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青海湖沉积物有机碳及其同位素的气候环境信息   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
通过对青海湖沉积物有机碳及其同位素的分析,结合碳酸盐含量的变化特征,探讨了青海湖沉积物有机碳及其同位素组成的环境意义,并且据此分析了青海湖地区近700a来的气候环境演变。青海湖沉积物的有机碳含量及其同位素较好地记录了温度的变化,在有机碳含量高,有机碳同位素低时,气温较高,反之则相反,小冰期的3次冷期以及20世纪以来的升温在该岩心中得以清晰地反映。  相似文献   

酸化过程对海洋沉积物中有机碳同位素分析的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
海洋沉积物中有机碳同位素(δ13C)可以示踪海洋生态系统中有机质来源,对环境研究具有重要意义。分析沉积物中有机物的δ13C,需要对样品进行酸化,以去除无机碳的影响。由于不同来源的沉积物中无机碳的含量和组份存在差异,需要针对样品性质,优化酸化处理过程。本研究分别选取了无机碳含量不同的温带与热带河口、海湾沉积物样品,比较了3种不同酸化过程对有机物δ13C分析的影响。研究结果表明:方法1(酸洗法)中6%H_2SO_3和1mol/L H_3PO_4对无机碳含量较高的热带河口、海湾样品去除效率较低,而2mol/L HCl去除无机碳酸盐的效果较理想。方法2(酸蒸法)并不适用于无机碳含量较高的热带河口、海湾样品;而对于无机碳含量相对较低的温带河口、海湾样品,9h酸蒸较为适宜。方法3(非原位酸洗)的结果较方法1和方法2偏正,表明其对含13C丰富的有机组分破坏较小,且方法3中残留的酸对δ13C的分析没有影响。因此,方法3是去除海洋沉积物中无机碳较理想的方法。  相似文献   

对青海湖沉积物中粒度参数、总有机碳(TOC)含量及其δ^13C值的形成条件与环境气候的关系进行了研究。结果表明:在暖湿时期,沉积物中有机碳含量(TOC)较高,有机质的δ^13C值较高,沉积物的平均粒径较细;反之,在冷干时期,沉积物中有机碳含量(TOC)较低,有机质的δ^13C值较低,沉积物的平均粒径较粗。反映出沉积物中TOC含量、有机质δ^13C值及粒度特征与气温具有良好的相关性。结合^14C测年,分析了湖区古气候演化序列,表明自8500aBP以来湖区气候经历了4个演化阶段:即暖湿-凉干-温湿-冷干的变化过程。  相似文献   

Bauer  JE 《海洋地质前沿》1996,(2):10-12
深海沉积物和海水碳交换的同位素示踪J.E.Baner等海洋沉积物含有较多的有机碳,对上覆水体中有机质的性质有一定的影响.普遍认为,海底沉积物可能是深层水中老而难已测定的溶解有机碳(DOC)的来源;另外,放射性C同位素值(△14C)和稳定C同位素比值(...  相似文献   

河流输入的陆源有机碳在河口和陆架区的生物地球化学过程是全球碳循环的重要环节,对陆源有机质的输入量的估算是研究陆架区的生物地球化学过程的基础。黄河输沙量极大,为探究其携带的陆源有机质对陆架边缘海有机碳库的影响,以黄河河口及邻近渤海海域为研究对象,分析了表层沉积物中的木质素,结合总有机碳含量、总氮含量和有机碳稳定同位素评估了表层沉积物中有机碳的组成、来源和分布。8种木质素酚单体中,紫丁香基酚类(S)与香草基酚类(V)的含量比值S/V(0.63±0.31)和肉桂基酚类(C)与香草基酚类含量比值C/V(0.25±0.15),反映出研究区陆源有机碳主要来自草本被子植物。V系列中木质素酸(Ad)与木质素醛(Al)的比值(Ad/Al)V较高(0.53±0.14),表明陆源有机质的降解程度较高。利用稳定碳同位素比值δ13C和木质素含量Λ8相结合的土壤有机质-陆生维管植物-水生有机质三端元模型对陆源有机物的贡献的分析结果显示,土壤有机质、陆源维管植物和水生有机质的平均贡献分别为59.9%±15.0%、7.3%±7.0%、32.8%±11.8%。土壤在陆源有机质中的贡献占有绝对优势,可能与该区域沉积物的主要源区——黄土高原植被覆盖率低、土壤侵蚀严重有关。  相似文献   

