的BP神经网络算法开展河口湿地土地覆盖分类的总精度为96.162 7%,Kappa系数为0.952 0;与传统BP神经网络、支持向量机和随机森林分类算法的分类总精度相比,分别提高了7.359 7%、11.677 9%和6.042 4%;对应的Kappa系数也相应提高了0.090 8、0.118 0和0.074 8;有效解决了河口湿地土地覆盖分类精度低的问题。遗传算法优化后的BP神经网络可实现河口湿地土地覆盖的高精度分类,促进湿地资源的合理开发和保护,为实现海洋生态文明建设提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

为衡量经济发达地区的生态资产价值,文章以人-地关系日趋紧张的江苏沿海地区为研究对象,基于卫星遥感影像和统计资料,获取典型年份土地利用与覆盖变化信息,结合生态系统服务价值当量因子法开展生态系统生产总值的核算和评价研究。研究结果表明:研究期内,江苏沿海地区的湿地和光滩面积呈减少趋势,建设用地、林地和养殖水域面积呈增加趋势;江苏沿海地区的生态系统生产总值均在110亿元以上,从存量来看贡献排在前两位的生态系统类型依次是农田和养殖水域,从流量来看贡献排在前两位的生态系统服务价值依次是废弃物吸纳和水源涵养,体现巨大的生态系统服务价值潜力。研究结果可为有关部门开展生态保护工作提供参考。  相似文献   

北部湾沿海土地利用变化时空特征及情景分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于遥感技术监测北部湾沿海2000年~2010年土地利用变化特征,应用多要素数据和LogisticCA-Markov耦合模型模拟土地利用变化并进行多情景分析。结果表明:2000年~2010年,耕地是土地转化的主要来源,城镇、农村居民点及交通工矿的扩张主要来自于耕地,城镇化加剧增加了耕地保护的压力;2005年~2010年,沿海围填海的速度较快,导致海岸线形态发生显著的变化以及海岸带脆弱性的加剧;基于区域环境与生态保护、经济社会发展的历史过程特征和相关规划,设计既有趋势延续、城镇化优先、生态保护优先3种情景,模拟得到2020年、2025年的土地利用分布数据;综合土地利用变化的历史特征和情景分析的结果,提出未来土地利用优化的策略与措施,包括:优化城镇化空间布局及其发展质量,严格保护沿海湿地尤其是红树林湿地,变化热点区域合理规划未来的土地利用方向等。  相似文献   

Abstract. Changes in live and dead coral cover were documented at three localities off the Costa Rican central Pacific coast first in 1992 during the aftermath of the 1991–1992 El Niño; again in the period between 1994 and 1995, and last in January 2001. Recovery of coral communities after the 1991–1992 El Niño was expressed by a significant increase (~40 %) in 1994 of live coral cover at one locality (Manuel Antonio). A subsequent decrease (~50 %) in response to the very strong 1997–1998 episode was recorded at Manuel Antonio and Ballena, mainly due to partial tissue mortality of branching (Pocillopora spp.) and massive (Porites lobata) corals. Mortality of entire colonies associated to that event was scarce and confined to branching and nodular (Psammocora stellata) corals. This species was not found at one locality (Cambutal) in the 2001 survey and it is presumed locally extinct. The recovery of this coral and others will depend on recruits from surviving colonies in deeper waters and other coral communities in the vicinity. Within sites at a given locality, contrasting results in live coral cover variability were found. This is partially due to distinct coral assemblages, coral growth, physical exposure to tidal regime, and, related to the latter, variable duration and intensity of the warming event. In general, predominant meteorological conditions at the studied area are conducive to solar radiation (UV) stress during El Niño years and are related to changes in the atmosphere‐ocean interactions in response to the warming events.  相似文献   

近30年来江苏海岸带土地利用/覆被变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海岸带土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)研究可用于量化反应环境变化和人类活动的影响,为海岸带开发与利用提供决策参考依据。以江苏海岸带为研究对象,选取1978~2007年5期Landsat MSS/TM影像作为数据源,建立遥感分类系统,采用分层分类监督分类方法获取研究区5期序列LUCC数据,进而计算分析江苏海岸带近30年的土地利用/覆被变化的结构演变,系统研究了近30年来的LUCC的变化数量以及变化速率。研究结果表明:(1)从土地利用结构上看,近30年来,江苏海岸带土地利用类型以耕地、城镇建设用地、农村建设用地为主,虽然耕地占比近年来有所减少,但是仍然高达70%以上;(2)从土地利用变化来看,江苏海岸带土地利用变化最为显著的是城镇建设用地,无论是变化数量和变化速率都非常显著,同时大量沿海新围垦土地多为建设用地。  相似文献   

