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裂隙充填型天然气水合物广泛发育在深水盆地的泥质沉积物中,呈结核状或脉状充填于近似垂直的高角度裂隙中,导致含水合物层出现明显的高电阻率各向异性异常,但是地震波传播的各向异性特征目前还不清楚。本文以印度克里希纳-戈达瓦里(K-G)盆地NGHP01-10井的速度、密度和地层倾角等测井数据为基础,建立含水合物层地质-地球物理模型,运用弹性波方程的交错网格有限差分数值分析方法,模拟了各向同性和各向异性条件下均匀和层状水合物层的地震波响应特征与传播规律。地震波正演数值模拟结果表明,对裂隙充填型水合物层,基于各向异性的地震波速度和振幅与各向同性有明显不同,不但各向异性的水合物层内部反射明显多于各向同性的情况,而且各向异性情况下,其平均速度也要高于各向同性情况下的平均速度。  相似文献   

天然气水合物是全球未来能源的接替资源,高饱和度(Sh>50%)水合物储层是未来面向工业化开采的首要选择。截止到目前,高饱和度天然气水合物有利沉积相带与储层条件之间的关系仍缺乏系统研究。根据公开发表的文献资料,系统总结了墨西哥湾、日本南海海槽、韩国郁陵盆地、印度Krishna-Godavari盆地以及南海神狐海域等全球5个天然气水合物热点钻探区64口井取芯及井-震联合资料,对含水合物储层岩性、沉积环境、水合物饱和度等参数进行的详细总结分析表明:在必要的温压环境和气源条件下,深海平原区块体搬运沉积和浊流等高沉积速率的深水砂质沉积物赋存孔隙型水合物,水合物可分布在砂岩、极细砂岩、粉砂岩、粉砂质黏土和泥等粒级沉积物中,但高饱和度水合物主要赋存于粉砂-细砂岩中,储层孔隙度与饱和度具有一定的正相关性。中国南海神狐海域发现含有孔虫黏土质粉砂或粉砂质黏土这种特殊的细粒沉积物,其水合物饱和度可达到中高水平(20%~76%)。上述研究成果及认识奠定了下一步寻找优质天然气水合物储层的地质基础,也可为高饱和度水合物商业化勘探开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

印度国家天然气水合物计划(NGHP)先后实施了两次钻探,发现了高富集度的裂隙充填型水合物和砂岩储层水合物,确定了未来水合物开采的优先地区。NGHP钻探的成功建立在丰富的基础地质调查和地球物理研究基础上。文章对印度东部大陆边缘的天然气水合物储层地球物理研究工作进行了较全面的总结,分析了相关研究工作的思路和前景,获得了几点思考和认识,希望可以为水合物储层的地球物理研究提供参考借鉴。一是似海底反射和强反射振幅等流体活动标志是识别高富集度水合物的有力指示;二是提出了水合物储层地球物理研究应该重点关注的几个方向,包括:全波形反演的应用、各向异性电阻率探测、可控源电磁勘探以及基于地震测井数据的水合物饱和度估算方法等。  相似文献   

南海是中国海洋地质调查、油气和天然气水合物勘探的重点区域,随着南海浅水区勘探程度不断提高,南海北部深水区逐渐成为研究热点。然而,南海北部深水区双峰盆地研究程度仍然较低,以该区2D多道地震及围区钻井资料为基础,使用地球物理地震勘探理论和类比分析的方法研究了盆地地层沉积结构样式和油气勘探前景。在双峰盆地追踪了7个主要反射面,以不整合面为界划分了3套地震层序。研究认为盆地新生界地层厚度较大,中—晚中新世后,盆地进入半深海-深海相沉积环境,发育了以下切水道、深水扇及滑塌体为代表的深水沉积。盆地西部和北部坳陷渐新统湖相-海湾相泥岩,现今已达到成熟-早成熟阶段,具有一定的生烃能力。周缘发育冲积扇和扇三角洲沉积,盆内发育斜坡扇和盆底扇,可为良好储层。早中新世以来发育的半深海相泥岩,可为良好的区域盖层,具有较好的生储盖组合,预测该区具有良好的油气勘探前景。  相似文献   