湖泊沉物中有机质碳同位素特征及其古气候   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
本文对湖泊沉积物中有机质碳同位素的形成条件及其与环境气候的关系进行了初步讨论。湖泊沉积物中有机质碳同位素主要由湖泊沉积物中有机质来源决定,因此也涉及有机质合成所面碳的来源。此外,还受源水化学性质,湖泊初级生产力、大气二氧化碳浓度、流域水文特征、区域自然环境、沉积环境以及沉积的物理藏后的保存状况等因素影响。  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物中有机质碳同位素特征及其古气候   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
本文对湖泊沉积物中有机质碳同位素的形成条件及其与环境气候的关系进行了初步讨论。湖泊沉积物中有机质碳同位素主要由湖泊沉积物中有机质来源决定,因此也涉及有机质合成所需碳的来源。此外,还受湖水化学性质(pH值、硬度等)、湖泊初级生产力、大气二氧化碳浓度、流域水文特征、区域自然环境、沉积环境以及沉积物埋藏后的保存状况等因素影响。有机质碳同位素与气候条件存在着一联系。 ̄(13)C值高,一般对应于气候的暖期; ̄(13)C值低则对应冷期。但两者关系实际远非如此简单,一些地区的湖泊沉积物有机质 ̄(13)C对气候波动并不敏感,有时甚至具有反向的变化,本文就这些问题作了详细论述。另外,通过对鄱阳湖、呼伦湖等湖泊沉积物中有机质碳同位素特征分析,认为 ̄(13)C值对区分湖泊沉积中间夹的非湖相(河流、风沙沉积等)沉积环境也具有明显的指导意义。  相似文献   

通过对楚科奇海及邻近的北冰洋深水区表层沉积物中有机碳同位素含量(δ13C)、氮同位素含量(δ15N)及生物成因SiO2(BSiO2)含量分析,结果表明海源和陆源有机质的分布受海区环流结构和营养盐结构所制约.楚科奇海中西部和楚科奇海台受太平洋富营养盐海水的影响,海洋生产力高,沉积物中海源有机质和BSiO2含量高;靠阿拉斯加一侧海域海水的营养盐含量和生产力都偏低,沉积物中陆源有机质比重增加;在研究区北部和东北部的楚科奇高地和加拿大海盆,冰封时间较长,营养盐供应少,海洋生产力低,但来自马更些河和阿拉斯加北部的陆源有机质增多,沉积物中BSiO2含量小于5%,海源有机质百分含量小于40%.由于亚北极太平洋水通过楚科奇海向北冰洋海盆输送,研究区营养盐池表现为开放系统,营养盐的利用率与它的供应成反比,与海洋生产力成反比.  相似文献   

随着工业化进程的加快,湛江湾的生态环境承载力受到了极大的考验。为了解湛江湾生态环境的变化过程,文中利用湛江湾表层柱状沉积物样品中总有机碳含量(TOC)及其稳定同位素、总氮含量(TN)和C/N值的测定,结合端元混合模型,分析了湛江湾沉积物中有机质的来源,探讨了沉积物有机碳同位素的主要影响因素。结果表明,湛江湾沉积物中有机质主要来源为自生藻类,同时也受一定程度陆源输入的影响。沉积序列的元素地球化学参数表明,沉积物δ13C值呈现短暂的负偏随后长期正偏的趋势。底部的负偏可能与大气CO2浓度增加有关,随后δ13C主体正偏的趋势主要受控于气候转暖、生产力增加以及富营养化程度增加的共同影响,暗示了人类活动对湛江湾的生态环境的影响逐渐加剧。其中,人类活动相关的工业、农业有机污染物排放可能是不断加剧海水富营养化的主要原因。  相似文献   

通过对采集自南海北部的D06和S0612两个短柱状沉积物样品中的不同赋存形态钡、有机碳和生物硅的含量以及有机质碳氮同位素组成的分析,结果表明沉积物中的钡主要以碎屑钡和自生的生物钡形式存在。沉积物中生物钡的含量在10.3~385.2 μg/g之间,平均值为177.0 μg/g,据此计算的新生产力在12.3~146.7 mg/(d·m2)(以碳计)之间,平均为78.9 mg/(d·m2);D06站计算的结果和附近站位的实测值相当。沉积物中有机碳的含量在0.64%~1.34%之间,平均值为0.89%,C/N比值为4.96~5.93,平均值为5.54。有机碳的δ13C值在-22.98‰~-20.73‰之间,平均值为-21.46‰,依据端元组份同位素组成计算的陆源有机质比率显示,D06站位的有机质主要来自海洋生物,而S0612站位则受陆源有机质的影响较大。沉积物中有机质的δ15N值在3.96‰~6.29‰之间,平均值为5.26‰,反映的是该海区氮源的同位素组成,而不受硝酸盐利用率的影响。  相似文献   