以覆盖黄河口湿地区域的Radarsat-2 SAR全极化影像和Landsat-5 TM影像为例,将4种极化方式的SAR影像与TM影像分别进行融合,采用支持向量机对融合结果进行滨海湿地典型地物土地覆盖分类,并对分类结果进行比较评价,分析不同极化方式的SAR影像与TM影像融合结果在滨海湿地地区的分类能力。实验结果表明:采用与SAR影像融合的方法能够提高TM影像的分类精度,其中HV极化方式的SAR影像与TM影像的融合结果分类精度最高,最适用于滨海湿地土地覆盖分类研究。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to identify appropriate sites for shrimp farming development in Haiphong province of Vietnam using geographical information systems (GIS). Thirteen base layers (thematic maps) were grouped into four main land use requisites for aquaculture, namely, (1) potential for pond construction (slope, land use type, soil thickness, elevation), (2) soil quality (soil type, soil texture, soil pH), (3) water availability (distance to sea, and water source), and (4) infrastructure and socio-economical status (population density, distance to roads, local markets, and hatcheries). A constraint layer was used to exclude areas from suitability maps that were not allowed to implement shrimp farming. A series of GIS models was developed to identify and prioritize the most suitable areas for shrimp farming.This study shows that the land evaluation model is useful for identifying suitable areas for shrimp farming and for allocating land for efficient income generation, effective conservation, and sustainable land management. It was estimated that about 31% (2604 ha) of the total land area (8281 ha) in Haiphong was highly suitable for shrimp farming. Since existing shrimp farms cover only 1690 ha of land in the study area, the potential for expanding shrimp farms should take into consideration further political and environmental issues.  相似文献   

Substantial changes are taking place in the coastal landscape as a result of rapid urbanization. A series of environmental and resource problems have emerged owing to rapid urban development, including encroachment of agricultural land, land reclamation, silt deposition in rivers, and severe flooding. These problems have had a significant impact on sustainable development in Lingding Bay, the largest estuary of the Pearl River. This paper demonstrates that remote sensing can be effective in monitoring the dynamics of coastal zones, such as coastline movement, urban expansion, land-use changes, and migration of shoals and deep-water channels. Remote sensing data from 1978 to 1998 were used to detect the accelerating changes that have taken place in the study area. A hybrid approach has proved to be an effective way of improving remote sensing image classification, with multi-temporal compound imaging, for coastal change analysis. Geographic information system (Intergraph's modular GIS environment, MGE) software was used to assist planners in the analysis of such changes, by combining the maps from 1974, 1989 to 1997 and integrating the multiple (spatial and attribute) databases. The result demonstrates that: (1) the Pearl River estuary is being reclaimed, estuarine waterways are getting narrower; the area of water near Humen town has narrowed by 4–6 km; (2) shoals in Lingding Bay have reduced the area of water by 114 km2 over the past 23 years; the area of deep-water channels has declined by ∼24 km2, even with dredging; on average, the area of water has decreased by 5.9 km2 annually; western channels migrated eastwards 0.8 and 1.1 km during the first and second 10-year period, respectively; according to this scenario, the western channel will disappear from Lingding Bay in approximately 183 years; (3) land-use changes: 92% of shoal reclamation occurred in the 1980s and 80% of waterway reclamation happened during the 1990s; Panyu District of Guangzhou city leads the table in land reclamation, Zhongshan city is second, and Zhuhai city third; the area of reclamation in the last 10 years is slightly more (1.18 times) than in the previous 10 years, in particular, there was a 1.6- and 1.8-fold increase, respectively, for the Zhongshan and Zhuhai coastal regions; at the current rate of reclamation, Tangjia Bay in Zhuhai and Jiaoyi Bay in Dongwan will vanish in approximately 25 and 70 years, respectively; the decline of the bays will cause large-scale destruction of the aquatic environment—the consequences should not be ignored. The impact of such changes on flood control and prevention, and coastal planning, are also discussed. We stress the importance of regulating and controlling the long-term development of coastal areas in the Pearl River Delta.  相似文献   