通过系统收集和分析库泰盆地钻井岩屑样品及野外露头样品,首次对下中新统海相油气系统进行了评价。结果发现该区域以生物礁碳酸盐岩为标志层,发育多套海相沉积旋回,海相沉积油气系统具有自生自储自封堵特征:暗色海相泥岩为主力烃源岩,海相砂岩为有利储层,同时,海相泥岩作为有效盖层。下中新统海相烃源岩样品有机质类型为Ⅱ/Ⅲ型,以Ⅱ型为主,总有机碳质量分数(TOC)平均值1.92%,有机质处于低熟-成熟阶段,为有效烃源岩,烃源岩厚度较大,指示良好的生烃潜力;储层多期发育,具有低阻特征。自西向东,库泰盆地油气成藏系统时代变新、层系变浅:①盆地东部望加锡海峡深水-半深水区域以上中新统-上新统深水沉积成藏系统为主;②中部马哈坎三角洲-浅海区域以中中新统三角洲相成藏组合为主;③马哈坎褶皱带以下中新统海相成藏组合为主;④盆地西部以渐新统-始新统裂谷期成藏组合为主。新层段海相油气成藏系统的发现,揭示了库泰盆地有利成藏组合的分带规律,指明了库泰盆地中西部区域的未来油气勘探方向。  相似文献   

南黄海盆地二叠系烃源岩的生烃层系多、热演化程度高、沉积环境变化大,前人极少从生物标志化合物的角度探讨烃源岩的差异。本文通过对CSDP-2井二叠系16个成熟-过成熟烃源岩样品进行有机地球化学分析,剖析了四套烃源岩的饱和烃、芳香烃馏分中生物标志化合物的组成、演化规律及地质意义。结果表明,二叠系不同层系烃源岩的甾烷系列、三芳甾烷系列、烷基二苯并噻吩系列化合物和β-胡萝卜烷的相对丰度具有显著差异,据此可将其分为栖霞组下段和龙潭组-大隆组泥岩、栖霞组上段和孤峰组硅质岩、孤峰组硅质泥岩3类烃源岩。研究显示,栖霞组下段和龙潭组-大隆组泥岩烃源岩沉积于淡水氧化或微咸水贫氧环境,有机质来源于浮游生物和陆生高等植物;栖霞组上段-孤峰组烃源岩沉积于还原咸水或静水硫化环境,其中硅质岩烃源岩的有机质来源于浮游生物和硅藻,硅质泥岩烃源岩的有机质来源于浮游生物、硅藻和陆生高等植物。此外,甲基菲指数、烷基二苯并噻吩参数(4-MDBT/DBT、MDBI、4,6-/1,4-DMDBT)可作为上二叠统烃源岩的成熟度指标,但不能作为中—下二叠统烃源岩的成熟度指标。  相似文献   

During the Indian National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) Expedition 01, a series of well logs were acquired at several sites across the Krishna–Godavari (KG) Basin. Electrical resistivity logs were used for gas hydrate saturation estimates using Archie’s method. The measured in situ pore-water salinity, seafloor temperature and geothermal gradients were used to determine the baseline pore-water resistivity. In the absence of core data, Arp’s law was used to estimate in situ pore-water resistivity. Uncertainties in the Archie’s approach are related to the calibration of Archie coefficient (a), cementation factor (m) and saturation exponent (n) values. We also have estimated gas hydrate saturation from sonic P-wave velocity logs considering the gas hydrate in-frame effective medium rock-physics model. Uncertainties in the effective medium modeling stem from the choice of mineral assemblage used in the model. In both methods we assume that gas hydrate forms in sediment pore space. Combined observations from these analyses show that gas hydrate saturations are relatively low (<5% of the pore space) at the sites of the KG Basin. However, several intervals of increased saturations were observed e.g. at Site NGHP-01-03 (Sh = 15–20%, in two zones between 168 and 198 mbsf), Site NGHP-01-05 (Sh = 35–38% in two discrete zone between 70 and 90 mbsf), and Site NGHP-01-07 shows the gas hydrate saturation more than 25% in two zones between 75 and 155 mbsf. A total of 10 drill sites and associated log data, regional occurrences of bottom-simulating reflectors from 2D and 3D seismic data, and thermal modeling of the gas hydrate stability zone, were used to estimate the total amount of gas hydrate within the KG Basin. Average gas hydrate saturations for the entire gas hydrate stability zone (seafloor to base of gas hydrate stability), sediment porosities, and statistically derived extreme values for these parameters were defined from the logs. The total area considered based on the BSR seismic data covers ∼720 km2. Using the statistical ranges in all parameters involved in the calculation, the total amount of gas from gas hydrate in the KG Basin study area varies from a minimum of ∼5.7 trillion-cubic feet (TCF) to ∼32.1 TCF.  相似文献   