To increase our understanding of the roles of black carbon (BC), a highly sorptive and recalcitrant material, we measured BC concentrations and fluxes in marine particulate organic carbon (POC) out of the water column in the Gulf of Maine (GoM), a representative coastal area downwind of important BC sources of the Northeastern United States. Concentrations ranged from < 0.1 to 16 μg/L in the spring and late summer, typically contributing between 1 and 20% of the POC. Water-column export fluxes were near 10 gBC/m2∙yr. These observations suggest that (a) up to 50% of the “molecularly uncharacterized” POC in this region's seawater is combustion-derived BC, and (b) the “bioavailabilities” of hydrophobic pollutants like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) would be influenced substantially by sorption to BC. The observed BC spatial distributions imply that a large part of the BC was carried offshore by wind and that much of it is accumulated in the coastal sediments. On a global scale, these results suggest the GoM and other coastal areas with similar BC loadings accumulate significant amounts of highly recalcitrant organic carbon that remineralizes on geological time scales in the world's oceans.  相似文献   

Comments on the importance of black carbon in the global carbon cycle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

市场机制是实现蓝碳及蓝碳生态系统价值的有效途径,对于发挥蓝碳生态系统在应对气候变化方面的作用具有积极意义。本文梳理了当前碳市场中蓝碳碳汇项目的发展机遇和项目开发的现状,并就我国蓝碳碳汇项目开发面临的问题进行分析并提出建议,以期为推进蓝碳碳汇项目开发和市场发展提供科学参考。当前,清洁发展机制(Clean Development Mechanism, CDM)和核证碳标准(Verified Carbon Standard, VCS)都已开发了蓝碳碳汇项目或可用于蓝碳碳汇项目的方法学,并开发了多个CDM、VCS和Plan Vivo Standard认证的红树林碳汇项目。我国已成功开发并交易了首个蓝碳碳汇项目“湛江红树林造林项目”,并且将继续推动蓝碳碳汇项目的开发和交易市场的发展。但我国在碳汇项目开发上存在项目规模小、证明项目额外性时具有一定的不确定性、蓝碳资源管理机构作为碳减排量所有者和交易主体自主支配碳汇收益受到限制等不利因素。对此,建议可通过加强营造蓝碳碳汇项目开发的良好环境,充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用以及政府的引导作用,吸引社会资本参与生态保护修复,鼓励社会资金投资或购买项目生产的效益,拓宽蓝碳生态系统保护修复资金渠道等措施,推进我国蓝碳碳汇交易市场的发展。  相似文献   

The method proposed for determining the total inorganic carbon (TC) concentrations in sea ice (Arctic region, North Pole-35 expedition) based on the measurement of the total alkalinity (TA) and the pH in the melt waters without the CO2 exchange with the atmosphere is considered. It is shown that the TC/Sal and TA/TC values through the entire ice section remain similar to these parameters in the subice water. The surface snow and the uppermost ice layers are characterized by elevated TA/TC values, which indicate the reaction Ca2+ + 2HCO3 = ↓CaCO3 + ↑CO2 + H2O. The release of CO2 to the atmosphere due to the decomposition of calcium hydrocarbonate is as high as ∼20 mmol/m2. The meltwater of the examined ice is undersaturated with CO2, which may result in a sink of atmospheric CO2 (∼30 mmol/m2).  相似文献   

Organic carbon flux from eutrophicated Tokyo Bay to the Pacific Ocean is estimated as 260 ton C day–1 based on the horizontal gradient of COD and the dispersion coefficient at the bay mouth. Also, carbon flux from the air or from the open ocean to Tokyo Bay is estimated as 156 ton C day–1. If we suppose that five percent of the coastal seas in the world might be eutrophicated as Tokyo Bay and the organic carbon flux from the shelf to the open ocean in other coastal seas might be one third of that in Tokyo Bay, 1.12 G tons year–1 would be transported from the eutrophicated coastal seas to the open ocean and such carbon flux may account for the missing sink in the global carbon budget.  相似文献   