Long term macrobenthos data together with physical habitat parameters were analysed to investigate spatial and temporal changes at an estuary under different anthropogenic pressures, mainly increasing shellfish farming. The aim was to assess the possible impacts of these pressures on the macrobenthic communities by comparing a period before and after changes in these pressures. Benthic samples were seasonally collected in 1990 (before major anthropogenic changes), 2000 and 2005 at the same sampling stations located on three different habitats in the Eo estuary (Northern Spanish coast). Multivariate and univariate methods were used to assess spatial variability of benthic assemblages and to compare community changes over time. Data from 1990 was assumed as the reference situation to appraise the subsequent impacts. We observed a significant spatial variability of the benthic assemblages in the system as a function of habitat heterogeneity in relation to sediment composition, presence/absence and density of seagrasses, and hydrodynamic regime. Changes were detected in the community composition at all sites during this 15 year period. The extent of changes was related to initial community conditions, rather than the intensity of the pressure. The results suggest that the responses of the benthic communities to human induced perturbations occurring in the system are largely dependent on its intrinsic buffer capacity, and that these communities have been able to cope with an increasing environmental stress (organic enrichment). In conclusion, to keep shellfish farming at a sustainable level without undesirable impacts, the disturbance intensity must be kept below the system carrying capacity. This will allow natural communities to cope with pressures and thus avoid further deterioration in ecological quality.  相似文献   

Impact of Biodeposition on Macrofaunal Communities in Intertidal Sandflats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ingrid  Kröncke 《Marine Ecology》1996,17(1-3):159-174
Abstract. This investigation deals with the changes in macrofaunal communities in intertidal sandflats caused by the input of organic material via biodeposition produced by mussel beds. The area of investigation was the back barrier tidal flat system behind the East Frisian Island of Spiekeroog. Due to erosion by the ebb current a plume of biodeposits extended from an area of mussel beds ( Mytilus edulis ) towards the adjacent sandy sediments. This plume represented a gradient of decreasing contents of organic material. Five stations were installed along this gradient to analyse the effects of this organic input on the macrofaunal communities; a control station was placed on sandy sediments.
The macrofaunal communities differed along the transect. In the mussel patches oligochaetes dominated, whereas deposit-feeding polychaetes increased along the transect. These polychaetes were different from the communities of the sand flats. The changes in the macrofaunal communities discussed in the framework of the organic carbon contents of sediments and interspecific relationships.
After a cover of green algae during summer and after a cold winter, the mussels were almost completely eliminated from the area of investigation and reaggregated in another area of the flat. The layer of biodeposits eroded as well. After the decrease in contents of organic matter, the macrofaunal communities no longer followed the transitional distribution but showed a diffuse and seasonally influenced distribution.
The results indicate that biodeposits changed the quality of the sediment structure of the sand flats and that the amount of organic matter (TOC) is a main structuring factor for the macrofaunal communities.  相似文献   

滩涂植被是滨海湿地的重要组成部分,其动态变化影响着湿地生态系统的结构和功能.利用遥感技术监测和评估湿地植被的长期变化对于海岸带资源管理和生态保护具有重要意义.本文以多时相Landsat卫星影像为数据源,结合面向对象和随机森林算法实现现行黄河口保护区内典型湿地植被的精准分类,揭示了2000-2020年研究区内芦苇、盐地碱...  相似文献   

Land use/cover and mangrove spatial changes were assessed for ten sites and their sub-catchments in Southeast Queensland, Australia. Two time periods were involved: 1972–1990, a period of relatively high rainfall, and 1990–2004, which was significantly drier. Aerial photographs and Landsat satellite imagery were used to map the inter-tidal wetlands and classify the land use/cover in the sub-catchments. A Maximum Likelihood Classification was used to map three types of land cover: agriculture, built-up and plantation forest. Mangroves (mainly Avicennia marina) were the focus as they have been recorded over recent decades encroaching into salt marsh. The Mangrove-Salt marsh Interface (MSI) Index was developed to quantify the relative opportunity for mangroves to expand into salt marshes, based on the shared boundary between them. The index showed a consistent relationship with mangrove expansion and change. To address problems of high dimensionality and multi-collinearity of predictor variables, a Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) model was used. A key finding of this research was that the contribution of environmental variables to spatial changes in the mangroves was altered following a reduction in rainfall. For example, agriculture had more influence on mangrove expansion and change during the wet period than during the dry period.  相似文献   