《Marine and Petroleum Geology》2012,29(10):1768-1778
During the Indian National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) Expedition 01, a series of well logs were acquired at several sites across the Krishna–Godavari (KG) Basin. Electrical resistivity logs were used for gas hydrate saturation estimates using Archie’s method. The measured in situ pore-water salinity, seafloor temperature and geothermal gradients were used to determine the baseline pore-water resistivity. In the absence of core data, Arp’s law was used to estimate in situ pore-water resistivity. Uncertainties in the Archie’s approach are related to the calibration of Archie coefficient (a), cementation factor (m) and saturation exponent (n) values. We also have estimated gas hydrate saturation from sonic P-wave velocity logs considering the gas hydrate in-frame effective medium rock-physics model. Uncertainties in the effective medium modeling stem from the choice of mineral assemblage used in the model. In both methods we assume that gas hydrate forms in sediment pore space. Combined observations from these analyses show that gas hydrate saturations are relatively low (<5% of the pore space) at the sites of the KG Basin. However, several intervals of increased saturations were observed e.g. at Site NGHP-01-03 (Sh = 15–20%, in two zones between 168 and 198 mbsf), Site NGHP-01-05 (Sh = 35–38% in two discrete zone between 70 and 90 mbsf), and Site NGHP-01-07 shows the gas hydrate saturation more than 25% in two zones between 75 and 155 mbsf. A total of 10 drill sites and associated log data, regional occurrences of bottom-simulating reflectors from 2D and 3D seismic data, and thermal modeling of the gas hydrate stability zone, were used to estimate the total amount of gas hydrate within the KG Basin. Average gas hydrate saturations for the entire gas hydrate stability zone (seafloor to base of gas hydrate stability), sediment porosities, and statistically derived extreme values for these parameters were defined from the logs. The total area considered based on the BSR seismic data covers ∼720 km2. Using the statistical ranges in all parameters involved in the calculation, the total amount of gas from gas hydrate in the KG Basin study area varies from a minimum of ∼5.7 trillion-cubic feet (TCF) to ∼32.1 TCF.  相似文献   

Through the use of 2-D and 3-D seismic data, several gas hydrate prospects were identified in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea and thirteen drill sites were established and logging-while-drilling (LWD) data were acquired from each site in 2010. Sites UBGH2–6 and UBGH2–10 were selected to test a series of high amplitude seismic reflections, possibly from sand reservoirs. LWD logs from the UBGH2–6 well indicate that there are three significant sand reservoirs with varying thickness. Two upper sand reservoirs are water saturated and the lower thinly bedded sand reservoir contains gas hydrate with an average saturation of 13%, as estimated from the P-wave velocity. The well logs at the UBGH2–6 well clearly demonstrated the effect of scale-dependency on gas hydrate saturation estimates. Gas hydrate saturations estimated from the high resolution LWD acquired ring resistivity (vertical resolution of about 5–8 cm) reaches about 90% with an average saturation of 28%, whereas gas hydrate saturations estimated from the low resolution A40L resistivity (vertical resolution of about 120 cm) reaches about 25% with an average saturation of 11%. However, in the UBGH2–10 well, gas hydrate occupies a 5-m thick sand reservoir near 135 mbsf with a maximum saturation of about 60%. In the UBGH2–10 well, the average and a maximum saturation estimated from various well logging tools are comparable, because the bed thickness is larger than the vertical resolution of the various logging tools. High resolution wireline log data further document the role of scale-dependency on gas hydrate calculations.  相似文献   