C. Arnosti   《Marine Chemistry》2004,92(1-4):263
The observation that a fraction of organic matter produced in marine systems evades the concerted efforts of microbial communities and is buried in sediments suggests that there are ‘speed bumps’ in carbon degradation pathways that impede microbially driven remineralization processes. The initial step in degradation of macromolecules, extracellular enzymatic hydrolysis, is often stated to be ‘the’ rate-limiting step in carbon remineralization. Experimental investigations described here, however, demonstrate that at least in certain cases, microbes produce extracellular enzymes on time scales of hours to tens of hours in response to substrate addition, and hydrolysis is extremely rapid. If enzymatic hydrolysis can be rapid, what factors slow or stop organic matter degradation? A lack of the correct inducer to initiate enzyme production, and/or a lack of the correct organism to produce the required enzyme, may result in a complete lack of hydrolysis in certain environments—a barricade, rather than a speed bump. Preliminary evidence supporting this hypothesis includes a comparison of polysaccharide hydrolysis in seawater and sediments, which demonstrates that the spectrum of enzymes active in seawater and sediments are fundamentally different. Furthermore, a survey of enzyme activities in surface waters from a range of locations suggests that pelagic microbial communities also differ widely in their abilities to express specific extracellular enzymes. Trans-membrane transport through porins is yet another potential location of structure-related selectivity.Our efforts to identify speed bumps and barricades are hampered by our inability to structurally characterize in sufficient detail the macromolecular structures present in marine systems. Furthermore, assessments of organic matter ‘quality’ from a chemical perspective do not necessarily accurately reflect the availability of organic carbon to microbial communities. For these communities, in fact, ‘quality’ may be a variable, which depends on the enzymatic and uptake capabilities of community members. To begin to assess substrate structure and quality from a microbial perspective, we will have to combine specific knowledge of macromolecular structures with detailed investigations of the enzymatic and transport capabilities of heterotrophic marine microbes.  相似文献   

基于2010 年11 月对长江口外东海中北部海域的综合调查, 系统研究了该海域的无机碳体系参数的分布特征、海?气界面二氧化碳通量及其影响因素。研究结果表明, 该海域秋季溶解无机碳(DIC)高值区主要出现在调查海域东北部及长江口附近海域, 而调查海域南部DIC 含量较少且变化平缓, 其主要是受台湾东部流向东北方向的黑潮支流及长江冲淡水的影响; 表层海水CO2分压(pCO2)值变化范围为40.8~63.5 Pa, 呈现沿黑潮支流流入方向由东南向西北逐渐增高的趋势。秋季表层海水pCO2与温度(T)、盐度(S)有较好的负相关性, 说明海水温度升高和盐度增加, pCO2降低, 反之亦然。另外, 通过估算得出, 秋季CO2海-气交换通量为2.69~33.66 mmol/(m2·d), 平均值为(14.35 ± 7.06 )mmol/(m2·d),其在长江口邻近海域相对较大, 而在调查海域南部相对较小; 2010 年秋季水体向大气释放CO2的量(以碳计)为(2.35 ± 1.16)×104 t/d, 是大气CO2较强的源, 说明东海中北部海域秋季总体上是CO2的源。  相似文献   

Sections of dissolved inorganic anthropogenic carbon () based on 2002 data in the East Greenland Current (EGC) are presented. The has been estimated using a model based on optimum multiparameter analysis with predefined source water types. Values of have been assigned to the source water types through age estimations based on the transit time distribution (TTD) technique. The validity of this approach is discussed and compared to other methods. The results indicated that the EGC had rather high levels of in the whole water column, and the anthropogenic signal of the different source areas were detected along the southward transit. We estimated an annual transport of with the Denmark Strait overflow (σθ > 27.8 kg m−3) of ∼0.036 ± 0.005 Gt C y−1. The mean concentration in this density range was ∼30 μmol kg−1. The main contribution was from Atlantic derived waters, the Polar Intermediate Water and the Greenland Sea Arctic Intermediate Water.  相似文献   

New directions in black carbon organic geochemistry   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In the past 30 years, the field of black carbon (BC) research has expanded broadly, stretching from its traditional core in the atmospheric sciences into oceanography, soil science, and even anthropology. Results produced in this period of expansion have been exciting: BC has been detected in many important geochemical pools, and interesting new research directions open as we learn about the role of this byproduct of biomass burning in the carbon cycle. Especially important research directions will be the quantification of BC loss processes (both biotic and abiotic), measurement of BC decomposition products in environmentally relevant reservoirs, and exploration of the interactions between BC and its host organo-mineral matrix, including the role of BC in pedogenesis.However, along with exciting results, we have also seen apparent discrepancies between BC studies. These discrepancies occur at least in part because of a lack of a common language, common methods, and a common model of BC. This paper lays out the framework many BC researchers use to understand the role of BC in the carbon cycle, discussing the ‘combustion continuum’ BC model and the methodological continuum that this model implies.  相似文献   

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