王靖雯  牛振国 《海洋学报》2017,39(5):149-160
潮间带是重要的滨海湿地类型之一,在生物多样性保护、全球环境变化等方面具有不可估量的价值。遥感技术已经成为滨海湿地监测的重要手段。针对潮间带遥感监测中存在时相限制的瓶颈问题,本文结合卫星过境时潮位信息,通过建立GIS模型,将利用遥感方法提取出的瞬时水边线校正至平均高、低潮线,改进了通过遥感数据恢复潮间带高程和范围的方法。在此基础上,利用1995年、2000年、2005年、2010年和2015年的多期Landsat TM以及OLI遥感数据,对盐城滨海潮间带进行了遥感监测和分析。结果表明:(1)2015年江苏盐城潮间带面积为809.27 km2,相比1995年减小了47%;(2)1995年以来盐城滨海潮间带面积总体呈减小了趋势,其中1995-2000年潮间带面积减小幅度最大,约为205.67 km2;(3)潮间带主要分布在盐城滨海南部晚庄港-新开港,占全部潮间带面积的66%;同时潮间带面积的减小也主要发生在这个区域,减小的潮间带面积占减小总面积的84%;(4)潮间带范围的变化受人为和自然双重因素影响;海平面上升和滨海湿地的大量围垦,造成了潮间带的挤压效应,使得潮间带面积迅速减小,湿地围垦等人为因素起到主导作用。  相似文献   

The discharge of an effluent of high salinity from reverse osmosis desalination plants has a strong impact on marine communities. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of brine discharge over soft bottom communities along the Alicante coast (Southeast Spain) over a two year period. Changes in the infaunal assemblage were analysed using univariate and multivariate techniques. Each year we sampled along three transects at three depths (4, 10 and 15m) during winter and summer. We observed a substitution of a community characterized by the presence of Polychaeta, Crustacea and Mollusca, for another dominated by nematodes (up to 98%), in the stations closer to the discharge where salinity values exceed 39 psu.  相似文献   

选择厦门经济特区成立后的2个关键时段为监测期,利用1989~2010年的时间序列遥感影像,建立了3个时间节点的厦门湾湿地与非湿地景观类型数据库.基于景观生态学与地统计学理论与方法构建人为干扰度及其动态模型,评价了过去22a间滨海湿地人为干扰影响及其动态变化,并分析了景观格局的响应过程.结果表明:厦门湾滨海湿地退化程度不断加剧.自然湿地的面积从1989年的275.82 km2降至2010年的238.60 km2;非湿地从1989年的590.61 km2上升至2010年的637.09 km2.在城市化不同阶段,滨海湿地经历着从以向人工湿地转化为主,过渡到以向非湿地转化为主的过程.干扰度及其动态模型能较好地表征城市空间拓展模式与人为干扰影响的空间响应关系.人为干扰影响正逐渐扩大其规模和强度,并且呈现出由陆地向海洋扩展的趋势.在第一时段,环西海域海岸线成为厦门城市化空间发展的重要方向,滨海湿地资源空间成为城市化扩展、海水养殖业占用的重要目标.在第二时段,人为干扰度变化的高值区已经沿着海岸线向东部转移,形成了新的干扰带;中高值区在整个区域蔓延,滨海湿地资源空间被进一步挤压.干扰度动态变化高值区是滨海湿地退化最显著的区域,也是未来进行湿地保护与生态修复的重点区域.边缘密度、斑块密度与分离度综合起来能较好地反映出景观格局信息与人为干扰之间响应关系.研究区景观格局趋于复杂化,景观异质性程度升高,景观破碎度增大.非湿地景观类型逐渐居于主导地位,滨海湿地的优势景观控制力下降.人为干扰已成为厦门湾滨海湿地景观格局演变的主要驱动力.  相似文献   

近40 a 来三门湾海岸线时空变化遥感监测与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
了解岸线的变化对海岸开发利用有重要意义。本文以Landsat MSS、TM、ETM+、OLI影像为主要数据源,采用人机交互的方式提取1973~2013年的4期三门湾大陆岸线,获取岸线长度以及陆域变化面积等信息,并以县级市(象山县、宁海县、三门县)为单位分段分析岸线时空变化特征。在此基础上,结合研究区新增土地利用类型的解译结果,对三门湾地区海岸开发方式进行系统分析。结果表明:1973~2013年三门湾岸线总体向海推进,总长度减少40.18 km,沿岸陆域面积增加155.89 km2,其中2000~2013年岸线向海扩张最为显著,近40 a来,在沿海三县中,宁海县岸段岸线变迁最为剧烈;海岸人为开发是岸线变化的主导因素,且开发方式时间异质性显著:早期以围垦造田、堵港蓄淡为主,20世纪80年代后期至20世纪末,偏重围垦养殖,进入21世纪,开发规模大幅增长,围垦造田和养殖依然是海岸开发的主要方式,同时城镇、工业建设等围填海规模迅增,港口码头建设也加快了步伐,海岸开发方式呈现多样化。  相似文献   

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