High-quality logging-while-drilling (LWD) downhole logs were acquired in seven wells drilled during the Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project Leg II in the spring of 2009. Well logs obtained in one of the wells, the Green Canyon Block 955 H well (GC955-H), indicate that a 27.4-m thick zone at the depth of 428 m below sea floor (mbsf; 1404 feet below sea floor (fbsf)) contains gas hydrate within sand with average gas hydrate saturations estimated at 60% from the compressional-wave (P-wave) velocity and 65% (locally more than 80%) from resistivity logs if the gas hydrate is assumed to be uniformly distributed in this mostly sand-rich section. Similar analysis, however, of log data from a shallow clay-rich interval between 183 and 366 mbsf (600 and 1200 fbsf) yielded average gas hydrate saturations of about 20% from the resistivity log (locally 50−60%) and negligible amounts of gas hydrate from the P-wave velocity logs. Differences in saturations estimated between resistivity and P-wave velocities within the upper clay-rich interval are caused by the nature of the gas hydrate occurrences. In the case of the shallow clay-rich interval, gas hydrate fills vertical (or high angle) fractures in rather than filling pore space in sands. In this study, isotropic and anisotropic resistivity and velocity models are used to analyze the occurrence of gas hydrate within both the clay-rich and sand dominated gas-hydrate-bearing reservoirs in the GC955-H well.  相似文献   

In 2006, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) completed detailed analysis and interpretation of available 2-D and 3-D seismic data and proposed a viable method for identifying sub-permafrost gas hydrate prospects within the gas hydrate stability zone in the Milne Point area of northern Alaska. To validate the predictions of the USGS and to acquire critical reservoir data needed to develop a long-term production testing program, a well was drilled at the Mount Elbert prospect in February, 2007. Numerous well log data and cores were acquired to estimate in-situ gas hydrate saturations and reservoir properties.Gas hydrate saturations were estimated from various well logs such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), P- and S-wave velocity, and electrical resistivity logs along with pore-water salinity. Gas hydrate saturations from the NMR log agree well with those estimated from P- and S-wave velocity data. Because of the low salinity of the connate water and the low formation temperature, the resistivity of connate water is comparable to that of shale. Therefore, the effect of clay should be accounted for to accurately estimate gas hydrate saturations from the resistivity data. Two highly gas hydrate-saturated intervals are identified - an upper ∼43 ft zone with an average gas hydrate saturation of 54% and a lower ∼53 ft zone with an average gas hydrate saturation of 50%; both zones reach a maximum of about 75% saturation.  相似文献   

Gas hydrate was discovered in the Krishna–Godavari (KG) Basin during the India National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) Expedition 1 at Site NGHP-01-10 within a fractured clay-dominated sedimentary system. Logging-while-drilling (LWD), coring, and wire-line logging confirmed gas hydrate dominantly in fractures at four borehole sites spanning a 500 m transect. Three-dimensional (3D) seismic data were subsequently used to image the fractured system and explain the occurrence of gas hydrate associated with the fractures. A system of two fault-sets was identified, part of a typical passive margin tectonic setting. The LWD-derived fracture network at Hole NGHP-01-10A is to some extent seen in the seismic data and was mapped using seismic coherency attributes. The fractured system around Site NGHP-01-10 extends over a triangular-shaped area of ∼2.5 km2 defined using seismic attributes of the seafloor reflection, as well as “seismic sweetness” at the base of the gas hydrate occurrence zone. The triangular shaped area is also showing a polygonal (nearly hexagonal) fault pattern, distinct from other more rectangular fault patterns observed in the study area. The occurrence of gas hydrate at Site NGHP-01-10 is the result of a specific combination of tectonic fault orientations and the abundance of free gas migration from a deeper gas source. The triangular-shaped area of enriched gas hydrate occurrence is bound by two faults acting as migration conduits. Additionally, the fault-associated sediment deformation provides a possible migration pathway for the free gas from the deeper gas source into the gas hydrate stability zone. It is proposed that there are additional locations in the KG Basin with possible gas hydrate accumulation of similar tectonic conditions, and one such location was identified from the 3D seismic data ˜6 km NW of Site NGHP-01-10.  相似文献   

During the China’s first gas hydrate drilling expedition -1 (GMGS-1), gas hydrate was discovered in layers ranging from 10 to 25 m above the base of gas hydrate stability zone in the Shenhu area, South China Sea. Water chemistry, electrical resistivity logs, and acoustic impedance were used to estimate gas hydrate saturations. Gas hydrate saturations estimated from the chloride concentrations range from 0 to 43% of the pore space. The higher gas hydrate saturations were present in the depth from 152 to 177 m at site SH7 and from 190 to 225 m at site SH2, respectively. Gas hydrate saturations estimated from the resistivity using Archie equation have similar trends to those from chloride concentrations. To examine the variability of gas hydrate saturations away from the wells, acoustic impedances calculated from the 3 D seismic data using constrained sparse inversion method were used. Well logs acquired at site SH7 were incorporated into the inversion by establishing a relation between the water-filled porosity, calculated using gas hydrate saturations estimated from the resistivity logs, and the acoustic impedance, calculated from density and velocity logs. Gas hydrate saturations estimated from acoustic impedance of seismic data are ∼10-23% of the pore space and are comparable to those estimated from the well logs. The uncertainties in estimated gas hydrate saturations from seismic acoustic impedances were mainly from uncertainties associated with inverted acoustic impedance, the empirical relation between the water-filled porosities and acoustic impedances, and assumed background resistivity.  相似文献   

A method is proposed to estimate gas hydrate saturation from three dimensional (3-D) heterogeneous model of resistivity simulated using resistivity log. Pure gas hydrates are highly resistive compared to the host sediments, and their presence in the pore space of sediments increase the resistivity of the formation. The anomalous increase of resistivity is used as a proxy for the delineation of gas hydrates using the resistivity log. A 3-D heterogeneous resistivity model has been constructed from one dimensional resistivity log in Krishna Godavari (KG) basin, eastern Indian offshore. The simulated model contains all small scale variation in resistivity of the reservoir and maintains all properties associated with covariance, like root mean square fluctuation, characteristic scales and fractal dimension of the observed log. We have estimated volumetric hydrate saturation using the three dimensional simulated model. The porosity used for estimating hydrate saturation is calculated from the simulated density field generated using the observed density log. Estimated average gas hydrate saturation is about 9.84% of the pore volume over a 1000 m × 1000 m x 131 m cubic meters area.  相似文献   

The Indian National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) Expedition 1, of 2006, cored through several methane gas hydrate deposits on the continental shelf around the coast of India. The pressure coring techniques utilized during the expedition (HYACINTH and PCS) enabled recovery of gas hydrate bearing, fine-grained, sediment cores to the surface. After initial characterization core sections were rapidly depressurized and submerged in liquid nitrogen, preserving the structure and form of the hydrate within the host sediment. Once on shore, high resolution X-ray CT scanning was employed to obtain detailed three-dimensional images of the internal structure of the gas hydrate. Using a resolution of 80 μm the detailed structure of the hydrate veins present in each core could be observed, and allowed for an in depth analysis of orientation, width and persistence of each vein. Hydrate saturation estimates could also be made and saturations of 20-30% were found to be the average across the core section with some portions showing highs of almost 60% saturation. The majority of hydrate veins in each core section were found to be orientated between 50 and 80° to the horizontal. Analysis of the strikes of the veins suggested a slight preferential orientation in individual sample sections, although correlation between individual sections was not possible due to the initial orientation of the sections being lost during the sampling stage. The preferred vein orientation within sample sections coupled with several geometric features identified in individual veins, suggest that hydraulic fracturing by upward advecting pore fluids is the main formation mechanism for the veined hydrate deposits in the K-G Basin.  相似文献   

We investigate the estimation of gas hydrate and free gas concentration using various rock physics models in the Cascadia accretionary prism, which is one of the most intensively studied regions of natural gas hydrate occurrences. Surface seismic reflection data is the most useful and cost-effective in deriving seismic velocity, and hence estimating gas hydrate and free gas across a BSR with depth, if a proper background (without gas hydrate and free gas) velocity is chosen. We have used effective medium theory of Helgerud et al. (EMTH) and, a combination of self-consistent approximation and differential effective medium (SCA-DEM) theory coupled with smoothing approximation for crystalline aggregate. Using the SCA-DEM (non-load-bearing) and EMTH (load-bearing) modeling, we calculate the average saturations of gas hydrate as 17 and 19%, respectively within ~100 m thick sedimentary column using velocity, derived from the surface seismic data. The saturations of gas hydrate are estimated as 15 and 18% using the SCA-DEM, and 20 and 25% using EMTH from the logging-while-drilling and wire-line sonic velocities, respectively. Estimations of gas hydrate from Poisson’s ratio are in average 50% for EMTH and 10% for SCA-DEM theory. We obtain the maximum saturation of free gas as 1–2% by employing the SCA-DEM theory either to seismic or sonic velocities, whereas the free-gas saturation varies between 0.1 and 0.4% for EMTH model. The gas hydrate saturation estimated from the sonic velocity and the free gas saturation derived from both the seismic and sonic velocities using the SCA-DEM modeling match quite well with those determined from the pressure core data in the study region.  相似文献   

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